THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 1921. , 15 LIVESTOCK COTTON CHAIN ARKET QUOTATIONS; FINANCIAL NEW TUB MOST COMPLETE MARKET ITAGB Pt BLISHED TUE v. ED1TED BT STUART P WEST To If Tears Itaascial Editor of Tk New York Uioft. -CURB BONDS STOCKS I GOOD FELLOWS INj I THEIR NEW HOME Features MADE BY MARK I By STUART P. WEST. I nw fnr WVioqt frvr fVin Staff Com upondnit of Tb !mm. cw low ior vv neat ior me copyright, io3i,b Pubiuhine co Year Also Made in the Day's Trading. Ky STl'AKT I WEST Muff Corri"tiMnIut of Tle Smvk, u-.i,tsl:. 1U21. l!V evs Publlhiiue Co. w ui street, jew iorK, jnov. . RETAIL STORKS. About a month ago Retail Stores stock was driven down in the face of a generally stead v market from arcund 53 to arottnd 48. It acted much the same -as it is doing now and there was the same discussion about the likelihood of the dividend ,v low for -the year also in -wheat was Riven out through the usual news agency channels, that the dividend .ung features in jne flnancial sit- the- six per cent was belnf earned full loaaj. ior uiB m a i and thit tharil wan lin..TMnn tn Hmhl ks became worth less than half a that it wuold be paid. Thereupon the : There was no fresh significance h ears were given a very sharp twist. w.. nememDer ne this ti-i trad r. COTTON MARKET STILL NERVOUS 1. Wall Street Grain Market Enthusiastic Meeting of Six Hundred in New Mu nicipal Building Todsy. New York, Nov. 2. Oil shares again copTrrleht, tOStf, by 3ifw mbltshlns Co. bullish Sentiment Attended by Uncertainty About Im mediate Future. - Rneeulative attention a the opening of today's stock market Chicatvo. Nov. 2. Wheat again broke o new levels today, prices being the mere wan By STUART Pi THST. Staff Correspondent of Tlie NeT. reneatinz their recent conflicting move- 1r rt rvnh'r. 1915 ments. Royal putcn, whose mergei h(.avv celling for eastern account and with Union Oil is expected to be rati- the -bulk cf this Whs In the way of fled todya. sustained an initial loss or i;auidation. Hedging pressure "through x -x-a r ii i' iT northwest nouses aiso exenuu & soon registered a similar decline. Do- rresstn Influence early In the session, mestic oils steadied and the nominal Local were Inclined to anticipate a dealings in rails, steels and equipments ,., A v.n-ht n the breaks, while Conyrlirlit, 1021. by Nevcn I'abliithing C were irregular. In the foreign ex- iT.v time May sold under 1.06, gool New York. Nov. 2. The oottort market change market German marks again eommisslon house buying developed, showed continued nervousness and trreg. became acutely weak, a bid price ol Much 0f this buying was for short ularity today. Expressions of bullish sen- 50. a new low record, being reported. acc0unt. recent sellers being inclined timent are still heard more or less eren- bower money rai jstueu i" i accent oroflts. The inability ol erally in, the trade. But they are invarla- late public interest m the siigntest Chlna to pay her i0t:t tended to em bly attended by uncertainty regarding the degree, trading fn,nSPfOfeni phasise the unsettled conditions in the more immediate course of the market and l" iLa ZTtZ nranciai world ana unaer we wvum- it is this uncertainty which is being sl'!niL,ul LtiiZr. 'ii-,r": stances there l a iac or connowes j .urXiiT ie . ..riT.i ii the constructive sxae oi uurwu been noted on Previous days nient is wary about allowing the bear : that it refues the reports that isr. propaganda now being circulated next indemnity payment is to be jn consequence of the cutting of off and it Atoo indicates that I pie-arptta u., atever bns'.s theie ma le foi the was evidently inspired, appeared this ry that Germany is negotiating for morning, in which it was figured out ;,i:cigu ..e,t.o.i.w.o uini tne new scales of cigarette prices promise an early result. meant a loss to Unitde Clear Stores he weakness m wheat was due. the of $1,300,000 a vear or $4 a share lie a.- yesetrday. to discouragement on the stock. This would make earn- 1 a a vesetnlav. to disco ,ner tne expuu "f"""'u- 1 lugs or not mufh more than $10 or the i.t main prop to th 'narltet through equivalent of $5 on Retail Stores. If ; -e summer month?, and its railing oft the new prices were extended to the a tl in th last week or so prov.-j whole territory covered by ,the -om- rlainly that estimates of the world s pany the loss would be twice as great, over-supply had not been exaggerated. rm the fare of these figures the $6 on Inasmuch as the marketing of wheat Retail Stores would look decidedlv in- has been unusually rapid and a secure, but again it is well to remem- smaller piv.porti.m than ordinarily now be- that in the past particular situ- vtinains unsold, tuo nredK m price.-, is ations in the tohacco companies have not so serious a matter as it wouid tttned out very different from the way h;ivo been two months ago. It does thn street was thinking and r.ot mean as muni iim irun nu- i :n ation an 1 sn far as concerns the buy ing rower or tne t A IFOH I PACKING. rin.nmes its 11 'heir maxi Reoent buyin In California Packing have already had tneir maximum nas been comlng. mainly from the Pa- -vpi essiu.i. .... . 