6 WANTED FOR RENT LOST The Fallin'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fact Be Convinced, Try 'E m ONE -CENT-A WORD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" Set this style and type fine cent per word each insertion. STYLE "TV' SET THIS STYLE A Nil TYPE, TWO CENTS PER WORD j:acii insertion. STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each insertion. Any ntyl "utagsed" either top or hjrt trm. or between lines, at double tne phoTfl rates. Clmwified advertising is sold cti it? nrd"r huff or convenience of Charlotte rutrons. who are listed In the telerfione dRtory, or known In the newwjaper effl. t memorandum chare nu n.ide with the ex-prt3tion that tne dm be pnifl wnen presented. . Regular Classification ct ads cannot he puaranteed after 15 o'clock for Dally Kdltlon or after 10 p. m. Saturday lor Pnndav Kdltton. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP waxtkt) Nlsrht clerk for hotel. Must furnish first-cla?? rererences or appli cants will not be considered, l . u. Box 13. 9-Ct WANTED You to patronize our oyste; supper tonight 7 o'clock. Brevard Street Methodist church. Supper 3.;c. Come and bring your friends. Susan na AVesley Class. -91t WANTED Boy for Myers Park route. Applv Circulation Dept. 29-lt MANUFACTURING concern selling their own products direct to con sumer can use three - experienced salesmen. Guaranteed salary and commission. Apply S. Church St. Boom 15. W. and H. Walker, Inc. Call 7:30 to 9 A. M. or after 4 r r 29-lt WANTED Extra salespeople. See Mr. Eichelberger. J. B. Ivev & Co. 19-lt WANTED Competent white nurse maid to c?re for 6 months old baby, and do light housework. Position open January 1. Good home, kind treatment. Apply with references so P. O. Box 360, Charlotte, N. C. 2S-7t WANTED Good sheet metal man for inside and outside work. Phone 472. Shuman Bros. -S-7t WANTED General manager for larg? and thriving automobile firm in Charlotte. If interested investigate at once. Must make some investment to get position. Address "General Manager." care Nws. 27-3t WANTED Single white girls between ages of 15 and 17 for waitresses. Apply Brown Betty Tea Room, so tr WANTED Linotype operator. Apply Foreman, Charlotte News. tf SPECIAL NOTICES . PIANO AND VOICE. Thorough Instruction. W. H. OVERCARSH. Studios, 302 N. Tryon St. and 4 Dart mouth Place, Myers Park. Phone 2891. 29-lt OYSTER SUPPER tonight 7 o'clock, basement Brevard Street Methodist church, by Susanna Wesley Class. Supper 35c. We want. you to conn; and bring your friends. 23-lt MADAME CECYL. the Scientific Paim ist, advises clients on personal and general matters; all business strictly confidential; no guess work but bas?.d on scientific knowledge. Readings by appointments only. Prices 50c and $1. Hours 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. Closed Sundays; 231 W. Trade St. 27-7t WANTED Everybody to attend Farris Bros sale of Odds and Ends, Chairs, Rockers and va rious other articles, Sat urday morning at 9:00 o'clock, at their ware house, 208 East Fifth St., opposite Young's black smith shop. Remember the sale starts promptly at 9 o'clock. 29-4t COAL BLUE GEM LUMP 510.00 PER TON DELIVERED Phone 2271 27,7t PAPER HANGING and interior paint ing. Phone 1364-J. 27-7t NOTICE If you are ready to build that home, phone 1509-J. Quality first. ' 27-7t We weigh and fork every ton of our Coal. Wha.t is a dollar a ton on Coal when you buy of the dealer who has 3CcLl3 THINK IT OVER We Guarantee Weight, t Quality and Service. - ' COAL OF QUALITY. WIGGINS FUEL CO. Cor. East Bland and R. R. Phone 1216 26-tf PIANO TUNING W. E. Senn. Chr lotte. N. C. Phone 2335-L-3. 