11 5f Right here at the first of December when all staple and Holiday lines are most com-plete-f rom the customer's standpoint it is the most advantageous time all to have a sale. This is why we are sure this one is going to be such a splendid success. Three Days Of The Year's Most Active RfflerchandisiBig THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 29, 1921. Five Hundred Mid W n 5) The Most Brilliant Array of Mid Winter Styles We Have Ever Pre sented at a Price Almost Unbe lievable for the Remarkable Values Gold and Silver Cloth Hats, Hats of dazzling Ori ental Brocades, Hats of Rich Silk Duvetyne, Hats of Lyons Velvet These Have Never Been Shown Before and on Thursday Morning WiM Be On Sale for the First Time Our Millinery Department will be a riotous blaze of wonderful, vivid colors. This sale, coming at the very start of the mid-winter season, is your oppor tunity to secure a Winter Hat at a price lower than we shall be able to offer again on such models as these. 15c Fashionette Hair Nets, $1.25Doz. Dozen One dozen fashionette hair nets, put up in a fancy Christmas package just . ... $1.25 Notion Specials 50c Shirred garter elastic . . .... ... . 37c yd 75c Shirred garter elastic 59c yd ?1 00 Shirred garter elastic 75c yd 50c white lawn waist linings ... . 39c Goc white net waist linings 50c C5c Black net waist linings .. 50c 5c -inch twill tape, all colors ...... 3c yd $1.50 Stamped Pieces 48c This lot included black velvet and linen color table runners, 'centerpieces and pillows, and white pique and poplin baby carriage covers. Regular values of from $1.00 to $1.50 at just 48c 75c Stamped Pieces 25c This lot of attractive pieces stamped for embroidery includes green burlap pillows, scarfs and centerpieces, unbleached pillows, white scarfs and baby pillows. They are very special values at 25c $40,000.00 In inree Days So ffl ' HKHBCttf $5.00 Hand-Made Gowns, $3.95 Soft, fine nainsook gowns are these, beautifully finished with hand embroid ery very pretty for Christmas gifts. Unusually good values at this special price. $3.50 Hand-Made Gowns, $2.95 "Round and V-np.ck atvlAR nrp in rinded (N ; j.jl ju i ,k j J AT J 1 r gowns, ana uie material is very nnt nainsook. Very special sale values. $8.50 Siik Night Gowns, $4.25 Silk Camisoles, $2.95 Some of these gowns are elaborately trimmed with lace and ribbons; others are very effectively tailored. They are in flesh and maize only, and are very special values for this sale. $12.00 Night Gowns, $6.95 These dainty gown3 of satin and crepe de chine come in most effective styles and are to be had in all the new shades. These gowns would make lovely Christmas pres ents. $5.00 Silk Envelopes ,$3.95 Some of these envelopes are in attractively tailor ed styles; others are prettily trimmed with laces. Materials are satin and crepe de chine. $8.50 Silk Envelopes ,$5.95 Crepe de' chine and satin envelopes, in flesh, or chid, maize and white. All daintily made iv.vl ex quisitely trmimed. . . Pretty lace and georgette are used to trim these camisoles of satin and crepe de chine. They may be had in both flesh and white. Ideal for Christmas gifts. $7.50 Gossard Corsets Two splendid models in this group of Gossard Corsets, made of fancy brocades, with all the genuine Gossard goodness as to style and quality. To be had in all sizes. Discontinued Numbers. $12.00 Gossard Corsets $7.95 Two good models are included in this group of Gossards, suitable for the medium or larger figure. They are unusually good quality, and are one of the best corset values we have offered in some time. Discontinued Numbers. $27.50 Girls' and Misses' Coats, $16.95 Handsome alkwool chinchilla and lovely soft bolivia cloth are used in these smart coats, and the styles are as attractive as any we have shown this season. The colors are brown, reindeer, and blue ; the sizes 7 to 14 years. $16.50 Girls' and Misses' Coats, $10.95 Attractive styles in Coats de veloped of all-wool coatings and to be had in all desirable shades. This new price represents a splendid value. $12.50 Little Girls' Coats, $7.95 Fine French Broadcloth Coats in blue, rose and tan; the styles are very attractive,' and each garment has an effective touch of smocking. Sizes 1 to 5. Excellent sale values at this special price. $15.00 Frocks for the Tiny Girl, $4.95 An odd lot of dainty frocks made of taffeta, crepe de chine and georgette, in sizes from 2 to 6 years. To be had in both light and dark shades. ''''' $25 Children 's Serge Frocks $1395 In this group of frocks will be found smart styles developed in very fine quality -brown and navy serge. Sizes 8 to 14. $15 Regulation Serge Frocks $5.95 All wool serge of splendid weight and quality is used in these attractive regulation style dresses. They are especially, good values for the school girl, and may be had in sizes from 8 to 14. $15 Children 's Plash Coats $6.95 Very special quality of black plush is used in these, and they are in very attractive styles. Sizes are from 3 to 6 years. $4.25 Children 's Bath Robes $2.95 These attractive and practical little garments are splendid values at the regular price, and may be had in any size from 2 to 14 years. $10 Children's and Misses' Sweaters, $6.95 Coat and tuxedo styles in all the wanted shades, including navy, brown and heather. Sizes 8 to 14 years. ' $6.50 Children 's Beaver Hats $3.95 Hand-blocked beaver hats, in very attractive shapes. Colors are brown, navy and black. $40,000.00 In Three Days t