8-B m TT TT 1 J L J I II H , Allison, 111., Jan. 1. Dear Brother Charley. "Well Charley the New Yrs. Is starting In and I feel some how like its going to be a lucky yr. for me and I'm going to try and do my best to make it lucky. I bet they went be no throw ing away money this yr. like they was last yr. and by a yr. from now I wont have no mortgage hanging on my head but will have the house all payed for and every thing clear and a little mon ey, in the bank besides. Between youf and I Charley theys some money in the bank right now and believe me thats where she going to stay. I got some thing over $600.00 salted away and they wont be another paymunt on the house dew till July and nothing to pay between then and now but regular expences that a man can pay out of your salary if you dont make a monkey out of yourself. Thats what Im going to do this yr. Charley is live close and not toss my money a round like it was a drunkard sailor. In the 1st. piece Im going to cut down on smokeing because I figgure where I smoke to much and when a man smokes as much is I been in the habit you get up in the A. M. feeling like a tramp and hawk and cough like you was going to l.i.ise a lunge. And Im going to try and make my cloths last as long as theyll hold together and if I play cards it will he jest for fun and not cent apt. or nothing like that. The $500.00 thats in the bank is what Gave me to keep for her and she says she was scarrred to trust herself with that amt. in her own name or she would be blowing it in for cloths. I never seen the woman yet that could hold on to a chunk of money but they got to throw it to the birds as soon Js they get there hands on it. So Grace vised good judgement turning it over to me and they couldent no body get it away from me with a crow bar unlest Us to pay honest debts or some thing. Of coarse the $600.00 was part of Graces birthday present from her old man and she can do what she please with it but she turning it over to me looks like she had better sence about money then the 1st. few yrs. we was married. Happy New Yr. and presterity to you and Mary. Your Bro. F. A. GROSS. Allison, 111. Jan. 22. Brother Charley. Well Charley I was wandering how long.it would take before Grace begin iching for the little hunk of money she gave me to keep for her and a good thing I got it where she can't touch it or she would be as clean is a whistle in side of a month. "When I came home last night she was all excited and I ast her what was the idear and she says she had j some thing to tell me but she was t scarred to tell me so I told her to hurry up and get it off of her chest. So what do you think she sprung on me Charley. She says she had been down on Wabash ave. with Mrs. Dutton and walked .paesed a piano store and seen a piano in the window that was advertised to sell for $110.00 and the reglar price of that kind of of a piano was $250.00. But they was selling this 1 cheap because some body had ordered it and made a payment and had it sent out to there house and then desided they dident want it and sent it back. So Grace says she wanted to buy it. Well I says if them other people dident want it they was probily some thing the matter with it and may be it was off the key. No she says it was O. K. because Mrs. Dutton set down and tride it. So I says I dont want Mrs. ' Dutton hanging a round the house all the wile and they aint neither I or you or the babys that can play a piano so .what good would it be to us. So she says she or the babys could lern on it. Yes I says you got a lot of time to lern a piano and as far is the babys is conserned the 1st. think I want them to lern is sleep nights and get there mouth lo cated at table. Well she says suppose they wasent no body to play it It would look good in the liveing rm. All right I says I know where I can get a man down town to paint I on the wall for $20.00. So she says she knowed I would act that way a bout it and I says Yes and your pretty lucky to have a husband thats got some thing under there hat besides scalp deceases. So she left the rm. without saying nothing and thought I would feel sorry for her , and chase after her and tell her she could buy her old piano and higher a formner to come out evry night and play it but I wasent going to fall for no sob stuff and when I says I would keep her money for her I ment I would keep it and not throw it away on junk we cant aford let alone got no use for it. Well Charley tomorrow Im going up to the Coliseum to the automobile shaw and Id rather lay a round head quarters but I promised Alec Welsh Id go a long with him. Regards to Mary. Your Bro. F. A. GROSS. Allison, 111., Jan. 24. Dear Charley. Well Charley I was up to the au tomobile show yesterday and the shows the prettest sight I sceen in a long wile and when I come home I tride to get Grace to go with me some night and see the show but shes still sore yet on acct. of me not leaveing her throw her money away on a piano. . I dident have no idear that you could by a car as cheap is they got them for sale now and you can get a big size t passenger car and not no flivver neither for .