THJS CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 1, 1921. J OMRS . igwrn- w Tinker X -J Storie' , fey Carlysle H. Holcomb , A W7A E 111 WW J t A T7Tr k JT IT V L L l. P W LLU I P MAJOR IS SORRY FOR SILKY, THE MONKEY. Tinker Bob had always been careful not to surprise Major Pole Cat because It was Major's custom to accept no sur prises without meeting them with a dose of poison acid. Major wouldn't do that for the world to the King of the Forest, but how could he know whether the King would be the next one to sur prise him or not. There were so many creatures of the forest who loved to surprise everyone that he could never tell when the King would be next. He didn't need to worry about it how ever for the King was careful not to startle him at any time. Major was not easily frightened. He never ran away from an enemy in the world. Tinker Bob had been the King of the Forest for a long, long time and had yet to see Rlajpr run away from the largest or the smallest forest dweller. He always minded his own business, loved to have his family about him, took walks up the mountain side and into the forest with his little children and Mrs. Pole Cat, but never molested anyone. That's the reason he never allowed anyone to molest him. Tinker Bob knew all about his habits and would never surprise him. When Bob White came calling to the King, Tinker went away in a hurry to see if FEET' WET? Time &7aAe AndPmvnta G)Id kFTO wtpt rnhum 7w iect art arr"-U!rc3e4 beMMmci I prmatMa" UiU't Cmn BruuJ if iiiUn If wmti f 'Mi and mono, txfmi te tbe dnenb iadf, to U fne bw CM, BkIkU mU U Griy, EX.. Ml AtAMDnggistt-JOCma w. u. au The King was L?t down in the magic basket near a tree. by some chance or other he had fallen into trouble. It could be possible that one of his children had been hurt for they were too young to have the pro tection of poison acid and they were venturesome little fellows too. It would be very sad to think of anything hap pening to these innocent forest children and that was one reason why the King wanted to get to the place where Major was so quickly. Bob White tried to follow the King but he was not fast enough. When Tin ker Bob tapped the Wonderful Stone of Knowledge the Beautiful Creature of His Desire was always ready to take him so quickly that no creature of the forest could follow them it mattered not how fast they might be. The King was let down in the magic basket near a tree which stood in the midst of a swampy section of the forest. He didn't want to make a noise lest he would frighten Major for he knew that he must be very near. Presently he saw not a rod away the whole family lined up on a stump. There was Major and Mrs. Pole Cat and their three little chil dren. Tinker Bob was pleased when he saw them for he knew at once that nothing had happened to harm them. They were out quite a little way from their home. "Well, Major," said Tinker, "What does this all mean?" "O King," cried Major, "I sent Mr. Bob White after you for I was in a great hurry. I wanted you to go rind that silly monkey for he surprised me and before I knew who he was I gave him a dose of acid right in the face." "Oh," said the King, "if that is all I can tell you that Silky is down bath ing in the river." Next Mr. Weasel Hears Good News. AUNT LAURA TELLS THE SECRET. Three days later, Arline left Wells burg suddenly and without any explana- tions. It was the kindly Miss Laura who took her to her train and waved a good bye to her as she stood, sad-eyed, on the rear platform, watching the little town disappear in the distance. It was a very beaming Miss Laura who finally called up her old friend, Sally Randall, to tell her not to be a goose, but come right over and have a cup of tea and a talk. As fast as she could navigate that lady got into her best bib and tucker and flew over to the little house on the hill. "My, but I wish I could dare to look and feel as happy as you do, Laura," she said, as she saw her hostess, all smiles, standing in the window watch ing for her. "Maybe when you've had a talk with me you'll feel and act the same, Sally. I have a heap of news for you, so come right in and set down while I fly and get the tea ready." Mrs. Randall did as she was bid and felt suddenly ten years younger than she had before. It was Laura's infec tious cheerfulness that did this to most of her frineds when they were in her presence. Over their tea cups the two women gossiped amiably and it was not until almost leaving time that Miss Laura confided to her erstwhile chum just why she had called her over. "You, madam, are going to be a Of course trying to decide on a name for the baby has started many a friend ly scrap but even in those homes where there is no baby a man and his wife are never at a loss for something to scrap about. PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE A newcomer to Charlotte is offering through us in exchange for Charlotte or nearby