8 FOUND FOR RENT ? L GST SALE . . r T-OiV - CENT-A - WORD The Pallin'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fact. Be Convinced, t ry m CLASSIFIED 1 ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" Set this style and type one cent per word each insertion. STYLE "T-r SET THIS STYLE AND TYPE TWO CENTS PER WORD KACH INSERTION. STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each insertion. Anv sv! "slnecpd" cither top or bot tom, or between lines, at double the r.o rnfps. . Classified adverting Is sold c"jh with patrons, who nre listed in the elethnno f?'VPfrry, or know In the new!Vper made with tne PTnprtjtlon taat tne Pus h raid wn presented. . Fibular r8S!s?fifat?on of arts cannot pnr:inteed after 12 o'clock for Dally Edition or nfter ',0 p. in. Saturday for Ftir.fay Editfon. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP WANTED Boy to carry route Hi Fourth ward. Must have wheel. Ai- t-.iv v.m Austin, circulation -uepu. !'.' ----- News. 10-21 WNT ED Stenographer: must be effi cient and reliable and have goou references: state salary expected. A c! dress "X." care News. 10-. FOREMAN for fireproof and ordinary construction work: must be first Ma: sf3tc exDcrience. '"Work," care News. 10-3 1 "WANTED Office maiel. Apply between 11 and 1 o'clock; 33S N. Tryon. S-St SADIES Permanent place for right party: 0V2 S. Church St. Room 19. WANTED District agent, Charlotte territorv. Old line life insurance. Attractive contracts. New features. Good contract. For particulars, ad dress General Agent, Box 495, Con cord, N. C. -3t WANTED TO EMPLOY PROMPTLY TEN ADDITIONAL PIPE AND FIT TING MOULDERS. APPLY SIjPT.. CHARLOTTE PIPE & FOUNDRY CO. 57t WANTED Boys and Girls to write Circulation Department for instructions and informa tion as to how to win a Bi cycle. Charlotte News Circu lation Department, Charlotte, N. C. MEN Learn barber trade. Quick meth od. Good wages paid. Steady demand. Write Moler Barber College. 132 Marietta, Atlanta. 10-l-45t WANTED Linotype operator. Apply Foreman, Charlotte News. tf SPECIAL NOTICES ANOTHER LOT of outside white house paint received. This is a guar anteed paint. Price $1.9S per gallon in 5-gallon cans only. The Army Salvage Co., No. 9 S. Church St. 10-lt ?OR INFORMATION of people" of Charlotte and vicinity who have expressed a desire to ride in my aeroplane will say I will carry passengers at $7.50 per trip Armistice Day. I will leave Charlotte for the winter in a few days. Shealy, the Aviator. 10-lt YOU CAN WIN a Rugby, Yale or Crown Bicycle by securing 15 new yearly paid in advance subscriptions to The Charlotte News. Write Circulation De- :: partment for instructions, Charlotte, N. C. WE PULL IN wrecked and broken down automobiles. W. A. Fry & Sons, Phones 3418 and855-J. 1-tf WARREN TRANSFERC07 "We Move Things." 'ccal and Long Distance Moving, Pack ing. Storing. We may not save you money, but "We save your furniture." . Phone 1166. 1.102 North Caldwell St. COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON Delivered Phone 2271 7-6t NUT COAL for base burners $10.50 Independence Coal Co. Phone 4461 8-2t VDVERTISE IT IN TAMPA If vou want to buy, sell, or exchange, adver tise your wares in Tampa and South Florida one of the most prosperous regions of today. Always use Times Want Ads. Largest Tampa circula tion and largest daily average want ad lineage of any Florida -"ape-guaranteed to all advertisers. Regu lar rate one cent per word; monthly . rates on application. Inquiries cheer fully answered. Address The Tampa Daily Times. Tampa, Fla. ll-4-t30t FREE TO MEN A fine razor hone, shaving stick, boUle of toilet water or razor strop with each purchase or one of the following high-quality razors: "Blue Ribbon," "'Hunter," "Our Best" or "Blue Steel." Conner & Walters Company, Barbers' Sup ply House. 