THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 29, 192L 8 FOR The Pullin'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fact. Be Convinced, Try 'E m ONE-CENT -A - WORD -v ii mi m LOST FOUND WANTED FOR SALE RENT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" Set this style and type a V. lBAvt4nn ime cent per wora eafu ihpcw. STYLE "TV SET THIS STYLE AN'H TYPE, TWO CENTS PER WORD EACH INSERTION. STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each insertion. Anv stylo Mn freed" either top or bot tom, or between lines, at double tiw pnoTfl rateft. riarwiffed advertising is sold csh with nroVr hutf or convenience nt Charlotu itrons. who are listed hi the telephone .Kretforr. or known in the "snaper rfflr, n memorandum chare will he made with the expectation that the oill he paid wften nresemru. tfetnlar naHIon of ads cannot ; h Edition or after 30 p. m. Saturday for Sunday Edition. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS " WANTED HELP "WANTED Experienced shoe man be tween the age of 20 and 30 years. Good promotion for right man. An swer "Shoes." care News- -J'tU WA.NTED A good cook. Must have cood references. Appiy oit n.... Ave.'.' Dilworth. 29-3t W ANTED Colored women. Apply 7 a m. South Atlantic Waste Co- 29-1 1 WANTED Two plasterers at once. Apply at 502 East Fifth, $1.00 per hour. W. G. May nard. 29-lt W NTED Nur?e to stay whole time in home" and take care of small child. White or colored woman not under 25 vears of age. Thone 645. u 28-3t WANTED Salesman; prefer a man with some experience in the retail clothing business, fine chnnce for right man. Salesman-45. care News. 28-ot TEAMS WANTED at old Horner school. Apply to W. P. Harkey. WANTED White lady to keep and care for three children. Phone 2320-W or 2866. 2S-3t STENOGRAPHER with some experience desiring splendid position, please apply to Cash ier, 603 Commercial Build ing. 28-2t WANTED Linotype operator. Apply Foreman, Charlotte News. tf MACHINST wanted with few years experience- Young willing worker. J. Zagora Mfg. Co.. Charlotte. 27-3t MISCELLANEOUS Working Boys' night school at Y. M. C. A. opens October 3 for 34th year in Charlotte. Expert teachers, nominal fees. Phone 159. Better still, call in person. 28-5t $5.00 to $10.00 PAID for names of pros pective piano or phonograph buyers. For further particulars phone 3803. 26-4t MATERNITY SANITARIUM Private, refined, homelike. Homes provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 22 Windsor, Atlanta, Ga. 9-l-26t-no-sun Yv. Ai. -iut.A4. Pvotary 'uuut. uoni ui fl Charlotte News. Can be found most any hour to & p. m. 9-tf CHARLOTTE BUTTON SHOP Hem stitching, pecoting, button covering, etc. Prompt service. 307 N. Col lege. 18-tf NEW MATTRESSES mad.3 out of your 'old ones. Renovated. New ticks. It pays. It rids you of vormin. Cal1 15 88-J for particulars. Lawing's Mattre3 Factory;- il2 North Long St. 2S-tf WALL PAPER The Latest Designs A. J. DUNN CO. , 10 East Fourth Stl Phone 2264. 21-tf PIANO TUNING W. E. Senn. Char lotte. N. C. Phone 2335-L-3. 10-12-tf WALL PAPER HANGING, house painting. Call J. M. Muse. Phone 42V,-sa. 3-tf LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING PACKING AND STORING Three Large Trucks WARREN TRANSFER CO. Phone 1166. WANTED Lsed furniture. Phone 4438. 505 W. Eleventh St. 18-tf HOUSES WANTED ROOMS WANTED By refined young couple, no children, 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms in good location. Call 378 be tween 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. 