16 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 14, 1921. by Carlysle H. Holcomb m MR. KINGFISHER S HOUSE Tinker Bob was anxious to see the hole in thei bank where Long: Neck said Mr. Kingfisher lived. It was only a short distance from where they were fishing:. Major role Cat wanted to go too. They were not very far from the spot where the fishing: party had anchored when they heard a cry and looking back they saw Silky, the Mon key, coming after them on the jump. I don't think he oyer ran so fast in all his life as he did whil tryins to catch up with the Kins;. I don't suppose he will ever want to ko fishing: again. The end of his tail was swelled up twice its size right cn the end, and I can tell you he kept it, from dragging- on the ground, for it was very sore. Presently they were at the place where Long Neck indicated, and Tinker Bob stretched himself out on the bank with his head over the edge looking for the hole in the side. What did he find? Well, he found that instead of one hole in the side of the bank there were a dozen. But he could not see into anv one of them from the top of the bank and it was too steep to try to climb along the side and water was deep at the; foot. "Well, I can say this much for Mr. Kingfisher, he knows where to build his house so that no one will look in through the windows. I want to see what kind of a place it is inside." Then j the King: thought of his menu, tne Creature of his Desire. "I have it. I will tap the Stone of Knowledge and see what happens." So he tapped the Wonderful Stone and instantly he was sitting in the Magic Basket right in front of that door that led into Mr. Kingfisher's house. "Well, that's about the neatest hole in the bround. I have ever seen." The hole went straight back for a short distance and then there seemed to be another hole that branched off to the right. There he saw a number of eggs half covered with feathers. Suddenly there came a ratling sound to his ear and looking up he saw Mrs. Kingfisher coming as fast as ever she could fly. She thought someone was disturbing her nest. 'O don't worry." said Tinker Bob, "I am the King of the Forest, and I only came litre to see where that wonderful fisherman lived. I wouldn't do you any harm." "O King. I was so frightened to eee you looking into my house," said He saw a number of eggs half cov ered with feathers. Mrs. Kingfisher. "No one in all th forest ever locked into our house be fore." Then she went inside to see if the eggs had been disturbed. Presently there was a rattling sound twice as loud and Tinker looked up to see Mr. Kingfisher himself coming very fast, but when he saw it was the King who was looking into his house he was happy to think he was being visited by so important a person. Next Fishers of the Night. PRESBYTERY NAMES A MEETING PLACE Seaboard Air Line Railway rameatrr Tiain Schedules. Arrival and departure or passenger trains. Charlotte, N. C. Jel ween t:0ua 9:06a 9:5!a 6:00p 3:45p 8:20p 19112 :25p U.Charlotie-YVU 13ill:40p land Hamiet con- J lnectlons. 1 J lofMonroe-Ruth'ton . 1B 9.06a 34Ruther-ton - WI1-I Imlngton and Ral- eigh I 341 9.40a 2'JiChariotte-wil ... land Hamlet con nections. 3lfVilraington - Ral-! leigh and Ruther- lfordton 16 Monroe - Ruther ifordton. Monroe Iconnections Ifor Norfolk. Rich mond and pointa Worth. 31 16 3:35p 8:12p All trains daily. Schedules published as information and ir not guaranteed. E. W. JLONti, Division PseBR Agent. ,.- rnone ISO. ( City Ticket Offli-j Pasrnnger Station 207 W. Trn-le St N. Tryon Street; Phone 20. Phone 1 i It's Value is In creased by Demands for Economy. The Mecklenburg Presbytery, which held a meeting at Sharon church Tues day and is in session there today, has selected Bethel for the next meeting of the Presbytery, which will be held on the first Tuesday after the second Sunday , in April, 1922. ' This will be the regular spring meeting of the Presbytery. The Presbytery opened Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at Sharon. Rev. H. M. Pressley, of Mooresville, retiring moderator, opened the Presbytery witn a sermon. The Presbyterial sermon was preached last night at 7:30 o'clock by Rev. Dr. II. V. Praser, president of Queens College, .on "The Immortality of the Soul." Rev. V.'