19211 8 LOST RENT WANTED FOR SALE -ONE-CENT -A - WORD The Pallin'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fact. Be Convinced, Try 'Em THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 20 r ' ' ' FOUND FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" Set this style and type one cent pgr word each Insertion. STYLE "B" SET THIS STYLE AND TYPE. TWO CENTS PER WORD STYLE Set this style and type, three cents per word each Insertion Any style "Mugged" either top or hnt torn, or between lines, at double the above- rate. . . Clansifled advertlntnif Is ?,d SrSte ord'.T butt or convenience of Chwioue TWtrons. who mre XSSSSJ directory, or known In the OTJ office, a memorandum chaw will be made wtth the expectation that the am pam uni v Regular Classification of ads rannot be pxiaranteed after 12 dV,da? fir Edition or after 10 p. m. Saturday lor Sunday Kdltion. . MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP "WANTED Saleslady. Preier oun, ladv with some experience. Answ i In own handwriting. "M. care N. -X-XTET 25 extra salesladies for WAAJ.r-.i -' r - wool- Thursday. "UOUar v- - 20-lt worth Co. WANTED 50 extra salespeople for Dollar Day. Belk Bros. 20-lt WANTED Wash woman to do wasn ing on lot. Apply 704 N. College WANTED Experienced soda dispenser. Apply Caton Drug 20-lt Co. VENTED Saleslady in laches' ready-to-wear deparmtent. Must be capable - of fitting and altering ladies suits. Saleslady, care News. WANTED 50 extra salespeople for Dollar Day. Belk BrosI201lt WE HAVE a very attractive proposi tion to offer two good experienced house to house canvassers. Big mon ey to hustlers. Address Box SO, care Tk." j-nrr- 19" WANTED Capable woman to manage ancj purchase supplies for moderate sized lunch room. Applicant must be in terested in welfare work and furnish references. Address P. O. Box 840, Charlotte, N. C. 30-3t MEN WANTED Railroad and shipping clerks, $35.00 to $75.00 per week I want to hear from capable applicants who are ambitious to qualify for im portant railroad and industrial trallio work, leading to traffic managerial positions. Our organization with a large staff of domestic and export traffic experts and representatives throughout the country, has beer, called upon to help meet the deman-1 for men who can handle transporta tion with all possible economy. Their is an increasing demand today for trained men who can figure the low est transportation costs, determine quickest deliveries and effect ship ping economics and ejeiency general ly. I have been requested to find desirable applicants in this territory who wish to qualify for this proiis slon. You can find study in spare time not to interfere with present position till qualified. In replyirg state, age. education, experience, if any, present position and give phone number so a personal interview may be arranged. Confidential. Address "Exnort." care News. 19-2t WANTED Experienced man cook for private family. Apply 1614 S. Boule vard. 19-tf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED White truck, will trade Buick in A-l condition. Phone 1814-L3 20-2t WANTED To trade Ford touring for roadster, 1921 model. Phone 1814-L3 20-3t PARTY ' wishes to borrow immediately $300 for thirty days at 6 per cent interest; will give $1350 concert grand piano as collateral. Address P. O Box 973. 20-lt EXPERIENCED teacher desires pupils in French. History and English Lit erature. Phone 1224 between 3 and 5 p. m. 20-3t WANTED When in need of a first class stenographer or bookkeeper, ycu to call on us- Brown's Business College. Phone 2586. 20-2t WANTED If you want your property sold list it with J. E. Murphy & Co. IK- It-eod WA.MtiiJ ro norrow si.uuu on real estate in city, first mortgage. Ad dress "Wanted," care News. 19-2t WANTED To trade 50 shares Ander sen motor stock for vacant ot, bal ance cash. Phone 2088-J. 19-2t WANTED Carpenter work of all kinds, jobs large or small. Phone 4340. 