29-3t WANTED By October 1 three unfur nished light housekeeping rooms and bath by couple with little girl one year old. Must be in good neighbor hood. Address "99," care News. 28-3t WANTED Furnished, or partly fur nished apartment or three rooms and kitchenette for housekeeping, heat and hot water preferred. Mr. Gesner, Mecklenburg Hotel. 28-2t WANTED To rent small unfurnished house or first floor apartment, refer ence fuhished. Phone 695. 27-3t WANTED By settled couple furnished room with private bath in heated home or apartment, close in- pre ferred. Phone 342. 27-3t WANTED By couple, two furnished rooms for housekeeping in good lo cation. Phone 2444-W. 27-3t 1,000 Ladies' New Ready-to-Wear Garments offered in our Opening Sale Satur di morning 10:30, Post Pjno Store Rooms, 209-211 West Trade street. EFIRD'S EFIRD'S FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished room, modern conveniences, fi08 N. Poplar St. 29-2t FOR RENT Upright piano, good con dition. Phone 1059-W. 29-tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, couple, 1201 S. Caldwell St. 29-lt FOR RENT Furnished room, connect ing bath, 15 W. Sixth St., ring first bell. 29-2t FOR RENT. Modern apartment 5 rooms and bath, either first or second floor, 1300 S. Boulevard, $75.00 per month on one year's lease. 6-room house, 205 West Ninth street, 560.00. M. B. ROSE. Trust Building- Phone 795 29-lt FOR RENT Office or store, whole or part, ground floor, well lighted, steam heat. 30 West Fifth. 30-tf-mon-thur-sat FOR RENT House of sever), rooms, close in, paved street, good location, nice house, $65. "Home," care News. 2S-2t LARGE furnished room, 2 beds, con necting hath, near Charlotte Sana torium. Call 205 W Seventh St. 28-2t FOR RENT To couple only, business couple preferred, large front bedroom t and kitchenette, nicely furnished, gas and water in kitchen, adjoining bath, hot water at all hours, on car line, close in, use of phone. $30.00 per month in advance, references ex changed. Apply 211 S. McDowell St- 28-tf FOR RENT Three nicely furnished bedrooms to men only, near South ern station, every convenience. Phone 3261. 2S-tf FOR RENT Near Southern station, two-room , furnished apartment, pri vate bath, no children. Phone 1483-J. 28-3t FOR RENT Office building, 20 offices, well located. J. H. McAden. Phone 860. 3-tf FOR. RENT Uptown furnished room, 301 1-2 N. Tryon St- 2S-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished front bedroom to business girls, references required. Phone 3386. 28-tf FOR RENT Furnished room, two blocks of square, business woman preferred, 10 W. Sixth St. 2S-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished steam heated room in Dilworth. Phone 2569. 28-tf FOR RENT Furnished steam heated room, 206 N. Caldwell. Phone 2973-J. 28-tf FOR RENT To couple without chil dren, two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 1882-J. 27-3t FOR RENT Two desirable furnished rooms on S. Tryon St. Phone 407. 28-2t FOR RENT Two rooms and kitchen ette. Phone 1457-J. 27-3 r FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for housekeeping, 405 E. 22nd St . after 5:30 p. m. 27-3t NICE cool room with board in pr.vate family. 417 N- College St. 27-3t FOR RENT Nice furnished room i'.i private home, all modern. Phone ("29 or call at 1208 S. Tryon St. 26-7t FOR RENT To couple without chil dren, two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. References required. Phone 685. 25-tf FOR RENT Close in furnished room. 303 N. Church St. 25-5t FOR RENT Five-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished, steam heat. 8 W. Seventh. 25-tf FOR RENT Two newly finished bed rooms with or without board. Rea-. sonable, close in on car line, 814 E. Third. Phone 3661. 