10.12-t "WE MOVE THINGS" LOCAL AND Long Distance Hauling Moving Packing Storing WE MAY NOT SAVE YOU MONEY BUT "WE SAVE YOUR FURNITURE" WARREN TRANSFER CO. 207 W. Fourth St. Day Phone 1166 Night Phone 5074 WATCH THE KIDDIES' FEET. They want frequent repairing; keeps them looking neat and cost leas. We repair shoes by factory methods. A. P. Hill Quick Repair Shop, 209 N. Col-lce- - 25-tf ' J , I FOR RENT Furnished 5-room steam heated apartment o couple without children; 8 W. Seventh St. 29-tf FOR RENT One or two furnished rooms, garage, in Elizabeth. Phone 565-J. 29-tf FOR RENT To gentlemen only, heat ed rooms with all modern conven iences, garage furnished. Phone 4.143. 29-3t NICELY furnished rooms for working girls or gentlemen, all conveniences, close in; 6 Jackson Terrace. 29-3t FOR RENT Two furnished rccras suitable for light housekeeping. Busi ness woman or couple preferred. Phone 2959-W. 29-3t FOR RENT To gentleman, furnish 1 room adjoining .A.n, steam close in, $20.00- per month. 3943-W before 10:30 A. M. or C:30 P. M. heat. Call sifter 29-2t FOR RENT Furnisned room , furnac ysquar ce heat, walking distance of e. Phone 3796-J. 29-3t I 'OR RENT Two rooms furnishea id light housekeeping; 509 W. Ninth St. Phone 4149-.T. 29-2; FOR RENT Completely furnished 4 room fiat, 2 bedrooms suitable for g'-own people only, near Southern station. Phone 14S3. 29-3t FOR RENT Room in. Phone 3706-J. with board, close 29-2t-tue-st;n FOR RENT No. 1906 Winthrop ave nue, 5 rooms, ga., bath electric lights, new roof and paint, large lut. Trice S50 a month. Key at 3 90S. Phone 3898. 29-:t FOR RENT Offices 216 East Trade street with heat and janitor service, $15.00 per month. T. T. COLE, Incorporated Phone 4572. 215 West Trade St. 29-3t FOR RENT One large front room with bath. Phone 4972. 'O. f FOR RENT Ground floor space about 20x100 East Trade St., good windows steam heat. Phone 4572. 29-3t FOR RENT Furnisned front room, close in, private family. Address Williams, care News. 27-2t-eod FOR RENT Decemoer 1, store-room. 71 1 N. Graham. Phone 1336. 2S-3t FOR RENT Business location, No. 216 East Trade St., first floor every convenience, good display windows, T. T. COLE, Incorporated Phone 4572. 215 West Trade St. 29-3t FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, close in to two young men. Phone 79S-W. 11-28-tf FOR RENT Furnished room, busi ness girl. Phone 1651-J. 28-2t FOR RENT Offices. 810.00 to $15.00 each, with heat and janitor service located over Charlotte Bank & Trust Co. T. T. COLE, Incorporated Phone 4572. 215 West Trade St. 29-3t FOR RENT Bedroom in boarding home December l. References re quired; 512 E. Avenue. Phone 3389-J. 28-3t TWO ROOMS for $15. Phone 1111, call for Brown. 2S-2t FOR RENT Furnished bedroom close in. Apply 302 S. Church. 28-2t FOR RENT One furnished bedroom close in. Phone 352 3-W. 28-3t FOR RENT Part steam heated office cheap to right party. "Cheap," cai?e News. 9 8-5 FOR RENT One furnished room with board. Phone 301 9-W. 27-tf WANTED Romo-mate, private family near in. Phone 1524-W. 27-tf FOR RENT Three connecting rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 2042-J 2 1. at FOR RENT Steam-heated room to gentlemen: 8 W. Seventh St. 27-tf FOR RENT One front room furnished. CiOse in. to gentleman only; 400 N Poplar St. 27-3 FOR RENT Close in furnished rooms; N. Church. 