T THE CHARLOTTE NEW NOVEMBER 10 i0 THURSDAY 0 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST OF CHARLOTTE, N. C. ANNOUNCES A FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE BY MISS MARY G. EWING, C. S. B. OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ' Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Maso. SUNDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 13, 1921 AT FOUR O'CLOCK ACADEMY THEATRE SOUTH TRYON STREET THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED. HANES M ldge C ords FOR FORD CARS Same size as fabric not so heavy as ordi nary size cords which give better results. Guaranteed 10,000 Miles 30x312 $15JQ 30x3 $13JQ HANES TIRE & SERV CE COMPANY 614 S. Tryon St. Phone 4450 J. Caldwell McDonald, Manager Tires Gas Oils REBUILT SPECIAL I I Vftt i SALE Quality Goes Gearlhrougi CARS These cars thoroughly overhauled and are equipped with new bodies, tops, fenders, running: boards, and are in absolutely A-l condition. Special Price Model 11 Dort Touring Car 400.00 Model 15 Dort Touring Car 525.00 Model 15 Dort Touring Car 550.00 Model 15 Dort Touring Car 575.00 Model 15 Dort Touring Car ... 608.00 Model 15 Dort Touring Car 650.00 Balance arranged on convenient terms. Call for at our show rooms No. 211 South Church St. Down Payment 150.00 175.00 175.00 175.00 . 200.00 200.00 demonstration Burwell-Harris Company Carolinas Distributors. 211 S. Church St. Phone 834 Charlotte, N. C. M odern IT TT 751 ik ooiisekeepin; Present day conditions make the aid of a Bank Account and Check Book an almost indispensable necessity in conducting a Home. With a Checking Account an accurate record of all ex penditures may be kept and an absolute receipt is re ceived for all bills paid. And the added confidence it brings to the housewife in her dealings with the business world is well worth while. We cordially invite the women of Charlotte to take ad vantage of the facilities offered by this institution. Am encai C Member Federal Reserve System. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Total Resources, $10,000,000.00 OFFICERS W. H. WOOD, President V. B. Hemby .... Vice President Oeorgre Stephens. . Vice President yr. B. Lee Vice President John G. Nichols... Vice President J. E. Davis 8eor 6 Treat. H. L. Davenport, Asst. Secreas. R. D. Hawkins, Asst. BeeTreat. P. C. Whitlock Trust Offiee John Fox.... Asst. Trust Officer Walter Lambeth & Bro., Managers Insurance Department. RAGING VOLCANO ON KAMCHATKA Rocks as Large as Ships Hurled from the Mouth of the Crater. . Tokio, Nov. 10. Showers of rocks larger than ships were hurled from a raging volcano on Kamchatka where a terrible and magnificent volcanic phe nomenon occurred in August recalling the primitive days of the formation of the earth. After having been wrecked and washed away on the shore of Kam chatka Frederick McCormiek, a well known American newspaper correspon dent, witnessed the extraordinary erup tion. In a report to the Japan Advertiser, Mr. McCormiek says: "On arriving at Hakodate, in northern Japan, I heard from a fisherman of an earthquack above Hokkaido and the disappearance in the sea, September 5. of a part of the island of the Kurile group. The earthquack extended from Hokkaido to the Aleutians and was but a prolonga tion of the seismatic phenomena occur ing in Kamchatka, where I was wreck ed on the Kronotsky Peninsula. Ten days later 60 sea miles to the south, I found myself at Semlachik from there I saw the magnificent eruption of the volcano Kahimskaya. Above a moun tain ridge which lay between we could see without the aid of glasses the expul sion of showers of rocks, many of which must have been larger than ships, as they flew through the sky in giant parabolas. Only the flowery crest of the eruption was visible to us as it played against the sky. The smoke reached upwards thousands of feet and 100 miles down the coast and out to sea. 'Then the wind shifted to the west and the ship was sprinkled with volca nic dust. There was a great roar like the sound of an artillery battle, and it was reported that the water of Bron otsky Bay had risen in temperature 5 1-2 degrees while magnetic disturban ces rendered the ship's compass un workable. Fearing a subterranean sea-wave we put out 45 miles off the shore and on September 5 recorded a violent earthquack which shook the .ship. The same was experienced at the Commandorsky islands and Ust Kam chatka. "There are few places where the di rect and positive force of nature can be realized so intensely as in this far awav i land. There are about 63 volcanoes in Kamchatka of which 20 are active: there is no historian to record their great doings except an astonished fish erman 1.000 or 1,200 miles away. A geographical expedition from Sweden intends to announce next year the re sults of its scientific work in Kamchatka." PRESIDENT WAS THE INSTRUMENT OF GOD Washington, Nov. 10. (E5y the Asso ciated Press.) During an impressive memorial service, which was held yes terday at the Japanese Embassy for Premier Hara, who was assassinated last Friday at Tokio, Sennosuke Yoko j ta. who particularly represents the J Japanese. Cabinet, revealed that, on the ; eve of the sailing of the armament eon I ference delegation from Japan, Mr. Hara expressed the conviction that President Harding, in calling the con ference, was the instrument of God. i The Prime Minister waes not known as I a religious man and Mr. Yokota ex- plained that he was deeply moved to ! hear his chief and friend hnrst into n i flood of religious emotion in discussing i I the "Washington conference. TOTAL FOREIGN BORN POPULATION 13,920,692 Washington, Nov. 10. The total for- j eign-born population of the United States on January 1. 1920 numbered 13.920.692. representing an increase nf I 404 800. G or 3 per cent since 1910. ac ! cording to Census Bureau figures made ! public yesterday. Of the total. G, 493. OSS ! were naturalized. 