THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHAKLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 2, 1921. ! i I '4 1? WANTED FOR SAL FOR RENT LOST FOUND The Pallin'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fact Be Convinced, Try 'E m ONE-CENT; A - WORD 6 1 E i, .a i i ;..S it ' !. ! K ill I! II '1 i I 111 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" Set thia style and type nnp cent, per word each Insertion. STYLE "B" SET THIS STYLE AND TYPE, TWO CENTS PER WORD EACH INSERTION. STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each insertion. Any style "slurred" either top or bot tom, or between lines, at double tn pbove rates. n?;fiif!ed advertMn? Is sold h with ortfor bntf or ronveirience of Charlotte ?tros. who re listed In the telephone ilN-Ptory, or known In the DeJaper "office. memoranflnm chare will made wfrh the exnertatlon that the dm be paid wnen presented. Itvri!lr Classification of ads cannot he ewanteed after 1? o'clock for Dally Fditfon or after 10 p. m. Saturday for Similar Edition. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP WANTED Good cook with city refer once, good pay to the right party. 40S Park Ave.. Uilworth. 2-3t CLERKS for Postal Mail and Govern ment Field Service: $125 month. Ex perience unnecessary. For free par ticulars of examination, instruction, write R. Terrv. (former Civil Service Examiner), 224 Continental Bldg., Washington. D. C. s WANTED -Lady to . mark and assort. ADrjiv (aastonia Laun fJastonia. N. C. 2-3t "WANTED Two neat young men. IS 21 to travel, light outdoor wor fair remuneration .to start. See Mr Johnson, 6-S p. m., Hotel" Stonewall A nnY 2-lt WANTED Salesman with automobile Apply Underwood Typewrtier Co. l-2t WANTED Capable young man to sell building material. State experience. Give references Address XX, care of News. 1-4 WANTED Soda dispenser. Applv stnnpwa 11 Pharmacy. :'.0-tf WANTED Night clerk for hotel. Must furnish first-class rererenes or appn crints will not be considered. P. O Knx 138. 29-Pt WANTED Competent white nurse maid to care for 6 months old baby and do light' housework. Position onen January 1. Good home, kind treatment. Apply with references io P. O. Box 360. Charlotte, N. C 28-7t WANTED Good sheet metal man for inside and outside work. Phone 472 Shuman Bros. 28-7t .WANTED Single white girls between aes- of 15 and 17 for waitresses Anrtlv Brown Betty Tea Room. 25 tf WANTED Linotype operator. Apply Foreman, Charlotte News. tf SPECIAL NOTICES DAN V. MASON, Notary Public. Phone 3767: 231 S. Trvo St. l-4t BURT'S SHOE STORE wlil remain open until . 9 p. m., each evening until Christmas for the benefit of those who cannot . attend the sale now going on during the day. Burt's Shoe Store. 16 E. Trade St. l-3t WE REPAIR typewriters and Phonographs. Phone 3767. Typewriter Exchange Co., 231 S. Trvon St. 1-tf GET YOUR MATTRESSES and box springs renovated, made . over, good as new. Phone 1588-J. Lawir.g's Mattress Factory. ; 30-5t DRESSMAKING and sewing of all kinds. Mrs. Surbrug, 805 South A St. 30-7t "WE MOVE THINGS" LOCAL AND Long Distance Hauling Moving Packing Storing WE MAY NOT SAVE YOU MONEY BUT "WE SAVE YOUR FURNITURE" WARREN TRANSFER CO. ' 207 W. Fourth St. Day Phone 1166 ... Night Phone 5074 MADAME CECYL, the Scientific Paim- ist, advises clients on personal and j general matters; all business strictly confidential; no guess work but based ," on scientific knowledge. Readings by ; appointments only. Prices 50c and $1. Hours 11 A. M. to 8 P. M j Closed Sundays; 251 W. Trade St. 27-7t WANTED Everybody to attend Farris "Bros sale of Odds and Ends, Chairs, Rockers and va rious other articles, Sat urday morning at 9:00 o'clock, at their ware house, 208 East Fifth St., jopposite Young's black smith shop. Remember the sale starts promptly at 9 o'clock. 