THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 15, 1921 14 OFFICE CAT i n attractive Myers Park home, located in the vrrv fxr have-, for sale an attractive - , , A . T . rTT,TTnw i Mvers Park Home 13 11 If I II 111 ILi I IL JJM l - y :er byCarlysleli Holcornb FISHERS OF THE NIGHT. "Well, well." said Tinker to Mr. Kingfisher as he came to a standstill Jon the edge of his house, "I never Iknew that you lived in a place lika this." "O Kinsr. I have livett here all my Rife, and that hole just below is whcr-j my father and mother live and the one over here is where my grand father and grandmother live. e have all lived hero all of our lives." Then Mr. Kingfisher made a rnttlinar eound and Mrs. Kingfisher came to ihj door. Tinker Bob had not noticed the big fish that the fisherman held tightly in his claws till now. He brought it home to his mate and it was a nne catch too and not dead yet. Mrs. Kingfisher took the fish and went through the same action as her srood husband by thumping: the lively fellow on the side of the hole where they live 1. Wen she was satisfied that it was deal she took it back into the dining: room and ate It. Tinker happened to jet a good look into the dining room and he saw more fish bones there than ht had ever seen in one place before. "Well. I'm glad to know where you live, Mr. Kingfisher, but it s getting dark and I will have to take these companions of mine back to the Tal ace." "O King, if you will wait till the twi light you will see another fishing party. There will be a dozen or more arriving verv soon now." "Why. will Mr. Groat Blue Heron bring his friends to fish when it sets dark? I didn't see'' him do much fish ing today. He merely waited to see if any of the stray fish would conn where he was." "O King, that's the way Mr. Heron fishes all the time. He never hunts for fish, he always waits till they come to him. Put he has gone home Mr. Heron doesn't like the dark very well and always starts home in plenty of time, for his family does not like to stay alone in the dark. Put if yo i want to see a big fishing party just wait till the sun goes down." Tinker Bob spoke to Silky about stay ing to see the fishing party. "I'd iusl as soon stay as not if there will be no Turtles in the party." "This isn't a Turtle party, Silky. This is a Fishing party, and I can't for the life of me imagine who it can be that's going to fish after dark." Ti.i- I j '" She took it back into the dining room and ate it. silence for a moment. The sun had smiled at tne iving 01 the Forest for the last time and tha shadows were srettintr longer, twilight was coming fast. "If they are going o nsn over mere wnere mi. ntiun nau ed all dav we will have to hurry back," 1 said Major role cat. So they hurried back to the nsning place and when they arrived they hpnnl a sound like the Quacking c;f manv ducks. But Tinker knew that niir-irs wirp not fishermen and thev would not be quacking at this time in the twilight. Who do you suppose they found fishing? Next Tinker Bob Meets Blacky. Seaboard Air Line Railway raacemffer Train Schedule. and departure trains. Charlotte. Arrival and departure of passenger N. U. Lv. (No. Between No. Ar. ;00ai 9:06a 9:56a 6:00p 8:45p 6:20p 15 34 20 31 14:Charlotte-Wil and Hamie: con-i nections. I Monroe-Ruth'ton . Ruther-ton - Wil mington rnd Ral- elah Charlotte-Wil. . . . and Hamlet con nections. Wilmington - Ral elgh and Kutner-fordton 16Monroe - Ruther jfordton, Monroe Iconnectlons for Norfolk, Rich mond and points INorth. I 13,ll:40p 151 I 9.06a 34 9.40a 19jl2:25p 31 3:35p 16 S:12p All trains dally. Schedules published as information an 3 gr not guaranteed. " E. W. LONG, Division Passena-er Agent. Shone ISO. City Tickr Offio Passenger Station 207 W. Trade St. N. Tryon Street. Phone 20. Phone 1 SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE Pansenger Train i-ufes. Arrival and departure of Passenger trains. Charlotte, N. C. AMERICAN FARMERS REJECT COLONY PLAN Lima. Peru. Sept. 15. Ten members of the partv of American farmers, most- ly from the Western part of the i United States who recently left here i to establish a farm colony in the Pampa del Sacramento Valley along i the eastern head waters of the Ar. aor river in northern Peru, have abjndon ed the project and fie of them have returned to Lima. The whole party which left her Mas in clia'co of J. L! Schoenfelt. of Onikulsre Okla., for merly United St iis Indian agent f;ir Oklahoma territory The returned colon !Ats brought Saks of hardships enco-jntirid and reporied that the districts they had visited n the slope of the Amason were unfjver able to