IP THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 2, 1921. : WANTED FOR SALE FOR RENT L GST FOUND I f I- The Pullin'est4,Waht" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast--a Fact. Be Convinced, Try 'E m ONE -CENT -A - WORD CLASSIFIED X ADVERTISING RATES .TYLE. "A" Set this style and type ie cent per word each Insertion. Ftyle "B" SET THIS STYLE AND PTPE. TWO CENTS PER WORD lCH INSERTION. tYLE "C" Set this style and jpe, three cents per word each userxion. ' 'v... oWhar inn or b tt- tm. or between Unes, at double the or rates. . . li .1 l oaatl with It bntf or ronvenience of Charlotte xtrimn. who re listed In the trigone hre. memoraT.flnm chares will be i'ade witn tne experxniiou ma (i pain WllfTl prrwriiiCTi. ?riilar Classification of ads "n.nl i'jarantecd after 12 o'clock Jr J? l ux,.- i n m srnrday for IMUlun tr unit f II . m.llil.M jnaay r-umon. ttlNIMUM CHARGE 25 CKTS WAITED HELP i ANTED Young man with house-to-house experience to handle live prop ,ositlon. Apply 413 East Seventh 81 'ANTED Boy over 16 years old to ,do blue printing and run' errands. lApply Southern Engineering Co.. third floor Cramer Bldg. WAMTirrLAn pvnp.rienced and X capable stenographer. Address Sp. O. Box 829, Charlotte, N. C. f ANTED Good girl for general house L-tj. rnct furnish r.itv references. ( WUl XX. uut - , RAfi Tvinsrstrm Ave. l-3t l'ANTED Experience ladies' tailor to -work on coat," ana vests, n. Miller. 18 W. Trade St. 1-tf WANTED High school boy to deliver Yapers. salary and commission. Ap V ply Circulation , Dept., Charlotte 'x-aiiTB l-2t WANTED Lady, experienced in dem onstrating, to conduct food product 'demonstration in local stores for 30 davs or longer. Phone1 686. l-2t IrAXTED Good male bookkeeper. Ad- iiress P. O. Box 321," Charlotte, :v Jl-3t tVIL SERVICE examinations Char iot tf Vnvpmber Positions $1400-$1600. I Agf , IS upward. Experience unneces sary. For free particulars, instruction, write R. Terry (former civil service examiner), 224 Continental Bldg., Wa shine-ton. D. C. ' 28-5t EN Learn barber trade. Quick meth od. Good wages paid. Bteaay aemana. Write Moler Barber College. 192 Marietta. Atlanta. 10-l-45t 'ANTED Linotype operator. Apply Foreman, Charlotte News: ' ' : tf SPECIAL NOTICES 2AM S FOR HIRE with drivers. Hauling or grading. Call' J. B. Haw kins. Phone 2591, city. 2-Vt HAVE SOLD my stock in North j, Charlotte Furniture Co. Those hay- in claims wm pieaae , present tnem Within the, next . 30 days, "J. K." Hand. . , 2-lt WANTED To furnish you the highest grade Blue Gem Lump Coal for Ten Dollars per ton ' delivered.' Phone 2271. 2-3t LWAYS REMEMBER where , you get the best for less mon- ey, .Fourth Ward ' Shoe Shop. Phone 4402. We call for and L deliver. 19-tf Wed Fri Sun 'E PULL IN . wrecked and , broken down - automobiles. W. A. Fry V& 'Sohs, Phones ' 3418 and 855-J:. 1-tf OCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND HAULING, PACKING AND STORING NICHOLS TRANSFER CO:' hone 705. 5 S. Poplar . 25-tf WELL-DRESSED PERSON is . never frun down at the heels, and stands Uup oh good soles.,. There is - a: dif- inference -in cohline' and renairinw Shoes. Send us yur work and be Y-tonvinced. .Phone 4238. A. P. Hill 1 Quick Repair Shop, 209 N. College. 19-tf WALL PAPER The Latest Designs A. J. DUNN CO. "2a North Tryon St. Phone 2264 21-tf OUSESWANTEDROOMS ANTEDr-rTo rent room or outhouae 1 for - my colored cook somewhere in Dilworth, convenient . to Kingston !Ave. Call 1742-W. 2-3t WANT to rent one house, as it 'costs too much to move my house u(i ihere. I live in adjoining state. I am going to move to Charlotte unlets all the tent makers .strike. I hava nice fireproof bungalow. Will trade tor house here. Don't put your fam ily, out for me, but I must have a hou'se -to live in. Address M. D. : Ferrell, care General Delivery, Char jlotte, N. -C. 2-4t j ANTED At once, 3 rooms for light f housekeeping, within 5 or 7 blocks of square, by couple with small f child. Otto Duncan, Gastonia, N. C. 1 -i l-2t ANTED -To rent a 7 or 8; room house or bungalow fdr a man who has just become as sociated with us. Outside city preferred. Smith-Wadswortjh Hardware Co. ' l-2t FOR RENT FOR RENTTo" couple without chil dren -two '".furhishect rooms for light housekeeping; 814 W. Trade St. Phone 2806-J.