THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. O, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNR 28, 1921. 0 SOCIETY 3? Miss Morehead to Honor Miss Chambers. Miss Catherine Morehead will give a swimmintr party and luncheon at the Charlotte Country Club Thursday morn ing at 11:30 o'clock, in honor of her house-guest. Miss Sara Chambers, of Nashville. Tenn. Miss Chambers arrived in the city a week ago. She attended the Kappa Alpha German, and has been accorded much attention since her arrival. She is charmingly known here, having visit ed Miss Morehead last June and several times since. She and Miss Morehead are class-mates at Holton Arms school in Washington. Miss Scott to Entertain For Miss Pou. Miss Calvine Scott will give an in formal dinner-party at the Charlotte Country club Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock" complimenting Miss Margaret Pou of Smithfield. who is her delight ful house-guest. A swimming party will follow the dinner. Miss Scott's guests will be only the visiting- girls in the city, and their hostesses. Miss Pulliam Entertains. Miss Amelia Pulliam entertained a few friends at TLakewood park Monday afternoon, in celebration of her twelfth birthday. The guests were Misses Mary and Margaret Zeman. Margaret Vita, Mary Harrison, Virginia McShane, Katherine Peters. Louise Robinson, Katherine Mc Gill. Marv Helen Owens. Lelia Alex ander. Josephine Hargett. Margie Helms. Grace Pressley, Bessie Fine and James Pulliam. A picnic supper was .enjoyed, after which the guests went in the swimming pool. Birthday Party. Miss Cola May Cannon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cannon, of North Charlotte, was honored on her 13th birthday by a group of friends who gathered at her home to celebrate the occasion. Games were played. Lois Garrison. Virginia Orr and Bertha Os borne winning the prizes. A daintv lunchedn was served, con sisting of ice cream, cake and candies. , in the dining room, which was taste fullv decorated. Those present were: M'issea Morie Kistler, Virginia- Orr, P.ertha Osborne. Cornelia Garrison, Lois Garrison. Dorothv Carson. Ruby Estridge, Cola Mae Cannon and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Armhurst. Tamo Fire Girls To Give Reading. The Camn Fire Girls of Tryon Street Methodist Sunday school will give a scenic reading- in the auditorium Of the Sunday school. Thursday at 8 o'clock. This will be the first appearance of the 'rls of this organization in a public ' itertainment. A silver offering will l -, taken, the proceeds of which will bV used to send one of the girls to the f'irls' Camp at Lake Junaluska. : : MISS ADELAIDE PEARSON CALDWELL, Social Editor, Phone 877 Subscription Card and Sewing Party. , A delightful event of the week will be the subscription card and sewing party to be given at the. Woman's club Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock for the benefit of the club. Special -guests for the occasion will be the wives, of the members of the North Carolina Dental Society, who will be guests of the Charlotte Den- j-lal Society. A nummer of attractive prizes win be awarded, and refreshments will be served. For reservations, phone Mrs. Henry S. Crowell. as soon as possible, as the number of tables is limited. Among those who have made reser vations are: Mesdames Gordon .Finger, M. F. Wooten, D. L. Griffin, J. R. McCoy. C. W. Burroughs, J. S. Hoffman, J. M. Clark, G. C. Graves, jr., J. A. Yar brough, E. L- Mason, Charles C. Hook, Ij. B. Newell, V. J. Brawley, Baxter Yjmdle, Asa Hosmer, Albert Boyle; E. S. Hammond and guests, Julia Bil lings, J. K. Powell, M. W. Davis, Charles G. Miller, T. P. Banks, R. B. Bruce and guests, Edward Clark and guests. Sewing will be Mrs. Dan W. Byer- ly and guests, Mrs. Bayard S. Storm, Mrs. M. J. Briggs. Mrs. Waller Entertains. Mrs. W. L. Waller gave a birthday dinner at the Guthery dining room Monday evening in honor of Mr. Wal ler. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Langford, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Owen, Howard Hopkins, Mrs. Helvli from Atlanta, and Mr. and Mrs. Wal ler. ...... After dinner the party was enter tained at a local theater. Vacation Accessories AUTOMOBLE BLUE BOOK Indispensable to those who plan a motor trip. Price $4.00. FOUNT AN PENS With which to tell the folks back home of the good times you are having. STATIONERY Upon which to write all the pleasant details. BOOKS OF FICTION "Take along a book." Make a selection from our catalogues which are free upon request. DIARIES In which to keep a permanent record. GAMES Including playing cards, etc. KODAK BOOKS Paper Napkins, Plates, etc., Magazines. Mail Orders a Specialty jllllll Sg u. ill' "'II A Book Store of Rare Excellence Office Suppliers and Furnishers. Mrs. Lambeth Honors Miss Carr and Miss Boynton. Mrs. Charles E. Lambeth gave a delightful swimming-party and lunch eon at the Charlotte Country -club Tues day morning, in honor of Miss Martha Boynton of Atlanta and Miss Margaret Louise Carr of Durham. the latter her niece, who are the charming house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McAden at their home in Myers Park.. . The guests included Misses C;rr, Boynton, Dean. Van Landingham, Calvine Scott and guest, Margaret Pou, of Smithfield, Catherine Morehead and guest, Sara Chambers of Nashville, Tenn., Lucy Holmes Carson, Virginia Whitlock, Martha Lee. . Miss Virginia Barber Bride Of Lotte W. Humphrey. A marriage of widespread interest, was that of, Miss Virginia Barber and Lotte W. Humphrey, which took place; Tuesday morning, Rev. Luther Little, pastor of the First Baptist church, of ficiating. The ceremony, which occurred at tha First Baptist church, was a quiet af fair, attended only by intimate friends of the bride and groom. The bride was charming in a frock of dark blue canton crepe, with blue horsehair hat. She wore a corsage of Bride's roses. Immediately after the ceremony, Mr Humphrey and his bride left for the mountains of western North Carolina The marriage of Miss Barber and Mr. Humphrey is of much interest, both being prominent and popular in this city. Miss Barber, for the past seven years has been secretary amd treasurer of the Charlotte Sanitorium, and has always lived in Charlotte. Shr is a daughter of Mrs. Y. C. Allen of Lilesville.. She is charming and cul tured and has many friends here and elsewhere. Mr. Humphrey is originally of Golds boro. but has made Charlotte his hooip. for the past 20 years. He is one of the city's leading attorneys, a member of the firm of Humphrey and Humphrey, j and is a brother-in-law of Senator Funifold Simmons. His father, for a number of years, was collector of in ternal revenue. air. Humphrey is a member of one of the oldest and most prominent families of eastern North Carolina. W. C. T. U. To .Meet. The Woman's Christian Tpmncrannp J Union will meet Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Y. W. C. A. Is Doubting Thomas No Longer "''All medicines and doctors for stom ach trouble Droved worthless in mv case- Everybody recommended some thing else and nothing helped, so I be- came a doubting Thomas as to any , cure. While in St. Louis a party prais led Mayr's Wonderful Remedy so high ly that I bought a bottle and T am now a doubting Thomas no longer." It is a simple, harmless preparation that 'removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflamma tion which causes practically all stom ach, liver and intestinal' ailments, in cluding appendicitis. One does will con vince or money refunded. Jno. S. Blake Drug Co., Charlotte Drug Co., and drug gists everywhere. Attractive EXTRA SPECIAL in appear ance and quality is this one strap brown calf pump, turn sole, Baby French covered heel NATTY SPORT MODEL in brown calf, two button strap and ball strap $8 .00 AN UNUSUAL VALUE is this number in brown kid, with one one-half inch Cuban heel, one- sirap at $m VERY ATTRACTIVE one strap model in black kid, with welt sole and Cuban heel 1.00 0 36 East Trade j 36 East Trade HIM ,MMM,MtMj STIEFF PIANO For Three Quarters of a Century A LEADER Call or phone for prices or fill out following blank and send us: Cha. M. Stieff, Inc., ; Charlotte, N. C. Please send catalogue and prices of pianos. Name . Address Called Meeting Of District Nurses. A meeting of the Charlotte District Nurses' Association has been called for Wednesday at 3:30 o'clock in the Dis trick club room in the Realty building. Mj Lowe Has Appendicitis. George E. Lowe, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lowe, is suffer ing With an attack of appendicitis at his heme on East avenue. Birth Announcement. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Asbury. Jr., an- nounce the birth of a son, Orla Fingec Asbury, III., on June 23rd, at th Mercy hospital. ; 4 Tillett-Martin Announcement. The .following announcements have been recived in the city: "Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Edward Martin announce the marriage of their daugh ter.. Hazel Is&bell, to Mr. John Tillett, on Saturday the twenty-fifth of June, one thousand, nine hundred and twenty- one, in the City of New York. Accompanying card: Mr. and Mrs. John Tillett at home, after the first of August, eight hundred and one, North Tryon street, Charlotte, North Carolina." P ersonais L Misses Ethel Hilton, Muriel DeVin ney and Myrtle Sloope and F. H. Car ries T. I. Thrift left Sunday morning by automobile for Mooresville to spend the day with Miss Sloope's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Sloope. R. O. Stone joined them at Concord. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purcell will leave Thursday for a motor trip to Blowing Rock. They will spend the week-end there. N Mrs. Gladys Hoeflinget, of Farm- ville, a., who has been visiting Miss Myrtle Sloop on East Fourth street for the past week, left Sunday night for Lynchburg, where she will visit before returning to Farmville. '4 -Mrs. A. B. Kimball, of Greensboro, is visiting Mrs. D. R. Sowell and Mrs. J. D. Kerner at their home on South Boulevard, Dilworth. Mrs. R. M. Cruse and daughter, Miss Margaret, are spending a month at the Yauwana hotel, Spruce Pine. Miss Marion Atkin will return to her home in Knoxville, Tenn., Wednesday after a week's visit to Miss Virginia Staten at her home on Hawthorne Lane Miss Atkin came especially for the Kappa Alpha dance, and was one of the most attractive visiting girls attend ing it. She was the guest of Miss Staten last June, also. Miss Alice Gordon Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bell, has gone to Washington for a visit to friends and relatives. Ralph Van Landingham and daugh ter. Miss Deane Van Landingham left Tuesday morning: for Linville, to open the summer cottage which Mr. Van Landingham recentlv purchased. Mrs. A'an Landingham and Ralph Van Land ingham. Jr.. will join them there short ly. The family will spend the summer at Linville. John Pender, of Tarboro, is spending several days in the city. Miss Eldora Ross and niece. Miss Katherine Hargrave, will leave Wednes day night for New York, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dever eux Mackey. Mrs. Mackey is a niece of Miss Ross' and a sister of Miss Hargrave. Gilder Craver, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Craver. is at . present hold ing a position in Baltimore. Mr. Cra ver accompanied William H. Clark to Baltimore by automobile last week, and joined John Michie of Charlotte there. Miss Margaret Maxwell returned home Monday from Kinston and other places in the eastern part of the state, where for the past two weeks she' has been visiting; friends and relatives. SMART MOTOR COAT OF GRAY ANGORA - fz GIRLS' DRESS. Gingham in, a bright, checkerboard pattern fashions the skirt, wee cuTh and turnover collar of this frock ani white linen makes the waist, - The lat ter drops into a point at each side and produces an arched shaped outline when joined to the skirt. The girls' dress is cut in sizes 8 to 14 years. Size 8 requires 1 1-4 yardrs 36-inch checked, with 1 yard 32 or 3f inch plain material. Price 15 cents. Every woman who wants to dress stylishly and economically should or der at once the summer, issue of our Fashion Quarterly, which contains over 00 styles, dressmaking lessons, etc. Price 10 cents. Postage prepaid and- safe delivery guaranteed. Send 25 cents for a pattern and Fashion Guar-terly. Order patterns from The Pattern De partment, The Charlotte News, Char lotte, X. C. David Ovens and