1 1 1 in tres v . crrr I: FOCUS TURNED ON CANCER WEEK Dr. A. J. Crowell Making Preparations for Demon stration Here. preparations are being made for a I, m nstration in Charlotte this week :71firr the direction of Dr. A. J. :-,.vrU. who has been appointed t,u-1i;K-oi- for activities in this section. r - R Cancer Week by the American n - i ty for the contrji of cancer. Literature of various descriptions crHincr the public's attention to means combatting this dangerous disease be distributed and talks to sev organizations throughout the city expected to be made by physi , . -s. It is hoped to acquaint the , ic this week with information tend--l. to assist in regulating the rav- ..vi s of this disease Cancer can be cured it is authori : lively declared, if tho patient obtains f itment before it has 'gained f.o -r-at a start. The physicians through- i.; the entire country, according to ,'orts. have signified their intention co-operating in every way with .in- national organization for cancer I'.-fvontion. Tt is stated that "during the recent ,.r the I'nited States lost 80.000 men. v i.ile during the same period in this if 11 try 180.000 people died of cancer, .'.nicer is killing one out of every ten ersons over 40 years of age. Heredity has nothing to do with .mincer, nor is it a communicable iisease. It begins as a small local growth which can be entirely remove..; in- competent surgical treatment at the ?iart. The common belief that cancer is a hopeless disease is partly due to the fact that- cases of successful ?atment are often concealed while successful treatments are apt to be- me common knowledge. The American society for the pre- rention of cancer is a league enlisting, hi- principal agencies and individuals !.i ughout the country in an effort .to ;ake headway against the disease. THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, MUTT AND JEFF CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 2, 1921. 13 MUTT SLIPS JEFF A JUST REWARD. By BUD FISHEF ELI t TED TO LAN IKK. Asheville. Nov. 2. Dr. Talmadge nernethy. pastor of the First Chris ian church here, has been elected u . ector of Lanier University, Atlanta. Before accepting the place he will :.vestigate the connection the institu ;on has with the Ku Klux Klan, he ..ill today. Dr. Abernethy said he v?.- not a member of the Klan. Is That Cold and Cough Hanging On? YOU will be convinced that Dr. King's New Discovery does just what it is meant to do soothes cough raw throats, congestion-tormented chests, loosens the phlegm pack and breaks the obstinate cold and gvfppe attack, relieves the congestion in the head. No harmful drugs, therefore good for children as well as grownups. Right away you will notice the change for the better. Has a con vincing, healing taste that you will appreciate. Buy a bottle at any drug gists on the way home to-night, 60c. Dr. King's New Discovery For Colds and Coughs Lazy People, Lazy Bowels. Don't neglect constipation. It undermines the health, takes all vim out of IMM1 Tv nnr'c Ptfo wrJIt t ri i-mt a the system, stir up the liver,' move the bowels. All druggists, 25c. D PROMPT! WON'T GRJPE r. Kind's Pills FiKie, mutt! AS LUCK WQULl HAe T X WAS HcRe- UJHfvJ TH6 FIRS STARTCD Oft Voofr House How liiii TAel LAMP A,Wb Efco?peb LAMP THe FlPC House IN NO TIM.C AT ALC; I frZn .. irvr-v '" "i 7 it-. hi , . . mt L i r k s i Ti U 6Reer,NGs, 4: ) pINe, mutt! ( as luck wquu HAve) II -m. . rjui HPICK. J- I I -Vm I EftD TAKlUa I . , ., r. I 1 -..-. I 111 SMU A & ITV ITS.QQC TV I m S'MATTER POP? BEAUTIFUL THOUGHT, BUT THERE WAS A CATCH IN IT! By C. M. PAYNE Come. ans Iisse TO T-H$ T5tAUTlUL T-Hout4f ISCAUTIFUL. TtOUfcrtT t U c, T5i?icifs on TtA-T 15 1 6 Tov6rt AN' g -Hc Coul-n; (Copyright 1921 by Tht Beli Syndtcat Inc.) 5f- History's Mysteries No. 86 The Riddle of the Casket Letter. Copyrtjnr, 1921, by The Whee;er Syndicate, inc. One of the most trasric and pitiable figures of history. Mary Stuart, Do wager Queen of the French and reign ing Queen of Scotland, Is suriounded by much that is strange and mysterious particularly in the events which marked the closing days of her career, for it is here that historians corae up against the blank wall of the prob lem of tht? "casket letters," one" of the unsolved riddles of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Mary Stuart was only 19 when, heed ing the pleas of her people, she sailed from France a:nd returned to Scotland after the death of her French husband. Hardly had she