- ; 2-tf FOR RENT Two connecting rooms partly' .furnished or unfurnished fur light 'housekeeping, close in, modern conveniences; 316 N. Brevard. 2-2t FOR RENT One furnished room with kitchepette. near Southern station. Phone 2326-W.' 2-2t FOR RENT Two nice unfurnished rooms. Phone 13S5-TV. - . 2-tf FOR RENT Now is the time, to get your steam-heated rooms for the win ter. We make rates. Piedmont Hotel. - - - 2-7t wii KNT Nicely furnished dining room, -bed" room and kitchenette on feLc-jiid Hoor. "Apply 16 S. Myers. -, : . 2-tf FOR KENT-r-Room and garage, 1-2 block 'from Southern station; 512 W. Fourth St: Phone. 3565-J. 2-lt FOR RENT Three nicely furnished rooms with bath for light housc keeping. Call 3729. 3-lt FOR RENT Two nicely, furnished bed rooms, newly papered; 10 W. Seventh -St. - : Stf FOR RENT Close in furnished rooms, 303 N. Church St. l5t NICELY furnished large front room . close in for gentlemen or couple m ..private family meals if desired; S r Jackson Terrace. l-3t FOIi RENT To gentlemen or busi ness women, furnace heat and other modern , conveniences. Apply 201 Cen tral Ave. ' ' l-3t FOR- RENT Three . furnace heated rooms, private bath, partly furnished, lights, water and heat furnished good location, references exchanged. Phone 4029-J. 1-tf 'I?. .HAVE A .. VERY DESIRABLE BUSINESS . LOCATION IN HEART OF CITY AND WOULD CONSID ER LEASING-PART OF SAME TO A DESIRABLE AND RESPON SIBLE PARTY OR COMPANY. SOME BUSINESS ALLIED WITH - AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY PRE FERRED. APPROXIMATELY 1000 TO 1500 SQUARE FEET. WITH ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY ROOM AND WINDOW. ADDRESS "DE SIRABLE LOCATION," CARE NEWS. - l-2t FOR RENT Modern 5-room apart . ment, beautifully finished, large sleeping porch, screened and . in closed with glass. Good garage con venient. Very reasonaole rental. Mrs. Sarah Kime, 450 Dowd Road. Phone 4144. - l-3t FOR RENT To business couple, four rooms with bath; 313 East Fifth St. ' ' l-2t FOR RENT Bedrooms with hot and cold -water and gas heaters in each room,- also two shower baths; 204 S. Poplar St. l-3t WA NTNED Boarders and roomers; 204 S. Poplar St. l-3t NICELY furnished room in private home to " couple gentlemen or work ing girls.- breakfast if wanted; 513 W. Seventh. ' - - lt FOR RENT Beauitfully finished un furnished' apartment, 3 rooms and private bath, near Southern station: 227 S. Cedar. 10-3 1-tf CONGENAL young man wants room mate. Apply 152 W. Morehead. 31-3t FOR RENT Two nice rooms for light housekeeping. Gardner, corner Cald- weil-.and-Oak..Sts... .1-. ZL-St IlpR BENT Nicely furnished front room to couple without children, convenient to bath. Apply' 9 East Eighth - St. ; 10-31-tf FOR RENT Room in heated apartment to, gentlemen only, three blocks, from square. "Pjione 2848-L2. 31-3t FOR RENT--Three large communicat ing rooms well furnished for house keeping, heated from central stnv-P Family of three adults preferred. Six diocks oi square. .Phone 4470-J. 31-3t FOR : RENT Two or three rooms nr. furnished, with water, liehts anrl gas connections; $18 per month. Ap- P'y u JbJ. xentn St. 31-3t FOR RENT Nice, comfortable bed room near -bath, furnace heat also garage. Phone 3494-J. 3l-tf FOR RENT Large front, first floor room adjoining living room, three large windows. Apply 404 E. Avenue. Phone 499-J. . 31-2t FOR RENT Two rooms for light nousetceepmg. fhone 2042-T. ;?l-3t FOR RENT Furnished room, close in. prefer one o- two gentlemen. Phone 4948-J. 10-81-tf FOR RENT Large garage, in excel lent condition,, fot- winter. Situated on Far It : drive, near Fox street Phone 4oll-L2. . 10-;l0-i FOR RENT Nicely furnished f urnace- r.eaiea room, private - family, refer ence required. Phone 4299-W. 31-7t FOR RENT Two furnished room's for , ngnt nousekeeping, near the square Phone 2880-W. . 