SALE REAL ESTATE , r; SALE Nice six-room cottage on St.itesville-Charlotte highway, conven , ntly located in all respects. Price ?4,0(i. r. O. Box 151 Huntersviile N.J 25-2t -, SALE Eight-room residence, , ! .50 in. near Southern depot, house . cood condition, has two baths, , : v good lot- Price $8250. J. E. Mur : ;i V & Co. 25-3t-eod vn SALE $S0O. large lot, Myers r.r.-k section; $400, East Dilworth ,lt; $250, N. Allen St.. Belmont; mill cash payments, balance long : .gy terms. Phone 3558-W. 2R-lt iK SALE Six-room bungalow in lir.lniont section, modern conven-.-vcp. house in fine condition, con veniently arranged, nice walls and r.iros. Trice $6250. J. E. Murplvy a i 25-3t-eod i; SALE Five-room cottage, close i modern conveniences, house in :., i-.-ly Rood condition, very trood lor ivo $3500. J. E. Murphy & Co. 25-3t-eod i: SALE Seven-room residence, lot r''xiro. House has water, sewerage, s i'., in very good condition- Trice : . 00. J. E. Murphy & Co. 2S-3t-edo K SALE 53-acre farm 3 miles from t r of Charlotte. Land lies well, running water, plenty of fire- , o.-chard, about 35 acrea under ; iivation. Price for quick sale, $100 : acre. J. E. Murphy & Co. 25-3t-eod THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. G, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1921 . - - . WANTED MISCELLANFOTTS r vir a n j T a lrj7 mjm ' I ' - ,. - ..,,,-, -I " ' 1 WEme7hDO?Se, rad8ter- Mu be in mechanical condition.. Can pay cash. Answer Dodge, care News 25-lt tit 1 -v . UTTo buy two-bag steam ce- AddrVr in flrstcla4 conmtion. Address Mixer, care Xews 95.3t lrA your boyfi To". eq,uipment:. God prices Carolina I Fourth St. on-youths' goods. Carnlir, cA; "oods Co., 7 W. Fourth so,' WANTED Tn rp EES. 35 pa7 St vtsii, care iews. 25-3 1 ! n'hs,ma11 hand picker tha iuk. nair or dicker, care News cotton. Address 25-lt K SALE 250-acre farm. 12 1-2 from center Charlotte, . 2 1-2 s from Pineville. near school aid :rfh. plenty of firewood, good as: :ire-. running water, about 100 s under Cultivation. Has two -yo.-'rn houses, one three-room ;st two good barns, outbuildings -1 orchard, on macadam road. i-o $30 per acre. J. E. Murphv C'. 25-3t-eod YIELDS TO CREEK Expert Swimming Bird Dog of E. P. Coles Lost' Life in Enraged Waters. A fine bird dog belonging to E. P. Coles, Southern manager of the Gener al Electric company, that last Winter swam across a lake in the eastern part of North Carolina in hot pursuit of a deer and that could 'swim from here to Charleston if it wanted to accord ing to Mr. Coles, fell a victim to drown ing in the muddy waters of Briar creek a few days ago, and Mr. Coles refuses to be comforted. He had taken his three splendid bird dogs out for an afternoon exercise, as had been his custom since Spring, and was on the" links of the Charlotte Coun try Club. Mr. Coles has been taking a lively interest in the proper develop ment of his three fine blooded bird dogs that he practically deserted his favorite game of golf each afternoon to the end that he might take hia cogs over the fields and through the woods in training for a new season of hunting. On this particular afternoon, a ter rific rainstorm had iust descended and WANTED You to send us vour razors ' Briar creek, running through the golf and safety blades and have them j course at tne club was on a rampage snarpenea under our guarantee. We vui matte them better than AL SEMNACHER (Continued From Pan On. WANTED To do vour and dry cleaning. Experienced workmen, quick and satisfac tory service. Bachelors Press- 25? Cl?& 1503 S- yon Phone 4020. 2fi-tf PnH ixjrianer. moulder, rinsaw. snauing, belling, etc. Bassett Lumber Co. 21-3t-eod "1 XT A rwm -r mmmmm v a.