THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C MONDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 5, 1921. 12 I . Tk f$ "Tinker Storie i - i byCarlysleH. OFF TO SEE THE Tinker Bob, Silky and Major Pole Cat went back to the Talace for a night's rest. The King was not satisfied w-tn his visit to the Lake so he planned to return the following day. Jack, the Wood Rat, had a lunch prepared for the Kins end his friends. He was a great little fellow to gather everything he could find and he had found some fine big blackberries. Silky surely liked the blackberries for a change so they had a 3 east. After the feast the King made a fire outside the Palace and sat there with his friends enjoying the evening. Jack, .the Rabbit, brought his family and it wasn't long till Chief Porky came along. Well, they had a fine evening. But .Tinker Bob desiring to retire early soon sent them away for he wanted to get an early start in the morning and would need a good rest. Major Pole Cat stretched out by the fire and really slept well. It was ra ther unusual for him to sleep soundly all night for that's the time he likes to scout tabout the forest and see what is going on. I suppose though, that he was thinking of the good time he would liave with the King the next day. You must remember that Silky didn't Sleep out of doors. He was just a little to timid and suspicions to do any thing like that. He slept close to the King. Tinker Bob had planned to get up early in the morning, but being very tired he knew that it would be possi ble for him to oversleep. So he ar ranged witVi the earliest fellow in the whole forest to call him at sunrise. "Who do you think it was? Well, it was Mr. Purple Martin. The' King knew he could depend on Mr. Martin to do him this favor for he always an nounced the coming of the Sun just a few moments before he came into view. Well, it seemed only a short time till the King heard Mr. Martin calling. Silky had only gotten a good start, at least it seemed that way to him, and Silverware Fashions and customs regarding silverware never change sterling is always most desirable for ita ele gance and utility. We are especially proud of our showing of silverware and invite your inspection. Diamond Merchant, Jewddr, Silver smith. 10 N. Tryon Bt. SPOTLIGHT 1 New scientific reflector 2 Special Eveready Mazda lamp y Shock absorber to prevent breaking of lamp if jarred a Combined flash and perma- nent contact 5 Focusing device 6 Compartment holding two ex tra Eveready Marda lamps End cap stamped to show re 7 newal numbers for battery and Mazda lamp Ideal for your own use ideal for a gift to a friend. Come in now and make your selection We have a size to meet almost every need also ex tra batteries. ardware iSjjj flashlight j with : j f'!! jl 300-foot ill rane Charlotte Company TX zTtx&mi tip Holcomb FISHING PARTY Jack, the Wood Rat, had a lunch pre pared for the King and his friends. he didn't want to wake up till the King tii'Ulfvl his nose with a feather. 'AV are readv for another day at the Lakei. This day we will see some of the other creatures. I have heard that today is the day for a fisherman's meet ing at the Lake, and we must get there early to see all that's going to happen All rieht. let us set in and go." Before they knew it the King had tapped the Stone of Knowledke and the feature of His uesire was mere wun the Magis Basket ready to take the Kin d his companions to the fisher man's nartv. We will see tomorrow whether there was a party or not. Next The First Fisherman Arrives. WEDDING RINGS Deauville, France, Sept. 3. A young American fhi about to enter the rou lette room at ".he Casino was stopped a few days ago by the uniformed Cer-l-erus at the door and politely but firm ly refused admittance. "Too young-," ruled the brass buttoned official. Dis-ippointed she stood by for a few moments and noted a French woman aboxit her own age beii:g bowed into the gambling room by the samo lackey who had refused her admittance. A plain little gold Land which the oung woman wore on the third finger of her left hand when