THE CHARLOTTE NEWS TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 20, LEGION MEETING AT KANSAS CITY Great Gathering of War Leaders Is Expected at Annual Convention. ive we have listed for sale in Myers Park can be purchased at v attractive figures and with reasonable terms. Each has from',, to ten rooms, and are all in most desirable locations. PRICES: $11,000.00 to $16,500.00 Choic Horn UNION NATIONAL BANK i l! i This Bank is 24 years old and throughout this period it has safeguarded the funds and aided in the building up of its community. Today it numbers among its customers the City of Charlotte, the State of North Carolina and the Government of the United States. We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings, com pounded 4 times a year, and our service is uni formly courteous and helpful. i CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK SOUTH. TRYON AND FOURTH STS. A on is O S avinrfs Federal reserve MEMBER United States Depository 1 l I i RIP Quality Goes CleaiThrvugi Burwe 211 S. Church St. i-w alker Co. Carolinas Distributers Phone 834 Charlotte, N. C. SHIPMENT OF 1922 MODEL STUDEBAKER MOTOR CARS JUST ARRIVED. The most popular and best selling six-cylinder automobile in Amerca is very attractive and interesting. COME TO SEE THEM. RUST MOTOR COMPANY oii-Dib &. rryon. Distributer "TUTS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR' Phones 218-219 TO THE VISITORS AND EXHIBITORS AT mas The Laroi exposition An Invitation IT IS THE PLEASURE OF THTq TO PLACE ITS ENTIRE FACILITIES AT THR DT9 POSAL OF ALL EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS TO OUR CITY DURING THE COURSE OP THP rAPn UNAS' EXPOSITION. THESE FACILITTFwt? p FOUND ALL-EMBRACING AND TeS exTW1 ONLY BOUNDED BY THE FINANCIAL rnwr TIONS ENJOYED BY US IN ALL OF aatSR IMPORTANT CENTERS AMERICA'S IN ANY WAY THAT WE MAY qprvi? tt S0J0URN A bIgrvye0Uy?H WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO vtqfp nr BANK AND ALL THE OFFTTFpi wtVt iST?V OF AN OPPORTUNITY TO MEET AD SFR VF vhtt IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE. oERVE YOU Willie IM to? &" BuM,n in Which full equipment and ford foV toSlta C?W with a outgoing. Thi3 will be the onS service of thiT'v-T1 and position. This and other faciHtie wi 1 h Jl , d the ex" our booth. Ee sure to call on us there yUr diSp0sal in American Member Federal Reserve System. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital, Surplus and Profits $ Resources ' ?10,000,000.00 Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 20. The greatest gathering of World War lead era and veterans since the Interallied Victor3r celebration in Paris, July 14, 1919, is expected at the third annual i convention of the American Legion in j Kansas City October 31 to November j The list of distinguished guests In cludes Marshr1! Foch, General Persh ing. Admiral David Beatty, commander of the British fleet, General Armando Diaz, commander in chief of the armies of Italy, Lieut. Gen. Baron Jacques, head of the Belgian army. Admiral Wil liam T. Sims and Maj. Gen. John A. Lejeune, commandant of the U. S. Ma rine Corps. Tentative acceptances have been re ceived from President Harding, Lieut. General Sir William Currie former com mander of the Canadian corps in France, Vice-President Coolidge, Samuel dompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, Rear Admiral R. E. Coontz, Maj. Gen. Charles P. Meno her. Brig. Gen. William C. Mitchell, the commanding generals of American com bat divisions in the World War, and twenty state governors. The first annual convention of the Women's Auxiliary will be held at the same time as the Legion convention. This is expected to draw more than 5,- uou women, lnere are also annual re unions of the 89th and 35th divisions and a number of minor regimental re unions. Twenty-five wearers of the Congress ional Medal of Honor, the highest American award for bravery, will be guests of the citizens of Kansas City during the convention. Because of the unusual guests and the fare of one cent a mile granted by sixteen railroads covering thoroughly the strong Middle West Legion area, the convention, committee expects from -5,000 to 100,000 visitors. It has laid plans to take care of all who come. In