property, an attractive realty list including sixty odd lots in the City of Atlanta; nine hundred and eightv acres of South Georgia farm land, and two small tracts in Florida. These properties are unencumbered, conservatively priced and can be matched with any property you have to trade, ranging in price from five hundred to fifty thousand dollars. H. H. THOMAS 10: Trust Building. Thone 5046 J3 Reaches where it's hard to reach No need of moving heavy furniture when you use the Royal Electric Cleaner ! Its scientifically constructed nozzle is designed to glide into the hard-to-reach places beneath radiators, around table legs, under beds and davenports and pick up every particle of dust and dirt. We'll gladly clean a room for you and dem onstrate this and other features of the Royal. Eighteen cents a day will put this electric servant in your home. Ask today for a demonstration and the terms of our easy-payment offer. Southern Public Utilit i es Co. grandmother. "What do you think of that?" she said with a twinkle in her eys. "A what? Grand mother ?" and here the amazing Mrs. Randall burst into tears. "Don't let me worry you," she gasped between sobs. "It's all quite as it should be, Laura. I'm a foolish old lady, and I'm crying for joy. The first good cry of that kind I've had since my Ned was born. ' "I feel as happy as you do about it, Sally. This is the solution of the whole business as far as those two children are concerned. I told you, ,rhdn't I, that everything'd come out all riht?" "Yes, and as usual you are r:ght," burst from Mrs. Randall admiringly, as she looked at her frined. "I wish I had listened to you long ago, Laura, and this miserable unhappiness might have been averted. What makes me feel most wicked, just awfully so, is that my own little Janey came to me this morning and told me that it was Cherry who saved her from running away with Billy Sills. Yes, my dear, she was right at the church door when caught, and he a bigamist! One of those real bad men! I knew all alonv there was some thing wrong with jane, she's moped ever since she got back. She seemed to have something on her mind, but woudn't tell us anything. It was be cause of not hearing from Cherry and seeing how 'inhappy her brother was that made her 'fess up." Then Mrs. Randall broke into a full r.ital of what had been told her by ner daughter. (To be continued.) 5 y Wj ROY K MOMEN MOU LTQN SOMETIMES. Orlando Leander Eliphalet Brown Lived down on a farm far away from the town. He lived by the rules that the scien tists told, Who said he would sure be a hundred years old. He lived in the country to get the pure air, And there was no microbe near him anywhere. The dishes he used, they were all ster ilized, And all of his victuals he had analyzed. He used no tobacco in all of his life, His diet was daily prepared by his wife. He went to his bed every evening at nine And never touched even a glass of light wine. His life, scientific brought him hunks of fame And he was a shark at the right liv ing game. But still, spite of all the physicians could do, He passed from this life when he reached forty-two. Now, Angus Aurelius Jason McWhitty Was the toughest old bird in our large, wicked city. He lived in a tenement, dismal and foggy, And ate in cheap restaurants, grimy and soggy. He hit public fountains when he wish ed a drink THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE It isn't so much a question how much you pay for your shoes as it is the real value you receive for what you do pay. W. L. Douglas Shoes are always worth the priceyou pay for them And washed his old map in a castiron sink. He mingled with crowds and by autos was bumped And smoked an old corncob so strong that it jumped. He'd play cards each night till a quar ter of two And did everything that a man shouldn't do. Of living by science he never had heard, He knew not the meaning, in fact, of the word. He went to the prize fights and sat in the smoke And acted just like an old tough city bloke. He is ninety-six years now, unless we forget, And it's rumored around that he's go ing strong yet. Of course, now, the scientists always are right, Unless they are wrong, you'll agree with us, quite, . In which they are like all the rest of us folks, Sometimes we are brilliant, sometimes we are jokes. When Bismarck was fired by the Kaiser, the people of Germany felt so sorry for him they named a herring after him. IN THIS PAPER FORTY YEARS FROM NOW. The old Atlantic cable is being torn up and will be junked. It was quite a wonder in its day and some of our older inhabitants remember wrhen it was in use. The Atlantic ocean, now mainly val uable as a rendezvous for fish, is in danger of being abolished by Congress. It has been in the way for some time and has been of no commercial value since the old days of steamships. It has been allowed to remain only for aeiiumentai reasons. Read "Much Ado About Nothing" and be the