THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 9, 1921. 16 History's Mysteries No. 42-A Modern Sphinx Copymnr,, 193 1, by The heeler SyHca:e, inc. In spite of the common opinion that a man or a woman cannot pass for a long time as a member of the opposite sex without arousing suspicion, this be lief has been discredited a number of times in history and a striking example was brought to light in England not -lone ao in the case of the impersona tions if certain sources of information are to be credited of Dr. James Barry, an inspector general of English hos pitals. Dr. Barry's features were not strik ingly masculine, nor were they notice ably effeminate. In fact, he would have passed generally as an "average type." He was with the British ar my in the Crimea and there are a num ber of references to him in the history of the hospital service during that cam paign. For some reason or other he seemed always to be able more or less to select his own foreign stations and he appears to have been permitted to be as insubordinate as he liked without remonstrance. In other words, he was treated by the authorities as if he "Were as he may have been a wo man. Dr. Barry made rapid strides in his profession, sometimes jumping two ranks at a time and, when he died at the age of 71. held the post of Inspector G'eneraJ of Army Hospitals, a title Which appears upon the headstone over his grave in the Kensal Green Ceme tery. No one ever suspected the doctor of being of a sex opposite to the one in which he posed until the year follow ing his death, when a long article ap peared in one of the leading English periodicals which elicited statements which became the talk of London, for the article purported toi disclose the strange and eventful history of this Sphinxlike individual. . "As a consequence of Dr. Barry's refusal of medical attention during 'his last illness," stated the writer, "an in quest was held immediately after 'his' death and the following day it was offi cially reported to the War Office that the deceased Inspector General of hos pitals was not only a woman but it was evident that early in life she had been a mother." When this article appeared, an offi cer of the Third West India Regiment SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE Pa9njrer Train rm-u1en. Arrival and departure of Passenger trains, Charlotte, X. C. Lv, No Between No. Ar. 3:25a 29 Atlanta-B'gham .. 1:05a 30 Wash. -New York.. 30 29 31 43 36 55a 15a 10a 20 1 10a OC.-i 20a 30a 15a 05 a 35 p 45p 2op 10p 40p 2J3p OOp 5 5p 451 05p 05n 7:25p 32 wash-New York.. 7:30a 15 Atlanta-Danville . 5:00p 5 Columbia K?:00ni 12!Tavlorsville lllxS 8:10p13SjWash-Xew York.. 9:10p 38 Wash-New York.. 6:30p Richmond-Norfolk. 9 : 0 5 p I 35IB?ham-N. Orleans 10:45a llSColumbia-Chals'n... . 6:20a 10Winston-Salem ... 4:30p 45'G'ville-Wminster. . 3:00p 46iG'boro-Danville ... Atlanta 7:20a 31Columbla-Augusta. 8:20a 1 6Taylorsville 10:15a 36'New York-Wash.. lAtlanta 9:30a 137Atlanta 10:40a 37 Atlanta-N. Orleans 4:25a 44G'boro-Danville .. Jl:30a 14Sal!sbury. Winston- 137 37 11 36 114 9 46 45 16 32 15 35 14 138 3S Barber,, Jloores- viile Xor folk-Richmond . 13 11 58p 15a x Daily except Sunday. Through Pullman sleeping car serv ice to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Richmond, Norfolk. Atlanta, Bir mingham, Mobile, New Orleans. Unexcelled service, convenient sched ules and direct connections to . all points. Schedules published as information and are not guaranteed. CITY TICKET OFFICE 207 West Trade St. Phone ao. PASSENGER STATION West Trade Street. Phone 417. R. II. GRAHAM Division Pansengrer Agent Phone 3860, Branch 7. R?lr promptly done. All wrorfc ttrlctfy guaranteed. QUEEN CITY CCLI QO. "THE R0 FRONT 43 N. Cilc. Phona t17 jMeets every need for SPOTLIGHT with the 300 -foot range NO matter how majiy flasfi lights you have, you'll want this newest Ever eady. It shoots a beam of light that cuts the dark like a knife. Three times as powerful as any other flashlight the same size. Locate road signs as you flash by motoring at night. Pick up Charlotte Hardware Company 30 East Trade St. recalled an incident connected with Dr. Barry which threw additional light upon tha matter. "Some twenty years ago," he stated, "I was traveling with this remarkable character on board the inter-Colonial steamer plying between St. Thomas and Barbadoes, occupying the same cabin I in the upper and the Doctor In the lower berth. I well remember how, in harsh words, I was