THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 2, 1921. I SOCIETY NEWS BXS3 ADELAIDE PEARSON CALDWELL Social ECtt, Them til Marriage Of Interest. Interesting a number of friends was the marriage Thursday evening of Mrs. Allie Mae Sham Melvin and Oeorsre Wilber Taylor, which was . solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Sharpe, West Seventh street. Rev. Henry Grady Hardin, pastor of Tryon Street Methodist church, officiating. The wedding company consisted of 50 guests or more representing rela tives and friends of both bride and groom. Attending the bride as maid of honor was Miss Josephine Boyd, and acting as best man was S. C. Wood. The bridal music was played by D. L. Sharpe. 9 The bride was handsome in a suit of brown velour with mole trimmings and accessories to match. Her corsage was of roses and lilies of the valley. The house was elaborately decorated for the wedding occasion, chrysanthe mums and roses being used in the cere mony room, hall and dming room. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor left immediate ly for Prosperity, S. C. to spend sev eral days with Mr. Taylor's father. Prom there they go North for a stay of a fortnight. The bride is hand some and attractive and has a wide range of friends. Mr. Taylor is a native of Prosperity, S. C, but has lived in Charlotte for several years, being connected with the Southeastern Express service. He commands a host of friends in both Carolinas. Book Clubs Meeting Friday. Practically all of the book clubs will Tieet Friday afternoon. The Eclectic meets with Mrs. J. Hirshinger at her home on Louise Avenue; the Dolly Mad ison with Mrs. M. M. Murphy, "Xorth College street; the Research with Mrs. J. M. Jamison, Providence Road. Myers Park; the Athenae with Mrs. Margaret Kelly Abernethy, East Boulevard; the Virginia Dare with Mrs. Latta C. John ston, North Trycn; the Rennaissance, with Mrs. David Clark. Myers Park: the Chelidon with Mrs. Robert Li. Tate, Providence Road, Myers Park; the Cranford with Mrs. P. S. Gilchrist, Park Avenue, Dilworth. Mr. Smith's Condition Serious. The condition of G. M. Smith, of Manning, S. C, who has been under going treatment' at the Charlotte San atorium for several months, is regard ed as serious. Mrs. Smith was here several days ago to see her husband and is expected again Saturday. Christinas Cake Sales. Circle No. C, of Tryon Street Metho dist church Friday inaugurated the first of several cake sales to be held by the Circle during the pre-Christmas sea son. The sale was held at Ivey's, Mrs. J. J. Akers the directing head. B. C. W. Sunday School Class Entertained. The B. C. W. Sunday School Class of Trinity Methodist Church was enter tained Tuesday evening by the teacher, Miss Winnie White, at her home, 6 West Bland street. Officers were elected for the ensuing year. Harry Carson was elected presi dent. Mason Payne vice president Franklin Jones, secretary and treasur er, assistant, William Redfern. An absentee committee of five were appointed, namely; Bernard Trexler, Walter Spearman, John Hester, Darius Shinier, George . Ragby . Service committee, Jack Montgomery, Xorman Harton, Glenn Owen, Robert Cooke, Charles Johns, Walter Black. The' class colors are purple and gold; flower, pansy, motto: "Onward." After the business was completed the evening was spent in playing games. In a guessing contest, Walter Spear man and John Hester won the prizes after which a reading was given by Everlyn Scott Dean. The rooms were recorated with yel low and white chrysanthemums. Re freshments were served by Catherine Ledwell and Evelyn Scott Dean. Miss Mayhew Entertains. Miss Delia' Mayhew delightfully en tertained the members of the girls' senior class of Villa Heights A. R. P. Sunday school and a number of friends at her home on Twenty-first street Thursday night. After a short class meeting, game's were played and refreshments served. The following were present: Misses Margaret and Minnie Poteat. Thelma Grier, Annie Pyron, Gladys Chambers, Grace Miller, Sadie Belle Miller, Jes sie Stikeleather, Messrs. Herbert Grier, Jenks Thomas, Paul Penny, Charleston Grier, Kenneth Woodside. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Brice Auten, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Kale. Mrs. Wood Honors CCharming Visitor. A charming hospitality of the fore noon was a breakfast which Mrs. Word H. Wood gave at her home on Queens Road, Myers Park, for Mrs. James Wharton Glenn, of Winston-Salem, guest of Mrs. Eben Hutchison. In the center of the table was a silver basket of lovely roses, and at each plate were name cards, dainty and pretty. Invited to meet Mrs. Glenn were 11 of Mrs. Wood's special friends, all ac quaintances of Mrs. Glenn. A course breakfast of four couses was served. To Arrange for Bazaar. The Ladies of Charity will have a special meeting Friday night at O'Don oghue Hall to make arrangements for tiie bazaar to be held next week. Ilia m HJ"l'"lrj '- -a - Souvenir Day , SATURDAY, DEC. 3rd. Souvenir to All Who" Call FREE Copy of beautiful Song "LITTLE SUNSHINE" to each visitor to our store A BEAUTIFUL CHEST OF SILVER FREE Twenty-six piece set of guaranteed Commu nity Silver in handsome leatherette lined case. AWARD MADE SATURDAY, DEC. 2d 8:00 P.M. Triangle Music ass i PIANOS-PHONOGPADH - MtTTTTtTTTT Benedicts Give First Dance of Season Friday Night. The Benedicts inaugurate their sea son Friday night with the first of three dinner dances which they give during the Winter, the dates of the other two being January 6, and February 28. The series are held at the Charlotte CoCuntry club. Each event mis epochal with the young married set, prepara tions for each dance being elaborate in gowning as in every other detail that makes the Benedict ensemble famous for elegance and social prestige. The dinner dance wit be held in the ball room of the, tables accommodat ing four each being placed throughout the room. The decorations consist of American Beauty roses and smilax. i Generous garlands of smilax are, sus pended from the chandelier to the cor ners of the room with many garlands intervening. The mantel is smothered in smilax and American Beauty roses, and on each table is a silver vase of roses, the effect beautiful and inspir ing. After the dinner, which wil be an elaborate course affair, the tables will be removed for dancing. Music will be furnished throughout the evening by the Southern Jlelody Sextette. . Before going into the dining room the ladies will draw for the lady's prize, always handsome and valuable. The Benedicts' list includes Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. John Bass Brown, Air. and Mrs. William Jennings Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bryce, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chatham, Mr. - and Mrs. A. B. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Coddington, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Davis, Mr. tind Mrs. A. J. Draper, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ellison, Dr. and Mrs. Yates Faison, Mr. and Mrs. L,ee A. Folger, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Gaston G. Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Goff, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Graham, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harty, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hook, Mr. and Mrs. Eben N. Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton C. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. William Myers Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. D. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Robert .Lassiter, Mr. and Mrs. B. Rush Lee, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Ike C. Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. E.-C. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson Moore, Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay Morehead, Mr. and Mrs. -Henry M. McAden, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. McCollough, Dr. and Mrs. B. C. Nalle, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Oates, Mr. and Mrs. William Haskell Porcher, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rey nolds, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. O'B. Robin son, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van Land ingham, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. VanNess, Mr. and Mrs. George P Wadsworth, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. C. Wadsworth, Col. and Mrs. T. B. Whitted, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wilkes, Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Moore Young. The officers of the Benedicts are: Ralph Van Landingham. president; Jeremiah Goff, vice president; Frank M. Caldwell, secretary and treasurer. Executive committee, Ernest Ellison Robert Lassiter, and E. C. Marshall. Benedict members having guests for are Mr. and Mrs. Van Landingham who have with them, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shuford, of