10 R. Poplar St. 29-tf BANK NOTICE. Friday, November 11, Armistice Day, is a holiday and the following Charlotte banks will be closed: Charlotte National Bank. Commercial National Bank. First National Bank. Merchants & Farmers National Bank. Union National Bank. American Trust Co. Independence Trust Co. Security Savings Bank. 7it A FOR RENT FOR RENT Five-room apartment. $45 per month. Water, lights and sew age. Apply A. M. Hetland's store, 1400 S. Tryon. 10-t FOR RENT Nicely furnished front bedroom with board, to business girls or couple. Private home; furnace heat. All conveniences, close in. Phone 3601 -W. 10;3t FOR RENT Comfortable upstairs front room, near bain. Phone 2455-W 10-tf FOIL RENT Rooms with board; 311 N. College. Phone 3912-J. 10-3t TWO unfurnished connecting rooms for rent, first floor. Phone 2560-J. 10-3t FOR RENT One furnished room, only; 8 E. Ninth St. Phone men 1070. 9-11 FURNISHED room to gentlemen only. Apply 10 N. Graham St. 10-2t FOR RENT To gentleman, nicely fur nished room, very desirable location rent reasonable. , Phone 2143. FOR RENT Office or store, wnole or part, ground floor, well lighted, steam heat. 50 West Fifth. 30-tf-mon-thur-sat FOR RENT One nicely furnished bed room to gentlemen. 53 per week; 11 IS S. Trvon St. Phone 3630-W. 9-If WANTED By business woman some one to share room, board if desired. Phone S98-J. ?-3t FOR RENT Suite of two offices with every convenience. Lee Kinney. Phone 3783. 9-5t FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms furnished or partly furnished, lights and water furnished, first floor; 414 E. Seventh. Phone 45S4. 9-tf FOR RENT THREE LARGE FNFUR NISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. NO CHILDREN; 724 JACKSON AVE. PHONE 3673-J. 9-2t FOR RENT Nicely furnished front bedroom, first floor, private home, close in. Phone 2313-W. 9d;f FOR RENT Two nicely furnished front rooms, furnace heated, next to bath private ramily, references required. Phone 4299-W. 9-5t FOR RENT Nicely furnished bed room with good grate, fuel fur nished, close in, young men or business girl. Phone 1318-J. 9-tf FOR RENT Nice, comfortable room, modern conveniences, references re ouired. Phone 3494-J. 9-tf FOR RENT To couple or gentlemen, furnished front rom, close in, pri vate home. Phone 1954-W; 410 N. College. 9-tf FOR RENT One furnished rooms adjoining bath, steam heat, close in. Phone 3314-J. S-3t FOR RENT To couple or gentlemen, nicely furnished room with lard, all conveniences, close in; 311 N. Brevard. Phone 4134. 8-tf FOR RENT A new bungalow on De rita, Statesville Belt road. Phone 1301. 8-3t FOR RENT Modern five-room apart ment, beautifully finished. large sleeping porch, screened and in closed with glass. Good garage con venient. Very reasonable rental. Mrs. Sarah Kime, 450 Dowd Road. Phone 4144. 8-tf THREE LARGE ROOMS for light housekeeping. Water, lights, tele phone. Phone 2625-L3. o-7t FOR RENT Nice furnished heated room, close in. Phone 221 -J. 8-3t FURNISHED room, kitchen and bath: 13 E. Seventh St. 8-tf FOR RENT Two rurnished front rooms, downstairs, 24 S. Graham. Phone 3194-J. $-3t FOR RENT In Dilworth, nicely fur nished room with meals, also garage. Phone 15S9. S-3t FOR RENT One large downstairs bed room and kitchenette, furnished or unfurnished; 711 W. Trade. Phone 2886. 3-rf FOR RENT Well furnished room for gentleman or couple; 11 W. Sixth. 6-tf ATTRACTIVELY furnished front room to couple or business girls, breakfast if desired. Phone 4320-J. 5-tf FOR RENT Two nicely furnished bed rooms, newly papered; 10 W. Seventh St. 2-tf FOR RENT Two nice bedrooms with board, ladies or gentlemen. Phone 2573-J. 1-tf FOR RENT One nicely furnished bed room within' walking distance of square, rent very reasonable; 607 S. Tryon St. 1-tf FOR RENT Beauitfully finished un furnished apartment, 3 rooms and private bath, near Southern station; 227 S. Cedar. 