$550. It would be pretty soft to drive to town and back every day in your car and not half to patter nize them suburban trains where your lucky to find rm. enough for your ft. to , stand on let alone rm. enough to set down unless you starve your self for a few months 1st. Alec says it aint no trick at all to lern to drive and hes got a car that holds 7 passengers and never had no trouble with it and it dont cost him hardley nothing for gasoline and new tires and etc. and its only the grate big heavy cars that costs money to run them and of coarse I couldent aford 1 of them big boys. I wisht though that Grace wasent such a old grand -a standard IfSLbatfery q North & South Carolina Battery Co. Distributors 12 W. First St. Phone 4515 (W) vmel W SW.IF T mother about leting loose of a little money on pleasure and I would cer tainly invest in 1 of them light cars that dont cost hardley nothing in the 1st. place and practically no keep up. Well Charley it seems like a crime to not take advantage of the price you can get good cars for now and I wisht I was in a position where I could blow myself to 1 but I dont believe in a man spending money for what you cant aford and liveing behind your means and a mans 1st. duty is pay your debts. Regards to Mary. Your Brother, FRED A. GROSS. . Allison, 111., Jan. 27. Brother Charley. Well Charley old boy I got grate The min. ths engine started I Kot lKrtd and nm news for you Im a full fledg motorist J now. What do you think of that Char ley only of coarse I aint got no car yet but I made a paymunt on It ail t ready ana took a ariveing lesson .vni I could drive O. ' K. right now only these cars like the kind I bought is such a bargain that every bodys went crazy .over them and the Co. is behind there orders and cant deliver without you give them a little time. But they promised me mine by the middle of next wk. I guess you dont know much about cars Charley but you must of herd o? the kind I got. Its a Swift Six and the name tells you how fast it can go but you wouldent need no name to tll you if jrou seen it spin up and down Mich. ave. The Six means 6 passen gers it will hold but I dont only want rm. for I and Grace and the kids, because Im not going to take no cheap Tb. skates along that cant aford cars of there own. The price of the car is $550 fob De troit and that means its made up to Detroit and if you buy it there you got to pay for the freight to get it here but I wasent sucker enough to go up to Detroit and buy I when they had them for sale right in Chi. I payed $490.00 down and I dont half to pay the rest till I get the car and I gue3s I can rake up $60.00 some wheres and I aint like the man that aint got friends that will come acrost for them in a pinch. I could of payed for the hole thing at once only for Grace makeing a holler and- I had to leave her have her way this time or sha would of whinned a round the house till we was all deef. It was yesterday I went up to the show on acct. of haveing to find a fal low and I figgured thats where he would probily be and I made the deal for" the car there and I says I was sure of takeing it only 1st. I thought I bel ter ask my wife to ccme down and look at it to see weather the color sui ted her O. K. and etc. So I come horn? and I says Well Grace you cant call me no Sherlock no more and I got a big suprisa for you so she says Did you buy me that piano. So in the stead of me answering I hailed a pitcher of the car out of my pocket and show ed it to her and I says how would you like to ride in that. So she avs she would rather ride in a limosene this time of yr. So I says Yes but we cant aford no limosene. So she says pitchers of limosenes dont cost no more then any other kind of pitchers unlo-st there in gold frames. So I says Yes but I got some thing more then a pitcher of this baby. I bought the car today. At 1st. "she thought I was Jokeing but I finely convinced her and she says whose going to pay for it and I says the price aint only $550 and we got $6ft0 in the bank. Yes she says but who does the money bellong to. I says You give it to me to keep untill I seen some thing that we needed and was worth buying. So