THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 15, 1921 8 FOUN SALE FOR-RENT The Pullin'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fa cC Be Convinced, Try 'Em ONE- CENT-A - WORD L GST WANTED FOR i 1, - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" one cent per Set this style and type word each Insertion. STYLE "B" SET THIS TYPE, TWO CENTS EACH INSERTION. STYLE AND PER WORD STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each Insertion. Any style ""dnggerl" either top or bot tom, or between lines, at double the fbore rates". Classified advertising is Sy h w2 ftrdT butf or convenience of Charlotte f-atrons. who are listed in the telephone dlrettory. or known In the newspaper rffice. a memorandum chare. . V made with the expectation that the bill he paid when presented. Regular Classification of ads cannot be r t-t .fta- i nVlork for Dauy Edition or after 30 p. m. Saturday Sunday Edition. for MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP WANTED At once, four lady demon strators. Local work. Good pay. Easv wc-k Give references, address ami telephone number. Write P. O. Box 1351. city. ?" .- WANTED Smart colored girl as jani- tres.e. Brown s business -inni,u S. Trvon St. Lzi vNTFD At once, cook for traveling tent fdiow. Will travel close around Charlotte Write Jethro Almond. Albe marle, N. C or phone 26-R. Albe- lo-4t II i .1 1 if. WANTED 7; ored. Apply Mint Bldg. , laborer?, white or col l' P Emplovment office, 15-2t WANTED To employ two young la dies who can make s:ood money sell ing an article to all stores, offices, factories, which is used by them daily. If you will work it will pay vou Address for particulars. Fidelity, care News. 13-2t-cod WANTED One all-round machinist. Must be able to take care of electri cal work. No others need apply. Mc Claren Rubber Co.. W. Palmer St. WANTED Boy to deliver Brooklyn and Cherrytown. culation Manager, News. papers .n Anplv Cir 14 -?t WANTED Two auto mechanics. Don t answer unless you have tools am first Has man. Address L-2, care News. 14-2i BRICK LAYERS WANTED 20 first class layers. Apply J. A. Construction Company, Realty Building. brick Jones 800 13-7t WANTED Good Electrician for ignition work in battery sta tion. Good position to right man. Address "Electrician, care News. 13-3t WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To buy typewriter; must be in good condition and cheap State make and price. Address "I." care News. 15-1 1 WAMtlJ Bfctore maiving arrange ments on a business cour;e, you to see us. Study Spencerian shorthand (learned in from three to four months time), touch typewriting. Twentieth Century bookkeeping, Knglisn ami ptnmansmp. hunter now ana 'e ready to accept position January 1 Write, call or telephone for particu lars. Brown's S. Try on St. Business College, 12 Phone 2566. 13-3t-no-wcd DRL'G STORE WANTED Wanted to buy all or part interest :n a good drug store in Piedmont sec tion. Must bear close investigation References exchange. "Druggist.' care News. ll-tft-ecd YVAiN LrjU io do your pressing and dry cleaning. Experienced workmen, quick and satisfac tory service. Bachelors Press ing Club, 1503 S. Tryon Phone 4020. 26-tf eod WANTED If you want your farm houses or business property sold, list it with J. E. Murphy & Co. WANTED To borrow $5000 on firs mortgage real estate in city of Charlott. Address First Mortgage care News- 14-3t WANTED evele for 3820. lo buy second hand tri six year old child. Phone 14-tf ttA.Mbt) lo cive private les-sons in shorthand and typewriting. Addres ''Teacher," care News. 14-.? WA.Mbu i sea piano in good con dition. Phone 3709-.J- 13-4t WANTED Second-hand pony bugg with harness. Also saddle. H. M Jamison. R. F. D. 5, Box 21, Char lotte. 