conjunction with the convention, the Kansas City Flying Club will stage a wee-aay living show for $10,000 1 in cash prizes and cups. The program I will include night bombing, parachute! drops, trials for the world's autitude rec ord and anurnber of races, culminat-l ing in the American Legion Derby, a loO-mile race open to all makes of planes. ! A parade of more than 40,000 Legion I members Avill be accompanied by bands j and drum corps sent by posts in all parts or tne country. The marchers in uniform, will be reviewed by the dis tingulshed convention visitors. Honors to the World War dead will be rendered at dedication ceremonies on the site of Kansas City's $2,000,000 Lib erty Memorial. DOLLAR DAY HAS UNUSUAL ANGLE v Market Situation Gives the Day's Opportunities Spe cial Emphasis. Merchants who are busily engsed In preparations for Dollar Day, set for Thursday, September 22, declare that never before has a situation presented itself quite similar to the one now ob taining. There have been a number of occasions previously when Dollar Day nas neen neipect by an opportunity -full market in the months preceding its celebration but according to veteran Dollar Day participants "this angle of the situation has never in the history of the event been so acute as it is at pres ent. Take cotton goods, for example. The cotton goods owned by the merchants at this moment and which are to be offered at Dollar Day price concessions on Thursday, are priced on a basis of 10 and 12 cents cotton. The cotton that is being- manufactured today is bring ing in tne neighborhood of 20 cents at the mills' door. No great amount of reasoning power is required to deduce that cotton goods will in all probability be obtainable this Dollar T)a.v nt fi. ures lower than will be seen again for many a day. The merchants do not point to cotton goods as typical. It is admittedly an ex treme example they are citing. Never theless the same reasons to a greater or less degree apply forcefully to other lines involved in Dollar Day offerings. It is thought by many conservative merchants that never before have- j ditions so conspired ,to make Dollar Day vinat it nas always been Intended to be, and what by customers' evidence it has usually, if not invariably, been, namely a day when the thrifty and care ful shopper is able to save a pretty penny, whatever be his or her purchas ing proclivities. Rubber stamps, notary and corpora tion seals made on short notice. Pound & Moore Co. Phone 4542. 23-tf & POUND $CAbuysa brand ril j new Coron . . portable type writer. Other makes at attractive prices. See us before you buy. PKONTV 4542 MOORE CO. CHARLOTTE. N. C. ' Good prices for cotton and Seasonal Fall business combined with more optimistic attitude will put more money in circulation. Nevertheless we advise Sticking fairly close to a .cash basis. A moderate business on cash basis is better than a big business with widely extended credits. We invite your business and offer every cour tesy and accommodation consistent with Safe Banking. H. 31. VICTOR, President F. D. ALEXANDER, Vice Pres. D. P. TILLETT, Cashier A. G. TROTTER, Asst. Cashier Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust Corns 4 SOUTH TRYON STREET. am WALKER'S SERVICE IT'S A CAROLINA PRODUCT TOO! Like most everything else made in the Carolinas, Walker's Service is at' least a little better than the pat rons of a drugr store usually receive. If you don't know a whole lot about Walker's Service, you. can't go wrong in familiarizing yourself with it, and in participating in the bene fits of it. The fine point about it is that it is 100 percent dependable, and everything that is meant oy tne woru "prompt." Walker's Drug Store Corner Seventh and Tryon Streets NORMS CANDY PARKER PENS AGENTS FOR KLlJi Hi The Boy The Bank You want the best things for the Boy. The best Habits. The best schooling. .The best Health. The best Opportunity, the best As sociates. Do you realize that one , of the very best things for him is the Bank Habit? Get him to Save, to do business with this Bank. No- thing will stand him in better stead. We pay you to save your own money. oecuruy oavims Ban 4 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C THE KASft PROFITS i BY COMPARISON Whatever