CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 9 192L THE SOCIETY NEWS MISS ADELAIDE PEARSON CALDWELL, Social Etr, FboM ITT t Mr. and Mrs. Efird dive Swimming arts. Mr. and Airs. Joseph B. Efird enter tained very charmingly with a swimming-party in their pool at their home in Myers Park Thursday evening-, in honor of Dr. and Mrs. . ohn A. Ferrell o New York, who are returning home Friday, after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Efird. Mrs. Ferrell was formerly Miss Lucille Withers of Charlotte and is a sister of Mrs. Efird. The grounds of the Efird home, which is one of the most elegant in Charlotte, were lighted for the occa sion with myriads of Japanese lan terns. At the edge of the pool, which is just behind the house, stood a pic turesque Japanese tea house, garland ed with grape-vines and wistaria, and hung with gaily-colored lanterns. Re freshments were served here. Those invited to enjoy the delight ful hospitalitv of Mr. and Mrs. Efird. beside the honorees. Dr. and Mrs. Fer rell, were Dr. and Mrs. Heath Xisnet, Dr. and Mrs. John S. Hoffman, Dr. and Mrs. Yates V. Faison, Mr. and Mrs. Dexter 13. McBride, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Preston, Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Lafferty, Mr. and Sirs. Lloyd C. With ers, Mr. and Mrs. Taul Efird, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Patton, Mr. and Mrs. Buford Patterson, Miss Rennio Withers, Dr. W. M. Scruggs, Dr. Fred Line bach, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Withers, par ents of Mrs. F.fird and Mrs. Ferrell. and Benjamin K. Withers, jr. 'Dance at the icad Miss Elizabeth Keerans Honored in Greensboro. The following article, from ("eensboro Daily News, will be with interest here: 'Mrs. John Watson and Miss Majorie Faulkner were joint hostesses at a charming bridge party yesterday after noon at the home of the former on Aeheboro street in honor of Miss Eliza beth Keerans, of Charlotte, the guest Lr Miss Pearl Humphrey. " "When the scores were counted it was found Miss Katherine Keith held highest, and she was awarded the prize, a, pretty candy basket. To Miss Keerans a pair of silk hose was presenter, mir Country Club ' Th-5 regular Saturday night dance at the Charlotte Country club, for club members, their families and house guests, will be given Saturday nizht, from 9 till 12, preceded by dinner, from l:30 till 8. The club has secured the services of a new naxophone orchestra for these dances, which are delightful alfairs of the week in soeiuty . .Miss McAfee to Honor Mrs. Thomason Miss Hilda McAfee will give a miscell aneous shower at her hon on East Fourth street Saturday aittinoon from 4 to 6 o'clock, in honor of Mrs. Falls Thomason. a recent bride, who vas formerly Miss Clara Adams. A party of Concord young men mo tored over Thursday, and spent the day, enjoying a swiio in the Country club pool before returning homo Thurs day night. The party was composed of Messrs. Baxter Lentz, John Webb, Jones Yorke. and Luther Hartsell. McG bee-Simpson Announce ments Cards reading as follows hive been issued: "Mr. Jack Manning McGhee, Mrs. Martha Worsham Simpson an nounce their marriage, August seven teenth, nineteen twentv-one. Danvilk', Ya. "At home, after fintember fifteenth, 201 Pecan avenue. Charlotte. N C." will- re-enter the State college at Ral eigh, next week, this being his senior year there. Mr. Wearn and Mr. Austin will resume their studies at the Univer sity of North Carolina. Lewis P- Hinton of Wilmington is a visitor in the city. Mr. Hinton is on hia way home from Asheville, where he has been spending sometime. Bellamy McRae of Wilmington is in the citv on business. Master Alex Worth, Jr., little son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Worth of YVilming tcn, who. with his mother is visiting his grandparents. Mi, and Mrs. R. J Walker on Park avenue, Dilworth, will enter St. Peter's hospital the first of the week, and will have his tonsils removed. Miss Mary Brevard Alexander is ex pected to arrive home the last of tf 's week or the early part of next week, after an extended absence. First, she toured the New England states and lower Canada with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Alexander, and when tliey