THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 10, 1921. COSMETI C GLOVES. i just as well to be prepared at . ,-,me of the year with lotions to . i' the drying effects of the Win vvinrtvS. Most of us suffer during Winter from chapped hands, some ;:- in fact who do a great deal of ,1 labor suffer from chapped both Winter and Summer. my case where the skin has be quite dry and chapped the best - iont to give is to wear what are .- i , -osmetic gloves. These are noth ; ordinary, old gloves coated in- th some special oil proparation. - should always be worn at night , lea. of course, 'being that the urn be coated with cosmetic .-vor;jl hours and that the glove keeping the oil in contact with skin will also keep the bed linen - t'-om grease stains. Yo give the hands this treatment xp an old pair of leather gloves, a ;r, of sizes too large, turn them Thia oil is much better than lanoline tor the scalp. insida out and cover the lining with iC , ' , oul"c opev;iaa pasie. Turn them back and put them on just before going to bed and immediately after you have washed the hands with soan and very hot water. One well recommended cosmetic giove paste is made as follows- Refined pine tar i teasnoonful Olive oil xeaspoonful This must ho .ot-,!",'!'"'. rlnt that the pine tar is blended with the Oil. It mav ha -wf,, 3 ... A i " j'iuuicu vviin a. rew drops of any perfumed oil you like. This is spread over the lining of the gloves. What remains on the skin is fng washed off the following morn- L. M. Hot, crude oil massaged' into bald spots will often restore the growth of hair, unless there is a very shiney surface to the skin, in which case nothing will induce the growth again. L. E. D. Consult the doctor about that lump in the front of your neck. It may be a goitre, which could be cured easily now at this early stage. Peggy S. You should weigh 110 pounds. Your colors will be all of those found in the Autumn leaves. i I For Constipated Bowels Bilious Liver i I The nicest cathartio-laxativs to physic your bowels when you have Biliousness temght will empty your bowels com pletely by morning and you will feel splendid. "They work while you sleep." Caecarets never stir you up or gripe like Salts, Pills, Calomel, or , ... ' x. aiiU cosz omy ten cents a box is canay-hke Cascarets. One or two Children Vove Cascarets .too. I Headache Indigestion Sour Stomach T. M. P. Your weisrht is correct. Join a gymnasium for the exercises to give height, as many of them require the special apparatus. Muffle Dotty, Patty Consult the doctor about the granulated eyelids. The, old fashioned castile soap is a fine grade for all toilette purposes. I do not think that ankles are larger from the habit of wearing low shoes, as ankles get so much more freedom this way, the exercise should tend to make them more slim than when they are encased in a tight leather leather coverings, such as usually Happens when wearing high shoes. B. E. W.; A Friend. I will be pleased to mail the formula for the cream, if you send an addressed, stamped envelope. This also applies to the request for directions on diet ing for reduction. All inquiries addressed to Miss Forbes in care of the "Beauty Chats" department will be nnswered in these columns in their turn. This requires considerable time, however owing to the great number recevied. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamped and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. The Editor. HIGHWAY BOARD IS AWARDED DECISION In civil court Wednesday afternoon. Judge T. J.. Shaw awarded judgment to tne JuecKienDurg Highway Commis sion in a hearing involving disputed. obligations Between tne highway com mission and the board of county com missioners as to which was liable for $2,703.64 due on the road contract be tween the Charlotte township line and the Union county line on the Monroe road. The commissioners gave notice of appeal to the Supreme Court and the case will finally be settled, there. J. Li. DeL-aney, counsel for the high way commission, argued that the coun ty commissioners gave the contract for the improvement of the Monroe road before the highway commission was created and that the commissioners were, therefore, logically the body that ought to pay for it. The attorneys for the county commissioners, on the other hand, argued that the highway commission, since it had taken over the road-building and road-repair functions of the county, was the proper author ity to pay the bill. The case will probably reach the Supreme Court m about 30 days. FORT MILL EXHIBIT AT ROCK HILL FAIR MONTENEGRINS IN REVOLT. "London, Nov. 10. According to the newspapers here, the Montenegrins are i declared to be in revolt against Jugo slavia. A Montenegrin battalion is said to have occupied Mount Louchen, an irrmortant strategic position. I Fort Mill, Nov. 10. Several pupils and teachers from Fort Mill graded school completed the Fort Mill exhibit at Rock Hill fair last night, and the display is a very creditable one. The success of the effort to have Fort Mill represented at the fair is due to the Parent-Teacner asociauon, wnicn or eanization, at its last meeting, appoint ed a committee to solicit exhibits throughout the community, and made all the arrangements for the installa tion. The response to the requests for exhibits was very generous, and the initiative of the very influential asso ciation is generally commended. it ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW EPARTMENT TORi ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW 209-211 West Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. Phone 348 S EST?? We will soon remove to our permanent store, corner of Trade and College streets, which has been remodeled since the fire. To avoid the necessity of moving' our large stock of merchan dise we have arranged to offer M atck less Values ' Ladies Ready-to- Wear COATS One lot of coats, a special purchase for our removal sale in all the latest styles and materials, such as velours, silvertones and polo cloth and short black velvets included in this lot, trim med in fur collars and embroidery. Values in this lot up to $25.00. Re moval Sale price $1 1. 