THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 14, 1921. 8 1 1 ci The Pullin 'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fact. Be Convinced, Try 'Em ONE- CENT-A - WORD m-m---"m--w-mw'mimmwwm"'imi,m" SALE FOR RENT L OST FOUNlP WANTED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" Set this style and type one cent per word each insertion. STYLE -B" SET THIS STYLE AN I. TYPE, TWO CENTS PER WORD EACH INSERTION. STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each Insertion. Any style "slnpged" either top or bot torn, or between lines, at double tne nbove rates. .. Classified advertising is sold cash with ortW butf or convenience of Charlotte patrons, who are listed in the telephone directory, or known in the newspaper office, a memorandum charsre wi 11 Be made with the expectation thatthe biH be paid when presented. Regular Classification of ads guaranteed after 12 o'clock for Dail Edition or after 10 p. m. Saturday for Sunday Edition. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP WANTED Servant general housework, no cooking. Apply 209 S. Cedar St. 14-11 WANTED Reliable colored woman for cooking" and general houseworK for part of day, city retcrences ie miirprt. Call after 6 p. m., 138 N- Mo ri ij.n Dowell. WANTED One all-round machinist. Must be able to take care of electrf cal work. No others need apply. Mc Claren Rubber Co., W. Palmer St. WANTED Good cook with references. Mrs. Stephens. 1703 Springdale Ave. Dilworth- Phone '3559-W. 14 -It WANTED Man to do small job ot vw,iv.tincT- am V. Trade St- 14-lt 'lllllkl I ' ? W V J. . . . - WANTED Boy to deliver papers ii 1 Brooklyn and Cherrytown. -vppiy " ,,iotiriii Mnn," rrcr. News. 14-2 WANTED Two auto mechanics. Don't answer unless you have tools anc. first class man. Address L-2, care Nvs. . 14'2- WANTED A few good carpenters T. L. Caton. Phone 2330-.T. 13-2t BRICK LAYERS WANTED 20 first class brick layers. Apply J. A. Jones Construction Company, 800 Realty Building. 13-7t WANTED Good Electrician for ignition work in battery sta tion. Good position to right man. Address "Electrician," care News. 13-3t WANTED Educated man or woman to handle a Sunday school and Bible work in southern cities. Guarantee. Commission, railway fare. Field Man ager, care News. 12-3-t WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To borrow $5000 on first mortgage real estate in city of Charlotte. Address First Mortgage, care News- 14-3t WANTED To buy second hand tri cycle for six year old child. Phone 3820. 14-tf WANTED To give private lessons in shorthand and typewriting. Address "Teacher," care News. 14-3t WANTED You to know we are clean ing carpets and rugs on the floor. Office No. 10 S. College, Charlotte. N. C. Phone 473. 14-lt WANTED Curtains to launder. Prices very reasonable. Apply 610 S. Churcli St. ' 8-4t-eod WANTED Used piano in good con dition. Phone 3709-J. 13-4t WANTED Second-hand pony buggy with harness. Also saddle. H. M. Jamison. R. F. D. 5, Box 21, Char lotte. 13-3t WANTED Cash Register, me dium size, must be in good condition. P. O. Box 320, Char lotte, N. C. 13-2t WANTED To give you private les sons in shorthand and typewriting at night. Terms reasonable. "Pri vate," care News. 12-3t WANTED To do your carpenter work. Large or small jobs. Would like to figure with some one who has small houses to build. Phone J456-J. 12-3t WANTED Employes of the Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Co., to report for work Mon day, September 19th, when work will be resumed. 10-5t WANTED To make your mattresses -r- and pads to order. Mattresses rtno vated, box springs repaired, feather mattresses made. Hailey-Howard Co., 323 East Trade. Phone 3446. 22-tf WANTED To put your furnaces m good working order before the rush comes, there by saving you money. Strange & Brady, Phone 3149. 