13-3t WANrEO To make your mattresses and pads to order. Mattresses reno vated, box springs repaired, feather mattresses made. Hailey-Howard Co 323 East Trade. Phone 3446. 22-tf WANTED To put your furnaces in gooc working order before the rush comes, there by saving you money. Strange & Brady, Phone 3149. 8-tf WANTED Your painting, calsomim ing, refinishing floors. J. S. McCall. Phone 40C9. 1 2-tf vAMKU used furniture. Phone 44;. 603 W. Eleventh St. 13-tf FOR SALE LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Partly broken young goat and harness. $4 each. Phone 3074-J. 15-2t-thur-sun FOR SALE Fresh milch cow. Will give three and one half gallon milk day; calf three weeks old. S- Q. Garrison, Route 11, Charlotte. N. C.! PIGS FOR SALE We have a fine lot of pure bred Duroc Jersey pigs to sell at $5.00 to $7.50 each. Also .two or three fine registered stock hogs at low price. All are 7 miles out on the Tuckaseege road. City address, P. O. Box 100 for Long & Brill. H-St FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. housekeeping 516 S. Tryon. 15-tf equipment, first floor, Phone 2024-W. FOR RENT One nicely rurnisneu room collecting bath for one or two 4?..ntlfnif n or business" couple. Call 4 1-2 N. Brevard. 15-3t FOR RENT Two or three unfurnish ed rooms for housekeeping, second floor, lights, water, gas. new paper, close in to reliable adults. Address "Owner," care News. 15-3t FOR RENT To gentleman, neatly furnished room in private family, within one block of postoffice. hot and cold baths. Phone 4301-W. FOR RENT Three rooms partly fur nished over store. Apply 623 E. Tentn St. Phone 2106. 15-tf FOR RENT 5-room heated apartment. freshly painted and papered. 8 W. Seventh St. 15-tt" ROOM AND BOARD in private for two nice family, 417 N. ll-3t-eod young men College. FOR RENT Rooms with board. 511 N. 13-2t-eod Pine St. Phone 2706.1 FOR RENT Office or store, whole or part, ground floor, well lighted, steam heat. 30 West P"ifth. 30-tf-mon-thur-sat HEATED bedroom for rent to men or business couple, close in. Phone 3145-J. 14-2t FOR RENT Four rooms unfurnished, water aid lights, 1905 S. Boulevard. $30 per month. 14-it FOR RENT 4-room furnished apart ment With bath on first floor, no Children. Also one furnished room, second floor, 60S N. Poplar St. 14-3t FOR RENT Good rooms close In. 14-2t Phone S29. FOR RENT Entire third floor over G. R. Kinney's Shoe Co.. consists of 5 room apartment formerly used bv an optician. Apply W. F. Dowd, Jr. 14-8t FOR RENT 7-room house. 410 East Eleventh 14-2t Eleventh St. Apply 414 E St. NICE steam-heated room to rent on couple preferred. 14-2t East Boulevard, Phone 19S2-W. FOR RENT One large cool iront room to gentlemen or couple. 604 S. Tryon St. 14-3t FOR RENT Good farm. 9 miles of Charlotte. See W. P. Harris, care Ed Mellon Co. 14-2t FOR RENT Gcod office room, cen- t rally located at the square, reason able ent, E. Trade inquire St. at room 3, No. 7 14-3t FURNISHED ROOM for rent to gen tleman only: No. 10 N. Graham. 14-3t WANTED Few more table boarders; also rooms for Alexander St. rent with board. 2 N. 14-2t YOUNG LADY desires room mate at first class boarding house. 910 E Ave. Phone 2399-L2. 14-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, heated. Phone 221 -J. 13-3t FOR RENT To one or two gen tlemen large nicely furnished front room, adjoining bath, hot water at all hours. Con venient to good board, close in. Phone 22G5-J. 13-tfto purchasers of Dilworth Lots FOR RENT Two Tryon St. furnished rooms, 307 13-tf N. FOR RENT To exposition visitors. large bed room, two beds with board, connecting bath, in private home, close in. Phone 3601-W. l2-4t FOR RENT Storeroom. 717 N. Gra ham, excellent location for meat market or any other business, reason able rent. Phone 1336 os 2929-W. 11-tf FOR RENT One Trade. garage, 711 West ll-tf FOR RENT Large furnished or un furnished room close in to business couple or gentlemen. Phone 4560. 