ordered out of the cabin in the morning when Dr. Barry was ready to dress and, while I merely attributed it at the time to be one of the doctor's peculiarities, I think that his irascibility wa3 affected largely as a cloak for his real sex a secret which he succeeded Jn conceal ing during his entire official life in the service." After Dr. Barry's death. General Chamberlayne, who had served with the former Inspector General, stated: "I knew Dr. Barry well. He was ra ther bombastic of speech and short of temper, but otherwise possessed few outstanding characteristics. When I think of the anxiety, care and trouble he must have experienced in maintain ing his assumed character, It seems amazing that he could have had so many good" points. After all, I bflieve that his manner and speech were as sumed mainly to repel inquisitive asso ciates. " While there was, of course, no offi cial statement from the War Office in connection with the alleged inquest and the resultant discoveries con i-i.'ng Dr. Barry's sex, there was no denial whatever of the statetient a fact which was generally understood to es tablish the truth of the story. But, granting that it was true, what reason did Dr. Ba. iy h ive for conc-fa vg his sex? How was she able to carry on the impersc nation for more th.'in lifty years? What tragedy lay -onf.'ald behind her strange determination to appear a man? Unfortunately, the answers to these and numrrus other Questions about this modern Sphinx lie interred in that grave in the little ceme tery at Kensal Green never to be dis closed to the world. Next "Without :i Clue. ' THEATERSEATS ARE SOLD ON GUARANTEE New Tork, Sept. 9. Announcement by a theater ticket agency that it would guarantee seats in the first eight rows of popular Broadway productions upon payment of yearly amounts rang ing from $100 to $500 created a furore among theatrical managers and indig nation among theater lovers who per ennially are disappointed in attempts to get good seats at the box office. Some of the theater managers promptly said the scheme could not be carried out because there were not enough seats in the first eight rows of any theater housing a success to go around. They said they had not en tered into any such arrangement with the agency and furthermore, would not give such a privilege to any agen cy. Sam. H. Harris, president of the Thea ter Managers' Protective, Association, said: "It is well understood that the brokerage offices buy seats outright in large numbers for highly successful plays and buy for the more doubtful plays on memorandum, that la, with the privilege of returning them. I don't like the system and have always opposed it, but it is my experience that the speculators are able to get the seats they want, anyway." The agency's scheme proposes to sell for a cash in advance premium a guar antee of delivery of seats in the first eight rows which the subscriber each week may designate. This premium payment is in addition to the box office price of the seats, plus the regular 50 cents per seat premium. The special privilege is divided into classes at $100 and $500 a year premiums, carrying rights to tickets once a week for the lowest to tickets every night of every week for the $500 fee. ANCIENT BAT COLONY TO BE MOVED OUT St. Augustine, Fla., Sept. 9. Uncle Sam officially has recognized the exist ence of the huge colony of bats which makes headquarters in the garret of the old postofflce building here, the coquina structure on the plaza known throughout the country as the one-time palace of the Spanish governors of Florida. Old inhabitants, declare the bats are so ancient that they screech in Span ish, but the federal government appar ently does not desire to preserve them as a relic of the Spanish occupation, for it has authorized the postmaster to con tract for their eradication. emergency light outdoors moorings or landing places- boating at night. Signal to friends miles away. For. out-of-doors safety, comfort, con venience, the Eveready Spot-, light is a positive need. Two styles full nickel and vul canized fibre. Come in and let us demonstrate this new light. B OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS COrrniGHT !. EDGAR ALLAN MOSS. TNAOC MAXK GISTCe U. 3. AT. OFF. POME. I wanna be a movie queen And a vamp the handsome Wil-l-yu4i; To be the darling of the screen And earn each year a million; I want some Mary Pickford curls. And big eyes like the Talmadge gills. I wanna be in every scene And wear