THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C THUKSDA AITTEKNOON, SEPTEMBER 22, 1921 16 Park Home inker Storie byCarlysle H. THE GREAT Tinker Bob and Major Pole Cat and Jack, the Rabbit, looked at the children of Long Neck, the Great Blue Heron for a long time. Mrs. Heron was feed ing them fish. She would tear it apart In small pieces and they would open their mouths all at the same time. And if you want to see a pile of fish bones picked as clean as they can you want to look about the nest of Long Neck. They never feed the bones to their chil dren but they don't miss a piece of fish. "Well, O King, as I was about to say I had something to tell you that was very important. I have always had trouble in teaching my children to fish. I don't have trouble in getting them to do as I do but I have trouble in keeping them from harm while they are learning the art of making a living for themselves." "Who in the world would do you any harm or your children?" asked Tinker Bob in surprise for this is the first time he had ever heard that Long Neck had an enemy in the world. "I think I know who it is all right," said Jack the Rabbit. "I'll bet it is the same fellow that gives me trouble with my children." "I do know who it is," said Major Pole Cat. "It's Red Fox, the old ras cal;, that's just the kind of a trick he's always up to. I can guess it right every time." Mr. Long Neck nodded his head and it was quite an effort for him to do this because he had such a long neck. "That's just who it is. He waits along the lake to see me bring the children from the nest and then when they are about ready to go in the water he springs upon them. We have lost a great many children that way." "Why don't you have your children go right from the nest into the water and then Red Fox will let them alone lor he will not go near the water that is near enough to get his feet wet." "O King, the little ones cannot go into the water first. If they did they drown for they are not used to the water. They must stand on the ground N the Q PUR ? ' LIFE. Life to the barber's a head . of hair; To the bootblack, a pair of shoes; To the youth of sixteen, a flapping young queen; To the rummy, a shot of booze. To the girl in the show (you all know this I know) It's a mad Avhirl of joy-riding dizzi ness; To the gambler it's luck, to the fighter it's pluck, And to me well, that's none of your business. LESTER LAMB. A short time ago I printed an item to the effect that all quill toothpicks came from China. Since then Mr. (I can't make out his signature), sales manager of a toothpick company, has written that what I said was not true, as they have closed their Chinese plant. Well so be it. But all the companies have got their quill tootn- Kin i it -- T---TiirtTV-1 'ff'fllY1 -w"JTi It's Value is In creased by Demands for Economy. You cen cow have real comfort end ease in cookine without mtua and fuss of ashes and dust, of coal nd wood piles and carrying. Install cne ngnt ou coos ttove Nesco Perfect This -stove burns kerosene. - Tie corner and chimney ara o made as ro proaace a very not and pwiwuj uiua nunc iaiz a Yet Deeacsa the Rockweave non burnable wick cannot creep or cannot tern nnt t-k ... , - , r cnunncy cuces. rroperiy operated yo will have a perfectly clean, dry, sweet dnmaey and burner Drop fa ta our store Let s ibow'yoa Jpat bow tW woods. M Mew openits aad bow it will osva tBtt Md CAW7t -i Come, See Them. L 30 East Trade St. Phones 1603-1506 !! I II W II J I, H MHBBIMII I JILHIjlWUH I Charlotte Hardware Company Holcomb ENEMY. Who should he see below but Red Fox sniffing about the trunk of the tree. first and then wade into the water till they become accustomed to it, then they are all right." Tinker Bob happened to look over the edge of the basket and who should, ho see below but Red Fox sniffing about the trunk of the tree. "Hush! There is Red Fox now. I wonder what he wants here at this time?" "Ah, he knows it's about time for me to train the little ones and he thinks that there is a chance for one of them to fall out of the nest so he hangs around to see if he can pick one of them up." "I will fix the young chap for that," said Tinker Bob and he tapped the Stone of Knowledge and the Great Blue Heron saw him no more. But Red Fox did. Just wait till tomorrow. Next Red Fox Sails High. MOMENT &5s picks from China for several years just the same, if not just now. MARCELETTE. It was the night of the gala per formance at the opera and many beau tiful women were there. Every pos sible way of doing up human hair could be seen. The jewels had been collected from all over the globe. Gowns of many varieties hung from as many varieties of