Hickory; Mr. and Mrs. Eben Hutchison, who have as guest, Mrs. James Wharton Glenn, of Winston-Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Jones, who have as guest Mrs. Walter Brookes, of Detroit. Stags are; John HHuske, J. H. Van Xess, Jr., Charles Collins, John Dur ham, E. C. Griffith, Bobo Tanner, Me bane Long, Edward Dowd, Wilson Cos by, Dr. James Gibbon, W. E. Cham bers, Billy Osborne, Willis Hunter, Jo O'Brien, Stuart Gilchrist. Christmas Opening ALL THIS WEEK HUNDREDS OF GIFT ARTICLES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. BOOKS OF ALL KINDS See this elaborate display while it is clean, fresh and well arranged. I - BRvXRrionri S 1 immm i in-W A Book Store of Rare Excellence Office Suppliers and Furnishers. Mr. Henderson and Bride Arrive Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Henderson have arrived in the city from their bridal trip, and for the present, until they build, they are with Mr. Henderson's parents, Mx. and Mrs.. J. Arthur Hen derson at their home in Myers Park Ms. and Mrs. Henderson ivpro mar ried in Elberton, Ga.r November 18, Mrs. Henderson being, before marriage, Miss Frances Pitts, of. that. ritv. An Mr. Henderson's bride she wil h rnvai. ly welcomed in Charlotte." Personals Mrs. H. Victor Arnau left several days ago for Florida, joining Dr. Arnau at St. Augustine, where both will re main until after the holidays. They will make a tour of the State before re turning to North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Graham Fitz Simons are at present in New York, staying at the Ambassador hotel. They are expected to reach Charlotte by the first of the week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Whit man, at the Presbyterian Hospital, a daughter, Mary Alice. t Mrs. Jeremiah Goff has returned from Winston-Salem where she went to attend the funeral of. Mrs. Mary E. Norfleet, mother of Mrs. Baxter Mooro. Mrs. Norfleet was prominency known in Charlotte where she frequently visited. Mr,s. E. B. Dickson will make her home this winter in the Guthery Apart ments. She formerly resided with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie C. Dickson, -the for mer her son. Julian H. Little. Mr. anrl Mrs TnVm P. Little and others of the two families have gone to Little's Mills, near Rnnk. ingham, to be at the bedside of ; their motner. ivirs, John P. Little, who has been exceedingly ill for several davs. Mrs. Little is more than 90 years of age. Later reports as to her condition were to the effect that she as very ill. Dr. J. E. Abernathy, new pastor of Trinity church, will address the Men's Bible class of the Central Methodist church of Monroe Friday night, deliver ing his famous lecture on "The Bible". Dr. W. W. Orr, pastor of The Taber nacle, has returned from Nashville, Tenn., where he has been engaged for two weeks holding evangelistic services. A STIEFF PIANO FOR CHRISTMAS Pay a small amount down. We tag the Piano. Pay remainder of down payment Christmas, and we deliver. Balance easy payments. CHAS. M. STIEBB Inc., Charlotte, N, C. Please send catalogue and prices of Pianos. Name , Address Health Movement "ANINA" the Way to Health. A drugless, non-surgical cure for congestion in any part of the body, and special remedy for gall stones, kid neys and bladder trouble. We have saved thousands from the operating table. Free information and book let at office. 5 S. Churcli St. Room 19 i MoutfiT throat, nasal antiseptic and germicide. De stroys bad brfath. Leaves the mouth sweet and clean, free from bacteria ' "CHARLOTTE'S SHOPPING CENTER fife. 'A BON MARCHE STORE w.i'm 1 '41- ecember tShopping Occasions Jtre I; .. Jfere , -V- This Store has prepared the most attractive De cember program it has yet had. Merchandise has been carefully selected and priced to give the high est possible value for the money expended. Displays in all departments are extensive, and we want you to become acquainted-with this Decem ber service which we have prepared for you. Gift Box Paper In pound packages with separate envelopes to match, or fancy boxed paper for gift giving. ' Bon Marche Linen 29c pound white only. Envelopes to match ..... 