THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. G THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 1, 1921. 13 fthxebeard Of Gambais Sent fo Guillotine For Murders pcfended by His Attorney as White Slaver But Not an Assassin, Jury Declares Him Guilty, Landru Smiling and Refusing to Sign Request for Clemency. Vt -lilies, Dec. 1. (By the Associa Henri Desire Landru, the !.pUt i anl o Gambais," smiled last 'h, for the first time since his trial v,'n'-d A flickering expression of P' ,u iicnt crossed his .face as he-lis-a vj to the words of Judge Gilbert, U'Y.- him to the guillotine for a se '''pf'tiio most heinous crimes in the Th':mk you. gentlemen," said Lian- i mocking bow to the jury, and he fUmared through the little door I i';-.;;.,' to the Versailles jail. -I while the verdict was awaited, the ,vVtd slayer of ten women and a , iv s 'oko words of encouragement to l;', i-ounstl. M. Moro-GiafTeri, who, f ,vl and worn out after his strenuous To ts to save his client from death. lv l on the verge of collapse. "Strange rjc that a man standing in the shad '' . 0V a-ath should console his de- n,Vr " Landru remarked at one time !' ,'i-o'se sittirg nearby. IIp lvfusod to be a party to a peti- . . . . . t .injin r lira imnrion TV e lilt M iltt-ic . iiiiiiouh- ..,m which was signed among others u.- 'ln' jurors. "I refuse to ask for r ercv," he told the latter. "A man nio wants justice, not . mercy. You ,hmic f am guilty; then let me die." ui remarks after reaching the cell o'o wtre characteristic of this strange. ,h,,-i,Mtr. the record of whose deeds as 'infolded in the dingy Versailles ,,'vr'rooin has drawn the attention of all France ana ot uiuusanua ut peisuns j:! othr countries. WAS A GREAT SHOW. "It has been a great show," he said. I hooe the public is satisfied. I give vo't a' rendezvous for the beginning of yebruuy or the end of March to show vou how' an innocent man dies." The last hours of the trial saw one 0f the greatest crowds at and around the .courtroom ever seen in Versailles. Pickpockets began operations in the press of the gathering while the jury was out and three men. explained that their wallets had been taken. ! "If the trial lasted another day, I would be unable to find a feeat myself," Landru told -the gendarmes as he sur veyed the throngs struggling to enter arter tne recess. Landru seduced his women victims through promises of marriasre. After luring them to his villa at Gambais; me prosecution charged that he killed tnem and disposed of the boMies bv burning them in a small stove, after first cutting them into small pieces and crushing the skulls. The stove was one of the principal exhibits at the trial. The motive ascribed to: Landru wus that of robbery, various .entries in a notebook being cited to prove .that he kept account of the amounts derived from each crime. The victims were mostly mamed women with small prop erties who had been separated from their- husbands. The evidence was principally circumstantial, the only di rect testimony being about a pound j- and a whalf of bones, some of tho fragments, of which were so small that they had to be viewed, under micn? sopes. M. Moro-Giafferi, counsel for the defense, in an eloquent plea, finished his summing up yesterday,, after whicn Judge Gilber read 4S questions to tile jjry. The first of these was whether Landru was guilty of murder with premeditation in the case of Mine. Cochette. Questions also were put as to the mentality of the prisoner. M. Moro-Giafferi in his address, cast doubt on all the evidence produced by the prosecution. He .. reminded tna jury that a person could be pro claimed legally dead only when they had been missing thirty years. In support of his client, he cited caees of persons who were missing having re turned years afterwards,, when, hop for them had been abandoned. He also referred to notable cases of alleged miscarriage of justice based on circum sta ntial evidence. WAS WHITE SLAVER. "A white slaver, yes; an assassin, never," exclaimed M. Moro-Giafferi, pointing toward Landru. He added that the possession by the prisoner of papers identifying his alleged victims corroborated the theory that Landru probably had sent the women abroii with false papers in "white slave" traffic. "These women all are alive," said M. Moro-Giafferi, "but they are asham- WOMAN ELECTED TO HIGH OFFICE . . New York County Elects Woman Register at a Sal ary of $12,000. By LEO T. HEATLEY. FEAR RENEWAL MSHTOHTING Spark of Combat Probably Would Start Smouldering Conflagration Anew. London, Dec. i". (By the Associated keep herself informed on questions of nublic interest and never allow herself ei to maice tneir wnereaoouis Known, i 0 become inoinerent to pontics. International News Staff Correspondent. Press)? The possibility of renewed k', -v-m-v tipc 1 Tn ho rf ih bloodshed in Ireland stares the British greatest service to her community andjes in the face in censequence of the iL tr. tv,, married wnm.r. eh! virtual collapse of the seace negotn- C1 - ' $1.48 About 110 pair ladies" odd lot shoes sizes up to to close out a $1.48 Make a. thorough search of the United States and Brazil, Argentine and other South American countries and I am confident you will find Landru's so-called victims." "I am innocent," Landru shouted to the jury. This was the first time m th thirtv-two months since he was arrested that the prisoner had used j the word "innocent" in public. Hereto fore he had contented