193t WANTED Cash register in good con dition. P. O. Box 46, Matthews, N. C 19-2t WANTED To make your mattresses and pads to order. Mattresses reno vated, box springs repaired, feather mattresses made. Halley-Howard Co., 323 East Trade. Phone 3446. 22-tf (WANTED To put your furnaces in good working order before the rush comes, there by saving you money. Strange & Brady, Phone 3149. 8-tf WANTED Your painting, calsomim Ing, refinishlng floors. J. S. McCall. Phone 40C9. 12-tf WANTED Used furniture. Phone 4438, (05 W. Eleventh St. 13-tf HOUSES WANTEDROOMS WANTED 4 or 5-room furnisheJ apartment with heat, in good locality by adults. Phone 342. 20-lt WANTED Two or three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping by de sirable permanent party. Phone 2531-W. 20-3t FOR RENT FOR RENT To couple without chil dren two rooms furnished for light housekeeping. Phone 2054-J. 20-tf FOR RENT Attractive bedroom ad joining bath, next door to excellent board, close in, 4 S. Davidson. 20-St FOR RENT Furnished room, furnace heat, private home. Phone 221-J. 20-3t FOR RENT To couple, two nicely furnished rooms for light house keeping, connecting bath, hot and cold water, lights and gas. on car line, close in. Phone 3115. 20-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished bedroom in private home, to business girl, close in, all modern conveniences, furnace heat. Phone 3601-W. 20-4t FOR RENT Well furnished front cor ner room. Fourth ward connecting bath. Apply S02 N. Poplar. 17-1 it FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping- Phone 2069-W after"6:30 p. m. " 20-2t h OR KENT 5-room house, vidson St. Phone 40S4. 917 N. Da-20-tf FOR RENT A nicely furnished room with board in private home to busi ness couple or two men. References required. 209 Wilmore Drive. 20-2t FOR RENT Two unfurnished connect ing rooms lirst floor, convenient for light housekeeping, running water, lights, phone 25S4. couple without children. 20-2t FOR RENT furnished -Steam heated apartments, or unfurnislie J: 7 -room house. 2 baths, hot 'water W. Seventh St. furnace. S 2-tf-od FOR RENT Furnished room. South Tryon St. Phone and bath, furnace .heat, half block of car line. 120S S. Tryon. Phone 729. 17-tf-sat-sun-tue-thur FOR RENT Or S17-S21 S. Colle; B. Ross. sale on easy terms, ?e. Phone 740-J. John 19-tf-eod FOR RENT November 1, b-room cot tace. J. E. Morris. Phone 1782-.I. FOR RENT To gentlemen, furnished room, close to business center, hot and cold running water in room, steam heat, private entrance, con venient to bath, 433 S. Church St. Apartment A. 19-2t FOR RENT Furnished room with or without board, private home, young couple preferred. Phone 3154-W. FCR RENT Nice room with all mod ern conveniences, near board, very leasonable. 920 E. Fifth St. U-2t FOR RENT Unfurnished room and kitchenette, first floor, to counle viihout children. Apply 207 Kingston Ave. 19-3t FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 307 N. ' College St. 19-tf FOR RENT Furnished room to gen tleman only. 516 S. Church St. FOR RENT 4-room heated apartment 1521 E. Fourth. Phone 2153. 18-tf NICE cool room with board in private family. 417 N. College. 18-4t FOR RENT Desirable front bedroom during exposition, close in, good car service, hot water at all hours, $5.00 per week. Apply 116 N. McDowell after 3:30 p. m. Phone 1805. 17-tf FOR RENT Reasonable, two large of flees, good location, room 14, 208 S. Tryon St. 17-b fur i-th.Ni liooms with board, also one unfurnished room to man and wife. Apply 405 S. Tryon. 