8 v SOCIETY NEWS BOSS ADELAIDE PEARSON CALDWELL, Sodal Ejfiter. Mls Minnie little and Yates Edgerton to Wed In November. Mr- anA "T-ra .TnVin "PViilUna it.tl. of Myers Park, announce the engagement j daughter, Minnie Everett, to Yates Ed certon, o Kenly, N. C. News of the engagement of Miss Little and Mr. Edgerton will be of absorbing interest throughout North Carolina- and especially in Rocking-, ham, where Miss Little has spent much time, and where the Little an .cestral home is. Miss Little is the onlv daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips Little, the former one of Charlotte's most promi nent citizens and successful contrac tors. She was educated at tha Pas slfern School at Hendersonville, and at Queens College; in this city. During the war, Miss Little gave a great deal of her time to Red Cross work. She enlisted her car In the Women's Motor corps of the Red Cross, and also was ono of the most active workers in the Charlotte canteen of the Red Cross. She is one of Charlotte's most charm ing young women, and is exception ally pretty, being a petite brunette, with gracious manners and winning personality. Mr. Edgerton Is the eldest son of H. F. Edgerton and the late Mrs. Ed gerton. of Kenly, N. C, the former a leading merchant of that place. Mr. Edgerton is a graduate of Trinity Col lege, and a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. During the war, he was in the naval aviation, receiv ing his training at Pensacola, Fla., and being in France about a year. Mr. Edgerton is a young nvan of romark nble business ability. For two years he has been manager of the Carolina Corbett Company, of this city, and later held an important position with the International Harvester Company. At present he is associated with his father in tho mercantile business in Kenley. Mr. Edgerton possesses sterl ing qualities and has made many friends during hi residence in Char lotte. Luncheon for Misses Chambers and Gibbons, Brides-Elect. With two of October's charming brides-to-be as honorees. Miss Anne Dewey Chambers and Miss Mary Kog rrs Gibbon, Mrs. C. B. Bryant and Mrs. Heath Nisbet were luncheon hos tesses at the Charlotte Country Club, having as their guests- a few intimate friends of Misses Chambers and Gib bon. The marriage of Miss Chambers to Edward Yates Keesler, on October 6, and the marriage of Miss Gibbon to John R. Pender, Jr., or Tarboro, on October 26, are two approaching nup tial events of cordial social !nteve.t in Xorth Carolina's highest social lite. Mrs. Bryant's and Mrs. Nisbet's guests included Miss Chambers, Miss Gibbon, Mrs. Robert L. Gibbon. Miss Corinne Gibbon. Miss Sarah Mellon, Miss Helen Parker, Miss Nancy Shel ton, Miss Deane Van Landingham and guest. Miss Mary Elizaeth Caldwell, of Birmingham, Miss Elizabeth Miller, Miss Charlotte Abbott. Miss Catherine Gilmer. Miss Mary Stuart Alexander, Miss Julia BaxtefScott. Miss Gary Hart sell Bride of C. S. Dyers. ? Miss Gary Hart sell and C, S. Byers, both popular young people of the city, were quietly married last Tuesday evening at the home of Rev. Daniel Iverson, pastor of the Tenth Avenue Presbyterian church- Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Byers were entertained at a , dinner-party at the Selwyn hotel by a number of their friends. Mrs. Byers wore . a . modish brown traveling dress, with accessories to match. Mr. and Mrs. Byers have gone to Concord to visit relatives. Upon their return, Mr. and Mrs. Byers expect to be here a while, after which it is very likely that they will move to Greensboro. Mrs. Byers, prior to her marriage, was one of Charlotte's most popular and efficient trained nurses. She is a very pretty, charming brunette, and has a host of friends here and in Con cord, her native city. Mr. Byers is a well-known young man of the city. Ha came here from Gaffney, S. C, and for some time has held a position with Gilmer-Moore Shoe Company. O Mr. VanLandingham Dinner Host. . Ralph Van Landingham, Jr., was din ner host at the Charlotte Country Cluo Saturday evening in honor of Miss Mary Elizabeth Caldwell, of Birming ham, who is visiting Miss Deane Van Landingham, and Ben . .Finney,, .of Kingsboro. who is visiting him. After the dinner, the party attended the Saturday night dance at the clu. Covers were laid for Miss Caldwell, Miss Van Landingham. Miss Ellen Vic tor, Miss Mary Brevard Alexander, Mr. Van