THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1921. 2 B Social News Of The Carolinas ai. liW a luiiii--v 1-- - v..,,, n. ri , - I . 1 - 1 i 1 T . 11 . 'IV Concord Fla., after an extended visit to relatives here ". " , Miss Musa Marnut tett inuwMj Statesville Statesville, Spt. 10. On Tuesday af ternoon, Mrs. Thomas N. McElwee was hostess at an informal tea in honor of her sister, Miss Sallie Fort, of Raleigh, and Miss Margaret and Louise Butler, of St. Francisville, La., quests of their eister, Mrs. G. E. French. The house was thrownensuite and beautifully dec orated with astors, roses, zinnias, cle matic and potted plants. Mis? Mamie McElwee greeted the guests and direct ed them to the living room where the hostess received the honorees, and Mes dames J. II. McElwee. W. II. McElwee, Rosi S. McElwee anl guest, Mrs. Mc Ilwaine, of Fayetteville, and Miss Altie Corpening. The center piece of the dining room table was formed of a hand some electrolier surrounded by dainty crystal baskets containing bright flow ers. Miss Celeste Henkel poi:rd tea and delicious frappe was dispensed by Mrs. V. E., Selby. Sandwiches were served by .Miss Mary Thomas and Mesdames R. M. GFray and D. S. Thomas. Miss Pearl Deitz and IT. M. Kudjon. of Sa'isbury, were united in marriage Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock at the home of the bride on West: Front street, in the presence of a few rela tives and intimate friends. The par lor was decorated with yotted slants, a color note of green and white being carried out. Trior to the ceremony, Miss Eleanor Taylor sang "O Promise Me." The bride and groom entered together to the strains of Lohengrin' wedding march rendered by Mrs. E. V. Blaylock. and were united in nvirrl-igo by Rev. O. W. .Aderholdt, pastor of the Lutheran church. "Hearts and Flow ers" was played softly during the ser vice. Mendelssohn's wedding march was used as a recessional. The bride was becomingly attired in a goingaway suit of navy bl.'e tricotino with small feather hat and wore a corsage of white rose buds and terns. Immediately af ter the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Hud son left for a visit to Washington, Philadelphia and New York. Upon their return they will be at home in Salisbury, where the groom is employed by the Southern Railway Company. The bride is the daughter of the late Li. C. Deitz and wife. Tuesday evening at her home on Mul berry street, Mrs. E. W. Brittle enter tained in honor of guest, Miss Sarah Briggs, of Emporia, Va., and Miss Jo Brown, of Raleigh, guest of Mrs. Roy Tatum. The house was prettily dec crated with ferns and early fall flow ers. Progressive games were played at tables which were arranged on the porch, while dancing was participated In by a number of those present. Punch and wafers were served late in the ev ening. Mrs. Henry E. Lewis entertained at dinner Tuesday at her home on Harrill street, in honor of her uncle, D. W. Shuford. of Iola, Kan., who is visiting relatives In Loray. An attractive bowl of bright colored asters formed the center piece of the table. Out-of-town guests were Mesdames L. A. Hedrick, Margaret Cook, Mary Freeze, J. L. Harris, E. M. Ervin, and daughter. Miss Ruth, and Mr. J. A. Shuford, of Loray. Mrs. G. A. Lazenby entertained in honor of her Sunday school class Mon day evening at her home on Race Btreet. Each member of the class had the privilege of inviting a guest, and a most pleasant evening was spent by the merry group of girls. Following a delicious course of refreshments, von Elsting of sherbet in cantaloupes, cake and candy, they enjoyed a picture at one of the local theaters. In honor of Mrs. L. S. Gilliam, a, re cent bride, Mrs. S. G. Mizelle, of Flor ida, guest of Mr, Brown, and Mrs. a. B. Miller, who is leaving for Washing ton City to Join her husband, Mrs. W. O. Brown, entertain at her home on "West End Avenue Thursday afternoon. The house was decorated with white and yellow flowers, and the guests amused themselves hemming tea towels for Mrs. Gilliam. Mrs. Brown, assist ed by Mrs. Harvey Morrow, served n salad course with salted nuts, followed by an ice course. Out-of-town guests were Mesdames R. L. Morrison, of Da vidson, and W. L. Hill, of Florida. In honor of her guests, 'Miss Nona Brawley, of Mooresvilla. and Miss Kitty Laxton, of Asheville, Miss Altie