17-tt t OR RENT Two unfurnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping, also one furnished bedroom 607 S. Tryon St. 16-tf FOR RENT Three rooms partly tui nisheel over store. Apply b23 h,. lenln St. Phone 2106. 15-tf KVlT? T7T-.VT S.rnnm hoatort nnurfmnnf freshly painted and papered. 8 W -Seventh St. 13-tf r un rnNT entire third floor over G. R. Kinney's Shoe Co.. consists of 5 room apartment formerly used by an optician. Apply W. F. Dowd, Jr. 14-8t lOL.Nti .L.AD1 desires room mate at first class boarding house. 910 E Ave. Phone 2399-E2. 14-tf FOR N. RENT Tryon -Two St. furnished rooms, 307 13-tf FOR RENT Storeroom. 717 N. Gra ham, excellent location for meat market or any other business, reason able rent. Phone 1335 os 2929 W. 11 tf FIRST CLASS board can be secured at 910 E. Ave. Phone 2399-E2. 29-r.f FOR RENT Trade. -One garage, 711 West 11-tf FOR RENT One furnished room and garage $15.00 per month. Phone 2947-W. 505 West 9th. 5-If. FOR RENT To couple or gentlemen room in private family in Dilworth Phone 2981. 4-tf FOR RENT To white tenants only Stores 32, 34 and 36 Howell Arcade and two large warehouses at rear o these stores. See or phone Whitman Douglas Co. Phone 4143. 2-tf FOR RENTTwo storerooms, 8 and 10 S. Poplar St. Conner & Walters Company. 18-tf hUK Kb.T Two nice front connect ing offices. 27 1-2 W. Fourth St. Dowd Bldg. See J. R. Ethridge Phone 44S2. 28-tf it UK K.LiTl Office room, well located. Apply Merton C. Propst. 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5-tf FOR RENT Garage in first ciass con dition near North Fox street. Eliza beth. Phone 4511-L2. 10-tf FOR RENT Stor on South Church C. Pivnt. 28 W. room, first block St. Apply Merton Fifth St. S-5-tf MISCELLANEOUS CHEVROLET Touring How much, how much Court House, Sept. 24th. 19-5t .UiHJn, After Sept. 1. all moving previously $5.00 per load will be $4.00. and all previously $6.00 will $5.00. Reasonable rates on long dis tance moving and all other hauling Nichols Transfer Co., 11 W. Fourth St. Phone 705. j.-f CHARLOTTE BUTTON SHOP Hem stitching, pecoting, button covering etc. Prompt service. 307 N. Col lege. IS.ff NEW MATTRESSES mad? out of your oia ones, htsnovated. Mot ticks. It pays. It rids you of vermin. Cal' 1588-J for particulars. Lawing's Mattress Factory. 212 North Long st- 2S-tf WALL PAPER HANGING, house painting. Call J. M. Muse. Phone 42;'-u. g.tf WALL PAPER The Latest Designs A. J. DUNN CO. 10 East Fourth St. Phone 2264. 21-tf PIANO TUNING W. E. Senn, Chan lotte. N. O. Phone 2335-L-3. 10-12-t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, Colonial Heights, one block of car line, hard wood floors in front rooms, lot 68 ft. front, furnace, handsome fixtures, etc. Price $7500; $2750 cash pay ment. F. C. Abbott & Co. Phone 3022. 20-2t DILWORTH LOTS On an ideal street, with water, sewer, lights, paved sidewalk, two blocks from car line, $1,250 each. Terms long and easy. T. T. Cole, Inc., 215 West Trade St. Phone 4572. 20-2t ELIZABETH AVE., 5-room cottage in perfect condition. $5500. ELIZABETH SECTION, 5-room bunga low on paved street. House has oak floors. Very best residential section, $5250. FIRST WARD, nice o-room cottage, in good neighborhood. Price $4000. CRAIO-LITTLE REALTY & INSUR ANCE CO. Phone 1436. 20-2t OUR SALESMEN act. only as guides in showing our Dil worth nronertv. Phone us for an engagement Inc., 215 West Phone 4572. T. T. Cole, Trade Street. 20-2t FOR SALE Best lot in Myers Fark, Dartmouth Place, 55x240. Price $1550 cash. $500 down. $600 in 12 months, no interest, balance $450 due one year, 6 per cent interest. Streets iie-hts water paid. Jeff Palmer. Phone 3S52. 20-lt FOR SALE 6-room house. Fourth Ward, in excellent condition, large wide lot. Price $7250. Terms. F. C. Abbott & Co.. Robert B. Street, sales man. Phone 3022. 