THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 2, 1921. I i - i - , . t : . . . . 1 .-. TgrgCT-T- . .x . 1 1 , .... , . , , y5 ivey's tl'i' Ivey's LB LAA THURSDAY Ivey's THURSDAY $30 Frocks of Silk and Wool $19.50 Out of the hundreds of new frocks just received we have selected a group of the most attractive ones to be featured Clover Day at about half their real values. They are developed in best quality tricotine, poiret twill and Canton crepe. Colors are black, navy and brown. Sizes 14 to 44. $50.00 Tricotine Suits, $29.50 We are fortunate in securing this group of handsome tricotine suits at about half their real value, and so are enabled to offer them for Clover Day at correspondingly low prices. They are developed in attractive styles and the colors are navy, brown and black. Sizes 16 to 44. Extra $3.00 Jointed Dolls, $1.50 Each Extra One of our extra special items for Clover Day is this group of jointed character dolls, with moving eyes and bobbed hair. $3.00 values at .$1.50 each $8.50 Gossard Corsets, $3.95 Two excellent models are included in this group of corsets, in a good range of sizes. They are discontinued numbers, and are offered for Clover Day' at the very special price of $3.93. $7.00 Worsted Jersey Jumpers, $3.95 Navy, flame, jade, kely, rust, tan and black are the shades in which these worsted jersey jumpers may be had. They are very well tailored, and best quality in every way. $6:00 Voile Blouses, , $3.95 These attractive voile blouses, are wrell assorted as to styles, sizes, and so ' on, and are very special values at $3.95 each. $13.00 Peter Pan and Bromley Dresses, $7.75 These Peter Pan and Bromley dresses are made of fine worsted jersey, and come in high shades as well as navy and black. They are in misses' and small women's sizes. $6.00 Tuxedo Sweaters $3.95 Pure worsted tuxedo sweaters, in many different color combinations. There are a number of the popular black and white effects in the lot. All sizes. $75.00 Coats and Wraps $59.50 Pollyanna, moussyne, panvelaine and moirette are used in these handsome coats, and they are developed in the loose, wrappy effects most in vogue, . trimmed with fur collars, and in more tailored styles, self-trimmed. All sizes and the best shades are included in the lot. $2.00 Cotton Crepe Kimonos, $1.00 Just one hundred of these crepe kimonos, in pink, rose, copen and light blue, will be offered Thursday morning for as long as they last at $1.00 each. $2.50 Gossard Brassieres, 95c This brassiere is one of our best styles a satin and lace combination, and may be had in all sizes. $25.00 Children's Serge Frocks, $14.95 In this group of charming frocks will be found many of the season's smartest styles, developed in the finest French serge. Sizes 12 to 14 years. $7.50 Children's Gingham Frocks, $4.95 In this special lot of frocks are several attractive styles in plaid and checked'ginghams. They are in sizes 2 to 6 years. 69c Gossard Brassieres, 39c Three models are included in' this ' group of brassiere's they are very - special values at the Clover Day price of 39c. $3.50 Children's Gingham Frocks, $2J9, These little frocks are made of fine Park-Hill gingham in very attractive styles, and are quite unusual values at this Clover Day price. $5.00 Boys' Wash Suits, $3.95 ' Fancy and plain tailored models will be found in this group of boys' wash suits, including middy and Oliver Twist styles. Sizes run from 2 to 6. $6.50 Beaver Hats, $3.95 These 'handsome hats are hand-blocked and may be had in the season's best shades, including navy, brown and black. Fur Scarfs Much Reduced For Clover Day These scarfs were bought on the lowest market prices known in years. At the original prices they are splendid values, and marked as they are for Clover Day, are distinctly unusual. $7.00 $16.50 $22.50 $25.00 $37.50 $60.00 $75.00 Wolf Wolf Wolf Fox Fox Fox Fox Scarfs Scarfs . Scarfs . Scarfs . . Scarfs . Scarfs . . Scarfs. black and brown . . adO ..$12.75 ..$16.75 . .$19.00 ..$28.00 . $47.00 . .$59.00 FOR $1.00 You Can Join Our Victrola Club Art Department Specials 25c Centerpieces, stamped for embroidery of fine Indian Head 17c Five-piece including 36-in. table cover and four napkins, stamped for French knot and outline embroidery. ,$1.00 set Crash cufj towels, stamped for outline and Freeh knot em broidery . . 25c $10.00 Silk Night Gowns, $7.95 Attractive lace-trimmed night gowns, developed, of crepe de chine in flesh, blue, orchid and maize. Very special values at this Clover Day price. $5.00 Hand-made Night Gowns, $2.95 Dainty nainsook gowns, hand-made, and in a ; number of attractive styles. Special values at this unusual price. $15.00 Children's Plush Coats, $6.95 v These are made of best quality plush in at tractive tailored styles. Sizes run from 3 to 6 years. Notions Special Thursday you may purchase 75c worth of sta ple notions, thread excepted, for 50c. Clover Day is Bargain Day in the Millinery Department Every Hat in Stock Twenty-Five Per Cent Off for One Day Only $5.00 Hats $3.75 $7.50 Hats $5.65 $10.00 Hats $7.50 $12.50 Hats $8.75 $15.00 Hats $11.75 $18.00 Hats $13.50 $20.00 Hats $15.00 Smart suit hats smart dress hats smlrt sport hats. Remember this discount is for Clover Day only. Original prices remain on hats discount taken at time of sale. ' These hats are very beautiful, and embody the latest fashion