ft m 1 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C TUESDAY AFTERNOON, SttFTUMBEK b, 1921, - . i . t a . . BHMHHHHMHHHMHMMUMBHHHHHMMMMMHMBaMMMMl 1 . : . I l v U. S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bnreflit. CH-ARLES F. MARVIN. Chief. DAILY WEATHER MAP. rp- j Sept. ljZI y 3&'!--. A si I i EXPLANATORY XOTES. Obsermtlons taken at 8 . m.. 75th aerldian tltee. Air pressure reduced to sea level. Isobars (contlnuoos linos) pass through points or equal air pressure. Isotherms (dotted lines) pass through points of equal temperature. O clear:- Q partly cloudy; cloudy; () rain; snow; (m) report mlssins. Arrows fly with the wind. Shaded areas show precipitation'of 0.01 inch or more in past 24 hours. i 1 DUST-BEGRIMED PEASANTS SEEN Tysran, Once Most Colorful City Along the Volga, Reeking With Filth. Syzran. Russia. Sept. 6. (By tlu .As--viated Tress.) There was a time when Sypran was the rriose cheerful city along Volga, hut that time is gone Todav :: is crowded with dust-begrimed rn-'is-.-'ts. who group themselves into gray --Hssess in their search for food. There is a time when the air was filial with perfect babble of tongues Lh. Ian i.Tces of the Kalmucks, Mongols. Tar- :s, Chinese and Russians but the v.wds that throng the streets of the -v at present are mute. Kven the 'tighter of children has bem silenced ::; the despair that has settled over -!v?e t?ns of thousands, who si., cross ing themselves.. and wait for what s;ems -,i ho the inevitable. Many professional beggars of th? yp v type are to be found here and in -'.her large centers in southeastern Ru? ?.a. but the starving farmers ;.sk no alms and utter no cry. They stand silent and await their fate -ith the stoicism pictured so graphical-".- by Tolstoy and Dostoievsky. Markets rave sprung up mushroom-like here and here about the refugee camps, offering for sale vegetables, bread, flour and vr. pat. They are surrounded by hungry ' -rople. who have no money "to offer, r mt who exchange wedding rings, fur- coats, caps, kettles, pans, boots and oth-1 or possessions. They know the Russian ! winter is coming and that it will find them without shelter and clothing, but they are obliged to give up the neces sities of tho future to meet the demands of the present. Large peasant families arrive in a state of exhaustion, their carts being dragged by camels and starved horses. There is no hay or grain hers and there is slight prospect that the animals can be kept alive until spring. FAMILIES SEPARATED Great crowds attempt to cling to the few trains tha tlcave here daily and soldiers often put some of the refugees from the cars, frequently separating families, some members of which have managed to secrete themselves between the cars. Typhus has appeared in many places, and the hospital superintendent at Samara said the other day the only way to handle the situation was to segregate those who had been stricken. They re ceive rations when food is available but there is no soap and no hot water to wash the sufferers., many of whom are children. Fiv? hundred sick children were found grouped in one building in Samara. Some of them were seen eating leaves from shrubs while others were lying about on dirty bags, more dead than alive. Most of these children were so ashen and emaciated that they re sembled old .men and women. Many once-prosperous German fami lies from Mariupol and other German centers ar eamong the refugees at Sa mara and are living in filth and poverty in crowded dock sheds, or have no she1 ter at all. INDICT NINETEEN MEN FOR WRECKING TRAIN Fit.?erald, Ga., Sept. 6. Nineteen men, including Mayor J. L. Pittman, of Pittsgerald, were Monday indicted by the F.en Hill special grand jury upon the blanket