11-tf FOR RENT Room by the day cheap during exposition. Apply 11 S. Church. St. ll-7t FOR RENT rooms. 301 1- Uptown 2 N. Tryon. comfortable 10-tf FOR RE NT Fourth St. Commerce- Storerooms, 27 and 29 W. , adjoining Chamber of Apply W. F. Dowd, Jr. 10-6t FOR RENT One furnished room and garage $15.00 per month. Phone 2947-W. 505 West Sth. ' 5-tf. FOR RENT To ' couple or gentlemen room in private family in Dilworth. Phone 2981. 4-tf FOR RENT To white tenants only, Stores 32, 34 and 36 Howell Arcade and two large warehouses at rear of these stores. See or phone Whitman Douglas Co. Phone 4148. 2-tf FOR RENT Two storerooms, 3 and 10 S. Poplar St. Conner & Walters Company. 18-tf FOR RENT Two nice front connect ing offices. Zi 1-2 W. Fourth St., Dowd Phone Bldg. 4482. See J. R. Ethridge 28-tf FOR RENT Office room, well located. Apply Merton C. Propst, 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5 -tf FOR RENT Garage in first ciass con dition near North Fox street, Eliza beth. Phone 4511-L2. 10-tf FOR RENT Office building, 20 offices, well located. J. H. McAden. Phone 860 3-tf FOR RENT Stori on South Church C. Prop3t, 28 W. room, first block St. Apply Merton Fifth St. 5-5-tf HOUSES WANTED ROOMS WANTED To buy home, in Charlotte. V rite " llhams, care News. 15-lt WANTED To purchase for cash 5 to T , t . i , i riium nome wnn modern conven- iences give locatlon and nrirp. 'M-593," care News. ll-3t-eod AaT.LD Desirable boarding places for students. Browns Business Col lege. 13-2t-eod WANTED To rent small house or light housekeeping rooms. Couple with six -year old child. Permanent. L. C. Dunn. Phone 2002 from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. i4-3t WANTED By man In government service with wife, no children, heated apartmeilt of two or three furnished rooms with bath and kitchenette. W ithin walking distance of square preferred. VWrite "Worth," Drawer 215, or call phone 4138, 3 to 5 in aft ernoon. 14-2t WANTED To rent now or Ify October 1, 7 to 9 room house in good local ity. Phone 4480 or 3190. l!-tf WANTED To rent furnisJd li juae for winter or lease, for one year. Lilworth section preferred. Referenc es exchanged. P. O. Box 260. 14-4t WANTED By two sisters. rooms close in. Address "Sisters," care News. . ,13-5t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 35-acre tract seven miles out and desirable low priced city property Would exchange for first class touring car or young dairy cattle. Ii. J., care News. 15-2t-lhur-sun FOR SALE 6-room bungalow, fairly cloee in, very good location, house in splendid con dition. Party leaving city and will sell at a bargain. Price $4650. 6-room bungalow,- Elizabeth section , al most new, has hardwood floors, on shady side of street, lot 60x155. Price $6500. LEE KINNEY. Phone 3783 15-4t-no-sat FOR SALE Vacant lots, located on Vail, Crescent and Circle avenues. Elizabeth and East Dilworth. A real bargain on Scott avenue. W. L. Burroughs. Phone 1277. ll-3t-eod FOR SALE Vacant lots on Statesvilie Ave., sewerage, water, lights, paved walks, hard surface street. Price $675 to $1100. J. E. Murphy & Co. ll-3t-eod FOR SALE An attractive vacant lot in Elizabeth section, good neighbor hood, splendid location, paved street, sewergae, water, gas. lights. Price $2250. J. E. Murphy & Co. ll-3t-eod FOR RENT Steam heated apartments, furnished Or unfurnished; 7-room house. 2 baths, hot water furnace. S W. Seventh St. 2-t:-eod FOR SALE Vacant lots located In Mvers Park. Hermitage Court. More- head street and Elizabeth. If you expect to buy and build let me show you one of these. W. L. Burroughs". Phone 1277. ll-3t-eod FOR SALE Splendidly located lot on paved street, Elizabeth section, sew erage, water, gas, lights. Price $3400. J. E. Murphy & Co. ' ll-3t-eod TOR SAl,E 5-room house. Mvers Park section, on lot 200x150. Two block from car line. A bargain at $5750. Must sell quick. Call Mr Jordan, W. C. Harris & Co. Phone 936. 