THURSDAY THE CHARLOTTE NEWS SEPTEMBER 15 1 (. ' I! 1 1 defends upon the respect of its customers. If a bank has resources to meet the legitimate loan requirements of responsible borrowers, if its facilities are adequate for the accommodation of its depositors and if the spirit which actuates its service is truly helpful, it de serves the esteem of its community. This Bank has won the confidence of Charlotte by 24 years of successful service. It will welcome your patronage. HARLQTTE NATIONAL BANI SOUTH TRYON AND FOURTH STS. 4 MFMBERUHI . ---w Savrr&s t&&gS? Depository II Quality Goes GearThroutfi Personality Having through mechanical superiority won its way to a high and well deserved place in public opinion, the rugged Dort chassis now appears in a new outward dress that adds real beauty to its many other appealing points. There is undeniable "personality" in the design of the new Dort family. Burwell-Walker Company 211 S. Church St. Carolinas Distributers Phone 834 Charlotte, N. C. SHIPMENT OF 1922 MODEL STUDEBAKER MOTOR CARS JUST ARRIVED. The most popular and best selling six-cylinder automobile in Amerca is very attractive and interesting. COME TO SEE THEM. " RUST MOTOR COMPANY 514-516 S. Tryon. Distributer 'THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR" Phones 218-219 TO THE VISITORS AND EXHIBITORS AT Th e Carol inas Exposition An Invitation IT IS THE PLEASURE OF THIS INSTITUTION TO PLACE ITS ENTIRE FACILITIES AT THE DIS POSAL OF ALL EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS TO OUR CITY DURING THE COURSE OF THE CARO LINAS' EXPOSITION. THESE FACILITIES WILL BE FOUND ALL-EMBRACING AND THEIR EXTENT IS ONLY BOUNDED BY THE FINANCIAL CONNEC TIONS ENJOYED BY US IN ALL OF AMERICA'S IMPORTANT CENTERS. to IN ANY WAY THAT WE MAY SERVE YOU DURING YOUR SOJOURN HERE, WE BEG YOU TO COMMAND US. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR BANK AND ALL THE OFFICERS WILL BE GLAD OF AN OPPORTUNITY TO MEET AND SERVE YOU IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE. " omvjj, iuu We will have a booth in the Exposition Building, in which will be located the Western Union Telegraph Company with a full equipment and force for handling telegrams, incoming and outgoing. This will be the only service of this kind at the ex position. This and other facilities will be at your disposal in our booth. Be sure to call on us there. American Co, Member Federal Reserve System. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital, Surplus and Profits $ 1.800,000.00 Resources ; $10,000,000.00 ARE RE-WRITING MANY SECTIONS VM YM 1 ' fm M-M WMMP Only Few of Levy Sections of House Tax Bill Yet to Be Acted Upon. Washington, Sept. 15. Only a few of j the levy sections of the House tax bill remained to be acted upon when the j Senate finance committee resumed to- day revision of the measure. The in- j heritance tax provision was the princi-1 pal one left, but the committee also j was to pass finally on a Treasur5r plan j to effect the one per cent reduction in the income surtax brackets up to the proposed maximum of 32 per cent, so ! as to givr some relief to individuals , having incomes of $68,000 or less. The question of imposing the manu-' facturers' tax on somie of the articles to which the so-called retail -sale luxury taxes now apply also was open. In ad dition, there remained a final decision on a number of legislative features of the House bill. ! Having passed the excise levy section of the measure yesterday, the commit tee expected to wind up its work to morrow, so as to give the experts three working day s in which to put the meas ure in shape for presentation to the Senate "Wednesday. While agreeing to the House plan to repeal stamp taxes on perfumes, cos metics, toilet preparations and pro prietary medicines, the committee voted to impose p manufacturers' tax of four I per cent on toilet articles ana two pei cent on proprietary mfiiicins, and to restore the three per cent tax on toilet soaps and powders which the House bill proposed to repeal. REDUCTION CANCELLED. Five per cent reductions in the taxes on fur articles, motor boats and yachts, portablei electric fans and works of arts, agreed upon by the House, were disapproved by the committee, which voted to continue the present rate of ten per cent in each case. The section of the House bill reduc ing the tax o.i candy from 5 per cent to three per cent, was amended to pro vide that candy sold at wholesale for more than forty cents a pound should bear a tax of ten per cent. In accepting the House reduction from ten per cent to five per cent in the tax on sporting goods, the commit tee decided