ahjwn to the doorkeeper had proved the open se same. The young American girl called on a jeweler the next morning and, accom panied by her i sual dancing partner, again appeared at the door of the Ca sino that evening and to the doorkeep er, again objecting said: "I'm married," displaying the wedding ring purchased that morning. She was admitted. "We can't ask every woman to pro duce her marriage contract," said the "ackey. The jewelers aie wondering what is causing the unpi eceden':ed demand for wedding rings tclally out of proportion with the nctices of coming marriages posted at the Town Hall. TOBACCO SMOKE SEEMS TO BE LOADED UP Chicago, Sept. 5. The Board of Man agers of the Anti-Cigarette league an nounce that they have procured the re sults of investigations of American med ical laboratories and the London Lancet Labratory which disclosed, that in ad dition to nicotine, cigarette and tobac co smoke were found to contain, prussic acid, acrolein and carbon monoxide. "These gases were used in large quantities in the late world war to kill soldiers," adds the announcement. "There were also found several other dead'y poisons, including furfural, an ir ritating substance said to be about fifty times as poisonous as ordinary alcohol." WOMAN MAGISTRATE HERE. New York, Sept. 5. Sir George Fisher-Smith and his wife, who is one jf the four women magistrates appointed a year ago by the lord chancellor of England, arrived from England today on the steamship Carmania. They will visit friends in Massachusetts and Charleston, W. Va. She is the daugh ter of the late Joseph Fisher ,of Deer ham, Mass. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE Passenger Train rieutes. Arrival and departure of Passeni trains. Charlotte, N. C. :er Lv. No. Between No. Ar. 3: 1: 7 : 7: 5: x2 8 9 6 9 10: 5 4 2oa 05a :25p SOa :00p 29 Atlanta-B'srham . . 30 29 31 43 12:55a 30 Wash.-New York.. 3:15a 7:10a 32 Wash-New York.. 15 Atlanta-Danville ll:-J0o 5 Columbia . . . . . . 36 9:10a :00p 12ITavlorsville 11 x8:0f a :10p :10p 138Wash-New York.. 137 9:20a 10:30a 10:15a 10:05a 12:35p 1245p 3iwasn-iew lorK.. 12 Richmond-Norfolk. 37 :30p 11 :up SolR'srham-N. Orleans 36 114 9 46 45 16 32 15 35 14 45a llSColumbia-Chals'n... :20a :30p :00p lOIWinston-balem .. 45!G'ville-Wminster. 46G'boro-Danville .. I Atlanta .. .. 3 ljColumbia-Augusta lfilTaylorsville 36New York-Wash. lAtlanta l:25p 4:10p 5:40p 7:20p 9:00p 8:55p 6:45a 8:05p 9:05p :20a :20a :15a 10 :30a 137IAtlanta .. . . ... 138 10 4 11: :40a 37 Atlanta-N. Orleans 3S :25a 44G boro-Danville . . 14Salisbury, Winston- 30a isaroer, ivioores villfi . . . 13 11 4:58p 10:15a Norf oik-Richmond . x Daily except Sunday. Th 'Til oil Pullman clonirio- ro. t'nnr ice to Washington. Philadelphia, New i uris, menmunu, iNonoiK, Atlanta, iir mingham, Mobile, New Orleans. TTnf.vrllprt serving r-n,i ;r f o "I 1 ules and direct connections to all points. Schedules published as information nnu are nuc suaranteea. CITY TICKET OFFICES 2tt7 West Trade St. I'hone 20. PASSENGER STATION West Trade Street. Phone 417. R. H. GRAHAM Division rsKnenger Agent Phone 3860, Branch 7. Rsfilr promptly don. 11 work trletly guaranteed. QUEEN CITY CyCLE QO. "THE RED FRONT 42 N. Colleg. Phono 7 OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS eOPVKICHT t2X. Y EDOAK ALLAN MOSS. TftAOC MARK WCGtSTEREO O. 3. AT. OFF. THE GOLDEN RULE We have the wisest teacher, and she has this rule That helps us in our lessons you can use it in your school. Always add a smile or two when things are going wrong. Subtract the frowns that try to come when lessons seem too long. Then multiply your efforts when the figures won't come right. Divide your pleasures day by day with everyone one in sight. Now if you always use this rule you'll have a happy day, For lessons then are easy, and the hours fly away. Last night was a great night to sleep and just what have you done to de serve it? Statistical sleuth advocates bobbed hair for women because he says girls waste 6.545,000,000 hours per year "do ing up" their tresses. The Office Cat advocates clipping the noses because