THE CHARLOTTE NBWS4 "CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY MOEMNU, SEPTEMBER 18, 1921 17 t STONIA PLANS BIG DAYFRIDAY Special Train Will Bring the Crowds to the Exposition on the 23rd. r,:i stoma, Sept. 17. S. X. Boyce, Hugh A Query and S. A. Robinson! special committee named by the Uas- , i in Chamber of Commerce, are work out all details to put Gastonia de- Me.Uy on the map at the Made-lp.-Car-,-;Hias Exposition Friday, .September Rowing the extending of -in invi- tottion by Cent, w, j, Hr.u!rc, of U, Exposition staff, thho boarA t aires tors of the Chamber Friday mtvrnoon decided to put the day. over In fteod shape. In order .to determine nnti ment, the Chamber sent out u rernr,' clum to the membership and the board also at the meeting rosslvod. thy tab ulated results, showing. That the buei ness men of the city a. -a anxkntB to go over in force. ,.D- K- Jackson, of the Piedmont and XMortnern Railway, is working on plana tor a special train for the haivllsntf of vzaonjnm crowas ana in ad.lll.lon many hundreds will go over by auto mobile. It is planned to have the City of Spindles represented by a record crowd. Gastonians are thronging the exposition daily and are high in their praise of the tsplecclll showing of Made-in-Carolina products. ITU J13i Children 10c Adults 15 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY at' Taous Playws-Las.y British Producers .13. Present. a'donald crisp production-- "Prinaess "WITH DAVID POWELD a Qarumount Qldun BROADWAY HAS 2 GREAT FILMS "Lavender and Old Lace" ami "Sal vation Nell Annealing Pictures, Are WeU!s Of?;rings, Two very flr-e pictures will be shown this week at the Broadway theatre. They are pic&ires of unusual beauty, and are based on themes which will endear them to all who. B?e them, for and nscd esarse'y tny ir-iro3ution ia picture patrons. The picture follows the plot of the story faithfully throughout. The scenes of both interiors and exteriors in the quaint New England village are not only beautiful, but also correct to tha smallest detail. All levers of the beau tiful, and of the works of standard au thors owe it to themselves not to miss such a rare treat as this, A short comedy. "Shanghied," fea turing Charlie Chaplin, comnletes this it is a irst National re- A tjsovbinsr -nA flramatio story of ar-d c.h os to Sa'-mVori lire in the tenements oi Nevr York's j tviurTjhV'Bcv''" ho'-v tion of "Salvation Nell," the Edward Sheldon .play in which Minnie Maddern Fiske starred on the speaking stage, and which will be the screen attraction at the Broadway theatre the last threj days of this week. ' It's a story of the ups an down3 of a poor little girl in a great city. Nell Sanders loses her sweatshop job, is discharged from the eating estab lishment of Hash House Sal, but her pluck asserts itself after she is dis- From the Novel by Cosmo Hamilton A romance of wealth and its worshippers. And some of the things that money will do in "high so ciety's" whirl. Trimmed in luxury, crammed with adventure, tingling with daring and love. THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY i eH 1 Unflinchingly She Faced the Greatest Gamble in Life, With Her Happiness The Stake A Single Cut of the Cards to Decide To Lose Meant the Loss of Her Very Soul. . Just one of the tense situations in this novel and gripping photo-play. at. . itr I'M. - llNU -''''J':A 11 r 4V . '"rSTOCv programe lease. they are Intensity !iut.s:i just exam- i "Salvation Xell," an Absorbing Play, missed as the scrubwoman of a saloon pies of tru H?3 neither overdrawn nor unfalthfyUy prpasTited. They are "La vender and Old Lseo," which will be shown Monday, Tu?.-iav and Wednes day, and -Salvation Ne'l," which will bo shown the ftnea three days of the week. "The Story That Will Never Die." Further proof that the works of well known authors offer the beet material for present-day feature pictures, is the remarkably fine P.nd beautiful pictur izatton of Myrtle Tweed's beloved Monday, Tuesdnyphrd ehrd shrd shrdlu vender and Old Lace," which will be seen Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at the Broadway theatre. There Is no doubt but what all the old-time patrons of the theatre remem ber the stage productions of this won derfully sweet story, as well as do all real book-lovers. Of all of Myrtle Reed's stories, "Lavender and Old Lace" is the best known, and the film j which has been made from it does the story iuu justice, just as xviary Ains lee was one of the most wonderful and lovable women imaginable in the play and in the book, so she is in the pic ture: even more so, perhaps, becauso of the splendid work done by Margue rite Snow in the role. All those who have read and loved the book will be both surprised and de lighted at the unusually true charac terizations given by every member of the cast. Seena Owen, as Ruth Thorne, is as delightfully refreshing and natur al as can be: Louis Bennison plays the parts of both Captain Charles Winfiel-Jl and of his son, Carl, in a way that makes strong realistic characters of them both: and Victor Potel and Zella Ingraham Inject into the story a vast amount of humor in two screamingly funny character studies. These, as well as the other members of the cast, are all seasoned veterans of the filras, Carolina People Never Before Have Had Op portunity to Hear Such Concerts as are Rendered Twice Daily at The Made-In Carolinas 1E1 m m bXDOSltll For an admission of less than 2.50 mission rnce e exposition Attli Children, 20c War Tax Paid See the wonderful array of Caro lina products elaborately arranged and hear the distinguished speakers MADE-IN-CAROLINAS EXPOSITION CHARLOTTE Closes September 29 Vlws.lUnce presents "Mother 0' Mine" , At The Imperial Monday and Tuesday. 