THE CHARLOTTE -NfcWS, CiiiwLOTrE, is. j., iULSSDAY. AFTERiNOOJN, SEPTEMBER 20, 1921. rs vers n ursda I D s oilar Day In Charlotte Ivey's is planning to participate in this big Dollar Day, which is Charlotte's most import ant semi-annual mer chandising event, by of fering the finest lot of seasonable specials ever put out in this store. From every depart ment comes a big list of new Fall Merchandise offered at reductions so great as to be almost unbelievable offered in the expectation of mak ing the day go over in bigger fashion than even the mammoth March Million - Dollar Dollar Day. You will find in this store every facility for service possible, and a large number of trained saleswomen have been secured to take care of the extra crowds. , B. VEY & CO NO ACTION WAS TAKENBY JURY Investigate Alleged Tam pering .With Witnesses in Arbuckle Case. San Francisco, Sept. 20. The county grand jury early today adjourned until next Monday night its investigation of alleged tampering with . prosecution witnesses in the case of Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle, film comedian, held in jail in j connection with the death of Miss J Virginia Rappe, film actress. The grand jury, it is said, also heard the testimony of Dr.r William Rumwell, who is alleged to have performed an autopsy on Miss Rappe. No action was taken. Liquor served by Arbuckle at his party is,, to be the subject of investiga tion by a "United States district court grand jury. Robert H. McCormack, assistant United States district attorney for the prosecution of liquor cases, announced witnesses would be called who were guests at the alleged revel. McCormack will not, he said, seek indictments at this time, waiting until other Federal officials have completed investigations now going on in the motion picture colonies of Los Angeles and Holly wood. INVESTIGATE "SOURCES." The Federal attorney intimated seven or more persons were under investiga tion. He has examined numerous wit nesses, but he refused to make their names public. At the resumption of the investigation by the grand jury last night. Dr. Rumwell, physician to Miss Rappe during her fatal illness, was call ed to explain why an autopsy had been performed following her death without request being made by county officials as required by law. Miss Joyce Clarke and Regy Morely and Dr. Gabor Kingstone were called. District Attorney Brady said, in con nection with a report intimating pos sible financial interest of witnesses in the trial. At the conclusion of the session. District Attorney Brady issued a state ment in which he declared that it had been disclosed that these three wit nesses had discussed the probability of "making money out of the Arbuckle case by 'framing' Miss Joyce Clark to impeach the testimony of Mi3s Zen Provost, an important prosecution witness." HOUSE TAX BILL BEING PREPARED Will Be Presented to the Senate Wednesday Upon Ending of Recess. Washington, Sept. 20. The House tax bill, as. amended by the Senate fi nance committee, was being whipped in to shape today for presentation tomor row when the Senate reconvenes after its recess of a month. The measure will be pressed as soon as the busi ness of the Senate will permit and Chairman Penrose expects it to be sent to the President by the latter part of next month. Repeal of the excess profits tax and reduction of the maximum income sur tax rate from 65 per cent to 32 per cent are the provisions expected to draw fire from the opposition on the Senate floor. Democratic leaders hope to marshal their forces solidly against those proposals and they count on sup port from the Republican side. Opposition also is promised against the Senate committee provision to con tinue the freight and passenger taxes for the calendar year of 1922 at half the present rates. The House voted to eliminate all of these levies and some members of the ways and meaiis com mittee expect to insist upon their full repeal as of next January 1, should the Senate vote to retain them. A number of amendments to the com mittee measure are to be offered on the floor and some Senators look for ex tended 'debate, particularly on the manu facturers sales tax plan to be present ed, by Senator Smoot, of Utah, a Re publican member of the committee, and the whiskey tax amendment which Sen ator Calder, of New York, has given notice he will present. Senator Penrose does not expect any serious delay m consideration of the bill and is of the opinion that it can be passed after two-weeks' debate. He is not certain now when it will be pos sible lo get it before the Senate, but says he will press for its consideration as soon as possible. SITE GIVEN FOR FRESH AIR CAMP Tubercular Hospital Will be Situated on Old Water works Property. Transfer of 30 acres of the