THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 22, 1921. . ft ft" PECULIAR IDEA scatter pop? POP MAKES a rescue. By C. M. PAYNE OF VOLSTEAD ACT - .. , ZZT ... . Bootlegger Will Not Sell Absinthe Because It's "Against the Law.' 99 P,Y PARKER ANDERSON, 5iif Correspondent of The News. , M-.-.s-iinfftPn. Sept. 22. Col. William H.i .'v.i I'll, United States attorney at IsV York, who has been in Washing iVii? week declares that many of hUV.est class bootleggers tti the or 'is have a peculiar idea of the i.,'wr. law. Mention was called recently," ri'Ionel, "to one of the dealers ,.r.;ius who carried on his busi- s M ill some of the best people in r;;y. lie dropped in the other day ove of his customers and began i1;iy his wares. I have some very fine Scotch, vermuth, rye, bourbon, crcme de .;'; nr.d a few quarts of champagne v." Velarod the vendor of fire wa 'h:u can 1 sell you?' !!,ivp you any absinthe?" one of hU jr.vTive customers inquired. No ir.deed." responded the bootleg ger, -it's against the Jaw to sell ab sir.' i'-e." , Another mnn, and by the way he is a Nil". h Carolina negro who has got ten riiii selling: booze to "Washington jar.s, won't sell to negroes. "While talk inc to one of his customers a few days ago ton the Met' pre': M :sai'i in ; ne th ' up-: to ' sov m tod ter I pr. fwy'm)r mw .fx W--4. 7 JUL- &wMk At' ANDlCfttVTM L!2ii-i gpJlfl r aCi fc X jlY1 MYSELF fipCQ WJ' .GETDOWNif EyrX? fT''t'"aH ttor.y-.aoKt. -noJyPROP p' ill 'gM Pc,P! -v-t 5 MATTER f ' ' ""' , IW f" f $Qarrtgf tWl; fey Thq BcU Syndicate. oc.)' T to nisi do: Bu: si I dciv; nccro said: . it's like dis. I used to sll i s and about every 30 days I's? ;t into trouble wid de judge. ce I been selling to white filks have no trouble. Dats de rea son why I likes to sell to white folk3. CITY COURT ROOM ARRANGEMENT BAD ; Lawyers who frequent the police Court are protesting with increas ed irritation at the obnoxious arrange ment of the fixtures in the court room. F r several years these protests have bet. n voiced in the hope that the lack of "judgment shown in constructing the jud-'s desk in front of the glaring win- : 'daw? of the police court might be aton ,ed for. ' At present all eyes in the court room are turned towards that side of the ' room in which the windows were made. .The bright light coming in through these windows makes it almost im possible to distinguish between the wit nesses who tak the stand to testify. The glare en the eyes is irritating and ' 'discomfort is experienced by lawyers and ethers present in the court room. ."On account of the proximity of the ".la rare windows, the acoustics is bad and ar..l is necessary to often force wit- Oiesses to repeat their statements sev jeral times before they are understood. i it nas oeen estimated tnat only a ; nominal cost the court room arrange m-nt could be transferred so that com fort and convenience could be insured, acvurt 'officials say who also claim that ;bv placing the jury's desk and 1!..- surrounding enclosure against the .orposite wall, those testifying could be understood perfectly and absolutely no "glare would greet the eyes of those who at 'end the police court. The present .disagreeable arrangement is a matter ..of protest practically every day in the 'court room. "MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF PERSONAL ) PROPERTY. t n?.r and vy virtue or the power and authority vested in the undersign ed by that certain Chattel Mortgage fi.itc-d" the 7th day of May, 1921, and recorded in book 440, at page 36, in the of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County, Xorth Carolina, nee to whicn is hereby made; : having been made in the pay- r.t cf indebtedness thereby secured, d.prein provided, the undersigned 1 sell, at public sale, to the highest d-r for cash, at the courthouse door ci Mecklenburg county, in the city of :t Charlotte, at 12 o'clock M. on Satur day, the 24th day of September, 1921, vth- fallowing described personal prop 'e:ty: to-wit: ' One Chevrolet Touring Automobile tXo. 2o5."9 1 920 model Motor No. 43, 41 S Color, green. I This the 1st day of September, 1921. CITIZENS SAVINGS & LOAN CO., Mortgagee. i'S-Tt-thur-mon Jsmr ym hif LucgJessme Pries 1 ll! BOY SCOUT PLANS FOR WINTER MADE will I A. E. F. MEMBERS KNOW W. L. Douglas Army Shoes WEAR LIKE IRON these men, back in civil annot find a more serv- able, comfortable, attrac e work shoe than that aring the W. L. Douglas and. UNION MADE FOR EVERY MAN IN THE UNION r also have a full stock of riies, misses and children's uOOS. PLEASING PRICES V an A THAN' 38 East Trade Street. Xew York, Sept. 22. Does a man's estate have to keep on after his death paying for his matrimonial sins and mistakes? A Supreme Court iudjre of this city will decide that, in a suit which Mrs. Amelia Korber has brought for $20 a week