THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. G, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 2, 1921. WAGE REDUCTION AND LOWER RATE PLANNED virago. Nov. 2. The matter of pro- -..-f.'.jnc; to procure further reductions v ailroad employes' wages with the , , ( t to reducing rates is "well in i :ii with the various roads and the .-.-.--ssary moves to bring the questions , r,jv the Interstate Commerce Com ; cjnn nnd the United States Railroad Labor Board will be taken at once. T. DeWitt Cuyler, chairman of the Rail way Executives' Association, said in a telegram Tuesday night to W. H. Chandler, president of the Industrial Traffic League. Mr. Chandler telegraphed Mr. Cuyler in New York to ask when rate reduc tions might be expected. Mr. Cuyler replied that the roads now were waiting word from the Interstate Commerce Commission as to the date for a hear ing on rates and the rr.nrfo nmi., ,!-.-,.. . viAua c auuuL ready to proceed in accordance with' the transportation act in -seeking authori zation by the Labor Board for a wage reduction. In 1,000 cubic feet of cloud there is only l-150th ounce of water. -J If It's for the office you can get it at Found & Moore Co. Phone 4542. 23-tf GREAT BRITAIN MAY REPLY. London, Nov. 2.- (By the Associated Press) Great Britain, it was indicated in authoritative quarters today, will reply 10 the recent note of M. Chitcher in. Foreign Minister of Soviet Russia, offering, conditionally- to assume the debts of old Russia up to 1914, by the dispatch of a note pointing out that the Soviet's offer mentions only the Imperial State debts, which are only a part of the Russian toLal. i - : ' ; r m m ri I I f ' It r, ' f v i 1 s PA i II ft They are really suffering from cumulative constipation" COUNTLESS numbers of people have a daily elimination of waste matter frorn the sys tem but this elimination is not thorough and sufficient. They depend or, a legular weekly purge to rid their intestine- c f poisons and they never feel the fulLvigor and jt that come from perfect health. This whole problem is so important that a well known medical journal has published a collection of essays on constipation. All the doctors who. wrote these essays emphasize the importance, of ; diet. As one physician puts it, "The diet has the most marked influence upon, the normal activity of the bowels." Scientists have now discovered the simple food that helps restore normal conditions, and clears the body of accumulating waste matter just the familiar little cake of Fleischmann's Yeast! ' First came the startling discovery that Fleisch mann's Yeast richly supplies the essential water soluble vitamine. Then it was found that it builds up the body tissues and keeps the body resistant to disease. In addition, because of jts freshness (you get it fresh daily) it helps the intestines in their elimination of poisonous waste matter. Eat 2 to 3 cakes of Fleischmann's Yeast before or between meals every day. Have it on the table at home and on your desk at the office. Eat it plain, spread on bread or crackers, or dissolved in water, milk or fruit juices. You will like its fresh, distinctive flavor and the clean., wholesome taste it leaves in your mouth. Fleischmann's Yeast is assimilated just like any other familiar food. Only one precaution: if troubled with gas, dissolve the yeast first in half a cup of very hot water. This does not affect the efficacy of the yeast. Place a standing order with your grocer for Fleischmann's Yeast and get it fresh every day. Send 4 cents in stamps for the booklet, "The New Importance of Yeast in Diet." So many inquiries are coming in daily for this booklet that it is necessary to make this nominal charge to. cover cost of handling and mailing. Address THE Fleischmann Company, 701 Washington Street. New York City. The need for scientifically tested yeast Fresh yeast has been proved by recent scientific tests to be a valuable food for correcting run-down condition, constipatipn, indigestion a?d certain skin disorders. These original tests ' were all made with Fleischmann's Yeast. Beware of untested yeast-vitamine preparations that contain drugs or other mix tures. Fleischmann's Y&st (fresh) is a pure food, rich in vita' mine, in which it measures up to the high standards set by laboratories and hospitals. The familiar tin-foil package with cJie yellow label is the only form in which Fleischmann's Yeast for Health is sold. Prase SWEEPING REDUCTIONS ON ENTIRE LINE The beautiful new 1922 Series offered at following prices f. o. L Detroit 5-Passenger Roadster Sport 7-Passenger Coupe Sedan - Tourin g Touring -$1295 $1245 $1445 -$1395 $1995 $2095 To) 16) Distributors Charlotte, N. C. Phone 3554 212 So. Church St. MEMBERS APART ON PARDON BODY Legislative Representatives Here Are Divided in Their Opinions. Although great- interest is being shown throughout the State in refer ence to a proposed pardon board to relieve the Governor of responsibility in the cases involving capital punish ment, the prevailing opinion among Charlotte members of the State Leg islature is that nothing in this direc tion will be undertaken at the next term of the Legislature. "It is . a difficult matter to commit one's self , upon a question of this kind before it does -.come up in the Legisla ture," explained Edgar Pharr, a member of that body. "Even though, a man may have formed an opinion on some matter, it is easy, to have this opinion changed upon listening to new phases of the Question brought out in the Leg islature. I would not care to commit myself on the auestion