SEPTEMBER 9, FRIDAY THE CHARLOTTE NEWS hi1' SCHOONER YACHT i GIVEN TO NAVY America Which Brought Cup to This Country on Last Voyage. Boston, Sept. 9. The last voyage of the schooner yacht America which, by lifting the Royal Squadron Cup in English waters, opened the way to the long international competition for the cup that now bears her name, will begin at this pert tomorrow. Her final cruise will take the America to Annapolis, Md., there to return to the custody of the Navy Department after nearly half a century of private ownership. The trip will ex tend over 20 days, in which the fa mous" schooner yacht will call at va rious coastal ports, the yacht . clubs of which for the most part have participated in the arrangements for her transfer. It will not be the proud yachting queen of the seas, sails full of wind, that will run down the coast. Be cause of the necessity of passing under several bridges her masts will be lashed to the deck and sails stowed in lockers. A sub-chaser will take America in tow. The yacht, her bottom cleaned and caulked after being laid up 20 years in local waters and otherwise made ship-shape again, will leave Lawley's shipyard at 9 A. M., tomorrow for the waterfront here from which de parture will be taken in the afternoon for Marblehead. The itinerary thence follows: September 11, at Manchester, Mass.; September 12, passes through Cape Cod canal and calls at Monument Beach and Marion; 13. at New Bed ford; 14, at Fall River Yacht Club. Tiverton, R. I.; 15, at Providence; 16, at Newport; 17. New London; 18, New Haven; 19. Stamford; 20, Indian Har bor; 21. Oyster Bay; 22, Larchmont or New Rochelle; 23. New York Y. C, at 23rd street; 24, Gravesend Bay, with call at Battery; 25, Newark; 26, Trenton; 27. Philadelphia; 28. Wilming ton; 29, Baltimore; 30, Annapolis. At Annapolis, the America will be formally given over to the govern ment. Secretary Denby, who accepted the schooner yacht some time ago is expected to be there in person. The transfpr will be made by Charles H. W. Foster, a yachtsman of this city, who has owned her for four years. His offer to give her to the Navy Department free and clear was made conditional on his acceptance of $1. SUIT OVER WIG. New York, Sept. 9. Miss Alice Bloom, a model, wore a $125 wig when her bobbed hair began to fall out. She wa a guest on a yachting trip up the Hudson and her host's pet terrier chew ed up the wig when she took it off in her cabin. Result, a suit in the mu nicipal court. Miss Bloom compro mised for $50. COAL ANTHRACITE NUT POCAHONTAS EGG and VA. BLUE GEM WIGGINS FUEL CO. QUALITY SERVICE Cor. Bland and Ry. Phone 12 10 ij Quality Goes Gear Through But few times in the history of the motor car industry has there been the equal of the sensation aroused by the advent of the new Dort body. It marks a far step forward in style and construction of automobile bodies in the moderate price field and has earned thousands of new admirers for the Dort. Burwell-Walker Company 211 S. Church St. Carolinas Distributers Phone 834 Charlotte, N. C. SHIPMENT OF 1922 MODEL STUDEBAKER MOTOR CARS JUST ARRIVED. The most popular and best selling six-cylinder automobile in Amerca is very attractive and interesting. COME TO SEE THEM. RUST MOTOR COMPANY 514-516 S. Tryon. Distributer "THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR" Phones 218-219 TO THE VISITORS AND EXHIBITORS AT The Carolinas Exposition An Invitation " IT IS THE PLEASURE OF THIS INSTITUTION TO PLACE ITS ENTIRE FACILITIES AT THE DIS POSAL OF ALL EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS TO OUR CITY DURING THE COURSE OF THE CARO LINAS' EXPOSITION. THESE FACILITIES WILL BE FOUND ALL-EMBRACING AND THEIR EXTENT IS ONLY BOUNDED BY THE FINANCIAL CONNEC TIONS ENJOYED BY US IN ALL OF AMERICA'S IMPORTANT CENTERS. IN ANY WAY THAT WE MAY SERVE YOU DURING YOUR SOJOURN HERE, WE BEG YOU TO COMMAND US. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR BANK AND ALL THE OFFICERS WILL BE GLAD OF AN OPPORTUNITY TO MEET AND SERVE YOU IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE. We will have a booth in the Exposition Building, in which will be located the Western Union Telegraph Company with a full equipment and force for handling telegrams, incoming and outgoing. This will be the only service of this kind at the ex position. This and other facilities will be at your disposal in our booth. Be sure to call on us there. jnencan Trust Co. Member Federal Reserve System. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital, Surplus and Profits $ 1.800,000.00 Resources $10,000,000.00 KEEPS RECORD OF STOLEN GARS Nebraska Has Unique Sys tem ot Recovering: btolen Automobiles. Lincoln, Xeb.. Sept. 9. The index records and files of the Nebraska auto mobile theft department of the State i enforcement buret u have been placed at the disposal of every person in the i United States who loses a motor car by theft. State Sheriff Gus A. Hyers, chief of the bureau, announced to day. The department, organized by an act of the legislature, was primarily in stalled for the rurpose of Nebraska motor car theft protection, but by di rection of Governor McKelvie, under whom the enforcement bureau is man aged, it is aimed to make the branch a nationally known and co-operative agency