Louis A. Doxey will return from New York AVednesday, Mr. Ovens accompanied Mrs. Ovens to Canada, where she will spend some time with her sister, aitd joined Mr. Doxey in New York week before last. Miss Mary A. Leonard of Reidville, S. C, who has been spending a week with Mrs. E. F. McGowan, will return home Thursday. She will teach Eng lish at Chicora college, Columbia, S. C, during the coming winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ivey and daugh ters, Misses Virginia, Ella and Kath erine, and Miss Edith Fitch of Spades, Ind., who has been visiting Miss Ella Ivey, have gone to Lake Junaluska, where they will spend the summer at the Ivey summer horoe. Do Things "Get On Your Nerves?" Ewry Picture JetisaStorj- j 1 -H Vis f 1 This top coat of pray anjrora with huge flowered designs intro duced as lining is designed for the cool days of summer. htn n ,r motors' or attends nnrts affair If you fee.l nervous and irritable all the time and continually worry over trifles, there's something wrong. Don't give up; back of it all may be just weak kidneys. Just as nerve wear is a cause of kidney weakness, so is kidney trouble a cause of nervousness. If you have backache, "blues," dizzy, nervous spells, headache, kidney irreg ularities, a tired, worn feeling, try Dei n's Kidney Pills. They are recom mended by thousands. Ask your neighbor! How a Char?otte Woman Was Freed. Mrs. W. A. Norman,. 1111-3. .Graham St., says: "I was troubled with un healthy kidneys'. Blinding pains set tled in my head. I became run down. I was nervous and had a miserable backache. My kidneys were congested and never acted as they should. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and they benefited me wonderfully." DOANOTlF 60 at all Drug Stores Ioster-MirburnCo.r1l.CKe.Iluffalo.NY NOTICE TO CREDITORS. North Carolina, Mecklenburg County. J. M. Croxton, Plaintiff, vs. H. B. Croxton, J. J. Mitchell and Carolina Mattress & Spring Manufacturing Company, Defendant. In the .Supe rior Court. Notice is hereby given ' to all credi tors and persons claiming that Caro lina Mattress & Spring Manufacturing Co-, is indebted to them, to present their accounts duly itemized and veri- his attorney at the office of J. F. Flow ers, room jso. -.. ;o&6 south Tryon street. Charlotte, N. C, on or before the 31st rtnv nf Tulir 1Q91 .-.-.i oil said persons and creditors will further ia.n.v limine mat n iney do noi pre sent their claims and accounts as af Oresalri ' nn op neln. tn cuiH St "- . . vw . ' i v I J L - I- VI CV nf Ttilir lOOl u: . m , pleaded in baft- of said claims. oe oy oraer or tne buperiar Court of Mecklenburg County, which suid order was made and entered at Char lotte. North - C"nr-lirn nni th - .'Jjh, of June, 1921. - This the 25th dav of June, 3921, tv i,.rin.nw.T. o-28-4t-oaw . . Receiver. GIRLS! LEMONS WHITEN THE SKIN ' . , 1 Squeeze the juice of two" lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of Or chard White, which any drug store will supply for a few cents, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of harm less and delightful lemon bleach. Mas sage this sweetly fragrant lotion into th face, neck, arms and hands each day, then showly note the beauty and whiteness of your skin. Famous stage beautie use this lem on lotion to bleach and bring that soft, clear, rosy-white complexion, also as a freckle, sunburn, and tan bleach because. it doesn't irritate. 4- "THE HOUSE OF SERVICE" Double Guarantee. Free Tuninx and Libera Selling Plan. - Write for Catalogue. Prices and Terms r ;. "the Vrunu's Best Piano" And Other Standard Makes, and th Incomparable AMPICO. JOHN W. POST & CO. 209 West Trade j3t. Charlotte, N. C Coral Baker Music Studios Here. Miss Marjorie Wilkina returned Sun day from New York, where she has been spending ten days as a member of house party. Beginning with Wednesday, she will have as hes .house guest at her home on Elizabeth ave nue Miss Margaret McDow of York, who was first a member of Miss Au gusta Cannon's house-party, and who is now visiting: Misa Carolina Brevard Moore, lier cousin. -Miss Sara Wilkins returned Sunday night from York; S. C, where she has been visiting relatives