shoulders. Vain, petulant, capricious, extravagant, co quetting, arrogant and sincere women filed the theater. f In a box sat a famous statesman and next to him his wife. She had helped him in his career and was the mother of three children. The coiffure was mild in manner. The gown was simnle. The face was soft and in- telligent. There were no jewels. There was no affectation. She was a woman, and after all that is the most beau tiful thing in the world. When will barbers in general get ise to the self-evident fact that the average man is not possessed of the burning desire to look like a wax fig ure and smell like a wake? Further by what line of reasoning do furnishing stores think it necessary for the same average man to purchase a complete wardrobe, a canoe, a tennis outfit and a new bag and trunk every holiday? SIPS I HAVE MET. JIr. Erasmus Tripp has stuck by me for many years. His only fault is bis memory. He has a memory which hits on all twelve cylinders and he is constantly recalling things that I am anxious to forget. When there is no one else present Mr. Tripp never re calls any of our old exploits, but as sure as there is a third party present ; ne begins, "uo you remember the time we" and so-and-so. Thp larew the company the more things Mr. Tripp recaus. if ne could suddenly lose his memory Mr. Tripp would be one of the best guys in the world. I be lieve in remembering the future and not the past, especially when friend wife is present' A western writer claims to have made a discovery. He says the legiti mate stage should be referred to as the "speakies." Outside of the fact that wr. used that gag three years ago il is perfectly aew and fresh. If any multimillionaire today wishes to die poor there is evidently nothing to stop him. Don't know what the mean tem perature for the past summer has tet-n. but it has been mean enough. Office desks, chairs, tables, filing devices and safes. The most complete stock in the Carolinas to choose from. Pound & Moore Co. Phone 4512. 23-tf SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE Passenger Train ttcwewufes. Arrival and departure of Passenger trains. Charlotte, N. C. -I- Lv. No. Between No. Ar. 3:25a 29 30 32 15 5 12 Atlanta-B'gham . . Wash.-New York.. Wash-New York.. Atlanta-Danville 30 12: 3: 7: 11: 9: 55a 15a 10a 20u 10a Ota 20a 30a 15a 05a 35p 45p 25p 10p 40p 20p OOp 55p 45a 05p 05o 1:05a 7:25p 29 31 7:30a 43 36 5:00p Columbia " x2:00p Tavlorsville . . . . 11 x8: 8:10p 9:10p 138 Wash-New York.. 137 37 11 36 114 9 46 45 16 32 15 35 14 138 38 9: 10: 10: 10: 12; 12; 1: 4: 5: 7: 9 8: 6 8; 9 38 12 wash-New York.. G:30p Richrnond-Norfnllc 9:05p 10:45a 5:20a 35 B'gham-N. Orleans 113Columbia-Chals'ft.. j.u w mston-salem . . . 45 O'ville-W'minster. . 46 G'boro-Danville ... Atlanta 31 Columbia-Augusta. 16 Taylorsville 36 New York-Wash.. Atlanta . . 4:30p 3:00p 7:20a 8:20a 10:15a 9:30a 10:40a 4:25a ll:30a 137 Atlanta .. .. ! 37 Atlanta-N. Orleans 44 1 hnrn.lla mH 11 a 14Salisbury, Winston- rsarner, luoores- ville Norfolk-Richmond . 13 11 4: 10: 58p 15a x Daily except Sunday. Through Pullman sleeping car serv l?e to Washington, Philadelphia. New York, Richmond, Norfolk, Atlanta. Bir mingham, Mobile, New Orleans Unexcelled service, convenient sched ules and direct connections to all points. 1 Schedules published as information and are not guaranteed. CITY TICKET OFFICE 4 2CT Went Trade St. Phone 20. PASSENGER STATION West Trade Street. Phone 417. K. H. GRAHAM Division PtiMMenger Agent OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS COFvmGMT 1931, BY EDGAR ALLAN MOSS. TRAOC MARK REGISTERED U. S. RAT. OFF. The other day we printed a rhymed advertisement from a New Jersey pa per offering a Ford for sale. The pur chaser, on trying out the flivver, leaped into print with this effusion: I bought that Ford with its piston ring, It's two rear wheels and one front spring, Believe me, boys, it's just the thing, And if its praises you hear me sing, Carburetor busted, with two slight blows I made a little dent, and the old thing goes. Radiator's fixed with a piece of gum, Who'll now say that it's on the bum? Differential greased, removed the squeak It's all to the good; you hear me speak, Don't have to crank it, always stop on a hill, One quart of mixture, she'f had her fill, One pint of aobacco juice, one pint of gas, There's not another car that she can t pass. The ten lost spokes aren't missed at all, . - ' And there's four more now all ready to fall, Tires full of rags, but the speed is there. It doesn't 'run on the rims and it does not use air. It looks kind of bad with its banged- up tin, But: It's a darned good Ford for the shape it's in. EXTREME FEWNESS. "Will you make a few remarks at tha