30-tf FOR RENT Sunny front room with board in . refined .. home to business couple or business girls, furnace heat, all-conveniences, good location. - Phone 3601-W. sn.ii FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms lo coupie wunout children. Phone 2357-W. 30- FOR RENT Attractive room, private family, hot and . cold running wats-..- in room, connecting bath, steam heat, ouMueui. jrnone naZrj. 29-tf FOR RENT Neatly furnished bed room, -rnqne 2539-VVr. 29-tf run iti-To couple or gentlemen', furnished room in private home board ifAdesii-ed. Phone 1954-W ' 27-tf FOR RENT One - nicely furnished ".""'! ouiwuie tur one or two gentle men, all conveniences; 223 S. Cedar pnone z-ioe-j. o7.rf FURNISHED ROOM, Fourth ward. riiune . 25-tf FOR RENT Large furnished room" modern conveniences, private home ?ierIft-" 312 N Brevard. Phone FOR RENT Three furnished rooms i.v.i "61h iiuusejteepmg. Phone 2959-J. FOR RENT Extra nice room, cloS in. f iiwie ax or 3318. 13-tf FOR RENT Two nice offices, also few jute luuiua io young men; 11 s Church. . ' , io. FOR RENT Nice rc adjoining bath, hot and cold - - - WHO below Southern" station, two srentle men. 13 Sfl Cedar. - I2.ft FOR RENT Office htillriino. on ' well located. J. ? H. McAden. Phone J!iL a-tf FOR RENT Five-room apartments; immaueu 'ana uniurnisheo, steam heat. 8 W. Seventh. , - Is-Vf FORRE,NT Twofurnished rooms, 307 ; im . i rvnn sir , . - i.a-tr FIRST CLASS board can be secured o-t, iu x-i. avo. rnone iio33-lj2. 29-tf FOR RENT-r-Offlcft rm nn t Apply Merton C. Propst, 28 w. Fifth FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 100-ACRE FARM, only 5 miles from courthouse, Charlotte. On macadam road and near' school, chruch and railway station. Has splendid six room home. 2 tenant houses, barn, etc. MYERS PARK HOX'E, 8 rooms, large lot. We can sell at very low price. Very desirable. See this. y YERS PARK BUNGALOW, 6 rooms, furnace heat, oak floors. Only $7500. PIEDMONT, 7-room home, furhact? heat oak floors, at $7800. CRAIG-LITTLE REALTY & INSUR- ANCE CO. Phone 1436. 2-2t FOR SALE. 7-room cottage, North College street, paved street, corner lot, good neigh borhood. A-l condition. Lot 100x300. Price $11,000. Can give good terms. 5- room bungalow, Elizabeth section, splendid neighborhood, lot 60x157 lms. fruit trees and splendid grape arbor. Price $6000. C-roorh new bungalow, Vail avenue, has hardwood floors, abundance of. closet room, large bath, house on shady side of street. Price $6750. 6- room bungalow, Elizabeth section, one block off carline, shacy side of street. This home - is new, has hardwood floors, tile bath, tile kitchen, and is in A-l neighborhood. Price $7500. . One lot, Park Drive, in Elizabeth.. Price $1650. One lot, Vail avenue, -corner. Price $1100. ... LEE KINNEY. PHONE 37S3 2-5 1 BEAUTIFUL HOME, 9 rooms, perfect appointments and con dition, E. Boulevard ,for sale. Alexanders, F. D.-Thos. L. 2-lt FOR SALE Or- exchange for city property by owner, 113-acre farm near Steel Creek church. Building, plc-nty timber and well watered. Price $4500. H. H. Rhyne, Route 11, Box ,47, Charlotte. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, modern through out, just completed, paved street, half block from car, Elizabeth sec tion 3 hardwood floors, beautiful lot, flne location, immediate posses sion; $1250 cash, balance ea"sy. "To see it is to want it." M. & M. Realty Co.. 4062. 31-2t-eod 10-ROOM BRICK HOME, all conven iences, No. 4 West Tenth avenue. Fine place to live or can be con verted to splendid apartment. Price , right. Terms. M. & M. Realty Co., 4062. - " 31-2t-eod IDEAL 5-room bungalow? West Trade street (close to depot), all .floors hardwood, basement heat , in each room, beautiful inside' finish, large corner lot, fruit, garage, etc., paved street paid, quick possession. M. & M. Realty Co., 4062. 31-2t-eod TEN ROOMS, two apartment house, modern, 6 blocks from square, good location, shady sitie. Rents for $115 per month. Price ?i,500, half cash, balance easy. - Call M. & M. - Realty Co., 4062. 31-2t-eod 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE one block Central Ave., East Charlotte, shady side, large lot, garden, fruits, garage etc. Price $4000. Terms. Bar gain for somebody. M. & M. Realty Co., 4062. 