landed, before her in sistance upon adhering to Catholicism Wanted 5 lore Men with investment and services to complete our ini tial organization. We have a variety of positions open to those who can make investment. Won derful opportunity to" make permanent connec tion with a live progressive Rubber organiza tion. We have about twenty more carloads ma chinery now being unloaded, and expect to get into production on Tires and Tubes at a very early date. . ' The Paul Rubber Company Salisbury, N. C. description by radio. .sheville, Nov, 2. The first descrip tion of a man wanted by the police ever sent out in the South by a private radio station to land stations was sent from a radio -"plant here last night. The message contained a seven;y-wjr3 description of Fred Sluder. formerly chief of a detective bureau here, want e on a charge of passing worthless checks. m n V V 0 LAS SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS THE SHOE WITH A WORLD WIDE REPUTATION. W. L. DOUOLAS shoes are famous the world over tor their genuine wearing worth and dependability. This does not mean that they are built for service more than looks; it means that they combine graceful lines, accurately proportioned lasts ud good workmanship, with those materials which alonestand up under everyday wear, r . Gtv l i l 1- an W, L. DOUCLA3 BOW JfHOCS b 1 WEAR UKEJRONJ NATHAN'S 33 East Trade Street. brought her into conflict with many of her own subjects., while the controversy with Queen Elizabeth over the succession to the British thrcrvs added additional fuel to the flames of dissension on both sides of the border. But the principal troubles of the young Queen were due to the efforts of her uncles to secure for her a sec ond husband, Lord Darnley, son of the Earl of Lennox, being finally selected for this honor. It did not take the i Queen long tv discover Darnley's true character and marital discord of the most intense nature ensued, culminat ing in the King's accusation that Mary had become enmeshed:' in an intrigue with David Rizzio, he secretary, and the assassination of the latter under tho very eyes of the Queen. The death of the young King follow ed shortly afterwards, under circum stances which pointed toward the com plicity of the Earl of Rpthwell, a close friend of the Queen, who, after being I tried and acquitted of the charge of j murder, carried Mary off to his castle" at Dunbar, where he married her a ! few days after securing a divorce from j his former wife. The storm of indigna-; tion to which this action gave rise was 1 so widespread and so intense that it became necessary for Mary to flee from Scotland and take refuge in England, where she sought the protection of Elizabeth, her cousin. The "Good Queen Bess," however, had by no means forgotten the efforts which Mary had previously made to secure her own throne and therefore ordered an investigation of the charges made by the Earl of Murray that Mary had been involved in the conspiracy to murder her second husband. Lord Darn ley. Here it is that the casket letters' make their appearance, for Murray in troduced as direct evidence of his ac cusation a silver casket which Alary had given to her first husband, the King of France, and had later present ed to Bothwell, containing, in the lat ter instance, a number of love letters and sonnets and two documents, one of which was supposed to have been in her own handwriting and the other to have been dictated by her. If the genuineness of these letters is not questioned, they form incontest ' able proof of the Queen's guHt in con , spiring against the life of her husband, as well as in acquiescing in the plot J by which Bothwell was to carry her I off to his mountain foftress. But the Queen of the Scots paid so little atten I tiou to this evidence, which she de clared was nothing more than a bare faced forgery, that she instructed her j counsellors to ignore it completely and ! to build her defense on other grounds. i The adherents of the Earl of Murray, illegitimate son of King James and therefore half-brother to Mary, main tained, on the other hand, that the in timacy of certain passages ' in the let ters and the great amount of detail which they contained was sufficient proof of their authenticity, despite the fact that they were couched in terms so vulgar and in. language so unschoot1" ed that it seemed impossible that the Queen could have written them. The combination of the casket let ters, the constant strear.i of under ground