banquet?" "Is it to be a dry banquet?" "Absolutely." "My remarks will be very few." There Is a story around that, during the last drive by the income tax col lectors, a particularly insistent collec tor received in the mail one morning a package containing a mueh-worn shirt, accompanied by tho following note: Lear Sir: Enclosed is all I have to offer as the last instalment on my income tax. Please don't waste any time coming to see me. because that's all there is, there 'isn't any more. Which for lucidity is actually classic and which as an expression that voices a rather general condition most vivid ly descriptive. SLIM SILO. OF THE CHARLOTTE MOTORCYCLE CLUB SAYS: A motorcycle is like a girl; if she can not be led to spark, there is no "go" in her. Now that all girls dress like that, the vamp has to do some real acting to put over the idea of wickedness. f Customer "Will you please tell mc where, I can get something to put a chicken in?" Floorwalker "Cam&scla or casse role?" Wise is the man who knows what iot to say, and remembers not to say It. DELAYS ELECTROCUTION. Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 22. United States District Judge Jacob Treiber Wednesday granted a writ of habe.o corpus in the case of six Elaine ne groes sentenced to be electrocuted Fri dfiv and issued a temporary restraining order enjoining State authorities from executing sentence pending hearing of the case Monday. The negroes were convicted of murder in connection with the Elaine riots of 1919. Sea board Air Line Railway Passenger Ttain Schedules. Arrival and departure of passenger trains. Charlotte. N. O. JLiV. INo.j Between IWo.i Ar. Charlotte-WiL 13lll:40p 1.1... and Hamlet con- nectlons. Mpnroe-Ruth'ton .1 lt 9.03a S4 9.40a 19ll2:25p Ruther-ton - Wil-I mington nnd Ral eigh i Charlotte-Wll. . . . and Hamlet con nections. Wilmington - Ral eign. and Ruther fordton 31 lJ fMonroe - Ruthsr 3:35p 8:12p fordton. Morfroe connections for Norfolk. Rich mond and points ixsortn. trains dally. Schedules' published as information and not guaranteed. . Hi. W . JLOJ U, Division Passenger Ac?nt. Shoae ISO. ' City Ticket Office Passenger Station 207 W. Trade St, N. Tryon 3treet. Phone 20. Phone 1 o:0ua 14 9:06a 16 a:55a 34, 5:00p 20 3;45p 31 8:20p 16! CHANGE COMMENCING ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, WE WILL CLOSE AT SIX P. M. Series 78 Opened September 3rd. 3650 shares were sold the first week. One party telegraphed his Sep tember payment on new shares from Portland, Oregon. Many applicants for loans have not yet made1 their first payment. This should be done at once. PAYMENTS RECEIVED WEEKDAYS 8 A. M. TO 2 P. M. PAYMENTS RECEIVED SATURDAYS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. MECHANICS PERPETUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 297 E. J. CAFFFREY, President N Tryon St. Sec'y and Treas. WE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT 6 P. M. BY PHYLLIS THE TELL-TALE CAR. Mr. Hamlen halooed to Cherry when he was ready to start, and with a last promise to Beth to see her that evening without fail, Cherry skipped down to the waiting car. , The old merchant seemed intensely proud of having such a pretty and ca pable person as chauffeur, and kept chuckling to himself happily as he watched Cherry manipulate the wheel as easily as she did her chapeaux and ladvcustomers. They thundered out into the country and soon came to their destination. Here Cherry had a chance to rest and explore the most beautiful rose garden she had ever seen. Tea and cakes were served by Mr. Trevalyan, himself, in the garden, and after that Mr. Hamlen sat and finished his business with that gentleman until five o'clock sounded from a silver-tongued clock within the house. On the way back to Wellsburg Cher ry drove more slowly. It ' was a gor geous autumn day. The sky' was crispy beautiful in its late afternoon colorings. She even stopped the car once or twice to gather some particularly handsome asters that grew by the roadside and then hurried on again. Thev were still a mile or two from Wellsburg: when they came upon Ned's car, empty, standing to one side of the road. Mr. Hamlin saw it first and drew Cherry's attention to it and wondered where its owner was. Remembering Beth W'ilders words of a few hours before, Cherry knew very well that no matter where he was, Ar line Bates was with her husband. Fur MENU HINT Breakfast Bartlet Tears Dry Cereal Green Corn Griddle Cakjs Coffee. Luncheon Stuffed Eggs. Watercress. Graham Bread Sandwiches. Iced Cocoa. Baked Apples. Maple Syrup. Dinner Corn Chowder. Crackers. Broiled Lamb Chops String Beans. Potato Chips. Cheese and Romaine Salad. Peach Souffle. TODAY'S RECIPES Green Corn