brightest member of your dinner party. Adv. The Government will be asked for an appropriation to restore the hulk of the old battleship Pennsylvania, Which has been usd for 40 years as a rescue mission at Wharf A. The queer looking old craft was one of the best of her day. F. Z'egfeld, Jr., announces the Fol lies of 1962 with a fresh crop of beau ties. Leon Errol will be in the cast with his famous prehistoric sousa scene. The national prohibition director an. nounced today that he has completer! arrangements to absolutely wipe out the liquor traffic this month. All sa loons will be closely watched. OFFICE CAT 9 TOS!BSStm& BY JUNIUS eOvmSHT 191, BV EDGAR ALLAN MOSS. TRAOe MAUK REGISTERED U. 3. PAT. OFF. MYERS PARK $9750.00 Buys a beautiful new Dutch Colonial Home on Queens Road. Myors Park. Lot 100 by 200 feet. The house has seven rooms, tile bath, iq. ment, warm air heat, hardwood floors. Terms may be arranged to suit the purchaser. Immediate pn!?. session. We consider this the best home proposition on the market and invite your inquiry. E. C. GRIFFITH COMPANY 214 S. Tryon St. Telephone 877 and 4208 VEST POCKET ESSAY At no time in the history of man kind has so much attention been be stowed on personal comfort, personal convenience. Take so simple a matter as a man's vest. It is getting closer to him every day, especially as he grows older and more prosperous. From a mere article of adornment, a subterfuge behind which to hide the i unlovely radiance of the harmless, nec essary galluses, it has risen to a field of paramount importance, of almost un limited usefulness, of service. And solely by reason of its pockets. Pencils and sometimes small change, it still carries. But no longer is the scope of its general usefulness so limited, so hampered. We now have with us vest pocket cameras, vest pocket flashlights, V. P. dictionaries, V. P. Stamp holders. Toilet sets, shoe shiners, the list is endless. The crying need of the age for the comfortable portage of' vest pocket appliances is a truck. An I you can get some truck these days for your vest pocket. FACT The tactful maid is the sum of all innocence as she says: "O, George that display of chocolates is perfect." Still a lot of the girls who can eat soup out of the side of a spoon can chew gum on. both sides of their faces. Some young men seem more able to raise mustaches than to get a raise, in pay. Myers P ark Homes We have for sale on Selwyn avenue two seven-room houses that we can make very attractive prices on, and also unusually good trms to the man who desires terms. If you are interested in buying a small home in Myers Park let us show you. Thies-Smith Realty Company REAL ESTATE RENTS INSURANCE Builders of Characteristic Homes 200 Commercial Bldg. Phones 3278-4115 THREE BRAND NEW HOMES Immediate Possessio Each house has 6 rooms and bath, beautifully tinted extremely nice bath 1 , it 1 1 . r . . i . t - . -. . - jum ui very iwst io. j. quality luiioe and solid brick under pinned cemen Jithie street near car lines, and splen Elizabeth-Piedmont section, and two io $6350 $6500 anri SfiSSd. "R-ireri'tViin"- in spect them from top to bottom as to m know, you can't find their equals in Ch cations, etc. Two of them may be bou vestment purposes, and be leased for a rentins a new home. and basement hardwood floors -Tra", and electrical fixtures. Each h , ,i . . i-uje t sidewalk from house to street: am neignDornooas. une is inrateil j cated on Amherst Place Myers Park these houses bears inspection ero aterial and workmanship. So far as arlotte for the money considering V ght by prospective purchasers f0.- j. year at $60 each are you interested in A member of Parliament called an other an ass in the sacred precincts of ; the House. The offender was called upon to apologize and withdraw his statement. He didn't like doing it. "I withdraw," he said stiffly, "But I maintain that the Hon. member is out I of order." I "How am I out of order," asked the ! other man heatedly. j "Probably a veterinary surgeon could i tell you!" was the reply. Phone 2772 JONES TIIE REAL ESTATE MAN (Frank F . "Jones) Office, 200 Realty YM John T. Smith Salesman. A letter from the folks down on the farm says pa hasn't had much sleep for three .nights, on account of sitting up with a sick Ford. IT COUNTS WORDS IN COPY I The word meter is a new invention j which is attached to the space bar of ; a tyewriter to record the number of , words WTitten. Sounds like a handy j thing, Brother Editors. j KEPT HIM BUSY i "The paths of glory lead but to the grave," quoted the sentimental clerk. I "But you get there a lot quicker by speeding on our dangerous highways," j answered the coroner. We also have a full line of the latest style FOOTWEAR for Women and Children NATHAN'S 38 E. Trade St. Phone 122. SALE OF VALUABLE OFFICE FUR NITURE AND FIXTURES. Under order of the Superior Court, I will, beginning at 11 A. M. Satur day. December 3, 1921, and