4 THE CHARLOTTE SEPTEMBER 23, 1C2T. FRIDAY NEWS BOY LIKES GIRL LIFE THE BEST Young Williams Decides to Go Back to Ocracoke and Simple Life. Norfolk, Va., Sept. 23. A strange story of a boy raised to manhood as -a girl without any one but his mother suspecting his real sex, comes from the isolated Island of Ocracoke. Charles C. Williams, according to the accounts, has found after a brief struggle with the world he would prefer life at home as a girl to the struggle and tempta tions of the city. When Williams was born his mother was so disappointed that he was not a girl that she called him 'Vera" and dressed him as a girl. '"Vera" had light hair, was of fair complexion and as "she" grew up developed into a de cidedly good-looking "girl." For the first twenty-one years of his life Wil- Clear Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap and Talcum SoD.Ohitment.T!ei3in,2Se.eTBTwbere. Foreamplcs cdJress: CtlcnxLbortoritf,I)ept :.X, lUldtn.Uut. Hams lived on his island without ever having crossed the waters to the mainland. Ocracoke supports about 500 persons, most of whom live all their lives on the island, but it is said none of them ex cept Mrs. Williams knew that "Vera" was a boy. Williams himself, was per fectly satisfied with his lot until, when he was twenty-one his mother took him, dressed as a young woman, to the main land. There, according to the story told, he bought a magazine and from it and his observations of city folk learned that Ocracoke was after all only a little place. In the magazine was the advertise ment of a mail-order house, and when he got home Williams sent to it for an outfit of man's clothing. When it arrived, he cut his hair, took the money he had earned by sewing and rowed to the mainland in a small boat. From here he wrote his mother, telling her he was "tired of being a girl." In re turn, Mrs. Williams told him that his real name was Charles. Baltimore was selected by Williams as a starting place for his life as a man, but after two months of it he is back at Ocracoke, and glad to be there. During his absence he worked in a restaurant, and whi1 he was there, he says he saw enough to make him love Ocracoke more than ever, more than enough to make him return to the island and his skirts. Girls for companions, sewing and the other domestic virtues for occupations and the name of Vera, all these Charles will accept gladly if he can have with them the simple life of Ocracoke's fish er folk. DONT WAIT Indications are very strong that Coal will advance soon. We still have summer prices. Phone us your order today. Tomorrow may be higher. WIGGINS FUEL CO. SERVICE QUALITY Corner Bland and R. R. Phone 1216 il if I I gpp if &g 111 Quality Goes Gearlhrcugi W2 jVL. . t . Burwell-Walker Co, Carolinas Distributers 211 S. Church St. Phone 834 Charlotte, N. C. Service Our Foreman and Mechanics have had years of experience and ipecial training at the factory on Studebaker cars: they are capable Uid efficient. Wo, therefore, save you timo and money on repairs. A Big Dollar's worth for jour dollar every day. A. E. Cameron, Service Manager; C. L. Taylor, Shop Foreman. RUST MOTOR COMPANY 514-516 S. Tryon. - Distributer 'THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR" Phones 218-219 TO THE VISITORS AND EXHIBITORS AT The Carolinas Exposition An Invitation IT IS THE PLEASURE OF THIS INSTITUTION TO PLACE ITS ENTIRE FACILITIES AT THE DIS POSAL OF ALL EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS TO OUR CITY DURING THE COURSE OF THE CARO LINAS' EXPOSITION. THESE FACILITIES WILL BE FOUND ALL-EMBRACING AND THEIR EXTENT IS ONLY BOUNDED BY THE FINANCIAL CONNEC TIONS ENJOYED BY US IN ALL OF AMERICA'S IMPORTANT CENTERS. IN ANY WAY THAT WE MAY SERVE YOU DURING YOUR SOJOURN HERE, WE BEG YOU TO COMMAND US. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR BANK AND ALL THE OFFICERS WILL BE GLAD OF AN OPPORTUNITY TO MEET AND SERVE YOU IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE. iuu We will have a booth in the Exposition Building, in which will be located the Western Union Telegraph Company with a full equipment and force for. handling telegrams, incoming and outgoing. This will be the only service of this kind at the ex position. This and other facilities will be at your disposal in our booth. Be sure to call on us there : American Trust Co. Member Federal Reserve System. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital, Surplus and Profits $ 1,800,000.00 Resources $10,000,000.00 STORE CLERK NOT LUREDBY FAME Model for Famous Statue, Has Many Offers from Sculptors But Refuses. . Muskogee, Okla., Sept. 23. Although fame as a sculptor's model awaits him, Olin L. Stone of this city prefers the modest place of a store clerk. Soon, his image will be emblazoned on a me morial that will overlook the historic battleeld of Chateau Thierry, France. Selected from a hundred American doughboys who represented the best physical specimens of the American Ex, peditionary Force, Stone has since had numerous opportunities to pose for ar tists of world-wide renown. To all, however, he has turned a deaf ear and quietly continued his duties in an "army store" here. Stone's image will adorn a statue that, when completed, will form a unit of what is declared will be one of the most artistic battle monuments erected in commemoration of the World war. It will be cut in stone 18 feet high and 8 feet wide. Stone will represent an American soldier standing on a pedestal taller than the image of a French sol dier, who stands at attention. The fig ure of a French girl with one hand resting on the Frenchman's shoulder and the other extending a farewell handshake to the American, will com. plete the group. The memorial will be the work of Constant Roux, French sculptor and of Howard Davis, an American sculptor. It is expected it will be completed next year. Stone saw service in' the battles of Cantigny, Montdidier, Aisne, Marne, Meuse and Argonne He also served with the Army of Occupation and in December, 1918, was returned to France to receive decorations. When it was decided to erect the me- ; morial at Chateau Thierry, a careful selection began for the American whose figure was to adorn the monument. The selections finally dwindled to a hundred and these men were sent to Paris for a final choice by artists. Stone was the unanimous choice of Roux and Davis. ITALIAN PRIDE IS HURT AGAIN Assessed Smaller Sum for. League Expenses Than Some Other Members. Rome, Sept. 23. Much indignation has been aroused in Italy by the proposal that, in determining the ex penses of the League of Nations, Italy should be assigned to the second cate gory. The Italian's national pride has be3n hurt by the suggestion and columns have appeared in the press protesting against the idea of relegating the coun try to a position inferior to other great Powers. According to the suggestion. Great Britain and France would fco placed in the first category while Italy and Japan would occupy the second. The price of being registered in the first category is 2,300,000 francs a year while those of the second pay but 1, 600,000 francs a year. The Epoca gave expression to Us feelings in this manner: '"The affair is exceptionally unpleas ant. Italy which has so potently con tributed to the victory cannot see her- as people wno spena niue are assign ed to a restaurant of the second class." Then, too, the fact that most of the organization and secretaryships of tha League are in the hands of the British constitutes another source of complaint. It is pointed out that the secretariat of the League consists of 170 members. of whom 90 are English and 50 French j while Italy has no more than a doz?n. "After France and England have monopolized nearly all the offices, after the British Empire has succeeded In having seven votes in the assembly, it could not happen otherwise than Ita.y is assigned in the second category ' says one commentator. "If others hav? a greater material potentiality, it is at least necessary that Italy safeguard her moral position by not allowing her self an inferior position to the others." WOMAN CHOSEN ALDERMAN Macon, Ga., Sept. 23. For the first time in the history of Macon, a woman was chosen alderman in Wednesday's i primary. The official count sh wed that Mrs. Charles C. Harrold had noe ! only been elected but ran third in the race. M. E. Elliott was elected mayor I piu-iem. DR. M'NAUGHTON RELEASED Milledgeville, Ga., Dr. W. J. Mc Naughton, one of the most famous pris oners at the eGorgia State farm, was given his freedom Thursday on a- pa role signed by Governor Hardwick. Dr. McXaughton was convicted twelve years ago of the charge of murder in connection with alleged poisoning of Fred Flanders in Emanuel county. Rubber stamps, notary and corpora tion seals made on Bhort notice. Pound & Moore Co. Phone 4542. 23-tf ?50 buys a brand new CUrrrwtm. writer. Other maxes at attraotive price See us before you buy. nrnv n tl i POUND & MOORE CO. Dr. H. C. Henderson. Dr. R. B. Gaddy HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS Office Hunt Bldgr, 202 N. Tryon St. Phone 216 DR. L. S. FOX DENTIST 2V2 W. Trade St. Phone 3896 Over Yerke & IRojrers Next to Woolworth's. UNION NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE, N. G, t Good prices for cotton and Seasonal Fall business combined with more optimistic attitude will put more money in circulation. Nevertheless, we advise Sticking fairly close to a cash basis. A moderate business on cash basis is better than a big business with widely extended credits. . We invite your business and offer every cour tesy and accommodation consistent with Safe" Banking. H. M. VICTOR, President F. D. ALEXANDER, Vice Pres. D. P. TILLETT, Cashier A. G. TROTTER, Asst. Cashier Five Choice Homes f . .. , , , eQi in Mvers Park can be purchased at luraXe'Cres anf wi Snable terms Each has from ?o ten rooms, and are all in most desirable locat.ons. PRICES: $11,000.00 to $16,500.00 Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust Comjm, 4 SOUTH TRYON STREET. PHONE