charge of "interfering with employes" in connection with strike troubles and the wrecking of the Atlan ta, Birmingham and Atlantic Railroad freight train recently near Cordele, with dynamite. Of the 19 men, two were engineers two trainmen, ten shop employes, two conductors, one clerk and one firemen all of them strikers at Fitzgerald. The investigation of the grand jury grew out of the recent strike disorders in which one man. Engineer W. T. Reid, was fatally wounded, several trains wrecked and much hot feeling shown between the striking and other factions ft WEATHER CONDITIONS. A weak low-pressure area is center ed on the middle Atlantic coast, rela tively high pressure prevailing from the middle Mississippi valley north westward to the north Pacific coast. Pressure gradients, however, are quite shallow throughout the country. Thee have been light to moderate showers in the extreme eastern mrfr of the State, and a light shower a' Greensboro; moderate rains have ori curred generally in Oklahoma and Ar kansas, and mostly light widely scat tered showers in Texas, Tennessee, Mis souri, and western parts of Pennsyl vania and New York. Temperatures in the cotton belt hiV3 continued abov normal during the pist three days, and maxima of 100 or above were reported Saturday, Sundav and Monday from the Carolinas, Georgia and O-tianoma, ana from norther n Texas Sunday. A temperature of 13 1 occurred Sunday at Florence, S. C. The northwestern "high" is attend ed by cooler weather. temperatures this morning ranging from 3 to 12 .be low normal in Iowa, western Kansii, Nebraska, North Dakota, and most of the Rocky Mountain and Plateau States. In northern Wyoming it is two tlegrees above freezing. East of thn Mississippi generally warm weather continues (except in Maine), departures above normal ranging from 2 to 8 de grees. Conditions charted this morning seem to favor to continuance of gen erally fair weather in this vicinity tonight and Wednesday, and probably longer. While there will be no de cided change in temperature, the ttn dency will be toward somewhat cooler. THE WEATHER. Weather Bureau Office. Charlotte, Sept, 6, 1921. Sunrise 5:59 Sunset 6:13 Moonrise 10:41 a. m. Moonset 9-.50 p. m. Moon phase 1st. quarter on the 8th. IpM 1 Ham WOMEN COUNCILLORS OF POPLAR ARRESTED 8 a. m. 10 a. m. Noon . . TEMPERATURE. Dry Bulb. 8 a. m. Noon . . Wet Bulb, T7 86 90 TO 70 FIRST ON THE APPETITE LIST. MORNING GLORY HAMS. MILD AND SWEET THE TASTE LINGERS. 2016-7-PHONES 1768 Pillsbury'f pancake self-rising flour, x package '. . 15c Log Cabin maple syrup, quarts. .. .fjOc Fresh pork sausage, lb 35c Breakfast bacon, 1 lb. packages. .. .49c Fresh creamery butter 45c Very best California heavy syrup peaches (3 lb. can) 29c Del Monte white cherries 25c 100 lb. sack Edan chicken feed.. $2.75 4S lbs Elizabeth Flour $2.20 24 lbs. Sunflower self-rising ..$1.20 5 and 10 lbs- kettle rendered lard $1.25 $2.25 Lady's Favorite brooms 39c 65c 95c Fresh country eggs, dozen 45c PROMPT DELIVERIES ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. John Allen Taylor CASH GROCERY Corner Church and Fourth Sts. 2016 PHONES 1768 Whats The Use Paying More for Your GROCERIES We Sell for Less and Deliver The Very Same Brands. 3 cans new Polk 25c Peas 50c 45c Desert Peaches 3 for $1.00 45c Hawaii Pineapple 3 for .. ..$1.00 Finest Cream Cheese . . . . 