type of car you favor, you need not look outside the NASH line, for in it are touring, roadster, coupe, sedan and sport models, in four and six-cylinder power plants. Back of the Nash is the highly developed efficient Nash service facilities. Carolinas Nash Motors Co. Distributors 500 North Tryon Street. rhone 3201 Open Evenings Until 10 o'Clock ' lil I r r 3 7 1 Val ue Of A B ank Account E. 0. Anderson, Vice President V. A. Watson, Vice President W. 31. Long, Vice President A Bank account and the credit it gives you will be of the greatest aid to you in getting together the first few hundred dollars which you must get in order to advance speedier on the road to success. ndependence Member Federal Reserve System CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,600,000.00. CHARLOTTE, N. C. OFFICERS Trust Company J. H. Wearn, Chairman of Board J. H. Little, President E. E. Jones, Cashier . ..- R. S. Smith, Asst. Cashier Thos. P. Moore Asst. Cashier a. K. Surratt, Assistant Cashier Dr. H. C. Henderson. Dr. R. B. Gaddy HENDERSON & GADDY . DENTISTS Office Hunt Bldg, 202 N. Tryon St Phone 216 L. S. FOX DENTIST 2114 W. Trade St. v Phone 3896 f; Over Yorke & Robert Xvext to Woolworth's. Store-room and basement, No. 200 N. College Street, in trade cen ter, 40-room hotel, repainted, repapered, remodeled, No. 206 North College Street, ready for occupancy September 15th. Small garage No. 14 East Seventh Street. Four -room apartment No. 401 North Church Street. Second and third floors over No. 206 South College Street, well lighted, Home Real Estate and Guaranty Company CASH CAPITAL, $70,000.00 A. I. HENDERSON, Manager Real Esate Department 219 North Tryon Street. Phone 589 NEW SHARES fr SuS 3 here a,most hourly, and that's the right stuff for the man or i e ? exPects to et ahead or amount to much in life. We sure sold 6 f w-intL fiVi" da-y--,9ome aiY day this week and Ktart the ball to rolling. If loan s wanted, file application at once, so as to get in line. LENDING 560.000.00 this week, so you see where much of the money you see circulating arnunri cominer from. Th- rn, 1-, . n-uuiiing- around is . . , , - i--i - ul liic uusmess we are oolne' and they also knnw that everv rlnlir wo - . e "VmS' fenr or for hm i 7 "UL at Per cent without ?Arhe0fiS?JiVrrChin SetS a square deal here on with the rich WE LIVE TO RELIEVE distress and we do it. A good woman came in tother day and fcnid v-.ov,o had gone off .mri 1-, mti0 v,r,mo 5 . ana said her hesband and he lft , V- 1 ua"6. we snowed her a way out ana sne left with a smiling countanenace. ui Bureau is alive and standing on its feet. A bright girl wanted tn vnnro was keepina un wih hi r j& t. wq 1. wan-ea to know if Bill missed a payment sVlnfi Tihl ' 7 JrJ? was. a that he never right." so she's not giving up her job to take Var , J?8 whispered. "Bill's all sometimes have "to say "Lookout, Sallle, 1SL& Za vTe come across, or cut him to the heart." 8 n sood Make MORE HOMES AND HAPPIER HOMFC is our slogan. Ask Jno. Pharr about it, and his great heart w,n , right and straight and helpfully. S at heart wil1 advise you realBe'nJceT iS C-0minS Sme' Wise pe0ple ust atmaUy come here for Mutual Building & Loan Association Jno. R. Pharr, Pres. E. L. Keesler, Sec-Treas 15 South Tryon Street, The great majority of persons do their best work and earn tte largest amount of money during fifteen or twenty years. That is the logical period for saving money-when the income is greatest and the so called "sacrifice" of saving least felt. Are you in tl, most productive years of your life? When they have passed ,vhat will you have to show-thrift or drift? Start your Savings M count with us. . The Merchants and Farmers National Bank 5 WEST TRADE ST. CXI A TT Afnnn -k-r Capital, Surplus and Profits $600,000.00 71 IT . Mint 5 treet Bargains Lot fronting 50' on Mint Street opposite P. and N. FreigM Depot. This is a bargain at $5,000.00. Nine (9) lots at corner of Mint Street and Dowd Road. F quick sale $20.00 per front foot. Worth your while to inquire about these. Call L. T. Wyndham, 'Phones 3022 and 319S. F. C. Abbott & Company Trust Hm-Mino, Everything in Real Estate irust Building Phones 238 or 3022 212 S. Tryon ft t

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