old water works property to the Mecklenburg Anti-Tubercular Association by the city commissioners virtually completes all the preliminary steps toward the fitting up of a new hospital just off the States ville road for the care .of the indigent sick and the tubercular-infected of the city and the county. The city commissioners are expected at some later date to make an appropri ation of $10,000 to the institution to measure up to what the county com missioners have done in the way of of- I I BREVARD STREET REVIVAL CLOSES "How can we escape being discovered in sin?" was a question asked by Rev. L. D. Thompson in his . closing revival sermon at Brevard ' Street Methodist church Monday night. Tho services have been in progress at the church for the past 10 days. "A Startling Question" was the sub ject of Mr. Thompson's last sermon. It is impossible to escape eternal punishment if the salvation of God through the blood of Jesus Christ is neglected, he declared. It is easy to neglect salvation, said the speaker, but it is fatal. Salva tion is great because it provides pardon for sinners, it is great in its expen siveness. in that it cost God his Son, Jesus Christ. It is great in its inex pensiveness, in that it costs the sinner nothing. Jesus paid the whole debt. IMPORTERS EVADE JAPANESE CUSTOMS Yokahama, Japan, Sept. 20. Nearly one million yen, or about $500,000, is due- the Japanese customs office at this port because of evasions of duty or neglect to pay fines for evasions, according to an official statement by the customs department. This investigation is separate from criminal cases against 89 alleged of hama Disti-sqthea4HTHTHT TH TH fenders now pending in the Yokohama District Court, in connection with the Japanese customs scandal which has defendants are chiefly Japanese inspec tors charged with collusion with impor ters in false appraisals." The report of the customs authorities names nine persons, two foreigners and seven Japanese, as having parcially or wholly evaded customs duties. The authorities have levied fines against some of these. i HIKING INFANTRY IS TO GET NEEDED REST Atlanta, Sept. 20. The sixth United States infantry due her during the day on its 888-mile hike from Camp Jackson, South Carolina, to St. Louis, Mo., will camp for two days at. Lake wood Park, a suburb, to give men and animals a needed rest, according to Lieut. H. W. Johnson, an Alantan who came ahead of the troops to make ar rangements. The hike, said to be the .longest un dertaken by an American force in peace time, is part of the general transfer of infantry units in the reorganization ne cessitated by cutting down the person nel to 150,000 men. Moving in heavy marching order as though going into battle, the 900 men and 23 officers make a column half a mile long. The regiment is in command of Colonel Hunter B. Nelson and contains many veterans who followed Pershing into Mexico. TWO CITIES KEEPING SNELSON VERY BUSY Salisbury, Sept. 20. E. J. Snelson is tehuttle-blocking it between Charlotte and Salisbury police headquarters. Ar rested here last week for check-flash ing in Charlotte he was turned ovr to Charlotte officers just before several of hie alleged transactions in Salis bury came to light. He straightened up his Charlotte troubles and by that time the Salisbury officers sent for him with three warrants. Now he is back here to answer these three charges and here comes a half dozen new warrants from the Charlotte officers with a re quest to please return as soon as finished. GIRLS! LEMONS BLEACH THE SKIN Squeeze the Juice of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, which " any drug store will supply for a few cents, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of harmless and .delightful lemon bleacll. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day, then shortly note the beauty and whiteness of your skin. Famous stage beauties use this lem on lotion to bleach and bring that soft, clear, rosy-white complexion, also as a freckle, sunburn, and tan bleach be cause it doesn't irritate. 'THE AFFAIRS OF ANATOL" It is a marvelous photoplay, . superbly played IMPERIAL, Commencing Monday. RINGWORMS ON FACE AND NECK For Two Years. Itched and Burned. Face Disfigured. Cuticura Healed. "My face and neck became rough and full of pimples. After a couple yf weeks the pimples turned to ring worms and my face was covered. They itched and burned so that I could hardly do my work, and my face was badly disfigured. "The trouble lasted about two years. I saw Cuticura Soap and Ointment advertised and sent for a free sample which helped me. I pur chased more and after usin.