25-tf FOR RENT Furnished room, private home, near South graded school. Phone 975-W. - 24-tf FOR RENT One garage, 711 West Trade. Phone 2886- 11-tf FOR RENT October 1, 5-room apart ment, 904 N. Tryon St. Phone 1624-.T. 21-tf FOR RENT Well furnished front cor ner room. Fourth ward, connecting bath. Apply 802 N. Poplar. 17-1 it FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 307 N. College St. 19-tf YOUNG LADY desires room mate at first ola-ss boarding house. 910 E. Ave. Phone 2399-L2. 14-tf FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, 307 N. Tryon St. , 13-tf FOR RENT Storeroom, 717 N. Gra ham, excellent location for meat market or any other business, reason able rent. Phone 1336 os 2929-W. 11-tf FIRST CLASS board can be secured at 910 E. Ave. Phore 2399-L2. 29-rf FOR RENT Two storerooms, 8 and 10 S. Poplar St. Conner & Walters Company. 18-tf FOR RENT Two nice front connect, ing offices. 27 1-2 W. Fourth St. Dowd Bldg. See J. R. Ethridge Phone 4482. 28-tf FOR RENT Office room, well located. Apply Merton C. Propst, 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5-tf FOR RENT Garage in first ciass con dition near North Fox street, Eliza beth. Phone 4511-L2. 10-tf FOR RENT Stoiv room, first block on South Church St. Apply Merton C. Propst, 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5-tf LOST OR FOUND LOST Gold and platinum bar pin set cluster diamonds at or near Elizabeth playgrounds. Reward if returned to Mrs. A. Bayard Clark, Myers Park Phone 1925. 29-2t LOST Gold football medal engraved E. L. Kelly, U. S. S. Nevada. Re ward if returned to News. 29-3t LOST White ring from handle of um brella in business section Wednesday Reward if returned to News. 29-2 LOST Wednesday, pink tameo pin Reward if returned. Phone 2830-W. 29-2t LOST Parrot, ereen hodv. rpd hoari Lost Thursday, September 22, $5.00 rewara it returned to .Ernest Archer Hamilton St., near Biddleville. 29-2; LOST Lady's bar pin, small diamond in center. Reward. Phone 801. 28-5t LOST Saturday night at Exposition or on way home, cameo pin. engraved ura Jones on back. Reward. Phor 1479-W. 28-; LOST OR STOLEN Red Rugby double barred bicycle. Equip ped with Federal Cord Tires Liberal reward for return Phone 115. 28-31 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Five-room cottage, E. Fifth St. Price $3750. Phone 4562. C. B. Porter. 29-tf FOR SALE Five-room cottage, close up town, good terms, $4000- C. B. Porter, 202 Trust Bldg. Phone 462. 29-3t DILWORTH, a splendid 6-room bungalow, with furnace heat and oak floors. Best of loca tions. Phone Craig-Little Realty and Insurance Co., Phone 1436. 29-2t FOR SALE 250-acre farm. 12 1-2 miles from center Charlotte, 2 1-2 miles from Pineville, near school and church, plenty of firewood, good pasture, running water, about 100 acres under cultivation. Has two six-room houss, one three-room house, two good barns, outbuildings good orchard, on macadam road. Price $30 per acre. J. E. Murphy & Co. 25-3t-eol FOR SALE Building lots on Graha::i Ave. and Statesville Ave., paved w51ks, sewerage, water, lights. Price $600 to $1100. J. E. Murphy & Co. 25-3t-eod FOR SALE Eight-room residence. close in, near Southern depot, house in good condition, has two baths, very good lot Price $8250. J. E. Mur phy & Co. 25-3t-eod LET US SHOW YOU some of those attractive 5-room homes in East Char lotte, block from Central Ave., all conveniences. Worth the money; trems if wanted. M. & M. Realty Co. Phone 4062- Call E. J. Matthews or L. P. McKenzie. 27-2t-eod NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, bloqk from ca" line, Jackson Ave. Nice level lot, shady side," good terms. Let us talk this over with you. M. & M. Realtv Co. Phone 4062. 