31-2t-eod FOR SALE STY.rcrwu hoh'- STATESVILLE AVENUE; PRICE RIGHT, TERMS EASY; REASON ABLE CASH PAYMENT. FOR SALE SEVEN-ROOM HOME: LOCATED IN THE BERT SRPTTnV OF NORTH CHARLOTTE. YOU CAN KUY THIS RIGHT IF YOU ACT QUICK. FOR SALE PARKWAY DRIVE. SIX ROOMS. A REAL BARGAIN, EASY TERMS; A LITTLE CASH. SEE US QUICK. FOR SALE VACANT LOTS. . WE HAVE THEM. PRTCTC fTTTT TM HALF. SEEING IS BELIEVING. ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN AND FOR SALE- DTT,W(TRTTT - ST7!irw?r ROOMS, FURNACE HEAT. ' THE JST BUY IN DILWORTH TODAY; xniKMS -UASY. YOUR . BEST BET SEE IT. PRICE aT OFFICS. ' REALTY IMPROVEMENT CORP. - - PHONE 4286. , 31-3'eod HAVE ELEGANT 8-room home, North oiiege &t. iot water heat, all con veniences, fine location and neighbor hood. -rice right, call M. & M. Realty Co., 4062. i-2t PLAZA LOTS Plaza Lots Plaza Lots We have about 40 to vv ater, lights, gaa, sewer,: street pave- ment paid on part of them; $750 to i&uo. Terms if wanted. M. & M Realty Co., 4062. - i-2t FIVE-ROOM HOT7S5R. r f ouu)7 large lot, 3 minutes walk from . car ai JbaKewood. Price $3250; $750 cash, B. & L. balance. Will take good auiomooue part payment. M. & M realty jo., 4062. i.2t WILL EXCHANGE splendid 7-room home located on large lot in Thom asboro, about 200 vards from for good five or seven passenger auiumumie, pany paying dirterence. For details call M. & M. Realty Co;; FOR SALE One 4-room bungalow, newly painted inside and out, corner line iaau 960V casn, balance montn. ;an Merton Propst. Phone 2122. 34 LOST OR FOUND $5.00 REWARD for return of large tiger cat strayed from 210 Providence Road. ' .-o-. LOST Or stolen, male hnii-mm suit able reward will be given if re- i-uiaeu io,yu2 queens Road, Myer Park, or phone -1950-J. 2 if LOST Male Aireda brass studded collar on. Answer to &port. Children's pet. Call 2631-J or 1 i. uavidson. i.?t LOST One gasoline tank wagon hose between 28th street and Gulf Refin ing Co. Liberal reward. Gulf Refin- J'S " -"-St LOST YOUNG i. i .VJAlj SATURDAY .NIGHT WHITE WITH ONE OR TWO SMALL LIVER SPOTS. WILL PAY REASONABLE REWARD FOR RE TURN TO 42 EAST TRADE OR PHONE A. M. RUSH, 1609. 31-3t LOST Female hound dog. White with Drown ears; $5.00 reward for return Phone 2758-W. 90 W . M. BELL, Notary Public, front of fice Charlotte News. Can- be found most any hour to 8 p. m. 9-tf FOR SALELIVE STOCK FOR SALE a beef cow; 36. E. Short t5L. FOR SALE K-mtr a peuigreea , mother bred to large, handsome Collie. , Males. $10 00 females $6.00. Beauties. Ready " to SlpCr?son Kerley, Route 5, Box J-ayiorsviue, JN. C. 2-lt FOR SALE One extra good opossum , u. riiune 1062.- ' l-5t AUTOMOBILES I OR , SALE One Ford sedan, 1921 model, cheap-for quick buyer. Phone 2542. - ' 2-4t FOR SALE Ford roadster, new paint, new guaranteed tires, ' looks better than new. Address Ford, Box 123S. or phone 3023-W. 2-4t.no.sat WE' WORK while you sleep at the same price. "Nut Sed." Day and Night Garage, , 720 S. Mint St. Phone 2303. '2-3t FOR . SALE Or exchange practically new Ford touring car for small farm close . in or rental property. Address "K." care News. 1-tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR PIANO, OAKLAND AUTOMOBILE 1919 MODEL. CAN BE SEEN 'AT 707 N. PINE ST. l-2t FOR SALE One 1920 model Chandler. Wire wheels. Bargain. J. H. Simpson, Hunter-House Cigar Store. 31-3t FORD cut down, first, class condition, with fenders top tnd wind shield. Price $150. Can be seen after 4 o'clock at 8 Graham Ave. 31-2t FOR SALE One 1918 four-cylinder Buick touring car, -$275. One Fud roadster, $150. Call 265-W. 31-'Jt FOR SALE Briscoe touring car, in good condition-, a real bargain for $200. J. C. Eatman, phone 1303-W. 31-4t SPECIAL PRICES ON THESE CARS CADILLAC TOURING, BRISCOE TON TRUCK, TWO BRISCOE TOUR ING CARS. J. H. HAM, Briscoe Distributor Phone 352 403 North Tryon St. . 31-3t FOR SALE Studebaker ,Big Six., Ai ply 1007 S. Graham St. 30-7t BARGAINS in used cars. Used parts for practcially all makes of cars. V. M. Stine, 29 S. Tryon St. 20-tf WANTED Automobiles to sell on 5 per cent commission. Address H. E., care News. 18-tf ' BARGAINS ; ' We have several very good used cars that can be bought right and on easy terms. USED CAR EXCHANGE, 505 South Tryon. Next to Catholic Church. 