27-3t FOR RENT Nice bedroom next door to good board, two blocks from square. Phone 131S-.T. 27-tf FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms upstairs! 410 S. Cedar. 27-2t FOR RENT Room with connecting bath, meals servers In tea room at reasonable rates. Woman's Club, 1711 Elizabeth Ave. 27-St FOR RENT To gentlemen, furnished room, running wj.ter, steam heat, adjoining bath; 433 S. Church St Apt. D. Phone f.003. .. , . -lg.ff FOR RENT Furnished room with board, hot water and heat, private home. Phone 4076. 26-tf FOR RENT Very desirable suite of offices. All conveniences. Lee Kinney Phone 3783. 9ckr FOR RENT One furnished room to gentlemen, steam heat, hot water four Mocks of square. Phone 122S 203 N. Brevard. 26-tif FOR RENT One nicely furnished bed room within walking distance of square. Kent very .ow; 607 S. Tryon St. 2-tf FOR RENT I will sell my lease on two nice offices in Realty Bldg. Be quick if interested. . Addresa "H. J Quick." care News. 24-tf FOR RENT Tn -entlemen --- - mic neatly furnished room, close in, all modern conveniences. rrivat fumiiv tv,. ll.-6-W. -ii.tr FOR RENT Two larjre offi-. loxdo ieet each, Gasteam heat, in new building next to News office, corner Church and Fourth -streets. G. G Gallaway, 22 East Fifth St 12-ti FOR RENT Extra nioe room. cToie - zvl or zais. 13-tf FOR RENT Office building, 20 oifices, oca 4P ivicAaen. i'nona BoO. n 4.t FOR RENT Office room, well located. wcun . t-ropst. 28 W. Fifth Bt- 5-B-tf SALESMEN WANTED OPENING for high class salesman. 7. V? Tr.ld'8 ,areet company , (or its land). Comrnlasion baeia only. See Mr. Euingr. Mgr.. 17 W. Fourth su 27-3t FOR RENT FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Lot on Crescent Ave. F. C. Abbott & Co. Phone 3022. 29-2t FOR SALE Lot, West Park Ave. F. C. Abbott & Co. Phone 3022. 29-2t FOR SALE Bungalow on Vail Ave. I have a good pTice on this house. Call and look it over. F. C. Abbott & Co. Phone 3022. 29-2t FOR SALE Elegant bungalow on Colonial Ave., tile bath, hardwood floors, furnace. F. C. Abbott & Co. Phone 3022. 29-2t FOR SALE Bungalow almost Ave months old, tile bath, big lot. Price 57000. F. C. Abbott & Co. Phone 3022. 29-2t REAL ESTATE. 6-room bungalow 'Piedmont," bran! new, will be ready for . occupancy in a few days. Has hardwood floors, etc. Can be had on easy terms. Price $6350. 6-room bungalow "Piedmont." House under construction at present. Will have hardwood floors and heating plant. Garage on lot. Price $6400. 6-rcom bungalow, Elizabeth section, near the pines. House in first-class condition Has hardwood floors and elegant fixtures, garage on lot. Easy terms. We have a number of good building lots m Piedmont that can be bought on easy terms. DeLANEY & SING. Courthouse. Phone 42D4 27-2t.-eod FOR SALE New 6-room bungalow in Piedmont section, large lot, house well built, modern conveniences splendid neighborhood. Price $6400, T. E. Murphy & Co. 27-3t-eoi! FOR SALE Primertv well lornteil for manufacturing site or business, faces 300 feet on Mint street. Cash price $18,000. J. E. Murphy & Co. 27-3t-eod FOR SALE 7-room two-story house in Fourth ward. House in good con dition. all modern conveniences heat ing- plant, large lot, rooms nicely papered, party leaving city. Price for quick sale $75wo. J. E. Murphy & Co. 27-3t-eod FOR SALE Large double house, 6 rooms in each apartment, close i house in splendid condition, slat-3 roof, rents for $1080 per year. Price 10,500. J. E. Murphy & Co. 27-3t-eod FOR SALE Two beautiful homes close in, just completed. Can ar range good terms, yueen City Realty Co.. Inc. 2S-5t HOMES FOR SALE. ELIZABETH SECTION, 7-room home, furnace heat, oak floors, large lot, near churcnes and school, SnoO. PIEDMONT, bungalow, 6 rooms, well located, near car line, $6500. MYERS PARK, 6-room bungalow, new, $6o00. IN PINES. Elizabeth section, 6 rooms, up-to-date new home, $7500. CRAIG-LITTLE REALTY & INSUR ANCE CO. Phone 1436. 