-v L&u YOUNG DENTIST DE- lLOCATION FOR MODERN OFFICE IN THRIVING TOWN IN C. IF TOUR TOWN OFFERS GOOD LOCATION WRITE "DEN TIST," CARE NEWS. 21-3t-eod U PALE Building lots on Graham vp. and StatesviHe Ave., paved uks. sewerage, water, lights. Price -vi to 51100. J. E. Murphy & Co. 25-3t-eod '.: SALE Eight-room new modern ''me. walking distance square, im- v od street, wto baths, one showed, !ern heating facilities, large lot. sell you this place few thousand than you .arket. Write ne News. can build on today's Williams, care Char- 25-3t PIKDMONT SECTION, 7 rooms, fur : :ce heat, furnace oak floors, good residential section. This is bargain $:soo. 1 1 .WORTH. 6 room bungalow on .'.:ved street, oak floors, furnace heat, :.oii?.e m nest ot condition, at $S2oO. ;::.IZAF.ETH AYE., 5 room cottage, perfec: condition, neighborhood ex- --"ent. at $5500. : IRST WARD. 5 room cottage, well ; oated. at $4000. JEN-ACRK TRACT, slightly beyond l ity limits and car line- Very vaiu- OAf propertv. fRAIG-LITTLE REALTY & INSUR ANCE CO. Phone 1436. 25-2t Single edge, 20c per dozen; double edge, 3oc; Durham duplex, 40c. Char lotte Barber College, 11 S. Church St., Charlotte. N. C. 9-11-tf-sun WANTED Carpenter work; jobs large small. Call 4340. a.t one or more 34x4 tires. Dunn. 21 W. Catherine St. 23-3t iv.ytu-io make your mattresses and pads to order. Mattresses reno vated, box springs repaired, feather mattresses made. Hailey-Howard Co., 323 East Trade. Phone 3446. 22-tf WANTED' Lo put your furnaces in good working order before the rush comes, there by saving you money. Strange & Brady, Phone 3149. 8-tf WANTED Your painting, calscmim ing, reflnishing floors. J. S. AlcCall. Phone 40C9. 12-tf KOl'R-ROOM cottage. E. Fourth. $2750. Four-room cottage. N. Caldwell $2500. Five-room cottage. Graham Ave., $3250. Also other small homes on leasonable terms. F. S. Conrad, base- ment Trust Bldg. Phone 3682. 3-lt -VICE cottage. 5 rooms and bath, First ward, paved street, splendid neigh borhood, convenient to school, large Int. Can he bought at a reasonable figure. F. S. Conrad. Thone 3682. 25-lt BUNGALOW of 5 rooms and bath. Piedmont. House in good condition. Price $4250: $750 will turn the deal, and the Kalance can be carried like rent. F. S. Conrad. Phone 3682. A' 25-lt SLY-ROOM bungalow in Piedmont. !'rge lot, three rooms hardwood f.oors, splendid location, price right. j'l.OREI) investment property, good 1. uses rented at a reasonable rental. and paying 14 per cent. If you want a splendid investment at around S.'.nno investigate this, and it can n bought on reasonable terms. F. S. Onrad. Phone 3682. 25-lt vAN'l'KU Used furniture. Phone 443s. 505 W. Eleventh St. 13-tf HOUSES WANTED ROOMS TWO UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping by couple by October 1. Call 3128. 25-lt WANTED Furnished or partly fur nished apartment or three rooms and kitchenette for housekeeping, hoat and hot water preferred. Address S. R- G.. care News. 25-lt WANTED By two business girls, room and board In private' family. Address K. C, care News. 25-lt WANTED October 1. nicely furnished room in private home with light housekeeping or kitchen privielges by refined couple. Best references. Ad dress Couple-318, care News. 2a-2t WANTED By business " couple with out children, two unfurnished rooms in private home, state price and location in first letter. References exchanged. Address Postofhce Clerk 95. care News. 25-lt Mr. Coles had no intention of eoina toward the stream when he set out from the club, but he noticed a bevy of caddies going toward the creek and, as hfe could see that it was raging and turbulent, he thought to forewarn the boys and retraced his steps until he reached the edge of the mad waters. His dogs plunged right into the stream and raced across the course for three or four hundred yards until they saw that he was not following and then turned back. . One of the dogs, less expert in swimming than the other two saw that the suspension bridge over the stream offered an avenue to return to its master and it swam through the shallow water that had es caped the channel of the