27-2t-eod MODERN 6-room, steam-heated bunga low on Louise Ave- Paved street (paid), large lo..t house in splendid condition, papered throughout, ga rage, garden, chicken yard and house, little over block from Central Ave. Let us show you, you will like it. M. & M. Realty Co. Phone 4062. Call E. J. Matthews. 27-2t-eod DON'T FORGET to ask about Plaza lots; 66x200; shady side; all conveniences (paid). Low prices, good terms. Call us for . engagement. M. & M. Realty Co. Phone 4062. Call E. J. Mathtews or L. P. McKenzie- 27-2t-eod FOR SALE Vacant lots, located on Vail, Crescent and Circle avenues, Elizabeth and East Dilworth. A reai bargain on Scott avenue. W. L. Burroughs. Phone 1277. 25-3t-eod FOR SALE Vacant lots located in Myers Park, Hermitage Court. More head street and Elizabeth. If you expect to buy and build let me show you one of these. W. L. Burroughs. Phone 1277. 25-3t-eod FOR SALE Six-room bungalow . in Piedmont section, modern conven iences, house in fine condition, con veniently arranged, nice walls and fixtures. Price $6250. J. E. Murphy & Co. 25-3t-eod FOR SALE Five-room cottage, close in, modern conveniences, house in fairly good condition, very good lot. t'rice $3500. J. E. Murphy & Co. 25-3t-eod FOR SALE Seven-room residence, lot 50x150. House has water, sewerage, lights, In very good condition- Price $3000. J. E. Murphy & Co. 25-3t-edo FOR SALE-53-acre farm 3 miles from center of Charlotte. Land lies well, has running water, plenty of fire wood, orchard, about 35 acres under cultivation. Price for quick sale. $100 per acre. J. E. Murphy & Co. 25-3t-eod FOR SALE 602-acre farm, two and half miles from Davidson College, about half in cultivation, about 100 acres bottom land, several good build ings. Will cut about six hundred thousand feet of lumber and ten thousand cords of wood. Will sell as a whole or sub-divide it. Will ar range terms to suit purchaser. Bar gain for quick sale. Address "Own er," care News. 27-3t-eod FOR SALE Seven-room residence on Statesville Ave., house well arranged, in fine condition, nice walls and fix tures, bedroom on first floor, good location and neighborhood, nice lot. Price $7250. J. E. Murphy & Co. 25-3t-eod FOR SALE Nine-room residence in Dilworth, splendid location, nice shade, house in fine condition, hard wood floors, rooms nicely finished, modern conveniences, has nice sleep ing porch. Price for quick sale $9500. J. E. Murphy & Co. 25-3t-ecd FOR SALE Paying proposition in small dairy close in, 19 acres, good buildings, water in house and dairv ' house, also ten-acre bearing grove in .Florida, good house. Addres Owner, Villa Heights sub station. 25-4t-eod FOR SALE Newly remodelod 6-room cotta.srp. nns hlork nf "vwitahafh Aire large level lo.t basement, etc Price ior quicic saie, $8UU0. Kasy terms Call Mr- Jordan, W. C. Harris & Co 1016 Realty Bldg. Phone 936. 28-3t FOR SALE Beautiful six-room burtte low in suburbs, furniture included if wanted. Ideal for conrlr startfti housekeeping. 'You will be surprised ai tne low price ana terms offered Call Mr. Jordan, W. C. Harris & Co 28-3t FOR SALE Five-room eot.ta.ffp. in vir mont, newly painted, has sewerage. ngnts ana water. Bargain at $3000 Easy terms. W. C. Harris & Co . 28-3t SIX-ROOM bungalow, Worthington .Ave., Dilworth, house in splendid condition, nice level lot. Price S6000 Lei,aney & Sins. Phone 4254. 28-3t SEVEN-ROOM house, first block South ..edar bt-, house m first class condi y Lion, msiae ana out, street assess ments all paid. Immediate possession; .oouu. ueL-aney & Sing. Phone 4254. " 28-3t 15-ACRE FARM, five mile3 rrom Char lotte, on new macadam road, good five-room house, good la ad nice grove. Price $4250. DeLaney amg. rnone 28-3t FOR QUICK SALE Bargain, model 5-room cottage, close- in. "Owner care N ews. 28-5t OWNER desires to spII n rpai. dence in Dilworth. Will trade for other property. Address - Box 573, City. , 28-tf FOR SALE One vacant lot on Pecan -we., 4yxi50. One lot on Circle Ave., just off entrance to Hermitage Court, 80x111. Best offer for cash gets these lots; or will trade for good auto Phone 4378. 