Griddle Cakes Mix to gether one cupful of raw corn pulp, one f:gg beaten light, half a teaspoonful of salt, one tablespoon of salt, one table spoonful of melted shortening, one cup ful of milk and sufficient flour, sift ed with two teaspoonful of baking pow der, to make a pancake batter, Fry as for ordinary griddle cakes. Corn Chowder Cut two slices of salt pork, try out, remove the pork and in the fat cook half a diced onion until tender but not browned. Add four, cup fuls of sliced potatoes, two cupfuls of water, one teaspoonful cf salt and a quart 3r of a teaspoonful of paprika. Five minutes before the potatoes a. j done add two cupfuls of scraped corn puln and four cuj.jfu's o .oilk. Simmer fir five or six minutes longer and thicken with a little flour mixed with cold water. Stir constantly until tho chowder thickens and stir in six broken sida crackers. Sal ids of Eggs Now eggs are plentiful tgg salad forms one of the best of the substantial luncheon salads. One good one is made cf hard boiled eggs- Remember to cook the egsrs just below the boiling point for half an hour to have themb digestible cat in half and laid on slices of tomato on lettuce leaves Around each c1 ce of tomato and half of eggs lay a ring of sweet gren pepper, made simply by washing and slicing the pepper. Another good egg salad is m.ide of of halves of egg whites from which The yolks have been removed, filled with diced beets and peas, and mix ed with mayonnaise. Each eg:; half is propped up in lettuce leaves and the egg yolks are crumbled over the whole salad. More mayonnaise is passed. WASHING MACHINE HINTS Don't fail to have some reliable agent of the sort of washing machine you buy FOR APARTMENTS 509 West Trade St., 5 rooms and bath 50.00 3 North Davidson St., 5 rooms' and bath 65.00 Cor. Fourth and Poplar Sts., 10 rooms and two baths 100.00 STORES 10 North Brevard St., 15x90 feet r 75.00 2S East Third St., 30x90 foet and basement 100.00 4 North Brevard St., 30x100 feet : 100.00 610 S. Trvon St., 20x100 (new) 125.00 226 N. Tryon St.. 2'5x72 feet 150.00 E. C. GRIFFITH COMPANY Give Your Child a Fair Start The best legacy you can leave your boy or girl is an education. A trained mind is the wedge that opens the doors of opportunity. This is school time. See to it that your child is now preparing for life's work and responsibilities. Above all give him a "meat and bread" education. A practical business training will always insure your child of pleasant work and a good salary. New classes just starting. Send rof Carolinas' Largest and RALEIGH, N. C. PHILLIPS thermore, that this was proof positive that Ned felt some attachment for this old flame of his, despite his protests to the contrary. And that on a perfect af ternoon he preferred to be with Ar line, the designing; little minx than with his own wife. Nice thing for her to know. The truth of the matter was, that Arline had pleaded a headache shortly after the lunch hour, due to the rush of work that had fallen to her that morning. And Ned, thoughtfully, had suggested a spin in the air to blow it away. Naturally Arline jumped at the sug gestion. The more she and Ned were seen together, intimately, the jSOoner would she attain her heart's desire. Af ter a glorious spin the two left the car to search for a cool spring that Ned knew of some-half a mile in from the highroad. It was at this point that Cher ry passed by. With a proud toss of her head, and a smile, Cherrv shot the car forward, so as to be well out of sight before the truants should spy them. Covered with dust, she finally deposited Mr. Ham len on his own front doorstep, much to that oid gentleman's delight. "Now, Miss Cherry, that was cer tainly clever of you to get me home here in time for my dinner, and not a hitch frcm start to finish. You must come in and have dinner with us. I won't hear of anything else." For a moment Cherry hesitated. Then remembering how seldom she was ever considered by the Randall family, she smiled brightly as she accepted the kind invitation. (To be continued.) demonstrate it and explain how to use it. Ask for a pamphlet or booklet of di rections for your sort of washing ma chine and then read this thoroughly. Never fail to oil the washing machine exactly as required. Do not labor un der the delusion that more oil than the directions call for is just that much better. Too much oil is sometimes as bad as too little. Use a good quality of .machine oil, the quality which you know to be of standard grade. Never fail to empty the washer of , wa ter Vis soon as you are through using it. Take the pains always to rinse it out by pouring in a pailful of hot wa ter after the used water has run out Do not fail to look at