20-2t FOR SALE 1 10 V-i -acre farm on Char lotte-Wilmington highway, about 60 acres under cultivation, large pas ture, land lies well, has good resi dence, barn, outbuildings, tenant house, near school and church, one mile to railroad station. Price $100 per acre. J. E. Murphy &' Co. lS-3t-eod FOR SALE 117-acre farm on Char lotte-Wilmington highway, near rail road station, churches and school, about SO acres under cultivation, good pasture, running water, large orchard. 7-room residence in grove, two tenant houses. Price $100 per acre- J. E. Murphy & Co. lS-3t-eod FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, Eliza beth section. House in good condi tion, modern conveniences, well ar ranged, good lot, plenty of fruit. Price $6000. J. E. Murphy & Co. 18-3t-eod FOR SALE Brick apartment house, located 2 1-2 blocks of square, con taining six apartments bringing in over 15 per cent. Good location, wtl! built and in splendid condition, all modern conveniences. For quick saie, $37,000. J. E. Murphy & Co. 18-3t-eod FOR SALE 4-room cottage in suburb, near car line. House in good condi tion, splendid lot. Price for quick sale, $1600. J. E. Murphy & Co. 18-3t-eod FOR SALE Vacant lot, Myers Park section. J. E. Murphy & Co. stood location. Price $1500. 18-3t-eod FOR SALE 154-acre farm, 8 1-2 miles from center Charlotte on macadam road. 7-room house, barn, outbiuldings, plenty wood, running water, 15 acres in meadow, land lies well. Price $4i per acre. J. E. Murphy & Co. 18-3t-eod FOR SALE 6-room bungalow witnin walking distance business section. House practically new, splendid con dition, well arranged, modern con veniences, heating plant, large lot. Price $6500. J. E. Murphy & Co. 18-3t-eod FOR SALE Vacant lota on Statesville Ave. and McCall St. Sewerage, water, lights, paved walk, ranging in price $500 to $1100 with terms- J. E. Mur phy & Co. 18-3t-eod FOR SALE Brick warehouse, mill construction, well located, has street frontage and good railroad frontage with side track. Contains 23,000 square feet and has ground enough to add 37,000 more. See us for price. J. E. Murphy & Co. 18-3t-ecd FOR SALE 7-room slate roof Dutch colonial residence on the Boulevard. Has beautiful lawn: hardwood floors, heating plant, large basement, ga rage, house on shady side of street. Ideal location. Phone us quick and get our price. We are going to sell quick. W. C Harris & Co. 18-3t FOR SALE Some real bargains in vacant lots in Elizabeth and Dil worth. W. C. Harris & Co., Realty Bid? 18-3t i oAi.ii, o-room nouse ana nail in Washington Heights, Biddle, half- acre lot, orchard and well. See Will Douglas, basement News office 18-3t FOR SALE 5-room house in good con dition. on lot 75x150; 1-2 block from car line. In Fourth ward. Easy terms. Pricq. $6250. W. C. Harris & Co., ask Mr. .Jordan. Phone 936. 18-3t FARMS HOTELS STORES n i - -. . we nae tor saie an sizes real money maiving tarms, grow any crop you de sire, also notels, stores, etc., at great bargains and reasonable terms. Teil us what you want, we will help you get it. Hampton Is the gateway to prosperity and on the direct route to every point in South Florida. Stop oer ana see it witnout cost or obliga tion. J. F. Houser & Son, Hampton, 11 ia i7.5t FOR SALE By owner, one new 5-room bungalow and two lots In Thorn asboro. N. C. on Oakland nvo nue. O. A. Kato, R. F. D. $, box o, Charlotte. N. C. 16-7t "OR SALE Ten lots near car line real bargain for some on tnr lasnn New bungalowB going up adjoining cms jjiupeny now. see us quick Easy terms. Queen City Realty Co., inc.. 36 vv. Fifth St. l6-5t FOR SALE Two new stores and coi ner Vacant lot in cnlnrorl aanHn-r, Price $2500; $750 cash. Queen City rieaity l,o., inc., 38 W . Fifth. Phon 535- 1 16.5 FOR SALE Large level lot on Post St-. 