THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 1, 1921. I SOCIETY NEWS I g UI33 ADELA1DS EEARSON CALDWICLU.8oc!sI E!tor, FfcoM Vtl "CHARLOTTE'S SHOPPING CENTER Freshman Club. Officers. The Freshman Club of the Girl Re serves elected as their officers for the year the following- President, Louise Garibaldi; vice-president, Nida DePass; secretary. Margaret Mather; treasurer, Mildred Greenl?af; social chairman, Mildred Cave; service chairman, Sarah Dodd; program chairman, George Spratt. and membership chairman, Katherine Armstrong. The new offi cers will have a get-together conference to plan the work of the club under their administration. In order to get the real conference atmosphere they will have a spend the-night-party with business sessions Friday night and Saturday morning The "Red Caps" of the Freshman Club will entertain in honor of the new members of the club by giving them a banquet on Friday evening at the Y. W. C. A. They are carefully keep ing themselves all details of menu, place card, decoration cr program. The only fact known to the mystified mem bers is that they . are to be wee boys and girls for the night and must come dressed like their littls brothers and sisters. The "Red Caps" are to meet Friday afternoon to complete their mysterious plans. Mr. MrDaniel to Leave Hospital A. C. McDaniel, of China Grove, who recently underwent an operation at the Charlotte Sanitorium, is greatly im proved and will be . able to return to his home in a few days. ersona Is Mrs. E. W. Burt, of Salisbury, ar rived in the city Thursday morning to be the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Adam Fisher on East Vance street. She will address the Woman's Auxiliary of the American Legion Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Starnes Entertains. Mrs. Mattie Starnes entertained at her home on East Seventh street Tues day evening. Music was furnished by Messrs. Banks, Davis and Ferris, of Le nta, ani the floods were cleared for dancing. Throughout the evening, re freshments were served. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fite, -Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Starnes, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hagler. Mrs. A. Kiz ziah, Misses Bernice Elliott, Fanny Martin, Lucy Daniels, Ada, Hattie and Jocie Leach, Bertha Starnes, Margaret and Marjorie Ferris, Carrie Hall, Bes sie and Minnie Pierce, and Messrs. Jim McLeod, J. C. Martin, J. H. Se horn, Eustice Daniels, Ralph and Ce cil Ferris, Lester Starnes, Charlie Whitt, Louis Helms, Arlie King, Felix Sims, Rush Taylor, Bill Pierce, Charlie Hayes, Ernest McLeod Allen Martin, and Joe Starnes. REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR LOST SUIT CASE. W. C. Mclntyre at the Cantral Hotel, would appreciate the return of a suit case containing ladies' end baby's wearing apparel lost Thursday morning shortly afte a o'clock. These articles are needed badly and the party Snding them will do a great favor to Mr. Mclntyre by notifying him. A satisfactory reward will be paid. 1-lt-adv. Mrs. W. H. Belk is in Boston. She expects to return home in several days. Miss Lula Stockard returned to .ler home in Raleigh Wednesday morning after spending several dus visiting Misses Gladys and Elsie Palmer at their home on East Boulevard, Dilworth. She came to Charlotte Monday from David son, where she attended the Senior seaking exercises. Lieutenant and Mrs. John Wilkes and baby son, John, Jr., will arrive in the city Sunday to spend the month of December with Lieutenant Wilkes parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Wilkes, at their home on West Morehead street. This is their first visit to Charlotte since their marriage. They make their home in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. George Stuart has returned from Lancaster, S. C, where she has been visiting. Mrs. John D. Shaw has as her guests at her home in Myers Park Mrs. Albert Cade and Miss Alice Cov ington, of Laurinburg. Dr. and Mrs. Addison G. Brenizer, Mrs. George P. Wadsworth and Mrs. R. C. Harding, the latter of Davidson, motored to Greensboro Thursday. COMPULSORY VACCINATION? Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 1. The Jack son County Medical Association today started a campaign to make vaccina tion against smallpox universal in Kan sas City. Nearly one hundred persons have died here since Setember 1 of smallpox out of about 285 cases, ac cording to health officials. OLD RELICS DISCOVERED Philadephia, Dec. 1. Discovery of rel ics, believed to be of the extinct Sus quehannock tribe of Indians, was an nounced today by Professor Frank G. Speck, of the department of anthropolo gy, of the University of Pennsl3-vania. His excavations were made four miies from Port Deposit, Md., in a field near the Susquehanna River. 