. E. Mcllwaine, new pastor of Westminster church, was received into the Presbytery. W. C. Smith, of the Second Presbyterian church of this city, was received by the Presbytary as a ministerial student to be under the care of the Presbytery. Rev. A. AV. Crawford, of Oreenc-boro, superii tendent of the Synod's home missions, spoke on the subject of home missions. Rev. Dr. J. O. Reavis, of Columbia Seminary, was present and was intro duced as a guest of the Presbytery. Mulberry and McGee churches were given permission to prosecute a call for Rev. E. S. Ewart, of Newton, as pas tor. A meeting of the Presbytery will be held at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday even ing in the interest of foreign missions. At this session a Japanese student at Union Theological Seminary, Rich mond, will speak. TRIAL OF DAVIS IS SCHEDULED FRIDAY Pilr Ywi Can BOW liav rM? mmfnrr find MA Ml f OolcmoP wirhnnf mttca and fiisn of flqhr anrl rf rnal and wood pilc3 and carrying. Install U1G ngus UU fcCOVO Nesco Perfect This tOYe burns kerosene The burner and chimney are so made to produce a very hot and perfectly blue flame that is zignc up unoer tne utenjiL Magistrate J. W. Cobb has continurd until Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock the trial of J. F. Davis, aged white man living near Lakewood, on the charg.e of storing liquor at his home. At his house last Saturday night officers found about 18 gallons of liquor, which, how ever, was deemed the property of Lloyd L. Pettus, of Charlotte. A warrant was issued for Pettus' ar rest and he was to have been tried Monday before Magistrate Cobb on the charge of having liquor for sale. He did not show up for trial and it is thought he left the State tto avoid arrest. READY FOR BUSINESS IN LOANS TO FARMERS as '. - it:.' Washington, Sept. 14. The War Fi nance Corporation announced Tuesday that it was ready for business in con nection with the distribution of up wards of $1,000,00 in agricultural and livestock loans under recent Congress ional authorization. Circulars have been mailed to all far. mers' organizations, banks and finan cial institutions in the agricultural and livestock sections of the country set ting forth the manne in which appli cations for advances should be made, and local committees have been ap pointed to handle the requests. CHICHESTER S PILLS I'UUim Rc nd tt"e bows. Mtled rtk Kut Rlbb. V JJ"iSt AkfeTin.JBfe.TER DIAMOND BItAN2 WL1.S. h. I years knwa as Best. Sliest, Alwyi Rellfcl SCLDSYDSUGGlSTSEVEimtMSE Yet focanci burnable wick cannot creeper cKImaer tnbes. Properly operated yew chinmey and burner. ' Drop in to our a tor let M show you Juat bow tbti loader, fuf tov opettta a&d how St wUl nn yxm titut aad cawer Come, See Them. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE Fangenger Train euTes. Arrival and departure of Passenger trains, Charlotte, N. C. Lv. Charlotte Hsrdwsure Company 30 East Trade St. Phones 1505-1506 3:25a 1 :05a 7 :25p 7:30a 5:00p x2:00p :li)p 9:1 On C:30p 9:05p 10:45a! 5:20a 4:30p 3:00p 7:20a 8:20a 10:15a 0:3Qa 10:40a 4:25a ll:30a Xo. Between 29 Atlanta-B'gham .. 30Wash.-New York.. 32Wash-New York.. 15 Atlanta-Danville . . 5 Columbia 12 Taylorsville 138Wash-New York.. 38 Wash-New York.. 121Ftichrnond-Norfolk. 35!B'Kham-N. Orleans ll.iColumbia-Chals'n.. 10Wlnston-.Salem . . 45JO'ville-W'mlnster. 46(G'boro-DanvJlle . . lAtlanta 31 'Colunitbia-Augusta leiTaylorsville 36New York-Wash. Atlanta 137AtIanta 37 Atlanta-N. Orleans 44G'boro-Danvllle .. 14ISalisbury. Winston- iiar&er, Moores ville Norfolk-Richmond . x Daily except Sunday. No. 30 29 31 43 38 Ar. NO CROWD HERE DAREDEVIL FINDS A TtTTTTPl? f 11 111 1W ' 11 IT V V a A iLr T tf r- TIT FOR TAT. And Arline seemed to fairly flutter round Ned for the rest of the evening. She looked like a blazing butterfly. Her gauzy dress floated about her slight form alluringly. She was the embodi ment of girlish charm and beauty. She seemed bent on having every man in the place in love with her, if that were possible. When Arline and Ned had stolen by the spot which sheltered Cherry and her adorer, the young husband's heart had missed a beat from