10-31-tf FOR RENT Large furnished roori, modern conveniences, private home-, close in. 312 N. Brevard. Phone 2571-W. -25-tf FOR RENT Extra nice room, close in. Phone 291 or 2918. 13-tf FOR RENT Nice room adjoining bath, hot and cold water, one block below Southern station, two gentle men. 13 Sfl Cedar. 12-tf FOR RENT Office building, 0 offices, well located. J. H. McAden. Phone 860. 3-tf FOR RENT Five-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished, steam heat, 8 W. Seventh. 25-tf FOR RENT Office room, well located. Apply Merton C. Propst. 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5-tf FOR SALEREAL ESTATE FOR SALE Building lots on Stated- vine Ave., with sewerage, water, lights, hard surface street, paved walk, requires $100 cash, balance $50 per month. Lots range in price from $C75 to $1250. J. E. Murphy & Co. 6-3t-eod HOW WOULD modern home, Louise avenue 6 large rooms, large bath, hot air heat each room, double walls, double floors, part hardwood, nicely papered, nice fixtures. Lot 50x 200, good garden, garage, chicken house and runway, street paved and paid, appeal to you? Near churches, schools and block from car. Price right; good terms. Will trade for smaller house or good lot on Plaza. Phone Owner, 4062 or 3139-W. 10-2t FOR SALE Six-room bungalow lo cated on paved street in Dilworth Hardwood floors and large lot. This home is a bargain at the price Theis-Smith Realty Co., B. M. Brown salesman. Phone Sa78. lfr-3t FOR SALE Some of the best vacant lots in Charlotte Ind we have the prices right. Thies-Smith Realty Co. Phone 4415. . 10-3t FOR SALE Now being built six-room T"" ji 1 - 1 1 bungalow: iieamoni-ii.iizaDetn sec tion. Hardwood floors, heating plant. good location, call a. M. Brown Thies-Smith Realty Co. 10-St NEW 6-room bungalow, furnace heat well located, $6400. F. S. Conrad Phone S682. lO-li FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Well located 5-room cot tage, -one block from car line, Pied mont section, on good terms. Price $5200. C. B. Porter, 202 Trust Bldg. Phone 4562. 10-St FOR SALE Five-room cottage. South Graham St., $4500. Will take auto mobile as part payment. C. B. Por ter. 202 Trust Bldg. 10-3t FOR SALE A dandy lot, 60x175, on Crescent Ave. $1250, on terms. An other closer in, $1650. Let me show you these; they are worth the money. Also two lots in Dilworth; both for $900. C. B. Porter, .202 Trust Bidg. Phone 4562. 10-31 FOR SALE Bargain in six-room hou.; close in. paved street and car lint-. Going to let this slide for only $5750. C. B. Porter, 202 Trust Bldg. Phone 4562. - 10-3t VOU SALE Bargain in six-rocm bun galow, brand new-, near cag- line. Located on good lot. Neignbors ?.ood. Price $4750. C. B. Porter, 202 Trust Bide. Phone '562. 10-3t 4 ROOM COTTAG7 m excellent condi tion. West Palmer. Price $2500; $500 cash, balance B. & L. Call 535. Qu-en City Realty Co., 36 W. Fifth St. 10-5t NEW 7-room 2-story house, Central Ave. Built for a home. Large lot. Attractive price at office. Queen City Roalty Co.. 36 W. Fifth St. 10-5t FOR SALE (Regardless of worth, or cost to owner) thre. -ots, 56x200 feet, in 200 feet of car line, four lots tn block of car line. "Plaza," care News. 10-5t FOR SALE Or exchange for city property by owner, Il3-acre farm near Steel Creek churcn. Lot of timber and well watered. $4500. H. H. Rhyne, Route 11, Box 47 Charlotte. 1 0-2t-cod FOR SALE Good Iol on Vail avenue; 100x155. Price $100u; $250 cash, bal ance on easy terms. Now what about this for a bargain. F. C. Abbott Co. Phone 3022. 