creek reach ing the bridge and going safely to the feet of Mr. Coles. Another one of the trio swam safely across and the black setter which the Charlotte sportsman prized more highly than the other two and which in fact was one of the best swimmers in the State, according to Mr. Coles, essayed to come back across the stream on the bridge over the stream just north of the suspen sion bridge. The water was pouring over it swiftly, but the bridge could be seen by the dog as it stood hesitant on the other side of the swollen stream'. It quickly made for it to escape the exertion of a swim and in some way or other it lost its balance and was drawn under the bridge on the north ern side. Mr. Coles was unperturbed, as he saw the incident knowing well of the dog's prowess as a swimmer and stood for a moment waiting for it to emerge from under the bridge. The dog didn't come up and he sensed the peril of his pet. but still was assured in his own mind that a deg that had swum hundreds of yards in a chase across some of the classic lakes of North Carolint would not yield itself to the waters of such a low-brow stream as Briar creek. For three minutes he awaited the sight of his dog and then, looking down the stream fifty yards, ho saw it stick its nose barely above the water and sink for its final gasp under the enraged waters. The body of the dog, electric swimmer that it was, came to sight two days later more than a mile down the stream where he had drifted on the currents of the after noon's waters. too was identified as Virginia Rappe's. A white silk waist was held .up by the sleeves. The cuffs were gone torn off by Virginia " Rappe in her agony, so witnesses said. It took its place among the exhibits: White silk bloomers trimmed with a narrow band of green silk were next held up for all who cared to look. They were torn and crumpled. They, too, had been Virginia Rappe's and be came "exhibit nine." A green sleeve less jacket, torn open from the left shoulder to the left armpit came next. Then a green jersey skirt short of stylish cut. Next a white Panama hat, crumpled, but still gay with a bright green band, was exhibited. It was Virginia Rappe's hat which Arbuckle-' was alleged to have had on "as a clownish prank," when he emerged from the room after his al leged assault upon Virginia. Two black garters concluded the dis play. On one,, three inches of black silk lace and a' tiny pink and blue bow were intact. On the other the bow if there had ever been one was gone and the lace was torn to shreds. PICKED FROM FLOOR. The garters, bracelet and hat, Sem nacher said, hb found on the floor of Arbuckle's room after Miss Rappe had been carried away. The skirt and the jersey jacket, he said, were on chairs. The bloomers, shirtwaist and cuff links he had fished from the waste paper basket. The courtroom was silent during the display of the wardrobe of the dead girl. Arbuckle's face was red and twitching. Semnacher denied he had gone to Grauman's theatre that night by acci dent his niece, Irma Moritz, wanted to see Roscoe Arbuckle in a film be ing shown that evening and she wanted to see her friend, whose name was given as Mildred Harris, dance. It was not revealed in the testimony whether this was Mildred Harris who was once the wife of Charlie Chaplin. Semnacher, Fred Fishback, Lowell Sherman and Arbuckle with "two or three others" had talked for an haur WANTED By four business girls, two furnisfned ' rooms" "close in. J. A. S., care News.- ' 25-lt WANTED Room in private home by business girl. Answer C. T. K., P. O. Box 354. 23-2t-eod SALE California Q ien City Realty Co., bungalows. Inc. Phone 22-3t LOST OR FOUND L'i?T Saturday morning gold rimmed r."se glasses also gold pin, mistletoe '.-aves with pearl berries. Phone -W for reward. 