14-3t FOR SALE Any home place- D. end of Plaza. part or all of my A. Johnson, north 14-5t FOR SALE Nice vacant lot close in at a bargain. Phone Davis, 2369-W. 14-3t FOR SALE Five rooms, N. St., $3500. Phone 2369-W, McDowell Davis. 14-3t FOR SALE 7-room house in Piedmont, hardwood floors and heating plant, $7500. Phone 2369-W, Davis. 14-3t FOR SALE New 5-room bungalow in Colonial Heights. Hardwood floors: 7-pipe furnace in good dry basement, lawn newly planted. One block of car line. An ideal home for smail familv. Price $7500. See J. M. Boyce, F. C. Abbott & Co. Phone 3022. 14-2t A HOME ON TREMONT AVE NUE IN DILWORTH will be your best investment. T. T. COLE 215 West Trade St. Phone' 4572 14-5t FOR SALE Best lot in city for ment house; size 71x287 feet, right for quick sale. See M. D ning. 209 W. Trade. - SPECIAL PRICWwill be apart Price . Man-13-3t made T. T. COLE 215 West Trade St. Phone 4572 . 13-5t FOR SALE One 7-room house in first- class condition, located at 909 Central Ave.; two 1-ton trucks in good shape; one 5-passenger Chevrolet sedan, good shape; two concrete mixers in good shape; one hoisting outfit with S h. p. gas engine: one combination saw rig: one 6-horse gas engine. Any of these at a bargain. Fhone 926, care News. 14-5t BUILD IN CHARLOTTE Nine new houses on TRE MONT AVENUE, DILWORTH since February 1st, 1921. Others now under construction. $1250 buys an ideal lot long easy terms. T. T. COLE 215 West Trade St. Phone 4572 13-5t FOR SALE 110-acre farm, 15 minuUs out from city, good road, good build ings, pasture, running water, two wells, plenty of wood, fine for dairy and truck. X. Y- Z.. care News. 14-6t-wed-thur-sat LOTS IN DILWORTH On almost every street. T. T. COLE 215 West Trade St. Phone 4572 13- 5t FOR SALE 5-room cottage. Fourth ward, good condition. Price $4750. Very easy terms. F. C. Abbott & Co., Robert B. Street, salesman. Phone 3022. i4.2t NUE IN DILWORTH will be your best investment. T. T. COLE 215 West Trade St. Phone 4572 13-5t FOR SALE 9-room Dutch Colonial Myers Park home; has sun parlor, breakfast room, sleeping porch, oak floors first floor, furnace heat with stationary wash tubs, double garage, and one of the most beautiful living rooms in the city. Price $13,500. ' Terms. F. C. Abbott & Co.. Robert B. Street, salesman. Phone 3022. 14-2t DILWORTH Made Hundreds of Dollars for our Customers who bought lots, even since Feb ruary this year. Our prices are the same. T. T. COLE 215 West Trade St. Phone 4572 13-5t i. FOR SALE Large level lot on Post St-, 150 feet off Mint St. Will take automobile aa part -payment. See Dr. Levy, 7 E. Trade. n.ff FOR SALE Six-room bungalow, Eliza beth section, $5000. See Owner, J. A. Price, 1404 Parkway Drive. 9-8-tf FOR SALE Away Delow valu, mod ern house on large plot in Dilworth; perfect condition; 10 rooms, 2 baths; terms If desired. John W. Post & Co . 209 W. Trade St. 28-tl FOR SALE Modern five-room bunga low, Weet Trade street, hardwoodi floors, heating plant, garage, largt lot, fruit, etc, good neiirhborhood and close in, quick possession. Phon Smith 32S9-W. jjo-if R G. nan LEE ?ers. & SON. contracting Phone 3634. paper-ll-6t F1AMO TUNING W. E. Senn, Char lotte. N. C. Phon 2335-L-3. 1042-tf AUTOMOBILES OR SALE 1920 Ford sedan, demount able rims, shock absorbers, etc. In fine condition, a bargain. C. S. An drews. Phone 3626. 13-7t-eod FOR SALE One Ford touring car in good condition. Phone 1332-J. 14-3t FOR SALE- Ford delivery truck in good condition. Boyd-Garner Co., 319 N. Tryon St. 14-tf FOR SALE Baby Saxon Price $50 for quick sale- automobile. Phone 2645. 