girls waste 9.657,987,309 hours per year powdering that organ. "I wane twenty miles on a gallon yesterday." "That's nothing; I went two months on a quart." Farewell, brides of June, hy now the first glamor has departed. Honey, once a cross between a motion picture hero and a plumed knight, is now a lot like other men, inclined to be careless in his dress, and eternally hungry. Dust gathers in the new home much as it does in mama's, and the grass needs cutting when the plumed knight gets up the necessary steam. After June the bride becomes just another married wo man. A man will chase a golf ball all over the links because it's too not to go to church. QUALIFIED Employer: "You say you have held an important position?" Applicant: "Yes sir." What w-as it? I was hangman at the State prison. VERY LIKEILY (Draft in Kansas City Star) Perhaps when Cain in frenzied wrath His brother Abel slew, The latter asked him with a grin, "Is it hot enough for you?" About the second time you meet a woman she begins to tell, you her trou bles. MOTO FOE THE HENPECKED Motto for hennecked husbands? A thing of beauty is a jaw forever. YEAH? Fair Co-ed (to Football Start "Wpw y ou ever penalized for holdnie?" zFootball Star "Er well I had my iace slapped once. Don't think because a erirl eriersles at everything a man savs that she has a keen sense of humor. "For Sale Ford tourin?: lnnU-e iTu-o Packard" Nashville Tennessean. Tlio height of camouflage. We saw an ex-loot or ex-loni. Sun. day climbing into a tin coupe with airplane boots and spurs; what we want to Know is How Come Spurs. Rllhbpf eta tion seals made on short notice. Pound & Moore Co. Phone 4542. 23-tf Seaboard Air Line Railway Passenger Txain Schedules. Arrival and departure of passenarer trains. Charlotte, N. C. L.v. No. Between No. Ar. 5:00aj 14 Charlotte-Wil, I 131 u Jl 13111 40p ana Mamlet con nections. 9:06a 15 34 Monroe-Ruth'ton 9 .06a 9:55a Ruther-ton - Wil- mington and eiich Ral 34 9.40a 6:00p 3:45p 20 Charlotte-Wil. 19 12: and Hamlet nections. con-Ral 31 Wilmington eigh and Ruther fordton 31 16 3 8 :35p :12p 8:20p 16 Monroe - Ruther- rordton, Monroe connections for Norfolk. Rich mond and points livortn. All trains daily. Schedules published as information are not guaranteed. and Division Passenger Agent, i'hone 180. 7 Jickftt ffl Passenger Station 207 W. Trade St. N. Tryon Street. Phone 20. Phone 1 Were The "Three Wise Men" Really Wise? .'tJUre' hiKot th?y were they certainly carried shares up to the limit tal Building and Loan Association in old Egypt or Arabia. Don't know but"1 Shares alonsr with them their has PFRPFTTTATWtT; '"Charlotte now they would certainly pick the MECHANICS 7 Ses 6Ir SPare Shfckles and of course would take shares Series 78 Opens September 3rd. tetoAtoSZ and 311 wh0 ha- made ap- .w3LAS?EAL .ESPHCIALF T0 YOUNG MEN AND YOUNG WOMEN to take benefit. The haWt f Wtematlc saving once started wm be of immense J HEwCS PERPETUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Ps' ' NTWonSt E. J. CAFFFREY, rryon bt. ( Sec'y and Treas. 0 A TtiriHT, IN TBTE iVlVe I HI 1 f t I II II V U-mmW . A 11 S 1 i m m hi a mm mmm u: i 1 a m - a PHYLLLS AN INTIMATE NOTE STRUCK. ! "How's Dr. Pate?" asked Ned of his secretary, by way of changing the sub ject. "Peter? Oh, as well ,as ever and as self-satisfied. Do you know, Ned, some times I think that I shall never marry Peter at all. In fact, that I il'iall never marry anyone. Yes, it's a fact. I don't know what makes me feel this way, but there it is." "You not marry?" laughed Ned. "Why you are about the very last girl in all the world that one would pick out for an old maid. My dear, three years from now you will be settled comfort ably out in Darbyville with Dr. Peter and just as domesticated as possible. Mark my words." Here Arline made a wry face. "You certainly dispose of me and my fu ture calmly, Ned. Reminds me of old times," this reflectively. At her words Ned winced and turn ed away. It was as though she had brought up some subject that lay like a ghost between them. "Old days are dead days. Arline. I think we agreed