29-4t COAL BIAJE GEM LUMP '$10.00 PER TON DELIVERED Phone 2271 27-7t NOTICE If you are ready to build tnai nome, pnone 15U9-J. Quality I first. 27-7t ) We weigh and fork every ton of our Coal. What is a dollar a ton on Coal tfhen you buy of the dealer who has rcaies . . THINK IT OVER We Guarantee Weight, jj Quality and Service, i., COAL OF QUALITY. WIGGINS FUEL CO. .;fcor. East Bland and R. R. Phone 1216 . .. , . 26-tf FOR RENT TTf1T TT7,-VfT' XTInnlt, fnin oKail fpnn iiij.i jl Luuiioiiu uuiii, ftt-iinciiicii ii wujre. ismuy. block. HiiizaDetn car une. Keierences. r'hone libo-J. z-.n FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; no children. References. Phone 2229-J. -lt FOR RENT Office or desk space in large front office in Trust Building1. Charlotte Letter Writ ing Co., Phone 4562. 2-3t FOR RENT Furnished, 6 blocks from square, large comfortable front bed room with board, to adults. Phono 1448-W. 2-tf OK KL.r io' two gentlemen, nicely iurmsnen iront Dearoom witn Doara. Apply 1S03 Euclid Ave., Dilworth. 2-2t NICELY furnished front room in private family, all convenience, close in; 6 Jackson Terrace. -ot FOR RENT Three niqo large unfur- fcu i uuuio, ijiivdie uaiii, ma' sir.K m Kitclien, water, lights and and 'o. phone furnished; $30 per month Oakland Ave. -- FOR RENT To ladies, front room, aLTSSr- 1003 5 FOR RENT Two furnished downstairs rooms between Southern station and pOstoffice. Water and lights. Phone 3194-J. -3t FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. hot ahd cold water, private home; il . e-aiaweu st. 2-t run iri.i vvarenouse witn sir s - i i Tii..- T. ... i . m track two blocks rrom Independence 19 12"2t-7 lett. Sr. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room near Southern station. Call 1288-W 2-lt FOR RENT Piano by the week; 927 i-J. Fifth St. 2-lt FOR RENT Furnished bedroom, $S per week: 927 E. Fifth St. 2-lt FOR RENT To couple or business girls, nicely furnished front room. private home. Phone 4386-W. l-3t FOR RENT To, nice young man, cozy ruum, connecting Datn, $io; near good board. Address W. L., care News. 1-3 l un ni inree unlurnished coi;- necting rooms with bath for house- v00,-x,o- ' ti m,-.-, t I keeping, good location Phnno IRC'i.T 'J '-I CJ tj l-2t FOR RENT Furnished bedroom at 239 1-2 W. Trade St., near square. uentiemen or couple. Phone 1410. l-2t FOR RENT Apartment, 6 rooms and bath, second floor. 205 N. Tryon, $70 montn. E. C Griffith Co. l-3t lOR RENT One large front room with bath, 18 1-2 S. Tryon St. Phon.T 4972. !.tf FOR RENT Two rooms and kitchen ette, completely furnished: 725 E. lxi lircl?s& in furnished rooms: 303 N. Church 30-5t THREE upstairs .unfurnished rooms tor housekeeping, one furnished be-l downstairs to couple without n. Phone 1363-J. 3) ENT-Nicely furnished room unle of larHo tp -c,i,,. room children FOR RENT to couple of ladies. For -further intormation phone J. P. Holler, 815. . 30-3t OFFICES FOR RENT Good offices with heat, light and janitor service. Phone 5031 or call at new Chamber ui mmerce jsiog., 17 W. Fourth st- 30-3t FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms suitaoie ror light housekeeping; 1000 vv . r irsi &t. 3-3t T,, FOR RENT Eight-room houae in worth, fhone 2050. 