150 feet off Mint St. Will take automobile as part payment. See Dr. Levy, 7 E. Trade. jj.tf FOR SALE Six-room bungalow. Eiiza beth section. $5000. See Owner, J. A. Price, 1404 Parkway Drive. 9-8-ti FOR SALE Away below value, mod ern house on large plot In Dilworth; perfect condition; 10 rooms, 2 baths; terms If desired. John W. Post & Co.. 209 W. Trade St. J8-tt AUTOMOBILES 1 1-2 TON TRUCK with starter, in good running shape, $73.00; Chevro let touring, $260; Commonwealth, 5 passenger, $320; Buick 6. 19 model, 5-passenger, $440; Buick 6, 5-passen-ger. $480; National 6, 7-passenger. $5S0. Used parts for Overland 75, Chevrolet 490, Dixie Flyer, Reo 4, Model N Hupmobile. V. M. Stine 29 S. Tryon St. 20-tf FOR SALE ONE HUDSON SUPER SIX SPEEDSTER, PRACTICALLY NEW, IN A ONE CONDITION YOU BET. AVOODSIDE MOTOR CO. 20-2t FOR SALE Chandler club roadster in excellent condition at real bargain. Call H". J. Tucker, Phone 4280. 202t FOR SALE Two ton truck, good condition, reasonable price. J. B. Ivey & Co., Delivery Department. 20-lt FOR SALE One Ford Roadster with starter, demountable wheels and shock absorbers, $175. W. A. Fry & Sons, 1105 N. Tryon St. Phone 3418. 20-2t 1-.ARGAIN Buick 6 7-p-issepger, iooks like new, runs like new, four non skid practically new tires, weed chair, jack. Must sol! quick, need money. Write Box 668, Charlotte. 19-2t FOR SALE for cash 24th. Chevrolet Touring, Court House, Sept. 19-5t FOR SALE Kissel 6, 5-passenger, in good condition, six good tires, a bargain at $375 for quick sale. W. II. fcfnnon. 842 East Tenth St. 19-2t FOR SALE Sept. 24th, touring;. At Court House one Chovrolet 19-5t FOR SALE SPECIAL BARGAINS 1 Cadillac Touring 1 Six-Cylinder Empire 1 Bell Touring 2 1920 Briscoe Touring 21918 Briscoe Touring 1 Dort Touring 1 Chalmers Speedster 1 Ton New Truck 1 Ton Used Truck 2 Light Deliveries 1 Half Ton New Open-Screen Delivery. J. H. HAM 306 North Tryon St. Phone 352 USED CAR VALUES. FORD SEDAN. USED KTfJKT MONTHS. JUST OVERHAULED 5UPP, MODEL R TOURING, DEMON STRATOR. EXTRAS- CHALMERS TOURING, 1920 MODEL, EXTRAS: SPLENDTD OOXDTTTOV OAKLAND TOURING; GOOD TIRES AL,Li ROUND. ULPP. MODEL. N TOURING: A SPLENDID BUY. CHANDLER 7-PASSENGER TOUR ING: IN A-l CONDTTTDV HUPP, MODEL K TOURING, CORD iiK.ua; iiKST CLASS CONDITION. JTUKU LIUHT DELIVERY; OPEN EX i"KESS BODY: CHEAP- PREMIER 7-PASSENGER TOURING ,-EW TIRES; EXCELLENT CONDI TION. DODGE BROTHERS PANEL RTFiR DELIERY CAR; A REAL BAR GAIN. VISITORS TO THE CAROLINAS EX POSITION WILL DO WELL TO LOOK THESE CARS OVER. WE ARE OFFERING SOME EXCEP TIONAL BARGAINS IN THE AJO E LIST. CHARLOTTE MOTOR CAR CO. 209 S. CHURCH ST. PHONE 961 18-7t NOTICE To all Ford owners We can save you money on your repair work. All work guaranteed. W. A. Fry & Sons 1105 N. Tryon Street. Phone 3418 i8-8t ckjxx ora delivery truck in good condition. Boyd-Garner Co., 319 in. iryon St. 14-tf BARGAINS Two Buick tourings. Three Dodge tourings. One Ford roadster The above cars are in good condition anu wm oe sold cheap. Terms. USED CAR EXCHANGE. 505 S. Tryon St. Next to Catholic Church. 12-tf O T. 171 1 r x r v. aiijsn. He win pay you o&sn tor your automobiles. 6-tf KENT A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. O-DxtlVE-UM CO., 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 1270 15-tf BARGAINS IN USED CARS More than 20 used automobiles different models $200.00 and up. Apply Sehorn and Hipp. 211 N. College St. Phone 4050- 7-tf BUSINESS OFORTUNITY FOR SALE Onnrt nnvitie busine must be sold by September 30. Can db secured by small casn payme and 'balance nn tm-ri mnar or w trade for real estate or used auto mobiles. Address P. O. Box 1403 Phone 426I-J. 19 for" SALE Garage and transfer busi ness, as a whole or separate. Good opportunity for right party. Terms if desired. "Garage," Box 426, Moorca vllle, N. C. l9-7t FOR RENT Office building. 