THE CHARLOTTE NEW?, CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 2, 1921. 11 GOTHAM COPS 4 More Profitable Fields. intern' .- v, rk. IVc. 2. Weary Willie, N " ,- I i : T. IlEATLEY, Correspondent. v ,. p-,;i a nil other knights of the ivl' '1;,V0 found thls ritV prime ' -lining the List few years ;i iVi-nn m migration back to Ffrt !:::u ' u ' "p.i'.'a-s a'-id Los Angeles, ac W 'V1' i survey of conditions r.Mie Welfare Commission- warnings in newspapers jug money to street pan i.; ' ...lyeil pojice activity in . i Uy of undesirables and in.iance of feeding tramps organizations nave op- drive professional tramps 'sr.'irs hi re. lust cnin or winter there .able decrease in the num rs in Bryant, City Hall, j.mi other parks- which have '. ,'-111 the favorite camping grounds ,-"il!c- DfSt-d, worn-out work dod- WOKK or. GET OUT. jiiin- department hastened this : :r,re i 1,1 ultimatum to tramps o,.',;":h. -v t'ar.t :?o to work or leave v' city- Tin- alternative to these two Verses w-as an offer of workhouse -"-itcnccf p'Ji'h as are meted out to va-r-ir.t?. Tlie result is that the thou "of professional panhandlers who "?'"'e mrc to take advantage of the '.c,rp:o'::. fiii situation have been n a larpe extent weeded out. In -, Lr s of in in two to a dozen they 'I i ' - ! nird :.,tr,i to ' iv "Willi tiv 11,11 tf3 m ?! ?! 11 Hi 1 i 1 1 4 r.l Stop That Itching Its unnecessary and nerve racking Apply cooling Resinol Olntcient and know the comfort it gives. IDEAL FOR BABY'S TENDERSKIN Socthinq MidHeAlinq hays gone South and West, cr to other cities where their wireless advices told them that the "pickings were good." one remaining panhandler explained the situation thus: "Most of the guys have gone to better holes. For the last rew weeks most of the stemmers (slang tor prof esionaj tramps who beg for a living) have been moving en. It got too cold to sleep in the parks,, and business got bad on the streets. For some reason or other the people, who had been liberal with their money be fore, became tight, and it got harder to make a living by bumming. Most of Wie out-of-town tramps have gone Smith IW tr U nr,. . . v. v me urn, wnere mere are reports of work to be hari -short-time work that the beggars will u. ii j.ecessary in Jive. FEW REGULARS LEFT. A fewof the regular tramps still linger about the parks. In front of the cheaper restaurants, where scores con gregated a few months ago, one may now see two or three tramps and no more. Some of tho tramps have obey ed the police order to go to work. But most of them have "moved on " Discussing the situation, Commis sioner Coler said: "A good part of the remainder of the persons who beg on the streets will be removod by plans now under way. Ap plication will be made to Washington BOYS' PARENTS ARE TO CONFER Faculty Members of High School Will Meet With Them at 2 :20 O'clock. A meeting between faculty members and parents of some of the six upper classmen who were sent from the Alex ander Graham high school after they were alleged tb have placed "devil caps in the school coridors will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the school building. Robert Walker, Morgan Speir, Paul Whitlock, and Nelson Jones, seniors, and Garrett Morehead, a junior, accept ed the alternative of Dr. E. H. Garinger, principal, of being sent home or staying and being punished, by leaving the au ditorium where the student body was in session Wednesday morning. Douglas Schiltz, a senior, decided to remain and receive punishment. The meeting Friday will be for the purpose of threshing outt hme question in its entirety. Some of the parents are either for authorization to take care said to have taken exception to the Of Or for nrftvlsinne tn 1 -,--. ri;nn I riri-mcjit irn rf T,- ( lorino-or -rcA thflV now stranaea in this city. Many of these men were stranded here by the NOT CONCERNED ABOUT ECLIPSE Discounts Recent Disquiet ing Reports About the Moon's Actions. BY ABBE TIL MOREUX. Director of the Observatory of Bourges. Written fcr the International News Service and Petit Journal. Paris, Dec. 2.A recent statement by the English astronomer, Crommelin, seems to have caused considerable emo tion, m the public mind. The last eclipse of the moon, he believes, proves some of our theories false. Our satel lite, he says, is disobeying the univer sal laws of gravitation, and if the phenomenon continues we shall be con demned some day to have the moon tan on our neaas. The fears inspired by such a pro- nouncemem nave caused many of my friends to write and demand my views. In the first place I must reassure them. The problem is not new, be cause it was raised very clearly by Halley, (the discoverer of Halley'a comet) in 1693. At that time astron- inactivity of the American merchant marine. Some steps should be taken to care for these helpless men. for there are thousands of them in New York, all unable to find work. Th city is taking steps to deal with the unde servfci,?. Some of the tramps who came here to beg, not to work, have gone to Blackwell's Island for terms in the workhouse. The city found this an ef fective way to warn them that pan handling: had to stop. Few of these men took advantage of legitimate charity At one time they became an gered at the city -and picketed the municipal lodging house in the man ner of strikers and held up men going there for the night." are also said to refuse to condone any breach of discipline on the part of their children. The five students sent home Wednes day were dismissed pending the con firmation of their expulsion by the school board, as explained in Thursday's edition of JThe News. The action of the principal in sending the students home must