30-3t FOR RFIVT TvJiooiT, f,,-.,,' I Z rv'w 1U'UUU luum, i 798-W. FOR RENT Part steam heated office heated office Cheap," ca.-e I , . cneap to right party News. FOR RENT To eentlemem fmiahA room, running w&.ter, steam heat" I . " '-""'suiiu ?n. rnrnisnp i ttujummg catn; 43s s. Uhurch St., Apt. D. Phone 5003. 26-tf FOR RENT . . . 1 -Furmshed room with water and heat, private board, hot home. Phone 4076 26-tf FOR RENT One nicely furnished bed room within walking distance of square. Kent very row; 607 S. Tryon St. 2-tf FOR RENT To gentlemen, one neatly iiii-nisnea room, ciose in, all modern conveniences, private family. Phone J iOD- VV 13-tf I DrtD TnTm rn i JVEiiM iwo large OKlces. ox5o ieet eacn, Gasteam neat, in new building next to rMews office, corner Church and Fourth streets. G. G. nollor,r OO t:: ,m' v-,Tjr, x-utn k3U. 12-tfl FOR RENT-Extra niee room. close ; in. riiune zai or ZS18. 13-tf FOR RENT Office building. 20 otflce well located. J. H. McAden. Phnni 860 can 3-tf FOR RENT Office room, won ir..V vpyiy ivierton j. fropst. 28 W. Fifth Ol.. K.K. I " " i HOUSES WANTED ROOMS WANTED To rent small hoo inree unrurmshed rooms at moderate , - vi yuce. v, isell. 214 1-2 E. Trade. 2-2t-eod r A -VTTiTr-T-v .. xvoom ana ooard for an old man. .rrerer to be with an eiderlv -3t . , . . wiic mews. WANTED Three connecting unfurnish ed rooms, suitable for light house- keeping. Phone 1199-J between 7 and WANTF.n . : " - a j i rn l i wi i nr t r ron n- lurnisned rooms for light housekeep ing. Can furnish references. Address a. -is.., 1115 s. Caldwell St . ,ri phone 1429-J. 30-3t WANTED By couple without children! i lu"ra nouse. Must be good Ty'oi wjecuon to suburb. - 'ivnc ii. on c WANTED Small nnf j. - w i uut, good neighborhood, eiernr mntifVio i ... tt -V lunger. Address ii. xvj... care iNiaore n i i M' A TTl.iT rn. . - : ---- . . , , -ni Z'lZ renc.8 ?r 10-room house ru or fore January 1. uvm oo. 18-tf FOR SALE LIVE STOCK POINTER RTRn lirvi i old left with me to sell. fi d retriever. A-l con- uinuii, xuv ior quicK sale M n I Yerton. NpwpIi u r. ' M' . 1 , .. Wa j.j. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE I PflR S A T.F" VaffDnt l-t T nnios' lira 1 - - wmf .. . . , w wvi.vici T. oneeis. iuur tuoiuc uj. wiuw ati i sacruice price, on good terms. i.n - swer at once. r, care rviews. z-it I FOR SALE By owner, " newly painted I and papered cottage in good neigh - I borhood. Lot 50x20. Fruit and out - bmldmgs. Price $3500. Address 'Own - er-4a, care News.. 2-it FOR SALE Six-room bungalow, Pied mont section. One year old. Lot 6Gx 125. One block from car line. Price $5750. ' W. C. Harris & Co. Phone 936. 30 St FOR SALE. Modern 7-room home, two stories, two baths,' hardwood floors, . large dr; basement, hot air heating -plant. In Dilworth. Attractive price, and terms M. B. ROSE Basement Trust Bldg. Phone 796 Ht I FOR SALE Vacant lota in Elizahetn. Piedmont, Dilworth and Mvers Park. I W. U. Harris & Co.. Realtv RM 30-3t r LiLa j. kj i i v nisi in central or semi-central business property. - In-!:care ?sews: 3-3t-eod vvaaijjj direct trom owner, flvs to eight room home. State price, terms, - WANTED Five to twenty acres su- burban tract, imjroved or proved or unim- s terms must ,.e care News. - proved. Price an attractive. "Acrea-e, .J 30-3t-eod ONE 4-room, one 6-room, one 7-room house for sale; small cash payment. l Tv. o n ttt x tx i . rtn . L -oia-w. j. n. isenneu. 