himself with saying: "Show me my guilt; make out your case." Yesterday", however, he showed more emotion than at-any time during his trial. During the short address he made to the jury, lasting barely a minute and a half, Landru declared: "I havj never killed anyone; I am innocent. Jurors, do your duty." This was the opinion of Miss Anne Mathews, Democrat, elected to the highest-salaried office a woman has ever held in this country. She was the suc cessful candidate in New York county for the office of Register, a post 'paying $12,000 a year.' The salary of Alice Robertson, Congresswoman from Okla homa, is only $7,500 a year. ' Miss Matthews ran on -a platform the chief plank of which called for "a bus iness woman for a business job." She will admit no sex disqualifications for political positions, but has no patience with the society dilettanti that have in- ivaded the realm of women's politics. "The butterfly woman is useless in poli tics," she said. OFFICE NOT PICTURESQUE FORT MILL LUMBER PLANT IS BURNED For Constipated Bowels Biliqus Liver The nicest cathartio-laxative to physic your bowels when you have Headache Biliousness CaVls Indigestion Dixiness Sour Stomach $ candy-like Cascarets. One tonight will empty your bowels com pletely by morning and you will feel splendid. "They work while you sleep." Cascarets never stir you up or gripe like Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they cost only ten cents a bo. or two Children love Cascarets too. Fort Mill, S. C, Dec. 1. The Fort Mill Lumber Company sustained the loss of its big lumber shed a"hd ware house by fire which was discovered about 7 o'clock Tuesday evening, the loss of buildings and contents being estimated at $25,000, which is partially covered by insurance. The building was located at the cor ner of. Depot and Spratt streets, in a section which is thickly built up with warehouses for cottonseed and cotton, some of them not 50 feet away, but owing to the stillness of the air at the time of the fire and the effective work of the local fire department, the lat ter being assisted by the department 2 of the Fort Mia Man- . The office of , Register is not pictur esque. Miss Mathews will have jurislic: tion over a force of 144 workers, the majority of whom are men. The Regis ter's office records transactions in real estate and other activities requiring official record and keeps a file of nota ries public signatures. "I do not propose to change the poli-j cies now -being followed in the office," she explained. "Women have the inherent ability whiclf fits them to discharge any pub lic function as well as men can do it. Frequently they are handicapped by lack of business experience. Wome since the beginning of time have been keeping the home and raising the chil dren, while men . have had unlimited opportunity to engage in civic affairs.. A business training is the greatest asset for any public offcer man or woman. The person who has been employed un- tions, which have proceeded under a truce for the last five months. 'The "Sinn Fein has stood firm on its demand for an all-Ireland Parliament as the basis of settlement, at the same time refusing to concede allegiance to the Britist Crown. Ulster has refused point blank to scrap her own Parl?a ment to enter an all-Ireland Parliament "under present conditions", on the ground that she will come directly un der control of the numerically superior south. The latest plan, that for an all-Ireland Parliament, under which Ulster might retain her existing rights until, or un less, she changed her mind, failed with the formal statement by the Sin Fein delegation here that it canot be con sidered. As a result, in both Government and Irish circles the opinion is expected that j f nothing short of a miracle can avert I collansfi of the neerntiat.inns and resumo-1 tion of the warfare in Ireland. The: Government heads are bending their entire efforts to seeking some un explored avenue of negotiations, but it is believed all possibilities of settlement have been .exhausted during the lengthy parleys which seem now to have ended. As'; to how long the truce will last under present conditions there is no in dication. The Sinn Feiners have ex pressed the view that -there will be no formal denunciation of the pact by eith er side, and this leads to the belief that nnv smrk of Combat set. off in Ireland ith the peace movement apparently ''eked may start the conflagration anew. Many in the lot are worth $5 and $6 on sale Thursday and Friday. Thompson's Phone 23. from TVTill TCn. ufacturing Company, the flames were j derstands best how to give the people confined to the one structure. The high power lines of the South ern Power.. Company pass along the street within five feet of the building and, on account of the possible danger from falling poles and wires, the cur rent from the; dam was cut off, and the town was in darkness for about two hours. However, there was no loss from fire to the poles and lines. Some loss was sustained from piles of rough lumber stacked in the 'adjoining yards. NEGRO IS LYNCHED." Ballinger, Texas, Dec. 1. Robert Murtore, 15-year-old negro, t charged with attacking a nine-year-old white girl, was taken from deputies here yesterday and . lynched. The Gray Shop The Fifth Avenue Shop of the Carolinas 1 Ml full value for their money and how to get the greatest quantity and best qual ity of work from those under him. CHANCE FOR MARRIED WOMEN "People who