28-2t GOOD BUYS IN HOMES. New 10-rooms on Crescent Ave. Good terms $12000 Js'ew 5 -rooms on East Ninth St. In the Pines .. . . . . .. .. .. 6500 Kpw ?.stnrv linmo .rt Tlilwnrf V just off carline .' S700 Aew oungajow in Myers Park ready to move into 9000 New 5-room bungalow in Pied mont 5000 New 8-room home near play grounds, Elizabeth 9500 New 6-room bungalow with heat good section . . 6400 Seven-room home with 10 acres " land, four miles out 7500 Seven-room home with 148 acres land, eight miles out 5950 Four-room house and 16 acres land, paved road 3750 Four-room house, close in, bar gain . . ....... 500 Good lot on Vale-Ave., 60x155, shady 'side of street ' ' 1000 Good lot. Hermitage Court . . . . 1650 Good lot, Kingston Ave., Dil worth , T500 If you are interestec in buying home "see us; our list ia complete, and it will be pleasure to serve you. QUEEN CITY REALTY CO., INC. 36 W. Fifth St Phone 535 - - ' 28-3t FIVE ROOMS, Winthrop Ave., in Dilworth, like new, lot 50x200. Price $5500. Good terms. Queen City Realty Co. Phone 535. 27-Lt FOtt SALE Five new bungalows, Myers Park and Elizabeth sections. All conveniences including heat and shade, $6350 and' $8500. Call Yel vington. W. C. Harris & Co. Phone 936 or 2749-W. 27-3t FOR SALE Few more vacant lots, East Seventh St., 66 feet frontage. Near school, playground and car Jine. Easy terms. W. C. Karris & Co., Realty Bldg. 27-3t FOR SALE Modern home, Briarwood road, Myers Park, 1-2 acre lot, -iice oak grove gara.g&, servant's quar ters. Owner left state. Anxious to sell at sacrifice. Make us an offer. Call Yelvington. W. C. Harris & CO. Phone 936 or 2749-W. 27-3t FOR SA LE Modern house, Dartmouth Place.- interior newly papered and finished. If you have a little cash the price will astonish you. Pre-war price. Call Yelvington. W. C. Harris & Co. Phone 936 or 2749-W. 27-3t NEW 6-room bungalow, Kingston Ave., Dilworth very attractive home for $7900. Cash payment $850; balance easy. Call 535. Queen City Realty Co. 27-5t NEW 5-room bungalow' in pine3, large lot. very attractive terms can hi had on this. Price $6500. Call 535. Queen City Realtv Co. 27-5t FOR SALE. Lot 50x200. ideally located, Elizabeth section, in the Pines, shady side of street. Price $1350. Lot on Tark Drive, facing Independ ence Park, in midst of Pines. Price $1700. Another lot in Piedmont district, one niocK orr Seventh St., best neigh borhood. Price $1550. Corner lot, Vail avenue, 60x157, offer ing at a bargain. Price $1050. LEE KINNEY. . PHONE 37R3 27-3t FOR SALE. 7-room home, North College street, corner lot, property very attractive for a business proposition, has a frontage of 100 feet extending through the block to railroad, mak ing rapid enhancement certain. Rent al income is very attractive. Price $11,500. J 6-room bungalow heating plnat, hard wood floors, located on corner lot. Elizabeth section, one block off car line. Price $7500. 5-rocm bungalow, Elizabeth section, let 60x160, shrubbery and fruit, lo cated on proposed paved street. Price $6500. LEE KINNEY. PHONE 3783 ' - , 27-3t FOR SALE Modern - 5 .and. .6-room cottages, close in. Phone 1673-J. -v- , FOR SALE FOR SALE Grocery stock and fix tures. Best locality. Phone 2932. 