'i -,, 1 cine coast. it is thee, ot course ("rnJe oil with toiiaj s additional n'l that , advance has now regained fully r,any's business and the fact that the .a!f of the entire ground lost from new frult crop has-already been dis i;isi vear s high to me extreme low nnccri nt at ccUcfoAt. Qv..i the summer of 13:1. Pennsylvania t) at the western buxers are aware of rude came down ft o:-.: 5f-10a ba-rel this, explains the quiet picking up of ;i 5-.-o; it IS OUl'K HOW to S4. UPOll tho stnnlr While n1ri HaKiliHo e market for tire tit shares the new r.?main about as they were at the ice raising did not have as much close of the company's fiscal year. -:tct as might have been expected. February 28 last, cash oh hand has ese stocks like Pacific Oil. California come up from $2,100,000 to $4,500,0C(-. ivtroleum and Texas Company went At the same time the whole of the ' -her at the Start. but Came back inventorv shrinlfncs Vin heon clisi.vl.A.-? :.,,er. The inference from this was California Packing alwavs has large : that the $4 figure is regarded as advances to make to fruit growers, high to last but rather that the H:ese constitute the seasonal borrow - :; uard movement in tne ons nas i mg which has to be done each year p.e so far that these stocks no longer The pealc of these advances wa re- - as responsive as they were to p( rted last month and it is expected : orable trade news. that the sums loaned to the growers There was again a vivid contrast will all ha naid off b- the close nt th r nveen the investment and specula- y?r. In 1920-1921 California backing - sections .or tne ,iarK.ei. j nis was oarr.ed $D a share on tha stock which t!ier day or Heavy trading and newipjivs $6. It is expected tnat the 1921 i prices throughout the bond list, 1 !22 results will be equally good, while a in stocks interest was ooviousiv in the meantime the irnasiiry condition toe wane. it may nave oeen tnat nas become much stronger. e series ot ineonc.usive nuctuations "Ugh which the stock market has .en passing tor tne last iew aajs. PURE OIL. , " :.-j .. .1, f.ooUnol. I ."Tiai lie ut.ciui.cuia im c wuio i iwiuiutu cvc. ir. abot m th. affairs of the Pure OH Com at it was toq dimcuit a game to h, h .. account for tne Nrrgeular, iv. But at an events ousiness u-u ,.- . . . j... Mr. t Vio A better milling demand for wneat was noted but nothing of interest ae- renectea in ine surrent nuctuat ons. xv. .a ---, - , d the oilg Motor sub8i due apparently to the fact that spot e- dja-r'iea and v gas shares also lm mana nas. oeen comparanveiy im.ei, iu nrflv.d. ii V. 7i-s. Wlnnine the middle of last month and apprehen- ' The ciosing was irregular. Govern- K-ired that railroads and elevators sion that if buyers continue to hold off t ranway and sume foreign bonds U,"- or. amAnt wherebv the South will gradually weaken. So wer firm to stronff. Sales aDDroxl-I i w f rht win h far there, does no tappear to have been mated 550,000 shares. shipped from the interior as is loaded any great pressure of spot offenngg, and QUj Qj terminals dally, while waiting for developments in that NEW YORK STOCK. LIST. Corn was only elitrntly depressed by direction the market seems very sensitive' Last Sale. tne break in wheat. There was a to comparatively small orders either way. AllisChalmers 33 1-2 little selling for northwest account and The opening today was steaay at an American Bee Sugart .. .. .. 21 i-s locals sola. mere was a goou ue- advance of 8 to 10 points, owing to rela- merican Can 28 1-3 mand for December around 46 cents tively steady, cables and over-night American Car & Foundry .... 129 34 from houss with cash connctions. Cash buving orders inspired by reports that the American Hide & Leather pfd 52 1-4 corn was in good demand with sales rallies of late yesterday have oeen start- American international uorp.. 00 i-J ior snipments larger, .neimuuia wcic ed bv the appearance of an increased American Locomotivei trade'demand below the 18 cent level. Sup- American Smelting &? Ref. . . . oort of that sort was not in evidence at American Sugar ... the opening tnis -morning nuwevei .ii-a 1 aiuci ian VrT p --"-- the market soon turned easier under I American r. & l. scattered southern selling, Wall Street American Tobacco Sec. .. . a?e creSl Copper 41 5-8 was unchanged. Shipping demand bet- of - yesterday,- appeared to De re-he-ji ub . Indies 28 7-8 Provisions were dull. Outsiders scld on this morning b-ueciu.e " 1 U1 La',' Halwin Locomotive .. .. January off to 18.03, or z& points nea iow- jjjj-imore & ohlo er and within 18 points of yeste rd y s Betbiehera steei "B" .. .. lowest. At this price the market . steadied Canadian pacic on buying, which some thought might Central Leather have been inspired by advance information Cnandier Motors of private ginning returns, ano me pru-t- Chesapeake & Ohio .... .. quickly rallied above last night s closing Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul . . quotations. This renectea no cuauge " 1 Chicago. K. 1. &fa the general average ot senunicni nu 1 jnino uopper ter the spurt of buying subsided, the I Colorado Fuel & Iron 91 I unchaneed to half cent higher. Re- 58 1-4 I ceiots were light. 53 5-8 1 Oats sold to new low levels on the 35 3-8 -cropjk Liquidation was general. Buying 108 1-2 power on the break was good, elevator interests picking Op much oats. Trade 78 7-8 was broader than before. Cash basis ... . . . 