Landingham, Mr. Finney. Tommy Hawkins. Randolph Scott. Victor Bryson Shaw, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Victor B. Show are being congratulated upon the birth' of a son, Victor Bryson Shaw, Jr., at the Presbyterian Hospital, on Friday. TAKE NO CHANCES settle the question FOREVER purchasing a STIEFF PIANO Call or phone for prices or fill following blank and mail: CHAS. M. STIEFF, Inc., Charlotte, N. C. Please send catalogue and prices of Pianos. Name Address Fall FINDS US READY TO PROVIDE UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE PLACE CARDS, FAVORS, TALLIES, DECORATIONS, PRIZES AND OTHER ACCESSORIES TO T?IVE EACH EVENT A DISTINCTIVE TOUCH. A Book Store of Office Suppliers Pfeooo 177 Miss Josephine Draddy Bride of Harry O. Grose. An interesting marriage took place last Tuesday evening, when Miss Jose- nhine Timrtdv became ine Driae 01 star ry O. Grose. The ceremony took place at 8 o clock at tne rectory oi est. .reier s Catholic church, the rector, Rev. Father Anthony, officiatig. Only about twenty-five friends were present. The bride was charmingly attired in a traveling suit of gray, fur trimmed with accesories to match, andS small feather hat. Following the ceremony, an infor mal reception was held at the liome of the bride on East Boulevard, Dilworth. Refreshments were served. After the reception, Mr. and Mrs. Grose left for a short bridal trip North. They will make their home in this city in future. The bride is the, second daughter of Mr. D. Draddy, and is originally of New York, but has been living here for the past five years, during which time she has won a host of friends. She is one of the most popular young ..business women of the city, being connected with the Postal Telegraph company. In type, she is a petite brunette and is vivacious and attractive. Mr. Grose is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Grose of Charlotte. He is connected with the National An iline and Chemical company, and is a popular young man of the city. Out-of-town guests for the wedding were William J. McCormack and Thom as Draddy both of New York. Mecklenburg Chapter To Observe Chapter Day With Musical Tea. A delightful patriotic affair of the week will be the musical tea to be given by the Mecklenburg Chapter, D. A. R., in observance of Chapter Day, on Monday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, at the horns of Mrs. W. H. Belk on Haw thorne Lane. Chapter Day Is observed annually, and is-always the initial gathering of the chapter for the Winter season. Mrs. John R. Irwin is regent of the chapter. Mrs. Margaret Kelly Abernethy is chairman of the program for the oc casion, which is as follows: 1. "America," sung by entire chap ter. 2. Solo by Miss Elizabeth Starr, teacher of voice at Queens College. 3. Piano x solo by Miss Flora Bras ington, graduate of Queens, and a teacher of music at that institution. 4. Solo by Miss Delphins March of New York, contralto soloist here witn the Made-in-Caroltnas Exposition. 5. "Star Spangled Banner," by chap ter, with accompaniment by Mrs. H. Connor Sherrill. Myatt-Travis Invitations. The following invitations have been received in Charlotte: "Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stanford Tra vis invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter, Mary El len, to Mr. Troy McNeil Myatt, on Wednesday evening, the fifth of Octo ber, nineteen hundred and twenty-one. at half after eight o'clock, at Grace Episcopal church, Weldon, North Car olina."' y Dining At Country Club, Among those having guests for din ner at the Charlotte Country Club Saturday evening were Stuart Gilchrist, who entertained 4; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Porcher, 8; William Deininger, 2; Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Davis, 3; Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Alexander, 4. Miss 'Boice Arrives Monday. Miss Delta Ruth Boije, of Kings town, N. Y., is expected to arrive in the city Monday, to spend her secor.d Winter In Charlotte, teaching dancing. She will again be at the Woman's Club. Miss Boice will resume her classes the first of October. She is a charm ing young woman, and was accorded a warm welcome to society last Winter. She will be welcomed back by the many friends she made last Winter. Business-Professional Women To Meet. The regular September meeting of the Business and Professional