to that many a moon ago," he answered after a pause. "True. But how the memories do per sist. Sometimes I seem to slip out of the present into the past willy-nilly, and it is then that I feel that 1 can never marry Peter," said the girl wis fully. "Dr. Wilson is a fine man and will un- A WASTE OF WIND. There's a young gentleman In our block who is learning To play the bugle. I have Never been able tr; figure wrhy Anybody would want to pla5' A bugle. It certainly Has been a very painful Experience for all concerned. He has got so now that he Can give a rough sketch Of most of the bugle calls And he attempts to regulate The. life of our neighborhood On the regular army plan. At 7 in the morning He sounds the reveille, or Something that approximates it. But it doesn't do any good. Nobody gets up at 7 o'clock. That's the middle of the night. At noon he sounds the mess call, But nobody eats at noon. At 9 o'clock at night He sounds what we suppose Is taps. He gets one or two Notes correctly, but nobody Ever goes to bed at 9 o'clock. So this young gentleman Is wasting a lot of time And wasting enough wind To run all the windmills In Holland twenty-four Hours a day. Or to run Congress steadily for years. THINGS TO THINK ABOUT. The unicorn has one horn and would be a queer looking animal if there were such an animal. Many a man is never heard of until he gets into the cabinet and even then he isn't. One of the largest pieces of concrete profanity in this country is the Croton dam. If the Rocky mountains were spread out fiat on the ground it would be easier t,o fly over them in an air plane. If a room in the apartment is too small it can be made larger by taking the wallpaper off. California has the most wonderful climate of any state between Mexico and Oregon. If all the gunpowder in the United States were put in one pile and a match were touched to it it would blow up. A JAZZ POET. I used to write sonnets lugubrious And looked upon wit as a thief. Since then I have become more salu brious; This life has sufficient of grief. I toiled upon measures ephonious The classical world to endow, But as a Jazz Poet trombbnious I'm very much happier now! Philip Stiehl, Jr. If yi elope in a Ford it is pretty hard to keep it a secret. An Indiana Dilworth Homes For Sale East Boulevard, Dilworth, new home of eight rooms and two baths. Heating system, hardwood floors and large lot. An unusually attractive place. Price $15,000 Avondale Avenue, Dilworth new six room bungalow, nicely finished inside and out. All modern conveniences . . $8850 C Griffith McCoy Moretz PHILLIPS doubtedly make a splendid husband. rna nniv lias tn lnok into his .face to see this," Ned assure her. "Besides, you claim not to be fond of the sort oi iue Via1 with vnur father. So surely Dr. Wilson must represent just the other kind, the rugged one. ue one you yearn for. Or maybe you have changed your mind again, Arline?" ""NT- irr ova fHv T still want to havo n lifp that is not all soft cush ions and bonbons, but I want some ro mance. And even you, Ned, witn an your optimism, cannot possibly read any romance into Peter Wilson's face or character. There's the rub, my uei. 'TV. PnmnnP is all vei'V Well, for a time, but who on earth, in this age , cfvifo rxinlrt iarf tn want to nvt I s i0;-Qiiri Rnmfinr'.f' is a charming 11. lHUtllllittiJ . . . myth to most people, after the early twenties. I, too, have longea iui and chased it about, but now, well, it seems to elude me at every turn. No, I'm not a success at all. even, I seem to be a singularly dismal failure. "Nonsense," answered Arline,' sharp ly. "You're nothing of the kind, you're as wonderful as you ever were, and it's certainly not your fault if you find out that you have married an ambitious wife. No, indeed. You're not the fail ure, not by any means," and here her lips tightened from some inward emo tion. (To be continued.) rounlft tried it and the girl's . father was awakened and caught them before they got to the corner. It is said several New York janitors are millionaires, and it may not be long before every millionaire