29-tf FOR. SALE Household furniture. Can be- seen between 4 and 9 P. M. at 433 S. Church, Apt, A. Telephone 3670-W. 29-2t FOR SALE Setter bird dog. White with lemon ears. Well trained Price $50. Phone 1470. 29-3t FOR SALE Electric train complete with passenger and freight cars, track control switch and trans former, in good condition. Bargain for cash. Call 1457-W. 29-lt FOR SALE New No. 9 Oliver type writer only $38. Phone 3767. Type writer Exchange Co.. 231 S. Trvon St. 29-4t COAL Pocahontas, small egg and large lump, $11.00 per ton. Nothing better for your furnace. INDEPENDENCE COAL CO. Phone 4461. 29-21 FOR SALE Gas stove; dining room furniture and Wilson heater. Phone 3034-W. 19-tf FOR SALE Second hand typewriters, Remington No. 10, Underwoods, N03. 4 and 5, Monarch No. 3. Typewriter Exchange Co., 231 S. Tryon St Phone 3767. 29-4t S. C. RED COCKERELS from Ma hood's Chicago winners; $5 to $15 each. Potts. Phone 2191-W. 29-2t .frC'K b--xLJb Sewing- machine, good as new. Phone 4227. 29-tf Pocahontas, small egg and large lump, $11.00 per ton. Nothing better for your furnace. INDEPENDENCE COAL CO. Phone 4461. 29-21 FOR SALE Practially new New Per fection four-burner oil stove with oven. Phone 1792-J. . 29-4 1 OR SALE Good three-burner New T 1 i-eriecLion range top on stove, new oven $12. Phone 1053. 28-2t COAL Focanontas, small egg and large lump $11.00 per ton. Nothing better for your furnace. INDEPENDENCE COAL CO. Phone 4461. 29-2t FOR SALE Young fat Jersey cow, good for beef or to keep over. Foi information phone 3905-J. 28-2t FOR SALE "Book of Knowledge." the child's encyclopedia, 20 volumes in morocco, just like new. Address ,!Sacriflce." care News. 26-tf COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED Phone 2271 27-7 FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS Leading varieties, ready for shio ment; post paid: 100, 25c; 500, $1.00; 3,000, $l.bO. Government inspected F. E. Hull, Rock Hill, S. C. ll-26-30t COAL WOOD Finest quality fuels. Full weight or measure always. Our liberal policy and low prices assure sat isfaction. C. V. Lowder & Co., Pnone 1953. 21-tf STOVES ! STOVES ! STOVES ! Selling at cost plus . haulinf m our great sale on new gas ranges, combination ranges and all the heaters in our store. . During this sale we will take your old stove in exchange. iou can't afford to miss this opportunity if money means anything to you. CHARLOTTE STOVE CO. 233 East Trade St. Phone 477 27-3t ryjtx oauzj iice clean grocery score doing a good business. Phone 1011 27-31 o-tluxj tp rooes ior automooiies ana vehicles. Big assortment from $4 to $15. Sehorn & Hipp, 311 IM. College St. 27-14t FOR SALE Duplex tireless cooker. 2 wells; kiddy koop; New Process oil neater; Hoover vacuum cleaner; all in good condition. Phone 4387-J. 26-tf Christmas Make vour gift ELECTRICAL Something Useful. Ask Auten Electric Co. Anything Electrical 22 W. Fifth. Phone 4003 26-7t FOR SALE Three base burn ers m fine condition, Monitor, Buck's and Globe. Apply C. F. Shuman, 24 S. Tryon St. 17-tf ONE HORSE and delivery wagon cneap;- 804 n. Brevard St. Phone 17-tf CABBAGE PLANTS Winter and spring heading, $1.t5 thousand; $1.00 five hundred; prepaid and insured; strong, healthy, full count; govern ment inspected; grown here. We lead, others follow. Medlin Plant Farm, Fort Mill, S. 0 1 1-8-30 1 FOR SALE OUR SERVICES to repair your roof or gutters. Also to paint them. Satisfaction guaranteed. - STRANGE & BRADY v Phone 3149 - 7-tf AUTOMOBILES REAL VALUES IN USED CARS. HUPMOEILES. Hupp Coupe, reconditioned. Ideal