10-2i FOR SALE 6-room brick: residence, close in, modern conveniences, good size lot. Price $5000. J. E. Murphy & Co. 6-3t-eod FOR SALE By owner vacant lot m Elizabeth section shady side of street convenient to car line, school and churches price reasonable. Phone 2115 or 1646-W. 6-2t-eod FOR SALE 5-room cottage, close in, near Ninth Avenue Baptist church, on paved street, near car line. House has modern conveniences. Price $4600. J. E. Murphy & Co. 6-3t-eod FOR SALE 6-room bungalow irt Dil worth, paved street, near car line fine location, house conveniently ar ranged, nice fixtures, walls and floors, good garage. Price $7750. J. E. Murphy & Co. . 6-3t-eod rOR SALE Vrell located home in Myers Park, house practically new, on paved street, near car line, has all modern conveniences, hardwood floors, nice walls and fixtures, large living room, three nice bed rooms. Price $11,000. J. E. Murphy & Co. 6-3t-eod FOR SALE Good 2-story residence in Dilworth. on paved street, house in splendid condition, papered through out, hardwood flowrs furnace heat, nice breakfast room, large living room, nice sewing room, three bed rooms. Price $10,500. J. E. Murphy & Co. 6-3t-eod FOR SALE Several well loca.ted build ing lots in Myers Park. Price $6000 per acre. We will be glad to show them to you. J. E. Murphy & Co. - 6-3t-eod FOR SALE Elegant home near Myers Park club, on Bttarwood Road; 7 romos. sleoeinsr porch, tile bath with shower, servant's house, chicken yard and good garage. In-ice $13,500. Very easy terms. F. C. Abbott & Co. Phone 3022.- 9-2t FOR SALE Bungalow in Myers Park near the club, $9100. F. C. Abbott & Co. Phone 3022. 9-2t FOR SALE An attractive bungalow on Providence place. Call J. C. Har ley, 3022, for information. F. C. Ab bott & Co. 9-2t LARGE HOMES, close in, finest section city, modern every way, call for details. M. & M. Realty Co., 4062. 9-2t FOR SALE. 8-room suburban bungalow, modetei m every respect, including best hot water heating system. This is one of the most attractive suburban homes in the vicinity of Charlotte, quarter mile from city, limits, on acre and half lot, covered with large oaks, shrubbery, and abundance of fruits and flowers. For one wanting an A-l home merely outside city limits, this surely will fill the bill. For price and terms call office. 6-ronm bungalow,. Elizabeth-' section. one block off car line, shady side of street. This home is new, has hard wood floors, tile bath, tile kitchen, and is in A-l neighborhood. Price $7500. LEE KINNEY. Phone 3783 9-5t 5-ROOM COTTAGE in Fourth ward. ciose to car line, all conveniences. In first-class condition. Price $2500: $500 cash. Balance B. & L. Call 535. Queen City Realty Co., 36 W. Fifth St. 9-5t 16-ACRE FARM with 3-room nouse barn and chicken house, 4 miles from square, on paved road, excel lent neighborhood, line for dairy and truck. Price $3600. Terms. Call 535. Queen City R.ealty Co., 36 W. Fifth St. . 9-Bt 5-ROOM BUNGALOW in Wilmore Drive, modern, nice lot, fruit and garden, cheap at $4250. Small cash payment. Balance easy. Call 535. Queen City Realty Co., 36 W. Fifth St. 0.; FOR SALE RENTING PftnPir.RTT Three good 4-room houses witi-i hot rooms, etc., 50 feet railroad frontage J t x -inn f . 0 mu iiuoui. ias ieer street and alley way frontage, $400o. On South Myers street three good 4 room houses with 200 feet of alley way frontage. There is no better located colored property in Charlotte than this. Large vacant lot on South Church street extending through the block to Poplar treet, with -several tenant houses .on the back part of the lot This property is ciose In and iirill command a big price in the near future, $10,000. Vacant lot on Jefferson street. Wash ington heights, 75x200 feet, $400 M. B. ROSE. Basement Trust Bldg. Phone 796 J'Ol FOR