of a pardon board. '"But I do think this. I think it im probable that steps will be taken with any great zeal in the near future to wards such a. board. In the first place, an amendment will have to be made to the constitution to relieve the Gover nor of. his supreme power in cases that might ecme under consideration. At this time, if there were a pardon board, it looks . as if it would increase rather than decrease the responsibility on the Governor. For instance, if the Governor should disagree - with the board in the matter of issuing a par don, it would accentuate his position in the limelight of public attention and make it much harder cm him. '"Some question, I believe, will na turally arise at the next term of Leg islature relating to capital punishment, as such has been- fhe case during the last several terms of that body. But, as before, no headway will likelv be made. The Governor has not said that he was in favor of such a board. Gov ernor Vance was strongly against one while in office." ' t J. L. DeLaney, another member, is in favor of the board. Although the question has only just assumed a de gree of intensity and he has not gone deeply into the matter, yet he believes the board will relieve the responsibil ity of the Governor arid better existing conditions. W. R. Matthews stated that a? he had not. heard the pro and con on the question he would not care to express an opinloYi until later. m4 i REALTY TRANSFERS i H. O. Sloan and wife to E. E. Sloan, for $10 and other considerations,- a tract of 74.6 acres in Berryhill town ship. Mrs. Lessie T. Vanderberg and hus band to Rev. S. W: Moore, for $1,200, a lot on East Fourth street extension. M. S. Clemmer to- F. M. Davis, for $J ,000, a lot on Worthington avenue. George Stephens and wife to C. T. Brown,, for . $100 and ; other considera tions, a lot on Queens Road. - Thomas C. Hayes and wife to Wil liam E. . Holt, for $100 and . other con siderations, a lot on Queens Road. J. P. Carter and wife to G. H. Peeler, for $200 and other considerations, a lot on the Providence road. Mrs. Francis F. Lutterloh to M. B. Thomas and Wife, for $10 and other considerations, a lot on East "Tenth street, f ,' E. R. Bucher and wife to W. E. Holt, Jr. for $100 and other considera tions, a lot on Queens Road. Hugh . Knox to B1. E. Sloan, for $3,000, a tract of 49.5 acres of land in Steel Creek townsnip. J. P. Garner, and wife to G. H. Peeler, for $200 and other considera tions, a lot on the Providence road. J. C. Reid and wife, Ximena Reid, to N. O. Alexander, for $3,450, a tract of 35.40 acres in Providence townsflMp.' - B. J. and Ada Campbell to Char lotte Real Estate and Merchandising company, for $500 and other considera tions, a lot on" Caldwell street. CAR LINE PURCHASED BY YOUNG MEN'S CLUB Brunswick, Ga., Nov. 2. The City and Suburban Railway. Company, bank rupt, operating a street car line here, was purchased Tuesday by the Young Men's Club of Brunswick at a commis sioner's sale ordered by the Federal district court. The club bid in the prop erty for $12,100, subject to confirma tion by the court with the announced intention of operating the line. The property is valued at $150,000. BOARD OF HOSPITALIZATION. "Washington, Nov. 2. Organization of a Federal Board of Hospitalization at the direction of President Harding was announced Tuesday night by Director of the Budget Dawes. The board is to co-ordinate the activities of the med ical departments of the Army, and Navy, the Public Health Service. St. Elizabeth's hospital, the national home for disabled soldiers, the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and the Unite! States Veterans' Bureau. s : - r,s- , --ilk Jiiiinr a Lv,.... ,. n .., , r -T-n.;; 'i --Trffl- ,riri-r-rr-mi rT-TTwi "i hit. r - r - , T y.- , -i.--- - . ; - - , . V " Coming . Saturday to The Broadway or a special one-day return engage ment. " " . U0ARSENESS II Swallow slowly small pieces rub well over the throat. j VAPORUD Over 17 Million 'ars Used Yearly Easy I Take-Qnick to RGer CATARRH of the BLADDER Stf Smcmi&I - - fEteh CtDiule bears Bime Beware of counterfeits SAIPOLOO Finds countless uses in the kitchen- It cleans cutlery, kettles, tins, porcelain, china, earthenware, linoleum, oil cloth, refrigerators, tile, marble, shelves and floors. See that the name SAPOUO is on every package. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. - me r ' aoie manufacturers New York U.S. A. IVIAKES POTS AND PANS LOOK LIKE NEW 6 TTEND THE r'V DUPLEX FIRELESS STOVE Demonstration tomorrow and see an entire meal cooked in the Duplex it will be well worth your while. - We especially invite the housewives who al ready have a fireless cooker "to come and see what we are doing and to tell us what they are doing. rskine R. Smith, Inc. Charlotte, N. C. Since 1868 The Home of Good Shoes A CONSERVATIVE SHOE FOR MR. BUSINESS MAN Mrown kid-mediura broad toe rub ber heels a thoroughly comfortable though smart-looking shoe. m Same , in black kid $8. GILMER-MOORE CO. Shoes, Hosiery, Luggage, Lingerie HATS GLEANED AND REBLOCKED UNDER THE ABLE SUPERVISION OF AN EXPERT HATTER. A THOROUGHLY AMERICAN PROCESS VELOURS AND STIFF HATS. IN FACT ANY STYLE MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW. THE CHARLOTTE LAUNDRY 444 PHONES 445 Some of the good things in life are still reserved for men Florsheim Shoes, for instance. Their -value is instantly apparent they continue to merit your approval as long as you wear them. Plain styls-$10.8o: brogues $11.85; combination lasts $12.20. H. C. LONG CO, '-:, - 33 East Trade. 1 i I