be confirmed or rejected by the school board within two weeks. The five boys involved in the affair were not in school Friday morning, it was said. orny showed that the moon posesed a movement quite different from that of other celestial bodies in the sense that its movement was not uniform but accelerated. That was learned by examining ancient eclipses. In 2,000 years, the moon seemed to have ad vanced in space by about two times its diameter, that is to say, that it was far from occupying the position assigned- to it by the law formulated by Newton. LAWS OF MECHANICS. At first it seemed simple enough that the acceleration would continue and that one day the moon really would fall upon the earth. But such a problem tempted the genius of Lap lace, and that skilled mathematician proved in 1787 that the phenomenon explained " itself easily by the -laws of celestial mechanics. We know that the earth describes around the sun in the course of a year, not a circle, but an ellipse. Lap lace demonstrated that this ellipse does not always Have the same form. We can compare it to a hoop upon which one exercises a lateral pressure, aind which, in consequence, is flattened a little. At present this ellipse becomes year by year more circular and in 24,000 years it will be nearly circular, After this it will tend to become elliptical again for more than 40,000 years. SOLUTION OFFERED. Now. since the moon turns around the earth, at the same time being sus ceptible to the influence of the sun, one can readily conceive that every REMODELS WESTERN v NEWSPAPER PLANT E. H- Clement & Company, contrac tors, have been awarded the contract for remodeling and- repairing the change in the distance of our globe building of the Western Newspaper from ihe sun would have its effect upon the position of the moon. In other words, according to whether we are nsarer or farther from the sun, our attraction on the moon increases or decreases, and consequently, the moon must increase or diminish its speed of movement. At present, and since a long time, the moon has been increasing its aver age speed. The increase, however, is insignificant, for in one hundred years the moon has hardly advanced in its trajectory more than ten mijes. All this, we must admit, is theoretic cal and by no means absolutely ex act. When we have greatly improved our tables on them oon and its va rious positions, we shall still bo in capable of predicting for a long time in advance what place the moon will occupy in the heavens. The errors will be very small, but they exist, and the proof is the fact that at each eclipse of the sun we notice some small error of some seconds in the time cal culated and the time actually observed. Union on North Graham street, which was damaged by fire several weeks ago. The remodeling will have as its main feature the addition of a new story of the same dimensions as the rest of the building. There will also be ex tensive remodeling on the interior in accordance with plans drawn to make the building more suitable as a home for the corporation. The contractor will begin work at once and expects to have it completed in the near future. HEST COLDS Apply over throat; and chest cover with hot flannel cloth. f & n nu i&d&r. H WXb Vapo Russ Over 17 Million Jan Used Yearly Reports of a new oil belt in Mexico indicate she is not yet ready for recognition. DRUG STORE GETS VISIT FROM THIEF The Stonewall Pharmacy on West Trade street in the Stonewall Hotel building was burglarized Wednesday night by burglars who showed both cleverness in effecting an entrance to the store and fastidious taste in selec ted goods after they entered. The store was entered from the rear. The burglars did not awkwardly break a window or door to get in iut used an auger to bore a number of neat holes in the wooden jwinel of the door around the lock. After this was done,, it was an easy matter to take out the lock. Once inside the store, the burglars' evidently took plenty of tme to make a careful selection of goods. They showed a preference for the finest grades of candies in the store, taking a large quantity of such goods. Many kodaks were also taken, along with a quantity of films. Other goods are missing. The theft was reported to the police department. a Where there is a I persistent cough or ! general rundown condition, there Scott's Emulsion is a positive help. Scott & Bovme, FoomHeld, N. J. ALSO MAKERS OF I (Tablets or Granules) 20-lOsk " i n i i hi i ii ri. 'Tim m li ml Do you know that the average woman in the kitchen takes more than 2,000 steps in preparing three meals eaclj day? Do you know that with a 1 she can save 1500 of these steps? , t 1temmm"'-"?mh' m,ul I ' '. .,.w..,;..v,.pimM..,M. I...,..., .... ... .u... .. .,,.. , l,. ii-nyii to-t nmmil r ,MMrBll. .- fm ;.. -Y:. .: ,f : .r., fAp. m . And 1 - $ m - : - ' ' - - - J' - - : " " ' " " ' ' ' y . .. . I flit i Then, why not make her happy at Christmas by giving her one of these beautiful cabinets and at the same time save her this needless waste of time and energy. We have a size to fit your kitchen and at a price and on terms to suit your purse. We have the beautiful white enamel cabinets at 70.00 and $2.50 s pays for it. Per Week "Get It at McCoy's" fef 1 These Suits are one lot of 350 just secured from our factory at Baltimore to be sold in this sale at less than wholesale cost. o J 4 All sizes up to 50 waist. Plain colors and neat stripes and mixtures. Plain or cuff bottom styles. Bring in your Coat or Vest and match it up. Of HER LOTS $4.95, $5.95, $6.95 VnT s m irvs m Mm v m m ar. & fk t- m r-aa b m m mm ma r m mm w is n m i- r .- r t k w m mm w t a 31 West Trade Opposite Selwyn Hotel