SALE Splendid 5-room cottasre 9-St .... ".i..tuu enue, unwortn. House m good repair, has .been well cred for- and wil1 make a nice home. Terms and price at office. M. B Rose- 3-2t MODERN 7-room house in Dilworth, large dry basement with heatin plant, hardwood floors, house in th very best condition. Price $9000 M. B. . Rose. got AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE One large Buck's heater in first class condition at a bargain. J. M. Clark, Inc., corner Church and Third Sts. 10-t FOR SALE At auction, one 1913 four- cylinder Buick touring car, moto; just overhauled, newly painted and five cord tires, also one Ford road ster in good condition. Saturday, November 12, 12 o'clock, at court house. 10-2 1 FOR SALE Ford sedan, 1920 model, fully equipped, in excellent, condi tion. Address 715 Realty Bldg. Phone 659. 9-3t USED CARS REAL VALUES Velie, 1D12 model ; $100 Reo 4, 1915 model $200 Oldsmobile 8, sedan, 5-passenger . .$750 Lexington 5-passenger, 1920 model. $900 1521 Ford roadster, original tires, driven about 1800 miles $375 CHAMBERS MOTOR CO. Phone 1459. 9-3t AUTOMOBILE at auction, one Over land car. first class condition, cord tires, at courthouse Saturday, 12th, at noon. 8-4t FOR SALE Ford light delivery trucks with new bodies. Prices right. Motor Sunply Co., 309 N. Tryon St. Phone 1S70. N 6-tf FOR SALE One new Ford roadstar body. Motor Supply Co., 309 North Trvon. Phone 1270. 6-tf FOR SALE Red can guaranteed auto mobile battery, $20.00. A. M. Akin. 718 E. Seventh. 3-tf BARGAINS in used cars. Used prts for practcially all makes of cars. V. M. Stine, 29 S. Tryon St. 29-tf BARGAINS We have several very good used cars that can be bought right and on easy terms. USED CAR EXCHANGE, . 505 South Tryon. Next to Catholic Church. 9-tf RENT A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U-DRIVE-LTM CO., 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 1270 15-tf BARGAINS IN USED CARS More than "0 U3ed automobiles different models $200.00 and up. Apply Sehorn and Hipp, 211 N. College St. Phone 4050. 7-tf. Stag Brand Paints One gallon makes two Whitlow's, 11 S. Poplar St WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Carpenter work. Jobs large or small, all work guaranteed. Phone 4240. " 10-7t WANTED To borrow $2000 on brand new house and five acres of land three miles out: good investment. S. K., care News. 10-4t WANTED To sell Santa Claus his bicycles for Christmas. Many makes: big stocks. Carolina Sporting Goods Co., 7 W. Fourth St. 9-2t WANTED Your painting. No charges unless you are satisfied. Work cheap. Phone. 5032. 9-5t WANTED To borrow by re liable narty. one thousand dol lars on $2,500 worth of auto mobiles or $2,500 worth of first class furniture. Phone 4378. Ten per cent interest 8-tf WANTED To furnish you the highest grade Blue Gem Lump Coal for Ten Dollars per ton delivered. Phone 2271. 7-6 WILL PAY CASH for standard type writers. L. W. Bowiin, P. O. Box 932. 5-7i WANTED To do your type writer repairing. Phone 3767. Typewriter Exchange Co., 231 S. Tryon St. A ryi WANTED Men with hara beards to know we are giving a fine i-azor hone, shaving stick, bottle of toilet water or razor strop with the purchase of one of the following high quality ra zors: 'Blue Ribbon." "Hunter," "Our Best," or "Blue Steel." -Conner & Walters Company, Barbers' Supplv House, 10 S. Poplar St. 29-tf WANTED To put your furnace m good order, inspect your flues and prevent fires. Strange & Brady. Phone 3149 31-tf WANTED To make your mattresse3 and pads to order. Matresses reno vated, box springs repaired, feather mattresses made. Hailey-Howard Co., 323 East Trade. Phone 3446. 22-tf WANTED Used furniture. Phone 443S. 505 W. Eleventh Sy 13-tf WANTED Your painting, calsomim ing, refinishing floors. J. S. AlcCall. Phone 40G9. 