then she got sarcastical. So she says No I turned the money over to you so as we wouldent be worried about it more then a wk. or 2 be cause it would keep me awake nights thinking about it but if you had it we would be sure to be broke again as soon is you seen some thing that cost the hole amt weather it was $600.00 dollars worth of fresh eggs or a set of dimond buttons for your under shirt. So I says This here car aint going to cost the hole $600 but we will still have $50 yet to do what ever we please with it or leave it lay. So she says Yes on $50-00 we can take a trip to Japan China or save up the intrest for 10 yrs. and buy a evening paper. So I got disgusted with how she was earring on so I says all right kepe your old money and be a misser so she says I will tell you what I will do I will leave you buy me that piano tomorrow " and you can take whats left of the $600.00 and . spend it on the. ear. So today she met me down town and we bought the piano and payed THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, $110.00 cash for it nad then I took her out to the Coliseum and showed her to -Swift Six and of coarse when she seen it she couldent help from likeing It and they couldent no body that seen it and" seen what a bargain it is when you consider the price we are geteing it at. Its fixed so you dont half to turn no crank to start the engine running but jest press your ft. on a peddle and its got red wheels and a reglar set of tools under the front seat so a man can do all your fixing but they claim it dont hardely ever need nothing done to it and the way it is now theys a top on it but you can take the top down on a nice day and 1 man can put it up or put it down and theys a tank to hold gasoline so right 8t a crowd of people that was crossing the st. you dont half to stop at every gar- rage and buy some more and cush ions on the both seats and every thing spick and spand v ell Charley I cant hardley wait untill the middle of next wk. but to morrow Im going' to take an other lesson driveing and then I will be ready to run her to hellanerone as soon is they got 1 to spare for me. i Dont you wisht you was in my shoes ! Charley but never mind and when you and Mary get out here next time I will ride you till the cows come home. Regards to Mary. Your Brother. F. A. GROSS, motorist. Allison, 111. Feb. 15. Charlej'. Well Charley they prom ised I was to have my car the 3 or 4 of Feb. and says they would take care of me 1st. before they filled any other orders and here it is 2 wks. late and not no sine of a car and the way it looks like to me there filling ther orders in alphabet order and be gun at the Zez. But they 1 thing sure that Im makeing thefa birds give me plenty of driveing lessons and Im getting so now I can go any wheres without the man telling me nothing and he says I picked it up quicker then anv hndv he ever seen and the funny 'part is that Grace thinks I will half to start ! taiteing lessons after I get the car and she dont know that all ready I can drive as good is . any body so when the car gets here I will drive it out Jjome that night and she will be the most surprised woman in the world. Well Charley I supose I should ought to be thankful that I aint run ning up no gasoline bills but Id be willing to put a little Iread and butter In John Ds mouth if theyd give me some thing to use gasoline for besides takeing gravey spots out of my heavy overcoat. My kindest to Mary. Your Brother. F. A. GROSS. Allison, 111., March 3. Bro. Charley. Well Charley if you was here co night I could give you a little ride and I wisht you was here so as I couii have a excuse to go out and ride a lit tle myself but I don't dare go out alone because Grace would feel ..bad and I wisht Id called her up from down town when I knowed the car was here and then she wouldent of left the girl that stays with the children go over to he dutch church to a dance but I wanted to suprise Grace so she dident know what was comeing off so she left tne girl go and now we got to stay in our self and of coarse its a pretty cold night to drive down about zero or a iit tle better but I wouldent care how cold it was if I could jest get a hold ot that wheel. They called me up as soon is I got" uacK irom luncn today and told me my car was in town and I ast the chief to leave me beat it for the P. M. and I got there and was going to tako her right home but when I erive thtn the $60 that I borried off of the chier to pay the bal. what I owed they says it would be $20.00 more, I ast what for and they says to pay for the freight irom uetroit to Chi. So I says I bought the car in Chi and not in