your washing machine every day or so even when not using, making sure 'that it is in good condition. Sometimes l closed with a little moisture within it it becomes slightly moldy. When this occurs you should remove the parts that can be removed at ence, wash them thorougly dry the entire machine carefully Leave windows near by open and do not cover again until thorouhgly dry within. NO IMPROVEMENT SHOWN. Washington. Sept. 22. With weevil still active and damaging in many lo calities, and dry weather prevail! -ig, cotton, in general, showed no improve ment and further deterioration was re ported in many sections of the belt dur ing the week, just closed, said the Na tional Weather and Crop Bulletin is sued Wednesday. Weevil were reported in North Carolina as far north as Meek lenburg, Cumberland and Jones coun ties. RcDIr promptly dons. All werh ttrlctfy guaranteed. QUEEN CITV CyCLE 3& "THE RED FRONT"; 42 N. Collage. Phone 617 RENT Phone 4208 circular. Best Commercial School ; CHARLOTTE, N. C. trortive Mvers .ran. """i - - .v t We have for sale an attrac7 , slate roof home located on a v,,,! U section of the Park." This is a Mick rOQmSi recently complete fi larere lot. House has nine rooms witn is Itrict ly modern. Large brick garage also. f is strictly muu located as it i, . ! rrtbesVyywhere in the Park, should appeal to' pective purchasers in Myers Park. Price and terms at office. .-r riAitTT) a -fc-rtr THIES-SMITH REALTY COMPANY REAL ESTATE RENTS 1JM Builders of Characteristic o - phones : 200 Commercial BIdg. " We have several clients wanting prop, erty for both homes and investment. Our facilities for han'dlin gare of the best. List yours with us for sale. Caroliiia 328 S. Tryon St. -CLOSE PRIC ES ON THESE- Beautiful 7 rooms 2-story home corne neighbors exceedingly good bargai 7 rooms, 2 stories, 1833 E. 8th St. bea 5 rooms pretty bungalow Seigle Ave. 7 rooms Myers Park beautiful home Best bargain in Myers Park in vacant Another dandy vacant lot corner m Piece of West Trade St. business prope Another place of W. Fourth St. busines If you want to buy or sell property Pnone 2772 rfONES, THE KKAL Jno. T. Smith, Buy A STOP PAYING RENT MAKE SMALL PAYMENT BALANCE EASY 5- rooms and bath" Bungalow, large lot, garage, fine shade, 1003 West Second street, $350 cash, balance monthly 4,850 6 rooms and bath. New bungalow, 1106 West Second Street, big lot, large porch, three living rooms, a con venient house in good neighborhood, $500 cash, bal ance monthly .' $6,000 8 rooms, two baths, 213 South Cedar street. A new big roomy house on paved street, $750 cash, balance monthly $10,750 4 rooms, 1501 Seigle avenue, in Villa Heights, modern conveniences, $50 cash, balance $30 per month $2,550 7 rooms and bath, 1007 West Second Street, large lot, nice big rooms, $500 cash, balance monthly 6- rooms and bath, 1102 West Second St. Large dandy house, just painted. A bargain at $5,000. $750 cash, balance monthly. Price $4,750 Phone Me For Appointment. O & Jti.Q 200 South Cedar St. ,nvi An Visitors to the exposition are invited while the building to avail themselves of the facilities in our booth for rest and . recreation. There are com fortable seats and settees, and a number of electric fans serve to make it comfortable even dnrinsr the warmest part of the day. Electricity has been a tremendous factor in the industrial development of the Carolinas and in making possible such a highly creditable and exten sive exposition as is now under way. When visiting our booth you will be interested in studying the va rious maps and data presented there. Some of the facts will surprise you. Attendants at the booth will be pleased to demon strate and take orders for the electrical appliances which are on display. The attention of visitors is also called to the street railway service to and from thp. exnosition I grounds. All Hoskins cars make connection at Clarkson street with the transfer cars to the expo sition building. Beginning at 1:30 each dav a spe cial exposition car will be operated between Inde pendence Square and the transfer points, giving during the afternoon and evening a ten-minute schedule from the city to the exposition. On spe cial occasions extra service will be furnished. SOUTHERN POWER COMPANY SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY PIEDMONT & NORTHERN RAILWAY CO. r I l Phones 609-1430-4SSf) r lot heating plant and very n in Piedmont utiful home large lot best n Piedmont large lot elegant location . . lot on car line Piedmont rty very desirable, s property vacant lot. see us. fiSTATE 3IAN 200 Realty Salesman. Biij Phone 350 t McAden tation tr t u"nl aauu. Branca. 7 S3

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