1 . . .-I - t wja still 1 rt T 1 . , , tincprr pn Tone ui liic xnai " v. j n i ivuuvio unnaront. I Crucible Steel- "x-x CHARLOTTE COTTON. Cuba Cane Sugar Erie 'Receipt, today. 32 bales at 18 c Genera Electric ... NEW YORK COTTON. . ""r Northern- Pfd New York. Nov. 2. tPri Q t Northern Gre trade interests had been niinoiS Central .... on tne Dreas oeiow i.ic -y.- - T,1,mration Coppe yesterday . ttm ma7ket Mer. lilaririe pfd Kcs.tterine demand in the cotton market roa. ctfs er at the opening today, som tv,;; was also " ternationai -aper sville & Nashville "e,"'"B MT;i0iv stf.a.dv Kcnnecott copper e ouymg on me tv" 1 T.riii showing ot tiiverpiiui anu K ' iix llint C"V' h..1V llTnl n.p were steady at an advance 10 i" Meican Petroleum Miami Copper Middle States Oil Mid vale Steel Missouri Pacic nn;tr.n all months except September, Which was 10 points lower. Thert wa?; renewed realizing ,and some - southern i: n.nnni 1S3S for January, now- t;iiiii6 a.ii.' . - - 1 s 09 Missouri racic ever, and the price eased off to 18.-- Central .... or 5 points net lower , Bhortly after N N R Hartfoi the call, alter wnicn 1 uu.i ..o - Norfolk & Western eular. Mucn 01 tne u 1 Ncrthern Pacic .... the way 01 ',"'" Oklahoma Pr .Tah'hl. Pan America do iron.1 i..v.., - , j .. 1 1. i .L. PStS. JjlVerDOUl Hia ncuiiv. " r-- 1 Dnr,r,..vlfn ! o less than the usual number of Vf.u..iiJui,r f" ...At , nT nn balance. New Orleans sold here -"" cvan.f duHng'tgreateJr"part o Usance which the stock is now enjoying and exporting inter" ,e Time tradinl was really dul?. There I was .announced only recent, hat it -onthsbade P w Oklahoma Prod. & ief. Pan American Petroleum $, 3-1 1 while nackers suDnorted the market. 36 7-8 I Cottonseed oil dull. Locals sold on 55 5-8 1 the break in New York while shorts 113 7-8 I covered 29 3-8 42 1-2 1 Chicago. Nov. 2. New low price rec 55 3-4 1 0ids for 1921 were reached today, the 23 3-8 market fallinsr still lower than the 32 3-4 1 ivel touched on yesterday's break of 25 3-4 I six cents. The opening, which varied 24 3-4 I from - unchanged figures to 1-8 cent x 1-3 1 lower, was toUowea by a material set 63 3-4 I hack. ; 7 3-41 Corn and oats were easier with 12 3-8 I wheat. Corn ooened. unchanged to 1-3 134 to 1-4 off, hardened a trifle and then 10 sagged. ' 31 1-8 Oats started 1-4 to 5-8 to 3-4 cent 72 3-ilower, and continued weak. 31 I Provisions were steady with hogs. 97 3-8 I Wheat closed unsettled at 1-8 cent 3o 1-2 net lower to 1-2 cent advance 50 1-2 Corn closed steady 1- 8to 1-4 to 3-8 53 1-2 1 cnet net higher. 22 1-2 106 CHICAGO CASH GRAIN. ms 1.8 I Cliieasro. Nov. 2. Wheat, o. $ rea n.i 1 in t-2. - 14 Corn, No. 2 mixed 46 1-4 to 46 1-2; 24 1-8 No. 2 yellow 46 3-4 to 4. 18 3-4 Oats, No. 2 white 8 3-4 to 3 1-i 71 3-4 No. 3 white 29 1-2 to 32. 13 y.g ' Rye, No.' 2, 76 to 77 1-4. 94 3-4 Barley nominal. 74 3.4 Timothyseed 4.50 to 5.50. 3 l-l Cloverseed 12.00 to V8.50. 46 Pork nominal. v 35 3.8 Lard 9.50. 57 5-15 Hibs 5.&0 to 7.09 futures" in the individual share move- Maxu held in sou hern Texas and that Sported k better spot demand in tPbeurgh & W ' Va 24 icnts Retail Stores ld saln on- he intPerior and there were reports of flf Ts 1-2 CHICAGO GRAIN ANO PROVISIONS, rhp talk that the present dividend "lans aireaaj are unaer way ior me higher basis in the soutnwest. p rr cq 5 d could not be earned at the reduce! building of big refinery on the Gulf coast Liverpool ables said liquidation had sVeei 50 Vhicago, Nov. 2. ices. JrtUDDer aro -o me tare oj. una pruuutuon anu yijjc been checked by small uueiuiBB I pr;.i rntr.h tr V arket were rather lines are in course of construction. Pure th(k south. A T,i hand. Corn Proa- Oil is a self-contained conupany of the The ifailure of demand to broaden ofl 2 ' f lai5 ,?on n i le ot cigarette price tire shares on the m rt. Ull tne Otner nanu, i.ui 11 riuj- uu ia a orii.-ujinciiiic-u tunaii) ui uw J ne tailUre Ol Qf manu iu uivjoviv... . cjrcia:r con ts. 1 oca t ola. Kresge and' one or type 01 texas tompnay, aunougn not on earlv rallies was evinemiy u. "U1':"ul nnthpm pfl-i 1 1 i ... r . 1 , . i . . , . 1 1 . 1 1. .. ii mi 1 n n 1 - ....... . . . - 1 . . -.tMor .snpi'ia 1 v. pre mil n l. n i riii-ii ;a. lartrp sr.a if, it nroni cps lis own on. i ootimont rn rprpni tuvri? iivi n,. . . . . , r- i , ..... . 1 ' ' 1 . - 1 ' 1 ti ... v , . . - - 1 . . . .. , , nrn n.n iiwhv .... 10 market did not react to good news refines it and then markets it through I was another flurry ot liquidation qui - 1 gtandard oil oflt. J., pfd m the shape ot tne nigner uu pntea, 1 jts own selling agencies Dim wnoiesaie ing tne miaaie 01 me mui "iv" I Studebaker Comorahon was eouallv unresponsive to Dad land retail. The advance in Pure Oil was sent January off to lS.u or uomia 1 r-or. neiA-s such as the Pierce-Arrow report rpsiinnsihli for the strength in Oklahoma net lower and within 17 points 01 nv Via Spntpmhpr miarter. This was t.njnin ,.; T0fin;v.o- --vivh fn-mor I vostprHa v's lowes tlevel. December mi- 1 . " -r,, " ' .v. ...v. -------:-- . , i '"""'-'"S ivd..i..& .. 1 ""--r-" ,.!- c A arsis n 1 1 eve"?rsA ll?,?ltTlV; f compnay bought into heavily about a year provea at tn.