Corpen ing entertainpd Friday morning. The house was decorated with marigolds and bridge was a pleasant past time. The hostess served a fruit salad with sandwiches and tea, followed bv an or ange ice with cake and stuffed dates. Other out-of-town guests were Mes dames Herbert Hoffman, of Virginia Eugene Barnett, of South Carolina, r! H. McNeil, of Washington City, and Miss Fort, of Raleigh. Miss Rebecca Stimson, with a party of twenty, has been touring the West through the -Canadian Rockies down through Yellow Stone Park and on to Los Angeles, Cal., where she visited her cousin, Knox Turner Miss Stim son rnm. haole bv Denver where she climbed the stairway to the top of Seven Falls, a mile from wnere iienitei Hunt Jackson is buried. After a. vis it tn rrintivps in ChicaKO. Miss Stimson came home and spent a few days with her parents before sne returned 10 ner work as teacher in the Rockingham schools. Thursday afternoon Miss Rosa Steele entertained twenty-five of her friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. IT. O. Steele. The home was bright with flowers and the young folks had a gay time dancing on the broad porch. Ice cream, cake and candy were served by the hostess. Mrs. Barnett Adams' entertained a number of her son's young friends at supper Friday evening. Barnett is leaving this week for the McCallie School, Chattanooga, Tenn., and his mo ttier is giving him a little farewell. ' Master Zeke Stanley celebrated his ninth birthday by entertaining fifteen of his friends at the home of his grand father, Mr. E. E. Stanley, on the cor ner of Tradd street and Davie Avenue, where they played games and later Ice cream and cake were served by Miss Willie Stanley. Friday evening at their home on Race street. Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Ram sey entertained informally but delightfully- in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McLain. of Columbia, S. C. The liv ing room was attractively arranged with a profusion of early fall flowers. Following a series of progressive games which were played at three tables, the hostess served a salad course with sandwiches, ice tea and mints. Mrs. Herbert Hoffman; of Danville, Va., was an out-of-town guests. S. B. Miller, of Washington, D. C. has been spending a few days here at his home. His family will return to Washington with him and spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Worth Murphy, of Nor folk, Va., are spending a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. MacKes son. Mrs. John W. Moore left Wednesday for Asheville and Hendersonville where she will spend a few weeks with friends. Mrs. Osborne Brown and daughters, Miss Helen"" and 01ivar after spending the! summer at their home at Long Island, have returned to Statesville for the winter. The Misses Brown will attend Mitchell College. Mrs. Georgia Marvin and daughter, Miss Gertrude Marvin, of Jacksonville, Fla., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Marvin. Mi3S Elizabeth Austin went to Wash ington City Saturday to spend a few days. 4 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sterling have returned to their home in Gloucester, N. J., after a visit to their daughter, Mrs. F. A. Starrette. Dr. T. Grier Miller, of Philadelphia, is spending a while here with relatives. Mrs. A. L. Coble has gone to Blowing Rock to spend a while. Miss Florence Miller has returned from Camden, Ala., where she visited her sister, Mrs. D. H. Turner. Hickory Hickory, Sept. 10. Miss Elizabeth Holbrook entertained most delightfully Thursday morning in honor of Mrs. Gordon D. Crowell of Lincolnton who before her marriage in the early sum mer, was Miss Frances Goitner, one of Hickory's most attractive and popular j young women. Six tables were arrang ed jor ine game aiiss Aeri .win ning the top score pribe. Mrs. J- O. Hull received the consolation prize. The guest of honor also was presented with a prize. A two course luncheon was served after the game. On Tuesday evening Miss Margaret Holbrook entertained a number of the younger set at a party. In a contest the prize was won by Miss Elizabeth Cluncill. Games and quiet dances were enjoyed. An ice course was served dur ing the evening. Mrs. J. H. Aiken and daughter, Miss Aline, returned Wednesday from an ex tended trip to Mentanan, Idaho and Washington state. Mrs. J. G. Hull