8- i FOR SALE Five-room hnRP. -nnri -1 tV?--1 Iain,iei insid ,aild ot oOxloO. Small barn. All fenced. In Belmont. Price $1650. Phone between 5:30 and 6.30 p. m. 28 -5t FOR SALE Five-room Dilworth home, on paved street, one block from car line, $5750. W. C. Harris & Co. Call Mr. Yelvington. Phone 936- or 2749-W. 30-3t FOR SALE Splendid 6-room bunga- Elizabeth section.' ThreeP roomshJrd- J: tractive inside and out. On corner lot. Price $7500. W. C. Harris & Co. Phone 936. 30-St v, . T r r : oxv-orner lot worn noum with basement from nwnor at a "mi casement rrom owner at a bargain. 1210 N. Davidson St. " 30-St FO,R SALE Tavo beautiful homos close in, just completed. Can ar- range good terms. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. 28-5t WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Second-hand shotgun, 16 gauge. Give full description and uesu price. Address "liun," care News. , 2-3t W A VT ri,rr.; . i j.. - n j- jj- vui lame iu IcLUIluei , OUC per pair. Phone 1684-J. 2-3t J- J0 l,!Le wuen omers need it wiiom you can help, at Mme time get nine per cent secured. Phone 32. 2-tr wATEDAt once slx loads wel1 rot ted manure. Phone 1250-W. 2-3t WANTED-To clean your rugs wxth suction sweeper. Satisfaction sweeper. Satisfaction arcar anteed. none 3796-J. 2-3t-ood WAAiii,!) To sell you Christmas goods. for Santa Claus. Carolina Sport. ing liooos uo. i.2 1 WANTED To give you a copy of beau song, "little sunshine." Call .it Triangle Music Co., 30 W. Fifth St '. 30-3t v ANTED A good 4 or 5 gallon cow , n "me payments. Address X. T., care News. 30.3t WANTED To exchange smal for paintiner and rtprnrotiTur u- I car -py,'a ,t , Huu. NOTHING BETTER for nhH; nresent for fother ""1 Resent for father and mother than Pj- Leyy s eyeglasses. Made to fit tile PVPS nnl fann- T XT rr .T I upstairs. I 1 iiruirrmrv r, ; - 0 Duy $2000 worth of fur- niture and stoves. Peidmont ll-18-30t ! ttt a ATmrfn Fri r WANTED TO DUt VOUl" . hJii JVUL lUinaCe m gOOd Order. inspect your flues and prevent fires. Strange Bradv. Phone 8149 - - 1 iL WANTED Yonr nalnHr. i "T8 noorB. j. s. xMcCalL WANTED-7-T0 make your mattresses and pads to order. Matrresae rann, vated, box springs repaired, feathr mattresses made. Hailey-Howard Co. "'aMl ttM- none 22-tf WANTKD Used furniture. Phone 443! 505 w- Eleventh St. 13-tf LOST OR FOUND LOST Child's locket and chain t. x -. , t-. , , . Lldis v. ti. ti., m or around F.liyjih Vi school. Reward return to Elizabeth' auuooi or 14UB K. Tenth St. 2-2t .(1ST Rot. ic a . - - - - - - lnccu iu o. inyers.ana irres oycenan cnurch. amethyst brooch; bvjih uiuunung. Keturn News. 3-lt LOST Last Sunday morning on Gra- oTon hrnJt TntM or on Tenth to Tryon street, suit- case containing women's apparel, $5 for return or information leading to iecovery. t. w. Kendrick, 14 S nurcii &x. jbnone 241. 2-lt FOUND Bay horse, 503 W. Thirteenth i l-2t LOST Tortoise shell rim glasses on in. v.nurcn or xryon St. Reward if re- luhicu io IeWS. 1.t TATfFIN fmm .. - : Auuiiurjura ruesnav Bve un8 a tan belted garbadine top coat with leather buttons. The -person who now has this coat may wu,"u lui-Lnre description and re- wara Dy calling phone 4263 or 2616, l-4t BUSINESS OPORTUNITY irriT? catt? 1 . ,r , v" accunt or sickness ucsl iransret business, ga rage and aceessnrioa ccno ,. as a whole. Terms. Address Trans it, oui no, Aiooresville, N, C. 26-ft FLORIDA EVERGLADES Pnr i7 dressLS S!cSSg N- c- i9-2ot i-l . ... ".v-I , WANTED - Someone who wishes to in! Sond rU" ..