a flock of fussy clothes And have a plush-lined limousine And break a heart with every po3e I wanna go down town of nights And see my name up in the lights. I'm old enough to know my mind, I'll be sixteen the third of May. I'm modest, but I can't be blind To all the charms that people say I've got; it's easy to be seen That I should be a movie queen. Ermyntrude. The faster a man is the harder it is for him to keep in sight of his run ning expenses. There were two figures in the wheat field. One stood stolidly, motionleJu The othpr moved here and there. Oaa was the hired man; the other was a scarecrow. . The reason the scarecrow moved so much was that he couldti t stand still in the wind like the hired man! Some bird wrote us yesterday and a.k ed us when the Volstead act was go ing into effect. Len Small will find that "a man s a man for A' that," whether he be Governor or what not and will have to recognize the law as made and pro vided for the control of men. The al leged divine right of kings and other rulers is not seriously regarded in Illi nois. WELL,, HE'S SOME PLACE. Jenkins made some hootch of raisins, Yeast and 'taters; let it stand For three weeks; then tried to drink it, Now he's with the angel band. KWIT TROO! KWIT TROO! Little things make big differences, it seems. Call a girl a chick and sne smiles; call a woman a hen and she'll scratch your eyes out. Call a youni? woman a witch and she takes it us & compliment to her charms; call an o'd woman a witch and jou've got her to fight. Call a girl a kitten and sho really likes it; call a woman a cat v.nd she'll hate you. Women are queer. Call a man a gay dog and it seems to flatter him, but call him a pup, a cir or a hound, and he will change the map of your face for you. He doesn r mind being called a bull or a bear, rind yet he would kick on being spoken tf as a calf or a cub. Yet what differ ence does it make? Men are queer, too Kingman Journal. POME. "I wish I was a little rock A-settin' on a hill; A-doin' nothing ail day long But just a-settin' still "I wouldn't eat, I wouldn't drink I wouldn't even wash, . I'd set and set a thousand years And rest myself, by gosh." FAMOUS WORDS. "It seems funny, dear the mos quitoes don't seem to bother me." A Broadway dancer asks $50,000 fo" a foot injury, calling attention to the fact that they still use feet in dancing. PASSENGERS SAFELY LANDED. Lisbon, Sept. 9. The twelve hundred passengers on the British Royal Mail steamer Almanzora, which went aground off Cape Espichel, 20 miles south of here, early Thursday were landed safely last night. Seaboard Air Line Railway . , rawaser Tiain Schedules. Arrival and departure of passenger Lv. INo.i Between iNo. Ar. 6:00a 14 Charlotte-WiL fiL .... 131 et con-l j th'ton .1 ll 13jll:40p and Hamle Inetlnna 9:06a 9:55a nnrnA.Pntlt1 34IRuther-ton - 9.06a Wil- u mington ind elfh Ral- I 9.40a 6. 00p 20 Charlotte-WiL and Hamlet nections. 19J12:25p con- 3:45p 31 Wilmington - Ral- aign ana itutner fordton 31 3:35p 8:20p 16 Monroe - Ruthr- fordton. Mn Iconnections for Norfolk. Rich 16 8.12p mond and points (North. i .nil trains dally. 1 " Schedules published as information and arw not guaranteed. 13. V. LO&Hi, - Division Pusaeacer Ament. . Shone iso. SJtTickftt om Passenger Station 207 W. Trade St N. Tryon Street Phone 20. Phone 1 CHANGE OF ' HOURS COMMENCING ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, WE WILL CLOSE AT SIX P. M. Series 78 Opened September 3rd. 3650 shares were sold the first week. One party telegraphed his Sep tember payment on new shares from Portland, Oregon. Many applicants for loans have not yet made their first payment. This ' should be done at once. PAYMENTS RECEIVED WEEKDAYS 8 A. M. TO 2 P. M. PAYMENTS RECEIVED SATURDAYS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. t E?JlICS PERPETUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION PC ' 207 E- J- CAFFFREY, ' Pres,dent N Tryon St. Sec'y and freas. WE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT 6 P. M. A l 1 I wYf J- k.