8-tf WANTED Your painting, calsomim- ing, refinishing floors. J. S. AlcCall Phone 40C9. 12-tf WANTED Used furniture. Phone 4438, 505 W. Eleventh St. 13-tf FOR HIGH CLASS shoe repairing and reasonable prices call 4238. A. P. Hill's Shoe Repair. Shop, 209 N. Col lege. Work called for and promptly delivered. C. P. Hodge, Mgr. 27-tf WARNING Winter will soon be here. Let us put your heating plants and plumb ing system in order. INDEPENDENCE Plumbing Shop PHONE 2645 235 West Trade FOR RENT HEATED bedroom for rent to men or business couple, close in. Phone 3145-J. 14-2t FOR PwENTFour rooms urff urnished, water aid lights, 1905 S. Boulevard, $:10 ner month. . 14-it FOR RENT 4-room furnished apart ment with bath on rirst, floor, no children. Also one furnished room, second floor, 60S N. Poplar St. 14-3t FOR RENT Good rooms close in. Phone 829. 14-2t FOR RENT Entire third floor over G. R. Kinney's Shoe Co., consists of 5 room apartment formerly used by an optician. Apply W. F. Dowd. Jr. 14-8t FOR RENT 7-room house, 410 East Eleventh St. Apply 414 E. Eleventh St. 14-2t NICE steam-heated room to rent on East Boulevard, couple preferred. Phone 1982-W. 14-2t FOR RENT One large cool front room to gentlemen or couple. 604 S. Tryn St. 14-31 JNE furnished bedroom adjoining bath, 516 S. Tryon. Phone 2042-W. 14-tf FOR RENT Good farm, 9 miles of Charlotte. See W. P. Harris, care Ed Mellon Co. 14-21 FOR RENT Good office room, cen trally located at the square, reason able ijent, inquire at room 3, No. 7 E. Trade St. 14-3t FOR RENT One suite of of fices. Telephone 3042. 14-3t eod FFRN1SHED ROOM for rent to gen tleman onlv. No. 10 N. Graham. ' 14-3t FOR RENT To couple, two rooms fur nished for light housekeeping, close in. Phone 4126. 14-lt WANTED Few more table boarders also rooms for rent with board. 2 N. Alexander St. 14-2t YOUNG LADY desires room mate at first class boarding house, 910 E. Ave. Phone 2399-L2. 14-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, heated. Phone 221-J. 13-3t FOR RENT To one or two gen tlemen large nicely furnished front room, adjoining bath, hot water at all hours. Con venient to good board, close in. Phone 2285-J. 13-tf FOR RENT To gentlemen, one fur nished room, connecting bath. Apply 425 E. Fourth St. Phone 1127. 13-2 FOR RENT 40-room hotel, 206 North College St., remodeled, repapered and painted, in excellent condition, ready for occupancy on the 15th. storeroom and basement, 206 N- Col lege St., also small garage, 14 E. Seventh St.; 4-room apartment, 401 N. Church. Home Real Estate and Guaranty Co. Phone 589. 13-2t FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, 307 N. Tryon St. 13-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished room private home, to gentlemen only, 32b E. Morehead. Phone 2172-J. 12-3t FOR RENT To exposition visitors, nicely furnished room three bloeKs from square. Phone 2789-W. 12-31 FOR . RENT To exposition visitors, large bed room, two beds with board, connecting bath, in private home, close in. Phone 3601-W. 12-4t FOR RENT Storeroom. 717 N. Gra ham, excellent location for meat market or any other business, reason able rent. Phone 1336 os 2929-W. 11-tf FOR RENT One garage, 711 West Trade- 11-tf FOR RENT Large furnished or un furnished room close in to business couple or gentlemen. Phone 4560. 11-tt FOR RENT Room by the day cheap during exposition. Apply 11 S. Church St ll-7t FOR RENT Uptown comfortable rooms. 301 1-2 N. Tryon. 10-tf FOR RENT Storerooms, 27 and 29 W. Fourth St.,. adjoining Chamber of Commerce. Apply W. F. Dowd, Jr. 10-6t WANTED Two young men for fur nished room. Phone 3019-W. 8-tf FOR RENT One furnished room and garage $15.00 per month. Phone 2947-W. 505 West 9th. 5-lf. FOR RENT To couple or gentlemen room in private family in Dilworth. Phone 2981. 4-tf FOR RENT To white tenants only, Stores 32, 34 and 36 Howell Arcade and t'wo large warehouses at rear of these stores. See or phone Whitman Douglas Co. Phone 4148. 