9-tf RENT A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U-DRIVE-UM CO., 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 1270 15-tf BARGAINS IN USED CARS More than 20 used automobiles . different models $200.00 and up. Apply Sehorn and Hipi, 211 N; College St, Phone 4050. 7-tf Stag Brand Paints One gallon makes two Whitlow's, 11 S. Poplar St. 30-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Two rooms furnished or unfurnished, near Southern station. CalI- 2326-W. - ' - 2-2t FOR RENT Suite of two offices with every" convenience. " Lee Kinney. Phone 3783. 2-5t FOR RENT One large front room . may .be used for light housekeeping, connecting bath; ,307 N". College. 2-tf FOR RENT Nice bedroom to two young ladies, close in, board consid ered. Phone 1318-J. - 2-tf TWO YOUNG LADIES or traveling man and wife desiring nicely furnish ed room phone 3485-J. 2-3t ATTRACTIVELY furnished front room to couple or business girls,. breakfast if desired.. Phone 4320-J. 2-tf-eod FOR RENT Furnace . heated room in 'private home, every., convenience. Phone 3796-J. 2-2t FOR JiENT Two . unfurnished . rooms and kitchenette, close in, references exchanged. Phone ' 1959-W. 1-tf FOR RENT Two nice bedrooms with board, ladies or gentlemen. Phor.e 2573-J. i-tf FOR RENT One. nicelv furnished bed room within ; walking distance of square, rent very reasonable; 607 S. Tryon St. , i-tf FOR RENT Storerooms 29-33 West 4th Street, adjoining unamber of Commerce. W. F. Dowd, Jr. l-6t FURNISHED ROOM with board, con necting bath, private home, all mnrl em conveniences. Phone 4469-J. l-i f FOR RENT One furnished bedroom with meals. Phone 1059-J. l-tf FOR RENT Five-room practically pew Dungaiow, waier,. ngnts, sewer, im- meaiate possession. M. & M. Realty FOR RENT Rooms for light house- Keeping at 608 East Fifth. Phone 3529-W. , - i FOUR ROOMS unfurnished, entire, im stairs with private- bath, water, lights, telephone, also on, fn front , room downstairs, conveniently icuaLeq oeiween soutnern station and postoffice. Phone 3194-J. l-4t FOR RENT Nicelv furnisViH tv,WJ room, apartment, $35 per month; 10 S. Caldwell. - - V7t FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms iur iiouseKeeping. use of reception hall;. sink- in kitchen.. Apply -315 w Palmer . St C ; ' WANTED-POSITION COLORED GIRL wishes position aa iiuuse worn. JMUst sleep on place. Phone 3601-W. ; . . 2-'it VOUNG MAN, aged 23, desires- position ...it uiuue, a,ve naa several years office experience, am typist. Can fur nish good references. Will consider anything. Address W. E. C, care News.: : f . ' . ? WANTED-By trained nurse materr" -- ...H.k. ucuik ume and eo to and - from to look after mother "lis very ;aSnr WANTED-Position 6y. young lady k Sten6eranht' rr' " lS.1tv rb t , -. fswiciaj umce Work Wouldonsider 'other 'kinS" of ?Srk' MISCELLANEOUS OLD RELIABLE, fire tested In surance by modern system. Alexander's. - ,: 1 '2-lt COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON Delivered Phone 2271 2-3t Stag Brand Paints " -One gallon makes two Whitlow's, U S Poplar: St. - 30-tf J. LEE PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. Office with J. W. Cobb.N Phone 36961 a.- -.. 8-tf-ead WALLPAPER Whitlow's, 11 S. Poplar St: 30-tf THE OFFICE of the Associated Chari 'ties is now located at . 322 , .North Tryon St.. having moved from the Citv Auditorium. Phone 1502. 27-f WALL PAPER, PAINTS Call and see our new line of Wall Paper and let : us talk to you about your painting Jand papering. ' . WHITLOW PAINT AND PAPER CO. 11 S. Poplar SUf;,V Phone 3634. ' 30-tf FREE TO MEN A fine -razor hone, shaving stick, bot3e of toilet water or : razor strop with each purchase or one of the following high-quality razors: "Blue Ribbon," "Hunter," "Our Best" or "Blue Steel." Conner & Walters Company, Barbers' Sup ply House, 10 S. Poplar St. 29-tf D. O. MIMS Paper Hanger and Decorator Phone 3634. 