24-tf FOR SALE Larg-e level lot on Pos; St-, 150 feet off Mint St. Will take automobile as part payment. See Dr Levy, 7E. Trade. ' li-tf AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Latest designs in Ford bodies. Big improvement. Motor Sup ply Co., 309 N Tryon St. Phone 1270. 29-tf FOR SALE LATE 1919 MODEL DODGE TOURING, BY PARTY LEAVING TOWN; GOOD MECHAN ICAL CONDITION, GOOD PAINT, AT REAL BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE. PHONE MR. KIRK, 1299-J OR CALL 212 W. 7TH ST. 29-2t FOR, SALE Anything in used Ford parts. Motor Supply Co., 309 S. Tryon St. Phone 1270. - 28-tf FOR SALE Buick Six touring car. Used Car Department, Caldwell, Tredenick & Lam beth, Inc. Phone 724 29-lt "OR SALE My new 7-passenger Chan dler motor car. May be seen at Char lotte Motor Car Co. J. W. Pharr. 27-3t-eod DODGE OWNERS NASH OWNERS BUICK OWNERS LEXINGTON OWNERS ANDERSON OWNERS ' AND OTHERS 34x4 V Goodyear Plain Tread TIRES $1&2 The biggest value ever offered VOU in ' standard make tires Limited number for a few days 3nly. Mail orders filled promptly. HUNTLEY BROS. VULC. CO. 17 S. Church St. Phone 1139 28-21 EORALE Ford touring, 1921 model; Ford touring slightly used; Studc baker Big Six; Cadillac 8. Payne's Auto Works. 28-3t WANTED To exchange good five-passenger six-cylinder automobile for good lot or small house. Willing to pay difference, if any. Telephone 1025. FOR SALE Chevrolet touring in per feet shape, $260; Commonwealth tour ing, $320;Buick 5-passenger, 19 model, in perfect shape, $440; Buick 5 passenger, $480. Used parts for Over land 75, Dixie Flyer, Reo 4, Chevro let 490, Model N. Hupmobile. V. M Stine, 29 S. Tryon. 28-tf FOR SAT.R i 1.9 td 4. iJ j. i.uu ivtryuunu ifUVK newiy painted and rebuilt. This is a big oportunity to get a good truck cheap. Terms. J. M. Clark, Inc., turner unurcn and Third -Sts. 28 51 FOR SALE Reo truck. Looks and runs like new. A bargain to move quick. J. M. Clark, Inc., corner jiuicn ana xnira Sts. 28-4t FORD TOURING. S300: looks llVr wow Also Lexington, 1920 model, all new tires, touring car for $850; good easy terms- R. F. Morris, telephone 1459. Chambers Motor Co. 28-2t RARE BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Willys-Knight, 7-passenger. Chandler 7-passenger. Overland 90. 7-passenger. Oldsmobile 5-passenger. Overland 4, 5-passenger. Cole 8, 7-passenger, practically new. The above .cars are in A-l condition; terms easy; prices low. DAIL OVERLAND CO. 436 W. Trade St. 28-tf WANTED Ford touring car; must be . a bargain in first class condition. Phone 290-W after 6 o'clock- 27 3t RENT A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U-DRIVE-UM CO., 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 1270 15-tf BARGAINS IN USED CARS More than 20 used automobiles different models $200.00 and up. Apply Sehorn and Hipp, 211 N. College St. Phone 4050. 7-tf SEE V. M. STINE. He will pay you cash for your automobiles. 6-tf BARGAINS Two Buick tourings. Three Dodge tourings. One Ford roadster. The above cars are in good condition and will be sold cheap. Terms. USED CAR EXCHANGE. 505 S. Tryon St. Next to Catholic Church. 