14 3t FOR SALE Bargain. Cadillac touring, good condition, repainted, good cord tires, special Price $1000. J. H. Hani, 306 N. Tryon St. Phone 352. 14-3t BARGAINS Two Buick tourings. Three Dodge tourings. One Ford roadster. The above cars are in good condition and Will be sold cheap. Terms. USED CAR EXCHANGE. 505 S. Tryon St. Next to Catholic Church. 1 2-tf FOR SALE Packard touring car, 7 passenger, 1916 model: bargain for quick sale: thoroughly ov -hauled: A-l condition. Would exchange for good roadster or diamond ring. Ap ply 209 W. Trade. 13-3t FOR SALE Cheap, several used Ford cars. W. A. Fry & Sons, 1105 N. Tryon St. Phone 3418. 13-6t MAXWELL touring, $152; Chevrolet touring, $260; Commonwealth 5-pas-senger. $320: National- Six 7-passen-ger, new paint, four brand new Kelly Springfield cord tires, $5S0. Give our used parts department a trial. Parts for Overland 75, Chevrolet 490, Dixie Flyer. Reo 4 and Hupmobile Model N. V. M. Stine. 29 S. Tryon. 13-tf FOR SALE One Model N Hup mobile, in good condition. Price is right. Can be seen at Quality Auto Repair Co., 8 N. Brevard St. 13-tf FOR SALE Bargain, Phone 4349-L2. Buick little 9-7t USED CAR VALUES. FORD SEDAN. USED EIGHT MONTHS, JUST OVERHAULED. 1UPP, MODEL R TOURING, DEMON STRATOR, EXTRAS. CHALMERS TOURING. 1920 MODEL, EXTRAS; SPLENDID CONDITION. OAKLAND TOURING; GOOD TIRES ALL ROUND. HUPP. MODEL X TOURING; A SPLENDID BUY. CHANDLER 7-PASSENGER TOUR ING; IN A-l CONDITION. HUPP,. MODEL K TOURING. CORD TIRES; FIRST CLASS CONDITION. FORD LIGHT DELIVERY; OPEN EX PRESS BODY: CHEAP. PREMER 7-PASSENGER TOURING; . NEW TIRES; EXCELLENT CONDI TION. DODGE BROTHERS PANEL SIDE DELIVERY CAR.; A REAL BAR GAIN. VISITORS TO THE CAROLINAS EX POSITION WILL DO WELL TO LOOK THESE CARS OVER. WE ARE OFFERING SOME EXCEP TIONAL BARGAINS IN THE ABOVE LIST. CHARLOTTE MOTOR 209 S- CHURCH ST. Car co. PHONE 961 ll-6t wAiNiiiiij lour automobile to paint; tops to rebuild; work first class; prices right. Payne's Auto Works, 26 E. Sixth St. 6-3-tf SEE V. M. STINE. He will cash for your automobiles. pay you 6-tf RENT A. NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U-DitlVE-UM CO., 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 1270 15-tf BARGAINS IN than 20 Used models $200.00 and Hipp, 211 4050. USED CARS More automobiles different and up. Apply Sehorn N. College St. Phone 7-tf MISCELLANEOUS BUTTER FISH, trout, Virginia red croakers. Lillycrop's. Phones 67 and 68. 14-2t J. LEE PHILLIPS, with J. W. Cobb. Auctioneer. Phone 3695. Office 8-tf-ead MATERNITY SANITARIU M Private, refined, homelike. Homes provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 22 Windsor, Atlanta. Ga. 9-l-26t-no-sun COAL We have the best ob tainable in grate, stove and furnace coals. Pocahontas Egg $11.50 Pocahontas Lump $11.50 Blue Gem $10.50 "Let us serve you." Independence Coal Co. 1121 N. Church St. Phone 4461 - 13-3t CHARLOTTE BUTTON SHOP Hem- Stitching, pecoting, button covering, etc. .prompt service. 307 N. Col lege. 18-tf NEW MATTRESSES mad 3 out of your old ones. Renovated. Nw ticks. It pays. It rids you of vvrmin. CaP ioss-j lor particulars. Liawlng's Mattress Factory. "12 North Long St. 2S-tf WALL, PAPER HANGING, house painting. Call J. M. Muse. Phone 42.".-Li. 9-tf WALL PAPER The Latest. Designs A. J. DUNN CO. 10 East Fourth St. Phone 2264. 21-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE CHEAP, NEW' PIPELESS FURNACE, ALSO AUTO TIRE RE PAIRING OUTFIT W. J. FITE. FOR SALE condition. -Vacuum cleaner in good Phone 2566. l5-2t HARLEY-DAVIDSON twin, Bosch mag neto and side car complete, takes both, act quick. Neill, 5 Wat kins Court, Charlotte. 