Women's Club will be held Thursday of this week, the meeting being in the fon.i a supper in the private dining room Of the Guthery apartments at 6:30 p. m.' It being the first gathering of mem bers this Fall, the occasion will b? made a get-together one. Miss Lois Trotter, chairman of the program com mittee, is arranging for several short vocational talks from members. Miss Jeanne MacMillan, president, will preside at Thursday's meeting. Richard Donelli to Sing. A special feature of the Sunday ev ening service at the Second Presby: terian church this evening will be the solo. "The Publican" to be rendered by Richard Donelli, one of the artists here in connection with the Made-in-Carolina exposition. Dr. McGeachy's subject for the ser mon will be "Joseph." by out ieason Rare Excellence and Furnishers. Social THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, LADIES' SLIP-ON DRESS. . .Narrow grosgrain ribbon is slipped through slashes in the backhand front panel and ties at the side to adjust the slight fulness in a decorative TV., laico' elin-flH dress. No. 1112, is cut in sizes 36 to 42 inches bust measure. Size 36 requires 1 1-2 yards 32-inch checked material ana z t-6 yards 32-inch plain material with 2 yards binding. Price 15 cents. Order patterns from The Pattern De partment, The Charlotte News, Char lotte, N. C. Y. W. C. A. Notes of Interest. The Y. W. C. A. considers itself for tunate in securing the services, as teacher of the classes in French, of Madame W. A. Kennedy, who is a na tive Parisian and who is living in Char lotte at the present time because or her husband's business. She is espe cially well qualified to instruct in French, having been a student at the famous University of the Sorbonns in Paris as well as the pupil of the best private teachers. Her residence has been in the French capital until the last few years. There will be clases for adults and for children. The educational department of the association has arranged to have busi ness subjects taught evenings for the benefit of girls who are occupied dur ing the day. This season typewriting will be taught as there was such a de mand for it last year. The Gregg sys tern of shorthand will he taught, and there will also be a class in business English. The instructors in these sub jects are Mrs. Myrtle Asbury, head of the business department of the Alex ander Graham High SchQol, and Miss Jennie Price. An auto-mechanics class is being formed. Classes in current events and civics will be offered this year. The millinery classes have continued through the summer, and will be car ried on the entire year as the demand for them continues. Miss Emma Cov- ington is the capable instructor of both the day and evening classes. The educational clubs and classes will begin the week of October 10. In addition to the distinctly educa tional classes, the educational depart ment is offering this fall educational or cultural clubs. The choral club will continue under the leadership of Miss Ruth Hanna, under whom the club was such a success last year. The dramatic club is to be led this season by Mrs. Galloway Rofs. The club is expecting to present several one-act. plays during the year under the guidance of Mrs. Ross, who has had special training along this line. An astronomy club is in process of formation. A"ny girls who are interested in any of these clubs are invited to confer with the leaders. The nurses at the Charlotte Sanato rium are having, this season, under the auspices of the Young Women's Chris tian Association educational depart ment, a literary club. Its meeting time ,is Saturday at 7 o'clock. Talks to the club will be given by various Charlotte people, and the subjerts will range from current events to a review of a cur rent novel or play. Many requests have come to the as sociation for a morning Bible class and for Mrs. E. M, Cole as the leader. This class will begin on Tuesday, October 4, and will continue for eight weeks, the hour being 10:30 o'clock. This course consists in readings in the Gospel of Luke, three chapters being taken up at each weekly meeting. The discussion method will be used. All women who are interested in such a course are urged to avail themselves of this op portunity for the study of Luke. Rev. E. A. Pehick, Jr., will conduct a Bible class at the association, begin ning Tuesday, October 11, at 6:30 o'clock. The course