THJiJ CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C , FRIDAY AFiERJNOON, DECEMBER 2, 1921. 18 OFFICE CAT i t - ' "7 i - M VERS PA RK 1 i V. .4 a U f ; ? : t. i'3 I! 5 : i ti NED IS CALLED IN TO HELP. At the end of her story Miss Laura's eyes were moist. She sat trying to hide the . emotions within her, yet ob viously on the verge of weeping every bit as hard as her friend, Sally, had done. "That's our Cherry for you. Just the Sort of thing she would do, poor darling, so far away, so lonely, and so, so un happy. 'Most Christmas time, too, and with her heart and thoughts full of her Ned, I warrant, in spite of pride. Well, what you and I have got' to do, Sally, is to bring those two young peo ple together aerain before the end of the week. We've got to give Cherry the most wonderful Christmas of her whole life. Now let's set our minds to working." '"Deed we will. There's nothing I won't do for the dearest and best girl in the world," said Mrs. Randall, ferv ently. "Why for all my meannesses to hex she's turned round and made me grateful to her for life It's no wonder that Ned stuck to her through all my peevishness. We'll get him right over here, now, Laura.' "Will he be able to leave the office?" asked Miss Laura. "He's just got to leave it, no matter what. I know he's been terribly rushed since Arline quit so suddenly. Has had to attend to al his correspondence him self and is at sixes and sevens. ' But this is more important than all the cor respondence and business in the world. You ring him up, like a dear, and tell him we must see him." Miss Laura promptly did, so and while they waited for him to appear Mrs. Randall tried .to draw her out on the sudden disappearance of Ned's secre tary. "You were the last person that saw her, Laura, and you called on her once or twice before she left town. What on earth was behind her quick decision to leave us? She seemed so glad to get back again and things were going just fine at the office till she went, Ned saj-s." "Well. I think, to tell you the truth, that Arline met some attractive young fellow before she left Chicago and he had written to her several times. You know how fast those things go, often as not. She hod broken off with Peter Wilson and probably saw that there was reallv no reascn for her 1 3 stay around this part of the country any J more, and made up her mind to go. it s much better all round, I think. I feel very .sorry for Arline, somehow. She's not a happy young girl and she has a lot of false notions. Maybe in a few vears she'll settle down andrealize that life is well worth while, after all." And this was all that Miss Laura volunteered. She remembered her promise to the weeping girl who had confessed to loving Ned above honor it self, when she produced the letter that had so nearly vrecked the happiness of two people. Miss Laura was all round human in every way. In her heart was room for the sinner as well as the saint. ' "Here comes Ned now," exclaimed Mrs. Randall, joyfully, as she saw her son's tall form coming up the garden path. (To be concluded.) INSURANCE FOR S. C. METHODIST MINISTERS St. George, S. C, Dec. 2. Meeting here in annual conference South Caro lina Methodists instructed the finance committee to insui-e the life of each member of the conference in the sum of $2,000. Funds to pay the first premium will be derived from a Christmas offering and in the future will be carried regu larly in the budget of the conference. A resolution was defeated that would have required prospective students to insure their lives in the sum of $1,000 before negotiating loans with which to complete their education. CORN STILL IS KING. Washington, Dec. 2. Corn is still king'of American farm products in point of money value. The Census Bureau, in a statement last night, placed corn at the head of a list of twenty leading crops in 1919 with a total value of $3,507,797,102 out of an aggregate value for the whole list of about $13,750,-000,000. REAL, SAFETY PLAN. Speaking of fools, brethren, a gen tleman of this city says that whe.i he sees a gentleman coming in an auto mobile (and he can always ted them afar off) he gives him his half of the road; when he sees a fool coming he gives him all of it, and when he sees a darn fool coming he takes to the woods. The Georgia Madisonian. Charles M. Schwab says for us to laugh at present-day troubles. All right, Charlie, but if we bust any thing laughing, you will have to pay the doctor bill. One way to catch a murderer i3 to publish a picture of his ten-cent watch chain which has dropped off m the immediate vicinity of the crime, HERE'S YOUR BLACK LEATHER LADY, GENTS! Found Black Leather Lady's Pock etbook on Dolphin street, between Di vision street and Druid Hill avenue. Call 1617 Division street. A recent N. Y. want ad. It is our pet ambition to spend our old age occupying the chair .of column writing in some richly endowed uni versity. Having been in the business for 20 years, and knowing absolutely nothing about it yet, we feel that we are amply fitted for the position. After some of the foreign genals travel over this country for months and then not see one-third of it, they probably feel less and less like fight ing it. WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache . Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacldester of Saliejlicacid Reaches where if s hard to reach No need of moving heavy furniture when you use the Royal Electric Cleaner! Its scientifically constructed nozzle is designed to glide into the hard-to-reach places beneath radiators, around table legs, under beds and davenports and pick up every particle of dust and dirt. We'll gladly clean a room for you and demr onstrate this and other features of the Royal. Eighteen cents a day will put this electric servant in your home. Ask today for a demonstration and the terms of our easy-payment offer. outhern Public Utilities Co. SUITABLE EPITAPHS NO. 3. Here lies Leander "Whiffenpoof, Who thrived on chattel-mortgage snaps, He shuffled off, this heartless goof. And he has gone Ibove PERHAPS. "Restaurant Man Shot by Diner." Headline. Maybe the diii'-i" found an oyster in his stew and went crazy - STILL, THE NIGHTS ARE A BIT COOL. Fashion Paper says: "For your even ing dress, I advise you to simply buy a piece of broad silver ribbon, pass it twice around the waist and knot it at the side." . Socrates earned an equivalent of $75 a year. No wonder he was a phil osopher. He had to be. . You can at least' be thankful that your ' income tax instalment doesn't come until next month. "Russia Is in Need of a. Loan" Headline. We know just how Russia feels. When a woman g:ts to exposing her husband in a divorce court, ihi record ing angel has to write shorthand. Recent want ad: "Wanted: Young Woman fnr liancino im sVi ;i tr i i arrt ! folding. Toronto Laundry VVofks." Many a vaudeville juggler has learn ed his trade while dining in serve-self restaurants. Reports say they are revolting in Russia. Again, .or yet? - I SI ' ELIZABETH THOMPSON rs.'.waiLMwiii i jim irimir g,-. aiya ' Dear Mrs. Thompson: Please tell me what to do. My first cousin and I have been companions since childhood. I thought that we were just good old pals and nothing else. I never knew that he loved .me until a few weeks ago when he told me that he did and that he wants me to marry him. I don't love him enough to marry him but he says I must or he will never get over it. I think too much of him to see his life ruined when I could make him happy. What should I do? ANXIOUS MARY. Talk to a, physician about marrying your cousin. He will be able to give you a medical point of view, which is the only thing you should consider in a matter of so much 'importance. "Marion": You should return the pearl ring since you do not love the young man enough to marry him. His mother would wish him to keep it in his possession uptil he gives it as an en gagement ring. I certainly do not think you should let "fellows" kiss you and make love to you. And I do not think it is "only sissies" who don't. It takes more char acter to be careful in such matters than to be promisenous. Kisses are cheapen-ing- except when given with a heart full of love., : Dear Mrs. Thompson: Ever since www This will fix my cold ALWAYS keep Dr. King's New ; Discovery handy. It breaks up' hard, stubborn colcta and stops the paroxysms of coughing. No harmful' drugs, but just good medicine. All druggists, 60c. Dr KmQ's Mew Discovery : For Colds and Coit&Jis wninn jTTU Stubborn Bowels. Tamed. Leav- ' ing the bowels unmoved results in ; health destruction. Let the gently stimulating Dr. King's PilU bring to you a regular, normal bowel function ing. 25 cents. All druggists. PROMPT! WON'T GRIPE . r King's Pills- last spring I have been going with a young man who seemed to love me dearly. He never told me that he did. but he came to see me often and he took me everywhere I wanted to go. He also wanted to kiss me when we were together and I cared so much for him that I let him. About two months ago I thought it would be nice to give him a dozen fine linen handkerchiefs for his Christmas present which I would embroider and initial. I got the linen and made three of them and now I have had a letter from him telling me that he is not coming to see me any more because he doese not care as much for me as he thought he did