1.223,490 had taken out their first papers and 5,398,605 were aliens. Status of the remaining 805, 509 was not ascertained by the enumer ators. The bureau said the announcement was the first ever made showing the citizenship distribution of the entire foreign-born population without distinc tion as to race, age or sex, previous statements having been limited to maies 21 years of age and over. BROADWAY Next Week You'll See Him Double Rair promptly tfoh. All werfc etrlctfy guaranteed. QUEEN C1TV CyCLB 70, "THE RED FRONT 42 N. College. Phen 817 Dr. H. C. Henderson. Dr. R. B. Caddy HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS Office Hunt Bldg, 2026 N. Tryon St. Phone 216 DR. L. S. FOX DENTIST 212 W. Trade St. Phone 3896 Over Yorke & Rogers Next to Woobrorth'i. UNION m a Tir&M a i . Fine Coal YefcI Locfttk BANK ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. ;" Good prices for cotton and Seasonal Fall business combined with more optimistic attitude will put more money in circulation. Nevertheless we advise Sticking fairly close to a cash basis. A moderate business on cash basis is better than a big business with widely extended credits. We invite your business and offer every cour tesy and accommodation consistent with Safe Banking. H. M. VICTOR, President F. D. ALEXANDER, Vice Pres. D. P. TILLETT, Cashier A. G. TROTTER, Asst. Cashier Abundant storage capacity corner West" 6th aiu Will sell or rent on long lease. Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust Com 4 SOUTH TRYON STREET. PROTECTION. The story of the service Walker alvSys 3SS would make quite a e able volume. The value of Walker's service Is m- in icPPDine with the prestige it 2 won JurfnTthl years its story has been unfolding. That prestige is based on its record of insuring uniform satisfaction. Those who highly esteem a service that meets every test continue to hold wSkSrt T service without superior in Charlotte. ASK TOUR DOCTOR! W alker's Drug Corner Seventh and Tryon Streets NORMS CANDY PARKER PENS AGENTS FOR 0! Store1 i Oar Bank Your Solution Agriculture is the basic bond between the people of our cities and those of our farming communities. These groups are dependent upon each other, one for the necessities of life, the other for a market. Since our organization it has been our privilege to participate in providing banking facilities for the support of both of these groups, such support aiding in the development of cur City, County, State and Nation. Indepen dence Trust Company E. O. Anderson, Vice President V. A. Watson, Vice President. V. M. Long, Vice President Member Federal Reserve System CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,600,000.00 CHARLOTTE, N. C. OFFICERS J. H. Wearn, Chairman of Board J. II. Little, President E. E. Jones, Cashier R. S. Smith, Assistant Cashier Thos. P. Moore, Assistant Cashier A. R. Surratt, Assistant Cashier. 'gilLSl " - ''.at-'g,m 1 , . You Can Buy A New Home With Small Cash Payment BALANCE LIKE RENT We have under construction: No. 13 Colonial Avenue, six-room home with screens, tiled bath, furnace heat, face brick front, hardwood floors In two rooms and ce ment walk for $5,750 No. 15 Colonial with above conveniences for 6,000 No. 16 Providence Road with same details, but much larger house for $6,750 Home Real Estate and Guaranty Company REALTORS Phone 589. 219 North Tryon St. MARY'S DILEMMA Married Bill 15 years ago. He always made good salary, but they have no home, nothing for the rainy day, and are considerably in debt. She sees her neighbors prospering, paying for homes, carrying extra shares for investment n the Mutual, and happy. Bill neither drinks nor gambles and is devoted to her. She wants Mr. Keesler to explain. lBU lo NOTHING EASIER, MADAM Bill's a devotee of soft drinks, movies and club life. His cigar hill pa?s $&0afSM?'S.dOe8n,t Shine SheS' driV6S a WOO auto and HOW ABOUT MRS. MARY Tour hats, gowns and shoes don't fit Bill's salary. You entertain Wn your means. No children, yet you must have servants You're no ne S S and he is not encouraged to save. Two lives two failures thus far ' CHANGE YOUR TACTICS Cut em out right now, and take shares in the Mutual That' . pf your neighbors' success, and its your only hope. But you must w lutions are good, but it's standing-by-your-guns that counl S" THE MUTUAL B. & L. PLAN has no equal as a saver or home-builder, it's a wonder 9. , neration and size. Issues shares for every need and L service, remu- Rurming shares, $72.50 shares, 1100.00 shares, all taxes na id yur malady, features for your savings right here. Where's your Uttie thinker? GSt u- OUR OCTOBER SERIES AWAITS YOU ana the wise are rushing in. "Why remain out in the cold? MutualBuilding& Loan Association JOHN R. PHARR, President. E L KFF(!I 3 South Tryon Street?" Sec & FOR SALE New Cadillac 4-Passenger Phaeton Fully equipped; Has been driven just 900 miles. Don't fail to see this car for it can be bought rea sonably. Carolina LaFayette Motor Co. WH. Tryon-St Phones 3200-32 REAL ESTA 8 LOTS rw, SPECIAL OFFERING of the KwL1301:01-.? sl! Within the nast few venrs from the pr realty Company, we have , . . 8 SPECTAT. inTS o own2;?rrrI?! have been turned back to us. because of money notes. nariotte, or inability to complete payment or v These Into . Crescent Avenue 1 10Cated on Wst Park Avenue, West Uoulev We Will Criir any investor or buildhic TnmJ T wholesale Pee on the entire eight Charlotte real estate i ?P4fn?' who wi appreciate a bargain iu proceed with the development556 to close out a thef!c lne War T$ Wilmoore. , leioPment of our large holdings at Colonial SEE LS PROMPTLY FOR MAPS AND PARTICULAR jrc! lets lccJ; .atters ; Abbott IRIST BUILDING. la eaity Comply V C. ABBOTT S CO, Agents

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