2 U J T NO 4i M. I TVsSATISFAC! W" 1 The Highest Class Talking Machine in the World onoVi BEFORE BUYING ANY PHONOGRAPH See this winner of highest score for TONE at the Panama Pacific Exposition PLAYS ALL RECORDS Prices From $50.00 TO $300 EASY TERMS. All Models from Standard to Period Designs. Triangle Music Co. W4- i rlAINOo " PMONOGR A.DNR Mlisir Dni i c rrr, oz-w i,c-e-r ar-rw-i Sr-w r KUO stfl 14 i J p y Annabel WorthftCton LADIES' ONE PIECE APRON. r The only trimming this comfortable bungalow style of green chambray would need would be a few yards of rick rack braid and pearl buttons. The ladies' one piece apron No. 1131 is cut in sizes 36, 40 and 44 inches bust measure. Size 36 requires 3 3-4 yards 32-inch material, with 3 1-4 yards trim ming. PiC. 15 cents. III The fall and winter issue of the Fashion Magazine is now ready. It contains over 300 styles, several dress making lessons, etc., and is, undoubt edly, a book which every woman who wants to dress well and wants . to eee her family well dressed sl.ould have. Price 10c a copy. Order patterns from The Pattern De partment The Charlotte News, Char lotte, N. C. PROMINENT LAYMEN ARE TO SPEAK HERE Christmas Opening ALL THIS WEEK HUNDREDS OF GIFT ARTICLES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. BOOKS OF ALL KINDS See this elaborate display while It is clean, fresh and well arranged A Book Store of Rare Excellence Office Suppliers and Furnishers. Laymen from Mecklenburg presby tery will gather at th Second Presby terian church Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock to hear addresses by C. R. Cald well, of Staunton, Va., and F. S'. Slay maker, o Athens, Ga., prominent work ers in the laymen's movement of the Presbyterian church. During the week these speakers' ha ve been holding meetings in various parts of this section under the auspices of the Laymen's Missionary Association of Mecklenburg Presbytery. Wednes day afternoon a meeting was held at Marshville and another at Second Pres byterian church lit re Wednesday night. The schedule includes the following: Thursday, Rockingham at 3 p. m.; Fri day, Second Presbyterian church, here at 3 p. m, and Tenth Avenue at 7.:30 p. Th.; Saturday, Wadesboro at 3 p. m.; Sunday, Troy at 11 a. m., and Albe marle at 7:30 p. m. The Laymen's Missionary Association of (jVIecklenburg Iresbytery was organ ized recently when Mr. Slaymaker came to the city to tell of the movement. The officers are Peter S. Gilchrist, pres ident; C. Parks Brown, vice president; M. J. Spencer, secretary and Jesse Old ham, treasurer. WHITE YOUTH HELD FOR TAKING GOODS Deputy Sheriff D. W. Sedbury, of Anson county, stopped in Charlotte Thursday on his way home from Vienna, Ga., where he went to get Hammond Johnson, a white youth, who is accused of stealing a car here sev eral days ago at the corner of Poplar and Third streets belonging to the White Truck Company and also of robbing Smith & Morrow Company, a mercantile firm at Ansonville in An son county. Johnson is said to have confessed to helping steal the car and to have aided in the other theft. Of the about $300 alleged to have been stolen from the Ansonville store, Johnson and another white man, his partner, sold some of it in this county as they were making their way to Georgia in the stolen-car.' Detectives Dan Bradley and Mack Riley of the Charlotte police force went out in the county Thursday morning and recovered some of the goods John son is alleged to have sold on his-trip through this county. Johnson's com panion, another white boy, is said to have oroken jail in Georgia before the Anson county officer could get to Vienna. A STIEFF PIANO FOR CHRISTMAS SmaU ount down. We tag SlnS??10 wy remaiier of down $h 1 Chnstmas. and we deliver. Balance easy payments. CHAS. M. STIEFT, Inc.. Charlotte. N. C. of?faanSSs.Send Catal0ffue an Prices Isarne , Address YOU DONT NEED A FINE COM3. Ifyou use Kil-ve for your children's heads. Fr sanitary reasons, your domestics should use it, too. Abso lutely harmless, non-oily, non-sticky and doesn't interfere with color or growth of hair. Kilve destroys all vermin, and the eggs or nits that cling to the hair. Buy it today at drug stores 35c, 65c and $1.25. Don't be ashamed to ask for it. ! Mouth, throat, nasal antiseptic and germicide. De