25-lt Kir.YD a real fine dog, first class, sensible come and see him at 605 F. Seventh St. 25-lt LOST Scotch collie dog. Answers to ramf of Scott. When last seen was w -a ring collar on which was name of L F. Cook; $5.00 reward for return. ''r." 1557-.T. 25-tf Hl'.YI Best bargains in Charlotte i'-i frolf cluba and golf balls. See tn---m at Carolina Sporting Goods J.. 7 V. Fourth St. 25-lt J'Ost Wnite and brown spotted fe- : fox terrier, long ears and Ta;.. Answers by the name of "Trix-lU-ward. Phone 1100. 25-lt WANTED Three or four rooms unfur nished for light housekeeping at rea sonable price by October 1; perma nent. Business Man, care News. 24-2t WANTED Four or 5-room house on car line, good neighborhood, by per manent renter at reasonable price by October 1. B- M., care News. 24-2t Losr Ordor notify bill of lading with rlrH r'T- attached. Finder please call :hf:r,- 2320-.I. - 24-3t i--On Thursday at Woolworth's Ivey's. billfolder containing about Finder will be liberally re if returned to News. 24-2t : from South school Tuesday, ! " -rh. boy's bicycle, green trimmed '; ' -t'.k (Rugby make), front wheel ' ' 1 rf ar wood. Liberal reward. Cathey, 5 W. Boulevard. 23-3t KEWARD For Ford tour- car stolen from Exposition grounds Thursday night. 1921 ttodel, No. 4518858, license o, 89318, newly painted, nipped with Lee Puncture f tires. Notify Insurance partment, Independence Tru: t Co, Charlotte, N. C. 23-3t ' 1ST ) 'V : ' i TV' One 'found blue and white hand 'i broach, gold rim 'and back. ' ar keepsake. Reward. Phone or call at 706 N. College. 23-3t fox terrier. Krnwn not li of head and scars on hind fhone 1230. Reward. 12-tf Jj:SINESS OPORTUNITY Mi.,-! iii O'.v: i: iir M.; lies.- if ri, Vi!j, 01 GO SALE Paying proposition In r,'iry close in, 19 acres, good n'. water in house and dairy also ten-acre beaming grove ioi-ida. good house. Address Villa Heights ub station. 25-4t-eod MARTS you In business. Exclu "iMributor wanted for fast sell :,;ifo accessory. Large proflt. back guarantee. Car owner r 'I Fan Flame Spark Plug JjiYonkers, N. Y. 25-lt A,'E Oarage and transfer ' a WhoI nr Mnapote dnnei '"""y for right party. Terms "Garage." Box 42, Moorca- rr . C- 19-7t JO;'T Offlca bllilrtlnc 20 offices. rated. J. H. McAden. Phone a-tJt WANTED By couple with year old baby, bedroom and kitchenette, fur nished or unfurnished. Dilworth pre ferred. "Dilworth," care News. 24-3t WANTED Room and board or three furnished rooms for housekeeping. Mrs- H. V. Almond, Stonewall Hotel. Phone 2100. f, 23-3t WANTED Fo winter, two or three rooms with bath. Unfurnished pre ferred. Old Charlotte citizen. P. O. Box 96fi. 23-3t WANTED To rent for year or more, 5 to 7 room bungalow. Suburbs pre ferred. Phone 1973-J. 23-3t TWO FROM HERE TO BE SPEAKERS Mrs. Piatt and Dr. Moore Are to Address the State Tuberculosis Conference. Mrs. Charles E. Piatt, chairman of the health department of the Woman's Club, and Dr. Baxter S. Moore, of this city, are to be speakers at a conference to be held in Greensboro, October 6-7, un der the auspices of the North Carolina Tubea-culQsis Association, the purpose of which is to create a new vision of the work to be done in this state in order to keep tuberculosis from re maining a major health problem. Dr. James Alexander Miller, presi dent Of the National Tuberculosis As sociation, will deliver the principal ad dress at the evening session of the meeting on October 6, which will be a paper from Dr. Charles J. Hatleld. manaeriner director of the National Tuberculosis Association. F. D. Hopkins, administrative secretary of the National Tuberculosis Association, will confer the rank of Knight Ban neret on two classes of Greensboro school children who have earned this degree by performing the required num ber of health chores during the year. Beginning at 9 o'clock on October 7 the meeting will be divided into differ ent sections. The medical section, with Dr. W. L. Dunn, of Asheville, as chair man, will prove of especial interest to the physicians of