18 TITO J JWJt VTY IIYV II -S U. -D byCarlysJoR Holcomb SILKY PRACTICES THE GOLDEN RULE. "I'll die, I'll die, I'll surely die." this was the cry of poor Silky, the monkey, as he stood in the river washing his eyes and' his nose. "Oh, I want to see the King:. I want to see the King of the forest." He was feeling so badly that he didn't know what to say first. But that Is the way everyone feels who comes In con tact with Major Pole Cat. If Silky hadn't been so hasty in announcing: himself he would not have been In the river trying to wash off the poison acid that Major threw on him. It was not the fault of the Forest Major for he was minding his own business. But Silky thinking that it was Jack, the Rabbit, .didn't stop to And out the truth in the matter. "Oh, the more I wash the worse I smell," said Silky, and he began to cry. "Where is the King of the forest?" Poor Silky's eyes smarted and the smell of that acid reminded him of the first time he ever saw Major Pole Cat. On the bank of the river sat Jack, the Rabbit, laughing as hard as he could laugh. "You wil say you can catch me will you," then he laughed some more. "I told you you cauldn't catch me." Jack just laughed and shook his head to see that silly monkey out in the river trying to wash off the acid that Major had sprinkled on him. "Wait till I get hold of you. I'll fix you for that," cried Silky. "It isn't my fault that Major Pole Cat gave you a taste of his poison fluid. I told you that no creature in the forest Seaboard Air Line Railway rui(sr Taln Schedules. Arrival and departure of passenger trains. Charlotte. N. C. Lv. IN o. Between iNo. Ar. 5:009 9:06a 8:56a 6:0 Op 3;45p i 8:2 Op HICharlotte-Wll. land Hamlet con-l Inections. lBfMonroe-Ruth'ton .1 34lRuther-ton - Wil-I Imington and Ral- jeign 20Charlotte-WlL . 13jll:40p 15 9.06a and Hamlet connections. 31IWtlminsrton - Ral- eiffh and Ruther- iiora'.on .... ... 16lMonroe - Ruther- tordton. Monro connections for Norfolk. Rich mond and points iNortn, I 34! 9.40a i9iiz:zp 31 16 3:35p 8:12p All trains daily. Schedules published as information and . not guaranteed. B. W. LOAO, Division Paiteom A great, hoae ISO City Tick Offl Passenger Station 207 W. Trade St. N. Tryon Street, Phone 20. Phone 1 Km.. : Jack laughed and laughed till his sides were sore. could catch me and you said you could and you caught Major instead. You have no reason to be angry with me because you did not catch me." "You had no business to run so fast that I couldn't see you anyway." "It was your business to run fast enough to catch me so that I could not get out of sight." Then Jack laughed and laughed till his sides were sore, for it was a funny thing to see that mon key in the river upi to his knees blink ing and then rubbing his eyes and sneezing, trying to get away from that terrible smell. While Jack stood by watching he be came so interested that he didn't notice any other creature about. But there was someone sneaking up on him and was making ready to catch him. It would have been better for him if he had watched his own business a little more than to laugh at the poor mon key. "Smack," and it was all over. "Wow. wee," and' Jack squealed as loud as he eouid. It was Red Fox who had pounced upon him unnoticed. He held poor Jack tight. Presently Silky saw what had hap pened and went to the rescue. As he ran he picked up a stick at the river's edge and when he came in within reach of Mr. Fox he beat him over the head with that stick till he was glad to let poor Mr. Rabbit go. This is the way Silky paid Jack for laughing at him. He saved the poor fellow's life. Next Quicker than Scat the King Was Away. Go To School Mo?! Owing to our individual plan of Instruction, we can receive new students any week-day of the year. This is the best season for studying. There is an increasing demand for our graduate's in book keeping, shorthand, typewriting and banking. Attractive salaries, pleas ant working conditions, and musual opportunities offered use efficiently trained. Call or write for full information. r m A J A A Chanotte, N. v. F. Li. RIGGSBEE, Mgr. Raleigh, N. C." MRS. RANDALL REPENTS NedY on the other" hahd became more and mere wretched as the days went byt Watching him though she did with a heart full Of sympathy, hid . mother never once attempted te : pry into his secret. That something had happened between himself and Cherry she" was convinced, but time would bring its irt: evitable explanation. He? feeling of guilt increased With the days, and it was all she could do to keep herself front Writing to Cherry and explaining how she felt, and how unhappy her absence was making Ned. One night, while she Wad visiting Miss Laura, she broke down and sobbed like ft baby. That good friend's quick