stroys bad breath. Leaves the mouth sweet and clean, free from bacteria J (En. "A BON MARCHE STORE 7m Mnfd M ha Ckmtm las omen's and Misses Jailored fur Suits are JalfPrice It's an unrestricted choice of any suit from our carefully selected stock. ' ' Not the sort of suits found ordinarily in a clearance sale. They represent the best suits produced by the most popular suit makers. The materials are Tricotines, Duvetyns, Panvelaines, Poirets and other sea sonable fabrics. Many gorgeously fur trimmed the colors are Blues, Browns and Black. Sizes for Misses and Women. , ORIGINAL PRICES $35.00 to $150.00 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY L $M T0 $751 : 3hree Poll Specials FOR FRIDAY AND SATUR DAY SELLING. Indestructible Dolls, 15-inch, were $5.95 for. $2.95 Indestructible Dolls, 20-inch, were $7.95, for $4.95 Indestructible Dolls, 24-inch, were $10.95, for ....... $6.95 Dressed as Infants or girls, with pretty clothes, some with knit sacks and caps. It's without doubt the big gest doll value you'll have this season. Women's Pumps and Oxfords $10.00 The smartest lasts, the most wanted leathers. A year ago it would have been impossible to secure shoes of the character of these at so moderate a price, but here they" are the sea son's best styles of Little Long quality, taken from reg ular stock. A new patent leather Sandal with Spanish heel $11.00 Black Satin beaded strap Pump $10.00 A low heel black Scotch grain Oxford, with patent leather trimming ...... . $10.06 AGAIN FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEASON, 1921. Special Sample Jale of ffigh-Qrade Jemfry thousand Factory Samples, Office Samples, Salesman's Samples. Over ten pieces to select from, each one different from the other. It's the . .largest, and most .complete assortment we have ever shown. At prices that are about half of regular value. Each item is sold with a guarantee to be as represented and it must be right. Better buy early while assortments are most complete. SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND ! SATURDAY Gold filled thimbles-20-year guarantee at 85c Children's solid Gold Rings. . . .L.. $1.00 Gold Top Lingerie Clasps ........ 35c Mexican White Topaz, Bar Pins, Plati num finish, over two hundred pat terns to select from 85c Genuine Cameo Scarf Pins $1,25 Pink Sapphire Rings ,. . $1.50 SPECIAL. GENUINE HAND-CUT CAMEO BROOCH Some solid gold, others with 20-year gold filled mounting, hand engraved, for $2Jfit0$3ii . Many in this lot sold up to $10.00. INDESTRUCTIBLE PEARL NECKLACE FOR $3.65 No comparison we might make could make you realize what wonderful val ues these pearls are until you have ac tually seen them. Just try to picture in your mind an 18-inch string graduated pearl in rich, cream color and fastened with solid gold clasp. Just a limited supply to sell at this price, $3.65 a string, a good $12.50 value. A MESSAGE FOR EVERY WOMAN IN THIS Sale of Silks The Silks are splendid The Savings are genuine. The Assortments are large Outstanding Values. Dolly Varden Satin blocked Taffetas, were $5.00 for. ....... . . $3.50 yd Mallinson's fancy Dew Kist Skirtings, were $6.95, for . ; . $3.95 yd Costume Velvets, 40 inches wide, about a dozen of the best street and evening shades, were $3.95, for ;x&. $2.95 Beautiful Crepe de Chiner, 40 inches wide, all the pretty street and even ing shades, were $2.00 yard, for,..v..... . $1.45 yd CANTON CREPES, $1.95 YARD These were $2.75 a yard. Black, Navy, Brown and other street shades THERRE'S STILL A CHANCE TO BUY J&atnps and Shades FOR 0alf Price 2 wrought iron Parlor Lamps with parchment shades, were $65.00, now $32.50 each 1 wrought iron Floor Lamp, was $22.00, for $11.00 2 wrought iron Floor Lamps, were $27.50 for $13.75 each 1 wrought iron Floor Lamp, was $32.50, for .... $16.25 5 Silk Shades, rose or yellow, were $9.50 for $4.50 each 1 parchment Shade, hand painted was $57.50, for $25.00 A SPECIAL SELLING OF Women's feather Sags $m You couldn't possibly select a gift that looks so well at so little expense. They come in black, tan and browns, smooth or grain leathers, swagger or flat style, fitted with mirror and coin purse. WOMEN'S EXTRA QUALITY Flannelette fight Qovfns $1 ,25 rri. i a . j?vi ine lowest price in many years iw flannelette gowns of such quality. White with pretty blue or pini stripes, double yoke long sleeves, V neck or with collars. BOYS' OR GIRLS' HEAVY RIBBED HOSE 25c These are of that firm, heavy qual ity that will give long wear and ser vice. Black only. Sizes to 10y2 - J0L. I I - ...