2-tf FOR RENT Two storerooms, 3 and 10 S. Poplar St. Conner & Walters Company. 18-tf FOR RENT Two nice front connect ing offices. 27 1-2 W. Fourth St., Dowd Bldg. See J. R. Ethridge. Phone 4482. 28-tf FOR RENT Office room, well located. Apply Merton C. Propst, 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5-tf FOR RENT Garage in first ciass con dition near North Fox street, Eliza beth. Phone 4511-L2. 10-tI FOR RENT Office building, 20 offices, well located. J. H. McAden. Phone 860. 8-tf FOR RENT Stor. room, first block on South Church St. Apply Merton C. Propst, 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5-tf HOUSES WANTED ROOMS WANTED To rent small house or light housekeeping rooms. Couple with six year old child. Perrriiment. L. C. Dunn. Phone 2002 from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. 14-31 WANTED By man in government service with wife, no children, heated apartment of two or three furnished rooms with bath and kitchenette Within walking distance of square preferred. Write "Worth," Drawer 215, or call phone 4138, 3 to 5 in aft ernoon. 14-2t WANTED To rent now" or by October 1, 7 to 9 room house in good local ity. Phone 4480 or 3190. 1-1-tf WANTED To rent furnisJed house for winter or lease for one year. Dilworth section preferred. Referonc es exchanged. P. O. Box 260. 14-4t WANTED By two sisters, rooms close in. Address "Sisters," care News. 13-5t WANTED Is there anyone in Chai lotte that will rent two or three fur nished housekeeping rooms to refined couple with two small children, 2 and 3 years old? Please state price and location. F. V. R., care News. WANTED Good boarding places for students. King's Business College. 1-tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE j FOR SALE-t-5-room bungalow, We Park Ave. Water, lights and sewer erage, $4250. Good terms. Phone iv't. Alfred W. Brown & Co. 14-lt FOR SALE 5-room house, Mvers Park section, on lot 200x150. Two block from car line. A bargain at $5750. Must sell quick. Call Mr. Jordan, W. C. Harris & Co- Phone 936. 14'3t 5-ROOM bungalow, one block of Eliza beth Ave., $4850. Good bargain. De sirable terms. Alfred W. Brown & Co. Phone 302. 14-lt NICE LOT, Graham Ave., sacrifice ior quick sale. Has sewerage and water. $425. F- S. Conrad. Phone 3682. 14-lt BUNGALOW, 5 rooms and bath, Pied mont, house in good condition. Can give possession in short time, $4250; $750 cash, balance like rent. F- S. Conrad. Phone 3682. 14-lt COTTAGE, 4 roms and bath, Belmont, $1350. F. !S. Conrad, Real Estate, Insurance, Notary Public, basement Trust Bldg. Phone 3682. 14 It NICE 6-room bungalows with heating plant on good street in the Piedmont and Elizabeth sections at around $7000 are almost impossible to find, but if you have abouf $4000 cash and want such a home it will pay you to see me. F. S. Conrad, base ment Trust Bldg. Phone 3682. 14-lt LOT, two blocks off Elizabeth Ave. 55x170, level, shady side of street $750 for quick sale. F. S. Conrad. Phone 3682. 14-lt V ACANT LOTS I'iave a large list of the best buys in all parts of the city and will be pleased to have year inquiries. F. S. Conrad, basement Trust Bldg. Phone 3682. 14-lt FOR SALE Any part or all of my home place. D. A. Johnson, north end of Plaza. 14-5t FOR SALE Nice vacant lot close in at a bargain. Phone Davis, 2369-W. 14-3t FOR SALE Five rooms, N. McDowell St., $3500. Phone 2369-W, Davis. 14-3t FOR SALE 7-room house in Piedmont, hardwood floors and heating plant. $7500. Phone 2369-W, Davis. 14 3t FOR SALE New 5-room bungalow in Colonial Heights. Hardwood floors: 7-pipe furnace in good dry basement lawn newly planted. One block " of car line. An ideal home for small family. Price $7500. See J. M. Boyce, F. C. Abbott & Co. Phone 3022. 