n) Detroit or no other place. So thy says Yes but the cars made in De troit and when a man in Chi gets 1 he pays the freight. So I says Yes and stamps is made in Washington out they cost 2 cts. weather you buy them here or there so we argude back and 4th and they says I couldent have the car unlest I payed for the freight and I finally got tired of argueing aid ast them if theyd leave me take thj car and they could charge the freight to me and Id pay it next month and they says that was O. K. So then they ast me did I want a extra tire so I says yes and they hung 1 on the back of the car and the man says that would be $16.00 more so I says they could take it right off again so by the time I finely got started it was dark, and I hadent never handled a car in the dark before but I got along great but my hands got pretty near froze. I wasent thinking when I got to the house and I run right passed and I forgot for a min. how to back up so I run a round the blk. and the 2d. tim I stopped O. K. in front of the hous? and then I tuted the horn and that was for. Grace to come out but she was puting the kids to bed and so I finely got out of the car and went in and it was 7:30 and Grace heard me open the door and she come downstares. Well she says what are you getting home this time of night for. So I told her to come out in front and Id show her. So she come to the door and swn 'h lights on the car and she was so ex cited she couldent hardley talk and then she says I would half to' take her for a ride before I ett supper or done anything so I was going to take her and she happened to think" about civi girl not being there so she couldent o and she was about ready to cry but I told her she should run out and del in the car a min. so she did and sh dident set there only a min. on acct. of how cold it' was. ; But she was tickeled to death when she seen we realy had our car and she couldent hardley beleive I knowed how to run it and she says I must lay ofiL' tomorrow and I and her and the babys Illustrated By Fontaihg Fox I and all of us would have a ride 1st. thing in the A. M. So Im going to give them a ride 1st. before I go down town to the office. While we was eating supper Grace ast me where was I going to keep the car. Well Charley thats the 1st. time I thought about - .that and of coarse a man couldent leave it out all night in a blizzerd or rain storm or the seats would get spoiled. So it looks like I , would half to build me a garrage and maybe spend another $150.00 on thnt but they aint no hurry about it be - cause 1 can leave " her stand out on clear nights for a wile and if it look like its going to storm I can take it I down to the town garrage. Grace says ' it might may be rain or snow tonight and spoil the seats but I looked at.tna sky and they isent a cloud in sight and besides 2 above zero is to cold for rain or snow either 1 so every thing is safe for to nite. Well Charley I must get up early in the A. M. and take the family rideing and I wisht you was here to go with us. O you Swift Six. Regards to Mary. Your Bro. FRED GROSS. Allison, III., March 5. Dear Charley. WelT Charley the cars down to the town garrage here in Allison and Grace aint had a ride in it yet and the mm says it will be O. K. tomorrow A. M. There fixing up the batery now so as the self starter will work and I would of took it "in to town and made the Swift people fix it free for nothing only I called them up and told them about it and they says they was so busy thev couldent do it this wk. The batery died on me when I wa3 trying to start her yesterday A. M. and I made a mistake leaveing her out the doors1 In cold weather like it was but how did I know what would hap pen. I guess they think a man shou'.d ought to know all about a car if he seen 1 before or dident see 1 before Well Charley the night I left her stand out all night the engine froze up and it took the garrage man pretty pear 2 hrs. to get her runing again. You see when I 1st. went out there in the A. M. and tride to work the self starting peddle it dident do nothing so I was af rade I wasent pressing hard enough so I give her all the weight 1 got and nothing doing and finely they wasent even no more noise when I pressed on the peddle and I pressed and pressed for a 1-2 h. and then 1 went jn the house and set on the kit?l -en-stove till my legs was so as I coulJ stand up, and then I called up the chivf and ast him to leave me stay home and he says nothing doing I would half to come down so then 1 called up th2 garrage and they sent there man over and he seen that the thing was frozo up and I stayed there and helped him as long is I