sympathies Were aroused, and even as she had comforted Cherry in her trou-1 bles, did she comfort this older and equally tbrtured .Woman. "Now, then, Sally, don't take on so. Lord a'mlghty, you haven't done more than the most mothers-in law do any way. Look up here while I talk to you," and she .patted the weeping Mrs. Ran dall's heaving back persuasively. "I'm the unhappiest Woman alive, Laura, that's sure. I wish to goodness I'd never been born, so I do. Now I've gone and spoiled ray own boy's life. I'll never have another moment's peace, never." Here the sobs broke out afresh. Miss Laura managed to soothe her, finally, and when she was in a more reasonable state of mind she pointed out that all was not yet lost for either Ned or Cherry. "They're a couple of proud, angry babies) that's all: Wait and see if they'? e hot tegethef 'fore Christmas, Sally: I think I knoW . something about human nature; Arid that's what I pf ediet, so cheef lib: in fact I'm going to help this come true: It's high time sdme outsider did step Irt even if it's nd one's business but theirs: Now I call it a. question of common seiifee: I have that." "I hope so, how I hope so' said Mrs. Randall perking yp at the mere idea. "And I'd give yotl all I possess, gladly, Laura if yen cart help to , bring this about." "No Heed to do that, Sally. I'm Only doing What i think is the right thing to do in this case. I know how Cherry feels, bless he? heart. You see she told me about her affairs many a time." "Did did she seem to--to hate hie, Laura?" asked Mrs. Randall in trenv bling tones. "That child dosen't hate . anyone in all the World. She was puzzled and hurt sure enough, but that was all. I know that towards the end she felt that Bhe wasn't really wanted round the house. That's what's keeping her away now, I know." "Dear, oh, dear, whatever can I do, if that's the case?" wailed the unhappy woman, as she listened to Miss Laura. "Wouldn't it help if I was to sit down and write to her and beg her pardon and Just ask her to come home?" "No, don't write a word, for things will arrange themselves," answered Miss Laura, knowingly. (To be continued.) Hqujbhold Hint MEN HINT. Breakfast. Puree of Fruit. Parsley Omelet. Buttermilk Rclls. . Coffee. Luncheon. Nut or Cheese Sandwiches. Hot Gingerbread. Chocolate Sauce. Tea. Dinner. Baked Stuffed Bluefish. Grape Juice Gravy. , Stewed Tomatoes (canned). Potato B::lls. Lettuce Salad. Buttermilk Ice Cream. Coffee. TESTED RECIPES. Buttermilk Rolls Use buttermilk that is fresh and heat a quart to the boiling point, stirring frequently to prevent curdling. Add one rounding tablespoon of sugar; set aside for ten minutes and mix in gradually one quart of bread flour, beating to a Ap artment FOR RENT $75 5-rooms and bath, hot water heat, tile bath. Just painted and papered, ab solutely modern m every way. PER MONTH Reference required, both financially and ; morally. M. B. ROSE Basement Trust BIdg. Phone 796 smooth batter. Cover closely and let stand over night. In the morning add one tablespoon of baking soda, half a tablespoon of salt and two tablespoons of melted oleo. Work in also suffieieffint flour to make a soft dough and knead until soft and velvety to the touch. Mould into rolls or biscuits, place in greased tins and bake at once in a moderate over. Buttermilk Ice Cream Make a syrup Of half a CUD Of water, nnp-nnartr nf I a cup of finely shredded orange peel and seven-eighths of a cup of sugar. 1 mis. Togctner nait a cud of oranse juice, two tablespoons of lemon juice and half a cup each of pineapple juice and shredded pineapple. Strain the syrup into the fruit mixture and add gradually one cup and a half of but termilk and a ninch nf salf Tn ( a chilled freezer, arid when the mix ture begins to congeal add a pint of double cream, whipped solid. Continue to freeze until firm and smooth. Grape Juke Gravy To make the grape juice gravy, add to the liquor in the pan in which the fish was baked one cup and a half of grape juice and. when boiling, stir in two tablespoons oc browned flour blended to a paste with cold water. Stir con stantly until thick and smooth, and flavor to taste with salt and paprika. Flavor with a tablespoon of Worcester shire sauce and two teaspoons of chut ney, r Reaches where it's hard to reach r No need of moving heavy furniture when you use the Royal Electric Cleaner! Its scientifically constructed nozzle is designed to glide into the hard-to-reach places beneath radiators, around table legs, under beds and davenportsand pick up every particle of dust and dirt. We'll gladly clean a room for you and dem onstrate this and other features of the Royal. Eighteen cents a day will put this electric servant in your home. Ask today for a demonstration and the