14-2t A HOME ON TREMONT AVE NUE IN DILWORTH will be your best investment. T. T. COLE 215 West Trade St. Phone 4572 14-5t FOR SALE Best lot in city for apart ment house; size 71x287 feet. Price right for quick sale. See M. D. Man ning, 209 W. Trade. 13-3t SPECIAL PRICES will be made to purchasers of Dilworth Lots T. T. COLE 215 West Trade St. Phone 4572 13-5t FOR SALE One 7-room house in first class condition, located at 909 Central Ave.; two 1-ton trucks in good shape: one 5-passenger Chevrolet sedan, good shape; two concrete mixers in good shape; one hoisting outfit with 8 h. p. gas engine; one combination saw rig: one 6-horse gas engine. Any of these at a bargain. Phone 926, care- News. 14-5t BUILD IN CHARLOTTE Nine new houses on TRE MONT AVENUE, DILWORTH since February 1st, 1921. Others now under construction. $1250 buys an ideal lot long easy terms. T. T. COLE 215 West Trade St. Phone 4572 13-51 FOR SALE 110-acre farm, 15 minutt? out from city, good road, good build ings, pasture, running water, two wells, plenty of wood, fine for dairy and truck. X. l. Z.. care News. 14-6t-wed-thur-sat LOTS IN DILWORTH On almost every street. T. T. COLE 215 West Trade St. Phone 4572 13-5t FOR SALE 5-room cottage, Fourth ward, good condition. Price $4750 Very easv terms. F. C. Abbott Cn Robert B. Street, salesman. Phone 3l). 14. NUE IN DILWORTH will be your best investment. T. T. COLE 215 West Trade St. Phone 4572 13-5t FOR SALE 9-room Dutch Colonial Myers Park home: has sun narim breakfast room, sleeping porch, oak v noors nrst floor, furnace heat with stationary wash tubs, double garage and one of the most beautiful livins rooms in the city. Price $13,500 Term's. F. C. Abbott & Co., Roberi B. Street, salesman. Phone 3022. 14-2t DILWORTH Made Hundred of Dollars for our Custom ers who bought lots, even since Feb ruary this year. Our prices are tne same. T. T. COLE 215 West Trade St. Phone 4572 13-,' FOR SALE Large level lot' on Post tot-, 150 feet off Mint St. Will take automobile as part payment. See Dr .uevy, n;. Trade. 11-tf FOR SALE Six-room bungalow, Eliza oetn section, foOOO. See Owner, J mce, 14U4 Parkway Drive. 9-8-tf WANTED You to list your property wiLii w. karris t;o. if you want ii sum. rnone 3t, Kealty Bldg 13-2t FOR SALE Awav below vslun mn. ern house on large plot in Dilworth; perfect condition; 10 rooms, 2 baths; Terms 11 aesirea. John W. Post & Co 203 w. xraae St. 28-tt FOR SALE Modern fiv.rnnm himo low, West Trade street, hardwood floors, heating plant, garage, large lot, fruit, etc, good neighborhood and close in, quick possessicn. Phone Smith 3289-W. Wit R G. LEE & SON, contracting paper- hangers. Phone 3634. ll-6t PIANO TUNING W. E. Senn, Chiir lotte. N. C. Phona 2325-L-3. 10-1 2-t AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE One Ford touring car in good condition. Phone 1332-J. 14-3t FOR SALE Ford delivery truck in good condition. Boyd-Garner Co., 319 N.-, Tryon St. 14-tf FOR SALE Balfv Saxon automobile. Fnce $o0 for quick sale- Phone 2b4.T. 14-St FOR SALE Bargain, Cadillac touring, good condition, repainted, good cord tires, special price $1000. J. H. Ham, 306 N. Tryon St. Phone 352. 14-3t BARGAINS Two Buick tourings. Three Dodge tourings.' One P"ord roadster. The above cars are in good condition and will be sold cheap. Terms. USED CAR EXCHANGE. 505 S. Tryon St. Next to Catholic Church. 12-tf FOR SALE Packard touring car, 7- passenger, 1916 model; bargain for quick sale; thoroughly ov . -hauled; A-l condition. Would exchange for good roadster or diamond ring. Ap ply 209 W. Trade. 13-3t FOR SALE Harley-Davidson motor cycle with side car; first class con dition; wil sacrifice; owner leavina city. W. J. Neill, 5 Watkins Court. Phone 2787. , 12-3v FOR SALE Cheap, several used Ford cars. W. A. Fry & Sons, 1105 N. Tryon St. Phone 3418. 