their 5?c.i?'tie ff colonizat.'cn. Schoenfelt ard the renjainder of lbo party are conti iumg the journey wih a view to reacMng their ultimate des tination on the Sacramento pampas where they have srims cf land. Some of the r.t'iv.i-d members of tlie party propose to locate ir. Lima or vi cinity. The group of American farmers who left Lima for the interior of Peru in July was an advance guard of a col onization scheme said to involve mora than 200 families from the western prt of the United States. Mr. Schoenfelt was quoted as saying in Lima that he had obtained a grant" of 650.000 acres of agricultural and forestry land from the Peruvian government and that the the American farmers would have ob tained farms there at the cost of a few cents per fee simple as soon as 200 families had been settled on the concession. BY JUNIUS CCPYBIOHT 1921, Y COGA ALLAN MOSS. YMAOC MAUK KEOISTCRCD U. 3. PAT. OFF. A NEW SORT OF GEOGRAPHY 'How much did Philadephia, Pa.,? How much does Cleveland, O.? How many eggs could New Orleans La-? Whose grass did Joplin, Mo.? Twas Washington, D. C. She would Takoma, Wash., in spite Of a Baltimore. M. D. You call Minneapolis, Minn, Why not Annapolis, Ann? If you can't telkjhe reason why I'll bet Topeka, Kan. Who was it lent Nashville. Tenn. When he wag nearly broke. Could Noah build a Little Rock, Ark. If he had no Guthrie, Ok.? When Denver, Colo, Cop because Ottumwa, la., dore? For though My Portland, Me., did love I threw my Portland, Ore. JEALOUSY RULES , What Arline had failed to see. in her e-rpat iov at havinsr Xp1 sepm to really want her again, was that Arthur Ham- len and Cherry nacl both come DacK 10 tho vovnndn. to (lanfp anrl wpre stand ing, hesitant, for an instant, as though trying to decide whether to dance wun each other or not. Ned "had seen them immediately, how ever, and again the angry blood had pounded in his head, as he thought of tVia ffllpnpts of that nrntf T little wife of his, standing so innocently before mm m ner nuny wnue dress anu huh emilp. Well. fihf wmiW Inst how gay a time he could have with other women, it would do her good. Take some of the conceit out of her, maybe. And with this thought in his mind he drew Arilne, all delighted, to him, even as Cherry stood gazing, fondly thinking that surely by now her Neddy would be wanting a dance from her. And with abandon he danced with his starry-eyed partner, this infuriated husband. He looked down into her eyes as often as possible, and enjoyed tn the full the rpsnnneos that flashed frorn Arline's face and eyes to his own. It sootnea nis nerves, nattered ms flaunted vanity and caused him to real ly wonder if, after all, these soft, non- Lv. 3:25a l:05aj 7:25p 7:30a 5:00p x2:00p 8:10p 9:10p 6:30p 9:0op 10:45a 5:20a 4:30p 3:00p 7:20a 8:20a 10:15a 9:30a 10:40a 4:25a ll'.30a No. Between 29! Atlanta-B'jfham . 30 Wash. -New York. 32 Wash-New York. lSlAtlanta-Danville 5ColumbIa 12Taylorsville .. .. 138iWash-Nw York. 38' Wash-New York. 12, Richmond-Norfolk 35;B'g-ham-N. Orleans 113Columbia-Chals'n... . loi w inston-salem . . . 45,0'ville-Wminster. . 46!G,boro-Danville ... Atlanta 31 'Columbia-Augusta., 16ITaylorsville 36:New York-Wash.. Atlanta 137!Atlanta .. 37Atlanta-N. Orleans 44iG'boro-Danville .. 14iSali3bury, Winston- tiarber, iloores- ville Norfolk-Richmond . KING OF RURUTU DON'T WANT WHITES Tr. x Dally except Sunday. 30 12 29 3 31 7 43 11 36 9 ll!x8 137 9 37!10 11 10 36(10 114)12 9 46 45 16 32 15 35 14 138 38 13! 4 11110' 15a 10a 20p 10a Ol'a 20a 30a 15 a 0. a 3v p 4op 25p lOp 4 Op 20p OOp 5 op 45:1 05 p 05n 58p 15a Through Pullman sleeping: car serv ice to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Richmond. Norfolk. Atlanta, Bir mingham, Mobile, New Orleans. Unexcelled service, convenient sched ules and direct connections to all points. Schedules published as information and are not guaranteed. CITY TICKKT OFFICE 207 West Trade St. Phone 20. PASSE.VfiEn STATIOX West Trade Street. Phone 417. R. H. GRAHAM Division Punnenger Agent Phone 3S60. Branch 7. i Ponootp T.