- BY CHERRY'S FRIENDS (!hprrv found nlntv of time, how ever, to cultivate the friendship of the four or live people she had taken a iik- ing to in weiisburg. She naa a sin cere friend in Laura King and when ever she had a moment to spare that lady was sure to have a call from Mrs. Randall, Jr., night or day. Then there was young Mrs. Wilders, a wife of three years' standing, who had be come a firm ally of Cherry's shortly after her arrival in town. Beth Wilders was a tall, dark girl, with an ingratiating personality, and plenty of ambition. She had married Joe Wilders, one of Wellsburg's promis ing business men. at twenty, and after the first year of matrimony had long ed fore soething to do otside of her small dainty bungalow, which almost ran it self, so perfect it was in every de tail. Cherry's arrival in town, plus a head and thinking apparatus of her own, and a friendliness warming to the soulf had been an unexpected joy to Mrs. Wilders- From the start she and Cherry had become fast friends. The two girls understpod each other and were interested in many of the same things. "I think that Mrs. AVilders is one of the most charming and intelligent Mrnmpn T Vmvf mot It arte VinrJ Vippn Cherry's description of that lady the day alter meeting her. "Peth Wilders is intelligent; that's By . o-v K GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN. How dear to my heart Are the scenes of my childhood, When fond recollection Presents them to, view; The shave and shampoo That I got for a quarter And the fifteen-cent haircut My infancy knew. After reading over the latest reports from the IT. S. treasury we are of the opinion that it costs almost as much to run the government as it does to run a modern apartment. Phonograph disks can be used as pie i plates. This is the most satisfactory ' use to which many of them can be (put. 1 ' When they make men's clothes with out pockets a lot of women can get to bed early nights. CONFESSIONS OF A CYNIC. I don't believe bon t rimmed spec tacles necessarily denote intellectuality. I wear themi myself. I like to eat things which are not good for me. In fact, I can't have any fun eating anything else. I am, very fond of Amy Lowell s poe try, but I do not read it because I can't understand it. I cm spend a more dismal evening 'in Greenwich Village than in any oth"r place in the world. I like corned beef and cabbabe in my own home, but I hate to have other people in the neighborhood cook it. One hard-hearted landlord In New Tork has prohibited the parking of Fords in the lobby at night along with the baby cabs. rs(. Those paper bathing suits used on Five Suburban We have only five tracts of land unsold from our sub-division of the Holton property on Dowd Road. These tracts contain from tiiree to nix acres with large road frontage at $350 per acre. If interested in a desirable location for a suburban home at a very low cost see us at once. All of these tracts should be sold within the next ten days. PHONES 877-4208 Gregg Shorthand Wins World Championship Here's the story briefly: Won by Albert Schneider, tven ty years old, of New York City, at 22nd Convention Na tional Shorthand Reporters' Association, Niagara Falls, on August 25th. Defeated three former world's champions in largest contest ever held. Broke world's record on 215-word-a-minute literary dictation establishing highest net speed ever made on this kind of matter in any contest. The youngest and by far the least experienced writer to win the championship. He did it with GREGG SHORTHAND. If "you want the best, the easiest, the most rapid and the most accurate shorthand system, insist upon GREGG. The KING'S school is headquarters for Gregg shorthand in this section. New classes just starting. Enroll today. 'An Accredited School' Raleigh, N. C. . 7 . , o . the pity of it," Mrs. Randall had made answer, sharply. "The trouble with her and with lots of other people, too. is that she doesn't know when she is well off. That's where she fall? aewn in v.r- intiHo-cmre Whv. Joe Wiiders is just as much in love with her as he was when he first married nnu i gives her everything her, heart .desires, and she don't know enough to be happy, or even act. happy. That's not clever. for Joe gets real cross aooui often. Says there's nothing can really please her, no .matter what ne does. Such women don't deserve good hus bands like Joe. And when you stop to think of a nice, affectionate, capable little girl like Arline Bates being singh; still, it .seems as if the Lord did over look things sometimes. Beth considers that most of the women here are stupid and you'll be a heap better off away from her, Cherry, dear, than listening to her complaints and" advanced no tions all day." "Maybe she is all you think, mother, but I don't think that Mrs. Wilders had everyrhing she wants by any means, and it's not her fault if she reaches out for what Wellsbure: folks considers "the impossible." Every human being is dif ferent and, as you know. 