and he thinks it will be better if we do not see each other again. Hrou don't know how I have cried over that letter. It seems to me that I don't want to go on living if the man I love doesn't care for me. I don't ex pect to finish the other handkerchiefs, but I wondered if it wouldn't be a good idea to send him the three I have fin ished to show him that I hold no re sentment. What do you think? HAZEL. To send the handkerchiefs would be a great mistake. Since the young man has tokl you he does not care for you, he would feel that you were running after him and trying to make him come back if you sent the handkerchiefs. Rip out the initials and give them so someone else. You must show a brave heart over this matter and take your trouble with a smile on your lips. Almost every one is disappointed in love at some time and the situation has to be faced. Time, is merciful and will gradually heal your heartache. Don't be jealous of tba girls with pretty hair. You can have LONG. WAVY. BEAUTIFUL HAIR by usine QUEE HAIR DRESSING becaure it cleans the scalp, removes dandruff, feeds the hair roots and b,elps it GROW LONG, GLOSSY AND STRAIGHT. Send 23 !( cents, stamps or money, I, lor bif box to j! NEWBRO MFG. CO. it 1 ATLANTA, CA, . A i AGENTS WANTED. 1uUk .TO ens wear Among the large number of new styles now on display is this brogue in dark brown calfskin. It is substantially made of A-l materials throughout, and la truty a great value at $5.50 THE BEST KNOWN SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR 50 YEARS Our shipments of Fall styles for men, women and children have been arriving for two weeks, and we believe we have the shoe you desire. Prices range from $5.50 to $9.50. NATHAN'S '38 East Trade St. YOUNG MAN - YOUNG WOMAN LEARN SHORTHAND! Almost daily splendid office vacancies come to our attention for well qualified stenographers and typists at attractive salaries. Ste nography, offers- excellent opportunity to learn a business. "We teach Gregg, the best system; our tuition rates are reasonable; and we assist all competent students to positions.. : Enroll at any time; send for circular. Charlotte, N. C. "An Accredited School" F. L. RIGGSBEE, Mgr. Raleigh, N. C. BY JUNIUS eOPVfftCMT 131, BY EDGAR ALLAN MOOS. TftAOK MARK REGISTERED U. S. PAT. OFF. THE WISE FOOL. "An honest confession is good for the soul," observed the Sage. "Yes," commented the Fool. "And it is often good for 10 or 20 yoars in the penitentiary." As we understand it, the way -to set tle a strike is for everybody to agree that it is silly. The following is offered absolutely without prejudice, and in purely un selfish vein, as one of the best jokes of the present week, barring our own pri vate brew, of course. "What is it?" "I am a Government inspector." I ain't got any hootch." "That doesn't interest me. I am en forcing the law against roller towels." Louisville Courier Journal. $9750.00 Buys a beautiful new Dutch Colonial Home on Queens Road, Myerj Park. Lot 100 by 200 feet.' The house has seven rooms, tile bath, bas. ment, warm air heat, hardwood floors. TVrm mav be arranged to suit the purchaser. session. We consider this the best home proposition on the mark invite your Inquiry. E. C. GRIFFITH COMPANY 814 S. Tryon St. Telephone 8 u and 1103 Myers Park Homes Slippery Customer: "I have a pecu liar constitution," said the customer, who owed every pharmacy in town, "And that must be considered in sup plying my needs. What would you ad vise for my ailment, keeping in mind my condition?' Long-Suffering Pharmacist: "Slip peri' elm." vhether or not those roll-top stock ings of the flappers are to be popular this Winter, is an uncertainty that re mains to be seen. THE BLACKFACE. Subscriber "Your newspaper prints some wild stories." Editor "Think so? Well, you ought to see some of the stuff we don't print." Judge. We have for sale on Selwyn avenue two seven-room hou?a thit we can make very attractive prices on, and also unusually pool te;ns to the man who desires terms'. If you are interested in buying a small home in Myers Park let us show you. Thies-Smith Realty Company 200 Commercial Bldg. REAL ESTATE RENTS INSURANCE Builders of Characteristic Homes ""hones 3278-441S THREE BRAND NEW HOMES Immediate Possessio Each house has G Dooms and bath, and basement hardwood fl u. s ,V(l , beautifully tinted extremely nice bath and electrical fixtures. Kat h( built of very best No. 1 qualitv lumber double floors storm sh. !. ,! sn;, and solid brick under pinned cement sidewalk from house to ! .; ihi .,. lithic street near car lines, and splendid neighborhoods. One is lulled Elizabeth-Piedmont section, and two iocated on Amherst Place .My its