12-tf WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED To buy home, near in; Pourth ward preferred; must haVe eight or nine rooms. What have you to offer? Stabs location and best price. Address "Prospect-2," care News. i o-3t WANTED To rent or lease a small tarm on National Highway or near, must be a good house. Call or ad dress Z. B. Vanderburg, 701 " South A St. m.it WANTED To buy seven-room house direct from owner. Good neighbor hood close in. No inflated value Address "Cash," care The News. " 10-2t FOR SALE LIVE STOCK F?R SALE Two good mules; tow head ol cattle; a number of youn' - Barred Plymouth nock pullets, and cockerels. J. C. Cook, Park Road Phone county 580a. " 10 FOR SALE Fresh cow- and calf. Phon-'i S46-W. c of FOR SALE LEATHER COATS, Wtheirette coats. sheepskin coais, shepeskin vests, uniforms overseas caps, shirts, etc. The Army Co . No. 2 N. Tryon St. and No J .11 1- C5V iU-ll FOR SALE Royal vacuum cleaner, $25. In good woriung F. T. Clarke, 400 Union St., Morganton N. C. 10-3t SMALL SAFE and cash register cheap FOR SALE 12 pairs green u",u?' good as new, a real oargam, ; Pine. Phone 1336. J 10'ot FOR SALE Bathroom gas heater with mntni noil, whnne a4o-w. JVZ FOR SALE Early Jersey WakehelJ cabbage plants, 25c per hundred: o J. nviuao -r-v v. FOR SALE Small brick and groceries: 4 Springs store St. room 10-5t THE ENTIRE STOCK Or UAKuais AND FIELD SEED. Egumwi, MAILING LIST AND FIXTURE OF THE AMERICAN SEED COM PANY WILL BE SOLD AS A WHOLE. FOR CASH AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BID DER. AT 12 O'CLOCK M- NOVEM BER 30. 1921, AT 511 EAST TRADE STREET. CHARLOTTE. NORTH CAROLINA. FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO INDEPENDENCE TRUST CO., RECEIVER, OR J. B. GARRISON 311 EAST TRADE ST.. CHARLOTTE. N. C. 10-5t-eod FOR SALE Well established transfer business and good truck. Check for $2500 gets the outfit. Owner leaving town. "Transfer," care News. 8-3t-eod ONE BASE BURNER in excellent con dition for sale cheap. Phone 1167-W. n "( FOR SALE Second-hand bicycles at rock bottom prices. We also repair bicvcles. Carolina Sporting Goods Co., 7 W. Fourth St. 9-2t FOR SALE Good Kimball organ. Call at 919 N. Davidson St. 9-2t FOR SALE Favorite base burner in Rood condition. Phone 1475-J. 9-2t DOSS TUBES, red 30x3, $1.60 each. R. L. Whitner, Dowd Road, Char lotte. 9-7t SET FROSTPROOF cabbage plants now for early spring heading. Fall cabbage crop short and price high. Try 5,000 plants postpaid $6.50. Make $100 profit. Wakefields and Flit heads, all mailed postpaid; 50, 10c; 250, 50c; 500, 75c. Experienced plant grower. Walter Parks, Pisgah, N. C. 9-2t FOR SALE Kingsbury upright piano. Phone 2959-J; 1433 E. Fifth. 8-tf CABBAGE PLANTS Winter and spring heading, $1.T3 thousand: $1.00 five hundred: prepaid and insured; strong, healthy, full count; govern ment inspected; grown here. We lead, others follow. Medlin Plant Farm, Fort Mill, S. 'C. ll-8-30t FOR SALE Favorite base burner! good condition, $45; also blue enamel Perfection oil heater, $4. Phone 1227-W after 6 p. m. 6-tf GET YOUR SUPPLIES now and pre pare for big parade November 11th The Army Salvgae Co.. No. 9 S Church St. Also No. 2 N. Tryon. 4-7t FOR SALE Baby carriage in good condition. New would cost $65. Only $16. Call 11 Grove St. 3-tf TOR SALE Base burner. Phone 4045-J 608 Tremont Ave. 2-tf WANTED Someone who wishes to in vest $1000 in a beautiful valuable diamond ring. One of the safest a id most useful investments. Address A. B. C care News. 2-tf COAL WIGGINS FUEL CO. Our Motto: QUALITY SERVICE East Bland and Railroad Phone 1216 19-tf FOR SALE OUR SERVICES to repair your roof or gutters. Also to paint them. Satisfaction guaranteed. STRANGE & BRADY Phone 3149 7-tf WALL PAPER HANGING. house painting. Call " J. M. Muse. Phone 423-L2- 9-tf W. M. BELL, Notary Public, front of fice Charlotte News. Can be found most any hour to 8 p. m. 9-tf MISCELLANEOUS MATERNITY SANITARIUM. Private, refined, homelike. Home provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 22 Wind sor, Atlanta. Ga. ll-4-26t-no sun PIANO TUNING W. E. Senn. Char- lorce. N. C. Phone 2335-L-3. 10-12-tf NOTICE All delinquents will take notice that State and County taxes are due and must be paid immediately or costs will be added and" pro ceedings started to collect. Please make immediate pay ments. W. O. Cochran, Sheriff. 13-tf WALL PAPER : The Latest Designs A. J. DUNN CO. 25 North Tryon St. Phone 2264 21-tf NEW MATTRESSES made out ot your uiu uucs. xvenovatea. JXew ticks. It 11 rids yu vermin. CaP xlo88-J for particulars. Lawing'a Mattress Factory. '412 North Long St. oo . WALL PAPER. PATNTS Call and see our new lino nF Wall Paper and let us talk td vuu udoui your painting and papering. WHITLOW PAINT AND PAPER CO. 11 S. Poplar St.. Phone 3634. 30-tf WANTED POSITION YUNG MAN, 18 years of age with .o.c ijusmon or any kind at once. M." car. tvW 1577. 8-3t Sil1. hr iy at '"UOL vvoi-k, clerical or general office work. . Address . .N. .. care Aews. - a3t' IT MATTERS NOT Where the prices of shoes may go we are always on the job prepared to save qur customers from One to Five Dollars a pair, ose.who have tried us know, and others can if they will. Will you? , TRUE SAMPLE SHOE STORE 32 E. Trade St. MISCELLANEOUS LET US DO your upholstering, furni; lure repaujus . 7 ,,. . "Rofpre.nces if Uc woric 8U"""'vu; s.:tr.f:Gd sired. Phone 2438. DFFIANCE HEMSTITCHING SHOP Buttons covered: buttonholes by hanJ or machine: curtains made to o de,, 203 W. Fourth. iS-tt-eou MIMS & HASTY Paper Hangers and Decorators 11 S. Poplar. Phone 364 11-5 tf BEN F. FAVELL The Best in Shoe Repairing Phone 247 215-217 N. Tryon Shoes Called for and Delivered. S-tf-thur-sat-mon-tu? J LEE PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. Office 'with J. W. Cobb. Phone 3695. 8-tf-eac LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND HAULING, PACKING AND STORING NICHOLS TRANSFER CO. Phone 705. 5 S. Poplar 25-tf STOP KICKING about high eats when you can buy government breakfast bacon for less than 21 , cents per , pound; a 12-pound can for $2.50. Roast beef, 15 cents J3er pound; 50-cent sox, 20c; sewing thread, 2 cents; pencils,- one . cent; pen "points, three . cents dozen- T)e Army Sal--vage Co., No. 9 S. Church vSt. l'-7t WALLPAPER Whitlow's, 11 S. Poplar St. 30-tf HOUSES WANTED ROOMS WANTED To rent room for my col ored cook somewhere in Dilworth. Phone 1742-J. 10-4t WANTED Two or three unfurnished steam heated rooms in apartment or home. Phone 2408-W. 10-3t WANTED Four to six-room house fur nished at reasonable rent, close in. Address T- W. B., care News. 10-3t WANTED Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Must be good location. Phone 412. 9-3t WANTED To rent four or five room furnished apartment or small fur nished house, preferably close in. Ad dress L. A., care News. 8-tf LOST OR FOUND SILVER handle umbrella in shopping district, inscribed "VVhitted" on end. Reward. Phone 4987. 