13-61 MAXWELL touring, $152; Chevrolet touring. $260; Commonwealth 5-passenger, $320; National Six 7-passen-ger, new paint, four brand new Kelly Springfield cord tires, $580. Give our used parts department a trial. Parts for Overland 75, Chevrolet 490, Dixie Flyer, Reo 4 and Hupmobile Model N. V. M. Stine, 29 S. Tryon. 13-tf FOR SALE One Model N Hup mobile, in good condition. Price is right. Can be seen at Quality Auto Repair Co., 8 N. Brevard St. 13-tf FOR SALE Bargain, Buick little 4. Phone 4349-L2. 9-7t USED CAR VALUES. FORD SEDAN. USED EIGHT MONTHS, JUST OVERHAULED. .iUPP, MODEL RTOURING, DEMON STRATOR, EXTRAS. CHALMERS TOURING. 1920 MODEL. EXTRAS; SPLENDID CONDITION. OAKLAND TOURING; GOOD TIRES ALL ROUND. HUPP, MODEL X TOURING; A SPLENDID BUY. CHANDLER 7 -PASSENGER TOUR ING; IN A-l CONDITION. HUPP,. MODEL K TOURING. CORD TIRES; FIRST CLASS CONDITION. FORD L'IGHT DELIVERY; OPEN EX PRESS BODY; CHEAP. PREMER 7-PASSENGER TOURING; NEW TIRES; EXCELLENT CONDI TION. DODGE BROTHERS PANEL SIDE DELIVERY CAR; A REAL BAR GAIN. VISITORS TO THE CAROLINAS EX POSITION WILL DO WELL TO LOOK THESE CARS OVER. WE ARE OFFERING SOME EXCEP TIONAL BARGAINS IN THE ABOVE LIST. CHARLOTTE MOTOR CAR CO. 209 S- CHURCH ST. PHONE all ir6t RARE USED CAR BARGAINS. Ford roadster. Overland Model 9 Of'o -passenger. Buick 6, 5-passenger. Willys-Knight 7-passenger. All cars in excellent condition. Prices are extremely low. Terms if de-sired DAIL OVERLAND CO. 436 W. Trade St. . 10-3t FOR SALE 11920 Ford touring Car, star ter and Dem. Rims $280.00 11920 Ford Touring Car, with starter $300.00 11919, Ford Touring Car with out starter $190.00 11919 Ford Touring Car with out starter $195.00 11918 Ford Sedan, without starter $280-00 1 1920 Ford Coupe with star ter $445.00 These cars are in good condi tion and the prices are right. ETHEREDGE MOTOR SALES COMPANY Cor. Fourth and Poplar Sts. 3-tf WANTED Your automobile to paint; tops to rebuild; work first class; prices right. Payne's Auto Works, 26 E. Sixth St. 6-S-tf SEE V. M. STINE. He will pay you aash for your automobiles. 6-tf RENT A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U-DRIVE-UM CO., 309 NORTH TKiON. PHONE 1270 15-tf BARGAINS IN USED CARS More than 20 used automobiles' different models $200.00 and un. Apply Sehorn and Hipp, 211 N. College St. Phone 4050, 7-tf FOR SALE LIVE STOCK PIGS FOR SALE We have a fine lot of pure bred Duroc Jersey pigs . to sell at $5.00 to $7.50 each. Also two or three fine registered stock hogs at low price. All are 7 miles out on the Tuckaseege road. City address, P. o. Box 100 for Long & Brill. 14-5t POULTRY AND EGGS SILVER-LACED Wyandottes for "sale. Cockerels and pullets of the Tarbox and Porter strains, direct $3, i for $5. Eggs $1.25. Mrs. A. R. Bar low. Lenoir. N. C. 13-7t FOR SALE FOR SALE Ope hand made madeira, table cloth. Original price $400. Wil. sacrifice for quick sale, ir'none ov-.' FOR SALE Used silo, 12x25- Been filled three times. Cash or terms, C. B. Campbell, Route 3, Charlotte. 14-2t FOR SALE Good things to eat for less money. Fat hens, frier chicks, juicy steaks, fancy fresh trout, coun try butter. Dillycrop's. Phone 67 and 68. 14'2t FOR SALE Dining-room and bed-room suit, davenport, hall rack, gas range, kitchen, porch and other furniture, practically new. Address P. O. Box 443J 14lt FOR SALE Good used bicycle. First $15 gets it. Phone 173S-J. 14-2t FOR SALE Simplex electric range with oven and three plates. Phoiv 4378. Bargain. 14-tf FOR SALE One Burroughs adding machine, 7 keys, two safe-guard chock writers, one mahogany desk and chair. Bargain. Phone 4378. 14-tf "AFE FOR SALE WTell equip ped, good business, located in heart of Charlotte. Will take $2,000 cash or terms, quick sale. Investigate. J. R., care News. 14-tf FOR SALE One barrel roof paint, one coil for Chevrolet car, one talk ing machine. All cheap or wiil trade for show case. Call 1345-W or 701 N. Johnson St... Comer. 14-tf CREAM OF WHEAT BREAD Made by FASNACHT and sold by all grocers and meat markets. 