continuing until all property is sold over the store of the United States Wooien Mills Company, 33 West Trade street, Charlotte. North Carolina, in the pany, sell for cash at public auction all the office furniture and fixtures of the Wizard Automobile Company, cv sisting of one mimeograph machine one Wales adding machine, two iron safe cabinets, a number of wood and steel filing cabinets, flat roll top and typewriter desks, typewriters, chairs, rug," and a large lot of other office furniture and fixturcc. All furniture of very high grade. This November 23rd, 1921. J. A. LOCKHART, Receiver of Wizard Automobile Com pany. 27-7t-daily HOW SHE GETS'THAT WAY .TeHie "Oh, yes, she takes her hair and eyes from her mother but her com- i plexion she must inherit from her fa-! ther." Belle "Her father?" "Yes, he was a calsominer." Ap artment FOR RENT 5-rooms and bath, hot water heat, tile bath. Just painted and papered, ab solutely modern in every way. $7PT PER ptJ MONTH Reference required, both financially and morally. M. B. ROSE Basement Trust Bldg. Phone 793 Twenty Years ago Warren G. Hard-, ing was not very well known in his i own State not to speak of the coun- j try at large. A writer in Editor and Publisher tells this: Somewhere before 1900, a visitor from Marion dropped in to the bank at Lancaster, Ohio, and made himself known to the president. who was always glad to greet visitors , to town and have a little chat over the j counter. i "So you're from Marion." co .im'?n'"ed the president of the local bank. "I nev er knew but one familv in Marion. That was the Klings, the "iehest fclks in town. I hear old man Klvng is very much broken up because his eldest daughter, whom he usd to be very proud of, ran awny a;.d married some newspaper fellow in town of reurs newspaper men are always hard up. I wonder if you knew the old n an Kling?" "Why, yes. I married his daughter," I replied Mr. Harding with a smile. STOP PAYING RENT MAKE SMALL PAYMENT BALANCE EASY 5- rooms and bath Bungalow, large lot, garage, firn shade, 1003 West Second street, $350 cash, balance monthly $4,850 6 rooms and bath. New bungalow, 1106 West Seccnj Street, big lot, large porch, three living rooms, a con-, venient house in good neighborhood, $500 cash, bal ance monthly 36,000 8 rooms, two baths, 213 South Cedar street. A new hi? roomy house on paved street, $750 cash, .balanc? monthly $10,750 4 rooms, 1501 Seigle avenue, in Villa Heights, modern conveniences, S50 cash, balance $30 per month S2.S.10 7 rooms and bath, 1007 West Second Street, large lot, nice big rooms, $500 cash, balance monthly 6- rooms and bath, 1102 West Second St. Large dandy house, just painted. A bargain at $5,000. $750 casli, balance monthly. Price $4,739 Phone Me For Appointment. H 200 South Cedar St. Phone 330 When a duck, who owes you a little bill flashes a fifty-dollar sreen back on you, he always looks like 30 conts when he finds you can change it. INGROWN NAIL Toughen Skin and Toe Nail Turns Out Itself. A few drons of "Outgro" upon the skin surrounding the ingrowing nail re duces inflammation and pain and so toughens the tender, sensitive skin .un derneath the toe nail, that it can not penetrate the flesh, and the nail turns naturally outward almost over night. "Outgro" is a harmless, antiseptic ' manufactured for chiropodists. How- ever, anyone can buy from the drug : etore a tiny bottle containing directions, j all Kinds of insurance Fire, Liability, Plate Glass, Boiler, Fly Wheel Health' and Accident Bonding. Company 328 S. Tryon St. Phones: 609-1430-1395 2 TjnT fail i tfgxv?j-acggar3 1 i m m i i ii in i i ii ii j I m .. ... -if- .?L.5fify in r YOUNG MAN - YOUNG WOMAN LEARN SHORTHAND! Almost daily splendid office vacancies come to our attention for well qualified stenographers and typists at attractive salaries. Ste nography offers excellent opportunity to learn a business. We teach Gregg, the best system; our tuition rates are reasonable; and we assist all competent students to positions. Enroll at any time; send for circuicir Charlotte, N. C "An Accredited School" F. L. RIGGSBEE, Mgr. Raleigh, N. C. Our Fall Series Is A Healthy Series ONLY SIX WEEKS OLD AND ALREADY HAS OVER 7000 SHARES niT ?tT?y CUrf ln Seri6S by PayInS back to September 3rd. We know of many "pro too heay! WS them t0 Cme in befre the cumulated payments before For the benefit of those who have not yet absorbed the E. & I,, idea we sav that each share rep resents $100.00 at maturity. The payments are twenty-five cents per share per weS until the paynKnt, 'SLSZL"- 13 repreLntsX aver- OCR SEMI-ANNUAL STATEJD3NT LLttlL We realize that our Shareholders are enfitled to all the in- ut ieir Association mat can be secured, and We show rrnnnloto ctatomonts nf rect'l1'--' ana disbursements, and Income and expenses. MECHANICS PERPETUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION J. H. WEARN, President 207 N Tryon St. E. J. CAFFFREY, Scc'y and Treas.