12-tf DODGE OWNERS NASH OWNERS BUICK OWNERS LEXINGTON OWNERS ANDERSON OWNERS AND OTHERS 34x41 Goodyear Plain Tread TIRES im The biggest value ever offered you m standard make tires. Limited number for a few days 3nly. Mail orders filled promptly. HUNTLEY BROS. VULC. CO. 17 S. Church St. Phone 1139 28-2f WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED More houses to sell. I have the buyers and "maby" yours is just what they are looking for. Call me early. C. B. Porter, 202 Trust Bldg. Phone 4562. ' 29-3t WANTED To have you list with us real estate of anv description you may wish to sell. We now have call for a home in Myers Park and several for Dilworth, Eliz abeth and Piedmont. Also for vacant lots in same sections. Our facilities for selling are the best and will call to see you if you will phone us, 1436, Craig-Little Realty and . In surance Co. 29-51 WANTED To buy home in Charlotte. Write Williams, care News. 25-St FOR SALE FOR SALE Barrack bags or laundry bags, 20 cents each. Fine for laundry or for cotton picking bags. The Army Salvage Co., No. 2 N. Tryon St., over Liggett'8 Drug Store. 29-lt FOR SALE Light housekeeping fur niture. All new. Can also rent rooms. Apply 500 East Ninth St. 29-3t FRESH COUNTRY EGGS, 38c; fresh country butter, 38c; sugar, 15 lbs. for $1. Can goods at cost- W. M. Douglas, corner Second and Alexan der. Phone 4350-J. 29-lt FOR SALE A cola plant with entire equipment in one of the best sec tions of North Carolina. This is a good paying business; established trade and will bear the closest inves tigation. For particulars, terms, etc., apply to R. O. Crawford & Co., Gas tonia, N. C. ' 29-3t-no sat FOR SALE Dining chafirs, table, buf fet, davenport, hall rack, ice box, kitchen safe, bed, dresser, washstarttH rugs, large heater. Must move Satur- day. Phone 1472-J. 29-lt 7oR SALE Twenty shares Percilla Spinning Company stock cheap. Ad dress "Stock," care News. 29-lt FOR SALE Mattress, good organ, oth er goods. 1201 S- Caldwell St. 29-lt FOR SALE Dining room suit, gas range, laundry heater and kitchen table. Call -after 3 o'clock, 608 East Fifth St. 29-tf FOR SALE Household furniture, chairs, pictures, stand, bed daven port, library table, reading lamp. Vulcan hot water heater, rugs. All in excellent condition. Phone 2305-J. 25-3t-eod FOR SALE One steel range, practicai ly good as new, price attractive, 412 Central Ave. Phone 1753-W. 21-8t-eod FOR SALE Single white iron bed and springs, $5- Phone 3028. 28-2t FOR SALE Large fumed oak dresser and triple mirror dressing table, also small oil heat-?r, all in splendid condition. Phone 436-J. 28-2t FOR SALE. Oliver, Blick and Underwood Type writers. Library Valuable Knowledge. MacLaren'a Exposition of Holy Scrip tures. Columbia Grafanola. Gulbrasen Player Piano- LAWRENCE P. BOGLE. Rural Hall, N. C. 28-4t-no sat FOR SALE CAFE AND MEAT MARKET Or will sell separate. Good busi ness location in .business part of eity. Also Maxwell touring car in good condition. Both big bar gains to quick buyer. 43 North College Street. 27-tf FOR SALE At bargain, few pieces furniture, 10 1-2 N. Church. Phone 3083-W. 27-3t FOR SALE A lot of new and second hand furniture. Will sell at a bar gain this week- Come and see. 503 E. Tenth St. 26-4t 1000 FELT SPORT HATS, red and all colors, at $1.95. Gatlings, 39 East Trade St- 26-5t 1000 FELT SPORT HATS, red and all colors, at $1.95. Gatlings, 39 East Trade St. t 26-5t 1000 FELT SPORT HATS, red and all ' colors, at $1.95. Gatlings, 39 East Trade St. 26-o t SEE J. EDGAR POAG, 108 Latta Ar cade, Charlotte, for purchase or saie of cotton, cotton waste, linters, bag ging and ties. 21-tf-ex sun 1000 FELT SPORT HATS, red and all colors, at $1.95. Gatlings, 39 East Trade St- 26-5t 1000 FELT SPORT HATS, red and all colors, at $1.95. Gatlings, 39 Ease Trade St- ) 26-5t 1000 FELT SPORT HATS, red and all colors, at $1.95. Gatlings, 39 East Trade St. 26-5t FOR SALE Gas range in good condi tion. Phone 917-W- 24-ft FOR SALE Beautiful