14-3t eod FOR SALE Phonographs and records marked down at prices that will sell every one of tnem before you know it. investigate. John W. Post & Co.. 200 W. Trade St. 12-2t-eod FOR SALE Piano; Knabe grand (small size); wonderful in tone, vol ume and the Knabe light and re soonce action. Used only few months; guaranteed same as new Will be sold at price that wiil move it quick. Investigate. John Yv . Post & Co., 209 W. Trade. 13-3t FOR SALE Pianos. Our stock must be sold. Prices marked down. Thos. contemplating buying a piano at a far distant date would do well to buy at this sale- Easy terms. Come early. John W. Post, 209 W. Trade St. 12-2t-eod FOR SALE One used 80 H P. Boiler and one 35 H. P, Engine. Address P. O. Box 156, Charlotte, N. C. or Phone 4280 Charlotte. 13-3t FOR SALE Player piano rolls; $3.00 buys one dozen rolls. Some rolls as low as 15c, 25c, 35c. Replenish your player deficiency. John W. Post & Co.. 209 W. Trade- St. 12-2t-eod FOR SALE Single white iron .bed, springs and mattress; used only few months. Phone 2265-J. 13-3t FOR SALE Pianos; brand new, at prices you've been looking for. Now you can gratify that dream of a real piano at a price to suit your purse Terms easy. Investigate. John W Post & Co., 209 W. Trade St. 12-2t-eod FOR SALE Piano; Wintworth & Co. used, upright, beautiful mahogany case; looks like new; $285 quick: easy terms. John W. Post & Co., 209 W. Trade. 13-3t FOR SALE Piano; make, Kimball grand; mahogany case; rebuilt; splen did condition. A real bargain; $650; easy terms. John W. Post & Co., 209 W- Tvade St. 12-2t-eod FOR SALE Organ; Hunt & Co.: wal nut case, $15.00- Organ,, Carpenter, walnut case, $20.00; good condition; fine for5 church use. Better see these at once. John W. Post & Co., 209 W. Trade. 13-3t FOR SALE Piano; make, Radle; ma hogany case. A beauty for $295: AI mcfst like new. Splendid terms. John W. Post & Co., 209 W. Trade St 12-2t-eod FOR SALE Organ; make, Bridgeport oak case; eleven stops; mirror and everything, $30.00. Who gets it? John W. Post & Co., 209 W. Trade St. 13-3t FOR SALE Piano, Henry F. Miller; mahogany case; rebuilt. You'd be surprised at value in this instru ment at price, $235; easy terms John W. Post & Co., 209 W. Trade St. 12-2t-eod FOR SALE Graphophones; three slightly used, but m good condition two at $25.00 each: one for $40 on Terms if you wish. John W. Post & Co., 209 W. Trade. 13-St FOR SALE Piano; make, Weser; wal nut case; rebuilt; splendid condition $235; easy "terms. John W. Post & Co.. 209 W. Trade St. 12-2t-eod FOR SALE One of the best bowline- businesses of the South. Will sell reasonable for cash or terms to right parties. Phone 4261-J. 13-3t FOR SALE Player piano; sold new ror $78o. Used only few months Looks like new. fullv eMiarantri Immediate sale, $575. Three dozen roils, bench as well a easy terms Better hurry. John W. Post & Co 209 W. Trade. 13.31 FOR SALE Piano; make, Weser; ma hogany case; rebuilt; splendid con dition; $240; easy terms. John W Post & Co-, 209 W. Trade St. 12-2t-eod FOR SALE Wardrobe, kitchen cabi net, sideboard, parlor suit, grapho phone child's bed, dressers and iron peas, 3j ju. rentn iSt. 11 FOR SALE Buck stove, burns wood and coal; hot water attachment; good as new. Phone 1418-W. 9-6t FOR SALE Framinsr in &1 sizes in pine and oak. Also finished material. Get our prices. H. S. Leonard Lumber Co., Phone 4287, 20 N. Tryon St. 30-tf W. Al. BELL. Nnfnrv- t-'iiniir. from nr. firm Charlotte News. Can be found mogt any hour to 8 p. m. t-tf FOR SALE OUR SERVICES to repair your roof or erutters Also to paint them. Satisfaction guaranteed. STRANGE & BRADY Phone 3149 7-tf IT MATTERS NOT Where the prices of shoes may go we are always on the job prepared to save our customers from One to Five Dollars a pair. Those who have tried us know, and others can if they will. Wil you? TRUE SAMPLE SHOE STORE 32 E. Trade St. Charlotte, N. c, MISCELLANEOUS BUTTER FISH, trout Virginia red croakers. LHiycrop s. x - 68. ; tti MATERNITY SANITARIUM-Private. refined, homelike. 