m aiding in apprehending stolen motor cars and thieves in all parts of the country. Since the first of the year approxi mately 4,000 records of stolen cars have been filed with the department, eighty per cent of which have been red-inked as recovered, Mr. Hyers declares. It was pointed out that more than half c.f the eightj- per cent recovered were out-of-state cars which had been locat ed through the cgency's indexes. ' What we want to do is to inform .every motor car owner in the United States that the Nebraska bureau is op en to him should his car be stolen," Mr. Hyers stated. "We want a notice from every person who loses a car by theft for our records, and I believe, up on results thus far, the agency stands a gcod chance to aid him." The bureau is State managed and all recoveries are made without cost to anyone, Mr. Hyers said. Should re wards be offered, the agency offe to locate the responsible parties. As an example of the efficiency of the bureau, Mr. Hyers told of how a motor car stolen in New York City hud been recovered in Seattle, Washington, solely through the index system of the department, and how a motor car stol en in St. Paul, Minn., had been re covered, months later, in Minneapolis. Minn., a few miles away. $1 aM "g4pfe'&q-., jjcLJ RECEIVERS NAMED FOR DEFUNCT BANKS Greensboro. Sept. 9. In Superior Court here Thursday, Judge James L. Webb, upon the recommendation of Vh State Corporation Commissioner, sign ed orders placing the Bank of Thom- asville and the Bank of Denton, which j recently were closed bjr a State bank examiner, in the hands of temporary re ceivers. T. J. Finch, of Lexingt n, was appointed receiver for the Thom asville bank and J. Arthur Ross for the Denton bank. Attorneys for the two banks were ordered to appear before Judge Webb here September 14 to show cause why the temporary receiv erships should not be made permanent. ENGINEER WAS WARNED. Fitzgerald, Ga., Sept. 9.- -County offi cials announced Thursday that Engi neer Joe Morris, who was killed in a wreck on the A. B. and A. road near Atlanta Wednesday night, following an explosion, had been warned that he would be blown up. "I'll die fighting," was Morris' statement, It is said, as he left here on his last run. METHODISTS WANT COMPLETE SUCCESS London, Sept. 9. (By the Associated Press) The world's conference of Meth- J ouists at the outset of this morning's session aaopien a resolution aeciar-.tig the conference hoped that complete success would, crown the negotiations between the British Government and the Irish Republicans for a solution of the Irish question. The resolution said: "This conference, representing almost 40 million adherents, is watching with prayerful and deeply solicitous interest the present attempt at a satisfactory and permanent adjustment of Irish :-:f-fairs, and fervently hopes that com plete success may crown the negotia tions." The delegates unanimously ordered that copies of the resolution be sent to Prime Minister Lloyd-George and Eamonn de Valera, the Irish Republi can leader. RUSSIAN STUDENTS HELP. Paris. Sept. 9. Russian students in Paris have organized to aid their people at home in the famine-stricken provinces. They have sent a message to American students urging them to use their influence toward active sup port of the plans, to feed the hungry and care for the weak and sick. C. P. FRANCISCUS RE-ELECTED. Charleston, W. Va., Sept. 9. Buf falo, N. Y., was chosen as the meeting place for next year's convention of thp j United National Association . of Post i office Clerks, holding its final session here Thursday. C. P. Franciscus, of New "fork City, was re-elected presi dent, this being his fourth term. Rubber stamps, notary and corpora tion seals made on short notice. Pound & Moore Co. Phone 4542. 23-tf 1 1 tVB H SWfl r h H M His I SC f "y m brand "ill new Corona . . portable type writer. Other makes t attractive price See us before you buy. PHON, 4542 POUND & MOORE CO. Dr. II. C. Henderson. Dr. R. B. Caddy HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS Office Hunt B6g, 202 N. Tryon St. Phone 216 R. I S. FOX DENTIST 2iyz W. Trade St. ? Phone 3896 , .j . Over Yorke & Rogers .':' Next to Woolworth's. gf? UNION NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE, N. C. Good prices for cotton and Seasonal Fall business combined with more optimistic attitude will put more money in circulation. . Nevertheless we advise Sticking fairly close to a cash basis. A moderate business on cash basis is better than a big business with widely extended credits. We invite your business and offer every cour tesy and accommodation consistent with Safe Banking. H. M. VICTOR, President F. D. ALEXANDER, Vice Pre3. D. P. TILLETT, Cashier A. G. TROTTER, Asst. Cashier Five Choice Home i, r.A fnr qale in Myers Park can be purchased at we have listed f Reasonable terms. Each has from '? attractive figure fith reason We locati to ten rooms, and are an in '""" PRICES: $11,000.00 to $16,500.00 Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust Compa PlTnv . 