1 ' 1 i i i in i ii i 1 1 in i '? : J ,1 A Colossal. Produced At a Cost of $1,000,000 HERE IT COMES!! METRO'S 1,3 Four I A 1 Apocai The Norsemen Of The ypse r. The Supreme Expression of Screen Art i lu i,u--.p iw.imwiwpiul. i.t,jmm..miMmi.t At The AUDITORIU M One Week Starting Monday Sept. 26 12,500 People in the Cast. Including 50 Principals 51 CELITERSS PRESENTS THIS WEEK The stcry that will never "Lavender and Old Lace" a film millions will love as they loved the novel die" A vivid depiction of girl mother love that is strong er than death, greater than life -"Salvation Nell" a page from life. Monday Tuesday -Wednesday A wonderful picture of a woman's devotion AND 'JVcsa the great story by Wiib MABGUESITE SNOW LOUIS BENNISON AMD SEENA OWEN Ejected hy LLOTO,MQHAHAM (DISTRIBUTED THROUGH PATHE EXCHANGES) Sentiment, humor, action, heart appeal, suspense are all embodied in this gloriously beautiful production. Added Attraction Ai deLightful short comedy Featuring CHARLIE CHAPLIN A First National Release Three Days Starting Thursday The story of a girl who made a god of a man asking no mdre, looking no higher, seeking no further SURELY THAT IS THE GREATEST OF ALL DRAMAS Whitman Bennett presents his personally supervised production : 9 The world-famous drama, throbbing with the. heart beats of humanity. A master piece of screen art A TRIUMPH FOR PAULINE STARKE AS SALVATION NELL backed by an army that steps from slum to screen THAT RARE ACHIEVEMENT A TRUE MIRROR OF HUMANITY! IT'S MAGNIFICENT EXTRA ATTRACTION "A WEEK OFF" A Universal Comedy. himself Pauline Starke has the leading role as Salvation Nell, with Joe King play in opposite hei.-. Kins portrays the role of Jim Piatt, the East Side character, with whom Nell Sanders, a girl of the sweatshops, is in love. Because ' of Jim's weakness for drink he is responsible for Nell los ing her job and being forced to- take work as a saloon scrubwoman. Jim is sent to prison for an attack on a man and Nell joins the Salvation Army. When Jim gets out he reckons with out Nell and his little son. How Nell awakens the conscience and stirs the love of Jim to a better and happier life is unfolded on the screen in this dra matic story. "Salvation Nell." which as an Asso ciated First National release, was pro duced by William Bennet, with Ken neth Webb as the director. The sena rio was prepared by Dorothy Farnum. "A Week Off," a Universal comedy, is also on this program. Army and . ence of Miss "Bernice Bartow, soorand cd Jim fron who has just completed a loner ensraeA ment on the Lowe vaudeville circuii. She comes here from Columbia, where she sang to large and enthusiastic au diences last week.' j Miss Barlow .is a rising young artist, and her sucess durin her engagement here last year will be recalled by many motion picture patrons. She is a boau. tiful girl, of the ingenue type, and pos sesses a charming personality. Hef programs are made up of selections per sonally chosen for theier appeal to thp tastes of the music lovers of the city in which she is singing, and her splendi stage presence adds much to the pleas ures to be derived from her brief re citals. In addition to the vocal numberi Miss Barlow gives several talking nunf bers in which melody is liberally inter mingled with humor and the happjf catchy little tricks of the elocutionist'! art. MISS BARLOW SING AT IMPERIAL An added attraction which is exnect- 1 ed to insure, a liberal added share of pleasure for every patron of th-3 Im perial theatre this week will be tha pres- ft- m Tender Love Tale, Smiles and Tears "LAVENDER AND OLD ! LACE" ; BROADWAY Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ! Th Week's Attractions PRICES ' Adults ... 30c Children . 10c All the Week Extra Added Feature MISS BERNICE BARLOW " Soprano Soloist An artist whose youth, beauty and clear charming voice endear her to all audiences MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY Every Mother, Son and Daughter in Charlotte Should See 5 x LIGHTS OUT! THE LIGHTS OF A GREAT CITY! THE LIGHTS THAT MEANT LIFE OK DEATH TO ROBERT SHELDON! What hidden motive prompted New York's District Attorney, leashed to the wheel of his auto, to WIN that maff race with a locomotive through a blinding storm in the pale, grim silence of the night! What prompted him to stop, dash into the Pover House and give an order that !. But you'll never know what happened on that fateful awe-inspiring night until you behold THOMAS II. I NCR'S Drama of Today, "Mother O' Mine." One of the Screen's most human docu ments of life as it is Lived EVERYWHERE ! ADDED INTERNATIONAL NEWS AND TOPICS OF THE DAY WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Alice Brady In "The Land of Hope" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY IFm - Douglas m. zmm The love story of two young people who came to America expecting to find the Statue of Liberty to be made of gold, and of the struggles which they had before they found success and happiness in the new land. w 1 0 1