- , "s vpp afld l"bicco Product.... a neiR-u ui j.,ivii,vuu mm yi a, t.v ... i suuueii I lianscontlnental lil tu mmiLMilpr of the com- ao. I vnvinp- nfconman ed bv rumors ,V..to5.1.1?,11 uu pr.ny's surplus. let tnis was more . rnvvAni.' Fir.iiRFS I o bulsft private s ni mBi u. S. Food Products fhnn nffaot Viv- thP official assurances STEEL TOA(ifc IKiUKUN far.iiarv selline UP to 8.33. DecemDW t..:i :CV vT. . ,nw on th mend The Steel Corporation's tonnage fig- oHiv fi, on thrs advance. ;il,iou,f i T and Pierce-Arrow stocks rallied when ures for October which will be made selling. at a premium of 16 points over f. ma. Aironoi f the figures came out. . known next week, it is anticipated, wi" I January compared with an early dif- J g. 'steel . . between the liveliness in the bona Der 3Utn total, rnis, u is saia, win oe The market was nrm aunng me eai- UtahSCopper L I U ,. A A T 1 . A . . r..-.l ilia Hovolnnmsnls in the I rluo tn - the ctrea tpr nrndlietion OCfiurrinE ! 1 oftcrnnnn rn the more bullish aver- I ir.ini.8 i Leu nci i"u ..v. . v,iw.....; ... . , -- . " i j "v...v... . ::"s i w niya uvcriana , ,. r,i,.irf fall mnnpv artpr nnpn- I in fvtnhsr in spntpm ipr tne corpora- I a a-a nf strn nnvices. coveruiK inc umic n ,-.:i ing at 5 1-2 per cent, was freely sup- tian's subsidiaries operated at an aver- I buying. December sold up to 18.69 and j AtJ .. c' " " t Tine age 01 arouna && per cent capaciiy. in i j October operation was raised to 44 per t. ,. - 1 . : . . V. ..r.rtfr tin.. Cent VVIlllti OJJtfl UllUlld ill lllv? picocnt lime f-f"''"'--""; t,:,';; ci,(isR new york futures OUSiness It IS esuinaieu, vmiie in clx. uic - - N. 9 pnitn nloBud u Ann . o nnn ior in I New York. Nov. j.-cotton . ciosea rattf OJ. l.UUU IU AA,UUV illio l uj in I .. . , rnn a e-cnnAnl stPflMV: uctooer. or petween ouu.uuu auu oau.vuv - - .-- . h t close tons for the month. - n is ax iS Tft 18.13 18.62 .Tn . .. 18.38 IS.70 18.02 18.48 r.- .U:,- nntT?u a4Tvo TvrDT.tcvn l: . i n n o an 17 no 'iQorlJll-cl natiunai xaxi vtratci VUfir-Cilli r.lJJKi7 v M.MntaM-M-r 1 jarpn Ifi.oU 1 O.Di 1 1 .vO ao.oi Sales of copper metal in October ap- Mav 18.00 18.37 17.64 18.05 N plied at 4 1-2 and for the first time ! in quite a while, the trend of rates H on fixed dale funds was lower. Botn I I ,,nr!s and monev movements were. anticipating a further reduction, quite likely this wcke. in federal reserve ciscounts. According to cable dispatcli es if rates are reduced hjere, the ex ;;:nple will be promptly followed by the Bank of England. Corn Products and Haskell ar.l I irker. among the industrials. Nortii f:n Pacific and Great Northern pre rtrred. among the rails, were actively i.f ught in the last hour. - There was a brief run-up in the er u.iic Mexican Petroleum and Fau- Nierican stocks. Klsewhere the market continued ...iet. Tlie nossibilitv of a" coal strike .-iu-celv entered much into, the calcu lations of tlie day. Steel-stocks were t affected one way or the other by ii somewhat conflicting testimony In thf- weeklv trade reviews. While the, Iron Age "speaks of "he new buying ' during the week as relatively small, describes steel production as a-whole ; s continuing about 40 per cent of ca ;.'iity. with the steel corporation o0 T; r Cent employed. Prices on the : iavv steel products have weakened it on tht other hand there are indi cations of another attempt to marlc up n iotations on wire. German marks ruined well above 50 as the day v.nt on and this brought about a L-'-neral recovery in the other ev ' angep. 50 47 5-8 35 23 .78 5-8 19 1-2 109 74 1-2 8 43 1-4 23 60 9 1-4 121 10 5-8 49 5-8 44 47 1-2 80 1-8 54 3-4 46 5 7-S 36 3-8 84 5-8 Open High tow CIom Deb .....1.02 1.03 .1.00 1.02 May ?1.60 1.07 1.D5 1.07 tw 46 46 45 46i May 51 62 51 ol OATS 31 oxy ZZ? 36 ' 6 36 36 Dec. May ...... PORK Jan. ...... LARD Jan, ...... March .... RIBS Jan. . ... . . May 8.87 9.10 8.8TJ 9.10 8.72 9.00 7i75 7:77 7.75 15.00 8.75 9.00 7.45 7.77 If there was anything lacking :n the process cf dedicating the new Munici pal Building vMcmday niglit when the Chamber of Commerce had its 'house warming" in tlxe new place on West Fourth street, it was abundantly sup plied Wednesday from lito 2:30 o'clock when six hundred members and guests of tha Charlotte Good Fellows Club held their delayed October meeting and a luncheon. Good fellowship reigned supreme for the hour an4 twenty min utes that the Good Fellows -spent around the luncheon table and staged one of the livest meetings in the two year history of that live local organi zation. One of the incidents was the elec tion of a new board of directors, (con sisting of David Ovens, president; Mavor J. O. Walker, John D. Auten. C. A. Cochrane, James A.: Houston, Robert Mavcr. Ed. Mcllwaine, T. T. Allison Tom M. Glasgow, W. H. Willard and Rufus M. Johnston. They vere nomi nated bv a committee composed of J P. Quarles, Kdward N. Keesler, Sr., and Jesse Oldham. The election was unanimous. After the Good Fellows had gone part way through a delicious luncheon served bv Jadies of the Church of the Holy Comforter, the Good Fellows uc tette surpassed their previous atistic efforts by singing H. Lane Wilson's 'Carmena Waltz," with more than usual excellence and in a manner that won something like an ovation from the six hundred diners, Time did not permit