entertained at one of the largest and most enjoyable bridge parties of the season Thursday morn ing n'ith Miss Alice Anderson of Rick charming guest of Mrs. George Hill ian. as guest of honor. Eeight tables were arranged for the game in flower bedecked rooms. The high score prize, a table marker was won by. Mrs. W. N-! Martin, Miss Clarissa Abernethy receiv ed a large keupie doll as the consola tion prize and Miss Mabel Miller drew the luncheon guest prize, a pretty linen handkerchief. The honor guest was presented with a lovely fan. During the games Miss Miriam Witener gave a number of piano selections and follow ing the game little Miss Frances Cline ( drew forth much admiration witn ner esthetic dancing. A two conrse lunch eon was served. Miss Janie Lyerly left Saturday for Smithfield to resume ner teaching in the the Smithfield schools. Complimentary to Miss Gwendelin Hatch of Clifton Forge, Va., guest of Miss Julia Mitchell, Miss Elizabeth Rus sell entertained quite a number of the young people with-a party Thursday ev ening. Games and music were enjoyed for several hours. An Ice course was served- . John Mark Longaker, son of Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Longaker, has returned from Europe after having spent a very pleas ant and interesting summer in England, France and Italy. While in Paris Mr. Longaker was the guest of Joseph Flack of the United States Embassy. Major and Mrs. Geo. L. Lyerly and children. Misses Louise Cilley, Annie Killian and Alice Anderson of Roek Hill, S- C. Joseph E. Murphy, Joe Aiken, Clem Geitner, Norman Hutton, Dick Shuford and Stedman Councill formed a houseparty spending the week end at the club house at the Bridge water lakes. Misses Millies Kate McComb, Sadie Menzies and Virginia Allen, who at tended Columbia University at New York during the summer, have returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Ms Comb and Bluemont, Va., Mr. and Mrs. William Menzies at Duquesne, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs- Robert Bracken at Frank fort, Ind Miss Josie Person entertained at din ner Monday evening at her home on Fifteenth street her guests including Mr. Vmd Mrs. T. M. Johnston ana Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Henry. On Monday evening Mrs. S. L. Whit ner, president of the Y. W. M. A. of the Reformed church entertained the society at the regular monthly business and social meeting. Mrs. W. W. Rowl and Miss Pearl Bumgarner gave the mission study lesson after the regular routine of business. Features of the social hour were a piano solo by Miss Elizabeth Holbrook and a reading by Mrs. Russell Robinson. A salad course was served after meeting. Miss Miriam Whitener left Wednes day for Statesville where she will be in structor at music at Mitchell college. Mrs. E. B. Hamilton, a recent bride, was guest of honor at a party, given Thursday evening by Miss Hamilton. Rook was played for some time and musical selections were given on the lano and Edison. -Miss Frances Womble, instructor of English at the North Carolina College for Women was the guest Wednesday of Mr- and Mrs. W. R. Weaver in Ken worth. Miss Womble was enroute to Greensboro from Asheville. Circle No. 4 of the miss of the First Methodist church eivtertain ed the other three circles and the Phil athea class of the church at a reception given Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. F. Seagle, Mrs. J. W. Shuf ord and Mrs. Seagle welcomed the guests at the door. Mrs. Esley Sherrill pre sided at the punch bowl and Mrs. C. C. Freeman kept the register. After the devotional led by Mrs. C. R. Watson, a musical program was given with the following taking part. Misses Dorothv flvey, Edward Clement, Stout, Ethel uoucneilo, Mrs. . F- Ivey and Mrs. A. H. Setzer. Block cream and cake were served with tiny baskets of mints as favors. Before adjournment each I guest was given 'red hearts tied with" jwhite ribbon. Between the hearts was (concealed the name of a person to be i her "heart, sister" until the next meet .ing of the circles. The monthly business and social meet ing or the Junior Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church was held with Phillip Menzies Tuesday ev ening. Sherman Grove, the retiring president, conducted the business ses sion. At this time it was AaAaA divide the society