paij.; $6350 $6500 and $6350. Everything in these houses bears inspection go spect them from top to bottom as to material and workmanship. S far a I know, you can't find their equals in Charlotte for the money considering cations, etc. Two of them may be bought by prospective purchasers f0i- h,. vestment purposes, and be leased for a year at $60 each are you intensicd ij rentins a new home. (Plicne 2772 Airs. Harding is resuming practice on the piano: Xo discords in the WTiite House, we beg of you. JONES THE REA L ESTATE MAN (Frank F . Jones) Office, 200 Realty John T. Smith Salesman. The way to disarm is to disarm. A cook-book is food for thought. Worry fills more graves than want. OBSERVATIONS OF OLDEST IN HABITANT. I kin remember when a man's pro fanity was given the acid test taking up, beating and putting down the old fashioned carpets that covered the en tire floor. POETRY OF MOTION. Ercwne 'Have you ever noticed that bliss always rhymes with kiss?" Towne "I have also noticed that blister rhymes with kissed her." The darkest hour in the life of a young man is when he sits clown to study how to get money without hon estly earning it. TUFF. "I'm down and out!" said Mr. Strong. "And everything just goes dead wrong: ; . Into each life some rain must fall. But darn the luck, I get it all." There's only one thing that beats a good wife that's a bad husband. FORCE OF ILVBIT. Jones, the druggist, was originally a hardware man, end featured wasning machines. This explaines the window sign on his toothbrushes. "Guaranteed for Family use." j '- ! CATARRHAL DEAFNESS MAT , BE OVERCOME. Honi A m mm mm m STOP PAYING RENT MAKE SMALL PAYMENT BALANCE EASY 5- rooms' and bath Bungalow, large lot, garage, fiiu shade, 1003 West Second street, $350 cash, balance monthly $4,850 6 rooms and bath. New bungalow, 1106 West Second Street, big lot, large porch, three living rooms, a con venient house in good neighborhood, $500 cash, bal ance monthly $6,000 8 rooms, two baths, 213 South Cedar street. A new bis roomy house on paved street, $750 cash, balance monthly $10,750 4 rooms, 1501 Seigle avenue, in Villa Heights, modern conveniences, S50 cash, balance $30 per month $2,550 7 rooms and bath, 1007 West Second Street, large lot, nice big rooms, $500 cash, balance monthly 6- rooms and bath, 1102 West Second St. Large dandy house, just painted. A bargain at $5,000. $750 cash, balance monthly. Price . .' , $4,750 Phone Me For Appointment. J. McAden 200 South Cedar St. Phone 350 .V. I If you have Catarrhal Deafness or head and ear noises or are growing hard of hearing go to your druggist and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double strength), and add to it 1-4 pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful four times a day- This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clog ged nostrlis should open, breathing be come easy and the mucus stop drop- ! ping into the throat. It is easy to pre-1 pare, costs little and is pleasant to taKe. Anyone wno nas uatarrnai jJeaf- ness or hea$ noises should give this prescription a trial. Apartment FOR RENT 5-rooms and bath, hot water heat, tile bath. Just painted and papered, ab solutely modern, in every way. PER MONTH Reference required, both financially and morally. M. B. ROSE Basement Trust Bldg. Phone 7D6 $75 INS U R A N C ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Fire, Liability, Plate Glass, Boiler, Fly Wheel Health and Accident Bonding. Carolina Com The pany 328 S. Tryon St. Phones: 609-1430-4396 22 Our Fall Series Is A Healthy Series ONLY SIX WEEKS OLD AND ALREADY HAS OVER 70C0 SHARES New shares may still be secured In this series by paying back to September 3rd. "We know of many "r-03" pects" who have not yet signed up and we urge them to come in before the accumulated payments before too heavy. For the benefit of those who have not yet absorbed the B. & L.'idea we say that each share rep resents $100.00 at maturity. The payments are twenty-five cents per share per week, until the payments plus the profit equal $100.00. This is usually 333 weeks, and the profits represents 6 per cent on the aver age amount invested. OUR SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Is ready for distribution, and is very complete. We realize that our shareholders are entitled to all the in formation about their Association that can be secured, and we show complete statements of reccpiu and disbursements, and income and expenses. MECHANICS PERPETUAL BUlCDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION E. J. CAFFFREY, J ''LrUJWi'iH Mi'rLi ii ' " m.,m., Ml , . hmjwb., ,mj .j.iwuiminwii-juii mi i .iiij . .TZSS J. H. WEARN, President 207 N Tryon St. I,