-.fflS . r """i rai mosl useful investments. AdPM I A. . c. care News. -tf FOR SALE I CiriTi o A T Tn m ... i x caiji csternm? uTritiL 'Diane j.ov. jvianogany victrola. $ao. Also panor iurniture at a real bargain 1 uan be seen at R Cedar St 2-lt I FOR SALE Underwood typewriter, 1 one month old, $115. Address Fore- 1 man. P. O. Box 913. 2-3t 1 FOR SALE- -$60.00 gray round reed I hahv carriage, used about two months, in perfect condition $25; 513 Oakland Ave. 2-lt FOR SALE Ivory babv carriasre. ex cellent condition, $25; 315 W. Fifth St. 2-lt FOR SALE To first one calling, 14- foot maple tree, give shade first year. Also shubbery. Must sell at ence, reasonable. H. E. Johnson, Nurseryman. Phone 1715-W. 2-lt I FOR SALE One No. 10 Victor stan dard typewriter new, $70. One No. 4 Woodstock, standard typewriter, good as new, $35. Phone 4461. 2-2t shot TunIadeaUby American Gun FOR SALE) 16-gauge double barrel Co. Practically new. First $15 gets it. Apply 207 S. Cedar St. Phone 365-W. l-2t FOR SALE Baby's white iron bed, aimost new. Phone 4386-W. l-3t GROCERY STORE for ' sale, good lo- cation. For information phone 892, l-3t FOR SALE Hand made linen han-1 l-4t FOR SALE One early English dining room suite, set of large andirons, amogt new Ruud Automatic . ht water heater, two heating stoves. Phone 1166 between 9 and 4. 1-tf FOR SALE Shnt nn shells sm,. I o J ...- loan ci in o v,.- rrno a Goods C.n. ' 1.4 FOR SALE-Wood. oak or pine alsu good iump COal. Delivered anywhere Phone 4815. i-6t 4 V- fAa pony ana ruooer Spradling, 423 -Mecklenburg Mill, N. Charlotte. 30-7t FOFi orti-in. jneap or win rent tor feed young black horse, weighs 1200 pounds. J. F. Paxton. Phone 3380-J. 30-tf FOR SALE Sonora pnonograph. Come coty 'ofbefur ilttTe11 4Ttti" copy of beautiful little song, "Little Sunshine," just for.calling. Triangle Music Co., 30 W. Fifth St. 30-3t I li'OR SALE ThrPP h Mcniin. t good shane cheat) If vn nZl rr1' s"oa snape, cneap. ii you neeJ 1 it call and look it over. Lawing's .Mattress Factory: 212 N. Lon fet. , ao-:?t HOME-MADE fruit cake for 1 Phone 2026-Wr. STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! Selling' at cost plus hauling in our great sale on new gas rano-oa. mmhinafinn vqtio-qo o1 I - WlVil a migVO Ci.XVA all the heaters in our store. t - n , ..... J-'Urmg THIS Sale We Will take your Old stove in Gxrhanirp I . You can't afford to miss opportunity if moneV m anvthinp- to VOll auyuiuig LO VOU. this meang Jou- ' CHARLOTTE STOVE CO. 233 East Trade St. Phone 477. 30-5t FOR SALE One two-gallon JeiW cow; or will trade for automobile- 604 S. Tryon St. 30-3t cr giTn' t..,,1 1 . . . . vitt o.ij, xsearoom ana Kltcnen fur- nnon fftP TTT " ' . . iUl wuraay in front of Sanders and Orr, South ' College St. Bright Orr. 30-3t ou L FOR SALE-Grocery stock, and fix- tiii-ps neat inmiit "ou n - . x 4.Sat. 29-tf ew No. 9 Oliver t.vne. as. jrnone SiGl. Type- writer Exchange Co.. 231 g. Trvon st. 29-4t. writer only $38. Phone 3767. Type- FOR SALE Second hand typewriters, Remington No. 10, Underwoods, Noa 4 and 5, Monarch No. 3. Tvoewr.tor- Exchange Co., 231 S. Tryon St. Phone 3767. .jt I F9?SAL-Sewins machine, good i i "3w. rnone 7i.f i " I FOR SALE Practially new New Per- iection rour-burner oil stove with oven. Phone 1792-J. 29-4t COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED Phone 2271 27-7t FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS reading varieties, ready for ahin- ment; post paid: 100, 25c; 500, $1.00; ' CJovernment inspected. r. vj. Muii, Kock Hill, S. C. ll-26-30t I'OR SALE Lap robes for automobiles ana venicies. Big assortment from $4 to $15. Sehorn & Hipp, 311 N. College St. 27-14t ALE-Duplex flreless cooker. 