alimony. The alimony, she points out, was to have been paid for the rest of her natural life; and, as she is still alive, she doesn't see how the fact that her re cent husband is not, can affect the issue. Hand-painted frocks will bloom in Manhattan this winter, with flowers and birds and cubistic designs spat tered all over them. We have grown accustomed to batik, but batik is con ventional and prosy compared to what we are about to have put before us. according to reports. Carlo Norway, the artist, will shortly arrive in Xew York from London and is going to devote himself and his art to making scenic effects on women's gowns throughout his entire stay here. Formulation of plans for the "Winter activities of the Boy Scouts will take place &t a meeting of the scout coun cil at the Chamber of Commerce build ing Thursday afternoon at 6 o'clock. According to James B. Steere, scjut executive, the organization will harp mostly on the knowledge of woodcraft during the coming Winter. The bos will be instructed widely on the se crets of the forests with the hope that by the time the camping season opens next Summer, the wild woods will seem like an open book to the scouts, The first thing before the scout offi cials is the reorganization of the va rious troops that have been somewhat broken up during the summer periods of laxity. Each troop has a council of three men, whose duty it will be to lay plans for the reorganization of that particular troop. Scouts were busy during the first part of the week constructing the Bjy Scout booth at the Exposition. Their efforts represent the Boy Scout move ment of the two Carolinas, and nu merous exhibits of scout work are to be seen in the booth. Butterfly ex hibits, Indian relics, bird boxes anJ various things made by the scouts are now on display. Pictures showing ihe life of the scouts in the open are also to be seen. CALL GOES OUT TO DELINQUENT PAYERS Those persons in the jurisdiction of Sheriff W. O. Cochran who have not paid their 1920 taxes are advised by the sheriff to do so at once and avoid the publicity they are to receive as delinquents, in case they do not coma forward. The sheriff has been called upon by State Treasurer Ben Lacy for installments of the taxes from his juris diction and the sheriff, in turn, urges the taxpayers to come forward with their taxes for 1920. The amount of delinquent taxes for 1920; in the sheriff's domain is not ex large enough to make a considerable cessively large, but it is an amount shrinkage in the total for the county, and the State treasurer is asking that taxpayers step right up to the iron grill that separates the sheriff and his office force from the outside, taxpayin? world 'and help swell the coffers of WOMAN'S CLUB HAS RECEIVED CHARTER The Secretary of State has granted a certificate of incorporation to the Wo man's Club of Charlotte, a copy bein? the State treasury so that bills of va-! on file at the clerk of the court's oil rious kinds can be paid The call for delinquents is not con fined in this county, however, to thi sheriff's district. It applies also to the Vax collectors of the first and third districts. Tax Collectors George W. Mayes and Parks Kirkpatrick of those districts are making the same call that the sheriff is making and they ex pect the taxpayers in their respective districts to attend to the matter at once. fice at the courthouse. The corpora tion has no capital stock. The purpose. of the organization, which has been a big factor in the life of Charlotte for years out is only now Being incor porated, is to promote charitable and philanthropic work, education, moral ity, and social betterment. The In corporators named in the paper ara Mrs. J. E. Reilley, Mrs. Edward Clark, Jr., Mrs. C. N. Peeler and Mrs. I. W. Faison. Granite from the heart of Manhattan Island and that means the heart of Metropolitan Xew York is now being used for the foundations of a five story apartment houses in the far-off Flatbush section of Brooklyn. This is a new development in building here and is a sign of the feverish haste shown in trying to catch up with the home shortage. One of the most important granite sources is the foundation excavation of the new co operatively built Hotel Commonwealtn at Fifty-sixth street and Broadway, where 200 tons of stone are now being removed daily. Fortunately for Brook lyn, it is going to be such a big hotel that it has to have a deep foun dation and more apartment houses can go up in consequence. The granite from its excavation travels by motor truck half the length of Manhattan Island, crosses the Brooklyn bridge nad finally traverses five miles of Brooklyn before it reaches its desti national in Flatbush. Sheriff Knott, of our county, lost a bet on- primary election day and, in payment of it, is forced to appear as the role