could and then I had to go and now there chargeing the baterys up because it seems like I done wrona; standing on the peddle so hard and be sides they aint nothing a garrage can do as sood as it can charge. And today wile I was down town Grace called up from home and says I woufd have to buy a couple robes to help keep the - kids warm in tne car and I ast her what was the mat ter with useing blankets off of the i?d and she says all right go ahead and use them but I won't ride wr.h you. So it cost me $11.00 for the 2 ehes.p'St blankets I could get a hold of :;nd the next thing is build a garrage beeausa the garrage man says- the a-r will freeze up every night I leave it cut the doors and if you keep your car in the town garrage its $10.00 p-r mo. If it don't cost nothing for the kop ' up of this car Charley Im glad I dident set a dodSe .or a saxon 6 oi any of them other big babys. Kindest to Mary and yourself. Your Bro. . F. -A. GROSS. Allison, 111., March J. Dear Charley. Give me what this here Sw'ft Six has cost me all ready Charley and I will sell it to you fob ChicagD and no questions ast. Im staying home this A. M. and Grace tailed the chief up and. told him I was sick and when she told hinvthut she wasent springing no automobile story but she was telling him the truth. After the garrage had a hold cf the car fixing it for pretty near ?. wk. and promiseing every day that I could have it tomorrow they finely gi-'e it to me yesterday and give me a oih for $7.10. So I says I would settle the 1 of next month and I got in and drove her out to see how she run a mint'.e and it was such a nice day that I says why shouldent I drive down town an. so I started and got along fie mvl ..f coarse I wa a little shakey going in the loop the 1st time but I was O K. till I got to 5th ave. and Washington st. ana tnen i ot the tramc mm hol lered at me. It was Jerry Donahue. So I says Hello Jerry ml ljit cn going but he hollered fo: me i bi. p and when I stopped I was rij;h In the middle of the car tricks. Fo he come up to the side of the car and then he sees who I was and I says Whats the matter with you stopping a old pal and he says I dident know you at Is: but I jest noticed you was driveing without no lisence. Well Charley that was the 1st. time I thought about a lisence. So I told Jerry Id forgot about it, and he says You better get 1 or all the boys will be stopping you so he says your blocking up the traffic so beat it. So then I found out all of a sudden that my engine wasent run ning and it had died on me and I stuck my ft. on the starter peddle and Id forgot to stick the gear in neutruis and the min. the engine started I shot ahead and run right at a crowd of peo ple that was crossing the st. Well I felt for my horn and it dident make no sound and I thought it was gool night but Jerry seen what was going to happen and yelled to the people to duck so I jest missed them and bv the time I got to LaSalle st. I had her under controls. Well Charley I finely managed to get to headquarters and all the bovs come out and overlooked the car an 1 I offered to give them a ride but it seems like Jerry the big fool had' call ed them up and . told them what ha pened over to 5th. ave. and they all pretended like they was scarred to ride with me. Well Charley wile I was up in the office 1 of them dirty bums out of spite work for me calling them a cheap skate come down and let the wind out of 1 of the back end tiros and I dident never know it till I was clear out here and run the car in to the garage. You ought to seen the rim on the wheel Charley and ' the Fred A. Grors, assistant Cief of de-J teCtlVPS whn . ,.io, flat fr Chicago to build a home in a su burb, acquires a car. J- SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1921. By Ring Wo hole wheels pretty near a wreck and the man says they isent only 1 thins to do and thats get a hole new wheiil and a new tire because the tires cur. all V pieces. Hows that for a fine trick Charley. The man at the garrage says he dident see how I could drive all the wav out here, and not know they was some thing wrong and wile he was talking the car begin to smoke ana Wames begin shooting out the front part and I thought for a minute n hole place was going to explode nut the man had the fire out' all most as soon is it started. So I says I got a fine bunch of friends that leave me come home on a flat tire and then tiy and burn me ud. So tne man &.. r your friends may of giva you the flat Im making tW birds .give tire but the reason you was going to burn up was on acct. of they not b3 ing no water to keep the engine cool. So I says did they leave