THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 29, 192t 12 By C. M. PAYKe YOU CAN'T BEATTHE KID'S SYSTEM: SOME WOMEN USE IT! FORGET SAFETY UNDER PRESSURE Difficult to Think of Safety and Hit Ball at Same . Time. S'MATTER POP? -i ' Boston, Sept. 29. It is difficult at times to reconcile the thought of . safety first and hit the ball at the same time, D. Li. Cease, editor of the Railroad Trainmen of CleveJand told the dele gates at the National Safety Council her today. "It is difficult to teach an old dog new tricks," he said. "You know as well as I know that a switchman, brakeman or conductor who takes his time is not regarded as an efficient employe. Tou know also that it means time to hold up switching in these days when bo many cars are handled at one time. You also know that railroad impatience will not stand for much of what seems even in this day of 'safety first and service afterward' to be unnecessary de lay. You know also that every train and yard man starts to work with the idea of getting done as soon as he possibly can firmly fixed in his mind. He also knows that every man on the job, from the president down to the en gine foreman, expects him to keep that In mind until he is through. It is diffi cult at times to reconcile the thought of safety first and hit the ball at the same time. "It will take another generation to change this condition of mind. Dan ger, disability rnd death always were supposed to go hand in hand with a job in train or yard service. "It must be our united work too over come the traditions of all of our rail road years to have our railway men realize that the railroads are in ear nest in trying to save their men, and to get down under the hides of the men and their immediate superiors with the fact that safety means what it says ttnd that unnecessary injury and death Will mean discipline for the personal cause of either, if he can be reached." CUTICUEA FOR HAIR AND SKIN For promoting and maintain ing beauty of skin and ftair Cuticura Soap and Ointment are unexcelled. Cuticura Tal cum is an ideal powder, re freshing and cooling to most delicate skins. IftmpUEtehFrMtrM&ll. AHrs "Catlcnnlab. ratri.i. Dept. lift Klda 4S,Mft." Sold every whure. S 26c. Ointment 26 and 60c. Taium 2c. liflm Cuticnra Soap shave without max. iTun.sH rr Just ft , T -7 HaI itU4A-r Uvt"E o-p 1 , ' H -How COME iCA5E ACoWEjW LrfNoW A WZZiTM ' I 5 tV ' " A SUPERIOR COLD CREAM The cream that I talk about most often in this space is a cleansing cream made with mineral oil and the usual wax and spermacetti. But there is an other formula for a cold cream which is not only cleansing but flesh build ing as well . The formula is as fol lows: FINE COLD CREAM. Rose water 4 ounces. Almond oil 4 ounces. Spermacetti 1 ounce. White wax 1 ounce. Tincture of Benzoin 1 drachm. This is made in the usual way. The whits wax and spermacetti and the oil are melted together and the rose wa ter and benzoin, slightly warmed, are added, the whole mass being beaten up until it begins to turn creamy. Then pour it off into jars. Thirty grains of powdered borax may be added to the rose wate if you wish the cream to be whiter and slightly more astringent. Olive oil may be substituted for the almond oil if you prefer. This cream should be used if the skin is dry. Since it is cleansing and also nourishing it should also be used x for treating wrinkles. An ordinary cold cream is no good at all for this. The only effective way to use cold cream is to open the pores of the skin by holding cloths wrung from hot water over the face. The cream is then mas saged in and what remains on the sur face! of the skin is wiped off with a dry cloth. An ice rub or an astringent should be used afterwards. The com bination of nourishing cream and an astringent is excellent for keeping the skin youthful. Mother. Almost any hair may be trained to curl if the hair is not too coarse. As your little girl is so young there is no reason why her hair will not train into finger curls or fluffed by turning the ends into ringlets. Try the soft kid curlers to start the train ing and only curl the ends of the hair while you are keeping it bobbed. Peggy Drink plenty of milk to gain in weight and be liberal in using but ter, or mayonnaise that is made with olive oil. A tablespoonful of this oil three times each day will also fatten ii J lie way Shop 11 W k The Fifth Avenue Shop of the Carolina3 lew Smart tailored and dress suits trimmed with fur coming in by every express. In dividualized styles fine materials ele gant workmanship insures the particu lar woman in getting the best at Mel-Ion's. Mel 2 Third Floor. and if taken with the same amount of grape juice the oil is not tasted. The ten pounds that you need should not take long to acquire, if you do this.' Despondent When the bust appears too large, the effect may usually be changed by wearing the corset loosened at the waistline. The straight, one rivf5j which ia verv loosely con fined below the waist, will also be a means of detracting from any over de velopment of the bust. With very young girls, a large bust merely signi fies an unevenness in growth and the proportions are much better after they have fully developed. Learn how to dress so this will not be so noticeable which is a much better, means than try ing to reduce the bust by artificial means. All inquiries addressed to Miss Forbes in care of the "Beauty Chats" depart ment will be answered in these col umns in their turn. This requires con siderable time, however, owing to he great number recefved. So if a per sonal or quicker reply is desired, a stamped and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed vith the question. The Editor. CHINESE DELEGATION TO CONFERENCE SAILS Peking, Sept. 29. (By the Associated Press) China's delegation to the con ference on limitation of armaments and Far East questions left this city for Shanghai today on its way to Wash ington, intending to nake the voyage across the Pacific