to make taxable skates, snowshoes, skis, toboggans and base all, and footall and basketall equipment which were eliminated by the House. Unej r a new section added to the House bill, the committee proposed that the tax on chewing gum be reduced from 3 per cent to two px?r cent. The House measure made no change in this levy. The House provision repealing oil of the so-called luxury taxes was ac cepted, but the. committee deferred ac tion on the proposal to impose a man ufacturers' tax on a number of articles on which a retail tax is now imposed. Sections of the House bill accepted without changj included those relating to taxes on cereal beverages and soft drinks: repealing the tax on eye glasses and spectacles; eliminating the license levies on yachts and motor boats of not more than five tons or not over thirty-two feet in length, and imposing a tax of 10 per cent on camera lenses. The beverage tax changes, were accept ed, however, subject to possible amand ment after further information on this subject has been furnished by Treasury experts. UNION NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE, N. C. Good prices for cotton and Seasonal Fall business combined with more optimistic attitude will put more money in circulation. Nevertheless we advise Sticking fairly close to a cash basis. A moderate business on cash basis is better than a big business with widely extended credits. We invite your business and offer every cour tesy and accommodation consistent with Safe Banking. II. M. VICTOR, President F. D. ALEXANDER, Vice Pres. D. P. TILLETT, Cashier A. G. TROTTER, Asst. Cashier Five Choice , ,., i nT cole in Myers Park can be purchase we have listed for sale m i y w terms Each , , c Homes .. ,,,, H f OOCHI H lit; LCI IllO. Ujdll I -A tiv. attractive figures aim irV rnost desirable locating n Sev to ten rooms, and are all m most aesirame locations. PRICES: $11,000.00 to $16,500.00 Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust Cm 4 SOUTH TRYON STREET. A GOOD STORY BEARS REPEATING! That's true of the story of .Walk e Service. It isn't a matter solely of our own opinion, but it is the opinion of our large and steadily in crSng list of SATISFIED patrons that Walker's service is a real, a supe rior service. Good service means fin est qSty merchandise as as quick automobile delivery. pikers is a GOOD drug store, and that s the story we consider worth repeating. ASK YOUR DOCTOR Walker's Drug Storo Corner Seventh awl Tryon Streofs NORRIS CANDY PARKER PENS AGENTS FOR CONTRACT IS LET FOR NEW STATE BUILDING The contract for the erection of the receiving: building for men at the State Hospital for the insane, which the building committee' of the hospital met here to let Wednesday afternoon, went to the Goode Construction company, of this city, this firm being; the lowest of the several bidders . The meeting- was held at the Charlotte National Bank. There were fourteen bidders in all, most of them from outside of Charlotte. All bids for, the heating plant, for which plans have also been made, were rejected by the committee. The bid of the Goode Construction company was approximately $119,000, this not including the heating plant. The successful bidder will begin work on the new building at once. In type it will be of reinforced concrete and will contain comfortable acommodaticn for 104 inmates. It will also contain individual rooms, wards, dining room, hydrotherapy department, day rooms, sun porches and other features. The interior will be of brick trimmed in .limestone and will present an imposing appearance in an attractively wooded area of the hospital grounds near the conservatory. Those here for the letting of the con tract were Dr. John McCampbell, sup erintendent of the hospital; Dr. G. S. Kirby; of Marion; E. P. Wharton, of Greensboro: C. C. Cranford, of Ashe boro, and John M. Scott, of Charlotte. GIFFORD SELLS INTEREST. John J. Gifford, manager of John J. Clifford & Co.. Inc., musical instrument dealers, has disposed of his interest in the business. He has not yet announced his plans for the future. Rubber stamps, notary and corpora tion seals made on short notice. Pound & Moore Co. Phone 4342. 