the encore that was demanded. Prior to that. Rev. Daniel lverson had led the Good Fellows in mass sing ing of "Old Folks at Home." Miss Ger trude Gower, one of the sopranos of the Good Fellows octette, stepped upon the rostrum and led the crowd in singing the chorus again. It was an improvement., David Lajoie, direct ing the Good Fellows orchestra of 31 pieces, dispensed spirited numbers numbers while the Good Fellows dined. In the competitive presentation of worthy charity cases, Julian S. Miller, editor of The News, won over Korman W. Lynch and H. C. Jones. Mr. Miller set a precedent by presenting tne neeas of a worthy colored family and the club indicated no consideration weigneu against the charitable impulse where need existed. Thomas Griffith and J. P. Quarles Instantly furnished $i0 to cover the cases presented by Mr. .Tone3 J HIT T ..U A new stunt "Dulled" by President Dave Owens of the club was a "decla mation" contest, in which the competi tors were Ramsey Dublin, Rx manager of the Western Union Telegraph iom- pany; Tom Glasgow, of the Charlotte Hardware Company, and J. Laurence Jones, city recorder. Mr. Dulin made an instantaneous hit declaiming urutus h oration over the body of Julius uaeser as recorded in Shakespeare's "Julius Caeser". Mr. Glasgow was equally as good in the oration of Louis Kossuth, Polish Patriot, in his oration beginning "Ye call me chief and ye do well to call .h4f" nnA Recorder Jones starred in a revised version of the most dra matic scene from "Romeo antt Juliet. Visitors were present today from as far away as Korea. Others were from New York City, Mempis, Buffalo, PH adelpia, Houston, Alberquerque and other far-away places. Prcident ovens announced plans tor uQ noiirtwn' unecial train to Hickory, leaving here near 1 o'clock Thursday to help didicate the new munimipal build- ing at inicKuiy. . - - President ovens also reported upon several routine features of Good Fel lows' Club work and won vast applause by reviewing the good work done by Dr. Donnellyy, a good fellow, in con nection with the tubercular clinic lion finally wc.s tabled, members said. Unofficial information from the com- mitt last nisht while the com mittee was still in session, was thaff tne resolution nao ueeii auyineu. Three of the distinguished visitors here ior the convention left early to day for the East. They were General Diaz, of Italy; Admiral Earl Beatty. of Great Brittain, and Vice-President Cool- idge. RENEW BONUS DEMAND The convention adopted a resolution reaffirming the attitude taken by the last national convention at Cleveland relative to adjusted compensation.- The resolution, which reviewed the history of the tentative bonus legislation here tofore sponsored by the Legion, which culminated in the Sweet bill, paasea ny the House of Representatives and re jected by the Senate upon the recom mendation of the President, reaffirmed the Legion's stand in favoring the pas of legislation providing the same sort of adjusted compensation which the Sweet bill provided. a r: a 1 vst rtfr.Rft RRI.RASE. The Americanization committee's re-1 port was adopted section by section. One clause, urging that clemency be not given Eugene V. Debs, serving a sentence in the Federal prison at At lanta for violation of wartime laws, was adopted amid cheers, the conven tion arising and shouting its approval. The committee on Americanization, in its report, urged more stringent ex amination of immigrants and closer su pervision of radicals. In regard to the question of Japanese immigration, the report requested the convention to re affirm the stand on the subject . taken by the two previous conventions and made no further suggestions. The use of English only in the coun try's public schools was urged and it was asked that all teachers be required to take the oath of allegiance. More respect for the flag and more drastic safeguards against using it for advertising purposes at home and abroad were requested. Better election laws were declared to be necessary. Punishment for all slackers Was demanded, and the action of the Legior officials in opposing the release iron, prison of persons convicted of war offenses endorsed. Action of the Alien Property Cus todian in taking over the property of Grover C. Bergdoll, the American draft unnroved. The ' ronnrt nertaining to radicals cno-cract that newsnaoers be request ctn' nuvdiah notices of radical gath erings and that legion posts notify the proper authorities 01 a" rauivai mi within their observation. A policy in Hawaii "which shall re sult in a larger population ot wsuiwuy Amai-ionn nrte-in. and give a diversifi cation of alien population, with a view to military, social ana economic saicijr was urged in the report. MARION MAN KILLED IN QUARRY ACCIDENT nanviiic Va.. Nov. 2. Fulton Allen, aged 21, of Marion, N. C met a terrible j death yesterday wnen ne was inn a revolving screen at the Hams n.cnia rinarrv Pomoany'i plant at Stacy, N. C, near here. Before a lad who had heard his screams above the .,ar. nt tb mno.hine could notuy tne en gineer to shut off the power. Allen had n.ised throunrh the machine and his body was tcrriblymutilated when it was found. H was an oiler and was oiling the machine when) his overalls became in o niiain and in tills way he i,augiit . i- . - . was dragged into the cog wheels. The body was sent to Keidsvuie to e pi.