. , : - ,- - n g THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 23, 192L ' WANTED FOR SALE FOR RENT OST r - f The Pullin'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fact Be Convinced, Try 'Em - ONE - CENT - A - WORD FOUND L llWIIMI H ' 5- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" Set this style and type on cnt per worg eacn mwnwu. r-v w mfnf C TUT ft fiTVT.E A NI" TYPE. TWO CENTS PER WORD EACH INSERTION. . STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each Insertion. Any fyle "MnBKed" either top or bot tom, or between lines, at double the fboTo rate. . . Clarified advertising is 9ld.rJ.23 or.T bntf or convenience of C rtrons. who are listed in the ephon Ptory. or known In the n?.an offlre, a mfmonnflnm tharep trill m made with the expectation that the bill be paid when presented. Refcnl-ir Classification of ads cannot .be msranteed after 12 o 'clock to Dady Fdltlon or after 10 p. m. Saturday for Snnday Edition. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTEDHELP WANTED Practical nurse at once for Pldprlv gentleman. Phone 3967. 2o-lt vTvfkD Half-grown girl for cook. Apply Saturday morning, 4 S. -Davidson. WHITE BRICKLAYERS. We can use three or four good white bricklayers at S7 1-2 cents per hour. Steadv work for good men. V rite at once for particulars. Open shop. Da vis Bros.. Inc.. 2510 V . Main St. Richmond. Ya. WANTED Competent manager for grocery store, one willing to make small investment pre ferred. State age, married or single, experience and salary expected in letter of your own writing. References necessary. Address H. S. L., care News. 23-3t WANTED To sell interest in paying business to man that can take active part. Come and investigate. If in- oll ".TflT-.T 23-lt WANTED Good first-class automobile mechanic on Hupmobiles. Must be right or no use to apply. Charlotte Motor Car Co., 209 S. Church St- 23-2t-erd WANTED Forty young ladies and gentlemen between the ages of 15 and 20 to help form an Amateur Dramatic Club. Tou need no money to join this club. Address Dramatic Club, care News. 23-lt CLERKS. 18 upwards, for postal mail service; $120 month. Experience un necessary. For free particulars of ex aminations, write R. Terry, (formrr civil service examiner), 224 Conti nental Bldg.. Washington, D. C. - 23-3t WANTED At once, 10 Union Plumbers for out - of - town work. Wire or Phone. W. F. Owen, 235 VoW. Trade St: Phone 2645. 22-2t WANTED First-class meat cutter State experience and salary expect ed. Address "Meat Cutter," care News. 22-2t WANTED Experienced stenographer. Apply by letter only giving experi e-nce, nama and address of last em ployer. International Harvester Co". Collection Dept., Charlotte, N. C. 22-2t WANTED Girls to work in dining room. Apply Polly-Anna, Cafeteria New Central hotel. 22-tf WANTED Salesman for local store Phnnr- 303. 22-?- HOUSES WANTED ROOMS YOUNG respectacle couple with two nice, mindful children, boy and girl, gr-ed 2 and 5 respectively, desire two or three furnished rooms at once for light housekeeping. "Relia-'',." care News. 23-2t WANTF Room and board in private family by young married couple, no chi'dren, in desirable location. Refer ences exchanged. Address W. F. Brownl?e. Mecklenburg Hotei. S.tu" day and Sunday. 23-lt WANTED Room and board or three furnished rooms for housekeeping. Mrs- H. V. Almond, Stonewall Hotel. Phone 2100. 23-3t WANTED For winter, two or three rooms with bath. Unfurnished pre- ferred. Old Charlotte citizen. P. O. Box 966. 23-3t WANTED To rent for year oi more, 5 to 7 room bungalow. Suburbs pre ferred. Phone 1973-J. 23-3t WANTED Room in private home by business girl. Answer C. T. K.. P, O. Box 354. 23-gf-eod WANTED By October 1st, room and board in private home by couple. Phone 483-J. 23-3t WANTED By middle aged couple room, board and private bath In pri vate family. References exchanged Address A. B. C. 66, care Charlotte News. , 23-3t WANTED To rent 6 to 8-room house with modern conveniences in any good section of the city. Call E. J. Matthews. Phone 4062, at M. & M. Realty Co., 322 1-2 N. Tryon St. 21-2t-eod WANTED By married couple without children, furnished room and private , bath, with board, in private home. Prefer Myers Park or Elizabeth sec tion. Address T. W. D., care News. ' - ' ' 22-4t WANTED POSITION WANTED Position by young lady who has finished course as typist. Address' "Typist," care News. 23-3t Ai7. EXPERIENCED stenographer de sires position; best of references. Phone 1081-W. 22-4t COMPETENT bookkeeper and account ant, young married man, fully expe rienced. Can furnish liability bond and good references- Legible writing. Just moved here from Atlanta to make home. Will accept permanent position at reasonable salary. Pleas ant personality. Can use typewriter, etc., and assist wherever needed. "Reliable," care News. 22-2t GRADUATE NURSE desires position In doctor's or dentist's office. Address "Overseas," care News. 21-rf POSITION wanted by young lady ste nographer, Phone-3725-W. 18-&1 FOR RENT VERY ATTRACTIVELY furnished front bedroom to business couple or two business girls, good location. Breakfast if desired. Phone 4320-J. 21-3t-eod FOR RENT One garage, 711 West Trade. Phone 2S86. 11-tf FOR RENT Furnished room, private home, with or without board, busi ness couple preferred. Phone 3154-W. 23-2t I'OR RENT New storehouse, good business location, 905 Mint St., JJU.OO per month. American Trust Co.. Real Estate Dept., J. K. A. Alexander. Mgr. , 23-31 FOR RENT Nicely furnished double rooms in private family, all con veniences, steam heat, use of bath, close in. Address "Desirable," care News. 23-lt FOR RENT Two or three unfurnishtd rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 2409-J after 5 p. m. References ex changed. 23-3t FOR RENT Two downstairs rooms for housekeeping, 919 N. Davidson fct. 23-4t-no-sun LARGE, well ventilated front corner room, first floor, neatly iurnisnect, next to bath, all conveniences, fur nace heat, private home, one block from car, paved street, Louise Ave., business couple preferred. Phon? 3139-W or 4062. 21-2t-eoci FOR RENT Furnished room, private family, modern, every convenience. Phone 1684-J. 22-4t FOR RENT One nciely furnished front room, gentlemen only. 9 East Eighth St. 22-2t I'OR RENT TO GENTLEMEN. TWO DESIRABLE HEATED ROOMS. WALKING DISTANCE WEST. AD DRESS H. E. D.. No. 4. care News. WANTED Room mate for business girl, meals given. Phone 3706-J. 22-2t-thur-sun THREE unfurnished rooms for rent very convenient, to young couple downstairs, separate entrance, 205 E. Eleventh St- 22-2 1 FOR RENT Large and nicely lurnish- ed front room, downstairs, private familv, near good boyrding house. 215 S. -Cedar St. 22-3t FOR RENT Two partly furnished rooms. Phone 3297-J. 22-tf FOUR unfurnished rooms and hall downstairs, large yard and garden. 908 N. Pine. 22-2t FOR RENT Five rooms with steam heat, private entrance, two porches, bath, $75 per month. 1521 E. Fourth extension. Phone 2153. 21-tf FOR RENT October 1, 5-room apart ment, 904 N. Tryon St. Phone 1624-J. 21-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnisheQ bedroom with board in private home, to busi ness girl, close in. all modern con veniences, furnace heat. Phone 3601-W. 21-4t FOR RENT 5-room apartment; also heated 5-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished: 7-room house, 2 baths, furnace heat. 8 W. Seventh St. 21-tf FOR RENT Attractive bedroom, new lv finished, close in, on car line. Phone 3073-J. 21-tf FOR RENT To couple without chil dren two rooms furnished for light housekeeping. Phone 2054-J. 20-tf FOR RENT Well furnished front cor ner room. Fourth ward, connecting bath. Apply 802 N. Poplar. 17-1 it I OR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 307 N. College St. 19-tf FOR RENT Desirable front bedroom during exposition, close in, good ''car service, hot water at all hours, $5.00 per week. Apply 116 N. McDowell after 3:30 p. m. Phone 1805. 17-tf FOR RENT Rooms with board, also one unfurnished room to man and wife. Apply 405 S. Tryon. 17-tf FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping, also one furnished bedroom 607 S. Tryon St. 16-tf YOUNG LADY desires room mate at first class boarding house, 910 E. Ave. Phone 2399-L2. , 14-tf FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, 307 N. Tryon St. 13-tf FOR RENT Storeroom, 717 N. Gra ham. excellent location for meat market or any other business, reason able rent. Phone 1336 os 2929-W. 11-tf FIRST CLASS board can be secured at 810 E. Ave. Phone 2399-L2. 29-f.f FOR RENT To white tenants only, Stores 32, 34 and 36 Howell Arcade and two large warehouses at rear ui these stores. See or phone Whitman Douglas Co. Phone 4148.- 2-tf FOR RENT Two storerooms, 8 and 10 S. Poplar St. Conner & Walters Company. 18-tf FOR RENT Two nice front connect ing offices. 27 1-2 W. Fourth St, Dowd Bldg. See J. R. Ethridge Phone 44S2. 28-tf FOR RENT Office room, well located Apply Merton C. Propst. 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5-tf FOR RENT Garage in first class con dition near North Fox street, Eliza beth. Phone 4511-L2. 10-tf FOR RENT Stori. room, first block on South Church St. Apply Merton C. Propst, 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5-tf MISCELLANEOUS SAWDUST FREE at Bassett Lumber Co.'s plant, Plneville road, city 11m its. 21-3t-eod MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE Hear the proof in Red Men's Hall, over Tryon Drug Co. North Tryon St., Sunday night 7:30. Seats free. No collection 23-3t J. LEE PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. Office with J. W. Cobb. Phone 3695 8-tf-ead CHEVROLET Touring How much, how much Court House Sept. 24th. 19-5t NOTICE After Sent. 1. all mnvin previously $5.00 ner load will ho $4.00, and all previously $6.00 will bw a.uu. treasonable rates on long: dls tance moving and all other hauling Nichols Transfer Cd., 11 W. Fourth t. .rnone 705. i.tf NEW MATTRESSES mart out of your uia ones, innovated. N.w ticks. I; pays. It rids you of vormin. Cal 1588-J for Tiartifijlar T.anrinw'. Mattrea? Factory, U2 North Long St, 90 f WALL PAPER The Latest Designs A. J. DUNN CO. 10 East Fourth St. Phone 2264. 21-tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Rarely does a house so successfully combine the general lines of the true bungalow as the ones we have. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. Phone 535. 22-3t FOR SALE Or lease, by owner, 10- room furnace heated home, modern. Lot 50x200. Fruit, garden and chick en yard. Terms. Leaving City. "128," care News. 18-3t-sun-wed-fri FOR SALE New house, 4 rooms, 1-2 acre lot, near 7 cotton mills, $1(00 cash or $1S00 monthly payments. Walter Taylor, Belmont, N. C. 23-3t FOR SALE One vacant lot on Pecan Ave., 49x150; one lot on Circle Ave., just off entrance to Hermitage .Court. 80x111. Best offer for cash gets theso lots. Phone 4378. 23-tf LARGE, well located corner lot, Ideal Way, about half block from car line. Park Road, Dilworth, at special price and terms if taken quick. Call E. J. Matthews for engagement or details. M. & M. Realty Co. Phone 4062. 21-2t-eod ANOTHER 6-room house now being completed on Tremont Avenue, shady side of street, has large basement, plenty of room for laundry, etc. Same price a3 the one just sold $5,500. T. T. Cole, Inc., 215 West Trade St., Phone 4572 FOR SALE 5-room bungalow and four extra lots on Central Ave. Price $5000. Queen City Realty Co., Inc., 36 W. Fiftn. Phone 535. 22-3t FIVE-ROOM cottage. East Fourth St., (which will soon be paved), one block from car line, near to Myers Park, all modern conveniences, house in splendid condition, nice large rooms well papered, large lot with shade. Can be had at low price and quick possession. Small cash payment, bal ance verv easy. Call E. J- Matthews,. M. & M. Realtv Co. Phone 4062. 21-2t-eod 8-ROOM HOUSE on East Boule vard just completed, has hard wood floors, tile bath, break fast room (its complete), lot 66x200, $1,000 cash, balance $105 per month until paid in full. T. T. Cole, Inc., 215 West Trade St., Phone 4572. 22 2t FIVE-ROOM cottage, East Charlotte, half block from Central Ave.f shady side, water, lights, sewer and gas with garage on large level lot, good neighborhood. Price $3500 and a bargain on easy payments. M. & M. Realty Co. Call E. J. Matthews, 322 1-2 N. Tryon St. Phone 4062. 21-2t-eod EAST BOULEVARD, KINGS TON AVE., PARK ROAD, IDEAL WAY, SARAH MARKS AVENUE, TRE MONT AVENUE We own practically all lots on the above named streets. These lots were bought in troups at close prices and we can now offer any of the un sold lots for less than they have ever been offered before. T. T. Cole, 215 W. Trade St., Phone. 4572. 22 2t $1,250 to $1,500 Lots on Tre mont Avenue. We are striving to make this the ideal street of Dilworth. T. T. Cole, Inc., 215 West Trade St. Phone 4572. 22-2t FOR SALE We will have under con struction in a few days a bungalow "Simplicity of Design." Queen City Realty Co.. Inc. 22-3t FOR SALE 12-room apartment house right near square, only take small amount of cash; will trade. Queen City Realty Co., Inc., 36 W. 5th St. Phone OOO. 22-St MYERS PARK HOMES FOR SALE. Handsome 7-room home, modern, hear college, $14,500. The most beautiful and best located home in Park. Price at office. Attractive S-room home, every conven ience, large lot, well elevated, close in, Myers Park. Price $16,500. 0-room home, corner lot, strictly mod ern, $17,000. Nice 7-room home. Briarwood roa'd Price $14,000. CONTINENTAL SECURITIES CO. 917 Commercial' Bldg. Phone 232 22-7t FOR SALE Business nroDertv vyest and East .Trade, North and bouth lryon. Queen City Kealty Co., Inc., Phone 535 22-3t FOR SALE One of the best 6-room bungalows in Piedmont section, one block or car line, has very largt rooms, hardwood floors, srood hasp ment, shady side of street. Can be bought for $1000 cash. Ten years to pay the balance. Why pay rent when you can own vour own hnmn W. C. Harris & Co. Phone 936 or 2443. 5ft-3t FOR SALE 2 stores and va cant lot adioinincr. S2.500 Small cash payment is all you want. Oueen City Realtv Co Inc., 36 W. Fifth St, Phone 535. 22-3t INVESTMENT LOTS 10 good ones, near car line, $3,000 buys them all. New bunsralows going up. Queen City Realtv Co., Inc., 36 W. 5th St. Phone 535. 22-3t REAL FSTATV. $6500 7-room house. No. 13 S. Cedar St. House first class condition in side and out. This is a Eond fhanpo to get a close in home at the right price. $6000 6-room bungalow, Worthington Ave., Dilworth. House in splendid condition, nice level lot, good loc tion. $5000 6-room bungalow, Elizabeth aec tion, one block from car line. House in good condition. DeLANEY & SING. Easement Courthouse. Phone 4254. 21-4t FOR SALE Large level lot on Post St-, 150 feet off Mint St. Will take .automobile as part payment. See Dr. Levy, 7 E., Trade. 11-tf FOR SALE Six-room buneralow. F.i1k. beth section, $5000. See Owner, J. A. Price, 1404 Parkwy Drive, 9-8-tf AUTOMOBILES y FOR SALE Reo truck running like new at a bargain price. Ask for Smith, Charlotte Supply Co., East Fourth St. 23-4t FOR SALE -11920 Ford Coupe with starter lyzu Ford touring with 1919 Ford Sedan without starter. 1 1919 Ford touring without starters. All in erood condition and at Drices that will move them. ETHEREDGE MOTOR SALES COMPANY Cor. 4th and Poplar Sts. 23-lt FOR SALE 1920 Ford sedan, demount able rims, shock absorbers, etc. In fine condition, a bargain. C. S. An drews. Phone 3626. 13-7t-eod FOR SALE Maxwell racer In good shape, five good tires, motor in good condition. Price $150. Phone 3496. 22-2t FOR SALE 1920 model touring car m good condition. Phone 1332-J. 21-4i USED CARS AT YOUR PRICE ANDERSON CLUB ROAD STER, newlv nainted.. $400 COMET TOURING CAR $425 ELGIN SIX. five rjassenorer S425 OAKLAND SIX touring car for S225 Allen SEDAN $975 r OKD ROADSTER $175 CASE TRUCK, good condition tor S300 CHALMERS TOURING CAR for SI 00 TH ABOVE CARS ARE PRICED TO MOVE' AT ONCE. IHEi WILL BE PLACED ON THE LOT NEXT TO OUR SER VICE STATION. FOR YOUR INSPECTION. IF YOU WANT A REAL BARGAIN BETTER SEE THEM EARLY. GOSS HEATH & COMPANY 410 West 4th Str Phone 4314 21-3t FOR SALE Chevrolet Touring, tor cash Court House, Sept. 24th. io5jf FOR SALE At Court House bept. 24th, one Chovrolet touring. i95t USED CAR VALUES. FORD SEDAN. USED EIGHT Jiu.MHs, JUST OVERHAULED. iUPP, MODEL R TOURING, DEMON STRATOR. EyTRAR CHALMERS TOURING, 1920 MODEL, tAlHAS; SPLENDTD finKnTTinv OAKLAND TOURING; GOOD TIRES AiU liUUN JJ. HUPP, MODEL N TOURING: A SPLENDID RT7Y. CHANDLER 7 -PASSENGER TOUR- l.M; IN A-l CONDTTTnV HLPP, MODEL K TOURING, CORD TIRES; FIRST CLASS CONDITION FORD LIGHT DELIVERY; OPEN EX PRESS BODY: CHEAP. PREMIER 7 -PASSENGER TOURING; iNii.w riKKS; EXCELLENT CONDI TION. DODGE BROTHERS PANEL SIDE GAIV REAL BAR- VISITORS TO THE CAROLINAS EX POSITION WILL DO WELL TO LOOK THESE CARS OVER. WE ARE OFFERING SOME EXCEP TIONAL BARGAINS IN THE ABOVE LIST. CHARLOTTE MOTOR CAR CO. 209 -S. CHURCH ST. PHONE 9C1 18-7t R?iT A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U-DRTVTtmtt nn ana tmhrtu TRYON. PHONE 1270 15-tf BARGAINS IN lSET) C!ARSYTn:- than 20 U3ed automobiles different models J200.00 and up. Apply Sehorn and Hipp, 211 N. College St. Phone 4050. ... 7-tf NOTICE To all Ford owners. We can save you money on your repair work. All work guaranteed. W. A. Fry & Sons, 1105 N. Tryon Street. Phone 3418 18-8t SEE V. M. STINE. He will pay you cash for your automobiles. 6-tt BARGAINS Two Buick tourings. Three Dodge tourings. One Ford roadacer. The above cars are in good condition and will be sold cheap.'.. Terms. USED CAR EXCHANGE. 505 S. Tryon St. Next to Catholic Church. 12-tf BUSINESS OFORTUNITY FOR SALE Garage and transfer busi ness, as a whole or separate. Good opportunity for right party. Terms if desired. "Garage," Box 426. Moarc3. ville. N. c. 19.7 FOR RENT Office building; 20 offlcts. wen located. J. H. McAden. Phone 86tt- 8-ti SPECIAL NOTICES BASSETT LUMBER CO. is about ready to fill orders for all kinds of building material. Must have cash from all who cannot give satisfac tory references. Will guarantee to save you money. Why pay" mora? Pineville road, city limits. 21-3t-eod MILLIONS NOV LIVING WILL NEVER DI& Hear the Drooi in Red Men's Hall, over Tryon Drug Co., North Trvon St.. Sunday nignt, 7:30. Seats free. No collection. 23-3t NOTICE Please bring us your repair work. We guarantee our work and reasonable prices, and also we buy and sell second hand cars. Flivver Ar.to Inn. 14 East Seventh St. 22-3: NOTICE The entire interest of J. H. King in King's Business College, of Raleigh and Charlotte, has this day been sold and assigned to E. L. Layfield, who from -4:his date will have full control and ownership of the said business colleges and be entirely responsible for the manage ment, debts and liabilities of same. Tl Ik business will continue to be con ducted under th name of King's Business College- This 1st day- of September, 1921. J. H. King, E. T, Layfield. 22-10t MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE Hear the proof in Red Men's Hall, over Tryon Drug Co., North Tryon St., Sunday night, 7 :30. Seats free. No collection. 23-3t WANTED To sell you a bicyc'e Yale, Rugby, Emblem, Pierce-Arrow or- other make. We alsg repair bi cycles. Carolina Sporting Goods Co., 7. W. Fourth St. 22-2t s. o. s. with us means the Service of Satisfaction Ed. Wright's Pressing Club Phone 4043 29 East Third 21.4t-no Sat SEE J. EDGAR POAG, 108 Latta Ar cade, Charlotte, for purchase or sale of cotton, cotton waste, linters, bag ging and ties. 21-tf-ex sun YOUR PRICE for a Chevrolet Touring at Court House, Sept. 24th. i9-5t CHARLOTTE BUTTON SHOP Hem stitching, peeotlng, button covering, etc. Prompt service. 307 N. Col lege. is-tf MATERNITY SANITARIUM Private, refined, homelike. Homes provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 22 Windsor, Atlanta, Ga. 9-l-26t-no-sun WALL. PAPER HANGING, house painting. Call J. M. Muse. Phone 42i'.-ij. 9-tf LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING PACKING AND STORING Three Large Trucks WARREN TRANSFER CO. Phone 1166. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS for Edison-Dick Mimeographs and Supplies. CRAYTON COMPANY 2914 S. Tryon St. Phone 304 30-tf PIANO TUNING W. E. Senn. Char lotte, N. C. Phone 2335-L-3. 10-12-t WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Carpenter ifork; jobs large or small. Call 4340. 23-3t WANTED Single or double flat top desk. Must be in good condition and reasonable. "Desk," care News. WANTED One or more 34x4 tires. Dunn. 21 AV. Catherine St. 22.-3t WANTED Few more music pupils by experienced teacher, graduate Queens College. Address Mrs. "E," care News. . 23-4t-no-sun WANTED Planer, moulder, ripsaw, shafting, belting, etc. Bassett Lumber Co. 21-3t-eod WANTED To do your pressinp- and dry cleaning. Experienced workmen,, quick and satisfac tory service. Bachelors Press ing Club, 1503 S. Tryon. Phone 4020. 26-tf eod WANTED YOUNG DENTIST .DE SIRES LOCATION FOR MODERN OFFICE IN THRIVING TOWN IN N. C. IF YOUR TOWN OFFERS GOOD LOCATION WRITE "DEN TIST." CARE NEWS. 21-3t-eod WANTEDr-To buy furniture from par ty that has two or three rooms or cottage for rent. Must be reasonable. Phone 4069. :-i't WANTED To make your mattresses and pads to order. Mattresses reno vated, box springs repaired, feather mattresses made. Hailey -Howard Co.. 323 East Trade. Phone 3446. 22-tf WANTED To put your furnaces in good working order before the rush comes, there by saving you money. Strange & Brady, Phone 3149. 8-tf WANTED Your painting, calsomim ing, reflnishing -floors. J. S. McCall. Phone 40C9. : . 12-tf WANTED Used furniture. Phone 4438. 505 W. Eleventh St. 13-tf WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED To exchange good five-passenger six-cylinder ' automobile for good ot or small house. Willing to pay difference, if jmy. Telephone 1025. i3-2t-eod IT MATTERS NOT Where the prices of shbes may go we are always on the job prepared to save our customers from One to Five Dollars a pair. Those who have tried us know, and others canif they will. Wil you? TRIJE SAMPLE SHOE STORE 32 E. Trade SX. Charlotte, N. C. FOR SALE FOR SALE Two plows, mowing scythe, garden tools, also couch, na.. rack, rockers, wardrobe, safe and electric washing machine. o30 Dowd Road. Phone 3152-J. ttll FOR SALE Dining room and bedroom furniture. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Phone 2531-W- FOR SALE Gas range in good condi tion. Phone 0171. .. -'u FOR SALE White baby . earcia splendid condition. Phone 18o8-Vv , bl-J E. Seventh St: 2J;ot FOR SALE Grocery stock and fix tures, colored trade. Price $300. but will sell for best offer. Call after 4 p. m., 619 E. Stonewall St. 23-it FOR SALE Beautiful sword ferns. Phone 1116-J. 23tf FOR SALE Chandler Dispatch. Five wire wheels; 1920 model; A-l condi tion: reasonable, with terms. J. H. Simpson. Hunter-House Cigar Store. RARE BARGAINS IN USED CARS Willvs-Knisht 7-passenger. Cole 8, 7-passengera. Overland 90, 5-passenger. Overland 4, 5-passenjgr. The above carsare m A-l condition. XT L IL-t 1JV , t-ri Alio cc; - DAIL-OVERLAND CO., 436 W. Trade St. 23-3t FOR SALE Complete vulcanizing out fit, latest model, bargain, "w, care News. 21-3t-wed-fri-sat HOREHOUND CANDY, Lemon Candy, big - assortment oi Stick Candy made by Fas nacht and sold by all gro cers. The purest kind for chil dren: 21-3t eod FOR SALE Beautiful ferns and evvr bloominsr begonias, 1002 E. Ave. Phone 1905-J. 30-tf-tue-fri FOR SALE One steel range, practical ly good as new, price attractive, 412 Central Ave. Phone 1753-W. 21-St-eod FOR SALE Computing . scale, ice or fish box, cheese knife, at 408 E. Sec ond St. ' 22-4t FOR SALE Beds, Springs and Mattresses, Rockers, Tables, etc. All in good condition. 301 S. Church St., Phone 1589. . 22-2t FOR; SALE High-grade piano, brand new; will sell for lees than cost; terms. Phone 3803. 22-2t FOR SALE Household furniture, two bedroom suits, table, rockers, pic tures, kitchen furniture. 906 East Fifth St. 22-2t I'OR SALE Croquet sets, boys football and basketball equipment. Carolina Sporting Goods Co., 7 W. Fourth St. 22-2t SEE J. EDGAR POAG, 108 Latta Ar cade, Charlotte, for purchase or saie of cotton, cotton waste, linters, bag ging and ties. 21-tf-ex sun FOR SALE Second-hand bookkeeper's desk, $y.00. D. V. Mason, 231 S. Tryon. I 21-3t FOR SALE Underwood typewriter, model No. 5, almost new. Crayton Co.. 29 1-2 S. Tryon St. 21-3t USE RADIUM for rheumatism, goiter, consumption, all disorders of nerves heart, stomach, kidneys, paralysis. Don't have operation for appendicitis, tumors or female disorders- Other methods failed because they didn't remove cause. Price $15.60. Money refunded if dissatisfied. Federal laws protect you. Descriptive literature on request. G. M. Hall, Box 298. Kan napolis, N. C. - -. - - - - - - 21-4t-ho sat FOR SALE Typewriters, $3.00 ca3is, mommy, urayton Co., 29 S. Tryon St. - iS.6t WHY RENT typewriters when vou can buy a new machine for $3.00 per month? Crayton Co., 29 S. Trvon st- 18-6t FOR SALE Grocery store and fix tures, good location, small clean stock. Doing good business; reason for selling leaving town. Address L. T., care News. 17-10t r UK SALE Framing in -.11 sizes in pine and oak. Also nnished material. Get ! our prices. H. S. Leonard Lumber Co., Phone 4287, 20 N. Tryon St 30-tf w. M. BELL, Notary i'ubiic, tront ot ft Charlotte News. Can be found most any hour to 8 p. m. FOR SALE OUR SERVICES to repair your roof or gutters. Also to paint them. Satisfaction guaranteed. STRANGE & BRADY ' Phone 3149 7-tf FOR SALE LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Good mule cheap. Phone 2420. R. O. McConnell. 17-7t MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Undef and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the undersign ed by the certain chattel mortgage" dated the 10th day of May, 1921, and recorded in Book 440, at page 37. in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County, North Carolina reference ' to which is hereby mad default having been made in payment of indebtedness thereby secured, as therein provided, the undersigned will sell, at public sale, to the highest bid der for cash, at the courthouse door of Mecklenburg county, in the city of Charlotte, at-12 o'clock M on Sat urday, the 15th day of October. 