terms of our easy-payment offer. Southern Public Utilities Co. Extraordinary Guarantee Second Hand only refers to . own ership not condition. Every automobile or truck that passed your home today is a used machine and you will be just as satisfied as the most en thusiastically satisfied of those dri vers if you buy your used car from us. 30 DAYS WARRANTY ON ALL USED RE0S Foreman - King Motor Company The Home of Good Used Cars. FOR THE SCHOOL LUNCH. Do not put anything with a strong odor in a. lunch -basket. Do not put fried foods into a lunch basket. They are difficut to digest. Avoid putting in any food when there is the least liloubt as to freshness. I Wrap each food article in waxed pa ' per. This is" hygienic and daintv. OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS COVWKJMT 121, BY EDGAR ALLAN MOSS. YftAOC MANH nCQtSTCRCB O. . PAT. OfP. HER REMARKS HAD A SHARP POINT. "This pin reminds me of most of your Jokes," remarked the Colyum writer's wife. "How so," he asked "It has no pojnt," she replied. JUSTICE ON THE JOB. The bedraggled individual indignant ly denied that he was intoxicated when the police officer testified that he found the prisoner lying in the street. "Very well, then," retorted the ver satile judge. "You're fined $5 for park ing more than six inches from the curb." A Tulsa woman was washing dishes in her kitchen the other night when a bullet came through the window, narrowly missing her. This should serve as a warning to young husbands before they make the fatal mistake of helping their wives with the dishes the first time. "Are you an expert accountant?" asked the prospective employer. "Yes, sir," said the applicant. "Your written references seem to be all right, but tell me more about yourself." "Well, my wife kept a household ac count for 30 days. One night after sup per I sat down and in less than an hour found out how much we owed the grocer." ; "Hang up your hat and coat," said the employer with a glad smile. "The job is yours." STORES FOR RENT 222 Jv, Ttyon t. 8500 square feet, steam heat, electric iVa. foot alley in J-ar. J ator, 2o 2fl-Kat Mh t., (substantial 2-story brick building. elf.v?0 natural light, available January 1ft, at reasonable rent. '" '' Corner 4th and South Try St., 27x80 feet, basement. Th' :q the Ghoica corner location of Charlotte, available January iK. ??e if lent stand iev volumn business. Cornei- 6th and X, Tryon 9tm 2Cx80, steam heat, excelled for large offtee, drug store, cafeteria or any line catering 0 business. '0'Urni re. 25 E. 3rd" 30x90. basement, immediate possession, irable for small wholesale distribution business, low rcrtr.j "a y Soli tli ClmrcEi St.. ciyiiumiiiis ioi'vu square ieet, stf-a h trie elevator, sprinkler system, especially designed for ... "?at. business with beautiful show room, parts room, offices and auV;0, facilities. 1 niQtlru E. C. GRIFFITH COMPANY So n 209 elec 214 i. Tryon St. Telephones S77 A "Specialist In Business Properties.' 4305 Myers Park Homes We have for sale on Selwyn avenue two seven-room i,;, ,,5 we can make very attractive prices on, and also unusually ,,0ri tPr to the man who desires terms. If you are interested in buya..;- a srr..; home in Myers Park let us show you. Thies-Smith Realty Company 1 REAL, ESTATERENTS INSURANCE Ruilders of Characteristic Homes I 200 Commercial BIdg. Phones C38-44ij r THREE BRAND NEW HOMES Immediate Possessio Each house has 6 rooms and bath. and. basement harrtv.-oori beautifully tinted extremely nice bath and electrical tixturrs. built of very best No. 1 quality lumber double floors si,nu m and solid brick under pinned cement sidewalk f'oni house t,, lithic street near car lines, and splendid neighborhoods. On- ; Elizabeth-Piedmont section, and two located on Amherst PT;'-- $6350 $6500 and $6350. Everything- in these houses bears "yei-i uiem irom top to oottom as to material ana worKninnsnip. know, you can't find their equals in Charlotte for the money n canons, etc.-Two of them may be bough'; by prospective- pun-li vestment purposes, and.be leased for a year at $60 each are you renting a new home. Myerg Fv' s? far s. interest'- When the Anti-Everything Society sets throush resrulatine- thp lnr-tVi nf women's skirts, it might enact a law , prohibiting men from hoisting their 1 pants legs and- displaying their sox in ' street cars. i Phone 2773 JONES THE REA I, ESTATE MAN (Frank F . Jones) Office, 200 Realty Eli I John T. Smith Salesman. The old-fashioned bad man who used to see the crowd scatter when he reach ed for his hip pocket now sees them come up close and smack their lips. THE MAN WHO HAS BET BEFORE IS USUALLY BEHIND. Some women won't be happy in Heaven unless they can scrub It out twice a year. While Henry Ford was rolling through