- pared for burial. He wns unmarneu. tnnnivr. WnMTNATES SLATE Washington. Nov. 2. Francis,- A. I Slate was nominated today by "resi dent Hard'ng to be postmaster at Gas tonia, N. C. iu ... i ,"."1 ; -v. Coca Cola 40 3-8 cent ave in 'ow e2 intV net Gu,f States steel -v 36 1-2 ing and about 2o to 32 points net Sf;aboard Air Line 4 hisrher on the general list. I aic ai, cii d. t nr. . I . -1 il .5, UI1CI. ULCCI , 1 UU . Ol ' Bond Market 1 118 28 124 1-2 proximated 140,000,000 pounds, compar- July 17.55 17.82 17.32 17. G2 ed witn st.ouu.oo pounas in epiemDer new omv srui turrun. and an average of 75,000,000 pounds for New York. Nov. 2 Spot cotton July and August. The October sales mean quiet; middling 19.00. more than anything else, that the large NEW OHTE4.IWS COTTON, overhanging surplus is gradually being N Orleans, Nov. 2. A rise of 16 to worked off and that soon it will be neces- oints was made by cotton around sayr to increase production, ay tne lime the opening today in response to price Copyright, 1931, by New Publlalilner Co tnis occasion anres tne nrcicii win uc ' chanees in other maritets over me such reduced supply it may lead to alholidav here. . The threatened coal - By STUART P. WJEST Staff CorrespoHdent ot Tne ftw. -ComyViBlt.l9ai. by Nw rnbH.hlniC Co. C nIwB York, Nov. 2. Further ad- 9 l-t vances with numerous w8n p. - 11 1-8 1921 were characteristic 76 3-1 the bond market today. Liberty bonas General Asphalt 61 5-8 which had advanced only 8s"" each ot tne jhi --,-,-. United Fruit Virginia Caro. Chem. . American Tobacco American Zinc .... Invincible Oil I Live Stock " X ; Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Nov. 2.- r-i-.--iV.. oMiv tradinsr. Conii j - uvonriea was reflected in tne r , .n,..rnmont issues. Both the V l!2s of 19i and 1937, among United Kinedom issues, continued their rise to new Wgh grouAds. The 1937's-got up a point above their closing priee of yesterday. City of Copenhagen 5 i-ls . z oo i o hiH thlr tor for the year. Trad ng nineuy - YOUR COUGH IS A RED FLAG OF TIMELY WARNING a uuai a ,i, n n hai.!.iii. ..j... Jem. "u" j rush of buying. It has been figured that strike 'was taken as a very bearish J" w stern7ThiS maS WlroW88,h8tI th nubile and today it will take, the larger companies more feature and some traders thought it wwe J T0hris their offering to the public ayn than three 'months to resume prodpor- might take the place of the recently bout 9,000 range cattle or the local they reached 98 . their es j nuor tion andin peases re-openmg of settled fl raHroad troubles, as a tb? foTtte cespondinl ifgotup WaSTthw were a- mLtnMAerXUnSt Su?eddniia.0raU "t year. Present prices Pf or afi llfces &th&P&ri&i now to "t their plants ready it would end of the first half hour of business grades of cattle shows a decline from 7 l-2s receipts. The JaPJn? rticular f be weU fnto Lpring before they would be prices, were 2 points under to 12 points the i levels . noted at the close of last week can 4 s a .nd Belgian issues, particu a tne close oi monuay. uecemuer n: c "uc m mc wiwji mj i .1 . .L. nt, "ffftvurtimpnt o 17.95 and fell back to 17.75. house is the good demand for feeding 1 News that the Chinese Q had been : report from Indianapolis that lambs. At the present time these aret5.500.000 loan due .yfrday tiM wen 20,000 coal miners were out and an quoted only 01 below choice killing I announceu . "l "tuith," j ailwav 5s . 'i l-i I o nnininn rT T n r PTTPTT 1 I o-forlisc! I lllttuvci, ..v. ..w . be well into spring producing in quantity. r Mr. Frank Perry Sessions will teach the Science and Art of Salesmanship at the Y. M. C. A. Opening lesson tree Monday 8 o'clock. Ask ifor 60-oa2re Y. M. C. A. booklet illustrated. 2-6t ? 5 EVERYTHING In High Quality Building Materials fTTOne little leak in a y roof can cause more M damage than the whole roof is worth. A roof is not a roof unless it is leak-proof. Don't try to economize there but be sure of the best. We rea'iize that of all the ma terials we handle roofing must come nearest to perfection. CITIZENS Lumber Company Soulh Boulevard Hiones 3472-3473 Curb Market 1 sources. Keystone Rahger reflected up to j.-jo 0-clock prices worked up the announcement mat to levels 4 to 48 points nigner tnan has 107 producing wells and SO gasitne cjose Monday, carrying December wells, while active Duyms wuu.iucu to 18.21. in Tuckeny. . . . t ciiOSE ew oklmass kutukks. Jn the mining groty riouth Americanly New Orleans, Nov. 2. Cotton closed Geld was demand again. Among tne j steady at net advance of 30 to industrials tiien Aiaen oai vvo i- points: fluenced by the statement that the Gpen properties recently acquired were esu- Dec ; 1790 mated to contain twenty million ton Jan ......... 18.00 of coal. These were the leaders of tne March . . .. .17.85 low priced issues. - j . Iviay l.&o Some irregularity was shown m the july 17.00 leadine oil shares, standard Oil ot in-l Le,. "Bc. r Ponn Attantic. Lobos and LIVERPOOL rOTTOV American were in urgent de- Liverpool, Nov. 2. Cotton: Spot in mnnd at the time and scored advances, fair--demand; prices irregular; good m.a".a ?Li"-i,i or.A international Pe- middling 13.05: fully middling 12.65; nr um showed signs of rather heavy middling 12.25: low middling 10.95; ll?t Jklnff Igood ordinary 9.25; ordinary 8.50. P,Swma an!