will last six weeks, and the subject will be "The Sermon on the Mount." Miss Yciing Sails. Miss Willie Young sailed Saturday from New York for England, where for a year she will study at the Univer sity of London. Miss Young is a noted Y. W, C. A. worker, having served for some 1 time overseas during the war with the Y. W. C. A. workers. She has held an important position in he work of' the South Atlantic field for some time past, and is extremely effi cient iri her work. She is the only daughter of A. M. Young, of this city. Mrs. Price To Honor Miss Davis, October Bride-Elect. Mrs. Cameron Price will entertain at a theater party to "The Affairs of Anatol," Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in honor of Miss Sarah' Ade laide Davis, a lovely bride-to-be of October, whose marriage to Randall Brookes will take place on October 6. Mrs. Ball To Entertain For Miss Davis, Bride-Elect. Complimenting Miss Sarah Adelaide Davis, whose marriage to Randall Brookes on October 6 is an approach ing nuptial event of much interes1 Mrs. James D. Ball will be bridge hos tess at her home on Tenth avenue Fi-i-dav afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. CHARLOTTE, N. C SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1921 Gym Notes From Y. W. C. A. Eesthetic and Folk Dancing. Classes Organized. A7new and interesting feature which has been added to the physical work of the Y- W. C. A., this year is the aes thetic and i oik , dancing classes. There will be a class for business women which will meet Monday even ings' at 6:30 o'clock and one for chil dren between the ages of six and ten years which will meet Saturday morn ings at 11 o'clock. The last year members of the busi ness women's gymnasium classes of tne x. w. (j. A., had a very enjoyaDie After the supper a short business meet in tr tnnV nlaoo a wV-iinVi timp it was decided that another contest for mem- oers in tne business women s classes would be held. There are to be three teams, the "G," "Y" and "M" teams. At the end of the contest, the two losing sides will give a banquet to the winning team. The captains elected were as follows: G team, Miss Mary Grier; Y' team. Miss Louise Carr; M Wrwin The teams have already begun working and the entnusiasm is increasing rapiaiy. The mornine class for women looks very encouraging this year. Last year from a small beginning it grew to be a very gooa class ana tnis year ine prospects are still better. Miss Withers' House Party. Miss Bennie Withers is hostess to a delightful week-end house party at heT home on East avenue, thearty being composed of Miss Hannah" Jane Blair, of Monroe, Miss Evelyn Smith, of Wadesboro, Dr. Dennis Keel, of JE&tl eigh, and Dr. Harry Keel, of Tarboro. Friday evening. Miss Withers enter tained her guests at a pretty little in formal dinner at the Guthery apart ments dining room. Called To Baltimore By Death Of Mother. Mr. and Mrs. James Alden Houston have been called to Baltimore, Md., by the death of Mr. Houston's mother, which occurred several days ago. Mrs. Houston will te Juried in Arlington cemetery. -4fr Mrs. Henderson To Entertain Duplicate Club. Mrs. Thomas Henderson will be hos tess to the Duplicate Bridge Club Wed nesday morning at 11 o'clock at her home in Myers Park. Dr. Brookes Addresses Teachers. Dr. E. C. Brookes, of Raleigh, State Superintendent of Schools, was a prom inent visitor to the city Saturday. Hs addressed the teachers' meeting at the Charlotte High School Saturday morn ing. While in the city, Dr. Brookes was the guest of Superintendent of the City Schools Harry P. Harding and Mrs. Harding. 4 Mrs. Worth To Durham. Mrs. Alex Worth who, for some weeks past, has been visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Walker, on Park avenue, Dilworth, will leave Mon day for Durham, accompanied by her two children, Alex, Jr., and Martha Hannah, to join Mr. Worth. The Worths have made their home in Wil mington ever since their marriage, but recently moved to Durham. Mr. Worth has been there forf some time. They have rented an apartment. Girl Scouts Hike. Troop No. One of the Girl Scouts of St. Martin's Episcopal church enjoyed a day in the country Saturday. They left Charlotte at 1 o'clock and hiked to the Rankin place, enjoyed a swim, held an " Open air meeting, and then cooked an enjoyable supper, return ing home by dark. Dance at Woman's Club After Football