fam ily car. Hupp Model N, new paint, mechanical ly right. Hupp Model R touring, good all 'round condition. OTHER MAKES. Chandler 7-passenger, practically new. Bargain. Chevrolet touring. Bargain. Dcrt. 1919 model touring. Stephens Salient Six, brand new. Ford light truck. Just overhauled. CHARLOTTE MOTOR CAR CO. 202 S. Church St, Tlione 961 29-3t-tue-thur-fri $275 WILL BUY good Buick roadster with good tires at 207 W. Trade. FOR SALE Chevrolet touring car, al most new, in good condition but doi't need it; 814 N. Church St. Phone 658-W. 2-3t. SLIGHTLY USED Ford coupe, gcod tires, good condition, several extras $475 Used rur-about, starter 225 One runabout, starter, good shape 265 Ten truck, cord tries 350 Us;ed runabout, starter . ; 175 Cash or terms. PYRAMID MOTOR COMPANY. FOR SALE WE ARE MAKING SPE CIAL PRICES ON 33x4 ROYAL CORD AND 34x4 NOBBY CORD CASINGS FOR 10 DAYS. uUR FHONE 771. FOREMAN-KING MO TOR CO. 23-lOt FOR SALE One ton Ford triick, two other light delivery trucks. Going cheap. Motor Supply Co. Phone 1270. 20-tf RENT A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U DRIVE-UM CO., 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 1270 15-tf FOR SALE Overland roadster, model "4." bargain. Phone 917-W. 17-if BARGAINS in used cars. Used parts for practcially all makes of cars V. M. Stine. 29 S. Trvon St. 29-tf BARGAINS We have several very good used carg that can be bought right and on easy terms. USED CAR EXCHANGE, 503 South Next to Catholic Church. B-tf BARGAINS IN USED CARS More . xnan used automobiles different models $200.00 anil un Annlir and Hipp, 211 N. College St Phone U3U. l-tt WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED STANDARD MAKE DOUBLE-BARREL HAMMERLESS SHOT GUN. 12 OR 16 GAUGE. IF NOT A BARGAIN, DON'T ANSWER. "SHOT GUN," CARE NEWS. 29-3t WANTED To exchange Scripps-Booth coupe, practically new, for Ford. Aadress Scripps-Booth, care News. 29-4t WANTED To buy corn mill, No. 0. W. M. Carcthers, Matthews, Route 10- 27-2t-eod WANTED Cane work such as reseat ing chairs, work guaranteed. Mrs. J. H. Stinson, 10 E. Stonewall St. 27-4t-cod WANTED To furnish room and board for one or two gentlemen or couple. Private home. Phone 74D-J. ' ' 27-3t-eod WANTED If you have property for sale list it with J. E. Murphy & Co. 27-3t-eod WANTED To exchange sml rvr for painting and decorating a house. Phone 4378. 2S-f WANTED One Em- dred full dress suits at once. Phone 1325. 29-tf NOTHING BETTER for Christmas present for father and mother than Dr. Levy's eyeglasses. Made to fit the eyes and face; 7 E. Trade St., upstairs. WANTED To buv $2000 wArti, c f niture and stoves. Peidmont Furni ture Co. Phone 434s. ll-18-3(tt WANTED To put vour iurnace m good order, inspect your flues and prevent fires. Strange & Brady. Phone 3149. 31-tf WANTED Your painting, calsomim "is. rennisnmg noors. j. s. Ale-Call. Phone 40C9. fi.tf WANTED To make your mattresses ana pacts to order. Mattresses reno vated, box springs repaired, feather mattresses made. Kailey-Howard Co 323 East Trade. Phone 3446. 22-tf WANTED Osed furniture. Phone 443S. aop w. Eleventh St 13-tf BUSINESS OFORTUNITY FOR SALE On account of sickness win sell best transfer business, ga rage and accessories, separate or as a whole. Terms. Addresa Trans fer, Box 426,. Mooresville, N. C. 26-n FLORIDA EVERGLADES For infor mation about this wonderful counrty address F. S. Lee, Box 372, Charlotte, N- C. i92ot WANTED Someone who wishes to in- uiamuuu ims, une ur ine saiest a let most useiui uivestnicrts. Ad-W' A. B. C. care News. ;-u MISCELLANEOUS LEVY'S EYEGLASSES fit all eyes. Nothing better; 7 East Trade. 