23-lf I new Ccron v portable type writer. Other makes at attractive prices. See us before you buy. FHOXHr 4542 POUND & MOORE CO. Dr. II. C. Henderson. Dr. R. B. Caddy HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS Office Hunt Rldg. 2OZY2 N. Tryon St. Phone 216 DR. L S. FOX DENTIST 2V2 W. Trade St. Phone 3896 Over Yorke & Rogers Next to Woolworth's, decurttv oavms 4 South Tryon Street. The Boy and . The Bank You want the best things for the Boy. The best Habits. The best schooling. The best Health. The best Opportunity, the best As sociates. Do you realize that one of the very best things for him is the Bank Habit? Get him to Save, to do business with this Bank. No thing will stand him in better stead. We pay you to save your own money. , s Dam Charlotte, N. C. Compare the NASH Notice the beauty and quiet ness of the Nash when it passes along the street. Notice the sym metry of design and the ease with which it is controlled. Look for these attributes of goodness in other cars. COMPARE THE NASH. It is 1 worthy car, a -car which ap pears at its best under the most critical comparison. Then let us show you more ibout the Nash. Dpen Evenings Until 10 o'Cloi'U Carolinas Nash Motors Company Distributers 500 N. Tryon St. Phone 3201 mm r," Oil rt V V, 5tf ?V vSv,vrW WR tip 'Tr 1 -ft i-nr<ofi,! Value Of A Bank Account A Bank account and the credit it gives you will be of the greatest aid to you in getting together the first few hundred dollars which you must get in order to advance speedier on the road to success. .independence Trust Company Member Federal Reserve System "j CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,600,000.00. E. O. Anderson, Vice President W. A. Watson, Vice President IV. M. Long, Vice President OFFICERS J. H. Wearn, Chairman of Board J. H. Uttle, President E. :E. Jones, Cashier -j .Jj-.iu.v. CHARLOTTE, N. C. R. S. Smith, Asst. Cashier Thos. P. Moore Asst. Cashier A. R. Surratt, Assistant Cashier S3 Store-room and basement, No. 200 N. College Street, in trade cen ter, 40-robm hotel, repainted, repapered, remodeled, No. 206 North College Street, ready for occupancy September 15th. Small gai-age No. 14 East Seventh Street. Four-room apartment No. 401 North Church Street. Second and third floors over No. 206 South College Street, well lighted. . Home Real Estate and Guaranty Company CASH CAPITAL, $70,000.00 A. I. HENDERSON, Manager Real Esate Department 219 North Tryon Street. v v Phone 589 NEW SHARES are being sold here almost hourly, and that's the right stuff for the man or woman who expects to get ahead or amount to much in life. We sure sold 'em last Saturday. Come any day this week and start the ball to rolling. If loan 's wanted, file application at once, so as to get in line. LENDING $60,000.00 this week, so you see where much of the money you see circulating around is coming from. The people realize the magnitude of the business we are doing, and they also know that every dollar we lend goes out at 6 per cent without fear orj, favor. The negro urchin gets a square deal here along with the rich or the first lady of the land. WE LIVE TO RELIEVE distress and we do it. A good woman camu in tother day and said her husband had gone off and her little horm? was in danger. We showed her a way out, and she left with a smiling countanenace. OUR MATRIMONIAL Bureau is alive and standing on its feet. A bright girl wanted to know if Bill was keeping up with his B. & L. We told her he sure was and that he never missed a payment. She confided the great secret and we whispered, "Bill's all right," so she's not giving up her job to take care of a worthless dude. We sometimes have to say, "Lookout, , Sallie, John's doing no good. Make him come across, or cut him to the heart." MORE HOMES AND HAPPIER HOMES is our slogan. Ask Jno. Pharr about it, and his great heart will advise you right and straight and helpfully. ( Our new series iscoming some. Wise people just naturally come here for real service. Mutual Building & Loan Association Jno. R. Pharr, Pres. E. L. Keesler, Sec-Treas 25 South Tryon Street. My First 1 housano This phrase enters into the stories of many men who are now established financial successes. It implies a slov, up-hill climb, attended by rigid economy, to the point of "having money to make money." There are many that have never striven for the first thousand. The savings department of this bank invites you to start your first thousand. Are you one of them? The Merchants and Farmers National Bank 5 WEST TRADE ST. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital, Surplus and Profits $600,000.00 Mye Just at the End of the Car Line and Right at the rs Park Country we have six (6) very fine building lots ranging in size iiom on half acre to full acre lots, all of these on paved streets ' perfect grade and offered at special prices to quick buyers. VOl1 OPPORTUNITY to enjoy the club privileges and with car lii to business or fine paved boulevard if you drive an automobile C. Ab bott & Compan aw t mj. Everything in Real Estate c Tcust Budding Phones 238 or. 3022 212 S. Tryon