-Company was quite; prom- a Sales 6.000 bales including 4,600 t ha miscellaneous Krouus, uwc nnitnwu. . " .hirnlv on a moderate demand, ing 5.400 American over IU J.I..7U UHU i.w.1 ,- - . . - " '""t.- rlliAll 1 J., The report from Indianapolis that I lambs. At the present time these arert',a.""';,1a",u;ci:'c. : : e u ..Pi -, I . l-i m Q r if r uniavoraoie opmioii ul iuc . graues. .. . I wi 1 i. t.lnt- to 42 the dock striKe at ivew urieans, ija- Receipts of live stock at the local yards ""Jl1-" th industrial section veston and Houston caused further sell today were estimated at 9,000 cattle, 19.- rtfMfhn ,b,stndreiched Ae high prices, ing under which prices were sent dawn 000 hogs, 33,000 sheep and lambs . and ,fv ne, aJa AmVr can Smelting and to 17.57 for December .where the list 2.000 calves. 1 Rfinin Be Bush TrminTl Building showed net losses of 7 to 19 poinst. Cattle: Choice steers were steadv to S1" i.U9 nnnflvr 8s. Inter- j.eiiy and an as in better shape, however and sellers I Tvienh one and Telegraph 6s at 102 ! 7-8 were more satisfied with the trade than I onnaiieii their hitrhest level of 19i. .they were yesterday. One lot of 1015 j Central Leather 5s rose 1-2 points to yound yearlings sold at ?12.50, while other I 92. oung stock went at 511 to ?ll.&0. which 1 Eaiiroad nonas wnicn nave K15 rmKn ctura at io?Lft "RhHt nf icoHnrs In the. market were neavny steers sold at $6.50 to $9.50." Cows and dealt in and a number of them ex heifers were slow but values were little ceeded their previous hert prices tor changed. Canners at 52.90 for the best the year. This was true of Atchison were about steady, while veal calves stop- I general , "-"ArAv Teiand a-eneral noi tn cn tn r.r. o wpat d v sion 3 l-2s. Rock Island general Rr STU (BT r. AVE3T ... fV rnmciuimlnit nf TllF XeWS Cods ri'itht. 1031, hy Kew PwbllslilnK Co. New York. Nov. 2. Chief Interest on hihpr thanrthe close of Monday the curb exchange touay f " 1 In the afternoon short covering be ,. in Hio low nriced Shares. l 1 ma irknr h.ovv qtiH the mprlrot milar rn a-nfl flas was one CI tue leaueis, I . r.rntrart cam( scarce. Pros advancing to a new high record, on re- pects Gf a bullish report on ginning torts that a new well had been prougnt i net Wednesday seemd to be back of 1 ne ouyius auic i.... "-", some oi tne covering, in tne irauins sf.owea net tosses oi 10 X,,l a Cattle: Choice steers were steady to T nVifTont 7 l-2s Goodyear 8s, Intt Just at noon - an upturn was caused stron? but others were steady to strong, Mercantile Marine 6s Kel by realising ".hy shorts and the harket but other &rades were no better than 5rr2rflela i s" Sinclair OU 7 l-2s. a It 3avPinta steady even at the best time. Demand efn Unions 6 1-2 and 5s. Americ High Low Close 18.32 17.57 18.12 18.40 17.68 18.17 18.25 17.58 18.06 17.80 17.20 17.C0 17.34 16.90 17.15 closed November quiet. 2: Ji May 11.43; July 11.22; Mon Vnal Rums Futures Pur,,nd a nunVber of othe7 re- 1?:02;. December 11.92; January 11.82; rent leaders, generally receding after Marcn m lowing a firnf tone in the early deal- September 10.72. if.firS. LiOW prciea niuuiis "i'Vr V fairly active with Boston & Montana the leader. trice cnauscs gcui;i.i.j .Mr. suJ?'il ,t-oiv to firm. Dealings were large. Fractional advances were I pound sterlinfl) recorded in many issues. v FOREtGS EXCHANGE. New York Nev. s. Foreign ex change irregular. Great- Britain tpar s-5 per uemand x-i; Sixty-day bills on New York. Nov. 2. Butter unsettled: creamery, h gher tnan extras i i V. .! t . A 1-2: firsts 38 to 45 1-2. x-i, en. . . . . m i- .v..r-ar1 avtrau BMf.r T A flriu 52 to B6i New Demand 7.12-1-2; cables firsts 58 to 62; do firsts 6 to d. ew nar23.g ce Jersey hennery, wmie-. maiifl 51 1-2: cables 52 candled Beiectiona v. -Holland (par 40.2 cents per guilder; SIrhee easier" state whole milk, Demand 34. fla?rfresh?asSKials 22' 1-2 to 23; do. Norway averaK '"-- .. i.n., 23 to Sweden (par Live poultry a... - Demand 22.85 cables 3.92 3-4 hanks 3.89 lfSA. France (par 19.3 cents per franc) Demand 7.36; cables 7.36 1-2. Italy (par, 19.3 cents per. lire): De mand 4.03 1-2; cables 4.04. Belgium (par 19.3 cents per rrancj mand 7.12-1-2; cables 7,13. Germany (pari 23.8 cents per mark) 08: cables 34.14. par 26.8 cents per krone) 13.63. Sweden (par 26.8 cents per krone) "breswd quiet and unchanged. CHICAGO POTATOES. TX isiov. 2. Potatoes dull. i-' "-"""'i. uini,iFTi and Wisconsin Minnesoia, """"j-" i hii, i 70 to round white sacked and bulk to LSW-cwt. , Mortn Dakota Red Minnesota- t-, ;,,n, 1 in Argentina. nvo River Ohies sacked and bulk 1.65 to gentine paper dollar) : Demand 2.50, Denmark (par 26.8 cents per krone) j 1 o c c uemanu xo.ou. Switzerland (par ,-19.3 cents "per franc): Demnaa lb.50. t Spain - (par 19.3 cents ;-penz peseta) Demand 13.40. . Greece (par 19.3 cents per drachma) Tf.msinfl 4.50. Argentina (par cents per ar Dakota round white sacked and bulk 1.40 to 1.6 cw,t. i.H n to 2.30 Idaho Russets, sacked -0 to .. Rrazil (Dar 32.45 cents per paper milreis): Demand la.uu. Montreal (par J.00 cents per Canadian - dollar): 92 l-s. Disregard It and Disaster May Lie Right Ahead. You have not been feeling quite fit you are unaccountably tired at the least exertion, you feel depressed and blue, your head aches, at times com pete inertia steals over you you real ize that you are oniy about 50 per cent efficient. Mother Nature has been doing her best to warn you. and you have disregarded all her hints. New you have a cough. Perhaps your cough is an after effect of a cold, perhaps it lies in the chest, in the bronchial tubes, pot siblv it's a stomach cough, it may be that you fool yourself by saying its hereditary. The kind is of compara tivelv little concern. A cough in itself may not be more than irritating. 