20 office, well located. J. H. McAden. Phone 860. - 3-tf SPECIAL NOTICES $5.00 REWARD for the first most appropriate name suggested ioi uui new style children's muslin drawers. Made in Charlotte. See them at the woman's exhibit at the fair. On ? sale at Little-Long Co. 20-3t-eod Defiance Hemstitching Shop Button Covering Coats Relined Slight Alterations. 203io W. Fourth St. 20tf 'IEDMONT PRESSING CLUB Phone 3818 Quick Service Good Work 37 So. Tryon St. 16-6t Thur Sun and Tues YOUR PRICE for a Chevrolet Touring at Court House, Sept. 24th. 19-5t BEN F. FAVELL The Best in Shoe Repairing Phone 247 215-217 N. Tryon Shoes Called for and Delivered. S-tf-thur-sat-mon-tue MATERNITY SANITARIUM Private, refined, homelike. Homes provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 22 Windsor, Atlanta, Ga. 9-l-26t-no-sun LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING PACKING AND STORING Three Large Trucks WARREN TRANSFER CO. Phone 1166. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS for Edison-Dick Mimeographs and Supplies. CRAYTON COMPANY 29V S. Tryon St. Phone 304 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Big bargain, cottage of 6 rooms and bath, 1-2 block of South Tryon street, close in, lot 45x150 to railroad. Price $5500. Continental Se curities Co., 917 Commercial Bank Bldg. Phone 232. 20-3t FOR SALE S-room house, sleeping porch, maple floors downstairs, all modern conveniences. Lot 65x135. Located on East Eighth street, near Hawthorne Lane; street cars and Independence Park; $10,500. Terms. Four-room house, West Twelfth St., 3000. Terms. J. A. Brown. Room 5, McKinnon Bldg. Phone 439. 20-2t FOR SALE 9-room house, East Boule vard, shady side of street, can be easily converted into apartment house- It is a good investment. Price $7000 only. One of the 6est buys in Charlotte. W. C. Harris & Co. Phone 936 for an appointment. 20-3t FOR SALE 4-room house, good lot, Belmont section. Price $1500; $500 cash buys it. W. C. Harris & Co. Phone 936. Call Mr. Jordan. 20-31 FOR SALE 6-room bungalow, hard wood floors, breakfast room, cemor.t basement, garage. Owner left town. Price $6500. W. C. Harris & Co Phone 936. 20-3t WE ARE MAKING special prices on all lots owned and controlled by us in Dilw6rth, in order to get as many houses started as possible be fore cold weather. T. T. Cole, Inc. 215 West Trade St. Phone 4572. 20-2t FOR SALE One of the best 6-room bungalows in Piedmont section, one block of car line, has very large rooms, hardwood floors, good base ment, shady side of street. Can be bought for $1000 cash. Ten years to pay the balance. Why pay rent when you can own your own homo. W. C. Harris & Co. Phone 936 or 2443. 20-St IF YOU EXPECT to build a home this year, we will make a big reduction on any of our Dilworth lots. T. T. Cole, Inc., 215 West Trade St., Phone 4572. 20-2t FOR SALE Some of the best bargains in Charlotte in vacant lots. Buv now the price is going up. W. C. Harris g o., realty Bldg. 20-3t ON FRIDAY of last week we advertised a 6-room house be ing completed on Tremont avenue, price $5,500. Satur day morning it was sold to the first party seeing it. We have had at least 15 inquiries about the same house. We have three more 6-room houses now under construction on the same street for sale at the same price. T. T. Cole, Inc. 215 West Trade St. Phone 4572. 2(-2t LOST OR FOUND STRAYED Jersey-Guernsey milk cow Probably at North Charlotte or on Providence road. Reward. Phone 3074-J. ,ni; I.DST Rnnrh 1-.. : v,L iYr,3 fiuiier at post office. West Trade St., or on Fourth Ward car. Short leather strap at- ia.t;ueu io ring. (Jail 1253. 