11 S. Poplar 16-tf WARREN TRANSFER CO. "We, Move Things." ; ' jccal and Long Distance Moving, Pack- ins. Storins. We may not save' you money, but We save your furniture. Phone 1166. 1102 North Caldwell St. ' WALLPAPER" Whitlow's, 11 S. Poplar St. I . 30-tf EXCLUSIVE DEALERS for Edison-Dick Mimeographs and Supplies. . CRAYTON COMPANY 291a Si Tryon St. Phone 304 30-tf WALL PAPER HANGING, house painting. Call J. M. M,use. Phone 423-L2- f, ' 9-tf NOTICE All delinquents will take notice that State and County taxes are due r and must be paid immediately , or costs will be added and pro ceedings started to collect. Please make immediate pay ments. W. O. Cochran, Sheriff. A 13-tf rlAWO TUNING W. E. Senn. Chaiv lotte, N. C. Phone 2335-L-3. 10-1 2-tf NEW MATTRESSES mads, out of your Qa ones. Renovated. Nw ticks. It pays. It rids you of vermin. Cal! 1588-J for particulars. Lawing's Mattress Factory, 212 North. Long St. - 28-tf ADVERTISE IT IN TAMPA If you want to buy, sell, or exchange, adver tise your wares in Tampa and South Florida one of the most prosperous regions of today. Always use Times Want Ads. Largest Tampa circula tion and largest daily ' average want ad lineage of any Florida iape" guaranteed to all advertisers. Regu lar rate one cent per word; monthly rates on application. Inquiries cheer fully answered. Address The Tampa Daily Times, Tampa, Fla. 10-5-30t WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Men's clothing -you have laid aside. 1 can -use-them." Also hats and shirts. Call 1371.4 7 - 2-3t WANTED Complete' fixtures arid equipment for drug- stores Economy. care News ' - :il't '-' '- "- 2-7t WANTED Carpenter wprk-v all:? .kinda; joos large or small. Call-4;0: - 2-3t WANTED Light delivery Wagon with top. -Jr-none 673-j. zA ; it WANTED Bicycle. Must be in good conaiti.on. see Manager, H. Kress go- " " " V l-tf WATED-Tp v. build .ypur garage, j Phone '4227. ' ' -tf j WANTED To' put;your f urniace in good: order, inspect ypur uesaffl prevent fires; Stmiige & Jrady. JPhio3W9. 313tf. WANTED Men- with hara beards'- t ivtiuw we are giving a nne razor hone Shavine Stiok Knttla , .www.v. vt luticL vvatri Xrrastropr witft tKapurcTwsf i ' . one : ofs the? following : hiqtialitvraV .. "luuui jnunter, ' Our Best," or "Blue Steel.". Conner & ' Walters Company, Barbers' Supplv fiuuse, iv a. opiar St. 29-tf CASH PAID for second hand standard Xr writers. Aaaress L," care CARPiuiM TjiR repair work dope, larg4 ;'Or small iobs. All ,7!..' AO-LI -Call phone 554. 21 -it -Sid naflrS make your- mattressea PS to order. Matiresses reno "fr box sPrjnSs repaired, feather mttTr,ess.eLmade- Hailey-Howard Co. o aaat j.raae. Phone 3446. 22-tf vxu xour repair work on .'HZ' Phne 2542 fr Prompt atten- THE NEW QUEEN CITY HOTEL k ow open for business, having been , njshed with new furnishings through-' .out Rooms by day, week or month ..Rates reasonable. B. A. joi . onPe, two tbou- sand dollars' worth slightly used .furniture, stoves and 'heatera Pu jmont furniture Co. pSone 4344 16-20t "W'rL "ure. Phone 44al "Wtll BU IS. ff SfANTKJj- your. tf - ,cfy, rB);u, ruuu'' caisomim JKi.if?SShta? floors- J- S. McCall. IT MATTERS NOt Where the prices of shoes may go we are always on the job prepared to save our customers from One to Five Dollars a pair. Those who have tried us knowrand others can if they will. Will you? TRUE SAMPLE SHOE STORE 32 E. Trade St . Charlotte, N. C. . FOR SALE FOR SALE At bargain, cook stove, VtuV-ria -nrnnA Phonft 3905-J. 2-St uui no , v. - - - FOR SALE Nice- go-cart good , as r.or first S5.00 this afternoon get Vhnna 1 31 S..T. 2-tf FOR SALE ENTIRE FURNISHINGS OF A FIVE-ROOM VAPAKTMJN i MUST BE SOLD. AT ONCE! PHONE 2885. 2-lt FOR SALE Parisian art needles; 208 W. Fourth. Phone 1145-J. ' z-n FOR SALE Brand new colonial sty ie bed spread and bolster, ' hand: made --7i0tlr-i7nge.; Price- $2&.. Call- for Mie Thompson' 3630-W after 4 p. m. ... z-3t-wed-thur-sun fOR SALE Base burner. Phone 4045-J; KOS Tremont Ave. 2-tf NTED Someone who wishes to in t $1000 in a beautirui vaiuaDit .nond rine. One of the safest, a id most useful investments. Address ARC. rare News. - . 