returned home, she wont to New Harmons. Ind-, to visit Miss Martha Whitehead, who was her room-mate at Gunston Hall school, Washington, last winter. Miss Alexander will not re turn to school this winter. Mrs. Margaret Kelly Abernethy re turned home Friday- morning from Blowing Rock, where she has spent the past two weeks as a guest of the Green Park hotel. and Cleveland, Ohio, and expect to be gone about a week. Miss Rutledge Dudley, second of the fpur attractive .daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. S, Dudley, has entered Queens Colkge. She graduated from the Charlotte high school last year. Miss Dudley expects to enter St. Mary's Cpllege, Raleigh, after Christmas. Ed. Denny, of Greensboro, is a vis itor in the city. Mr. Denny is well known in the college set here, having attended Davidson College last year. L.e is holding? a position in Greensboro at present. Miss Anna Stewart, of Laurinbur stopped over here yesterday and spent a short while as the guest of Mrs. Henry Hackney. Miss Stewart was on route to Forest City, where she will visit Miss Nell Young. She will spend two or three days with Mr. Hackney at her home on East Seventh strett next week, on her way home. ' Miss Rosalie Hull, of Savannah, G.i., arrived in the city Thursday night .") spend a week visiting Mr. and Mrj. Joseph Hull, Jr., at their apartment in the Guthery. Jack Frost, of Spartanburg, S. C, will spend the week-end in the city. Rev. Dr. William M. Vines, Mrs. Vines and Miss Mary Vines have re turned to their home in Norfolk Va., after spending some time in Asheville. Dr. Vines was formerly pastor of the First Baptist church of this city, and has hundreds of friends here. At j present, he is pastor of the First jtsaptist cnurcn in iNorroiK. Motor to Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Pharr, Mrs. J. Mason Wallace and Mrs. Charlie Grif fith of the county left this morning for a motor trip to Hillcrest and other points in the mountains. inr the afternoon course was served. a delicious salad Mrs. Hunter Improves. Mrs- D. F. Hunter of 512 Oakland avenue, who was operated . on at the Presbyterian hospital yesterday, is re ported as doing nicely. Dr. Henderson Improving. Friend of Dr. S. M. Henderson will be glad "to learn that he ' is steadily improvi; at the Presbyterian hospital, where he underwent an operation sev eral days ago for appendicitis. Dr. Rea 111. Dr. H. C. Rea remains ill at the home of his parents, Mr. and MrB. H. G. L. Rea in the county, where he went iome days ago to recuperate after a few days' indisposition. He became ouite ill a few days ward. His condition today was re garded as somewhat improved over that of the past few days. Mrs. Moose Gives Sewing Party For Mrs. Gardner. Mrs. J. O. Moose entertained in fromally at a charming sewing party at her home in the College Place apartments Friday afternoon, compli menting her mother, Mrs. James O. Gardner of Charlotte, and Sarasota, Fla., who is visiting her. Invited to sew with Mrs. Gardner were a few of her intimate friends and former neighbors, Mrs. Charles W. Parker, Mrs. J. H. Ham, Mrs. J. E. Dye and her mother, Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. W. N. Thompson, Mrs. C. A. Misenheimer. Mrs. C. G. Lee. When sewing was laid aside, Mrs. Moose served delightful refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner spent last winter in Sarasota, where they have purchaser a winter home, and will be there again this winter. They own a home on Central avenue, which they have leased. Birth Announcement. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smith at the Mercy hospital, a son, William Miller Smith, Jr. Miss Heath Enters Mary Baldwin. Miss Lucy Heath, attractive young daughter of Mrs. Benjamin D. Heath. after- ! Sr- left several days ago for Staunton, a., where she has entered Mary Bald win Seminary- This is Miss Heath's first year off at school. Mr. and .Mrs. Thomason Home Mr. and Mrs- Falls M. Thomason, re turned from a bridal trip tc Asheville Thursday, and for the nexc three or four months will make their homo wi,ki Mrs. Thomason's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Adams, 905 South Tryon str-t, af ter which they expect to begin house keeping. Mr. and Mrs. Thomason were