sword ferns. Phone 1116-J. - 23-tf FOR SALE Framing in &11 sizes in t pine and oak. Also finished material. Get our prices. H. S. Leonard Lumber Co., Phone 4287, 20 N. Tryon St. 30-tf FOR SALE OUR SERVICES to repair your roof or gutters. Also to paint them. Satisfaction guaranteed. STRANGE & BRADY Phone 3149 7-tf EXCLUSIVE DEALERS for Edison-Dick Mimeographs and Supplies. CRAYTON COMPANY 29y2 S. Tryon St. Phone 304 30-tf BUSINESS OPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY now open for a few honest-to-goodness insurance produc ers. Territory in and near Charlotte including York. Lancaster. Chtor L and Rock Hill. S. C. Best contracts to agents, ah improved forms of policies written: Life, health and accident, including ordinary, indus trial ana monthly pyament policies. Write O. W. Gaskin, Supt., 417 Real ty Bid. 25-3t-POrt FOR- SALE Grocerv stock and fix tures, colored trade. Price $300, but will sell for best offer. Call after 4 p. m., 619 E. Stonewall St. . 23-7t Complete Stocks Men and Boys new Fall Suits in our Opening Sale Saturday morning 10:30, 209-211 W; Trade street. EFIRD'S EFIRD'S IT MATTERS NOT Where the prices of shoes may go we are always on the job prepared to save our customers from One to Five Dollars a pair. Those who have tried us know, and osiers can if they will. Will you? - r TRUE SAMPLE SHOE STORE 32 E. Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. W ANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To teach you to make fan cv cakes and candies for Xnias. Night classes for working girls. or terms address Mrs. J. B. L., care News. V1 , WANTED You to see our large stock of monuments before placing your order. Piedmont Marble Company. 301 East Second St. m 29'7t WANTED To purchase one pair heavy draft mules. Must be good condition. South Atlantic Waste Co. WANTED You to know that you will save money on a mpnument. Pied mont Marble Company, 301 East Second St. 29-7t WANTED When in need of a compe tent stenographer or bookkeeper, you to call on us. Brown's Business CoP lege. Phone 2566- 27-3t-tue-thur-fn WANTED You to visit our plant and select the monument you like from our -large stock. Phone 694, we will call for you. Piedmont Marble Com pany, 301 East Second St. '23-7t WANTED To do your pressing and dry cleaning. Experienced workmen, quick and satisfac tory service. Bachelors Press ing Club, 1503 S. Tryon. Phone 4020. 26-tf eod WANTED If you want your property sold list it with J. E. Murphy & Co. 25-3t-eod WANTED before making arrange ments on business course, you to see us. Study Spencerian shorthand (learn 'ed in from three to four months' time), touch typewriting, Twentieth Century bookkeeping, English, spell ing and penmanship. Enter now and be ready to accept position January 1st. Write, call or telephone for par ticulars. Brown's Business College, 12 S. Tryon St. Phone 2566. 27-2t-eod WANTED To make your mattressea and pads to order. Mattresses reno vated, box springs repaired,- feather mattresses made. Hailey-Howard Co., 323 East. Trade. Phone 3446. 22-tf WANTED To put your furnaces in good working order before the rush cornes,there by saving you money. Strange & Brady, Phone 3149. 8-tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Small cottage, 411 East Oak street, near school and car line. Bargain with terms to quick buyer. Phone 756-W. 29-2t FOR SALE Nos. 1001 and 1003 North Caldwell street, and No. 409 East 13th street, all for $3500 rent for $34.50 per month, will bring more. All on one lot. Hurry. They'll go. S. S. McNinch, 202 Realty Bldg. 29-lt PIEDMONT, a splendid 7-room home, oak floors and furnace. Splendid location. Price $7,800, Craig-Little Realty and Ins. Co. 29-2t FOR SALE 110-acre farm near city, fine for dairy and truck, plenty wood, good buildings, nice place for fish pond and club house on main high way. S. J. J., care News. 26-7t WANTEDPOSITION WANTED Position as stenographer by young lady of good education. Neat work. Have had six months experience. Phone 4024. 