North Carolina as some mattery of extreme importance in the treatment of tuberculosis will be presented. Men who rank high in the tuberculosis fleld will participate in the program, among whom are Dr. John D. McRae, Dr. J. B. Greene, Dr. C. H. Cooke, of Asheville; Dr. O.. L. Miller of Gastonia; Drs. L. B. and R. McBrayer, )v. r. p. McCain, of Sanatorium; Dr. Frederick M. Hanes, of Winston-Salem, and Dr. Chas. L. Montgomery, chief medical service, United Public Health Service, Oteen. SUPPORTED BY SEALS. As the association is supported ex clusively by the sale of Tuberculosis Christmas SpnlB tVio xhofrmon Un ' , I ' -, imuintii 1U1 I in Grauman s office about the TSTfii seal sale throughout the state have ar ranged for a special section where new ideas for selling seals and definite plans ! ior tne expenditure of funds can be made. Of special interest in this sec tion will be an address by Mrs. Julius Cone, of Greensboro, telling how over 500,000 seals were sold in Greensboro last year. The modern health crusade which is j ulavlne- Sllfb a larpro nart in rvi a 1?-i tVic ' ' o - " ""l'""h I in health will be stressed and plans for i,nculcating the health crusade in all the schools will be made. Dr. V. S. Rankin, state health offi cer, will preside over the general ses sion on the afternoon of the 7th. This session will deal with matters of great interest to physicians, nurses, social workers and anyone interested in the fight against tuberculosis. The speakers will be Dr. B. S. Moore, Charlotte; Dr. R. L. Carlton, Winston Salem; Dr. B. K. Hays, United States Public Health Service, Oteen; Dr. J. L. Spruill. Sanatorium; Miss Rose" M. Eh renfeld, Raleigh; Dr. J. B. Bullitt. Chapel Hill; Mrs. Clarence E. Johnson, state superintendent of public welfare, Raleigh; Mrs. Charles E. Piatt, chair man health department of Women's r"lus, Charlotte; Mrs. F. C. Williams, director of health organization work among the negroes. White Comb Honey 5 lb. pails, lb 30c Comb honey cartons, 3a Home-made molasses, gallon 1.00 .Melrose flour, 24, 48, 98 lb. bags. Hiddenite waterground meal and Gra ham flour. Snowdrift lard -. 65c $1.25 Cottolene 75c $1.50 Country cured bacon, lb 25c Dove brand and Swift Premium hams, lb 40c Best grade wheat, peck 55c Bushel j. .. .. $2.00 3 coops young chickens, lb 40c Sweet mixed pickles, lb 35c 3 for ...... .. .. .. .. $1.00 Quart jar.3 sweet mixed pickles . . 75c Fresh corn, tomatoes, salad, lettuce, celery, okra. GULP BROS. Phones 1806-1807 25 East Trade St . Dove Brand Hams & Bacons Highest Quality and Lowest Prices. One ton fresh compound lards, all sizes, at wholesale prices. Choicest Patent Flour. Fine lot cabbage, lb 5 l-2c ! 80c ; 34c '! . . . .$1.35 ' 49c Nice apples, peck Sweet potatoes, peck bushel Fine Irish potatoes, peck Extra values in Brooms. Special Bargain in Toilet Papers. Let us save you money on your groceries We deliver. Economy Grocery 37 V. Fourth. Phone 43S0 SANITARY QUALITY AND SERVICE The best is always the cheapest at any price. We pride ourselves on handling the best quality' of groceries, fruits and country produce, so buy the best always. Our stock Is com plete and up-to-date in every rssDect. Phone us your orders. Watts Grocery Co. 813 East Seventh St. Phone 4431. Today's Specials 15 lbs. fine granulated sugar $1.00 7 bars 10c Octagon soap 50c 7 packages 10c Argo starch 50c 7 roHs 10c toilet paper 50c 24 lbs. Elizabeth flour $1.15 48 lbs. Elisabeth flour $2.35 24 lbs: self-rising flour $1.20 48 lbs. self-rising flour $2.35 No. 5 Snowdrift lard 70c No. 10 Snowdrift lard $1.35 Pint Wesson oil 28c Quart Wesson oil 55c 100 lbs. our best chicken feed. .$2.