15-2t THREE or four milch cows for sale or exchange for beef cows. Phone 2086.. -3t FOR SALE Large Simmons-Wilson hot blast heater. First class condi tion. Phone 436-J. l5-2t FOR "is ALE- Used silo, 12x25- Been filled three times. Cash or terms, C. B. Campbell, Route 3, Charlotte. - 14-2t FOR SALE Good things to eat for less money. Fat hens, frier chicks, juicy steaks, fancy fresh trout, coun try butter. Lillycron's. Phone 67 and 68. 1.4-2t FOR SALE Good used bicycle. Firt-t $1? gets it. Phone 1738-J. 14-2t FOR SALE Simplex electric range with oven and three plates. Phone 4378.. Bargain. 14-tf FOR SALE One Burroughs adding machine, 7 keys, two eafe-guard check writers, one mahogany desk and chair. Bargain. Phone 4378. - 9 14-tf CAFE FOR SALE Well equip- i i , i -1 i pea, gooa ousmess, locaieu m heart of Charlotte. Will take $2,000 cash or terms, quick sale. Investigate. J. R., care News. 14-tf FOR SALE One barrel roof paint, one coil for Chevrolet car, one talk ing machine. All cheap or will trade for show case. Call 1345-W or 701 N. Johnson St.. Comer. 14-tf FOR SALE Piano; Knabe grand (small size): wonderful in tone, vol ume and the Knabe light and re sponce action. Used only few months; guaranteed same as new. Will be sold at price that will move it quick. Investigate. John W. Post & Co.. 209 W- Trade. 13-3t FOR SALE One used 80 H. P. Boiler and one 35 H. P. Engine. Address P. O. Box 156, Charlotte, N. G. or fhone 4280 Charlotte. 13-3t FOR SALE Single white iron bed, springs and mattress; used only few month. Phone 2265-J. 13-3t P'OR SALE Piano; Wintworth & Co.; used, upright, beautiful mahogany case; looks like new; $285 quick; easy terms. John W. Post & Co., 209 W. Trade. 13-3t FOR SALE Organ; Hunt & Co.; wal nut case, $15.00- Organ,. Carpenter, walnut case, $20.00; good condition; fine for church use. Better see these at once. John W. Post & Co., 209 W. Trade. 13-St FOR SALE Organ; make, Bridgeport: oak case; eleven stops; mirror and everything, $30.00. Who gets it? John W. Post & Co., 299 W. Trade St. l3-3t FOR SALE Graphophones; three slightly used, but in good condition; two ai $25.00 each; one for $40.00. Terms if you wish. John W. Post & Co.. 209 W. Trade. 13-St FOR SALE One of the best bowling businesses of the South. Will sell reasonable for cash or terms to right parties. Phone 4261-J. l3-3t FOR SALE Player piano; sold new for $785. Used only few months. Looks like new, fully guaranteed. Immediate sale, $575. Three dozen rolls, bench as well easy terms. Better hurry. John W. Post & Co.. 209 W. Trade. 13-3t FOR SALE Framing in all sizes in pine and oak. Also finished material. Get our prices. H. S. Leonard Lumber Co., Phone 4287, 20 N. Tryon St. 30-tf W. M. HULL, Notary fubnc, tront or fie Charlotte News. Can be found most any hour to i p. m. 9-tl FOR SALE OUR SERVICES to repair your roof or gutters. Also to paint them. Satisfaction guaranteed. STRANGE & BRADY Phone 3149 7-tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE By owner, beautiful 6 room bungalow, modern heating facil ities, large lot, walking distance. Leaving town, will sacrifice. Located Fourth ward, $1000 will turn deal. Write "Williams." care News. 13-4t FOR SALE 117-acre farm on Charlotte-Wilmington highway, near rail road station, churches and school. about 80 acres under cultivation, good pasture, running water, large or chard, 7-room residence in nice grove. 