'V for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 22 Windsor, Atlanta, Ga. 9-l-26t-no-sun MASTER CLEANERS HATS--Felt, velour or, any ma terial cleaned and rebiocKea, latest styles (including new sweatband) Have your old hat renovated before cold, rainy weather. PLEATING Accordion in A and i inch pleats. Kniie (side) " and and . V2 incli pleats for skirts and 1-8 inch pleats for ruffles. URTAINS Lace, scrim or silk, laundered or cleaned and stretched to any size. No scallops in edges, corners per fectly square. Latest improved method. Mail orders will receive prompt and caretul attention. THE CHARLOTTE LAUNDRY Charlotte, N. C. 26-10t Mon Wed Fri. COAL We have the best ob tainable in grate,, stove and furnace coals. Pocahontas Egg $11.50 Pocahontas Lump $11.50 Blue Gem $10.50 "Let us serve you." Independence Coal Co. 1121 N. Church St. Phone 4461 13-3t CHARLOTTE -BUTTON SHOP Hem- stucning, peeoting, button covering, etc. PromDt service. 307 N. 3ol frge. ; 18-tf NTEW MATTRESSES mad? out of your old ones. Renovated. New ticks. It pays. It rids you of vermin. CaP 1588-J for particulars. Lawing's Mattress Factory, 'H2 North Long St. 2S-t WALL PAPER HANGING, house painting. Call J. M. Muse. Phone 42i-L,z. 3-tf LOST OR FOUND LOST Tortoise shell rim glasses front concert hall, Exposition grounds. Tuesday night. Call 1930-J or return to Twin-Pin Clothes Line Booth and receive reward. 14-lt LOST Fox terrier, white with black spots, short tail, wearing collar Phone 1270. Reward. 13-tf LOST Tuesday afternoon, ladies' tan colored wool sweater, on Dowd road or South Mint street. Finder please return to Mrs. H. L. Harwell, 12 S. Church St. 14-2t LOST Calico Shetland pony. Reward for return to R. L. Tate, 806 Provi dence Road, Myers Park. Phone 481 14-tf LOST Small bunch of keys- Reward tor return to lanitor at Southern Power Co., S. Cfturch St. . 14-St LOST Bag containing babv clothes boy's white shirt, blue skirt and $11.25 in money and other articles. Lost between Bob Beatty's and Oak urove church on Statesville road Finder please return to Tom Head Huntersville, N. C, Route 21. ' 12-2t-eod LOST Pointer pup, white with liver spots. Answers to name "Bob." Re ward for any information leading to his recovery. Phone 733-.T. FOUND The place to get good uuit (ias, 22 cents, 1105 N Tryon St. I36t LOST Bunch of keys at postoffice, on HLieei. 10 cjoutnern station or at sta tion. Reward return to News office. 13-2t LOST One fox terrier. Ri 'Own ennt on side of head and scars on hind teg, rnone 1230. Reward. 12-t PTWAPn n;. a j LJi . .. jjuu uug, wnite ana nvei coioreu setter. Answers by name of yueen. i'none 736-W or 1459 for re "aru- ll-4t WANTED POSITION WANTED Position In ture or music store; experienced in enner nne; a-i references. Music care News. n, WANTED POSITION AS ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER nT? fjwn?n a t FICE WORK IN CHARLOTTE BY ivji.ivur WHO HAS TAKEN uuai.MJU(J1AL COURSE. GOOD kh. jttius. J. E. H., CARE WT A -VrTTT-Tl T ' .' ' ! ' with five years' experience in general uluto wont, actress "Stenographei care iews. is ot WANTED By young woman of expo- l Mb j-miuuu o.b sLenograpner oi ffeneral offlro ixrrwim t- nuiaci. netenuy re- signed from bank position to make home in Charlotte. Good references. Address a., care News. l4-2t YOUNG MAN with five years experi- mi-c uein?s position as clerk in any line. "Young Man," care News. 13-2t WANTED At - null CLS UUUJ- keeper cr bill clerk by experienced --mn. iwcici chu-h. jrnone 2142. 