'What's one man's meat, is another man's poison.' " "I think she has proven to be one man's poison, true enough," ansyered Mrs. Randall, firmly, as she left the room- (To be continual.) i ; Chicago beaches probably are all right if you don't get caught out in the rain in them. Many a mart is wearing a birthday wrist watch strapped to his elbow. AND NOBODY ELSE DOES. Dear Roy Enthusiastic vacation ist in northern Wisconsin as train ap proaches destination Porter, this is certainly God's country. Porter Yes, suh, it sure is, in de summah time, but Ah don't know who owns it in de wintah. R. M. T. Rents are going to go up again. The average rent doesn't know how to go any other way. An old fashion woman is one who goes to a bathing beach to bathe. Our flag is wraving on the sea again. Hope it will be a permanent wave. The way of the pants presser is hard. BAPTISTS URGED TO MEET OBLIGATIONS Nashville. Tenn., Sept. 9. Southern Baptists will cut out all luxuries this fall, eliminate many of the common necessities and wear old shoes and patched clothes, if need be. to meet their pledges to denominational inter ests, if they heed an appeal formulated Thursday by the convention commis sion of the $75,000,000 campaign- Members of the commission have challenged the local Baptists through out the South to meet them in sacri ficing personal comfort rather than ta.ii lto meet their obligations to the general causes of the denomination. Tracts 85S3SS3P EtmI Griffith Company SIR. CONRAD Charlotte, N. C. 23 Myers Park Home , or, 'attractive xxr Via vp. for sale an attractive . VJi,- Tvir This is a brick veneer slate rooi nome located on a w, laClot' Ho SS rooms with two bath rooms, recently CCmpl is strictly modem. Large brick, garage also. - This home can be bought on easy terms and being located as it manding C very best outlook anywhere in the Paxk. should appeal to pective purchasers in Myers Park. Price and. terms at office. THIES-SMITH REALTY COMPANY REAL ESTATE Builders of Characteristic nomes 200 Commercial Bldg. Genera Our hauling department is well equipped with the latest model trucks and our men are experienced. We are in a position to do all kinds of hauling, moving, packing and storing, giving you the very best service at a reasonable price. Let us know your wants. The Carolina Company No. 328 S. Tryon St. -HERE IT IS Located in the very best part of Myers Park very best of neighborhood near Queens College house less than 2 years did large 2-story home ht, living room dining room sun parlor butler's pantry and kitchen on iw floor 3 large bed rooms and bath on second floor with garage and other provements on the lot large lot .63 of an acre. This elegant place (.a- ; bought for $12,500 on esy terms, too. Let us show you this it's offered agaii st any, and all other bargain' -Myers Park What about it? Phone 2772 70NS, THE REAL Jno. T. Smith. Buy A STOP PAYING RENT MAKE SMALL PAYMENT BALANCE EASY 5- rooms and bath Bungalow, large lot, garage, fins shade, 1003 West Second street, $350 cash, balance monthly $4,850 6 rooms and bath. New bungaJow, 1106 West Second Street, big lot, large porch, three living rooms, a con venient house in good neighborhood, $500 cash, bal ance monthly S6,000 a 8 rooms, two baths, 213 South Cedar street. A new big roomy house on paved street, $750 cash, balance monthly : $10,750 4 rooms, 1501 Seigle avenue, in Villa Heights, modern conveniences, $50 cash, balance $30 per month $2,530 7 rooms and bath, 1007 West Second Street, large lot, nice big rooms, $500 cash, balance monthly 6- rooms and bath, 1102 West Second St. Large dandy house, just painted. A bargain at $5,000. $750 cash, balance monthly. Price $4,750 . Phone Me For Appointment. H. McAd 200 South Cedar St. One couldn't any more clean house without hot wa ter than one could bake bread without flour! And think how much easier and quicker the cleaning would go if the hot water an abundance of it were in the pipes ready and waiting for a turn of the faucet. , . Gas Hot Water Heaters Immediate Installation We have all standard types for every size house and every quantity demand. Let us tell you how little it really costs when you make a small pay ment down and the balance monthly. PHONE 2700 i Mvers Park home, located in the RENTS INSURANCE Phones 32:8- Mi: Phones 609, 1430 & 1396 A BARGAIN- fiSTATK MAN- Salesman. -200 Realty Bid me en Phone 350 I H SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY EVE 3172125