(13 Phone us your vegetable wants. We Deliver Everywhere in the City. WHY PAY MOKE? FEDERAC AGENTS PROBING K. K. K. Investigation to Determine Whether Organization is a Menace. WANTED By October 1st, room and board in private home by couple. Phone 483-J. 23-3t WANTED By middle aged couple room, board and private bath in pri vate family. References exchanged Address A. B. C. 66, care Charlotte News. 23-3t WANTED By married couple without children, furnished room and private bath, with board, in private home. Prefer Myers Park or Elizabeth sec tion. Address T. W. D., care News. $ 22-4t FOR RENT FOR RENT Nicely furnished bedroom, desirable location, gentlemen or busi ness couple. References exchanged, 314 W. Ninth St. 25-3t FOR RENT Close in furnished room, 303 N. Church St- 25-3t FOR RENT Attractively fur nished front bedroom adjoin ing bath, hot water at all hours. Close in on car line, near good board. Price rea sonable. Gentlemen. Phone 2265-J, 211 S. McDowell St. 25-2t FOR RENT One large furnished steam heated room with private bath, hot and cold water, also two unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping, two blocks of square. 6 W. Third St. FOR RENT Garage or store, 4 N. Brevard, 32x90, deep lot. Phone 2071. 25-tf-sun-wed FOR RENT Three unfurnished roomi. Call 3830. 25-3t FOR RENT Room with board for couple or gentlemen. Phone 1059-J. SPECIAL NOTICES HAVE your horses and rnules shod, 11.25 for four shoes, nignway w rage It EAKEWOOD SWIMMING POOL, clos a ftAr todav. Take a dip. Pool thoroughly cleaned and filled with wotAp - 25-2 1 lire" PIEDMONT PRESSING CLUB Phone 3818 Quick Service Good Work 37 So. Tryon St. 16-6t Thur Sun and Tues Washington, Sept. 24. Thousands of Federal agents and local police officers now are probing the affairs of the Ku Klux Klan to determine whether the Federal government shall stamp out the organization, Attorney General Daugherty declared tonight. Practical ly every branch of the organization is under surveillance of government or lo cal officers, he said and every move of the Klan is under investigation. Agents of the bureau of investigd. tions under the Department of Justice are collecting data. TWO PROBES INDER '4Y. Two classifications of this data are being made for the information for the Attorney General. The flret and that of greatest interest relates to possible violation of the Federal conspiracy statutes, and the war laws still in ef fect, covering activities calculated to overthrow by force the government of the United States and the. operations of its laws. ' The second is largely a matter for local and State officials. It covers tio obtaining of money by fraud or under false pretenses. State and municipal authorities will be asked for aid and co-operation in this direction, and they will in turn have the assistance of Federal district attorneys and agents of the bureau of investigations of the Department of Justice. USE OF THE MAILS. A third phase of the inquiry relates to the possible use of the mails for illegal purposes. Postmaster General Hays has ordered a thorough investiga tion of this phase of the matter by postoffice inspectors. In this latter connection Chief In spector R. D. Simmons of the Postoffice Department is working in close co operation with William J. Burns. Daugherty still has under considera tion the advisability of summoning :o Washington Imperial Wizard Simmons and other officials of the klan to give such information as they are willing to import. The Government investigation is pro ceeding with rapid order. of Miss Rappe "We all thought it was very un fortunate," Semnacher said, "and we could not understand it.. He could not recall any statements made by Arbuckle. VOLUNTTERED TO GO BACK "Arbuckle telephoned the chief of police in San Francisco and I heard him say that he would come to San Francisco if the chief thought he bet ter," Semnacher said. The next morning: at 2 o'clock. Ar buckle. Semnacher, Fishback, Sherman, Attorney Frank Dominguez and Lou. Unger, Arbuckle's manager, roared out of Hollywood in Arbuckle's famed $26, 000 automobile to San Francisco, where a murder warrant was