sheer surprise. Then he had found his whole body tingling with some hugely, primitive sensation. The blood pounded in the back of his head to accompany his jeal ously. Yes, Ned was plain, old-fashioned jealous. He tried to stifle his own ignoble thoughts about his wife and his friend, but at the time it seemed impossible for him tto do so. So this was the sort of girl his wife really was? No doubt she had been kissed and been made love to by innumerable men be fore his turn came along. If not, why had she not made some sort of protest when Hamlen embraced her? A good wife would have done so, without doubt. And Arline had also seen there was the rub. Now she would have a very small opinion of a man like him self. A man who could not hold his wife after a few short months of mat rimony. In turn his heart and head ached all the way back to the danc ing. Arline was her gayest. She patted his arm, and looked unutterable things into his eyes bv the clear of the moon as they walked. In every way she let him know that she, too, had seen; also that she felt an infinite tender pity for his sorrow, plusa greater interest in him besides. Clever Arline. There was only one thing for Ned tot do, after their discovery, and that was to play the debonair Pierrot role himself. Come what may, he refused K- nnneiilarc a Vl ltshn nd - fOOled. ih Vi ift thei erirl beside I him guess how deeply hurt he had i i -d.. j v ; v. mrorlnnkprl WO- Iltt 11. I J u L ill una v-1 . 1 ' manly knowledge of masculine psy chology entirely. Arline had noticed his start of horror as his eyes had fas tened on Cherry in the arms of anoth er man, also the gone look in his eyes when he had turned to answer some question of hers, after they had left the erring couple far behind. And Arline felt strangely elated af ter the incident. Life seemed smiling and quite possible once more. .And Ned was now at his best to her way of thinking. Gay, charming and very, very attentive to her in every way. She fairly gurgrled for joy when he suddenly pulled her roughly to him, murmuring in her ear, closely, with a flushed face: "I want to dance this with you, Arle, with you only!" A thrill shot through the girl at his words, for he had called her by his old pet name, the name of long ago. (To be continued.) Myers Park Home i We have for sale an attractive Myers i-y nom iucacea m the v?ry V We nave ivi slnte roof home 1nratwi - f": section of the Park. This is . a - " - . tt l,oo nirif rooms WJUl -w , - .j j r. large 101. nuuoc uc - . i il, oaracA n ISO- iS strictly modern, iarge ----- 0r a v,:? to Capt. Fitzgerald strolling on nolnt ed parapet of Wurlitzer building. Captain Fitzgerald, New York daredevil, tires of the crowd the streets of the metropolis occasional ly and hunts a quiet, safe place. When the photo was taken he was strolling on the sharp-edged para pet of' the Wurlitzer building, twenty-two stories above the crowd. Nra CPUR& MOMENT This home can be oougni. un --,OJ . - a, u manding the very best outlook anywhere in the Park, ( should appoal Mvers Park. Price and terms at office. THIES-SMITH REALTY COMPANY REAL ESTATE RENTS INSURANCE Builders of Characteristic Homes 200 Commercial Bids. - Phones 3;?8-n ,.i CENSORED AND BLUED. REALTY TRANSFERS TV. A. Sechrest and wife to Ernest Godwin, for $1 and other considerations a lot on Tremont avenue. Myer Schwartz and wife to Samuel Schwarts, for $100 and other consider ations, a lot on Hermitage Court. Junius L.. Erown and wife to Ernest Wilson, for $1.S50, a tract of land in Sharon township. J. M. Coffey and wife tto J. S. Marks for $200. a tract of 2.25 acres in Steel Creek township. H. C. Sherrill company to J. S. Houston, for $7,100, a lot on East Ninth street. H. C. Sherrill company to Hiliary Houston, for $6,S0O, a lot on East Ninth street. Washington, Sept. 14. The "sum mary dismissal" of Dr. Haven Emer son, medical adviser of the United States Veterans Bureau, who was quot ed as having said in a speech at Co lumbus, Ohio, Monday that the bureau was "being made .the football of poli tics," was announced Tuesday night by Acting Director Leoij Frazer. D0DS0N WARNS CALOMEL USERS It's Mercury!. Attacks the Bones, Salivates and Makes You