-ihiti Rfnt. la. The kin of Rurutu, one of the Austral Group southwest of here in the South Sea--, is troubled by the discovery of valuable minerals on his island. The natives of the Austral Islands do not want white people amonsf them, and they put every obstacle po-3 sible in the way of Europeans who would settle there. They own thei" own schooners and bring their island produce to Papeete from time to time, and carry back with them such sup plies as they need. Thus they avoid frequent visits of white men's schoon ers. They make no secret of their aver sion and say openly that they do not want white men to come on any errand whatsoever. While Rurutu is part of the colony owned by France the government cr the island is still in the hands of the hereditary king of Rurutu who directs the affairs of his people subject to the veto of the Governor-General tf the colony at Papeete. The old king has resented the threat ened exploitation of his island and has attempted to apply the principle that a concession given is not valid in his dominion. JOHN WOOD TO CHARLESTON. Roanoke, Va., Sept. 15. John Wood, secretary of the Roanoke Association of Commerce, has resigned to become secretary of the Charleston, S. O , Chamber of Commerce. He came here several years ago from Spartanburg, S. C. Oust! ron coo KING UTENSILS The right utensil, is such a great help to the good cook in preparing the good things to eat. The kitchen, which is the work-shop of the one doing the cooking, should be well equipped. Our stock of finest quality cast iron cooking utensils includes numerous pieces which you may find most desirable for your kitchen. It will be a pleasure to show them to you, and the low prices and high quality will surprise you. Charlotte 30 East Trade St. ardware Co. Phones 1505-1506 MAYBE IT DEPENDS ON THE POWDER If you want to be an old maid, kiss your sweetheart goodnight. This was the cheerful information conveyed to girls of America by Dr. Charles E. Baker, eminent psychologist, in an address here in which he brought forward a solution for the age-old prob lem, "Sweet Sixteen, Can I Kiss You Good-Night?" "There is nothing wrong." declared Dr. Baker, "in a young man giving his girl a kiss before he parts with her at night. "There is nothing wrong in that but, girls, don't let them do it." Continuing the psychologist said: "More girls have been robbed of fu ture husbands as a result of the good night kiss than for any other reason Girls, do you want me to tell you a secret?. Well, it's this. After ,i man kisses, a girl he doesn't want her. independent girls like Arline were not the best sort for a man like nimseiir Arline seemed infinitely lovely and womanly in every way, to Ned, as he danced with her. And every now and then he felt her whole being lean to wards him supplicatingly. Here' was a eirl who would give up the whole world for the asking. This Ned well knew. She had loved him for three years now unswervingly. That in itself, was a recommendation after what he had seen tonight- Andat one time she had almost offered herself to him in a rash moment at the end of a bitter quarrel, when she had been over whelmed with joy at their reunion. Yes. she was that kind of a generous soul, this Arline. He had been a fool not to have responded to her fire and sav ed himself his present heartache. Girls like Cherry, girls that let all men kiss them for the asking. What did Arthur Hamlen think of him now? Again, at these wild thoughts, he sud denly strained the girl in his arms to him slightly, but not so slightly that Arline, all alertness now, did not get it. She smiled up at him through hum idly love-lit eyes. "Come," he commanded, almost rough ly, "we'll sit out the next two dances. Come!" (To be continued.) " - - . f-vT-tr-ic veneer siate uu iui.-a.ieii on i stricw modern. Large brick saxa. also. t on easy terms and being located as it r. TZr in the Par,. soU, a1)pta, J,' pective purchasers in Myers Park. Price and terms at office. . THIES-SMITH REAJLT X uuivirAJN Y REAL ESTATE RENTS IN SL RAN CE Builders of Characteristic Homes 200 Commercial Bldg. Phones 38441-, N" SPUR r MOMENT p A FEW FOOLISH REJLARKS. It takes a pretty good sprinter to get home with his wife's hat before the style changes. The step whisky is a very popular brand since prohibition went into ef fect. You step in and take a drink and then step out and get pinched. When a young man has tonsilitis the best cure for it is a nice soft sleeve wrapped around his neck, with a woman's arm in it. It is easy enough to get rich of you know when, how and where. One garment on the beach is worth ten on the hotel piazza to look at. One thing that is decidedly out of place is a new joke in a comic weekly. Though its product may be refined, the sugar trust i.s not. About time to stop worrying about the small nations and begin worrying about some of the big ones. Jack: "That girl's like tissue paper! Chan "How's that?" Jack "Tearable?" LIFE AS I SEE IT Opportunity knocks freauentlv when he has something to sell. CHARLES R. CRANE DROVE ACROSS RUSSIA Berlin, Sept. 15. Charles R. Crane, former American Minister to China, at tributes the success of his tiip across Siberia and throuerh .Russia to the in genuity cf his Chinese cook who. he tsiueu, never tailed to return from nior-t urecarious scouting trins v'th eg?s and some meat whenever Mr. Crane's car halted for foraging pur- "He C'Pll succeplvl in fprrptinsr nut one of r 's li Uow co . :'. ipc :' who would come -1"wr to our car and intend to the weeks i t ndrvinfr s:;id Mr. Crane in the course of an inf rr.ia' narrdvo of his 7.00-nvle journey. Ulu 1') 000.000 e ; rubles for which Mr Crane pa: ' hCm. American money, were carried in bales which oc cupied a large part of his car. lieferring to the Soviet's outnnt. of currency, Crane stated that one of J.en ine's last decrees gave the employees in the government printing offices per mission to remain after working hours for the purpose of printing money for ineir personal use. Everywhere alony the rout-;, he said there were e'xt.ences of th fVmii cVim-t-- age multiplying, as also was thp short. age of clothing, imvny women being E?on waucin- tno streot- of Petrograd uid Moscow without stockin shoes. They say every person in the world has some duty to perform, but we would like to know what the wardrobe mistresses of some of the musical shows find to do. TOO Bl'lTSY! Your Honor While on the subject of "The Star-Spangled Banner," isn't it funny that high altitude is reached just as you emit "the rockets red glare,,? Get j-our wife to listen to you while you try it. W. B. M. GEORGE B. CHRISTIAN FRACTURES TWO RIBS New York, Sept. 15 George B. Chris tian, Jr., secretary to President Hard ing, was confined to the Presidential yacht Mayflower today with two frac tured ribs. He slipped yesterday and fell down a companion way. Brigadier General Sawwer, the President's phj--sician, v,-ho is attending- him, said to day that his patient was doing well and that there was no danger. f Rspalrt promptly n. Ali modi Wctly ourarrted. QUEEN CITY CCLB QQ. "THE. RID FRONT , 42 N. Cottcft. Phot tir A chivalrous episode comes to us from Connecticut, which teaches us that the young men of today are as heroic as their ancestors ever! dared be. A young gentleman by the name of Spink was with his best girl on a bridge spanning the Connecticut river. They were leaning against the railing when the latter broke and they were precipitated into the raging flood be low. Mr. Spink wanted to save the young lady, of course, but he wanted to find out how far it was to shore. With rare presence of mind he struck out alone and reached the shore and found he could make the distance, so he swam back after the girl. He couldn't find her. She had got tired of waiting for him to come back after her and had swum to the opposite shore and gone home, and she hasn't spoke to him since. One of the greatest wonders of nat ural history is the fact that a red cow gives white miik and yellow butter. There is a bird in Australia called the woofus. It takes its name from its peculiar habit of barking like a dog woof-woof. Did you ever hear anybody who eloped more than once? Neither did we. Lloyd-George wanted to be an actor. He might have achieved greatness and now look at him. Many a young guy who is expert at handling a park rowboat with his girl in it, is a poor navigator when he gets on the sea of matrimony. There isn't much in a name after all. We know one stationary engineer who has had nine different jobs in four months. Haven't heard anything from Ulti mate Consumer for some time. Maybe the poor bloke has passed away. PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOR MENNONITE DISTRICT Winnipeg, Man., Sept. 15. Manitoba is prepared to enforce the teaching of English to every Mennonite child of the province during the coming ochcol term, it is officially announced. Thirteen new schools have been completed or will be shortly in the heart of Mennonite colonies where the greatest opposition to public schools was to be found. Despite talk of migration to Mexico and other foreign countries, no Mcnnon ites have as yet migrated from Mani toba this year. In i- majority of districts the Jljnnon ites hde become reconciled to the pub lie fcchools, it is said, and in certain lo calities are renting the old Mennonite schools for use as public schools. NO COOKING The "Food -Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch at Home, Office .and Fountains. Ak for HORLICfCS. JCS-Ayoid Imitations & Substitutes FOR RENT APARTMENTS 509 West Trade St., 5 rooms and bath $ 50.00 3 North Davidson St., o rooms and bath 65.00 Cor. Fourth and Poplar Sts., 10 rooms and two baths 100.00 STORES 10 North Brevard St.. 15x90 feet 15.00 2S East Third St., 30x90 feet and basement 100.00 4 