2 wells; kiddy koop; New Process oil heater; -Hoover vacuum cleanpr- an m good condition. Phone 43S7-J. 26-tf Christmas , Make your gift ELECTRICAL . Something Useful Ask Auten Electric Co. Anything Electrical 22 W. Fifth. Phone .4003 26-7t ONE HORSE and delivery Ava pnn I ch 79 cheap; 804 N. Brevard St. Phone 17-tf cabbage plants winter J5d spring heading, $1.ts thousand; $1.00 iiuuuieu; prepaid ano insured:! strong, nealthy, full count: Govern. ment inspected; grown here. We I lead, others follow. Medlin Plant r arm, jort A111I, S. C. n-g-3(fl FOR SALE OUT QTPVTrTTQ R Jf .gUtterS. Also to ' paint them. Satisfaction W W A UiJl. I XUUU I guaranteed STRANGE & BRADY - tju 9 in PllOne 3149 - 7-tl1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Buick six, good condi tion, $485: 206 S. Poplar St. 2-3t WANTED To exchange Scrlpps-Booth coupe, practically new, for Ford. Address Scripps-Booth. care News. 2-4t FOR SALE At auction for repairs, at courthouse, Monday, December fifth, one ton International, truck with express body, one Chevrolet roadster, both in A-0L condition.. 2-3t FOR SALE Or exchange, Cadillac car Phone 2216. SPECIAL BARGAINS We are offering the following at very low prices: TWO 1920 BrfSCOe tOUr- ing. One 1919 Briscoe tour- mg. m o LWO 1918 BriSCOe tour- PV,a AAHO XT n j mg. One Ford Sedan, slight- li7TiC!srJ x , . JYf Vim JJPllVPrV flt fl vr"c- llU . ACU V CI special price. Come in and look 'em i wni m. - 0V6r. HieVWOn t hft herP lonCT t tVlP -nVIPd Tiro qvo 1 -X1 at me PCCS We are maki no I AAWAkAAA J. H. HAM 306 N. Tryon Phone 352 30-2t-eod AUTOMOBILES I have a nve-passenger Sedan, one new that anyone would be proud to own cost $2610.00, will sell at a big discount with terms to suit, or will trade for good real estate.. W. A. M., care News. 1 WW HUDSON 7-passener. Must sacrifice -"'6 iuwu luaise oner, uay & Night Garage, 720 S. Mint St. l-2t i REAL VALUES IN USED CARS. HUPMOBILES. Hupp Coupe, reconditioned. Ideal fam I Hupp Model N. new naint mor..ani- ly rignt. Hupp Model R touring, good all 'round condition. OTHER MAKES. I Chandler 7-passenger, practically . new. xsargain. Chevrolet touring. Bargain. ucrt, 1919 model touring. Stephens Salient Six, brand new. Frd liSht truck. Just overhaulec overhauled. C?ALTTE MOTOR CAR CO. zua s. Uhurch St. Phone 961 ' "' 23-3t-tue-thur-fri $275 WILL BUY good Buick roadster wun good tires at 207 W. Trade. 28-tf FOR SALE WE ARE MAKING SPE ptat. TTTn-w nxr nlZ J?: S??HNILiix4?4 nbby cord .ioiinuo r uts. 10 days . .ttf CTirtA-m mm- . " 1 . vi-Jfc A ' uulAN-KING MO- 23-10t FOR SALE One ton Ford trdek. two umer ngnt delivery trucks. Gome wica. ivxuLur ouppiy uo. Fnone 1270. - . ' ' 20-tf RENT A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE xx. u-jJxtivnUM CO., 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 1270 is." BARGAINS We have several very good used cara un oe Dougnt right and on USED CAR EXCHANGE, 505 South Trvon. Next to Catholic Church. KQAINS IN USED CARS-rMore '"V usea automobiles different models $200.00 and ud. Anniv suhA and Hipp, 211 NY College St. Phone 4050. 