Sick. 12 3 7: 11 9 llx8: 13 37 11 3j 114 9 46 45 16 32 15 35 14 138 38 13 11 0 10 10 10 12 12 1 4 5 7 9 8 6 8 9 4: 10: 55a 15a 10a 20u 10a ora 20a 30a 13a 03a 3C 45p 25p lOp 40p 20 p OOp 55p 45a 05p 05p 58p 15a There's no reason why a person should take sickening, salivating calo mel, when a few cents buys a large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone a per fect substitute for calomel. It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as surely as calomel, but it doesn't make you s-ick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson's Liver Tone, because it is perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. Tt js mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel today and you will feel weak, sick and nauseated to morrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of DodaOn L'ver Tone in stead and you win wake up feeling great. No more biliousness, constipa tion, sluggishness, headache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your drug gist nays if you do-Vt find Dodson's Liver Tone acts beV.er than horrib-e calomel your money is waiting for you. They tell me what shows I may gOi to, What movies I may safely see. I may kiss mv wife just so often in life The microbes are measured for me. They say when and where I may travel, And what hungry Turks I must feed. I'm a traitorous jay if I happen to say That my liberty's going to seed. My life, it is all regulated. I'm indexed and live by the card. Officials must know how my radishes grow And how many hens in my yard. For all the scholastic restrictions Fix blood pressure, hail, rain and snow. If I yell they tell me I can go to well, They tell me right where I can go. In the world-wide strife between na ture and art, art falls down badly in one secetion. It has never yet pro duced a show-window wax lady who is one half as attractive as the real live ones outside who stand looking at her and wishing- they had her opportunity to wear those gowns. After looking at one of these blush ing waxen beauties, in fact the most beautiful of the flock, we can turn around, see an ordinary third-row bur lesque flapper go by and still find our self able to exclaim, "Ain't nature won derful!" WinTTLIN'. We had a secret me and' Jim We pledged afore they buried him. v Some folks thought I was heartless, too. But I didn't care s long's Jim knew. My two other brothers, "Sam" an' "Hal," They were all right, but Jim was my pal. We'd sit on an old fence, me and Jim, Just "chew-in the rag" an' whit tlhV. Then folks used to say that was all I could do, Guess they don't know I was thinkin too. Jim made me promise I would not cry, So folks 'found me whitlin' when Jim went by! m ' Charmlon. "Why didn't you run faster when the cops chased you last night?" "There was a bullet ahead of me and I was afraid of running1 into it!' A man who is madly in love never wears a celluloid collar or eats onions. OUR OWN SCHOOLHOUSE. Q. What does an artist's model have to do? A. Nothing. Nature has done it all. Q. What is the best wa yto get rid of mosquitoes? A. Take an ocean voy age. N Q. What woman never said a word? A. The Spinnix. Q. How many actresses were di vorced today? A. Haven't 4 seen the last edition of the evening papers yet. Q. What is radium? A. It is ex pensive. We are a resourceful people, as the man said when he attached some revolving-brushes tto his ord and used it for a carpet sweeper. INSURANCE Fire, Burglary, Health and Accident, Plate Glass, Steam Boiler, Fly Wheel, Employers' Liability. AUTOMOBILE Liability, Fire and Theft. Property damage and collision, FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS The Carolina Company 328 S. Tryon St. Phones 609-1430-43 -CLOSE PRICES ON THESE- Beautiful 7 rooms 2-story home come neighbors exceedingly good bargai 7 rooms, 2 stories, 1833 E. 8th St. bea 5 rooms pretty bungalow Seigle Ave. 7 rooms Myers Park beautiful home Best bargain in Myers Park in vacant Another dandy vacant lot corner in Piece of West Trade St. business prope Another piece of W. Fourth St. busines If you want to buy or sell property rnone 3772 -JONES, THE KKAL Jno. T. Smith. r lot heating plant and very n in Piedmont ....V: utlful