THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 6, 1921. MISS ADELAIDE PEARSON CALDWELL, SodJtl Etfitor, PheM OT jjS New Federation ,CIiib Pins. ! The General Federation of Woman's ' clubs starts the fall with two new Federation pins as emblems for the club year which beginB in October. The North Carolina president has received samples of the pins. The regular pin j of the members is a shield of red ' white and blue in enamel with a single i star in the upper of the three parts into which the shield is divided. The officers' pin is planned along the same model but of differet metal, being of platinum on a green gold ground, the star being a diamond. Credit is given ivrrs. Vyrus Perkins former chairman of the general federation for the work. Mrs. Perkins appointed a comnuttee to investigate the matter of a new fed eration pin, her plans being presented at the last September meeting of the federation board. The old federation pin was said to be out of date. It was an emblem of the rising sun. The Federation said that the sun had "riz" for the federation. The first new pin was but recently com pleted. Wrought in the border is the sentence, "Unity in Diversity." .Marriage of Interest At Davidson. Interesting many in this section wa the marriage Saturday morning at S.30 o'clock of Miss Jane Johnston, and Dr. O. W. Hyman, the ceremony beiner per formed by Rev.. Dr. C. M. Richards. Only a few friends were present at the marriage. The bride and groom left immediately for Blowing Iioa'c, where they will spend their honey moon. Dr. Hyman is professor of histology in Medical Collego of the University of Tennessee, at Memphis. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina from which he holds A. 73. and M. A. degrees, and of Princett.n ' University, from which he holds Ph. D. degree. His home is in Tarboro. Ho and his bride will make their home in Memphis. The wedding gifts were ex ceptionally beautiful Miss Sadler Honored Guest. Miss Ozelle Lewis, of Washington, D. C, who has been visiting ,Miss Lilla Sadler, returned to Washington Sunday night. On Friday evening Miss Sadler entertained in honor of Miss Lewis. The guests were to be characters in a five act comedy. Iced refreshments were served in the fourth act of the com edy. The "All-Star" included: Misses Ozelle Lewis, Duell Marshall, Dorcas Davenport, Josephine Miller, Madge Freman, Evelyn Sadler, Macie McGinn and Lilla Sadler;; Jim Craven, Sandy Porter, Leonard Hood, Frank Stowe, Bonner Howie, Grady Brown and Charles Stowe; Mr. and Mrs. Mack Neely, Mr. p.nd Mrs. C. C. Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. W. Berryhill. Methodist City Missions. The Methodist Board of City Missions will meet Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 7 at 4 o'clock, at the temporary Wes ley House on the corner of Caldwell and Fifteenth streets. This announce ment is made by Mrs. II. C. Sheridan, and officer of the board. 0,-eCdsf GIRLS' DRESSES ,Even the awkward age attains grace in this dainty frock. The pockets are the stitched m type and. of course, may be omitted if preferred. The girls' dress No. 9612 is cut in sizes 4 to 14 years. Size 8 requires 2 yards 36-inch material, with 1 yard 36-inch Woman's Auxiliary To Meet. The executive board of the Woman's Auxiliary of the First Presbyterian church will meetln the church parlors Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock. . Governor's Daughter Guest Of Honor. Miss Suzanne Simmons, the littie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Sim mons, entertained at a lovely par'y Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Angelia Morrison, daughter of Gover nor Morrison, and Miss Peggy Steph ens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John . Stephens, of Hickory. Rook was play ed, Miss Alice Houston Quarles w'n ' ning the first prize and Miss Julia j Preston the consolation. The guests cf honor each received dainty gifts. Th-i : personnel of the party was confined, ! mostly, to the children of Myers Par!:. Rally Day in City Sunday Schools. At the regular monthly meeting of the Sunday school superintendent's asso ciation