7-tf W. M. BELL. Notary Pnhlin. fmnt r,r. uce nanotte Ne,ws. Can be found - . . - v. va- most any nour to S p. m. 9-tf WANTED POSITION . ' - , Ltuu Position .hy saleslady, .with live years experience. Phone 4452..T. , M foncrete foreman or any kind V " f- xiitve naa eignt ,c1? experience as foreman with iaWe foreman. H. Phifer, Route S. wingate's store. 3Q-3t WANxjsu Position by stenographed vmpivyea Dut desires change. -tveospnaoie salary. Phone 2106. KvANTED - Position by yo ,neat appearance, age 23, young man of 73 am a V.... ier and want a . tr-.nut at nm,r -nrm ,"r- "in ua.v me a. nvinf sa arv r-. furnish A-l reference. Unemployed at ficociii. ana want to start work lm- i ieuiateiy. . jttusn . answer to 'JBaof Ruth." care News. w 24-t. MISCELLANEOUS BURT'S SHOE STORE will remain open until 9 p. tn., each" evening until Christmas for the benefit of those who. cannot attend the ' sale now going on during the day. Burt's Shoe Store, 16 E. Trade St. l-2t BUILDING AND LOAN CHRISTMAS SERIES opens Sat urday, December 3rd. Shares may be taken any day now and if loan desired, application hied. No better plan . ever de vised for saving. Every sal aried man and woman in Char lotte should carry Building and Loan shares. If not fa miliar with our plan, let us explain it to vou. Mecklen burg Building and Loan Asso ciation. U. Craig, Secretarv and Treasurer, 210 S. Tryon St. - . l-5t GET YOUR MATTRESSES and oox springs renovated, made over, good as new. Phone 15SS-.T. Lawine- Mattress Factory. 30-bt ALWAYS REMEMBER where YOU get the best for leSS mon- ey. Fourth Ward Shoe Shon. x nunc irtui. vc v;aii xux illiu deliver. 19-tf Wed Fri Sun PAPER HANGING and interior paint ing. Phone 1364-J: 27-7t i LEVY'S EYEGLASSES fit all eyes. jvoinmg setter; 7 East Trade. 11-23-tf GET YOUR MATTRESSES and box springs renovated, made over, good as " new. Phone 1588-J. Lawing'3 Mattress Factory. 30-5t BURT'S SHOE STORE wlil remain Open -until 9 t .' m.. eah evotiino- until Christmas for the benefit of tnose who cannot attend the sale now going on during the day. Burt s Shoe Store, 16 E. Trade St. l-3t WATCH THE KIDDIES' FEET. They want ireduent renainna': kena thu.i looking neat and cost less. We repair snoes oy iactory methods. A. P. Hill Quick Repair Shop, 209 N. Col leS 25-tf MATERNITY R A 'MfT'i T?TTT"1 renneo, nomeiike. Home provided for iiuimis. ivirs. ai. -r. JWitcheil, 22 Wind sor, Atlnta, Ga. ll-4-26t-no sun GET YOUR MATTRESSES and box springs renovated, made nt-r t,n,n as new. Phone 1588-J. Lawing'a AviMitress r actory. 3U-5t PIANO TUNING W. R atiti r-h. roue, xv. i. none 2335-L-3. 10.12-tf Local and Long Distance MOVING and HAULING Bonded Warehouse' Storage Packing Bradfield Moving: Service Cor. 4th and Poplar Sts. Phone 980. . 24-tf Mo We Sa MIMS & HASTY Paper Hangers and Decorators 11 . I'onlar. Phnnp SfiSA 11-5 tf WAi PAPER HANGING, house painnns. j, M. Muse. Phone 423-L2. o NEW MATTRRSSRS moH w iiu,v4'- uui ui juui uiu ones, renovated, isjsw ticks. It pays. It rids you of vermin. Cal 1588-J for particulars. Lawing's Mattress Factory. 212 North Long ist- ' 28-tf LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND HAULING, PACKING AND STORING NICHOLS TRANSFER CO. Phone 705. 