20-lt LOST Bunch Keys between 4th and 12th Sts. Monday. Finder mm lu riews ior reward LOST One fox terrier. Brown spot on side of head and scars on hind leg. Phone 1230. Reward i"-tf FOR SALE LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Good mule cheap. Phone 2420. R. O. McConnell. i7-7t SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Experienced music sales man. Phone 3803. lS-3t IT MATTERS NOT Where the prices of shoes may go we are always on the job prepared to save our customers from One to Five Dollars a pair. Those who have tried us know, and Cciiers can if they will. Wii you? TRUE SAMPLE SHOE STORE 32 E. Trade St. Charlotte, N. c. H Cathey Lumber Company East Fifth St. and Railroad. 8MB ivv.7jSlaJ. FOR SALE UP-TO-DATE CAFE and confectionary, with soda fountain for sale cheap to quick buyer. Suitable for druggist. Address Box 502, Belmont, X. C. 20-lt FOR SALE Gas range, kitchen, din ing room, bedroom and other furni ture. Large Progress Grand stove small heaters, genuine leather daven port. These goods are practically new. Phone 1472-J. 20-lt FOR SALE Black Persian grown fe male cat: two Tiger Persian kittens male, and one white and black An gora Persian . female kitten, 309 Worthington. Phone 2191-W. 20-lt FOR SALE Household furniture, chairs, pictures, kitchen, table, st.-r-l ted dav-.nport, library table, reading lamp, Vulcan hot water heatei, gas stove. All in excellent condition. Tbone 2306-J. 18-3r-n;-mi,n FOR SALE Nice 3-room cottage, 411 E. Oak. Good orchard, fence, garage, gas, lights and sewerage. Immediate possession. Price $3000. Phone 3396-J. W. M. Matthews. 18-3t FOR SALE $120.00 graphophone, new, $60.00; 4-pieee parlor suit, kitchen cabinet, dining room chairs, kitchen chairs, iron bed and springs, $10.00; bureaus, white and oak. 503 E. Tenth St. 18-4t FOR SALE Typewriters, $3.00 casn, $3.00 monthly. Crayton Co., 29 S. Trvon St. . 18-6t FOR SALE 15-30 International trac tor and pony saw mill complete; 30 h. p. steam saw mill outfit com plete with stationary engine: 8-16 International tractor with plows, har row and cultipacker. Will sell at low price either as a whole or in separate lots. J. A. Sharp 616 S Church St.. Charlotte. 17-4t FOR SALE Two safe-guard check writers, one mahogany desk and chair. Bargain. Phone 4378. 17-tf WHY RENT typewriters when you can buy a new machine for $3.00 per month? Crayton Co., 29 S. Tryon St. 18-6t FOR SALE Grocery store and fix tures, good location, small clean stock. Doing good business; reason for selling, leaving town. Address L. T., care News. 17-10t FOR EltVLE Or exchange, little used Monroe calculator cheap, or will ex change for new style comptometer. "Mill." care News- lo-3t FOR SALE A bargain in a Burrctisrhs calculator, slightly used, name your price. "Price-" care News. "lS-3t FOR SALE Simplex electric range with oven and three plates. Phone 4378. Bargain. 14-tf CAFE FOR SALE Well equip ped, good business, located in heart of Charlotte. Will take $2,000 cash or terms, quick sale. Investigate. J. R., care News. 14-tf FOR SALE Framing in &U sizes in pine and oak. Also finished material. Get our prices. H. S. Leonard Lumber Co., Phone 4287, 20 N. Tryon St. 30-tf vv. M. BELL, Notary fublic, Iront ot Charlotte News. Can be found most any hour to 8 p. m. f-tl FOR SALE OUR SERVICES to repair your roof or gutters. Also to paint them. Satisfaction guaranteed STRANGE & BRADY Phone 3149 7-tf WANTED POSITION SETTLED white lady wants position as housekeeper. Phone 1582-J. WANTED Position as bookkeeper by young man. .Neat hand. Accurate work. Phone Warren, 3084-W. 20-3t WANTED Work by boy 16 years oi age. Address "Work," care News. 19-2t POSITION wanted by young lady ste nographer. Phone 3725-W. 18-St WANTED Position as waitress in ho tel or cafeteria by lady of 'expe rience. Address Waitress, care News. 15-6t NOTICE. State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County. State vs. T. J. Harrison and another. In the Superior Court. Notice is given that a Ford touring car used in transporting spirituous liquor was taken about 15th of Sep tember, 1921. The owner is alleged to have escaped. If owner has any claim against said Ford car he is required to assert the same as provided by law. . , This the 19th day of September, 1921. A W. O. COCHRANE, 9-20-lt Sheriff. 