11-23-tf MATERNITY SANITARIUM. Private, refined, homelike. Home provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 22 Wind sor, Atlanta, Ga. ll-4-26t-no sun Local and Long Distance MOVING and HAULING Bonded Warehouse, Storage Packing Bradfield Moving Service Cor. 4th and Poplar Sts. Phone 980. 24-tf Mo We Sa J. LEE PHILLIPS, Auctioneer, omce with J. W. Cobb. Phone 3S95. 8-tf-a3 MIMS & HASTY Paper Hangers and Decorators U.S. Poplar. Phone 3634 11-5 tf WE REPAIR typewriters and Phonographs. Phone 3767. Typewriter Exchange Co., 231 S. Tryon St. 18-13t hVE PULL IN wrecked and broken down automobiles. W. A. Fry & Sons, Phones 341S and 855-J. 1-tf WALL PAPER HANGING, hcuse painting. Call J. M. Muse. Phone 423-L2. 9tf BEN F. FAVELL The Best in Shoe Repairing Phone 247 215-217 N. Tryon Shoes Called for and Delivered. . 8-tf-thur-sat-mon-tue NEW MATTRESSES mad.3 out or your old ones. Renovated. New ticks. It pays. It rids you of vermin. CaP. 1588-J for particulars. Lawing's Mattres9 Factory, 212 North Long St. 28-tf LOCAL AND LOJG DISTANCE MOVING AND HAULING, PACKING AND STORING NICHOLS TRANSFER CO. Phone 705. 5 S. Poplar 25-tf ADVERTISE IT IN TAMPA If you want to buy, sell, or exchange, adver tise your wares in Tampa and South Florida one of the most prosperous regions of today. Always use Time' Want Ads. Largest Tampa circula tion and largest daily average wan( ad lineage of any Florida ape" guaranteed to all advertisers. Regu lar rate one cent per word; monthly rates on application. Inquiries cheer fully answered. Address The Tampa Daily Times. Temna, Fla. ll-4-t30t WALL PAPER The Latest Designs A. J. DUNN CO. 25 North Tryon St. Phone 2264 21-tt W. M. BELL, Notary Public, front of fice Charlotte News. Can be found most any hour to S p. m. . 9-tf WANTED POSITION COLORED woman wants a position as cook; 416 S .Davidson St. 23-2t WANTED Position by stenographer now employed -but desires change. Reasonable salary. Phone 2106. 29-if YOUNG MARRIED MAN. 27 years of age wishes to connect with some ri liable firm or corporation that can use one who has 6 years experience in the following capacities: Corre sponding, shipping, invoicing and general clerical work. Also have year and half experience in book keeping. Can furnish good refer ences. Address W. H. S., care News 8-2t WANTED Permanent nositinn Hi- ex perienced stenographer. Phone 19S0-L2. oc.-st WANTED Position by young man of neat appearance, age 23, am a hust ler and want a try-out at anything that will pay me a living salary. Can furnish A-l reference. Unemployed t present and want to start work im mediately. Rush answer to ""Baye Ruth," careN News. "4-tf LOST OR FOUND LOST A pair of trousers. Return to 01 C rr'..- - oj. o. -n. von ior reward. 29-lt LOST A bronze Marine Onme nia made into a pin. Reward Tf teturned to Mrs. .V. Wirchi.--,,. -ino . e. Eighth st. v a LOST Saturday afternoon between wuuiwortn s ana JBroaaway. Buildii'i' aim ix)an dook. y. r. Canup n same. Finder please return to Me- LOST Bank deposit book between w....Ciii uauh. cum iseimont Phar , macy. Finder .return to. Commercial National Bank or owner and receive xCrn.m. xji: vi.. xi. uauant. 29-2t LOST At Keith's Thanksgiving day "a . , unuiver. rinaer kind ly return to Mrs. Thomas. 