What Do YOU Expect of a Drug Store Most everybody has a different idea!, so to speak, of a drug: store. Also, most everybody agrees that they Prefer the drug store that is notable for CLEAN LINESS, ACCURACY, COURTESY. PROMPTNESS, -old fsahioned HONES TY, and a will to GROW by IN CREASING it list of loyal PATRONS THAT'S WALKER'S DRUG STORRE ASK YOUR DOCTOR Walker's Drug Store Corner Seventh and Tryon Streets NORRIS CANDY PARKER PENS AGENTS FOR KLDi "Dollar Day" furnishes a strong object lesson in thrift. The peo ple who will take fullest advantage' of the offerings advertised by the merchants are the folk who have been saving their dollars for just such an opportunity. START a savings account NOW and prepare for the "Dollar Day" of future years. Security Savings Bank 4 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. The exceptional value of the NASH C'TITY Is plainly recognized. That is made O 1 JU more evident every day to us by the eomments of buyers who have carefully rjiTJIC NA.SH sompared motor car values. COMPARE THE NASH. : VALUE The many superiorities of this car certainly will deep ly interest you. We are open evenings until 10 o'clock to s?iow you the NASH. Carolinas Nash Motors Company Distributers 500 North Tryon St. phone 3201 L Value ank Account A Bank account and the credit it gives you will b of the greatest aid to you in getting together the first few hundred dollars which you must get in order to advance speedier on the road to success, vliftSik dependence trust Compan; r Member Federal Reserve System lip CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,600,000.00. " CHARLOTTE, N. C. OFFICERS E. O. Anderson, Vice President V. A. Watson, Vice President VV. M. Long, Vice President 3. H. Wearn, Chairman of Board J. H. Little, President E. E. Jones, Cashier R. S. Smith, Asst. Cashier T, Thos. P. Moore Asst. Cashier 1 A. R. Surratt, Assistant Cashie? FOR RENT Store-room and casement, No. 200 N. College Street, in trade cen ter, 40-room hotel, repainted, repapered, remodeled, No. 206 North College Street, ready for occupancy September 15th. Small garage No. 14 East Seventh Street. Four-room apartment No. 401 North Church Street. Second and third floors over No. 206 South College Street, well lighted. Home Real Estate and Guaranty Company CASH CAPITAL, $70,000.00 A. I. HENDERSON, Manager Real Esate Department 219 North Tryon Street. Phone 589 NEW SHARES are being sold here almost hourly, and that's the right stuff for the man or woman who expects to get ahead or amount to much in life. We sure sold 'em last Saturday. Come any day this week and start the ball to rolling. If loan 's wanted, file application at once, so as to get in line. . . LENDING $60,000.00 this week, so you see where much of the money you see circulating around is coming from. The people realize the magnitude of the business we are doing, and they also know that every dollar we lend goes out at 6 per cent without fear or favor. The negro urchin gets a square deal here along with the rich or the first lady of the lad. WE LIVE TO RELIEVE distress and we do it. A good woman came in tother day and said her husband had gone off and her little home was in danger. We showed her a way out, and she left with a smiling countanenace. OUR MATRIMONIAL Bureau is alive and standing on its feet. A bright girl wanted to kndw if Bill was keeping up with his B. & L. We told her he sure was and that he never missed a payment. She confided the great secret and we whispered, "Bill's all right," so she's not , giving up her job to take care of a worthless dude. We sometimes have to say, "Lookout, Sallie, John's doing no good. Make him come across, or cut him to the heart." MORE HOMES AND HAPPIER HOMES is our slogan. Ask Jno. Pharr about it, and his great heart will advise you right and straight and helpfully. Our new series is coming some. Wise people just naturally come here for real service, - - Mutual Building & Loan Association Jno. R. Pharr, Pres. . E. L. Keesler, Sec-Treas v $5 South, Tryon Street , FT or Drift? The great majority of persons do their best work and earn th largest amount of money during fifteen or twenty years. That is the logical period for saving money when the Income Is greatest and the so called "sacrifice" of saving least felt. Are you In th most productive years of your life? When they have passed, what will you have to show thrift or drift? Start your Savings Ac count with ua. . The Merchants and Farmers National Bank 5 WEST TRADE ST. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital, Surplus and Profits $600,000.00 . Mint Street Bargains x-ivo iivnung on ivimi street opposite Jr. ana in. liV Depot. This is a bargain at $5,000.00. Nine (9) lots at corner of Mint Street and Dowd Koad. Fcf(i ; 'quick Sale $20.00 ner frrmr -ff WWV ,r tn Muir3 - X" vaa v XVV Um IT Ul Lll V tJ(J I VV about these. Call L. T. Wyndham, 'Phones -3022 and 319S. C, Abbott &-Company rr i -ry ! j Everything in Real Estate. ntl TruskBuilding, Phones 238 or 302 212 S. Tryon Si 4