5 S Ponlai- 25-tf ADVERTISE IT IN TAMPA If you iu uuy, sea, or exenange, adver tise your wares in Tampa and South Florida one of the most prosperous regions of today. Always use Times V-i. us, ijargest xampa circula tion and largest daily average want ..aksolsc ui any j? lorida "ape' guaranteed to ail Qtrtio t.. Iar rate one cent per word; monthly rates on annli fully answered. Address The Tampa ' ""pa-t f la. ll-4-t30t WALL PAPF.R The Latest Designs A. J. DUNN CO. 25 North Tryon St. rnone 2264 21-tf ' FOR RENT P'OR RENT-Four room apartment, one . Y V apanmeni and three fur nished rooms, newly papered, hot lNTryon St. & CITY OF CHARLOTTE BULLETIN REMEMBER 1921 TAXES If you did not take ad vantage of discount pe riod get in in time, to save nenalty FOR SALE FOR SALJJJ Uas Stove, low ovenT condition; $7.50. Pijone 290-W , 1 FOR SALE " Two Young Horses. Phnnp BALTIMORE FURNITURE CO FINE LEATHER COATS and" Packet auiLauiu iui - villas gilia. X riceq fifty dollars. Also fine suede Z,( Knlnroata in mnnw ua'i from $2.25 up. Many other barS? gain? Salvage Co., No. 2 N. Tryon 'st FUL-O-PEP Car just arrived. Ful-o-pep Scratch Ful-o-pep Laying Mash Ful-o-pep Growing Mash. Schumacher's Feed for hogs. horses, mules and drv oaHC Best feed on market for old stool Larro Feed the onlv dairy cows. A guaranteed feed lvieiruae iiuur in stOCK. SOUTHERN FEED CO Jflione 1677 43-45 S. College St. 2"tf Tu Fri Sur. CALLING, 14-FOOT MAPLE TPn GIVE SHADE FIRST YEAR y SHRUBBERY. MUST SELL it ONCE. REASONABLE. H. E Tnti SON, NURSERYMAN. pHfvp 1715-W. For Dill Pickles Sour Kraut Spare Ribs and all kinds of Fresh Meats Call Puckett's Market 219 East Trade Phone 1268 FOR SALE Grape vines, ramhi? .roses, privet evergreen hedge, cetk trees, wallflowers, double and sin-e fruit trees and. shrubs of all kind Pruning- and planting executed. Ei Tucker, Horticultural Specialist 4 Kenilworth Ave., hi.' Boulevard. i;t SALE UNDER EXECUTION. State, of North Carolina, Mecklenbu'i County. ' State of North Carolina, upon th relation of George W. Wilson, So'ici tor, against W. W. Davis, .Kramnw and one club roadster Cadillac au mobile. Under and bv vlrt Oider and execution issued in the abtv. cause, i will on December 3th, X9cx, ai tne nour of iz o'clock noon, Sell at tJUhlio 911!nn r.:n.. - -"V..VU ViIlG V-dUllldl roadster automobile tn aati-of,. !.. ;J . wwoij 1. 1 i J ftjiij execution. This the 23rd day of November, 1'! . . W. O. COCHRAX. Sheriff Of Mep.kienhnr rnfv 2-2t-fri --r-r-., u..y. Announcement To My Friends and Customers: I have opened a nice grocery stort at my old stand, corner Sixth anil Graham streets. ' Same phone number 3052. We will carry a full line all staple and fancy groceries, nice fruit! and produce. We will sell for casi and save you from 10 to 25 cents o; the dollar. It's a good time to teacrl your dollars some sense. Try me anil be convinced. R. M. KIDD H. O. Fowler WILL GIVE YOU WHOLESALE PRICES ON FRESH MEATS. Cured hams, half or whole Fresh pork hams, half or whole, ft- -f Pnrl.- r-1-.act- l 1VO.OL, XU Small vrr-lr r.Vnnc. ?t ,jvin -iLjyn Mr Chnir-o rrrlr or, i.e.. ....0 . x. oauoagc, 1L7. ,., 91 no ...5Jf - ivo. xui T- T - i m A xuiiv nus witn plenty or mear. Pork snoots, ears or chittlings J WXTA, 11U3, llipO lliL4 j,. roast, rh. Choice chuck roast, lt. ... Best cuts beef stew, lb. .. 2 lbs Choice tenderloin or sirloin lb. - ll'jf !5c steak, 25c wuvic iuuiiu sieaK, id ' Hamburger, ground from choice beef, lb. , Veal past from the leg, lb '1 Veal stew k Choice lamb legs or lamb chops, ft. Select oysters, dry measure, $( tfr quart WE DELIVER. H. 0. FOWLER'S MARKET 630 Mint St. 'HONE 3613 rHONEj, Prompt Delivers- Any Tart of J