mirricd in Gastonia last week. Mre- Thomas on was formerly Miss Clara Auains. one of Charlotte's prettiest and most popular young ladies. "THE HOUSE OF SERVICE" Double Guarantee. Free Tunina and Liberal Selling Plan. Write Cata! Prices Terms ogue. jesL -r "The Yvoi-iu's Best Piano" And Other Standard Makes, and the Incomparable AMPICO. JOHN W. POST & CO. 209 West Trade St. Charlotte, N. C Coral Baker Music Studios Here. .Miss Wadsworth to Entertain. Miss Marion Wadsw'orth will give a cubical hearts party at her home on East Seventh street Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, in honor of Miss Rose Bud Chamberlain, of Roanoke. Va., who is visiting her. Miss Chamber lain formerly lived here. Personals Dr. and Mrs. John A. Ferrell and at tractive children, John A. jr., Ben Withers and Bettina, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. p:fird, the latter a sister of Mrs. Ferrell, at their home in Myers Park, will return to their home in New York Friday night. Mrs. Ferrell and children have been here some time. Dr. Ferrell join ing them recently to aceompnay them home. Mrs. Ferrell's visits are always anticipated with much pleasure by her many friends here. Mrs. James O. Gardner and son, James O. Gardner, Jr., of Charlotte and Sarasota, Fla., are spending several days here visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Moose at their apartment in the College Place apartments. Mr. Gard ner will enter Mount Pleasant Colle giate Institute, near Concord, the firs; of the week. Miss Sallie Zimmerman of Wash ington is visiting Miss Mamie Zim merman at her home on South Boule vard, Dilworth. E. G. Buchanan returned home last night, after accompanying his daugh ter, Miss Alice Buchanan, to Staun ton, Va., where she entered Mary Baldwin seminary. Mrs. Buchanan is spending two weeks in Atlanta City. Mr. and Mrs. George Craig, of Ashe ville, have been visiting Mrs. Craig's mother, Mrs. Wralter S. Taylor, in Hickory for a few days, and have returned home. Mrs. Craig, who is a recent bride, was formerly Miss Kathryn Taylor, and is delightfully kown here. She graduated from Queens College, and has often visited Mrs. David Clark and Mis3 Sara Mellon. Miss Wayne Dudley will entertain at cubical hearts at her home on East Fourth street Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, in honor of Miss Rosalie Hull, of Savannah, Ga., who arrived in the city Thursday night to visit Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hull, Jr., at their home in the Guthery apartments. Miss Evelyn Gallant has returned to High oint, where she teaches in the city schools, after spending the sum mer vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. LaFayette Gallant. She taught there last winter. Miss Jennie Gallant leaves shortly for Key West, S. C, where she will resume hen studies at the Woman's College. Miss Elizabeth Brown, charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hampton S. Brown, will leave Monday for Spartan burg, S. C, where she will re-enter Converse College. This is Miss Brown's second year there. O Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Heath, Jr., left Tuesday night for a northern trio. They will visit Washington, Baltimore Miss Fannie Davidson, of Moores ville, will arrive in the city Friday night to spend the week-end with Miss Julia Alexander at her home on West Trade street. Miss Davidson will go from here to Greensboro, where she will re-enter the North Carolina Col lege for Women. Miss Davidson has many friends here, having gone to school in the city for a number of years. 1 Miss Sallie-Asbury has returned to her home in Washington, after spend ing several days here writh Misses Ju lia and Violet Alexander at their home on .West Trade street. Prior to vis iting the Misses Alexander, Miss As bury visited extensively in North Car olina' and Georgia. She came here from Gaston county, where she has been visiting friends. DEMANDS OF LONGSHOREMEN. New York, Sept. 9. Demands cf longshoremen for an eight-hour day 'ere taken up today at a meeting here of representatives of steamship lines handling foreign freight. The present working agreement expires September 30. The longshoremen have demanded a wage rate of 72 cents an hour with $1.08 