the water out to. So he says when did you put some in and I told him I hadent never put none in. So then he laughed till I thought he was going to choke and I wisht he had. This A. M. I been pour ing water in my radiater all A. M. but T cant get the old engine to cool off. Regards to Mary. Your Bro. FRED GROSS. Allison, 111., March 18. Bro. Charley. Well Charley sence the last letter I wrote you about all I been doin is ! borring money and paying it out ana the garrage that I ordered built i:s going to cost pretty near $200 dollars but I couldnent get 1 for no less anl the Swift peoples going to soak me for a new wheel and a new tire and thy kitcKm urv tili ms ItV cmid st"d garrage says I owe them $30.00 and it would be some satisfaction if I couUt fine" out who done that dirty trick about leaving the ' wind out of the tire j and I would brake them in 2 but tne boys down to headquarters jest laughs like it was a good joke and wont squeal on who ever done it. An other thing I had to pay for wa.3 the lisence and its costing me $3 for a lisence to own a car that I aint harcr ley seen let alone get any pleasure out of it." The Swift people called up today and says I could come and get the car to morrow. Grace aint had no ride in it yet so any way if the cars ready tomor row I will ga and get it and give Grace and the kids a ride before some thing else happens but I guess its pretty near time for the luck to brake the oth er way hay Charley. Thats what I told a fellow today that come in and tride to sell me some insurence. What kind of insurence I ast him. He says automobile insurence. No I says my cars cost ' me enough all ready with out it costing me no more. So he says its libel to cost you a hole lot more before your threw if you dont have no insurence. He says its libel to burn up or run in to some body and kill them or some bodys libel to "help themselves to it when its laying in the st. Yes I ays theyd be libel to steal a car that bellonged to 1 pf the detective bureau. So he says No probily not be cause it would be like stealing pennys from a blind man. But anyway he says the fire insurence and libility insur ence would cost $40.00 dollars per an num and $40,00 dollars is pest as plenty a round me these days is whiskers on u flute. Well Charley give ovr kindest tr Mary and I hope lucks been bettel with you than I. Your Bro. . F. A. GROSS. - Allison, 111. March 22. Brother Charley: Well Charley I wont write you no more letters about my car Charley be cause I got no car and whro evers got it can keep it. And Im tickled to death that they dident get it till Grace and the kids had 1 ride and they dident only ride about 4 or 5 miles but long enough to say they road in their own car any way." Well Charley I Will tell you what come off. In the 1st. place 'lie car wasent reac'y the day the Swift people says it would be ready but it was'finely ready esterday and I went ouz there earl i:i the P. M. and got it. So it was the 1st. day of spring and the finest day I ever seen for March. It felt like June and thi sky dident have no sine of a cloud in them. I called up Grace before I got there and told her to fix it so as her and the kids could go when I convj for them and I got out there about 4 a clock and then by that time they wes a big cloud in the sky and I says some thing about may be we better postpone the trip. But Grace says Not much vou dont do no more poscponeing. So they come' out and got in and I set alone in front and Grace and the kids behind and away we went. Well Charley we was jest turning in to Ogden. ave. tords town when I felt a rain drop and I hadent went mur then 3 blks. after I felt the 1st srincv, when she begin to beat it down a mi 'a Wy fg' f 1 11,11 0"fflftL 1 j IP J 4 WWM 1 a minute, well l stopped the car and jumped out and tride to get the top -t T .lnv- miCTP Millie fhed?o7 anl UkeTt'o ZSt s? and it was raining ns coutfent see nothing but finely I gratt bed the kids and run tords 1 the st. and Grace after me and as Iuck would have it we ran right m to a lunch room. ' " . So they was a couple wommen set ting in there the props wife and n other and between thenv and rand Grace we got some of thejeids - aok -a things off and the props wife dug JP a couple blankets B0 feS"a ! raDned the kids up and then Grace g?nPhowling about how near drownded fhe was and I thought Id be better off me plenty of driveing lessons. in the storm then listening to she howl ing so I blowed out again and th rain- had let up a little but jc-.V: enough so as I could see acrost the st. Well Charley the car wasent ' no wheres. They wasent no body a round no wagons or no st. cars