13ut tnat cougn neg lected and permitted to hang on will lead to complications. ine i"". eradicate the cough is at us ms warning the way is to take l-r. Cheney's Expectorant which goes right to the seat of the trouble. A cough 13 a symptom use Dr. Cheney s Ex pectorant to correct the cause. Dr. Cheney's Expectorant has been scld for over sixty years. It is a remedy proven throughout three gen rmtions and thousands upon thousands attest its marvelous healing powers.' Keep It in the hdUse it is just as good for colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup or any of the affections nf throat 01 lungs. A Bottle of Dr. Cheney's Expectorant is an insurance policy against grippe, innuenza, jmuju-rrf.T-ta ratarrh 'bronchitis. asHima, quinsy, sore throat, etc., Vith their attendant heavy doctor bills. sold bv all druggists and In smaller towns by general merchants, in 3Jo and 60c bottles, 4s. or. rofiindinff 4r. Kansas ' city Ho?s:-Trading was slow from the n"th hfHlSK'. Shored ort Kt AarnorA roe 9 Httla ltattarlatn I and JViempniS , r. .' "-v. I Pennsylvania 6 l-zs, at. ijouis p Values were generally ' io w vw Orleans Ter- steady compared with the average of the j mjnai js Southern Pacific convertible day before. Practical top was placed at I 4s Oregon Short Line 4s, better prices a 7 wi in i lenis ai o anu uic ucoi i moiiii sian in Delaware unu nuu- pigs at 08 to $8.25. Few rough packing so convertible 5s, and Pennsylvania hogs sold below $6.50, while good lots general 4 l-2s, which equalled their were quoted at $7 to $7.25. highest figures for the year and in Sheep: Lambs were mostly 15 to za Erie prior lien 4s, western aciwo o, cents lower for all killing gradj. Fed alli Atlantic Coast Ltne first 4s. There westerns and the best natives sold up to I were no new issues of consequence $9 while' packers took choice lots at $ today. wnat iresn quumumi. to $S.85. Best feeding lambs went at wefe, principally of municipals were $7.50 to $7.75 on a weak market while reported ot have gone on satisfactorily. aged muttons were clow. nP.u. ESTATE. inuaioci a - v - CHICAGO LIVESTOCK.. - ' 11 9.' 9 nn, .nod and ot ?S5t TaMay th. l- -ade choice beef steerVand arlinis rtrong by L , M .Earnnarai -"- to 10 higher; top yearlings 12.50; "corded in the ff Xurg coun- wegiht 1,014 pounds: -top 1,200-ppund of d40d lina in book 406 It page steers 11.40; choice 1,550-pound, steers ty North Coim hereb made bulk 7.35 to 7.75; pigs steady, mostly f dA "otes fencing said debt. I 8.00 to 8.25. , oit t h e n otes J "Yh highest bidder SHEEP: Receipts 33,000; killing will offer for sale to n( dQor classes 15 to 25 lower; feeders steady, "rp"" Mecklenburg County. North native lambs to packers eariy mosny i X'rnlTna ' at 12 o'clock noon, on 'Mon 8.75 to 8.85; city butchers 9-00; western Carolina a1- of December, 1921. lamns mostly ieaeerB. iuiir xoau icurr j . , tne first Monday in said December, the" following described ACCOUNTING SERVICE COMPANY 407 COMMERCIAL BANK BUILDING TELEPHONES M89 Accountants AND Federal Tax Specialists Audits , Investigations Systems Income Tax Returns lambs early steady at 7.75. Expert advice on Federal tax procedure by our tax specialist, whose knowledge - and un derstanding of the Federal tax laws has been nationally recognized, constitutes only a part of our unexcelled service. You may consult him without charge. NEW YORK CAL1. MONEY, New YLork, Nov. 2. Call money 1 nated as lot ino re .m known and desig- eesie" 'high 2 l-lT low 4 1-2: ruling Vhown in the Hub Realty Company's till i 1-?? closing bid 4; offered at gj, 0f Forest Hill, which map 4 1-2- last loan 4 1-2. is Recorded in booV 230 at page 147 Call loan against , acceptances 4 1-2 n the office of the register of deed vr . , . en Aa,rt, k la t i a fnr Mpplclenhure County, North BnayaTl Drive and extending back vHth that width one' hundred and fifty (lo0) e -1 A 1 Prime mercantile paper 5 1-2 to 3-4. SUGAR. , New York, Nov. 2. Raw sugar steady at 4.06 to 4.11 for centrifugal. Refined unchanged with fine granu later listed at 5.20 to 5.30. feet,- , Terms of sale cash. tv,Ic rwfcr Slfit. 1921. J. F. FLOWERS, ai-2-5t-oaw . Trustee. On The First Of The Month If you contemplate . opening a new bank account the officers of this Institution would be glad to discuss the matter with . you. This" bank jffers every facility ana cordially invites depositors and customers. Thanking you. , Charlotte Bank & Trust Company 214 .East Trade Street. M. A. Turner, Pres. W. R Foreman, V. Pres. J. H. Leech, Cashier .1 n a it . cwt.

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