home large lot j;, Piedmont ,$v largre lot elegant location lot on car line fjj; Piedmont rty very desirable, s property vacant lot. see us. fiSTATK SIAN 200 Realty Bh Salesman. Repair promptly don. All wo Hi trlctfy guaranteed. QUCfiN CITY CYCLE 30. "THE RED FRONT 42 N. Cotligo. Phn t17 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 509 West Trade St., 5 rooms and bath $ 50.00 3 North Davidson St., 3 rooms and bath 65.00 Cor. Fourth and Poplar Sts., 10 rooms and two baths 100.00 STORES 10 North Brevard St., 15x90 feet 75.00 2Z Fast Third St., 30x90 feet and basement 100.00 4 North Brevard St., 30x100 feet 4 100.00 610 S. Trvon St., 20x100 (new) 125.00 226 N. Tryon St.. 2x72 feet 150.00 E. C. GRIFFITH COMPANY J. M. Samonds, Manager Rental Department. Phone 420S LAY THE FOUNDATION OF A LITTLE FORTUNE, young friend, by preparing .for a prominent place in commercial circles. A large percentage of our successful bankers, merchants, manufactui. ers, publishers and statesmen attritute their success largely to a business education. The field of business I almost boundless and nothing else opens to the youth of today bo many avenues to splendid achievements. The public and a multitude cf former, prosperous pupils stag the praises Charlotte. X. 'An Accredited P-hool Raleigh, N. C. CHANGE OF HOURS ThrouKh Pullman sleeping car serv ice to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Richmond, Norfolk, Atlanta, Bir mingham, Mobile, New Orleans. Unexcelled service, convenient sched ules and direct connections to all points. Schedules published as information and' are not guaranteed. CITY TICKET OFFICE 207 West Trade St. Phone 20. PASSENGER STATION Went Trade Street. 'Phone 417. R. II. GRAHAM ' Division I'liHuengrr Agent v Phone 3StfQ, branch T. - COMMENCING ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, WE WILL CLOSE AT SIX P. M. Series 78 Opened September 3rd. 3650 shares were sold the first week. One party telegrapfted his Sep tember payment on new shares from Portland, Oregon. Many applicants for loans have not yet made their first payment. This should be done at once. PAYMENTS RECEIVED WEEKDAYS 8 A. M. TO 2 P. M. PAYMENTS RECEIVED SATURDAYS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. t E?tNICS PERPETUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION pS ' 207 E. J. CAFFFREY, Pres.ldent N. Tryon St. , Sec'y and Treas. WE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT 6 P. M. Buy A H me STOP PAYING RENT MAKE SMALL PAYMENT BALANCE EASY 5- rooms and bath Bungalow, large lot, garage, fine shade, 1003 West Second street, $350 cash, balance monthly $4,830 6 rooms and bath. New bungalow, 1106 West Second Street, big lot, large porch, three living rooms, a con venient house in good neighborhood, $500 cash, bal ance monthly $6,000 8 rooms, two baths, 213 South Cedar street. A new big roomy house on paved street, $750 cash, balance monthly $10,750 4 rooms, 1501 Seigle avenue, in Villa Heights, modern conveniences, $50 cash, balance $30 per month $2,550 7 rooms and bath, 1007 West Second Street, large lot, nice big rooms, $500 cash, balance monthly 6- rooms and bath, 1102 West Second St. Large dandy house, just painted. A bargain at $5,000. $750 cash, balance monthly. Price - $4,750 Phone Me For Appointment. J. H. McA den 200 South Cedar St. Phone Mademoiselle to the left hold3 the hair dryer. On the dress ing table are heating pad and vibrator. The electric outlet on the fall holds a triple duty socket. We sell them all. You Should Be Particular About Beauty Appliances There's one thing on which we pride oyrselves and that's the care, we give to the buying and handling of boudoir appliances. Only the most reliable manufacturers supply us. When appliances arrive, each one is thoroughly tested. Operation must be smooth, control must be perfect. While awaiting your inspection, this stock is care fully protected in individual boxes or in a dust proof show case. So, when you buy electrical appliances for personal use at this store you know they're sweet and clean and perfectly adjusted. Electric Curling Irons, Vibrators, Hair Dryers, ,Heating Pads. PHONE 2700 SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY