THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1921. 13 "wrirr ii , . 11 " ' ii! lEWSNOTOVIELAND Cr.'A iwo geniuses exist in one fam- he couid nrucur. Snntv,0 . ,v, Tlie spotlight of public inter , He will nS LLsl?r ,, tjy.s momentous question shifted V.-- the Farrar-Tellegens in New Vf k recently to the Wallace Reida Vcrt, Tho spotlight served to throw ji-o noni life of the Reids into strong r'e;;i,f against a dark background of jut recently Mrs. Reid, known pr ..c er.r.Hy heretofore as Dorothy Pav- t! VOl't. elected to return to the screen, playing opposite Lester Cunoo, friends of Wally s. This is hc Tt-.iMi tnat sianea an tne rumors a divorce in the Reid family. T'ic ru:;i-)is have been vehemently ?e r o ! V'V Mrs- Roid aml her rnother.Tl:a fact that she is taking another fling fit vu 'tures has nothing to do with tkt Uy of her family life, according to r-"i3- Wally and 5 aro a hjsty as wo 1ive always been." she . defclarss. "I a:n v n going to use my marfied narno, jTry Wallace Reid, instead of -Dorothy iuv- f.port. in my new picture which cert;unly is not indicative of a divorce." V v.v!:ig all the ruirr Wally is hav frS :: nne time with Welly, Jr., play ;,v about in the sand of the ReSit-tr "wTi private swimming pool. The photo fr;:; h .chows young Reid in his swim-,n-nir v: i t and if frecktes mein any. ih;: r m pictures he may be a second V. Moy Parry. He resembles . the far ivrothy more than he does the. debon cir Wally. BROADWAY HAS GREAT DRAMA because there tvLJT., i ."8" wrln hi.S Wn Wked out anl written by Agnes Johnosn. Hil an,d broueht up on the stage win JriEfV? a minister and Douglas ed ou in Hfi an enSineer. He start- man in Philadelphia. It was just v chance that he was given the opportJn- iZ f Vhe 6tage- He intended to try it for a few months during a leave of absence from his business and then ISSIa b,ond,- selllns after hls yer behind the footlights. There was a bit or a session between father and son when MacLean, Jr.. told MacLean, Sr.. that he was going to try acting for a while. Everything was settled peace- iu.i, iiuwever, Decause Douglas assured his father that his historic career would be brief. The three months grew into three years and still Douglas MacLean thought that next month or perhaps the one after that would find him back in Philadelphia selling bonds. Then he tried the movies just as he tried the etagfe, and he is now, after several years of camera acting, thinking that some time perhaps he will return to the stage. As to bond -selling? Never again. "The Child Thou Gavest Me," an Un usual and Powerful Play Here Monday "Babe" Ruth's Film Comes Thursday. Starting tomorrow for a run of three days, the feature at the Broadway thea ter, will be "The Child Thou Gavest le." a First National attraction pro duce Dy John M. stahl, one of the foremost - directors in the country. Manager Craver declares that it is ono of the best and most extraordinary films which he has ever exhibited, and is anticipating capacity performances. The Ftory is a highly dramatic one, with terrific suspense throughout. Un like the usual picture, which ends with me ringing or the wedding bells, "Tn Child Thou Gavest Me" begins with the wedding, and the nuptials as por trayed in the picture is magnificently elaborate. Following the ceremony, the man hurriesup to tho room of his bride, supremely happy as a bridegroom should be. He opens ' the door and stands petrified with amazement, for the bride, still wearing her veil and gown, is clasping a little boy to her breast. "I thought he was dead," sobbed the girl, too happy to try to shield her "Headin Home" attracted thousands of people to the spacious Madison Square Garden in New York city as no other event ever held in that historic audi torium attracted them. They watche3 the idol of the great American game act and cheered him as no other screen star has ever heen cheered. This re ception was commented on at consid erable length not only by the snorting TeSertSn1. FRANKLIN AGENCY interesting story on which is the increased demand for Ford trucks and cars for salesmen. This class of commercial business has been gradually increasing the past 60 days and we in terpret it as a very good sign of im provement in general business. "No reduction has been made in the price of the Ford tractor, and none is contemplated." Home" is based, but also by the fas tidious critics who in their analytic report of the work -of the home-run hero showered him with superlatives that have been bestowed only unon tho like of Sarah Bernhardt. So satisfactorily entertaining and in teresting was "Babe" Ruth in "Head in' Home" that fans, who literacy worshipped him for his baseball ex ploits,, returned to witness th nw.-n 1 ! time and again and each time brought ' I relatives and friends. "Tov hi lessee of Madison Square Garden, char acterized the production as "the great est I have ever seen," an opinion that stood the test as capacity ruled at all shows. "Brownie's Baby Dolls," another of those delightful comedies featuring Brownie, "the wonder dog," also will be on this program. ,.v.w.v.v.v?.v?.'.'. v.'; ,.oo? v 3 teS ;t?w$is?, ' far' im ' TELLS OF GREAT FORD OUTPUT Edsel B. Ford Says Nearly Half Mill ion Cars Were Produced in Four Months. ENTERTAINED HERE Reports made at -the conference of th representatives of the Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company fol lowing the luncheon given by Captain T. b. Franklin to the members of his was the honor guest at the luncheon and made an encouraging and enthus iastic address. Mr. Franklin, manager of the branch offices in Charlotte and Asheville. opened the conference with one of his characteristic addresses and introduced Mr. A. L. Perdue of Ruther fordton who in turn opened the general discussion. Following the conference all of the visitors were guests of Mr. Franklin at the Made-in-Carolinas ex position. , The Franklin agency has an enviable record and has led all of the other agencies in every contest and proposes to lead in the production of new busi ness during the next three months. Those present yesterday were: Messrs. Julian Price, Greensboro; T. S. Franklin, W. L. Brooks. T. W. agency at the Country Club yesterday j Chambliss, P. B. Wilkes. H. E. Davis, ttiLouiuii were vpumisnc as 10 iuiure business. The territory of the Frank lin agency covers trte section between Sanford and Murphy and takes in prac ticallj' all of the section surrounding Charlotte. More than twenty repre sentatives were present'and in every in stance they were optimistic and are ex pecting the Fall months to result in a larger, volume of business than the same period last year. President Julian Price of Greensboro E. A. Starr. E. L. Warren. T. T. Tib bats. W. M. Wilks. and H. L. Kerfess of Charlotte; I. II. Gantt. S. R. Clinton, W. T. McCaer, Gastonia; E. L. Heav ener, Lincolnton: T. M. Mashburn and R003 M. Sugmon Salisbury; W. S. Hurt, Monroe; J. C. Jenkins, Rocking ham; C. D. Stevenson, Statesville; R. H. eBthel; Lewis Weill and W. O. Wolfe, Asheville; A. L. Perdue and F. P. Per due, Rutherfordton; S. V. Wrenn, Southern Pines. EFFICIENCY BAND OF P. & N. TO HOLD MEET The Piedmont & 'Northern Efficiency Association will celebrate its first anni versary at a barbecue to be given by the officers of the company at the park in Mt. Holly, October 7. Arrangements are being made not only to have a feast but to present a program of interest and instruction. Speakers will be en gaged for short remarks and music will be a feature of the occasion. The efficiency association of the com pany is an organization former for the purpose suggested by the title. Its members are those identified with the company in . the relation of employes and monthly meetings are held when methods are discussed as to a better handling of the business of the com pany, the accommodation of the public and individual improvement among the employes. CHANGES POSITION. D. L. Sharpe, who. for the past six years, has been in charge of the sheet music department of F. H. Andrews Music Store, has accepted a position with Louis G. Ratcliffe, the florist, 322 South Tryon street. Darbara Castleton 1 Dick Headrick. fa jjahe Child Thou Gavest Me' i 1 V. Wallace Reid and his young son ready for their morning dip, WHAT THEY'RE DOING. Shirley Mason's repertoire sound likt a pokc-r hand. After she com plttLs "Qutenie" she is to do "Jackie." "The Song of Life" is John M. Stahl's next production. It is from en original theme by him. George Chosbro, leading man f--T the !ait- Olive Thomas, is to be fea tuie l in a series of northwest meuntel i police stories. "The Recoil" is the J first. 1 Tfcp popularity of motion pictures has sustained another body blow and is now groggy trom tne jolts it nas received from sensational escapades of its stars. The recent arrest Of Roscoe (Fatty) Ar'nuckle on a charge of murder in con- 1 r.ection with the death ot Virginia Rappe, movie actress, following a party i in Arbuckle's rooms, is the latest blow referred to. I Until this sensation broke Arbucgle I was thought by millions of movie fans i only as a great big jovial, big hearted At present MacLean is traveling from Los Angeles to New York, not on his hands and knees for a new script, but making personal appearances to the de light of every MacLean fan. IS NOT A FELLER. Julien Josephson,-author of "The City Feller" is. not a city feller. Although his name is known to fans all over the world (at least to those fans who both er;,, to read the author's name), for he wfpte all" the early successes for Charles Ray. - Mr. Josephson -. has never seen large cities except San Francisco and Los Angeles. He has .never, ridden on a subway elevated. The poor author doesn't have the chance to see the chance to see the world that the stars have! At The Broadway iUonUay, Tuesday and Wednesday. secret any longer, even from her hus band. Then began a search, desperate and unflinching, for one whom the husbanl j had sworn to kill. He suspects every j man, including his best friend, whom ; he shoots. Then he discovers his ?r- i or. The man he is seeking is the last, j one on earth that he would have sua-; pected. But he does not kill him for i sufficient reasons. The story is interpreted by an .tll- : star cast, which includes such celebri- j ifr:ii: -I-- lies ot me screen , as vv uuam jjea mond, Lewis Stone, Adele Farrington. Winter Hall, Barbara Castleton, and last, but not least, little Richarl 'Itchie") Headrick, who is beginning to have a following all his own an I one of which many an adult star may well be envious. This program will be given variety! and added interest by the showing of Under date of September' 2 Edsel B Ford, president of the Ford Motor Com pany. recently made the following an nouncoment: "We are making another reduction in the prices of Ford cars and the Ford truck, effective today. The new Drices average 70 under former prices, and are the loweet at which Ford cars and trucks have ever been sold. "We are taking advantage of everv known economy in the manufacture of our products in order that we may give them to the public at the lowest pos sible price, and by doing that, we feel that we are doing the one big thing that will help this country into more prosperous times. People are interest ed in prices, and are buying when prices are right. "The' production of Ford cars and trucks for August again broke all pre vious high records with the total reach ing 117,696. This is the fourth oonsecu tivo month in which our output has gone over the hundred thousand mark, the total for the four months being 463,074, which has gone a long way in making possible the present reductions. June this year, with an output Ofr-li?,-47. was the previous record months "One noteworthy feature of our sales (1BI ' HMaMiiwmiijjMi iiiui mi ui i immim n 11 n hi ii ji ill The studio scene in "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," at the Auditorium, opening its engagement Monday. CONGRATULATIONS! We are told ethat Juantal Hansen and Harrison -Pjost were recently mar ried, having eloped and begged for the services of Judge Cox, the judge who recently made Bebei Daniels do time for speeding. -rut Bottom fauin'ooi mJ A siWvv0 ' r . " 'AND milir If Douglas MacLean as the artist sees hfan. . . . -t 1.9 sisters" a Cosmopoiman production has Matt Moore, Seena Owen, Jo King and Gladys Leslie in Jne cast r-hap. They got a laugb out f, r',;" tvt'y appearance. And all the 1 1 . 1110 niuvr.o tiiv. ' .. " 0r' kind. When the above picture of f'U'kio and Lila Lee was taken just ?r:'r,tlJ' before the murder etory broke 7"tlir' public- still had their good idea of Arl)Un,;iP. He AriBS were wajt. ? Un :r turns to work before the cam a and, just t0 keep the photographer uu;. posed for him. a.', s L,te. had no idea of course that c ir ;i new light a bad one. tti. :"' Kuuu-iuoiung son 01 a inuno- lpr StnfU- . . . Ss -"f t-ngineering, starts wuihihb a. bond S-alpoman finolHr TIM rhS toar lnteresting. Even if Douglas L an had not rinnf. thpsft thinsa ban JU,cl he interesting to anyone who l sf-en him in "23 1-2 Hours' Leave" fr-att y f his other Pictures for that ry Roberts Rhineharfs story, how- Qp - .. ii ov,ittii aiiu uy - - j for r "s long for another such story Hobart Henley is to direct for Uni versal pictures. TMbPnTi Kilerour has deserted the screen temporarily for the stage and ! 0n in "The Easiest Way" with AO k' - Frances Starr. "Rip Van Winkle" will hortly ba v, witvi rrallam Coolev and Doris j- v - May. Allan Dwan is Still resting at Great Neck. -6JVvUM crawl from Los Angeles Yc,rk ana back atrm if he thou Madame Olga Petrova 5s to appear ih Ktare this month in a play written by herself. Silver Peacock." It is called "Th4 DAYS Starting Tomorrow if linn iiiiiM5ifeiiinfBiitniW wn mm kil iC PRICES MATINEE 1 i Adults, 30c ' Children 10c The Coolest Place in Town j PRICES- Adults, 50c -NIGHT Children, 10c Theaiore Roberts in the Paramount Picture, "The Affairs of Anatol." A Cecil, B. DcMUle Predion, At The Imperial Theatre, opening its engagement Monday. two comedies, "Three Good Pals," a Sunshine comedy and "Tongue Sand wich," a Mutt & Jeff cartoon comedy. "Babe" Ruth's photoplay Doming. "Babe" Ruth, the "miracle man" of the 1920 baseball season, the idol of every true sport-loving American from 6 to 60, will be in the city tne last three days of the week at the Broad way theater. The most discussed man m Americ will make his debut as star ot 'tn5 $creen here in a sensationally drama tic, super-feature, six-part production, "Headin" Home." Characterized oy tn most fastidious critics on metropolitan newspapers as the "trsat of a miraule screen season," Ruth has scored anoth er triumph that , has endeared him to thousands of people who had only read or heard of his diamond exploits vii the sporting columns of the press. For one full week "Babe" Ruth in Gareth Hughts is nc.v styled "Met ro's boy star." nv,arirR "Rav has commenced "The Deuce of Spades," another Charles E. irht 1 Van Loan story- Monte Blue in fhrVmmount Picture, "The Affairs of Anatol. A Cecil U DeMille Production. At The Imperial ' Theatre, Begin ning Monday. m it Mr Cecil B.Pf' " t I i rr k a m n Fl I If M I DeMoIles Itm production , . fgm i -i f IM Mfm rs of; AfK; .- I ) Tliink of "Male and Female." Of "Why aJN. 1 Change Tour Wife?" Of "Forbidden Fruit?" , mXm J 1 I Then try to imagine a story greater than JT VMFL V X.lC B5ly ' these"stronger more unusaa, more j I V fiWK I 10$$ yWiV J Imagine" scores of settings, every one of them M ) xW ' ski 2 - Jt t-y?, more elaborate, more daring, more luxu- lrJ . VW I qzMs yys iwW :rious than anything you have ever seen on ' L-fcC. I Y az.J I V if WlJ3 ow imagine twelve of the best-known play- f CSS? j ' l 55 tv Y fMr?yfyh ' er9 ln Ainerica working under the magic di- sftSi sK f ' Ifyou. can imagine one superlative picture . o lx ' I it MpMtmm. with all this and more you wil have :i i fflf Vn, Y if Vy ch. " slight idea of "The Affairs of Anatol." ' (flak j If S O&&WMl A vivid, tingling drama of love and mar- 11 fill f ' J J,Y GwJfflwa I riage. Glowing with luxury. Piquant with gay L K If jQtW. Ijl V . y aVentUye layet' by stars enough for ten r & J if I viw. yff JEANIE MACPHERSON ji l f 1 Q A ' V j Suggested by Arthur Schnitzler's Famous f lg y" all W Wl Play and the Paraphrase Thereof of Gran- WcxtsSeL if" 11 V JPJ fYl XUi6 Barker ADDED Bnp ' 13 H 1 Topics Of The Day SHOWS WILL START PROMPTLY 11, 1, 3, 5, 7 AND 9 P. M. v - r

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