are compelled to work, especially if they .like their vocation, are the ideal public officials. I believe there are great possibilities for the married woman in political roles the woman who has raised children that have gone their way, who retains her youthful enthusiasm, . but, jaf ter years is isolated domestically, . is olit of touch with current events. Many medical men told that the female brain, hinder such circumstances, retrogressesfl beyond re covery. This theory is rfidiculous. I can't refute it scientifically, tout I know many , women who have '.come back af ter raising families. Children should broaden a, woman, never cramp her. Of course, the mind becomes flabby ' through disuse, but the married wo man s mental sluggishness is no greater than that which afflicts anyone after years of mind inerta. "Married women, though occupied with their homes, should keep abreast of affairs from the moment of the ; ceremony. Thus they will be of great ! er service to their children as well as their community." Mrs. Mathews was for twenty years a fashion designer and has traveled extensively. HALF MILLION FIRE DAMAGE. Philadelphia, Dec. 1. Fire today damaged the plant of the F. Weber Company, manufacturers of art mate rials, 1220 Buttonwood street to th extent of $500,000.- . A number of firp men were overcome by smoke. SOUTHERN RAILWAY IS TO CUT FREIGHT RATE Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. 1. An nouncement was made by . Southern i Railroad officials here yesterday of, a 10 per cent freight rate cut on car load lots of commodities, to take effect some time in December. - It is proposed by the railroad to make the reduction apply to an ex perimental period of six months on car load shipments of wheat, corn, oats, grains, pur and . meal, hay, straw, al falfa, unmanufactured cotton, tobacco, cottonseed and products, except cotton seed oil and cottonseed meal; citrus fruits, potatoes, dried fruits and vege tables, horses,, mules, cattle and calves, sheep and goats,- hogs, poultry, eggs, butter, cheese and wool. Clears the Pores Of Impurities Daily use of the Soap, with occasional touches of the Oint ment as n e eded, cleanses andpurifies theskinand S keepsitf ree from pim ples and blackheuds Cuticura Talcum is ideal for powdering and perfuming. SamDl Each Fre fey Ma. Addreu: "Citicwt&afe- orfttorici. Dept. 480, Usldn S, Man." Sold every where. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 nd 60c. Talcum 2tc S53rCuticura. Soap hao without mug. . II . --lV Michaels-Stern . Gothes offer the utmost in value. Quality fabrics that are tailored to please the most careful purchaser. H. C. Long Co. 33 East Trade Since 1868 , xhe Home of Good Shoes Hand Painted Keeping in Step With the Style in Men's Footwear is one of the most important features of this store. All the new ones, all the time. &35.Q0 Specially Featured Thursday, Friday and Saturday Out of the Ordinary Designs Mellon' s Individual DRESSES ' Simplicity is the keynote of these smart Dresses of Canton Crepe French Faille, Tricotine, Poiret Twill and other fash ionable materials. They vie with the smartest of style, charm and individuality. Unusual values while they last at $35.00. TERMS CASH NO APPROVALS THURSDAY, .FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . MELLON "S Third Floor. - " Ch We have been; very for tunate in securing a fine assortment of hand paint ed china1 of 'elegant and exclusive patterns. For those who delight in the beauty of this ware, our display will offer many highly v interesting sug gestions. B. F. Roark Diamond Merchant, Jeweler, Silversmith 10 N. TTryon St. m T Dr, Chas. L Nance Announces the removal of his office from Par kwood Drug Co. to the office of Dr. W. M. Strong, over Walker's Drug Store. Hours: 9 to 11 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m. Office Telephone 185 Residence Telephone 2973-J. Ruirt promptly den. All wtrM trlctiy guaranTeeo. GUEtN CITY CyCLB CO-. TMS RBO FRONT 42 It. Collect. Phana t17 Are You One of Those People Who Throw Away Money? Thousands and thous ands of dollars are wast- ed each year tons ana vtons of good fuel burned up needlessly in t poorly constructed ranges This waste can be prevented if you use care in choosing the right Range. We investigated very carefully before we de cided jto distribute Fa vorite Ranges. A care ful study of details has been applied in their con struction. The materials are of the best quality they give a steady even heatthey are econom- 1 leal and every one is handsomely mushed. They deliver the utmost in cooking satisfaction That's why we sell them. They are reasonably priced. Charlotte GILMER-MOORE CO. Shoes, Hosiery, Luggage, Lingerie IF IT'S WASHABLE ' We'll Launder It ; , 6 SERVICES 6 ONE FOR EVERY FAMILY IN ' CHARLOTTE Phone us fdr particularsr. THE CHARLOTTE LAUNDRY 444 PHONES 445 U i w ii iiiiMiim ' rm 'limn nr i imnir i .1 i ' "" .. B I araware Company 30 East Trade St. ' Phones 1505-150. CHRISTMAS CASSEROLES Prettiest you ever saw- Pyrex and brown cooking ware Casseroles, all shapes and sizes, with bright nickel or handsome Sheffield Silver framessimply grand for Holiday giving, . Also fireproof China Custard . Cups in nickel holders. ; : I v; : . : : And the prettiest of Trivets- complete with alcohol burners. The above in our Home Furnishings de partment, sceond floor. SMITH-WADSWORTH Hardware Company "The Quality Hardware Store" 29 East Trade Street . Phones 64-65 m N