waiting. "Did you see Virginia Rappe stand ing m the door of Arbuckle's room with her hair down shakes her head and say 'Roscoe, how do you like this?' " he was asked. ' Attorney Frank Dominguez, chief of Arbuckle's counsel, examined Semnach er chiefly as to instructions Domin guez had given him to "tell the whole truth" about this thing. .The court adjourned until Monday morning. WILL, EXPEDITE HEARING. District Attorney Brady announced after the close of today's court session that with the reconvening of court Monday, the State would expedite its case in every possible manner. Mrs. Bambina, Maude Delmont, who swore to the i murder complaint, is expected to be the first witness Monday. Fol lowing her will come Alice Blake and Zeh Prevost, show girls. All three were attendants at the fatal party and are considered the State's star witnesses. With the completion of their testi mony, the State is expected to closo its case, unless ordered by Judge Laz arus to continue presentation of evi dence. The defense is expected to make a fight to force the prosecution to call all witnesses known to have any knowledge of the case. How extended will be the cross examination of the State witnesses by defense cannot bt forecast. But a few questions were ask ed Al Serrnacher by the defense at tne close or ms testimony tor tne State toda Whether the defense plans to call witnesses in defense of Ar buckle is a secret locked in the minds of the defense attorneys. They have given no hint of their plans. District . Attorney Brady late today had not received a telegram reported to have been sent out from Santa Barbara at the instance of Mrs. Fred erick Forest Peabody, wife of a Mon tecite millionaire, in which a Santa Barbara paper offered to start a fund to aid in the prosecution of Arbuckle. The district attorney would not dis cuss it in advance of its receipt. Brady so far has been allowed but trtTOO for the prosecution of the Ar buckle case jmd attaches of his office have declared this greatly inadequate. It is ,believer( however, that offers of outside aid will be refused as the city supervisors have promised to consider requests for further funds when the first $1,000 is exhausted. Save The Difference WE ARE AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE. Sweet potatoes, peck Ir;h potatoes, peck Cabbage, lb , 8 lbs. Snowdrift 4 lbs. Snowdrift Fresh country eggs, dozen Young chickens, lb Hens, lb , Fresh country butter, lb. . . .Zoc . .45c .:.5c .$1.19 . .63c ..44c ..32c , . .25c ..32c AND CASH STORE PHONE 4533 1500 South Boulevard. if HteCASH eROCER I i i iiiiii i "i ii ' i 1 ' Corner 11th and Graham Sts. Plione 4090. FITE'S SPECIALS We offer Monday 100 cases Export laundry soap at, dozen 33 l-3c 50 cases Sunbrite cleanser that retails 7 l-2c to 10c can. We offer at, dozen 45e 25 cases Golden Rod Naptha washing powders that sell at 10c straight. We offer at, dozen 65c If you want to save money phone 18751876. CRAIG FITE The Cut-Price Cash Grocer. Red Front 39 S. College i Phones 18751876 j We Deliver AH Over the City. DEATHS FUNERALS IS CHIROPRACTIC SCIENTIFIC? HIGHER LIFE OF (Continued From Page One.) now tat Carolina has all the advan tages of educational, industrial and social opportunities the childr should be taught how properly to use them so that he might grow into manhood and make further changes, all for the bet termentof the lives that shall come afterwalxls. PLAN "COLLEGE DAY." Owing to the iniability of Dr. John son to come to Charlotte Saturday ar rangements mad be made for him to speak one day this week. The expo sition management is planning a "Col lege Day" when students in all the colleges of the Carolina will be invited to come here for the day. The Saturday afternoon crowd at the exposition was one of the largest of any previous days. The aisles were well filled last night, many out-of-town visitors being among those inspecting