29c lb. 8 lb Pail Lard $1.19 98 lbs Choice Flour $4.25 Highest yesterday Lowest last night,- Mean yesterday Normal Mean same date last year Excess for month Excess for year Highest of record for September, 99 in 1896. Lowest of record for Sentember, 38 in 1888. S3 71 S-4 73 TO 5.'; 505 London, Sept. 6. Five women coun cillors of Popular were arrested Monday to the accompaniment of stirring scenes. Their arrest had been post poned out of consideration for their sex and in the hope that the trouble aris ing between the borough council aril the London county council respecting taxes would be adjusted. But the wo men themselves invited the sheriff 10 arrest them and appointed the hour for the ceremony at the town hall, assur ing the sheriff that, at that hour, there was no danger of disorders. MMBgBHaHHMM TLJ' ii m Aid WHAT IS CHIROPRACTIC? What is a definition? Can you put words together so as to make them say just what you want them to mean and nothing more or less? A definition of anything is a description of that thing which INCLUDES everything in the class named and EXCLUDES everything else. ' Perfectly easy when you know how. Chiropractic is a method of pal pation, nerve tracing and adjust ment of vertebrae for the relief of morbid conditions. Stedman's Medical Dictionary (1918.) This meets the condition for a definition very precisely. No other system or method combines the unique and distinctive method of examining the spine with the hands (palpation); the art of searching out and skilfully tracing sensitive or impigned nerves to the organs in which disease is to be found (nerve tracings); and the specified me chanical tracing of the partly displaced bones which crowd those nerves land setoff the flow of vitaj energy to the rest of the body. (adjustment), EXCEPT CHIROPRACTIC. Every other system is excluded by this description. Even the word "relier instead of "cure" is correct, because the Chiropractor relies upon Nature herself to do the curing. v .t.: u rMmnra.fnr Hnes and everything that is distinctively Chiro- practic is summed up in those two short lines. The system is so simple, so direct, and 1 4 -ran in rfr scientific that no complex expiaiwuuua PRECIPITATION. Total for 24 hours ending 8 a- m. 0 Total for month to 8 a. m 0 Normal for September 3 22 Deficiency for year 8.97 8 a. m. Noon . . HUMIDITY. Tl 3G (a. S. LINDGREN. Meteorologist, NEGRO TAXI DRIVER ROBBED BYPASSENGER Economy Grocery THE BETTER BREAD V It will do you good to see all the family sat isfied and, pleased at meal time. One thing that always accomplishes this is Butter Ntit Bread. For every one likes it because it is wholesome, dainty and digestible. Why not try Butter-Nut Bread today? 37 W. 4th Street Phone 43S0 notic: Salisbury, Sept. 6. Arthur Burns, a negro taxi driver was robbed of $20 by a negro passenger who held him up after having him drive into a lonety spot south of the city Sunday night. A negro friend o Burns' named Haw kins, who was also in the car was also relieved of $35 by the passenger who then made his escape. Sheriff Krider and a deputy with blood hounds had a lively chase after a negro who lumped from a train near Spen cer and escaped from a Georgia officer who was taking him to Macon from Baltimore where he had been arres-ted for forgery in Georgia. The negro got six miles or more away before he was stopped by citizens who got sus picious of him and held him until the officers arrived. DR. W. P LOVE Phones 3171 and 2553 X-RAY Chiropractor No. 2 Garland Court. EQUIPMENT Charlotte, N. C. 3 GROCERIES HONEY DEW MELONS. Extra big shipment just received ripe and ready to use, 25c to 60c. Special prices- per crate. Also big lot BLACK MOUNTAIN SWEET water melons. Call 101 or 102. S. R. LENTZ. W. M. Sigmon, Mgr. Phones 101 or 102. WE SPECIALIZE on honeydew melons and Avocadoes, and we believe you will appreciate these articles when you learn their real worth. MILLER-VAN XESS CO. Ferndell Distributors for Charlotte. ANOTHER REDUCTION in Walter Baker's Cocoa and Chocolate. 