into intermediate and junior departments and officers for the two societies were elected as follows President, Miss Louise McComb; vice president .Bruce Menzies; treasurer, Miss Ada May Grove; secretary, Miss Elizabeth Hall for the intermediates The junior officers are: President George Elbert Bailey; treasurer, Miss Esther Stevenson, secretary, Howard Witener. Several games were enjoyed and an ice course was server before adjournment. Concord, Sept. 10. Mrs. John F. Reed entertained a number of friftnds at her home on North Union street Friday evening. During the evening musical numbers were rendered' by Mrs- C. B. Wagoner. Misses Mary and Adaline Morrison, Mrs. Reed and Dr. Reed and Mr. S. Kay Patterson. Messrs. Patter son and Reed gave several violin and flute duets with piano accompaniment whirh were verv mur-Vi onlnvpfi! bv the. fiiosts. loiter in the ovonlnv- mnnv nlrfl.tfter a visit to Mrs familiar heart songs, always appreciated j Mrs. Mfry Collett . ,1 AM-IA-,-v 1 - 11 mux cujuj cu, wexe sung a,L guests. During the evening delicious refresh ments were served. On Tuesday Miss Fannie Morrison en tertained at a delightful party at the home of Mrs. J. F. McConnell on Franklin Avenue, in honor - of Misses n. visit to her daughter, Mrs. person, in Blifefleld -W. Ja- Miss Virginia Miner UOliege ia Staunton, Va., to resume her duties Greensboro Woman's l rincipal of the Deaf and Blind School ior Miss Mildred Johnson has returned to Garland after an extended wsit to her sister, Mrs. W. F. Elliott. Miss Sallie Lee Nixon has returned from a visit to Miss Sue Fountain in Miss Ivetta Cain left last week -for States where she will become a mem ber of the faculty of the Statesville graded school. Miss Flora Ervin. of Darlington, i. C, has returned to Montreat after spend lng a week at the home of her uncle, Mr. S. J. Ervin. , , Mr. and Mrs- J. J. Farnam returned s.itnrrinv their home in New lorK, jjarnan s muuici Mia .Tesslo T,. Rvrd roturneu sun- day from Chicago, 111., where she has beer, attending the university. While away she visited Miss Evangeline Etley, of Louisville, Ky., and Miss Josephine Mansfield. Springfield, III. She left Monday for Hickory, where she will teach the coming year- Mrs. J. R. Evans and little daugnter, Lucile Clary and Amelia McConnell of ,Elva 'returned Thursday to their home cpaiianuuig. xue nome wus ucuuinui- ly decoratde in pot plants, cut flowers and Japanese lanters. Numerous games were played during the evening, among them pea nut and mashmallow contests and progressive conversation. in the contests cards were given to each guest bearing ten in Murtree$boro atter a visit to mi. and Mrs. J. .W. Garrison. Miss Marion Peterson who was a teach er at. Burkemont this summer spent the week-end with Miss Katherine Er vin before returning to her home in Deerfield, Mass. She will go from there to Portland Oregon, to teach in the topics, two minutes being given to the school for the deaf during the coming discussion of each topic. Such subjects J year. as swimming, styles, love, flirtation, Mr- Tom Moore, Mrs. Robin Brem. weather and others, proved interesting, I of Charlotte and Mrs. J. R. here, humorous and lively. I Misses Martha and Elizabeth Will- Delicious refreshments were served 'lams have returned home after a visit More Than Ever An Investment pi KROEHLER ELWEN-O The Kroehler Bed Davenport All good furniture is an investment. In satisfaction, beauty and comfort it pays constant dividends. But The Kroehler Bed Davenport Goes Farther It returns a money dividend in addition to the dividends in comfort and beauty that all good furniture pays. It is, moreover, a great convenience, for it provides a spare bed without taking up a spare room. You can get along with one less room, save the difference in rent and save coal and housework if you have a bed davenport. A bed davenport does not take up extra space. You must have seating accommodations, and nothing furnishes more in the space than a bed davenport. LU. S.tntuy bld davenPr,t alone in various woods, patterns and upholstering to fit vif you alre-ady have or you can obtain them with rocker and chair to match in ideal living room suites. BUY ONE ON SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS The Banner Furniture Company 305 East Trade St. Out of the High' Rent District during the