on the steamer Hawkeye State. Dr. W. W. Yen, For eign Minister, who has been expected to be chief of the delegation, did not leave today, but it was said he would follow, provided China's Shantung pol icy was determined and initiated soon enough for him to reach the American capital for the opening of the confer ence. If Dr. Ten should find it impossible to go to Washington, it is probabie that Dr. Wang . Chung-Hai, president 1,000 Ladies' New Ready-to-Wear Garments offered in our Opening Sale Satur day morning 10:30, Post Piano Store Rooms, 209-211 West Trade street. EFIRD'S EFIRD'S RIVERS TO BE TRIED FOR WRECKING TRAIN Florence, S. C, Sept. 29. George Rivers, negro, who has been held in the Florence county jail since July 1;) when he was arrested in Darlington on a charge of vagrancy, was taken yesterday to Aiken, where he will re arraigned today on a charge of murder in connection with the wrecking of train No. 54 of the Atlantic Coast Line, May 20, in which Joseph Tem ple, of Florence, engineer, was killed and several trainmen and passengers were injured. The wreck occurrel about four miles from Augusta on th-3 South Carolina side of the line. The train was wrecked as, the result of a rail loosened and lifted from th cross ties causing the engine tender aid two express cars to roll down a shal low embankment. FALSE INFORMATION WAS DISSEMINATED New Tork, Set- 29. Polic Commis sioner Enright Wednesdav night wrote Mayor Hylan that he had recommend ed to the district attorneys of the five counties in New York city that they seek grand jury indictment of The New York Herald for alleged dissemination cf false information concerning the po nce department. The newspaper, m a recent resume of police activities and unsolved crimes, is alleged to have made 75 false statements in violation of .section 1353, chapter i6'3 of the laws of 1920. BACK N Caused by Woman's Ills and Cured by Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Grafton. Pa. "T was trrmMor! rofh inflammation and pains in my sides and DacK. Alter doctor ing with different doctors and not get ting relief, I had al most given up hopes when my sister told me of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and knowing thatshe had really been helped by it, 1 purchased it. I was unable to do my work at. thaf fma but after taking several bottles of the Vegetable Compound I can now do any thing about the house or farm that a woman should do. I have a four months old baby that is the healthiest and big gest baby for his age that I have ever seen. I am willing for my letter to be used for a testimonial to tell other suf fering women how much your medicine has done for me, as I give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound all the praise. ' ' Mrs. Blair L. Fisher, R.D. 1, Box 37, Grafton, Pa. Working early and late-lifting, carrying, and the heaviest of houshold duties is it any wonder that it results in backaches and kindred ills. But every woman who suffers as Mrs. Fisher did should profit by her experience and give Lydia E. Pinkhamfs Vegetable ompound a fair trial. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the undersign ed by the certain chattel mortgage dated the 10th day of May, 1921. and recorded in Book 440, at page 37, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, reference to which is hereby made; default having been made in payment of indebtedness thereby secured, as therein provided, the undersigned will sell, at public sale, to the highest bid der for cash, at the courthouse door of Mecklenburg county, in the city of Charlotte, at 12 o'clock M on Sat urday, the 15th day of October, 1921. the following described personal prop erty; ta-wit: One Ford Touring Automobile No. 48611721921 Model. Color, Black. This the 23rd day of September, 1921. CITIZENS SAVING AND LOAN CO.. " Mortgagee. Sept. 23-26-29; Oct. 3-6-10-lt " Apparel that you buy in our shop reaches you thru the most economical channels possible from manufacturer to con sumer. Value is uppermost. C. LONG CO. 33 East Trade Street. of the Civil and Criminal Law Codifica tion Commission and a jurist of inter national repute, will be chief of -he Chinese representatives. Four promi nent Chinese diplomats were members of the party which left today. They were Chow Tzechi, former Minister of Finance ana at one ume occi.a.xj the Chinese legation in Washington; Wang Ta-Shieh, leader of the Frogres- sive party, and former Minister Foreign Affairs and a prominent r '" mat during the latter years 0"'r'! Manchu dynasty. The remainder of the party taries assigneu lu uie epartmeir general, diiiits ana tr--' tion; 19 attaches, 17 translators'1!3 several foreign advisors. ' a: fig We Chose Right rJTTS have selected our fall and winter millinery with the utmost care knowing that this would be appreciated by those we value as our beet cus tomers. . . And th e result exceeds our own, expectation. .We are almost torrj to see these hats go eo quickly We handle nothing but the best in Millinery GATLINC I GATLINCS 1 m 39 East Trade St. THE TALK OF CHARLOTTE 9 W. Pmt 33) Out 55 homes were made happy by this sale ID YOU GET YOURS Look over tlie list and hurry! It may be too late. One Ampico Knabe Grand, mahogany case One Ampico Knabe Upright, mahogany case. One Marshall and Wendell Ampico Up right, mahogany case. One Premier 5-foot Grand, mahogany case ' One Hardman Upright, mahogany case. One Marshall , and Wendell Upright, ma hogany case. One Marshall and .Wendell Ampico, foot power, walnut case. One Marshall and Wendell Ampico, foot power, mahogany case. One Werner Piano Co. Player (used) $440. One Brewster Piano, Player (used) $398.00 Eight Talking Machines. Three Organs, your choice, $15.00. Fifteen Player Piano Roll Cabinets, less than half -price. Two small Desks, $12.50 each. Player Piano Rolls, $3.00 per dozen. Going some to have so few left. Open evenings until nine. Store closes 30th'. COME EARLY. Knabe Warerooms. 209 W. Trade St.