developments. This is your opportunity to purchase your fall and winter hat, at a substantial saving, while our stocks are large and complete. FOR $1.00 You Can Join Our Victrola Club Ha Mn-IWm . FOR $1.00 You Can Join Our Victrola Club STATE MEDICAL SCHOOL WANTED nr l (i i lvieciuenourg society o Physicians Gets Behind Movement Energetically. Full approvement of the movemen for a graduate medical school in Nort Carolina through the extension of th medical course at the University tw years was. expressed by the Meckler burg Medical society at its regula' meeting Tuesday night. On October 12, "University Day. this movement was inaugerated by th MecKienourg county Alumni asociatio of the University of North Carolina i a resolution presented by John A. Mel Rae and unanimously adopted by th asociation. The society has previousl taken steps towards such an enterpri that a four year medical course may b available in this State for young mei The time is now ripe for pushing th movement, according to Dr. J. P. Mur' roe, president The local medical society will, get b hind the school to the limit and stay hind it. it was explained, no matte, where the school might be located. Nal urally the place offering the best ir ducements will be chosen. It will hav: to be located, however, in some city c enough to provide plenty of practice work. The University of North Carolm once had a school in Raleigh wher the, last two years of the medical eoyrs were given, but it was abandone nhnut 1ft vpars aeo. and since that tim the students have been required V take the last of their courses outsid; of the State. ' The logical thing to do is fcr th. University to add two more years tQ it, medical course, declared Dr. Mui?ro As it is, it ts too expensive for. soml young men who seek medical educatioi. North Carolina is one of the few state; that has no gradoate mcdica' sehoo It is growing repidly in other lines,-D Munroe said, ar.d the time is now .f rand when steps should be taken i' the direction of a complete., media; school. - ! While local doctors declared the would like to see Charlotte get th: school, they, nevertheless, are wiUin to stand behind the movement no ma ter where it may be located. ' ATommitiee to investigate all fact concerned vith the movements was an pointed Tuesday night. It is compost of Dr. J. P. Matheson, chairman: D: I. W. Faison and Dr. H. L. Sloan, wit Dr. Munr.ce as an exofficio member TWO COMPANIES ARE IN NEW QUARTERS The Stephens Company and th Myers Park . Homes Company, whief have had offices m the basement of tr; Realty building since they were ired. have moved into now quarters .i th Dowd building at -17 West Four t street, the quarters being directiy ui der those occupied by the Chamber A Commerce staff of the new building w Iho second floor. . j . The Stephens and Myers Park Ilonif Company are engaged in developin Myers Park. The Stephens Compan was the . original company formed f (1 the purpose of selling real estai and developing hedges in Myers ParT The Myers Park .Homes Company w.r formed about two years ago and now engaged in house-building in th park. George Stephens is president 4he Stephens Company, A. J. Drapwr vice-president and W. C. Rankin secretary. V. J. Guthery is presldeil of the Myers J?ark Homes Company T. E. Hemby is vice-president art W C. Rankin is secretary. J GREATER CLEVELAND ,nnr.Q wttuottt mtt.ti uuuu nil iiv j j. iiixui Cleveland Ohio, Nov. 2. Huncrec" o: thousands of thousands of naop r.f Greater Cleveland were without. 'mi 12 this morning as a result of the fallui of between 750 and 800 driver of th Ttlling-Belle, Vernon and subaidiar companies to report for work. The men went on strike at mi night after a vote by members of th Milk and Ice Cream Wagon Driver Chauffeurs and Helpers Union, afttj a licoalr In npewHatinTm fnr a nrw wsr K'aie, which had been going on sine October 1, when the companies .ail ncunced a reduction of $6.50 in th! weekly wages, which averaged S38 Between 75 and 80 per cent of th milk deliveries are affected, aeeor lng to estimates. union ofheiais a iff r.ounced, however, that hospitals ar. families having babies would be 3Ui ied. r1 GOTHAM'S BREAKFAST IS MILKLESS AFFAII New York, Nov. 2. Citizens of th metropolitan area rose again th morning to breakfast without mil? an cream on the second day of the mil handlers' strike, with slight prospect t a strike settlement in signt. Excen for deliveries by small distributor the milk delivery system continued i a state of paralysis. Representatives of the employer organization, tho Milk Conferenc Board and Milk Wagun Drivers Unioi vere ealled to the office of May of H.ylan today to discuss possible terrr; of settlement. Both sidas express.,; httie hope of reaching a settlement. YODER CURETON FAILS TO WAIT FOR SENTENCI Gastonia, Nov. 2.-Yo'der Cureton negro from Charlotte, while on tria here yesterday morning in the local Si perior court, now in session, escape from the courtroom while awaiting hi sentence to be pronounced. He wa. held on two charges, speeding and or! erating an automobile while drunk anJ was under bond when he escaped. C; pias was immediately issued for his ai rest. 'MIKHT Stains and Varnishes YVindowate--MiiTors .East Eighth and Railroad Charlotte, N. Q. Send for free booklet uf-pan and color card. Largest and oldest dealers and manufacturers In the South.