is his own janitor. "Medical Journal" asks: "What makes us tall or short?" we know what makes us short. Ask us a hard one. WOMAN'S PARTY WILL MEET IN WASHINGTON Washington, Sept. 5. A call to th.2 executive committee and council of the National Woman's Party to meet in Washington on the same day that Con gress reconvenes was sent out Sun day by Miss Elsie Hall, chairman of the party. The council will pass upon the final draft of the proposed amendment to the Constitution, intended to remove "all legal inequalities of women." Th's is expected to be introduced on the first day after recess in the Senate by Sen ator Curtis, of Kansas, and in the House by Representative Fess, of Ohio. sun mon tuc wso tho rm sat It 1 2 3 7 8 9 JOI I4 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 m 27 m 2& m September 6th Fall Term Begins New classes" will be starting in shorthand, bookkeeping, typewriting, etc. Get ready for a high salaried position by enrolling with us. Our Employment Bureau is free to Graduates. Our tuition rates are reas onable. September 6th is the Day of Op portunity to ambitious boys and girls. Carolina's Largest and Best Com mercial School. Charlotte, N., C. Raleigh. N. C. W. G. Conrad 1 ill W Company i - tractive Myers Park home, located in the very h We have for sale an attrJc' cfe veneer slate roof home located on a section of the Park. This is rooms recentiy complete ' large lot. House has nine rooms S "... ..I,, outlook anywhere in tt. wk. PPu to manmng me ; u pective purchasers in Myers ParK. Price and terms at office. rrlifjy A TV THIES-SMITH REALTY COMPANY REAL ESTATE RENTS INSURANCE -... . i.o-orUnV. Homes Builders oi ;i rylArr 2UU commercial ius- ueiieraj I,-,, Our hauling department is well equipped with the latest model trucks and our men are experienced. We are in a position to do all kinds of hauling, moving," packing and storing, giving you the very best service at a reasonable price. Let us know your wants. f ! in e Carolina voiiip&ny No. 328 S. Tryon St. -HEIIE IT IS Located in the very best part of Myers Park very best of neighborhood near Queens College house less than 3 years old large 2 -story hon,,-!, living roomdining room sun parlor butler's pantry and kitchen on fir:: floorf3 large bed rooms and bath on second floor with garage and otner : ,. provements on the lot large lot .62 of an acre. This elegant pia-e can t5 bought for $12,500 on esy terms, too. lt us snow you mis jls un.citu s" i " """ui.u! j Myers Park What about it? Phone 2772 .-JONES, THE K15AL fiSTATJB MAN- Jno. T. Smith. Salesman. n Easy 5-rooms and bath Bungalow, large lot, garage, fin? shade, 1003 West Second street, $350 cash, balance $50 per month $4,850 6 rooms and bath. New bungaJow, 1106 West Second Street, big lot, large porch, three living rooms, a con. venient house in good neighborhood, $500 cash, bal ance $60 per month $6,000 8 rooms, two baths, 213 South Cedar street. A new big roomy house on paved street, $7.50 cash, balance $105 per month $10,750 4 rooms, 1501 Seigle avenue, in Villa Heights, modern conveniences, $50 cash, balance $30 per month $2,550 7 rooms and bath, 1007 West Second Street, large lot, nice big rooms, $500 cash, balance $75 per month at ........ v , $6,750 6-rooms and bath, 1102 West Second St. Large dandy house, just painted. A bargain at $5,000. $750 cash, balance $45 per month. Price . $4,750 9 ilO 200 South Cedar St J 1 r Apple Pie Flakey crust of toasted brownsweet-tart blend of apples and sugar. Cinamon and butter and a bit of flour! Was there ever anything better to eat? ' Not hard to make, either, if you remember that a good pie requires a good oven quick, steady heat, easily controlled. You've no idea how much more certain it is to bake illgi? S railgi Tel1 vour husband it means 3 X mT bake.d f 00ds and more delicious ones and he 11 be anxious for you to come in and select NEW GAS RANGE PHONE 2700 rs Park Home Pre. . . . - iP Phones 609, 1430 & 4398 A BARUAIN- 200 Realty Bldg, Hauling OMES- Payments en Phone 350 SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY 30 East Trade St.