for overtime. This the owners have met with an offer of 65 cents a:i hour with $1 for overtime. Paper flour bags are being tied ty an electric machine at the rate of 100 bags a minute. "CHARLOTTE'S SHOPPING CENTER" "A BON MARCHE STORE" New Miss Mary Alys Lindsay of Wades boro has arrived in the city, and has entered Queen's College. Miss Lindsay is delightfully known here, having of ten visited Miss Terry Bland and "Miss Rutledge Dudley. She attended St. Genevieve-of-the-Pines, at Asheville, i last winter. O Mrs. T. J. Wright of Norfolk, Va., is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. C. Por ter, at her home on Kingston avenue. She has been here about a week, and will remain for another week. She was formerly Miss Ruth Porter of this city. Edwin O. Clarkson and guests, Rob ert Wearn and James Austin, are ex pected to arrive home Friday from Lit tle Switzerland, where they have been spending a week at the Clarkson's sum mer home. They are making the trip in Mr. Austin's car. Mr. Clarkson Three Books HELEN OF THE OLD HOUSE By Harold Bell Wright, $2.00 THE FLAMING FOREST By James Oliver Curwood, $2.00 HER FATHER'S DAUGHTER By Jene Stratton Porter, $1.75 MAIL ORDERS A SPECIALTY BRvKMflriM'? A Book Store of Rare Excellence Office Suppliers .and Furnishers on the front balcony is teaming with all that's new in frail footwear Every desirable leather, including brown kid, black kid, gray ooze, patent leather, tan and black calfskin. The very latest in pumps in Cuban and Louis XVI heels. Two of the most popular numbers are: Three strap Pump Patent leather, buckle fastener, French heel .1 STIEFF PIANO Tor Three Quarters of a Century A LEADER Call or phone for prices or fill out following blank and, send us: Chas. M. Stieff, Inc.', Charlotte, N. C. Please send catalogu and prices of pianos. Nam .,rrM( ....... Address $12.50 Two toned tanned Brogue Oxford, low heel $w.oo y 1 f CHARLOTTE'S SHOPPING CENTER 3ft iff! p A BON MARCHE STORE j9 Specia Qroup Of few Silks $Z3.QQ and Wools r , . , -..i n n u; Canton Crepes Tlie Kmawnicn usuany sen at ;: . T w; Satins and Crepe de Cftines, Tricotines and Poiret Twills-Navy, Brown and plenty of Blacks. STYLE FEATURES Cape Back Bead Trimmings Pa SM, Russian Slit Sleeves Jenny Sleeves High Colored Sleeves Straight Line Skirts Any $25;! Sverything Jhafs New St Bags and Vanities New Shapes New Leathers New Values Leather Vanity Boxes in black and colors $! t0 $31 Silvered Vanitv Cases with coin carriers 50c JUST THE NEWEST ffeckwear Novelties 50c Collars, Sets or Vestees, lace and, Net Organdy or Eyelet work, white, cream and ecru. Many pieces in the lot' sold at 75c and $1.00. ALL THE NEW FALL NECKWEAR FASHIONS Beautiful Vests of fine lace, nets or eye let work. Sleeveless Guimpes of net and lace. Oriental lace collars, etc. all priced from $11 t0 $7M White Metal Vanity Cases, braided sil ver carriers $m " White and colored leather Belts : 50c $1 $1M $1M J$air Sow Hibbons Pretty Moire solid color Hair Ribbons in a good range of colors, light or dark, 5 to 6 inches wide. 40c Yd. Plaids and Stripes, 5 to 8 inches wide all the pretty color combinations 69c Yd. A. f jy bw hosiery A wonderfully good look ing thread Silk Stocking Full length and full fash ioned thread Silk Stockings in the Brown Shades, with i in White, Black, Brown or white Silk Clocks Gmy 2M An all silk seamless back Silk Stocking, Cordovan, Russian Calf and Black OUTSIZE STOCKINGS Black tops. 89c lisle with ribbed EXTRA OUTSIZE STOCK INGS. jrflack only. SILK OUTSIZE Full fashioned Black, Brown or White SILK AND LISLE SPORT STOCKINGS in the heather Richelieu ribbed shades 2M dime Oo uy frail fabric and m K id (gloves Chamoisette 12 and 16-button lengths, cilors Grays, Pongees, White, Brown, Mastic Chamoisette strap wrist, length, brown, white, cham- pagn Gauntlette 8-button 1M and 12 to 16-button length kid Gloves, Browns, White or Black $m t0 $72 2-clasp Kid Gloves, N Brown, Black and White, with self or contrast, stitch 50c Tooth Pastes 25c Tooth Pastes Gauntlet Kid Gloves with strap wrist, browns, tans and Black $5. 7 oilets for Saturday " 39c 25c Talcum Powders 19c Agar 19c . 50c Cold Creams ... 50c Djer-Kiss Powder . .-. ... m 3 -'-- 39c

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