1-2 lb. cocoa 22c 1-5 lb. cocoa 10c 1 lb. chocolate 36c 1-2 lb. chocolate 18c Best rice, 3 lbs. for 25c Medium head, 4 lbs. for 25c Also remember where to get good cof fee, the best on the market today. Why pay more elsewhere. C. D. KICSXT CO. Teas, Toffees, Sugars, Grits. Rice, Ete. E3 8. Trvon St. " Phwn 1551-155 TRY US. We will appreciate your GROCERY trade. Quality BEST, price REASON ABLE, and QUICK delivery. BOYD-GARNEK CO. 319 N. Tryon Phones 1158-1159 SPECIAL PRICES ON FRESH MEATS AT II. O. FOWLER'S MARKET, 630 MINT ST. BEEF. Choice tenderloin or sirloin steak, western or native 30c Best cuts of round steak 25c Fancy rib, round or hip roast ....25c Choice pot roast ." 20c Fresh ground hamburger 20c Choice cuts of stew meats 15c 2 lbs." 25c Beef liver, lb 20c 2 lbs. for 35c VEAL. Choice loin and rib chops 25c Best cuts of veal roast from hind leg 25c Veal stew 15c 2 lbs 25c PORK. Pure pork sausage 30c Small pork chops 33c Pork roast 28c Fresh short ribs 25c Premium sliced ham T3j Kingan's sliced bacon 50c Cooked tripe 20c Minced ham 25c Bologna and weiner sausage 25c Pickled pig feet 20c Premium sliced ham C5c Remember you can always find fresh fish, oysters, chickens and eggs at H. 0. FOWLER'S NEW DELICIOUS, Ice Cream Cotke Fresh at Your Grocer Daily. In Sanitary Packages 10c FRESH AT YOUR GROCER TWICE DAILY Carolina Baking Company MARKET 630 Mint St. PHONE 3612 PHONE 3612 Prompt Delivery Any Part of City J. R. Faulkner Co. SPECIALS All lards of all kind is going higher. 8 lbs. Snowdrift .. $1.19 4 lbs. Snowdrift ' .. .. 60c 8 lbs. Vegetole shortening $1.19 4 lbs. Vegetole shortening 60c No. 1 Irish potatoes, peck 50c Nancy Hall sweet potatoes, peck . .40c Red Front. 45 N. College Phone 695. We Deliver All Over the City. SANITARY QUALITY AND SERVICE The best is alwrays the cheapest at any price. We pride ourselves on handling the best quality of groceries, fruits and country produce, so buy the best always. Our stock Is com plete and up-to-date in every rssDect. Phone us your orders. Watts Grocery Co. 813 East Seventh St. Phone 4431. FRESH SHIPMENT Melrose Flour 14 lbs. granulated sugar $1.00 Fresh country eggs, dozen . . f. . . 45c 2 coops spring chickens. Smoked country hams, 40c lb 40c Swift's premium hams, lb 42c Wilson's certified and Dove brand hams, lb 40c Kingan's reliable hams, lb. . . 40c Kingan's F. F. V. hams, lb 45c Fresh vegetables, corn, snap beans, to matoes, lima beans, green peas, aoples, sweet potatoes, cabbage. GULP BROS. 64 So Serviceable! Such a Pleasure To Use And it's so easy to keep clean and pretty. What a joy to. have yfour whole kitchen fitted with either white or blue and white enamel ware. Here you'll find. utensils for practically every purpose in either color. cCausland & Co. "IN THE BUSINESS 37 YEARS" 221 South Tryon St. Phone 314 J.N.M iff ih m ' Vhru mmmm mi 1806- -PHONES- -1807 225 East Trade. We Deliver ANY PLACE IN THE CITY PHONE 4533. Sweet potatoes, peek,... 35c. Onions, lb 5c Irish potatoes, peck 45c Onions.- peck 60c Fresh country butter, lb. ; 28c Fresh country eggs, dozen" ....42c Young chickens, lb 28c Hens, lb ....22c A complete line of fresh gro ceries with reasonable prices. C AND J) CASH STORE PHONE 4533 1500 South Boulevard. Shoes Deep Cut In Prices Every number of W. L. Doug las Shoes in our stock has been reduced from 25 per cent to almost 50 per cent. SHOES Now on sale at $4.95, $5.43, $5.95, $6-85 and $7.45. OXFORDS U"oH priced at $4.45, $4.95, fPO.4J $O.V,)9 $U.tJ, NATHAN'S 38 East Trade St. I .i-,,?r'.'-.., ,,,,.. ny Coke Now The Summer price of $800 Per Ton is effective until September 15, 1921. After that date the price will advance 50c per ton. ORDER NOW AND SAVE THE 50 CENTS PER TON. Standard Ice & Fuel Co. Phones 19 and 72 is! if ' !

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