held Monday it was decided to hold Rally Day services in all of the schools on the first Sunday in October. About fifteen of the Sunday schools of the city were represented by their re spective superintendents at the meeting and all were agreed that this be done. The other schools of the city which were not represented will be asked to join, and an endeavor will be made, to hold a citjr-wide Sunday school Rally Day on the first Sunday In October. Wedding Cards. Cards reading as follows were re ceived Tuesday: Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Adams an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Clara Gaston, to Mr. Falls Lewis Thomason, on Friday evening, August the twenty-sixth, Nineteen hundred and twenty-one. At Home after September the fifth 905 South Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C. Cards For September, 20. Cards announcing a brilliant wedding of the season are as follows: Mr. and Mrs- George Augustus Howell request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Mary Sanders to Mr. William Marion Wilcox, Jr., on Tuesday 'September the twentieth at eight o'clock in the evening First Presbyterian Church Charlotte, North Carolina. Accompanying Card: Reception imme diately after the ceremony, 804 South Tryon street. iiree Books HELEN OF THE OLD HOUSE By Harold Bell Wright, $2.00 THE FLAMING FOREST By James Oliver Curwood, $2.00 HER FATHER'S DAUGHTER By Jene Stratton Porter, 1.75 MAIL ORDERS A SPECIALTY A Book Store of Rare Excellence Office Suppliers and Furnishers Mrs. Rutzler Returns September 16. Mrs. George F. Rutzler, Sr., will re turn to Charlotte September 16. Mrs. Rutzler, early in the spring, secured the Fassifern school building in Hen- 4ersonvillo as a hotel for the summer months, operating it as such under tu? name P assifern Inn. It was a most successful venture for, her house be ing full throughout the summer. Anions her guests were practically all of the Charlotte people who went to Hender sonville. During Mrs. Rutzler's absence fron: Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rutzler, the former her son, have occupied tho Rutzler home in Piedmont Park. They will return to their apartment in the Colonial, on the return of Mrs. Rutzler. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wriston Scales, Saturday evening, at St. Peter's hos pital.a daughter, Virginia Adelaide. Born to Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Ferris, formerly of Charlotte, now of Concord, on September 5th, a son. Iligh School P.-T. Tonight. The Parent-Teachers of the high scjhool meet Tuesday night at tho school building, the hour 8 o'clock. The new principal, Mr. Garinger, will be present. In Compliment to Durham Visitors. Complimenting Mrs. John C. Mickey and Mrs. William Beard Pope, of Dur ham, who are charming visitors in tho city, at present guests of Mrs. S. G. Brookes, at her home on South Tryon, Mrs. Hamilton C. Jones, Jr., will en tertain at dinner Tuesday night at the Charlotte Country Club. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin i-. Brown, Sunday morning at the Mercy hosoital, a daughter, Margaret Edith. Mrs. Brown was formerly Miss Edith Owens. F. B. McDowell-has returned to tt.e city after an absence of several we,eks Mr. McDowell was in the mountains of Tennessee with his sisters-in-law, the Misses King, of New Orleans, and later spent a week at Cleveland Springs. W. E. Parker left Sunday night for New York on business, xxc sent for about ten days. T. J- Davis jtS?NS TyXt Possibly I week They went jn business. Mrs. Robert fueToi who has been thrttraj0seph Russell her kinswoman, Mrs Pnnr returneu t Ross, nas Mrs. S. O. Brookes has as her guest at her home on Sfcuth Tryon str 3 :t, Mrs. John Mickey, and Mi's. William Beard Pope, of Durham. Mrs. Mickey is the mother of John Mickey, of Char lotte. Mrs. Mickey and Mrs. Por-e were, in former years, frequent visi tors to Charlotte. Both are charming women. A camping party leaving : Sunday x.r '.the Linyilie secuou rown, of J. W. Brown, iui ""T Hinson Spartanburg, Ss. T lT,k rr 22S- JETS " n Tr- nf Camden, Ark., rn. y - John Scott Cansler returned Mon day night from Little Switzerland, where he spent the week-end. The Canslers have one of the most beauti ful homes on the mountain who have or uaimicii, -- i0ft been m the city "-. tay , at the Woman a CKibrs. Powell is a daughter oi they were Prtnn Allan, and a veiy . woman. Mr. and Mrs 1JT1 cTui E. F. Redding, who have been -making tneir ub for several covoml days ago for Atlanta. there they go to Chattanoos.