15c Parchment Paper 50c pound. Envelopes to match, 19c. White, pink or blue. FANCY BOX PAPER, $1.25 Paper, Envelopes and Cor respondence Cards, very smart Other -.fancy Box Papers to $3.50 a box. HOW MANY WOMEN OUT OF SO MANY GIVE jandkerchiefs? Estimates may vary, but everyone knows the average is very high. And we've such dainty ones to tempti A great variety that includes - white and a host of colors, of hand drawn and embroidered linen. Of plain linen ready for a bit of handiwork. For Men, for Women and for Chil dren. Wide assortments of every price range from 10c to $5.00 And the Madeira Kerchiefs of pure linen. Some with a dainty edge, oth ers with edges and corner designs of the famous hand embroidery from 59c to $5.00. Polls polls Baby Dolls, Kiddie Dolls, School Girl Dolls. Dolls in their teens, and grown up Dolls. . Dolls that talk. Dolls that walk. Dolls that sigh. Dolls that cry. Dolls for their little Mothers to dress. Dolls already dressed. Dolls with curly locks. Dolls with bobbed hair. Dolls with no nair. Its the greatest showing" of Dolls that we've ever attempted, and you make a mistake if you don't pay them a visit. , Zl At home on the first and third floors. ' Qloves for Xmas Always Please It's th,e perfect gift you can always feel assu that she both needs them and wants them, and one of the .nice features is that they are so easy to select. 2-clasp Kid Gloves, black, white,-tans and browns...... $2.50 and $3.50 Gauntlet Kid Gloves, black brown and tan . ... ... . $5.00 12-button Kid Gloves, black, brown, tan and white . ........ $6.00 16-button Kid Gloves, black, brown, tan and white . , . . . .... . . . ; $7.50 Children's Kid Gloves, sizes 2 to 14 years ...... : $1.25 and $1.75 A SENSATIONAL SALE OF Jadies9 Neckwear The entire sample line of one of the three biggest Neckwear manufac turers in this country, put on sale at just half the original price. Lace Neckwear. ' . Eyelet Embroidered Neckwear. Net and Lace Neckwear. 1 - - - Round Collar Effects. Tuxedo Effects. Sets, Single Pieces or Vests. NECKWEAR FOR 50c Values in this lot to $1.25. NECKWEAR FOR 75c Values in this lot to $2.00. NECKWEAR FOR $1.00 Values in this lot to $2.50. NECKWEAR FOR $1.50 Values in this lot to $3.50. NECKWEAR FOR $2.00 Values in this lot to $5.00. ? NECKWEAR FOR $2.50. Values in this lot to $6.00. ftand-fllade Slouses that are out of the range of the or dinary $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $10.00 Exquisite Blouses of fine French Voiles or Sheer Batiste with their femkiine bits of hand work or dainty touches of hand-made fillet or lace's or insertions. They are all new, having come in especially for the Christmas season. Sags and feather (foods Wonderful assortments, wonderful values and how timely with Christmas looming such a short dis tance away. CHIFFON VELVET HAND BGS OF UNUSUAL MERIT AND CHARM, $9.50 to $25.00 The prettiest shapesxsome with carved shell frames. Shades to match Winter Coats and Frocks Navy Warm Tans, Brown and Black of course. Linings are lovely of changeable or fancy silks in harmonizing colors priced. ' Fancy Leather Bags start at $1.00 toofags'allthe Leather Hand Bags, unusual values novel styles and shapes $2, $3.50, $5.00 and up to $20.00. Leather Collar boxes $2.00 and up. Leather Girdles,; long tasseled ends, solid and two color combinations c.r Ribbon ffovelties SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Charming little remembrances. Many of which you. can buy for less than what the materials cost. Sachets, Vanities, Puffs, Lingerie Sets, Bags, Flowers, etc of every pret ty color. CHRISTMAS RIBBONS Put up in 5-yard bolts, red or green, bolt ....15c Lingerie Ribbons, pink or blue, in 3- yard pieces . . . . . . 15C piece Lingerie Sets . 39c to $1.25 Ribbon Garters . . . ... . $1.25 to $2.50 Cap Bows . ....... 75c to $1.75 Handled Powder Puffs .. 59c to $2.50 Ribbon Flowers 7c to $2.50 Jilk Stockings Qn Svery Woman's JZist And they are so crift-like in then- pretty and packed in dainty gift boxes. , This special collection of Silk Stockings is at lowered prices, each pair a little gift special in itself. THREAD SILK STOCKINGS, $1.95 Black only, full fashioned, lisle top and sole. THREAD SILK STOCKINGS, $2.50 Black, Brown, Gray or Sand, lisle top and sole, full fashioned. THREAD SILK STOCKINGS, $3.00 Black, Browns and Grays, silk from top to toe, all full fashioned. THREAD SILLK STOCKINGS, $4.50 Black or Browns, silk or lace clocks, silk from- top to toe. his Pay light Jhoe Store Offers unlimited assortments of ex quisite new footwear, for street, dress or evening wear at prices that are about what you'd like to pay. Pat. two-strap baby Louis heel Pump at $11.00 Black Kid 'one-strap beaded Pump .at ............ y. $10.00 Tan Pumps with Suede trimming, baby Louis heel $12.50 Silver one-strap high heel Pump at . . .s. . ..... $li w !" ''