95 COATS One lot of Ladies Coats in all the wanted materialsVelours, Silver tones, Bolivia in the latest styles. Blouse back and some trimmed in fur collars and embroidery. Values in this lot up to $39.50. Re moval Sale price One lot of Pongee Waists, special for this occasion, values up to $3.00 $1.98 W. T. Sta-Bone Corsets. Values $1.25. Removal Sale price 75c Ladies' Sweaters in all the latest styles and colors. Values up to $5.00. Re moval Sale price $3. 75 One lot of Ladies' Suits, handsomely trimmed in embroidery, fur collars, all in the latest models and ma terials, Broadcloth, Velours, Tricotines in all the wanted colors. These suits are neatly lined and tailored. Values up to 40.00. Removal Sale price $19o 78 One lot dresses in Tric otine, Poiret Twill, trim med in embroidery, Braid and Buttons. Val ues up to $25. Removal Sale price 209-211 West Trade Street EFIED9S DEPARTMENT STORE Opposite First Presbyterian Church ASHEVILLE GETS SECOND SCHOOL Salesmanship School Will Be Conducted in That . City Next Week. Statesville, Nov. 10. Asheville gets the second school in retail salesman ship to be conducted in the State under the auspices of the North Carolina Mer chants Association through the co-on- eration of the national and State de partments of eduction. The first school, which ran for six weeks, was complet ed in Charlotte last weo.c and as -he re sult of a conference held in Charlotte between Professors T. E. ZBrowns and George W. Coggin of Raleigh. State di rector and supervisor of vocational ed ucational education, respectively. J. Paul Leonard, executive secretary of the North Carolina Merchants Associa tion, and Morris Lipinsky, representing: the Asheville Merchants Association, it was decided to establish the second school in Asheville. Mrs. Ella S. Turtle of San Francisco, who has been employed to conduct the schools in this State, was here this morning en route to Asheville, where she will organize classes and begin in struc.ion within the next few days Mrs. Tuttle took her course in sales manship instruction atthe University of New York- and has since done splen did work in a number of cities. Prior to taking her course she had practical experience in every phase of depart ment store work, and she is recognized as a very capable teacher. State Sec retary Leonard, under vhose supervis ion the schools in salesmanship are be ing established in the Srate, says Mrs. Tuttle did splendid work in Charlotte and he believes the establishment of this teaching service in the Slate will prove of inestimable value to the mer chants and th?ir salespeople, and will be apprecited by the buying public. A recorders court for the county of Iredell was established by the board of commissioners in session Monday. A. L. Starr, of Mooresville, was u;:ipoint;;l recorder, and John G. Lewis, of States ville, prosecuting attorney. The organ -igation becomes effective December 1. Statesville will celebrate Armistice Day with appropriate exercises. Fea tures of the celebration wil be exer cises by the school children, America 1 Legion soecial program, Minstrel pa lade, foot ball and Seldom Seen Minstrels. 98c About 100 pairs ladies fine patent- kid and gun metal button shoes 98c These are small sizes, in . odd . lots, from our $4 to $7 lines to close out at 98 cents. On sale Saturday and Monday. Thompson's Phone 23. , tie by ' de. .'Via J HATS CLEANED AND REBLOCKED UNDER THE ABLE SUPERVISION OF AN EXPERT HATTER. A THOROUGHLY AMERICAN PROCESS VELOURS AND STIFF HATS, IN FACT ANY STYLE MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW. THE CHARLOTTE LAUNDRY 444 -PHONES- -445 Since 1868 The Home of Good Shoes DISCONTINUE STREET RAILWAY. Detroit, Nov. 10. Conforming to an ouster ordinance adopted by the vot ers hare Tuesday, the Detroit United Railway will discontinue operations on two of the principal thoroughfares by November 25, to make way for mu nicipal street car lines, it was an nounced last night by A. F. Edwards, vice-president of the company. Rheumatism Grows Worse If Neglected It is a Uric Acid Truoble. It makes its presence known Ly lo cal aches and pains, inflamed points and stiff muscles but cannot be perma nently relieved by local applications. Its cause is constitutional and it must have constitutional treatment. Take Hood's Sarsapariila, wheih cor rects the acid condition of the blood on which the disease depends and makes you feel young again. "Three doctors said I could not be cured of rheumatism but at 64 I am still alive, well and strong, thanks to the yearly use of Hood's Sarsa pariila. I am convinced there is noth ing better for rheumatism." C. E. Goodrich, Bolivar, Mo. hh s Shoe Semi-English model' with perforated vamp and cap strip. Tan Calf. Rubber heel. $8 .00 GILMER-MOORE CO. Shoes, Hosiery, Luggage, Lingerie i Wear Better Suits am Overcoats Wear better clothes for the same reason that you buy better gas for your automobile. Better coal for your furnace, "the quality" grade- of - any thing you wear or use. New Fall Suits,- and Overcoats from the best manufacturers, $25 upwards. w 34 So. Tryon We close our doors on November 11th and give our thoughts to tha tdauntfe'ss American spirit that existed everywhere during the war among those who 'gave their utmost in the service of humanity. And especially do we cherish the memory of those who lie now in France. H. C. Long Co. BE2 After Armistice Day- Take our tip: - Come in today and pick the Heat er you will use this winter and let us install it first thing Saturday. That's the twelfth, Novem ber the twelfth at that, and heat needed any day thereafter, badly. We can supply you with any of the following in Heaters: Tabasco Mars . . Torrid Hot Blast and Sheet Iron Heaters Our setting-up man is qualified to install the one you pick just as it should be installed. See us to day, surely. SMITH-WADSWORTH Hardware Company "The Quality Hardware Store" 29 East Trade Street Phones 64-65 i P;:z f ' '