w " THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 2, 1921. U.S. Department of Apiculture, Weather Buret. i CHARLES F. MARVIN Chief. , DAILY WEATHER MAI. v PLANATORY rbtprvMions UKfn ti b r. m.. ain menuia urr.e. Air pressure reduced to sea level. Isobars continuous lines) pass through points cf eq i1- an" pressure. Isotherms (dotted lines) pass through points of equal temperature. O clear: Q partly cloudy; cloudy; ruin: (?) snow; report missing. Arrows fly with the wlad. Shaded areas show precipitation'of 0.01 inch or more in past 24 hours. WEATHSR CONDITIONS. 11 .. V A depression of marked intensity is centered this morning over the upper extending southward to the Gulf, which has caused general rains in the lake district and thence south ward to the southeast and gulf coasts. The rainfails have been mostly mod erate, but-heavy rains are reported from the central Gulf coast and around Lake Michigan. Another depression of moderate in tcitir c-vtrnfls from Montana tn thf upper Rio Grande valley, which has caused light to' moderate rains over the middle and north Pacific States and light rain or snow in the middle and northern Rocky Mountain region. j Between these "lows" the pressure is rising and clear skies prevail, high and rising pressure also covering the Pacific and Plateau States. . ivavmor weather prevails from the lower Mississippi and Ohio valleys and the lower lake section eastward to the coast, and temperatures have fallen to the westward of this line, with freez ing weather in Montana, the Dakotas, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and Kan sas. The lowest reported temperature, however, is only 24 above zero. Clearing and colder weather will set in this vicinity tonight, incident to the nn.fira,-ri mnvement of the lake disturb- cooihwi" " ance, and Saturday will be fair. The lowest temperature tonignt win proD ably not be below 40. THE WEATHER. Weather Bureau Office. . Charlotte. Dec. 2. 1921. Sunrise Moonrise o- a t, o,t 8:17 p. m Moon phase First quarter on the 7th J jagg NOiyowswN'a' MKNV HINT Breakfast. Applt-s with Cream Poached Eg'gs on Toast Cereal n. offee Noon Dinner. Rons'. Chicken with Dressing Mashed Potatoes Jtrii'u IVans (Buttered) Pineiinnle Salad Brc.ui. liutter and Jelly Mipper. Civ;moil Macaroni t 'ooked Tomatoes i 'heese Crackers rin-'-v Dr.ad with Hard Sauce Milk.' three oranges, three bananas. Cut pine apple, oranges and bananas in small meces, place in dish. Make a dressing, using the liquid from pineapple. Bring liquid to boiling point and thicken with one cup of sugar, ej two tablespoons Coffee RF.l'KirTS FOR DAY. rineiMiP-" S:ihri One cr.n pineapple. flour, mixed together. I-et cool and pour over fruit. PuniDkin Pie Cut up pumpkin, (scrape out pulp, but do not peel. Cook j until tender, drain and steam dry; let ! cool; put through sieve; four cups pump kin, two eggs, two cups sugar, two tablespoons flour three cups milk, one teaspoon cinnamon, one teaspoon all spice, one-quarter teaspoon ginger, two teaspoons salt. This will make two large pies. Ginger Bread One egg. one cup su gar, one cup dark molasses, one-half cup shortening, three and one-half ctfps lfcl Buy Your Gifts ForXmasNow! JAl , iiSjls vou .are assured the' choicest f sJaw Qf aJ1 furniture stocks are .? o iP now complete and you will o Q Ir fl ' H have more time to look H - "- ' M ' through our stocks and dettr- o o .tH 5 mine just what you want to if- il--l. M ! give. Tea wagons, serving lEilwflf&a ! Sg trays, sewing cabinets, daven- 111 !! i! gSg port and end tables, smoking 1 yEfvPP outfits, fancy rockers, wind- igi1mgjg w pyrryiT sor rockers these are only a lilllifll gSiiLVte few of the items you will cliPsBl Igrgijslpti find here all at attractive ?T ti j. ls?srgl , prices. Don't wait until the CT---agfi r, if last moment to buy your gifts tlr ,j C 1 . do .so now wnile yu have - 3 Banner Hff ' ; liMB " Furniure Co. ' n ' rj 305 Trade ' " flour, two cups boiling water, two level teaspoons of soda, two level teaspoons allspice, one level teaspoon cinnamon, one level teaspoon ginger. Raisins or nuts and a cheap icing may be added. k HOLIDAY CANDIES. Fudge Two cups granulated sugar, two rounding tablespoons of cocoa, one eighth teaspoon cream of tartar. Mix well together, then add one-half cup milk. Boil over a slow fire until the mixture forms' a soft ball in cold water, stir Hnf? nnlv at first, until the sugar is dissolved. The milk will not scorch if the fire is slow. Now add one teaspoon butter and remove from fire, then add one-half teaspoon vanilla. Do not stir. Spt in nan of