1921 th following described personal prorv erty; to-wit: 4c?F? TourinS Automobile No. 48611721921 Model. Color; Black This the 23rd day of September 19 i CITIZENS SAVING AND LOAN CO LOST OR FOUND LOST Bunch of keys in lfa :7T" with Cracker Jack sign on dc ward return to News. V; STOLEN from South school T; the 20th, boy's bicycle, green .1 'siav. inW, in black (Rugby make), fror steel, rear wood.' Libera J. C. Cathey, 5 W. Boulevard. 23..?; vv AiJLf r or r orci tour. mg car stolen from Exposition grounds Thursday night. model, No. 4518858, Jicenge No. 89318, newly painted equipped with Lee Puncturi Proof tires. Notify Insurance Department, Independencf Trust Co., Charlotte, X c LOST Round blue and wnu-h7 painted broach, gold rim and Un valued as keepsake. Rewa-v p-, 1952-J or call at 706 N- Coi:,c. ' ''J-1t FOUND Sweaters for school i.ovs girl3. We also sell all kind" sporting goods- Carolina Sports Goods Co., 7 W. Fourth St '-';, LOST One fox tprrir R,-r on side of head and scars on f leg. Phone 1230. Reward. i- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5-room house on X. Ca'd well St. Price $3500. Phone 2363-W Davis. -n... FOR SALE California bunsalowj Queen City Realty Co., Inc. ph0-r 535. FIVE ROOMS, all convc-niencps. houK in fine hape, large corner lot, Suxlj' feet, -plenty fruit and shade, garag' and barn, block from Central Av ' East Charlotte. Price and tprm a office. M. & M. Realty Co. Call E J Matthews. Phone 4062. 21-t-eo' MUCH BUILDING WORK AT SHELBY Number pf Dwellings and Other Construction Work Under Way. Shelby, Sept. '23. An almost un precedented building program is nw under way here, many who have d layed th erection of dwellings and bus ness structures for some time havr.i decided that the low peak of constric tion costs has been reached, and cm tracts have either been let or are a: present under consideration for '.!? erection of 15 dwellings, 10 of these t ing within the incorporate limits :i the towns, and .the remaining five be ing on lots within a mile of the ci:y limits. The McKnight Grocery Comrany, wholesale firm, is now erecting a larp warehouse of steel frame construction and the Shelby Cotton Mills plan u build a large addition to their plant. For tjje;past two years a gtH'. amount of' consideration has been giv en to the need of paved street? in h; town, the paving prog-ram having bw halted with the completion of work ti the four streets around the cou' square, these streets ' being paved I1" only a short distance each, and sem ment now apparently, strongly fvy the immediate paving of all prinei'v' streets. Col. J. T. Gardner, mayor, an: other city officials declare that it i their belief that paving costs are no as low as they will be and that montf will probably- be- saved by (loin? tl" work within the next few months. It is estimated that the cost of the wort tentatively planned will be appro mately $225,000. A proposed development of a 5'Jb'ir ban residential section on the Cleve land Springs- road is arousins nrJf interest in Shelby. William Linenergvr who owns a farm on this roal which will be hard surfaced within a sher! time, announced this week th-;' h in tends cutting the farm up into 10 huiU ing lots. Proposed plans are for sire?: 100 feet wide with shrubbery and fl-rr' er plots in.the center SidewaiK? -- be paved and a park contain:i-2 a 'lake will be reserved by the ownf. this park to be maintained for the u of the residents of the development. The Inancial condition of the c'jr ty is apparently in much better W than was the case a few month? i?" Due to the recent advances in cof. prices there is a feeling of confiden, which has not been felt since the op pression in business last year and ness men are unanimous In rrpd:oM--excellent trade conditions define coming autumn and winter. CITY OF CHARLOTTE BULLETIN The delinquent tax list will be ready for p lication shortly. Have you paid yours? 4