Game. An interesting event of the week in the younger set will be the "script" dance at the Woman's Club Friday ev ening from 9 till 12. The dance will follow the football game between Char lotte High school and Baird's Prepar atory school, and it is expected that a number of visitors from different high schools of neighboring towns will be in attendance. An orchestra will furnish music and the dance promises to be one of the most enjoyable affairs of the Autumn. Circle Meeting. Circle No. 1 of the Ladies' Aid So ciety of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church will meet Tuesday afternoon ?it 4 o'clock with Miss Hattie Cooper, 204 Central avenue. . . . i i To Holton Arms. ' Leaving Wednesday for the Holton Arms School at Washington will be Miss' Catherine Morehead, Miss Calvine Scott, Miss Kathryn Shelton and Miss Hamlin Landis. . This will h ATikc! Mnrphead'ft third and Miss Scott's second year there, J wnue ivuss oneieon ana miss jjiiiuis are to enter, the former having pre viously attended Mary Baldwin Semi nary, Staunton, Va., and the latter St. Mary's College, at Raleigh. POLLY-ANNA CAFETERIA GOOD MORNING Carolina cooking by Carolina cocks To the Queen's taste owned and served by North Carolinians. MEAL HOURS: Breakfast 7:30 to 9:30 Dinner 11:45 to 2:30 Supper 5:30 to 7:30 Miss Janie Matthews, Miss Lottie Hart. NEW CENTRAL HOTEL Second Floor. "miS HOUSE OF SEKV1CE" Double Guarantee. Free Tunina and Liberal Selling Plan. Write for Catalogue, Prices an Terms "The World's Best Piano" And Other Standard Makes, and the Incomparable AMPICO. JOHN W. POST & CO. 209 West Trade St. Charlotte. N. G Coral Baker Music Studios Hera. lt i Aw i , New Books At Library. Some; of the new hooks at the library are these: "Sea Power In the Pacific" by. Hec tor C. Bywater: At a time like like the present, when naval competition between the United States and Japan is beginning to loom as an overshad owing factor in international politics, Mr. Bywater's searching study of ac tual and potential sea power in the Pa cific makes a book of the first impor tance. After reviewing the questions at is sue between America and Japan, the author analyzes comparative strength of the two navies, discusses the ques tion of strategy in the Pacific, and ends with an examination of th? pos sible features of such a war, and the political and economic factors work ing for and against. "Sea Power in the Pacific'' is an unbiased and authoritative presenta tion of the facts essential for an un standing of what war would ireally mean. I "Mystic Isles of the South Seas," by Fdererick O'Brien. Once more the au thor has captured between the book covers the witchery of th far South Sea isles. The new book, like "White Shadows in the South Seas" is not more and romance and philosophy and pathos a rich book in the fullest sense of the word." In Honor of Miss Morrison. Miss Sara Kelly gave a luncheon at the Charlotte Country Club in honor of Miss Ida Morrison, of Raleigh guest of Mrs. W. H. Willard, whfch was a very charming affair. Tho guests were: Miss Morrison, Mrs. W. B. Willard, Mrs. Benjamin W. Brown, of Washington, Mrs. Samuel W. Finch of Lexington; Mrs. Harry L. Zeigler and Miss Elizabeth Conrad. A Dresses fares chic Cloth modelsj after the manner of Paris, masterfully tailored with marvelously lovely trimmings. Lustrous crepe and Crepe Satin creations gay with gypsy col ored beads, gorgeous embroideries, metal girdles and the like. Plenty of blacks, but not a bit of gloom-er-ish. all the way from the olwest priced up to : Blouses of every sort Distractingly dressy styles in Georgette beaded, embroidered beautiful. Simply designed and flawlessly tailored Blouses, of Silk, frilled and tucked smartly plain Blouses, indeed, for every need, priced ' $5.95 and Up Furniture D The Nesmith Co. Inc 19 East Fifth Street. Pageaht. To Present y, nre- A missionary tt SvM seated by the W0rthHfnt4 Sunday Street Methodist church w the bun y school room of Tryon Street Mtnoa church this evening at 7 fre, was announced by Miss UUVJ t wiU district secretary. This PS" Ep. replace the, usual Sunday evening JjP worth League Prog1"- f hoped ed." Miss Moore said hle.ftfd"J y the presentation would -be jttetg eO. oy many young people of Chariots w are not membera of the-league, as those who are members. Miss Robinson Improving. . Miss Edith Howser Robinson Is im proving following a serious operation at the Presbyterian hoispitai. Berry WIl Family Reunion. .. The Berryhill family will fd "s reunion on Wednesday, at the old Ber ryhill home on theDowd road. Personals Mir. and Mrs. John Hastings Cutter and Miss Catherine Gilmer left Sat urday night for New York where they will spend a week. Mrs. W. B. Conwell and twin daugh ters, Louise and Marie, of Brownsville, Pa., are spending a weex in muci.. S. C, with Miss Katherine Blakely. Miss Blakeley's approaching marriage to Ernest M. Spong of this city, is an approaching event of much interest In both the Carolinas. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weldon, of Albany, Ga., arrived "in the city Fri day and are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L M. Hannon, the latter their daughter, at their home in Myers Park. Thy made the trip through the country in their car. They will be with the Han nons for several weeks. PurcelFs Women's Garments of Quality -Purcell's FALL FASHIONS are pervaded by by a joyous note joyous undertone of all-pervading harmony and un deniable beauty is discernible throughout the entire realm of things wearable for Fall. Beautiful soft fabrics, beautiful becoming lines, beautiful gay colors, beautiful rich garnitures, make this a season of boundless satisfaction and unprecedented values. Suits And such values, esigits, That Have Stood The Test Of Time and Will Continue To Hold First Place For Generations BY INVESTING IN BIGGS MAHOGANY FURNITURE r.wlhe ?dini' home may now possess much of the charm and distinction that characterized the famous old Lolonial homes. By buying Biggs furniture from us you save freight and delivery charges taid are a sured that you will receive your umitu?e m good condition. , iurnuure ITS RIGHT IN DESIGN, QUALITY AND PRICE. sTch 1ecT6n t lar' apartment ferySUmdePrateiy. " here' ric CHARLOTTE, in.. TJolan fa Tlfrar loft 17-1 .1 . visit to relatives at Kansas City y4 Before returning home, she Mm'.1"' plates a trip to St. Paul and Minn, polis, Minn. She expects to be ab4?' 1U U ui w , Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Houser on, Boy, Jr., returned home FrZ fter'a week's stay at Jacksonvi son Fla., and Savannah and Tybee Ga Miss Margaret Maxwell has returns home after a month's absence, gD visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. A. MaxJJ in Augusta. Ga. .and Mrs. J. a. s0s.;" mon, also her aunt, in Edgefield, g While absent, Miss Maxwell was' lightfully entertained. u Master Jack Horton, handsome tie three-year-old on of Dr. lio Horton, of Wadesboro, is visiting i,. the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. era on East avenue in' Miss Helen Freeman, of Tarnm Fla,, and Miss Elizabeth Yowell m Orlando, Fla., arrived in the citv day night from -ittle Switzerland where they have spent the greatpr pa-t of the Summer, for a visit to Mr. Mrs. E. A. Quintard at their home n East Seventh street. They i, here about a week. They win retu.e to Little Switzerland for a short whi' before returning home. e - .ansa vjioa-o ---Jiuuwia C., spent Friday and Saturday jn't,;; city enroute to Baltimore, where will visit ner unuie i. a. noward. Alex uavis, uinjr v-mna ut JIr a . Mrs. Rogers Davis, is visiting relative in Seagirt, N. J. On Tuesday, he wiiu to Tarrytown-uii-Liie-xiuusun, ,. y his studies at the Hau, iu o' jr " " " resume his studies at th Cnhnnl Ben Finney, of Kingsboro, is 5pfn(1. ing several days in the city as tv, guest of Ralph Van Landingham, jr" on the Plaza, Chatham Estates. ' w vised by Paris Tailleurs that surpass in -utility and style -correctly - precise, exquisitely per fect. Fur trimmed Suits, incredibly rich in effect, delightfully feminine and increas ingly approved. And Tweed Suits, smart ly English, you know the accepted mode for the sports devotee. Prices varied meet financial desires, from 9Q .50tQK.OO Furs fashionably small These are the days when the small Fur Neckpiece gives an amazing air of smart ness atop the tailleur. This is the store for values superb in genuine Fox Scarf whole skin pieces at $25.00 to $75.00 SECRETARIES SIDEBOARDS BOOKCASES SEWING TABLES POSTER BEDS LIBRARY TABLES CHESTERFIELDS COLONIAL SOFAS LOW BOYS CONSOLE TABLES CHINA CLOSETS WINDSOR CHAIRS FIRESIDE CHAIRS CANDLE TABLES OTTOMANS PICTURES MIRRORS CORNER CUPBOARDS N. C.

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