the exhibits. Despite the two days of inclement weather last week was highly successful, acoording . to state ments by offlctols. The event will be formally closed next Friday, the building being thrown open to the negroes of the city and vicinity on the final day. THOMAS B. MONROE. Salisbury, Sept. 24. Thomas B. Mon roe, 68, well known farmer of Franklin township, is dead. A widow, three sons and four daughters survive. Prof P. E. Monroe president of Summerville College, in South Carolina, is a son, Other children are: B. C. and Paul E. Monroe, in government srvice at Washington, Miss Janet Monroe, nurse of Charlotte; Mrs. J. C. Keever of Shel by and Mrs. G. W. Jacobs and Mrs. Jerry Lentz of Rowan. GROCERIES GROCERIES. Fresh country eggs, chickens, Moores ville creamery butter, Hiddenite wa terground corn 'meal, fresh country vegetables, and J.ll kinds of fruit. J. P. Garner, Mgr. BOYD-GARNEK CO. 819 N. Tryon Phones 11581159 BREAKFAST SUGGESTIONS! Ripe Honey Dew melons, new Flor ida grapefruit, oranges and grapes, Devonshire little pure pork sausages, extra large fat mackerel, fresh lot roe herring, kippered herring, fresh pancake flour, maple syrup and for further suggestions call 101 or 102. S. R. LENTZ. W. M. Sigmon, Mgr. 315 N. Tryon. Phones 101 or 102. NEW ARRIVALS. Shelled pecans, shelled walnuts, shell ed almonds, Dormedary dates,- Educa tor wafers, fresh prunes, Japanese crab meat. MILLER-VAN NESS CO. FerndeH Distributors for Charlotte. ANOTHER REDUCTION in Walter Baker's Cocoa and Ch&coUte. 1-2 lb. cocoa 22c 1-5 lb. cocoa 10c 1 lb. chocolate 36c J-2 lb. .chocolate 18o Best rice, 3 lbs. for 25c Medfum hegfl, 4 lbs, for 25c Also remember wljere to ge-good cof fee, the best on the market . today. Why pay more elsewhere. C. I. KfffKtt . Teas, rioffees. Sugars, Grits. Sice, Etc. S3 S. Tryon St Phone 1551-1553 Science is classified knowledge. It does not depend upon chance, or luck or guesswork If a method is sqentific it must work out not sometimes but ALL the time. No method of com batting disease has ever deserved to be called scientific until Chiropractic was developed. The treating of disease by remedies is an ART in which skill in diagnosis and predicting the rather dubious reaction of the patient to the remedy MAY bring good results. Chiropractic is a SCIENCE. The Chiropractic is trained to detect spinal abnormalities by' hand and verify by X-Ray until he knows with absolute certainty, the position and relation of the spinal bones. His methods of adjusting these are so exact, so specific, that he can be absolutely positive that the adjustment will be followed by just one result the utmost effort of Nature to cure. The only element of uncertainty left the only reason why a Chiropractor cannot promise a complete cure to every patient in the world is the possibility that the case has gone so far that Nature herself will not cure it, which means that no treatment on earth would be of 'any avail. Chiropractors do not depend for their success upon the uncertain elements which form a basis for other methods. The very simplicity, of the system makes for accur acy. For instance the Chiropractor knows not guesses but KNOWS what organs in the body are weak or dis-eased after he has analyzed the spine. Conversely he also knows which organs are healthy and sound. His word is the word of authority. There are things about dis-ease which he cannot find out in thfs way, but these things are not ' essential to the cure, and here again the scientific nature of the system shows itself. He knows, with a certainty from the beginning, what is hidden from him. He never mistakes 'a guess for a fact. It is because Chiropractic is exact, specific and definite, that Chiropractors achieve a higher percentage of results than any other profession. DR. W, p LOVE Phones 3171 and 2553 Chiropractor No. 2 Garland Court. Charlotte, N, C. X-RAY EQUIPMENT 6