13-5t wain !., .position overhauling and Tr -m . . in reDunaing cotton mill machinery by exneriencpii man "IT - T TI'l 1 r- r-- lv. wiener, i W. Palmer St.. Charlotte, N. C. ll-5t SPECIAL NOTICES" GOOD THINGS TO EAT Xatlv7 cnicKs, cream iaueu calves v" fish fresh caugljt, fresh count'-"' ter. Lillycrop's. Phone 157 a'np vUiiuiii x wisn to call to tw tion of my friends that 1 ani ;' ginning cotton at the Howr".! y on the Pineville road, South' r'' ' lotte. I am doing business sively at this place. I am no C' ' connected with the Long gn 0', other gin but the one at. the n' place. I exchange meal anr. for cotton seed. Come 10 John H. Griffin. The Indian Summer""" is a dandy time to do Your painting and decoratin For estimates Call 3800 Thos. F. Rogers Local and Long DistancT MOVING and HAULING Boifded Warehouse, Storage Packins: 9 Bradfield Moving Service Cor. 4th, and Poolar St Phone 980. 24-tf Mon. WM 5, FIRST CLASS board can I.esT at 910 E. Ave. Phone 2393-1.2. " NOTICE After Sept. 1. all m"T previously $5.00 per load w.,i $4.00, and all previously ?.oo u',:. $5.00. Reasonable rates oji Ions -j tance moving and all other hau ' Nichols Transfer Co., 11 v f.i ' St. Phone 705. 1, LOCAL AND LGNG DISTANCE MOVING PACKING AND STORING Three Large Trucks WARREN TRANSFER CO. Phone 1166. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS for Edison-Dick Mimeographs and Supplies. CRAYTON COMPANY , 29V S. Tryon St. Phone 30-tf WALL PAPER The Latest Designs A. J. DUNN CO. 10 East. Fourth St. Phone 2264. FALL OPENINGS IN CHARLOTTE STORE; Many of the larg?r Charlotte stew were scenes of unusual bustle and a tivity Wednesday in anticipation thsir formal fall openings 011 Thurso Friday and Saturday of this week. K autumn stocks of goods of the la"- ( modes and cuts adorned counter. . window and other points of vantage such array as tto attract all conip'.-' As the date is near at hanl in up most of the stores are accustomed ' have theeir formal fall openings- t. proprietors decided tto timo the ings with the opening of the .Mj& Carolinas exposition. From scot ? towns and a wide area of toniw.' around Charlotte visitors are t atM the exposition and other scores a: hundreds are expected as the days ? by. After a visit to the rxpos-f ground visitors, it is assumrd. the opportunity to look over C'mr. and inspect the fall array of so-xis theeir favorite store or store?. ' Long experience has taught l merchants, so one of them -onnwi . day, that goods sell thems-lves tractively displayed ;md it" the s. displaying them enjoys a rfl'utarti.t for handling standard gnmls at r 1 oAn-iMo fl rrao Tlin fashion ' ' ing shopping festivals here at periods, sponsored bv the M'f,-r: Association, has taught the value of looking over stock O' chandise here when public an" ment is made of special merchar.- events, and shoppers are pPpr j, be out in force on Thursday, and Saturday of this week. CANADIAN SHIPPERS OF GRAIN PROTECTED Montreal, Sept. 14. Orata .chir,""! through this port have bevov ?r heavy that the Canadian Fa c.r Grand Trunk railroads today a". c-ed- restrictions for the pi 1 !' f-1 Canadian shippers. rc -Hereafter, it was anno':nct'f-;t - ,r ships from American ports i'y Port McNichol and Tiffin. On-aii" fi obtain nermits before using facilities here. . - ! riAAAAfliiri h1!?hc- Approximately u.uuu," - iv,r. irrflln hnvp nnsserl thrOUSh new I'?1 rar tnis, season, senium . ,.,1 w adoui ioriy per etui, vl i t t ip ' i"1 American grain. TTTTCOTTIJCi T A T If TflR ERRING HUSBA Kansas City, Mo., Sept. band who forgets to mail r"';' letfor-a ran nnw Vrflthe fp!t'''. V postoffice officials forget th:it ,n ant marital duty. -., 3:'! ' l XV. TC. rnlllns. Assistant 1 of Kansas City, found a letf ' i' to his pocket. Investigate .. j " k?r wife had given it to him two fore to mail and that it wa- 11 for a visit which is now "f1,1;'. cj "That's not the worst." 0l "T oncp had three nostcai lis , ftr ing we were coming on a visit a rnt tn ctamr them We be:lt t rot to stamp them. to our destination."