29-3t WANTED Position as bookkeeper by young man, neat, accurate work. Phone Warren. 3093-J. 29-bt YOUNG MAN, graduate of high school, with three years experience at hand ling payrolls, cost books, money and general office work, desires position with some established business. Some knowledge of mechanics' and engi- neering, good references. Address W. I. B., care News. 28-21 WANTED Position by experienced rate man and general office work; 7 years experience; can furnish good references. Address Box 71, Moun Holly, N. C. 27-4t WANTED Position as bookkeeper or office work. Quick and accurate at figures. Neat hand Phone Mr Whiter 1075-W. o6 4; CITY OF ARLOTT: BULLETIN Have you neglected paying your taxes? See to it at once. Have your name cancelled from the list we are now pre paring before it is published CH SPECIAL NOTICES YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN eiation. Night Educational C'gf1' Stenography, Typewriting. Bu'f' English, Millinery, Auto MeCC"s French.' Fee for business, jj' term of twenty lessons, pj f Auto Mechanics, $5-00 fnr teV ten lessons. Millinery fAp "(?' j. ciepji-jjic vvv lur jiai LlCli larj 29-;!t-thu:-.;:,5.. BEN F. FAVELL TheBestin Shoe Repairing Phone 247 215-217 N. Tryon Shoes Called for and Delivered.; Defiance Hemstitching Shop Button Covering Coats Relined Slight Alterations. 20312 West Fourth St. 20-tf Tues Thurs J. LEE PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. Off,:! with, J. W. Cobb. Phone 3695. ' 8-tf-M; Working Boys night school at Y. M. C. A. opens October 3 for 34th year if Charlotte. Expert teachers nominal fees. Phone 15! Better still, call in person, 28-5; FREE! FREE! FREE! This wceK e til Friday, 6 p. m., fine free hair cut for , boys. Come get one. 11 S. Chu:t St. s.j SEE J. EDGAR POAG, 10S Latta k cade. Charlotte, lor purchase or of cotton, cotton waste, linters, te. ging and ties. 21-tf-ex 5:: NOTICE The entire interest of J.: King in King's Business College.') Raleigh and Charlotte, has this t been sold and assigned to E. .7 Layfield, who from this date v' have full control and ownership ; the said business colleges and s entirely responsible for the manar ment, debts and liabilities of sra The business will continue to be cc; ducted under the name of King's Business College- This 1st dav e: September. 1921. J. H. King, E. T Layfield. 21-i. WANTED Your painting, calscma ing, refinishing floors. J. S. McG" Phone 40C9. 1:'- Today's Specials 15 lbs. fine granulated sugar "ifl bars 10c Octagon soap 7 packages 10c Argo starch J 7 rolls 10c toilet paper 3! 24 lbs. Elizabeth flour " ! 48 lbs. Elizabeth flour "; ' 24 - fbs. self-rising flour 48 lbs. self-rising flour No. 5 Snowdrift lard . No. 10 Snowdrift lard . Pint Wesson oil SI. 33 Vi'Uai L VV r'HSHT fill 100 lbs. our best chicken feel - Phone us your vegetable wants. Deliver Everywhere in the (it'"' WHY PAY MOKE? Corner 11th and Graham Phone 4090. White Comb Honey ft $1.5? 5 lb. pails, lb Comb honey cartons Home-made molasses, gallon . Melrose flour, 24, 48, 9S rt Hiddenite waterground meal and ham flour. ..33 Snowdrift lard " " --ZZsi 3 Cottolene 75 j Country cured bacon, Dove brand and Swift Premium hams, lb ' Best grade wheat, peck . '' Bushel . . jijc Sweet mixed pickles, lb 3 for 5r Quart jars sweet mixed pickles j?resn corn, tomatoes, celery, okra. GULP BROS Phones 1806-1807 - 25 East Trade St wl 1