intrigue and the hatred of Elizabeth culminated in the sentenc ing of Mary to the scaffold but the casket letters vanished as mysteriously as thej had appeared and the que3 tion of whether or not they were gen uine has to be listed among the mys teries which surrounded the reign of the ill-fated Queen of the Scots. Girls! Girls!! Clear Your Skin With Coticura Sampls each (Some. Ointment, Talcum) af Cstlevr lAkr.triu,Ilwpt.X. lCalsn,XC. Sold everywhere. TRINITY CLUBS WILL HONOR ARMISTICE DAY The Men's Club and the Father and Sen Club of Trinity Methodist church, will celebrate Armistice night at the church with a program of their own. specially arranged for the occasion. There will be special music of several kinds, " including special numbers by the choir and a number of selections by the Biddle Quartet, which is cow posed of four splendid harmonizers. The new pastor, Rev. J. E. Abernathy who is to take the place of Rev. W. A. Jenkins at Trinity by appoint ment of the Western North Carolina conference, has already arrived. The two clubs will have as their guests for the evening a number of disabled soldiers from the Presbyterian hospital. CASCARFTS For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache. Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver The nicest cathartic-laxative in the world to physic your liver and bowels when you have Dizzq Headache, Colas. Biliousness, Indigestion, or Upset, Acid Stomach is candy-like "Cascarets." One or two tonight will empty your boweis, completely by morning, and you wll feel splendid. "The work while yoi sleep." Cascarets never stir you up or gripe like Salts, Pills. Calomel, or Oi. and they cost only ten cents a box. Children's love Cascarets tod.. Next: The Death of the Duchess of Praslin. Look Younger Care-worn, nerve-exhausted women need Bitro-Phosphate, a pure organic phosphate dispensed by Jas. P. Stowe & Co., that. New York and Paris physician J prescribe to increase weight and strength and to revive youthful looks and feelings. Office - desks, chairs, tables, filing devices and safes. The most complete stock in the Carolinas to choose from. Pound & Moore Co. Phone 4542. 23-tf Last Months Account Pay It NO W It Will Keep Your Credit Good and Make Your Account Desirable - The members of the Charlotte Merchants' Association are conducting an advertising campaign to educate slow-paying customers in the fairness and importance of paying bills promptly when due". Last month's account, per statement rendered on the 1st of this month, is due now. Whether you have paid such account or not, please read all this "ad." Your credit standing is based upon the promptness with which' you paynot upon your intention of pay ing or your ability to pay but the way you DO pay. Many persons have been negligent and indifferent in .the prompt payment of their bills, mainly because they do not realize the importance and fairness of being propmt. These people will respond to our explanation of the conditions which make necessary the enforcement of the prompt pay measure at the present time. There are others, however, who believe that because they eventually pay their bills, their accounts are desirable. They think a fancied superiority to ordinary mortals, because of prominence in busi ness or social circles, releases them from tHeir obligation of paying their debts promptly. Such people think that they can assume the prerogative of saying how and when they shall pay their bills. Some of them (it is known) because of poor management of their personal affairs, buy more than they can pay for. Putting off payment from month to month, meanwhile buying more, allows the total to become almost unpayable. . Then they become indignant at courteous requests for settlement. It is decidedly unpleasant for all con cerned. ' .-.,-- The prosperity of Charlotte, the prosperity of the State, the prosperity of the Nation depends, upon the prompt discharge of all obligations. Prompt payers will bring business back to normal and. start idle factories to runningMerchants cannot buy from jobbers and manufacturers unless they pay. Overdue book, accounts are not considered very highly by the merchant's banker. From now on all customers are expected to pay their accounts in full when due. If they do this their ac counts will be welcomed at all stores. If they do not, they will soon find their accounts are undesirable. Charlotte Merchant 's Association

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