evening, Miss Morrison being assisted by Bisses Lela Shine and Irene McConnell. ! About forty guests were present. j Adjutant General I. Van B. Metts and John M- Oglesby were honor guesta ati an informal dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Caldwell and sons Harry and Kenneth Caldwell, Friday ovcifng- v.t 6:30 o'clock at their home on North Spring street. Miss Laura Bell French of States ville. who is one of the new teachers in the city schools is making her home with Mrs. N. F. York. Miss Iris Courftil of High Point, who will teach Home Economics in the lo cal school is making her home with Mrs. D- G. Caldwell. J. Carpenter of Greenville S. C, is spending the week end aith his daugh ted. Mrs. W. M. Sherrill. Miss Jenn Coltrane has returned from the Adirondack mountains where she spent several weeks. Mrs. W- S. Rankin and son of Ral eigh are guests of Dr. and Mrs. S. W. Rankin this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dusch who have been visiting in the home of Mrs. Uusch's father Mrs- D. B. Cothrane, have returned to their home in Nor folk accompanied by Miss Elizabeth Cothrane. Mr. Marshall Mabrey of Richmond is spending some time with relatives and friends in the city. On Friday evening from 8 to 10:30 o'clock Miss Lena and Wilma Black wleder entertained a number of their friends at a party at their home on South Union street. Games, music and refreshments were enjoyed by those present. The AVilling Workers of St. Andrews Lutheran church held a social meet ing with Misses Lula Freeze and Lucy Hovis at the home of Mr. Joe Walter on East Corbin street Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. A number of new mem bers were received. Following the social hour an ice course was served. Members of the Christian Endeavor society of the First Presbyterian church enjoyed a chicken stew at Boat's Mill Tues.lay night. About thirty members were in the party and the trip was made in a large truck. Miss Elizabeth Woodhous, leader of the class, chaper oned the the crowd, and the occasion proved to be an unusually happy even ing picnic. Xh.e Christian Endeavor society of Mc Kmhin Presbyterian church enjoyed a delightful social evening in the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Myers Friday evening in honor of the young people wno arc leaving for college. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Brower left Tues day for a visit to their son in Rocky Mount. Messrs. Zeb and Ray Morris, Ed Mor rison, Harry Lee Johnson and Wallace Morris left Tuesday for Davidson Col lege, where they will attend school the corning year. Frank Brower after spending two weeks with his parents here ,has re turned to his home in New York. Mr, and Mrs. E. Sauvain left Sun day morning for Indiana where they will spend two weeks with relatives. Mrs. Mattie Cannon and children, Franklin and Nancy, have gone ,to Goldsboro where they will make their home in the future. Miss Nina Norman" and Miss Moak who have been visiting Miss Norman's parents for a month, left for Washing ton Monday night. The. two young ladies hold the positions respectively of chief filing clerk and chief stenographer ;n the Government Health Department. Miss Norman while here delighted Concord audiences with her fine mezzo soprano voice, and all who heard her predict a fine future for her in her chosen art. Sdames J. I, Thompson I MJ and B. P. Costner are spending ASrSSdSlJ-the guest of her daughter! Mrs. B. O. Thompson in Char- 10tMr. and Mrs. George Sgr lotte.are spending some time witn mis. S. W. McKee. . TfH5in Misses Gladys and Bryte Rudism have entered Lenoir College. Mrs.' Erskine Wills is visiting relt tives at Hot Springs, S. C. hin. ' Congressman Bulwinkle of f,nin ton spent Wednesday in the t,. Miss Jennie Saine will le tomor . row for Lumberton where she win nsses Katherine and Annie Hiem lotte Sanatorium. . ind ivr, t. a Crowell sr?nt Tuesday .ma iiio made by little Dorothy carried in a huge white 1 k ins . . it :v.i r witn yeuow nuwii num v.i)i,.h 111. .u , '1 jumped wilii me anuuunw-: Lois Yoder-Reul Newton, Oct. '(;,, !f from a ribbon around its iKTk" ' H After good wishes were writtf, .? .eantei tn the rhar inin.. i ...'.I hi yi cow.