or nothing. Well Chai-ley they wasent nothing to do but brake the news to Grace and she got hj-stericks and the kids was pretty near as bad. Well any way Charley when it stopped raining and the kids cloths wasent so wet no more we went home on the st. car and dident only half to transfer twice. Its been over 4 hrs.. sence the car was stole and not a word about it from no wheres and they tell me theys r - many Swift Six been sold in Chi that it aint nothing but luck when you identify witch is yourn. So Grace is . upstares giveing Mi- kids some hot baths and I been set ting in the pianos rm. flgureing out how much that there car cost all to gether and I got it figgured where it Buy Your Tire Repairs On A Mileage Cost Basis Don't figure what a repair, costs, ' but what the tire costs after being repaired. Not what you pay for a repair, but the REPAIR MILEAGE you get is what counts as a money-saver. We don't sim ply put on a repair. We put in more wear. We do not only fix it. We fit the tire for MILES MORE. Our repair men are factory trained tire-making men and our equipment is the best we can buy. Lessen your repairs and repair bills, lengthen your repair mileage by having your tires repaired here. Shaw Vulcanizing Co. VICTOR SHAW 225 N. College St. Phore 3393 "Stick to Shaw and That Air Service" rfHE spirit of the Prest-O-Lite guarantee, even more than the definite phrasing, is your greatest protection. It says, without Ifc, Ands and Bats, that you, the car owner, Must Be Pleased! This is the Company's pledge, and that of every Prest-O-Lite Service Station throughout the en tire motorized worVL QUEEN CITY STORAGE BATTERY CO. r StoraKe Battery. Generator and Starter Specialists 21 West First Street. i STORA GE Lardeerr stands me $849.00 and that inc-lud-garrage Im building and th r, and the repairs and gasoline ;)rJ -ence and robes and etc. 1 ? A fine investmunt that was v Charley and I guess Grace wpi enough next time to try and savp . ; money and not go splurgeing 0n ,. 1 and cars and stuff that fhev ,-ant body aford unlest there miilior.a. n -Kindest to both of you. s ; Your Bro. F. A. rjRos, Allison, 111., ;.Iay ;i Bro. Charley. Jest a line Charley to leav . know wear getting a long o. k V not starveing to death. Theys an other interest rtav pn mortgage comeing the 1st. of ,,lv "J k. how wear going to meet it i Y' ; know but we will meet it some v.-av v' cause we Cant aford to loose our rr,1 etty now because its more valu-l'""" then ever on acct. of there hr ir:? garrage. in the back yard. 15 Well Charley I bet youll he Sjprv, to hear that Im a piano p!avr ' -v and I picked it up myself vithoyt'C"" body showing me nothing and I gQ. '5 now I can sing a couple Por,S ,. company myself with cor-is and . coarse I cant play the hard coris '' Theys a hole lot of things Cb -. ' that makes a piano better than a--mobile and 1 thing is that voU r: leave all the keys on the piano a."i go in a lunch room and they wont body steal the piano and you can ,.,, your ft. down as hard is you waV.''i on the peddle with out uncharg no baterys and you don't half to vi'. no license for it and dont half to , new tires for it and you can leav -anjwheres all night and it will s5" up next A. M. and you dorr, half.-' pour water in them all the ivii to j them from catching on fire and 'dont take no gasoline or they a'U get stalled in the middle cf a st. r',. track. And you dont half to buiM no v,r garrage to Keep tnem m necause th plenty of rm for them right in ' house. , Kindest to both you and Mar.-. Your Bro. F. A. GEO?; 1 Copyright. - All rights reserve. Printed by arrangement with Metropolitan Newspaper Sen!;?, New York. UNITARIAN LA1 MEETS BARS CLERGY Narragansett Pier, R. I.. Sept. :.-', For the first time in the history r any denomination Unitarian hyz?. will hold a conference here or. S-rv.-.. her 1, 17 and 18 at which no citrsry-s; will be present. The mee:::t bring chapter presidents from a';'. ? tions of the United States, Canada a-.: ' Mexico. The conference is the first ever i-.f: in the history of th Unitarian o o and jf successful will be made an s nual event. Amonsr the subjects which tv:', discussed are disarmament and :na: trial relations. Announcement will : made of the fact that one-half of th: $5,000,000 fund for the Ur.itanr, church, extension has already fee: raised. Farther, human tcspoas5n&? cannot go. The Prest-O-Lite Battery less than one four-hundredth its power-reserve for a single st3" and the generator quickly places that. You naturally think of this bigb grade, high-powered battery & high-priced. Our prices will OX red any such impression. S9S! phone BATTERY k