k - i - . if ; r-? THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, STRENGTHENING CHEEK MUSCLES. jf the muscles of the face are strong fhevP will be less danger of sagging ,'.Pek and wrinkles tind hollows. There ivery omn wnu lears me ap t of wrinkles snould strengthen muscles of the cheek as much as forf-riroa i '"There is a certain rubbing exercise vhu-ii is well recommended, for this. Y the skin is dry coat it with a little ( cream before you begin this rub hL'cr if it is very oily use talcum p'.vvUr. This is simply to make the nibbinc easier. Hold the hands over .h,-. talc with the palms of the hand. Ji,, is the cushiony part of the hand -Mirst the skin. Then rub and kn,MI the muscles vigorously yet not ,oo vigorously. What you want is to stimu'ate the circulation of the blood ' to exercise these muscles. . You do want to pull or wretch them. Tivi kneading, rubbing motion should ? kept "P fcr several minutes; the Mr-!e.t part of each stroke being up vtirte as to lift the lax and sagging mir!es. 1 - 4. V I. J . T II you nae- iiiiisiicu wasn me h warm water, then rinse or as cold as you can get it if possible. If you have a e and flabby skin this may p to aggravate me wrinKiea ior ftnv weeKS. dui uw mat ui wnoie . i . ,i .ill j j i j j veJ in appearance by this treat- Vh n wit with if.' i very wat lOO: a fner lilt r.t. K't tl'.e i' in '.;' v t'. c.:. P. i !.-- .::KC V t l'C:J !tn V( i.-v, . all If your legs are so stout .hen you walk, you must weight, if this is really ' the fooling: of weakness must bo very much over rhapa. however, the un--,g is the. rouult of ill you been ill lately? If build yourself up and you right again. p,et Reduce the ankles by r.; and kneading them vigor- . v with the nanas to wortc oir me J.rf.ucus tlesh. I' you are too i yi ankles win b thick. Any ,rvo.:? I'utucui' or gymnasium cx- Arf:-:J - V -.V.V.. -V V. .-.Vv'.N.V.X'?.', B.W.4 n i . is; J he This exercise docs away with wrinkles. erclse will tend to make the ankles slim and neat looking. All inquiries addressed to Miss Forbes in care or the "'Beauty Chats" depart ment will he answered in these columns in their turn. This requires consider- .1.1 . . . aoie iime, nowever, owing to the great number received. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired a stamped and self-addressed envelope must be enclos ed with the questions. The Editor. ODDS 19 TO 1 AGAINST WAR WITH JAPANESE :. .r k!i. .v. 10. Local betting is 19 ,n l airtinst the outbreak of a Jap ?.r,i' - Ar.ter.oan war and 17 to 3 against :i ssicn of the West Indies to the I;,.-.. 1 State;; within the next 14 i.:. .-has accepted applications of twe pt-isimists for policies to guaran tee against loss in either event. Both poiicies are valid until Decem ber 31. 1922. A rate of 5 per cent was lpjnted for a policy insuring against to-1 tai loss of property in the vent of a war j between Japar and America, and 15 per cent tor a policy covering the re linquishment, of the West Indies to the United States, presumably in liquida tion of the British war debt. The We?: In lian- policy revived briefly talk of the possibility cf Great. ROADS BILL TO FURNISH WORK Federal Road Measure Will Give Employment to 50, 000 Jobless Men. 19. Fifty thou- get work through Britain eivinsr up the islands. eials. however, promptly replied chance." . - Offi- 'no COUNTY TEACHERS ENGAGE IN STUDIES The teachers of Mecklenburg coun ty's rural schools assembled at the Y. M. C. A. Saturday morning for a meet ing and for continuation of recitations in reading course work, which was mapped rut for all teachers at the initial teachers' meeting a few weeks ago. It is the plan to complete the reading course work by having recita tions taeh Saturday before Christmas, except on the Saturday following Thanksgiving. The lessons will be omitted on that date for the reason that many of the teachers are expect ed to be in Raloigh on that day at the annual convention of the State Teach.rs' Association. Washington, Nov. sand idle men will the passage of the Good Roads bill. appropriating $75,000,000 in State-aid road building funds it was predicted today at headquarters of the national unemployment conference. Although the measure carried $75,000, 000, twice that much 'money will actu ally be turned loose on road projects, as the " States must match the allot ments made to them by the Govei-n-ment. One-th'ird of the money is avail able for immediate work and the re mainder can be used after July 1. 1922. Enactment of the roads bill was urg ed by the unemployment, conference as one of the best steps that could be immediately taken to better labor con ditions. State allotments under tht bill follow Alabama Arizona .$1,553,420. C7 1.053,281.4-1 "Millions Now Living Will Never Die." Free Bi ble Lecture by W. J. Thorn, of Boston, Mass., in assem bly room. Selwvn Hotel. Friday night, Nov. 25, 7:30 ocIock, Seats Free. No collections. 20-6t hi UHKX QUITTING TIME COMES (ir you go home with a clear head. Cl ingy step and amiable disposi fln, or do you experience head a'h&, lassitude and the attending 8rfuchiness! Ev-f-r stop to consider the fact that dr-fective vision often produces thf-so. effects! if you have the slightest suspicion that your vision is not all that it should be have your eyes examined. You should make sure that you are equipped to do your level best at all times. F. C. ROBERTS Optometrist. S. Tryon St. Upstairs Phone S528. Arkansas California 2,4J2.09S.8 Colorado .. .. 1,3 11, 175. Oil Connecticut 430.S37.73 Delaware 385.G23.00 Florida 8S6.S25.60 Georgia 1,997,957.58 Idaho 938,536.68 Illinois .. 3.246.2S1.07 Indiana 1,958,855.41 Iowa 2.102,872.74 Kansas Kentucky 1,417,178.88 Louisiana 996,980.64 Maine 695,160.25 Maryland .. .. - 640,629.01 Massachusetts 1,096,176.04 Michigan 2,249,532.43 Minnesota - .. 2.123.597.07 Mississippi 1,294,096.22! Missouri 2,448,128.62 Montana 1.546,885.82 Nebraska . . 1,381,189.50 Nevada . . .... 953,436.78 New Hampshire 365,625.00 j New Jersey 942,870.95 New Mexico 1,189.823.34 I New York 8.696,447.97 j North Carolina 1,709,333.90 North Dakota 1,164,7;4.42 Ohio 2,823,004.05 Oklahoma 1,752,339.44 Oregon .. 1,182,863.90 Pennsylvania 3,398,953.97 Rhode Island . . . . . . . . 365,625.00 South Carolina 1,061,237.34 South Dakota 1,204,060.31 Tennessee i,b47,eaz.i!4 TAva. . 4.425.172.41 Utah 840,417.21 1 Vermont '365,6zs.oo 1 ISA SSOft Al V irginia. ' ' I 1 i Washington 1,103,709.77 ff West Virginia 802,359.77 Wisconsin 1,894,815.86 Wyoming 44,ei.j The bill also appropriated $15,000, 000 for the improvement of National Forest roads. The Federal Highway Act, just pass ed in a general way resembles the PVderal-Aid Act of 1916, but contains several new features. Administration of the act of the Secretary of Agri-1 culture, and under him the bureau oi Public Roads, remains unchanged. Apportionment of the fund to the States is almost the same as in the previous act, the fund being divided into three parts, 1 part apportioned according to population, 1 according to area, md 1 according to mileage of rural and star mail routes. A new feature is the stipulation that no State shall receive less than one-half of one, per cent of the total fund which, in this case, amounts to $365,824. This stipulation will increase the amount re ceived by four of the smaller States. Delaware, New Hampshire, Rhode Is land and Vermont. 1 i il 5S i I Better Be Safe Than Sorry! Know that your eyes are right. Remember they change and weaken without warning.. Play safe. Know that your eyes are 100 per cent efficient. See an optical specialist. He will advise you frankly. But don't delay, for it's "better to be safe than sorry." 1 1 hi 1 Values! Not W ords Story Of The Greet, S 9 ES avmss SUITS, COATS and DRESS While others have been waiting, talking and theorizing on how to bring prices back to normal, The Wise Ready-to-Wear Co., aided by its tremendous buying power, has been quietly but consistently working with the purpose to give the women of Charlotte and vicinty the greatest value in women9s high-grade Ready -to-Wear, they have ever seen in the city Here Second Floor 1 r I Women's and Children's Ready-to Wear Company operated by the Wise j Ready-to-Wear Company. ' C. W. WISE, Manager. TelliThe 1 Second Floor Women's and Children's Ready-to-Wear Company operated by the Wise Ready-to-Wear Company. C. W. WISE, Manager. A w onderful and Choice Selection of Suits, Coats and Dresses at Prices That Astound the Women Will Fairlu One lot of Women's handsome velour and tric otine Suits, some with large fur collars, some tail ored models, values to $85.00, but on account of a special purchase we are offernife you choice of the lot at one price DRESSES An unparalleled offering in Dresses of Satins, Silks, Charmeuse, Canton Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Crepe Satins, Tricotines, Poiret Twills at prices that surpass anything ever offered in Charlotte. Values to $25.00 at P19.50 Tricotine Q.75 Values to39.50 OjOfOO Dresses at tP at pdU COAT Bolivia and Velour Coats, values that are beyond description, in every new model Navy, Brown and Black. Values really up to $50.00 and $65.00. Special at $25.00 A Special Lot of Sweaters Sweaters of almost every descrip tion for Women, Misses. and Chil dren, including the college sweaters in Navy, Maroon, Brown- and Heather. ' Navy and Maroon College Sweat ers at $3 Ladies' $5.00 All, Wool Sweaters at : . , i j a oq Children's Sweat Good values at $3 and ers 98c and up. Coo 39 EAST TRADE SECOND FLOOR PHONE 515 1 is mi Mil n