-"- "un-.,. i inn fnnrsp in vftllnw !! till " " " fllto I served by Mesdames J. T. I'-Tl,.i" ; L. Little, T. H. Cansler and t. q , 7: nethy. "A; V Bessemer Citv st f art Bessemer City, Sept. in.Mrs ShOten IS spenuui ;t if v rj;i her daughter Mrs- t rank AVes lotte. r Mr. ana Mrs. j. JKnof!PS j,a pleted their new nome ;ir.l occupying some. Capt. F. G. Whitney an! son p Whitney, Jr., of New York ,,re vv.' Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Whitr.rv. Misses Nany FroneU',-y...r' r. Potts and Elizabeth Whit kft v,v' ' day for Lenoir College, Hickorv ' sume their studies.- Miss Eva Matthews Ic-ft Thnr?rV. Charlotte to enter Queens (',,1!,. Miss Rena Harrill dnuj- htr-v "nf . and Mrs. Harrill of Bcssojikt ha turned to. Queens College .Miss i ' is a teacher of English at tiK-cJ" 5orn io apL. jrirs. v. (,. w)-, "NTfW York. Sept. 2, a I tnriTim fiastflTlla.. J1 A:, Wednesday in i,na.i iuu-. .iiunum, vjo-oima,, . Miss Ethel Long spent iub I wnitney was oeiore ner marring , h si nut,, v sntf-r. to their sister, Mrs. L. P. Frans in Winston-Salem. Mrs. Frans and lit tle daughter accompanied them home. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Beasley and little daughter, Fleeta Elizabeth of Spartan burg, S. C, are visiting Mrs. Beasley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Garrison. Miss Mary Moses, of Chapel Hill, spent Wednesday with Mrs. S. J. Ervin. Mr. an Mrs. L. W. Rhyne have as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rhyne, of Newport, Tenn., Mrs. P. J. Bruce, of Hot Springs, and Mrs. C. E. Jones of Gastonia. ' A auiet weddine took t)lace at the Methodist parsonage in Glen Alpine Mon aay atternoon at 4 o clock when Miss Pearl Fleming became the bride of Mr. Luther Conley. The bride is the accomplished daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fleming, of Table Rock. Mr. Conley is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred, Conley, also . of Table Rock. ! The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. P. Brantley after which Mr. and ivirs. uoniey left for a trip to Asheville and Hendersonville. Returning they will they will make their home at Bushnell where Mr. Conley holds a- position with th Ritter Lumber Company. A delightful surprise birth'dav party was given Mr. Will John Welch by Mrs. a. c A verv. Jr.. on 'nr--'' even ing at her home on Avery Avenue. Lincolnton Lincolnton, Sept.. 10. On Thursday S J"3' L R- SeIf was hostess to the Embmdery Club and a number of invited euests. Punch was served on the vine cover- T u Dy Mrs- T- H- Cansler as wf.ffld oV,Mf? Leila-Self and Baster iiumn Self. After an hour spent In gay conversation over dainty embroidery the hostess assisted by Mesdames M L Sipe, W. W. Crowell and D. C. Leon ard served a delightful Ice course. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jenkins spent the week end at Blowing Rock. Dr. E. I,. Morris who has be.-?n spend ing his vacation with Mrs. Norris wlio is visiting her mother, Mrs. R. M An thony, returned to Greenwood Monday. Miss John Anthony is spending the week in Westminster, S. C. Miss Elizabeth Kerr of Clinton, N. C. is the attractive guest of her sister! Mrs. R. E. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Seagl were in Shelby Tuesday for the funeral of Mr. J. F. Whisnant. Mrs. J. W, Mullen has returned from J. Sifford spent on Leon- -with relatives in astonia. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed Kale are spend in? several days in Rutherfordton. Mrs John Yancey of Marion is t-ie -m-rr ITT "TV T y-. C- o-noBt of Mrs. vv. v . mjL Mr. and Mrs. R Sunday in Gastonia. nrtv At a. lovely Hearts ; Dice party J,r nftornnntl Mrs. D. C - aTd announced the engagement ot Mary Lois Yoder to Mr. Reul Jemon of Hickory. xrc and Majorie Perkins. . The hostess received the guests in th- living room where tables were ai ranged for hearts dice. Mrs. Thorne Sarke won the prize, a ds?LX of corresuondence -cards, for the nign not crriv nnft,m(pmpiit. which came Katherine Mason daughter O. F. Mason of Gastonia of Jir HERE IS THE SCREW OF SMALLEST Sift as Utiea, N. Y-, Sept. io . friends here a small cf-l!': travelling salesman causal -i m i wonaer. me salesman i;n rrco a reading glass, under vh;--h w'.V the merest speck, whirh r ;1 jr?. proved to be a brass sen w. The screw is used in the fir.' watches. It is the small- pi screw i its dimensions being: Total Im thousands of an inch; diameto ' 12-thousandths of an inch. v per inch; diameter head, if, -thou? of an inch; weight, 12-thoi;??,:i' a grain. Ideal Areola Heating Outfit IT HEATS THE CELLARLESS HOME The simplest and most economical way of heating a one-floor cortag. is with the IDEAL-ARCOLA radiator boiler and four radiators. 