-j two cakes of Soap, together with the Oint ment, I was healed." (Signed) Miss Caroline Morphis, Carrboro, No. Car. Make Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum your daily toilet preparations and watch your skin improve. Bampl.Each Free by Mall. Address: "CaticnraLab ontaris. Dept H, Maiden IS, Uui." Sold every where. Soap 2ec. Ointment 25 and 60c. Talcum 25c. Cuticura Soap shaves witkout mug. ! Specials j 1 Footwear I "Woman's Brown Kid Ox ford, one-inch rubber heel, welt oak sole, an unusu ally attractive, service able oxford, at $7.00 Children's school shoes, in cluding a girl's plain cap toe, brown calf number, with low rubber heel and heavy oak sole at $4.00 Woman's brown calf Ox ford, saddle strap, with rubber heel attached, at $6.50 DeLane's 36 East Trad St., Charlotte, N. C. fering immediate financial support to this institution. The promoters of this enterprise stat ed Tuesday that it would require about 540,000 eventually to complete plans now in their minds, but architects are drawing specifications now for build ings which may, for the present, be sufficient to accommodate the number of tuberculars most desperately in, need of attention. If the city makes an appropriation of $10,000 to add to the $10,000 appropriat ed by the county commissioners, the as sociation will have at hand half of the amount it thinks will be needed. It is proposed to solicit a public subscrip tion of $20,000 to complement the capi tal necessary. The fact that the city has made such a substantial gift in the way of grounds relieved, the association of a big expense in the acquirement of suitable property. In addition to the appropriation made by the county, the commissioners also have agreed to the employment of a whole-time health officer as well as two nurses to superintend the hospital. The site on which the tubercular camp will be located is regarded as un usually well fitted for, this purpose. It embraces the municipal property on which the old water works was located prior to the completion of the new plant and the running of a water line to the Catawba river. It is juat off the States ville road, only two miles from the city, and so situated that it will easily lend itself to the development which the tu bercular association has in mind. DEATHS FUNERALS REV. W. W. DANIELS. Charleston, S. C, Sept. 20. The Rev. W. W. Daniels, D. D., pastor of the Methodist church at Kingstree and :r? of the leading ministers of the South. Carolina Methodist conference, diod suddenly last night. He was 62 years old. For 17 years he was president of Columbia College. He Is survived by a widow and several children. 4 n i.. u in ESI auaa DIAMONDS Are Good Investments at any time of the year as they are the most at tractive of ornamental stones. Prices of diamonds do not vary, since their qual ity is always of the high est. B.FROARK Diamond Merchant, Silversmith, Jeweler 10 North Tryon St. MADE FROM SUGAR-GAME 1ST WW EXTRA flNEj dardofPui!" n,. Franklin Standard of Parity TK Franklin Sugar ftennms CipT nntARtptii 3 A Remember, you can always fall back on canned pears when unexpected guests drop in! You can economize, too for preserves are so nutritious and delicious that they take the place of expensive winter foods. Use Franklin Granulated for preserv ing. It comes to you clean, packed by machine in convenient sturdy cartons and strong cotton bags, proof against flies and ants. SAVE TWIT FRUIT CROP The Franklin Sugar Refining Company "A Franklin Cane Sugar for every use" Granulated, Dainty Lumps, Powdered, Confectioners, Brown, Golden Syrup. N It isn't likely that you'll buy a kitchen cabinet often. The cabinet you select now will probably serve many years. (A McDougall is good for a lifetime.) It is needless to say, then, that you should make every effort to select the best cabinet the first time. "But how am I to know?" you ask. "What makes the best cabinet?" Not mere materials, labor and a factory but experience, invention, in genuity in designing the cabinet to serve the useful purpose for which it is sold. The first was a McDougall built over a quarter of a century ago. Steadfast improvements through all these years assure you of having the most useful.and serviceable cabinet in a McDougall. No ppg builds them so well nor so beautifully. s Our men like to demonstrate these cabinets. Come see them. The Auto-Front is a patented convenience found only on McDougalls. The eight steel corner braces in the base are exclusively McDougall con struction. See the sanitary, metal flour bin, the metal bread and cake drawer; they come out for a scalding and a sun-bath. Look at the damage proof snow white Porceliron work table. We'll look for you soon. The Banner 305 East Trade St. Furniture Company Out of the High Rent District Our convenient payment plan makes your McDougali sarn its way $ -f OO JUL DOWN and $1.50 a Week Puts a McDOUGALL in your Kitchen