2-tf FOR : ALE Highest grade , metal and roof paints. Red or green,, one and five gallon cans, at less than wholesale prices to reduce Charlotte . stock. Will . ".contract to. paint roofs . j .or other metaV suf races.- Satisfaction guaranteed. Also small stock othvr . high grade paints cheap. K. Gallo way Ross. Phone 1248-J. 2-3t FOR SALE Three-piece overstuffed tapestry living room suite m perfect condition at bargain. Telephone 3972-.T. 2-tf SPECIAL DEEP WAGON beds for cot ton. Studebaker & Birdsell, 26 inches deep. Fit any make wide track wag on. $27.50. Write for special cut prices on. all leading makes buggies and . wagons. Sehorn & Hipp, Char lotte, N. C. Southern distributors. - 10-5-7t-wed only FOR SALE One 3-piece genuine wal nut bedroom suit. Practically new. Will sell cheap. Phone Mrs. Mulwea, - 2886.- v " . .. . - i-tf FOR SALE Three-piece living room suite of mahogany, salid mahogany gate leg table, two mahogany straight chairs, one small wardrobe trunk, very cheap. Call 2036. ---1-St FOR. SALE Sewing machine and 13 Columbia records at half price; 513 W. Seventh. l-2t FOR SALE Practically new Coles Hot Blast Stove. Phone 4977. v i2t FOR SALE One-Dlebold office safe, good as new', inside measurements 26x18. -Can bp seen arVSfl Rasf JTnnrth ? St. Phone 2641. : v .l-3t FOR SALE Small manufantnH iness. Will take car or - real estate as part payment. P. O. Box 785. : 31-7t FOR SALE Bicycle, good as new-, tun about 25 miles for quick sale. Phone 1228 after 2:30 p. m. 27-tf AUCTION SALE. Large stock ; of Men's Women's arfd Children's : Shoes of Burt Shoe - Com pany, Bankrupt will be sold in Jcmlk to the highest bidder at Public Auc tion,, for cash, at No. 16 East Trade street; Charlotte, N. C, Saturday, November 5th, 1921, at 2 -o'clock P. M., "subject to confirmation 'by' the court. Lease to purchaser if wanted. FRANK H. KENNEDY, 30-6t . Trnstpp JUST .RECEIVED New shipment of army breakfast bacon, roast beei, corned beef, raincoats, army shoes, officers' . shoes. . blankets, etc. The Army Salvage Co., No. 2 North Tryoi: St., over Liggett's Drug Store, and new ground floor store " at No. 9 S . - Church: ' : . 20-tf COAL WIGGINS FUEL CO. Our Motto: QUALITY SERVICE East Bland and Railroad Phone 1216 19-tf FOR SALE Furniture In seven-room V house,' . all. or ' anv nart. ssuo-v.1-rr v;used, ; all-good quality: Also player " : piano and .Edisnn;v PboW 9Qc.Ttr -. . ' . w vwv TV 27-6t FOR SALE 80 beef cattle, fattened on veivet neang.-peas, soy beans. B. P. Gibbs, Huger; C. , : 26-7t t FOR SALT? .. ':' ' OtJR'::"SERVIC to reDair vour roof nr riiffoi.a ' Also to paint them? Satisfaction :STRNGE BRADYJf ; rnone 3149 v..." ... ; : ;-":-;":' 7-tf WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH FOR TY THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH pF,PROPERTY .FOJRN-VESMENT PRICE" .MITST'BE RIGHT.; , Ali DRESS "INVESTMENT," CARE CHARLOTTE NEWS. i. WANTED 20 acres of farm knd uinoer iana on easy paying terms Not over 7 miles out. Address Land care News. , . j SANITARY QUALITY AND SERVICE NEW GOODS COMING IN EVERY DAY. . Canned goods of all kinds, nice laree flou? KeSCa&anCake and Swheft hom;roF abin -syrup' Pure honey. tn made Sorsum' fresh celery, let tuce, tomatoes mustard and turnm greens snap beans, sweet and Irish potatoes, Ward's and Corby's cake app es, oranges, bananas, grapefruit' BS2 crey butterl, frlKunl Vn T.tUtter V?.Stx eand,chickeni PHONE 4431. ; Watts Grocery Co. COMING CONFERENCE (Continued from Page One.) England wanted something (ion about Far' Eastern problems, she vn anxious that a graceful way be foun., to lead her out of the dilemma in con nection with the renewal of the Ansl.. Japanese alliance. The alliance, it had been decided, would remain in effect for at least another year, or even mor unless specifically abrogated. What more natural thing than -have Prime Minister Lloyd-George o Lord- Curzon, foreign . secretary. pjf down with. Ambassador Harvey and sav something like this to him: "Why call a conference on armament when we know that we can't reduce our navies till. there is an