-. v i they will reside. During tiir dence hero Mr. and Mrs, Redding many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton C. Jr nr.s have as grest late rin tho w.-?k, Jones' aunt, Mrs. Bessie SmeUes of Durham. Mrs. Leak is known in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mc A .'!. 8... little Miss Convere McAden, arr- vr , ; They went first to Atlantic Cirv ' from there to New Yoik. TV,' expected home in the course f ;, lU, Accompanying theni were tho p,. boys, Lewis and Clayton, son of -.': and Mrs. Lewis Burwell. -O Miss Lula" Barnett has retunn.i fr Hopewell where she spent a w-vK with relatives. Miss Barnett is 0n. the essentials at the Woman s SEEK TO ISSUE BONDS, Washington, Sept. 6. Tho Georr, Railroad and Banking Company appv, today to the Interstate Commerce Cc mission for authority to issue $1,5,10 (l of debenture six per cent cou,r,n i)r,rno to enable the company to meet . ut-u, ing obligations. Junior High Parent-Teacher Tonight. A meeting of the Junior High School Parent-Teachers will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 at the Junior high school, the president, Mrs. C. F. Breth roll announces. plain material and 3 1-8 yards ruffling. Price 15 cents. Everv woman who wants to dress stylishly and economically should order at once the latest issue of our new Fashion Magazine, which is three times as large as the fashion monthly we formerly issued and contains over 300 styles, dressmaking lessons, etc. Price 10c Postage, prepaid and safe deliver y guaranteed. Send 25c for a pattern and Fashion Magazine. Order patterns from The Pattern De partment, The Charlotte News, Char. Iotte, N. C. Dr.'and Mrs. Lafferty Delightful Hosts. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Lafferty had as their guests Monday evening at their home on Vaile avenue the officers and teachers of the Second Presbyterian Sunday school, of which Dr. Lafferty is superintendent. There was open-air discussion, on the verandas, of phuis lor coming events in connection with mov ing into the school's new building, and of plans for Rally Day in October when all the Sunday schools in tho city are .'o have a home-coming. Punch and cakes were served In the dining room. The Trouhadors To Be In Charlotte. Charlotte will hear with interest that the Carolina Troubadors who have fur nished mhsic throughout the summer at the Davis Springs, Hiddenite, will make Charlotte their headquarters for some time. The orchestra is under tho management of R. H. Owens, Jr. It had a most successful season at ths Springs. It makes dance music a spe cialty and is already booked for sev eral of the early fall dances. Missionary Society Meets. The Dadies' Aid and Missionary Soci ety of the First Reformed church will meet Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock on the church lawn. Saxaphone Orchestra For Country Club. Those of Terpsichorean tendencies will be interested to hear that a new saxaphone orchestra has been organ ized in the city and that it has bec?i secured by Director Marshall of ih Country Club to furnish music for t"V2 dances at the club Saturday nights. The members are musicians of splendid talent and are right up to date on dance music. This .new orchestra will be enjoyed by the large number of dancers who attend the Saturday night dances at the club, with the opening of the fall season this week. Personals Born to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Thomas Myers, Monday, a daughter, Helen. Mr. Myers is connected with the McLaren Tire Compnay. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Liddell, Mrs. T. S. Franklin and Mrs. Ogden, mother of Mrs. Liddell, are on a motor trip to Blowing Rock. They will be absent for a week. Sarsaparilla the BSood SVieciicsne Strength-Maker and Appetite-Giver "THE HOUSE OF SERVICE" Double Guarantee. Free Tunias and Liberal Selling Plan. Write for ' Catalogue, Prices and Terms fj- z' "The World's Best Piano" And Other Standard Makes, and the Incomparable AMPICO. JOHN W. POST & CO. 209 West Trade St. Charlotte. N. C Coral Baker Music Studios Hre. ..ijjt. a - , ii- twW:yMiii-nfriii(iwiTSlTi TW-ntiiV STIEFF PIANO For Three Quarters of a Century A LEADER Call or phone for prices or fill out following blank and send us: Chas. M. Stieff, Inc., Charlotte, N. C. Please send catalogue and prices of pianos. Name Address Just 2 Couch Hammocks Left! Out They Go At MAI 17 PRICE One luxuriously comfort-v One in soft grey, weather able one in stout weather- Prof upholstery with wind proof khaki with padded, shield, was $30, special rec,iig back. Was $45. J. opy $10, plete only "s. $31ii Now $22J2 Trains will continue to arrive at nd depart front nsylvania Station New York City ARRANGEMENTS have been made for the continued -i- operation of Baltimore and Ohio trains to and from the Pennsylvania Station (7th Avenue and 32nd Street), New York City. . This station is located just one block from Broadway, in the midst of the shopping, hotel and theatre districts. Underground passageways connect station with Pennsyl vania Hotel, Seventh Avenue and Broadway Subways to all parts of Manhattan and Brooklyn, also direct service . by bus lines, elevated and surface cars. In announcing its terminal arrangement in New York City, the Baltimore and Ohio also directs attention of the public to its centrally located terminals in other impor tant cities reached by direct passenger service Philadel phia, Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburgh, Akron, Cleve y land, Columbus, Toledo, Detroit, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis and Chicago. Baltimore and Ohio trains are operated on convenient schedules between stations in over 1000 cities and towns. AH through trains carry sleeping 'and parlor cars, first class coaches, and dining cars noted for their excellent meals. For fares, reservations and information, apply to W V Shiplev, Division Passenger Agent, 323 Homer Building, 13th & F Sts., N. W. Washington, D. C. W. B. CALLOWAY vl E. LOWES Passenger Traffic Manager General Passenger Agent Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, Md. - Baltimore & Ohio Railroad pt&to&AflM " ' it CHARLOTTE'S SHOPPING CENTER "A BON MARCHE STORE' 1 i few weaves and Jfew if Golorings P ass oraeous roce$s:on Qhai includes Knit Crepe Broad Cloth Canton Crepes Glossy, pebbly finished fabrics Metal Cloths, Panne Velvets., Brocades, Chiffons and Meteors. Among- the new shades are: Fuchia, Carmen, Sorrento Blue and Red, all rivals of the ultra smart black. Krepe-Knif The newest of Crefey weaves. Comes in Brown, Black, Blue, Fuchia, Purple, Jade, etc. 40 inches wide. Satin iack Crepe Comes in Black, Navy, Brown, White and Gray a rich high lustre crepe, 40 in. wide ace tJtrip Jerseys Popular now for Sweaters and Jumper Dresses. Pretty colors, such as Ap.-cot, Jade, Rose, Copen and" Black, 36 irr .es wide m Yd. Moon-Cjlo-Meteor One of Migels popular fabrics a soft drapy satin in brown, Navy, Black arid the staple street shades, 40 inches wide Metal testing All the. pretty, gold, silver and metal colorings, 20 inches wide $4 t0 $6 Yd Crepe de Chine A range of about 20 colors from the prettiest dainty to the sombre street color ings, 40 inches wide, ' $iat0$2aYi Chiffon Velvets The dress material de luxe Black, Navy, Brown, Taupe, Copen, etc., 36 to 40 inches wide m Yd. mYd- Canton Crepes So popular for elegant street dresses here in all the street and evening shades. 40 inches wide - $4-00 v Other qualities from $2.75 up. adia Knit A new Satin finished Silk Jersey Cloth in street shades, 40 inches wide Cvstume &eh?et Black and all the staple colors, 46 in. wide JVYc Puvetyn A beautiful chamois finished fabric for trimmings or dresses in the prettiest sort of colorings, 36 inches wide S f Smith, Inc .rskme Charlotte, N. C. E

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