for several weeks past Andrew Monroe pf Raleigh is spend ing several days in the city. Mr. Mon roe attends the North Carolina State college. - Mr .and Mrs. Charles Nuchols and daughters, Misses Ruth and Mary Lee Nuchols, and ton, Lawrence Nuchols, and Misses Delisht Thompson, Mary Mills Ham, Louise Lee and Ellen Charnlsy7 have returned home after spending several days at j3ridgewater. CARD OF THANKS. ' We wish to thank our frends and neighbors, also relatives, for the kind ness shown us In the sickness and death and our baby, Mary Elizabeth. It was apprecaited very much, The kind deeds done will not be forgotten soon: also the many beautiful flowers. It makes oty heart glad . to know c f the love shown us by the good people of Charlotte. MR. and MRS. J. W. M'WHIRTER. Charlotte, N. C. June 27. Mrs. Martha Boynton of Atlanta and Miss Margaret ; Louise., Carr of Durham, who have been spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Henry McAden at their home in Myers Park, expect to return home Thursday or Friday. Mr .and Mrs. Charles Lambeth and little son, Harvey, are expected to re turn home Tuesday afternoon from a t!rvannsr Rock. wccivciiu ii( x . "w 1 Miss Margaret Pou of" Smithfield, who is the charming house-guest of Miss Calvine ScotJj at her honxe on South Tryon street, ..will return home Wednesday. Miss Pou came to Char lotte especially to attend the K. A. German last Thursday night. She is one of the state's most attractive girls. - . Miss , Martha Davis, who has been visiting Miss Adelaide Douglas in Win- ston-Salem. is now the guest of Miss Peggy Coleman in Asheville. NEW SUPPLY OF Clw A new allotment of Htir n. numbering from 1 to 666 have Ss ceived in the city and are read f? exchanged with motorists who y l tjs red and black licenses betwo W" numbers. The new tags hav ,hes letters on a red background M"hitf respond to the other city tat? c'r have been repainted. 8S ;vhict The original supply 0f iiCPri0 had black letters on a marrm ta ground. The lack of contract ? bact made it virtually impossible tfteolor tags had been distributed when th "9t o - ir u cision was reached to change tv, fie ors, so the commissioners orde 01' ones to replace these and had n, repainted. given Grocers have "Jack Frost" sr" is clean and pure. It Wi for IHFAt2TS& INVALIDS ASK FOR Horllck's The Origiaai Avoid Imitations m4 Substitutes. Fwlnfaiit,lnv.!ia andGrowlnBChlWren I RlchMnv.jMa Grain Extract iPow(ir - TheOrSnalFood-DrinkrorAllAge No Coolaar-Noun.hins-Disc.Ubl, "CHARLOTTE'S SHOPPING CENTER" otn 4A BON MARCHE STORE Childre ris Jubables f or Oukr j or Underwear ittle Jbfe ove Ruffles and Sashes We have the most adorable frocks, in Organdie and voile that will delight the heart of the little lass who wears them. Sizes 2 to 6. A host of lovely colors Maize, Pink, Copen, Nile, Pink, White. Priced Qingham frocks Tor Junior Qirls. $2.00 to $6.50 Not in many years has Gingham had the call it has this year. Big girls, little girls and grown-ups are wearing it. We have almost an unbelievable assortment of styles too many to describe, so we mention these two: Made in stunning styles with organdie or solid color trimmings, ruffled and sashed. Sizes 8 to 14 years. Creepers and Rompers 7r Summer Comfort Keep the little tots happy and comfortable with am ple supplies of clean, cool sturdy creepers and rompers for the hot summer days. Prices are interestingly low. .39 . V 1 For those made of Kiddie Cloth in Baby Checks or solid colors. v 98c For those made of good quality Ginghams. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Zfnderthings for the infant--the Jiny ' Jot- the JZittle Miss PRINCESS SLIPS for girls, sizes 8 to 14 years. Ribbon lace and embroidery trimmed $1M t0 $3;! CHILDREN'S MUSLIN DRAWERS 35c f Made of good quality Muslin with hem stitched ruffle. - Others with lace or em broidery trimmings, 75c, 95c and to $1.25 CHILDLREN'S NIGHT GOWNS $im Made of Cambric, some with trimmings; others hemstitched. Other's at $1.19 to $2.00 lace and ribbon trimmed. Plisse Crepe Sleepers for ' Snfimts i - . . j. . Long sleeves, button in the back white only.

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