206 Kin ston Ave. 28-3t HOUSE WANTED Small well-furnished house, not too far out, good neighborhood, eigh months or longer. Address tj-at WO unfuished rooms v-? Ceete-r three connecting rooms. Call before 6 p. m. Phoni no j.m . o ..NUWS. 29-fit WfBTBy two business girls, un- lUrniShPfl rrmc 11 .... o-ir - , i Vl apartment in refined home. Call 3203 between 1 P- m- and 5 p. m. 27-3t lV ANTED To a-ent 9 or io-room Jwt- I "'.rtl in on or before J.umarv : J FOR SALE-REApg DON'T FORGET see ordaT Plaza i u price. Paved youi's M. & rooa terms. Fiv, streets. Ail conveni'e uciuie iney ar? i-.ir.i-. M. Realty Cc, 40S- 0ve. ONE OF THE -lj.kSSir-n , T i , K l.ujiiiovv b on w or. hin"tc-i 0c av.-r,.' Heating system. Compieu detail for S7750. Car,-. " ?e. in You'll have to see to anrrr? Co., 4062. 1' in C:; jjvrtfu every room, tiot system each room. Kxi-( ma;- borhood. Walking distnac .' ' West avenue. Terms, m & Vl Co.. 4002. L FOR SALE. Vacant lot, Dilworth. on pavi c. all assessments paid ". &ix-room nungaiow, Dihvurt:; Six-room 2-story home, Seut'i ' Boulevard " . s Eight-room bungalov.-, or.c' ,i.-."i West Trade . . Six-room bur.galov (new- h'evni " ' the Plaza i ,a s Vacant lot on the Plaza. 7." v New eight-room home, Elizai-o-V " section ' r ' A dandy 10-room bunsjliw ' l-'-i. " i roof, large lot, located on m, .Tiiiiiaiii 01. jf-riee This is a few of good v--.u " C. B. PORTt;. Phone 4oC2. Trupt -! LET US SHOW VOL that modern home on Country Cir.b ! Every convenience. Largo grove. Fine suburban hom i see it is to want it;" $H.."rio T;'. good terms. M. & M. realtv r 4062. " -j TWO SPLENDID BUNGAL' AW.T block Louise avenue. Ono ; rooms, hardwood floors. ohr. rooms, two baths, hardwood f.-'n. Fine, section. Both lions"? exc: condition. All modern improvemf Good terms: $8000 each. Look in over. Worth your while. M. f" Realty Co.. 40S. FOR SALE House on East Xir:!i ;: Price $-3000. Easy terms. 1". C. ;,iv - & Co. Phone 3022. ; v FOR SALE Six-room hun.saiow. ;S wood floors, french doors, zm live location, good iieighhrirhood. t sell at sacrifice on good nrm take Liberty bonds as equity in pi j Owner leaving city. Must sell q:;:i W. C. Harris & Co. Phone. 93C. - FOR SALE, IN ELfZABlf SECTION Bungalow, 5 r-w-: and bath, furnished or imfur nished, furnace heat, large cor; ner lot, garage. Owner Icavk city. , T. T. COLE. Incorporated Phnn 4:17 1S Wct TraloCtl mi FOR SALE 3-room house with s;o: combined, large lot and "nan!, gcii location for business. Price l-i'-l J. E. Murphv & Co. ? FOR SALE Good building lot ( Siatesville Ave., sewerage, -.-a ;e lights, paved walk, hard surfa: street. Price $700 with SI 90 car balance $50 per month. J. E. Murjr & Co. ONE 4 -room, one (i-room. one i-roc house for sale; small cash panr?" Phone 2619-W. J. H. Bonner . 5' FOR SALE Five-room house, s:x)0'' . new. Newly painted inside and c-' Lot 50x130. Small barn. All :' In Belmont. Priee $1650. Phc: 2333-W between 12:30 and 1 " ; between 5:30 and 6.30 p. m. - FOR SALE FOR SALE Persian kittens, 4 mo:' old. Phone 2191-AW Jt FOR SALE Bedroom and kitcaer. niture. 205 N. Brevard. FOR SALE Candy making cqum including one coke furnace j gasoline furnace, two copper ke" and candy making instructor? f' peanut roaster. 1-2 bushel cai-j P. O. Box 7 So. FOR SALE LIVE ST0CHJ FOR SALE Baled straw: bloody land-China pigs. W. H. Pimr 1. 29-3t-tnf: FOR SALE Female Scotch cop ,: months old, also pups 7 weiS,., r ipn tw t 1 1 A X K S. Wr take this mori-jod of thar our friends and neignsors for !:'a:?1 es shown our family during Cent bereavement. J. L. HUMPHREY an 1 Childrea- 23-lt CITY 01 BULLETIN REMEMBER 1921 TAXES V If you did not take ad vantage of discount f riod get in in time tosa penalty.