4 SOUTH TRYON STREET. DON'T HUNT WORRY AND TROUBLE Worry and trouble never helped make I sick man well, nor helped keep a well man healthy. t Keep that in mind when you are m a hurry for drugs and surgical sup plies In the emergencies every mo ment's delay causes untold worry. . and often increases the danger of serious CTrLKER'S SERVICE, and automo bile delivery, afford you protection. It. eliminates tne wunj ASK YOUR DOCTOR. alker's Drug - rwt CftAnf Corner Seventh ana irjuu o NORRIS CANDY PARKER PENS AGENTS FOP. KLL: ( w Store I TH1 R C M St b The Boy and The Bank You want the best things for the Bov. The best Habits. The best schooling. The best Health. The best Opportunity, the best As sociates. Do you realize that one of the very best things for him is the Bank Habit? Get him to Save, to do business with this Bank. Nothing-will stand him in better stead. We pay you to save your own money. Security Savings "Bank 4 South Tryon Street. Charlotte, N. C. OPEX EVENINGS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK NASH QUALITY AND VAL UE ARE EMPHASIZED BY COMPARISON BUYERS who closely analyze values f-d in the NASH FOUR greater worth per riv lar invested than any other car approaching it in quality. COMPARE THE NASH, qua! itv by quality, with other cars and you viU understand the reason for the high regard in which .it is held by its thousands of own-ers. Carolinas Nash Motors Co. DISTRIBUTERS 500 N. Tryon St. Thme m j . ItfjtS. 'Ir-HJ i i - - - Value Of A Bank Account A Bank account and the credit it gives you will be of the greatest aid to you in getting together the first few hundred dollars which you must get in order to advance speedier on the road to success. Independence trust -company Member Federal Reserye System CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,600,000.00. E. O. . Anderson Vice President . A. Watson, Vice President V. M. Long, Vice President OFFICERS J. H. Wearo, Chairman .of Board J. H. Little, President E. E. Jones, Cashier i,:lMa-:. CHARLOTTE, N. C. ,mi $8 mu:r R. S. Smith, Asst. Cashier Thos. P. Moore, Asst. Cashier A. R. Surratt, Assistant Cashier Moving picture building North Charlotte, well located for good profits. Also 2 store rooms with cement basements, 200-202 North College street, well located for retail or wholesale business. Also second and third floors, over 206 South College street, fine for offices or printing house. "?r& - Home Real Estate and Guaranty Company , CASH CAPITAL, $70,000.00 A. I. HENDERSON, Manager Real Esate Department 219 North Tryon Street. ' Phone 589 NEW SHARES are being sold , here almost hourly, and that's the right stuff for the man or woman who expects to get ahead or amount to much in life. We sure sold 'em last Saturday. Come any day this week and start the ball to rolling. If loan !s wanted, file application at once, so as to get in line. LENDING $60,000.00 this week, so you see where much of the money you see circulating around is coming from. The people realize the magnitude of the business we are doing, and they , also know that every dollar we lend goes out at 6 per cent without fear or favor. The negro urchin gets a square deal here along with the rich or the first lady of the land. , WE LIVE TO RELIEVE distress and we do it. A good woman came in tother day and said her husband had gone off and her little home was in danger. We showed her a way out, and she left with a smiling countanenace. ' OUR MATRIMONIAL Bureau Is alive and standing on its feet. A bright girl wanted to know if Bill was keeping up with his B. & L. We told her he sure was and that he never missed a payment. She confided the great secret and we whispered, "Bill's all right," so she's not giving up her job to take care of a worthless dude. We sometimes have to say, "Lookout, Sallie, John's doing no good. Make him come across, or cut him to the heart." MORE HOMES AND HAPPIER HOMES is our slogan. Ask Jno. Pharr about it, and his great heart will advisp vnn right and straight and helpfully. ." 3 u Our ne,w series is coming some. Wise people just naturally come here for real service. . Mutual Building 81 Loan Association Jno. R. Pharr, Pres. E.L. Keesler, Sec-Treas - - . 5 South Tryon Street, y'rirs otisan d M This phrase enters into the stories of many men who are now established financial successes. It implies a slow, up-hill climb, attended by rigid economy, to the point of having money to make money." There are many th have never striven for the first thousand. The savin department of this bank invites you to start your fir thousand. Are you one of them? The Merchants and Farmers National Bank 5 WEST TRADE ST. t CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital, Surplus and Profits $600,000.00 Just at the End of the Car Line and Right at the yers Park Country CI ;v j m th Ju ms 'thi th'( W8 en co: th fu pi frl ha sti fo m th th fpr 1pc r wi 'lit . so .. at IB . D ? ar ,th :m 1 Ml - 'th rst . 'itt .a "th , h pr ea , to . or ui 1 ft . le O , ni Cf al itl lr ai t( ir d l P tl a o: tl 'd - w tl ii e o t; e we have six (6) very fine building lots ranging in size from one half acre to full acre lots nil r-p v,Qo o,- efroots and perfect grade and offered at special rnVP5 mvir buvers. V0l'E OPPORTUNITY to enjoy the club privileges and with car f to business or fine paved boulevard if you drive an automobile- Abbott & Company EvPrvf tlinrv Sn T1 T7V-i 4 J Trust Building. Phones 23R nr an9 9i s. Tryon Pk c c t :e t

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