0-3t FCUND The place where Santa Claus will get hia Christmas goods. Caro lina Sporting Goods Co., 7 W. Fourth St. 9-2t SALESMEN WANTED SA.LESMAN to cover local territory , selling dealers. Guaranteed salary of $100 per week for right man. The Richard Co., 200 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 0.7 OPENING for hie-h pla. ai with the world's largest company (of its kind). Commission basis only See Mr. Euing, Mgr.. 17 W. Fourth st- . f 9-3t H HAROLD LLOYD j IN J "Never Weaken" r rmay uiriiKIAL Saturday CITY OF BULLETIN NO PARKING TOMORROW MORNING on the following streets : Graham, Trade to Fourth: Mint, Trade to Fourth; Trade Graham to Mint; Fourth Graham to Mint; Tryon, Sec ond to Third; Third, College to Tryon. ' f - This is on account of the Parade. Charlotte, N, c. I PROSECUTES BURCR AND MRS.OBENCHAL Thomas Lee Woolwine. Thomas Lee Wcolwine, prosecj. i tor 01 Los Angeles county, Cal, ij in charge of the state's case against Arthur C. Burch and Madalynu'e Obenchain, charged with the mm. der xif J. Belton Kennedy. Wool, wine will ask the death penalty. NEGRO METHODISTS IN MEETING HERE Officers who have been elected fortb olst session of the North Carolina an nual conference of the colored Mehc dist Episcopal church, which is heir-: held at Williams Tabernacle C. It E church, Plum and Boundary streets are: Rev. J. S. Miller, sccretarj-; Ec J. B. F. Prather, recording secretary and :Kevi. J. A. King, statistical stc retary. " ,. . - - The introductory sernion wasprtadi ed by ; Rev. A.;L. Sinclair, Rev. G, C Parker, presiding elder of the Durhair Charlotte district, conducting the dei. tional exercises. Peports from many of the 150 Nor.: Carolina ministers were heard at Vv. nesday's meeting, Rev. N. F. Haygoos one of the visitors from South Caroiir. conducting the Wednesday night ser ices. An interestig talk was made to thi conference by Rev. Dr. .Mitchell, ps tor of the Fii-st Baptist church ,colo:et of Charlotte. The principal feature of the Thursda: meeting was the election of delegates f the general conference. Conference ar pointments wdll probably be read Sjt day. , SALISBURY IS TO HAVE BIG PARADE FRIDAY .Salisbury, Nov. 10. Business v. il! t EUSnpildprl in 5alielnivi.- irmislife it and the parade and exercises arraugf by the American Legion will frati'i' tne uay. The parace will begin ai iw Jmri This ti-ill lu (,-.n,v.-rrI hv pxer .S! at the Community building. These e ercises will consist of singing. announcements and the address of day by John Oglesby, of Concord. K,-llirr.Q .-;Vl At 1 '"' o'ClCCr jjivv uaim will I 'tr liox. x. all activities will cease for two minutf while the fire bell tolls A half dozen city churehp" will n!; father and son sujipers Thurfday f" ning. ' These several gatheiii:?s take the place of the one big gathei r- that has been held in other yean LIGHTING IS EQUAL Tf TEN BILLION CANDLB ranged street illumination comi1-,,; the equivalent of 10.000,000.000 caa 1 . i ,-.v.:)l-f nas Deen arrtngea wv tne "";". conference. The exhibits inciU "jeweled" archway, or pi-rtal. atf pntonntli ,t ,1 T- c,(1..ntc cjpi'inC -" approach to the building" e(1c.i COnfprpnno Ti-ill nnnrcne: an 'av- a'e'f Seventeenth street and terminal'-"--; the jeweled portal: a "lipW States" (an aurora boreahsi the dome of the Capitol, and tne Lighting" of the Washington ment and of many public buiiti.ns- VP.TTPl? AXTC "PT.AM TO GET INTO PARA of Mcc Commander A. L. Smith. lenburg Camp aS2, U. C. V., has a call for all members of tne tn i x,i. ir.-iria'v -u Intel, ai tne annul. 5 ing at 10 o'clock, where they until the hour for falling i"t0 lr $ of march in the Armistice Day P . The members are requested to cu unifrom or wearing badges. , both uniform and badges it Pv- REUNION IS CALLED Off f Ho"'-' Reunion of members or -Unit O, scheduled for Thursday, beenbeen called off, it was an-' by John Barringer. izfd ' The hospital unit -was P1'SJ' -a. Charlotte four years ago lbuu jr plans were under way for a re $ be held at the Selwyn hotel a- niversarv celebration. The pi-1 given up, nowever. P.OATi This is the spot to bu -coal, grate and stove, ? weighed and forked. Empty coal bins-Do Independence Coal t ' Phone 4461

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