2 tenant houses. Price"$100 per acre. J. E. Murphy & Co. fl-3t-ecd FOR SALE 110 1-2 acres on Charlotte Wilmington highway, about 60 acres unaer cultivation, large pasture, land lies well, has good residence, barn, out-buildings, tenant house, near school and church, one mila to rail road station. Price $100 per acre. J. E. Murphy & Co. ll-3t-eod FOR SALE Attractive home in Myers Park, practically new. has hardwood floors, nice fixtures, pretty paper throughout, large living room, den. dining r,oom and hall, four large bed rooms, sleeping porch, tiled bath and shower, heating plant, large garage, nice lot with shade. Price $16,000. J. E. Murphy & Co. ll-3t-eod FOR SALE Practically new 6-room bungalow within walking distance of . square, splendid neighborhood, house conveniently arranged, in good condition, modern conveniences, sleeping porch, good location, large lot. Price $6500. J. E. Murphy & Co. . ll-3t-eod FO RSALE Nice home in suburb, at tractively arranged, nicely papered, hardwood floors, nice fixtures, house in fine condition, attractive bed rooms, nice sleeping porah, largj front porch, hot water heat, laun dry, double garage, servant house, large lot, paved street. Price $12,000. J. E. Murphy & Co. ll-3t-eod POULTRY AND EGGS SILVER-LACED Wyandottes for sale. Cockerels and pullets of the Tarbox and Porter strains, direct $3. 2 for $5. Eggs $1.25. Mrs. A. R. Bar low, Lenoir, N- C. 13-7t IT MATTERS NOT Where the prices of shoes may go we are always on the job prepared to save our customers from One to Five Dollars a pair. Those who have tried us know, and ctfiers can if they will. Will you? TRUE SAMPLE SHOE STORE 32 E. Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. Cathey Lumber Company East Fifth St, and Railroad. Phones 1722 and 1723 SPECIAL NOTICES $5.00 REWARD for the first most appropriate name suggested for our new stvle children's muslin drawers. Made in Charlotte. See them at the woman's exhibit at the fair. On sale at Little-Long Co- ll-7t-eod PIEDMONT PRESSING CLUB Phone 3818 Quick Service Good Work 37 So. Tryon St. 16-6t Thur Sun and Tues GOOD THINGS TO EAT Native frier chicks, cream fatted calves, butter fish fresh caught, fresh country but ter. Lillycrop's. Phone 67 and 6S. 14-2t BEN F. FAVELL The Best in Shoe Repairing Phone 247 21S-217 N. Tryon Shoes Called for and Delivered. 8-fcf-thur-sat-mon-tue NOTICE I wish to call to the atten tion of my friends that I am still ginning cotton at the Howell place on the Pineville road, South Char lotte. I am doing business exclu sively at this place. I am no longer connected with the Long gin or any other gin but the One at the HOWeil place. I exchange meal and hulls for cotton seed. Come to see me. John H. Griffin. 14-5t The Indian Summer isxa dandy time to do Your painting and decorating For estimates Call 3800 Thos. F. Rogers 13-7t NOTICE After Sept. 1. all moving previously $5.00 per load will be $4.00. and all previously $6.00 will bu $5.00. Reasonable rates on long dis tance moving and all other hauling. Nichols Transfer Co., 11 W. Fourth St. Phone 705. . 1-tf LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING PACKING AND STORING Three Large Trucks WARREN TRANSFER CO. Phone 1166. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS for Edison-Dick Mimeographs and Supplies. CRAYTON COMPANY 2912 S. Tryon St. Phone 304 30-tf WANTED POSITION WANTED When in need of a first class stenographer or bookkeeper, you to call on us. Brown's Business College, 12 S. Tryon St. Phone 2566. 15-2t WANTED Position as bookkeeper by young man. Neat hand. Quick and accurate at figures. Can use type writer. Phone White. 1075-W. l5-2t WANTED Position as grocery clerk or collector tor furniture house. Can give best references. Address Col lector. care News. 15-3t WANTED -Position by stnographer, five years experience, general office work and bookkeeping. Address H. A., care News. isut WANTED Position as waitress tel or cafeteria by lady of expe rience. Address Waitress, care News. 15-6t WANTED Position in grocery, furni ture or music store: experienced in either line; A-l references. Music, care iNews. n in ii - - - - - - AT T . WANTED Position by stenographer ...wi n.c ..cum eAytrience in general office work. Address "Stenographer " care News. i4-2t WANTED Bv vmin trrmon Af rience position as stenographer or general office worker. Recently re signed from bank position to make borne in Charlotte. Good references AddreBS E. S.. care News. 14-2t WANTED At Once. TiOsitinn a a liArl keeper or Lill clerk by experienced man, neierences. .Fnone 2142. L3-5t WANTED Position overhaul in - v.....0 U V.n 11.11b . . i , . . . icuuuums fuuon mm machinery by experienced man. w. D. Wicker, 7 W. Palmer St., Charlotte, N. C. ll-H Placing Your Order With Us Insures prompt delivery. anrl ynr delivery reduces the cost of k; ing. You will also find our in very reasonable. LOST OR FOUND LOST Beaded bag with gray top "ont of Central hot-1 Central avenue. Reward. 1750-W. n-.- LOST Setter pup, brown and Reward return to H. D. l'ov; Phone 3612. STOLEN from car Tuesday nigr.. of Carolinas Exposition. 33x4 Grr.-;.: cord non-skid tire together vit!. :- and tire cover. Tire No. CIO-'?; $10.00 reward for return. Run 3 miles. J. S. Wier, 402 Con.mer:: Bank. Bldg. Phone 3900. LOST Gold watch chain, initial? ; J. S. Finder please return to H. ' Spencer. Phone 3982. FOUND Near high school pmmj; small wrist watch. Owner may ?ame by describing it. and pay;':.; or this ad. Apply at News. ',', LOST Fox terrier, spots, short tail. white with K... wearing crilr Phone 1270. Reward. 13 LOST Tuesday afternoon, ladies' u: colored wool sweater, on Dowd nr. or South Mint street. Findc ;.v return to Mrs. H. L. Harwell, i: ; Church. St. 14:: LOST Calico Shetland pony. Rewa:-: for return to R. L. Tate, SOfi Provi dence Road, Myers Park. Phon? !: LOST Small bunch of keys- Rcwar. for return to janitor at Souther. -Power Co., S. Church St. w LOST Pointer pup, white with iitf spots. Answers fb name "Boh.'' Re ward for any information leading t his recovery. Phone 733-.T. 13-S: rUUiNU lne place to get gooc Gulf Gas, 22 cents, 1105 X. Tryon St. 13-6. LOST One fox terrier. Brown ??" on side of head and sears en hini leg. Phone 1230. Reward. IW. FIRST CLASS board can be socurfi at 910 E. Ave. Phone 2399-L2- ii$ :' MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of the r?w?: and authority vested in the undersigs ed by that certain Chattel .V ruiz3 dated the 7th day of May. If:;, sr.: recorded in book 440, at pace 3. " the office of the Register of I'e-H : Mecklenburg County, North Caro'.iv.J reference to which is hereby mai default having been made in the r-y ment of indebtedness thereby stcu.-i as therein provided, the underlie will sell, at public sale, to the his:-?: bidder for cash, at the courthou?-- "" of Mecklenburg county, in the city ;: Charlotte, at 12 o'clock M. on Srx day, the 24th day of September. I?:! the following described personal prv erty: to-wit: One Chevrolet Touring Automo. No. 25559 1920 model Motor No. 4 418 Color, green. This the 1st day of September. 19-1 CITIZENS SAVINGS & LOAN C Mortg.i?e? 8-7t-thur-mon SPECIAL PRICES OX FRESH MEATS i AT II. O. FOWLER S MARhbl. 630 MINT ST. Choice lamb chops jj?' Lamb legs or lamb roast Lamb stew I1' 2 lbs. for 2x REEF. Choice tenderloin or sirloin steak. western or native Best cuts of round steak Fancy rib. round or hip roast .. Choice pot roast . . Fresh ground hamburger Choice cuts of Etew meats 2 lbs. .. .. .. Beef liver, lb. 2 lbs. for VR4I. Sflf cor .2'V ..:'it Choice loin and rib chops Best cuts of veal roast from h leg Veal stew 2 lbs PORK. Pure pork sausage Small pork chops Pork roast Flesh short ribs Premium sliced ham Kingan's sliced bacon Cooked tripe Minced ham Bologna and weiner sausage . Pickled pig feet Premium sliced ham Remember you can always find fish, ovsters. chiolcpns and esfi i.v I Sflr . .W 2.V :iv . .('' H. 0. FOWLER'S MARKET 630 Mint St. ,cr PHONE 3612 PHONE1' Prompt Delivery Any Part ot Cit NOTICE I