0th outfits for larger or smaller homes, offices, stores and shops. Work; perfectly without a cellar or for second-story rooms. McAuley, Garrison, & Hopkins Co. 313 East Trade St. CHARLOTTE, N. Theme 1 C. Moving, Packing and Storage Our service is un?urra?s?i. TRUCKS FOR PICNICS OR STRAWRIDES j New pneumatic tired truck?, car : ful drivers. Phone us for estimate L COCHRAN&ROSSCO. PHONE 52 I; Morganton Morganton, Sept. 10 Mrs. T. Cobb is visiting her daughters, Mrs. T. A. Griflln In Wendell and Miss Lobbie Cobb in Raleigh. J. H. Hyams, Mrs. J. R. Anderson, Miss Kate Anderson, Mr. J.imnS An derton and little James Anderson Fra zier spent the week-end at Linville Falls. Mrs. Lucas who has b3m spending some timw with Mrs. T. L. Jiclnphill left Tuesday for Raleigh. Miss Lucile Pearson has returned to Philadelphia where she is .i member of the faculty at the Mt. Airy school for the Deaf. r Miss Mildred Conley left Tuesday to reenter school at Durham Conserva tors o Ivli'jc, Durham. Miss Katherine Erwin left this week for Durh:m where she will spent some time with her uncle, E. K. lov.2. Miss I-.c!. Fleming, hes returned to h ;r liomp In Raleigh after a visit io her sister, Mrs. I. P. Jetiv Mrs. Buscom Cline and children, of Savannah, Ga., are visiting Mrs. Cline s si tcr, M:a. R. E. Coleman. Miss i:iizabeth Denby, B:iUimTe, who h;is been the guest ri Mrs. K. l. Aloxinder, left Wednesday for As-.e-vilk. Miss Laura Claywell left Tuesday f'i Iu;hani where she will teach in the Durhfm Conservatory of Music. Mr. and Mrs. R. c. Garrison, of Macon Ga., are visiting Mr. Garrison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Garrison. ,Mrv and Mrs. Pink Lackey and little Miss Martha Love Lackey, of Gastonia, ,Yr? been Siting relatives here. MIbs Essie Glass left Wednesday for Roanoke Rapids, where she will teach during the coming vear. Miss Lee Griffin is the guest of Mrs.' Clifford Walker. Mrs. Claywell Ross has returned' af. tor .spending several days at her home in Oak Ridge. " Mr. and Mrs. R. jsr. Gantt spent the week-end in Asheville- Mrs O. H. Battle left Thursday for Cornelius after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. George Battle. Ir; gnd.M"- M. Klein, of Charlotte, P Sunav with Mrs. F. M. Scroggs. Irs- A- C. Avery, Jr., and Mrs. Victor Johnston spent the week-end in Buras ville. Miss Helen Bennett spent iseveral days last week In Washington and Bal timore. Mra. Walton Xvery and baby?eft Fri day for their home in Lako Worth. YOUR STREET RAILWAY PROBLEM The receipts of the street railway systems operated by the Southern Public Utilities Company for August were $14,503.19 less than for Au gust of last year. The receipts for the past four months have been $55,999.97 less than for the corresponding months of last year. The street railway service furnished by the Southern Public Utilities Company in 'Charlotte, Winston-Salem, Greenville and Anderson is of an exceptionally high .standard. It will not suffer by comparison with the street railway service of any city in America. It is indispensable to a large part of our population, and is of equal importance to our industrial and commercial establishments.. So essential, in fact, is street railway ser vice that every interest and practically every individual in the commu nities we serve are affected by it; everyone would suffer inconvenience, discomfort or financial loss, through any suspension of or deterioration m service. ' It has been the policy of this company to constantly improve the street railway service m the cities we serve. There has been marked im STSSt S?06 m eqmpment in most of the cities we serve dur- Our company is confronted by a serious problem in its street rail way department. We are frank to sav that we do not know S J5v be the best solution of this problem. It is not only our proWem how vS its yours. We are giving it our best thought and wriyou to ve to it that degree of consideration which its importance tc I you warrants 4 SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY

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