agreement 01 diplomatic questions especially in tlt Far East?" - - ; To- which Artbasador Harvey might with propriety have said: "That's very true, we too are con cerned with what happens in the Paci ficmany of our own people are openly saying the next war will be with Ja pan. We would like to see Far Eastern questions settled so that American bus iness entemrise will have ATI Anna 1 rm. .portunity alongside Japanese, British or irencn Dusmess as tne case mav be." . . And the British statesmen might have continued thus: "Fine, if the President of the United States calls a conference on armament, and there is a discussion of Far East ern questions in connection with it, ve wil not object. The initiative will come from the United States and we will not be in the position of offending Ja pan." THE CALL ISSUED. So President Harding issued the call. Curiously enough the publicity was somewhat bungled, that is from the European viewpoint something that doesn't hapen often. Beofre the for mal call was. issued by President Hard ing two days to be exact Prime Min ister Lloyd-George almost let the cat out of the bag by referring mysterious ly to a diplomatic note which had been sent to the Powers and to which re plies were expected before the next move- in the Anglo-Japanese situation could .be discussed. It had been hoped that informal soundings might develop whether J-pan would come into such a conference and then formal announce ment would b'e made. But it didn't work out that way. Mr. Harding issued the call and gave the facts at once to the press. Japan might have been i debating stil whether to en ter an international conference on Far Eastern questions if the discussion had been - kept . secret.; With invitations is sued to the major Powers of the World. Japan could not afford to quibble and hesitate. She was compelled hv world opinion to enter the conference. meanwhile, Prime Minister Llovd George went outi of his way to laud the "initiative" of President HVirrHnr on Premier Briand said the same thin in tne .p rencn parliament, all of which was designed to remove any suspicion 1hat the British were trviner to start a woriri parley which would do away with the Anglo-Japanese alliance. Yet this is the cold ..fact. Sooner or later Japan wil realize that when Amer ica projected Far Eastern questions in the conference on limitation of arma ments, that act ff-alpd the - - -wv.ax ui 1.1 iv AngloJapanese alliance, though it might weiivpe saia tnat Canada and Australia had alreadv marto it i . ii uwiurc iui ijin British government to . keep the pact much 'lona-er. , . . IU.ny.ev.enC .the4ssuance of the call ior a conierence on . Far Eastern ques tions.:, simply ret ived- th wfin1"- troversy which, has been intermittently K.VW.V..U15. uuivyt-jii cnij.nceiieries lor inore; .thari two- decades,' ever since Sot retary John - Hay tried -to . establish the "open, door" policy and ever - since i he Shantung -dispute . at the -Paris confer ence gave China on ith . chance to lay . her "case conspieuouslv before the world while Japan! stood off and made, plans to take, advantage of the distin testation ' nf n and the .Siberian debacle. 15KUKKK IS ARRFSTF.n I AS ROBBERY SUSPECT New York. Nov. tnTf ct ----- - WlUt V ' k" ornce insDectors p.nMCArt i down; the automobile bandits, who rui bed a postoffice truck of nearly $1,50' X)00 a week ago, were working'on .a nev iway aner me arrest lasti night i'f a .man who said he was n Mange, a, Broker. . v---.' - De, Mange, who is charged.:wfth im plication Jln the rohhrv .ni4.-...i when he heard he. was he;n .-Frank Ha vranck. driver of the true1 tajieq ,10 jaentity De Mange as one of the .bolduo men when hA w ni,4 4n a police- line up. De Mange claims ie- MUia''Ve oi xne roDcery.- Police admitted they had no direct evidence against him. CITY OF HARLOTTE BULLETIN We call your attention to your City License Tags. We have now a list of all owners of cars in the city and will be able to check against your car if you have not purchased a tag. 813 E... Seventh Sfc. 1

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