North Brevard St., 30x100 feet 100.00 610 S. Trvon St., 20x100 (new) 125.00 226 N. Tryon St.. 2'ix72 feet 150.00 E. C. GRIFFITH COMPANY J. M. Samonds, 3Ianaser Rental Department. Phone 4208 LAY THE FOUNDATION OF A LITTLE FORTUNE, young friend, by preparing for a prominent place in commercial circles. A large percentage of our successful bankers, merchants, manufactur ers, publishers and statesmen attriiute their success large'y to a business education. The field of business ia almost boundless and nothing else opens to the youth of today so many avenues to splendid achievements. The public and a multitude of former, prosperous pupils sing the praises j Charlotte, N. C 'An Accredited School" Raleigh, N. C. S3 CHANGE OF HOURS COMMENCING ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, WE -WILL CLOSE AT SIX P. M. Series 78 Opened September 3rd. 3650 shares were sold the first week. One party telegraphed his Sep tember payment on new shares from. Portland, Oregon. Many applicants for loans have not yet made their first payment. This should be done at once. PAYMENTS RECEIVED WEEKDAYS 8 A. M. TO 2 P. M. PAYMENTS RECEIVED SATURDAYS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. MECHANICS PERPETUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION J. H. WEARN, 207 E. J. CAFFFREY, President N Tryon St. Sec'y and Treas. WE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT 6 P. M. INSURANCE 0 Fire, Burglary, Health and Accident, Plate Glass, Steam Boiler, Fly Wheel, Employers' Liability. AUTOMOBILE Liability, Fire and Theft. Property damage and collision. FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS The Carolina Company 328 S. Tryon St. Phones 609-l43C-439t) -CLOSE PRICES ON THESE- vcrv "Rpautiful 7 rooms 2-story home corner lot heating plant and neighbors exceedingly good bargain in Piedmont 7 rooms, 2 stories, 1833 E. 8th St. bea utiful home large lot 5 rooms pretty bungalow Seigle Ave. Piedmont 7 rooms Myers Park beautiful home large lot elegant location Best bargain in Myers Park in vacant lot on car line Another dandy vacant lot corner in Piedmont Piece of West Trade St. business prope rty very desirable. Another piace of W. Fourth St. business property vacant lot. If you want to buy or sell property see us. Phone 2772 -JONES. THE KfcAL fCSTATM MAN 200 Realty .Ino. T. Smith. Salesman. Bids uy A Home STOP PAYING RENT MAKE SMALL PAYMENT BALANCE EASY 5- rooms and bath Bungalow, large lot, garage, fine shade, 1003 West Second street, $350 cash, balance monthly S4,850 6 rooms and bath. New bungalow, 1106 West Second Street, big lot, large porch, three living rooms, a con venient house in good neighborhood, $500 cash, bal ance monthly S6.0GO 8 rooms, two baths, 213 South Cedar street. A new bis roomy house on paved' street, $750 cash, balance monthly $10,750 4 rooms, 1501 Seigle avenue, in Villa Heights, modern conveniences, $50 cash, balance $30 per month S2.550 7 rooms and bath, 1007 West Second Street, large lot, nice big rooms, $500 cash, balance monthly 6- rooms and bath, 1102 West Second St. Large dandy house, just painted. A bargain at $5,000. $750 cash, balance monthly. Price $4,750 Phone Me For Appointment. H 200 South Cecjar St. M cAde Phone 350 Aii Invitation Visitors to the exposition are invited while at the building to avail themselves of the facilities in our booth for rest and recreation. There are com fortable seats and settees, and a number of electric fans serve to make it comfortable even during the warmest part of the day. Electricitv has been a tremenrlrms fnrtnv in the 0 industrial development of the Carolinas and in maKing possible such a highly creditable and exten sive exposition as is now under way. When visiting our booth you will be interested in studving the va rious maps and data presented there. Some of the facts will surprise "ou. Attendants at the booth will be pleased to demon strate and take orders for the electrical appliances which are on display. The attention of visitors is also called to the street railway service to and from the exposition grounds. All Hoskins cars make connection at Clarkson street with the transfer cars to the expo sition building. Beginning at 1:30 each day a spe cial exposition car will be operated between Inde pendence Square and the transfer points, giving during the afternoon and evening a ten-minute schedule from the city to the exposition. On spe cial occasions extra service will be furnished. SOUTHERN POWER COMPANY SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY PIEDMONT & NORTHERN RAILWAY CO.

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