of turnkey of the Ludlow street jail in a current popular play. The stage hands and even his fellow actors declare that he has disproven forever, at rehearsals, the theory that a man can't act successfully the part of one of his own profession. Bonbon boxes are the latest gun carriers. When Joseph Clancy and hi-, pal fared forth on recent Autumn evenings to hojd up the gentle public, they always took along a young wom an, pretty and fashionably dressed. She always carried a box of candy under her army, which seemed quite fitting to an attractive girl .with two escorts all to herself. The poljce later discovered that the reason there were so many hold-ups and no success at finding the guns wherewith the hold-ups were accomplished was that the girl had the revolver carefully stowed underneath the top layer of candy and, immediately upon its be ing made practical use of, it was tucked back there by her and taken jauntily away. Gregory Kelly and Ruth Gordon (Mrs. Kelly) are to have the leading roles in "Bristol Glass," a new Booth Tarkington comedy. The author wrote it especially for them. They were married while playing the leads in Tarkington's "Seventeen." John Seibel takes the new obliga tions of woman in the Republic with complete seriousness but he fails a bit at bizing the spirit back of them. He believed so thoroighly that women citizens should be REAL citi zens and vote regularly that he beat his wife when she objected to going to the primaries recently. The judge pointed out to him that, since she had just a determined mind of her own, she probably wouldn't have voted as he wanted her to anyhow, and ao he promised to do differently hereafter. LUCY JEAXXE PRICE. DENTAL CLINIC TO BE READY MONDAY Equipment for the free dental clinic for city school children will be install ed in a room at the Junior High school Thursday and dental work will begin Monday. Every piece of equipment nec essary for a dental clinis has been pro vided, Superintendent H. P. Harding said. Dr. Johnson, director of dental work for the State department of health, will furnish a dentist, and expenses of the clinic will be paid by the State for the first three months of its operation. Af ter that, funds passessed by . the local chapter of the Junior Red Cross will carry on the work. About $3,000 wiii be necessary for the first year's opera tion. Dr. Houser, of the Carolina Dental Supply House, is in charge of the equip ment and installation and he expects to complete this work Thursday. Monday, the dentist and nurses of the city health department will begin an inspection of teeth of school chil dren, starting with the lower grades. Parents will be notified of defects and privileged to have the work done by their private dentists or at the city's free clinic. The Junior Red Cross has sufficient funds to carry on the work only for the first year. Those in charge of arrange ments for the clinic believe, however, that the first year's demonstration of the value of the work will cause the city commissioners to make an appro priation to insure permanence. The pro posal will be laid before the board be fore funds now on hand have been exhausted. To The Visitors and Exhibitors at THE CAROLINAS EXPOSITION AN INVITATION T IS THE PLEASURE OF THIS INSTITUTION TO PLACE ITS ENTIRE FACILITIES AT THE DISPOSAL OF ALL EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS TO OUR CITY DURING THE COURSE OF THE CAROLINAS' EXPOSITION. THESE FACILITIES WILL BE FOUND ALL EMBRACING AND THEIR EXTENT IS ONLY BOUNDED BY THE FINANCIAL CONNECTIONS ENJOYED BY US IN ALL OF, AMERICA'S IMPORTANT CENTERS. . IN ANY WAY THAT WE MAY SERVE YOU DURING YOUR SO JOURN HERE, WE BEG YOU TO COMMAND US. , r" WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR BANE AND ALL THE OFFICERS WILL BE GLAD OF AN OPPORTUNITY TO MEET AND SERVE YOU IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE. WE HAVE A BOOTH IN THE EXPOSITION BUILDING, IN WHICH IS LOCATED THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANYWITH A FULL EQUIPMENT AND FORCE FOR HANDLING TELEGRAMS. INCOMING AND OUTGOING. THIS IS THE ONLY SERVICE OF THIS KIND AT THE EXPOSITION. THIS AND OTHER. FACILITIES AT YOUR DISPOSAL IN OUR BOOTH. BE SURE TO CALL ON US THERE AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Reserve System. CHARLOTTE, N. C. ' Capital, Surplus and Profits. 777 .7.7: .77. $ 1,800,000.00 Resources 10,000,000.00 OFFICERS W. H. WOOD, President T. E. Hemby Vice President J. E. Davis Sec'y & Treas. 0, , Vl. a TDMC.iiaf H. L. Davenport Asst. Sec'y & Treas George Stephens Vice President- R Hawkis Asst Sec, & W. S. Lee Vice President p. C. Whitlock Trust Officer John G. Nichols Vice President John Fox Asst. Trust Officer Walter Lambeth & Bro., Managers Insurance Department. 122

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