Albany, N. Y., in an import ed English automobile a few davs ago, he was rammed by a tin Elizabeth. Hen said the Lizzie was probably jealous. Tillie Dimpsey's son Percy is meet ing with success working in Brown's store behind the cigar counter. Perce always did know the ropes. j POSSIBLY. j From Saginaw News-Courier. j A Boston astronomer announces the : discovery of vast fields of foliage on the moon. Evidently the man in the' moon needs a shave. Use fresh paper napkins they are attractive and cheap. Be sure to sun and air the basket or box when not in use. Skin, separate and Wrap in waxed paper oranges for the lunch basket. Nut meats, salted, take the place of meat most children like them. Bananas must be thoroughly ripe, eaten slowly and well chewed. , Always allow a snall amount of sweets for the lunch. Sweets "may he in the 'form of home made candy, cakes or cookies. A small bottle of milk is an ideal luncheon food. Dr. H. C. Henderson. Dr. R. B. Caddy HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS Office Hunt BIdg. 2026 N. Tryon St. Phone 216 PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE A newcomer to Charlotte, is offering through us in exchange for Charlotte or nearby property, an attractive realty list including sixtv odd lots in the City of Atlanta; nine hundred and eighty acres of South Georgia farm land, and two small tracts, in Florida. These properties are unencumbered, conservatively priced and can be matched with any property you have to trade, ranging in price from five hundred to fifty thousand dollars. H. H. THOMAS 102 Trust Building. Thone 5046 NO FOOL AT ALL. An enterprising shop assistant was trying ' to persuade a farmer to buv a bicycle. The farmer was in town "for the. day, and had determined to see everything. "I'd rather spend my money on a cow," he said, proudly.. "But think," said the assistant. "What a fool you'd look riding about' on a cow." "Not half such a fool as I'd look try ing to milk a bicycle,'' answered tho farmer. HEY, DOC! I. Hirt lives in Talkville, Ark. A HoHiie STOP PAYING RENT MAKE SMALL PAYMENT BALANCE EASY 5- rooms and bath Bungalow, large lot, garage, fin? shade, 1003 West Second street, $350 cash, balance monthly $4,850 6 rooms and bath. New bungalow, 1106 West SeconJ Street, big lot, large porch, three living rooms, a con venient house in good neighborhood, $500 cash, bal ance monthly $6,090 8 rooms, two ,baths, 213 South Cedar street. A new big roomy house on paved street, $750 cash, bate monthly SIOJ.'A 4 rooms, 1501 Seigle avenue, in Villa Heights, modern conveniences, $50 cash, balance $30 per month $2.5o0 7 rooms and bath, 1007 WTest Second Street, large lot, nice big rooms," $500 cash, balance monthly 6- rooms and bath, 1102 West Second St. Large dandy house, just painted. A bargain at $5,000. $750 cash, balance monthly. Price $4,750 Phone Me For Appointment. H O JL RHI Hh 200 South Cedar St. en Phone 350 It has just about gotten so in this ' vuuimy inai an actress won t pay the photographer if he doesn't put her legs in the picture. J FOR Q UICK SALE There are only a few more rebuilt Dort Cars left. These are in splendid condition and priced very low. Convenient terms to responsible purchasers. 1 Oakland Sedan in good shape. A bargain. Harwell-Harris Company CaroHnas Distributors. , 211 S. Church St. Phone 834 Charlotte, N. C. DR. 1. S. F DENTIST 21i2 W. Trade St. Phone 3896 OX Over York & Rogers Next to Woolworth's. Warehouse space and office for rent. Close in and on railroad track, We store anything. Bonded ware house. The aroiina Company 528 S. Tryon St. Phones 609-1430-431 Our Fall Series Is A Healthy Series ONLY SIX WEEKS OLD AND ALREADY HAS OYER 7000 SHARES series by paying back to September 3rd. We know of many "Pr"' we urge them to come in before the accumulated payments l01 Kew shares may still be secured In this pects" who have not yet signed up and we urge too heavy. For the benefit of those who have not yet absorbed the B. & L. idea we say that each share rep resents $100.00 at maturity. The payments are twenty-five cents per share per week, until the paj-menU plus,the profit equal $100.00, This is usually 333 weeks, and the profits represents 6 per cent on iho aver nge amount invested. OUR SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Is ready for distribution, and. is very complete. We realize that our shareholders are entitled to all the formation about their Association that can be secured, and we show complete statements o veW and disbursements, and income and expenses. MECHANICS PERPETUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION J. 11. WriAKW, President 207 N Tryon St. E. J. CAFFFREY. Sec'y and Trea f. I

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