3 Placing Your Orders With Us insures prompt delivery, and promn delivery reduces the cost of huii. ing. You will also find our pn very reasonable. Phones 1722 and 1723 IREDELL FARMER DIES OFWOUNDS Robert Dishman, Attacked by Negro, Skull Being Crushed, Succumbs. Statesville, Sept. 20. Rob?rt D:;;. man, farmer and lumberman, wh? was assaulted by a negro, Bob Be: son, Sunday night, died in a ho?n;t here this morning at 2 o'clock. Th? negro is still at large, though off..-s are continuing diligent search and day. There will be no Irt until the negro is captured. Statesville, Sept. 20. Robert pv-.. man, influential lumberman and farn: er, is in the Carpenter-Davis hospital with his skull crushed and in an r conscious condition, probably ral'j wounded as a result of blows inflicted by a negro, Bob Benson. The assault occurred Sunday r.::h: near Ti S. White's store on the Ch:p; Ford road, eight miles north of S:s:- ville. Benson left his horse and !-;? gy standing by the roadside in front of the home of Jule Cowan, colored, whoa he was visiting. Mr. Dishman co:r.i:s along in his Ford car, struck the i ug gy and demolished one of the wheel?. It is said that Mr. Dishman oftVrei to pay the , negro, for. the damage ior to his buggy,. but the negro was wr-as-onable in his demands. In the heat ed 'discussion which followed, th- ne gro secured a gun and struck Mr. Ksh man, over the head a number of t:rr The wounded man was hurried t a local hospital where an X-ray ?xs: ation revealed the fact that his jkil was severely fractured on the left s;d; resulting from several heavy blows. The patient was unconscious, complete'.! paralyzed on the right side and very weak. He underwent an operatic: Monday afternoon and latest reports from him indicate that there is n change in his condition, with practically no hopes for. his recovery. Mr. Pie man is 46 years of age and has a wii? and several children. Immediately after the assault B?r. son disappeared. Officers searched Sun day night for him and all during Mctv i day posses have been busy, but failed : to locate him. i YOUTH BITTEN BY COPPERHEAD SNAKE j Hickory, Sept. 20. Master N-B-Clark saw an object coiled up a' the foot of a tree near the home of 1- parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Clar in Kenworth and investigated with !p barefoot. A small copperhead sr.ai;? answered his query by driving: fangs into the lad's flesh twice. Fir?: aid was applied by the mother, a doctor opened and cauterized the wound s; -today the boy is practically no worse for his experience. The snake :v". just shed its skin and this fact cr:-' Niel, who has seen plenty of the ra tiles, to be uncertain of its identity- NEELY IS MANAGER OF WETZLER SHOP J. K. Neejy. well known in business circles in this city, has been tfat' manager of the Wetzler Clothe? ?'-' here, succeeding F. V. Friday. Ju lias been transferred to the Wetz-'-shop at Wilmington. Mr. Neely been engaged in the sale of men B ap parel for about 15 years, and ha. I"' connected with several of Chariot:?' clothing stores. He became nected with the Wetzler shop a' a year ago. ( CITY OF CHARL BULLETIN Those having anything to sell to the City of Charlotte if they will list the items on separate sheets and sen! them in so that the Purchas ing Agent may have this in formation for his files they will receive due consideration-