cold water until ccoi, then heat briskly until it begins to hard en. Do not turn out on the plate too soon thorough beating now gives a fine texture. If it becomes too stiff to stir and: is not perfectly smooth and fine, turn out on board and knead as you would fon dant. Then turn out on plate and cut into squares. Nuts mey be added just after remov ing from fire. A very good variation is made by leaving out the cocoa and adding nuts. In Making Taffy, etc., for the chil dren, if a teaspoon of vinegar is added for each cup of sugar, and the mixture is not stirred while boiling, you should have no trouble with it eoine to sugar. Finally, do not scrape out the pan when turning taffy onto a piate. SUGGESTIONS. The habit of reading with a pair of ecissors close at hand is an invaluable one to the busy housewife. So often there are recipes, household mnts ana nthpr ndri hits of information, that would prove useful, but we have lost account of what, or where they are. In every kitchen there should be a scrapoooK for such items as these and the more methodically they are arranged the mora useful they will be. 8 a. m. 10 a. m. Noon . TEMPERATURE Dry BuIL. Wet Bulb. 8 a. m. Noon - 59 62 62 59 61 Saturday BIG VALUES AWAIT YOU HERE. 24 lb a.. Elizabeth flour ....'..$1.05 48 lbs. Elizabeth flour 3.1U 98 lb. Elizabeth flour $4.15 24 lbs. Sunflower self-rising ....&1.1U 48 lts. Sunflower self-rising $2.13 98 lbs. Sunflower self-rising ....$4.25 No. 5 lard 65c TVn. 10 lard $1.25 Pint Wesson oil u 28c Quart "Wesson oil -J-JC Rumford baking powder 4sc j 25c Davis baking powder 20c No. 1 Irish potatoes, peck 50c Our best chicken feed, peck 45c 100 lb. bags our best chieKen feed 14 bars 10c Octagon soap .... ....$1.00 tl4 packages 10c Argo starh JM.WJ 14 rolls 10c toilet paper 5i.uu 8 cans large Carnation milk ......$1.00 4 lbs. Caraja coffee $1.00 3 cans 25c corn 50c 3 cans 25c English peas 50c TTYosh p??s. dozen ... .50c 3 cans 25c tomatoes aJe I "Fresh eountrv butter, lb 50c 3 nana 25c pimento weppers 5Uc 4 srlasses apple ieuV 50c GROCERIES OUR TEA GARDEN BRAND preserves and jellies ate here. Plac? your order at once before the varieties are sold out. Preserves, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry Royal Ann cher ries, apricots, spiced figs, figs in syrup, peach, plum, quince, orange, marma lade, cherries. Jelly, blackberry, cur. rant, crabapple, quince, Concord grape, loganberry, mmce meat ana appie DUt ter. For sale only by. S. R. LENTZ. W. M Sigmon, Mgr. 315 N. Tryon. Phones 101 or 102. Fancy grapefruit, apples oranges, bananas, celery, cranaerries, parsnips and carrots, sweet, sour and dill pickles. Many other ' big values. PHONE US TOUR WANTS. WE DELIVER. "SAVITA" VEGETABLE MEAT EXTRACT. A nnrelv vegetable extract from which may be made sauces, gravies, hrnt.hs. bullion, soup and otner aisnes giving to them a rich, meaty flavor without the excretory and putretaction products which are touna in mea. extracts. MILLER-VAN NSSS CO. Ferndell Pure Food Distributors for Charlotte. SUGAR! COFFEE! TEA! TICASHaROCgr. Corner Eleventh and Graham Streets. Phone 4090. ti:-l.f imctol HaV - - . . .. .. 69 nigiicoi. j Lowest last night jb Mean yesterday Normal V. Mean same date last year .. .. .. 44 Excess for month 1- Excess for year .. .... St5 Highest of record for December, 6 m 1889 Lowest of record for December, 5 in 1880 PRECIPITATION. -c o a hnnra pnflinsr 8 slI m. 0.4o lowi iui "u'u - rt . Total for month to s a. m. . . Normal for December Deficiency for year 0.45 3.86 9.01 When the weather crows too se vere for the suit or the topcoat a Ueavy fur-collared srarment such jas this one will be wanted. HUMIDITY. 8 a. m. Noon . 99 92 G. S. L1NDGRKN, Meteorologist FULL RECOGNITION RANTED. Washington, Dec. 2 Full recognition of American consular officers in Ger many has teen granted by the Berlin Government, the State Department was advised today by Charge D'Affaires Dresel, at Berlin. Writh this recogni tion, the American Government now is functioning throughout Germany as in pre-war days. All Your Groceries i At Reduced Prices Saturday Sugar cured and pork hams, lb. . .2ac Smoked side meat ...ioe Fine breakfast bacon 38c 15. cases recandled eggs dozen . .5oc Storage eggs, dozen 48c We are not giving it away but after you try It you 'will wonder how we can give such good coffee for so much less than anyone else. Kenny's high grade Tcnown all over the United States, per lb 35c Or 3 lbs. for .... $1.00 Trinity Blend, lb 40c . Genuine Mocha & Java, Id. 4c We have other grades. .. .18c to 35c Pet Milk, small size oc Or dnzpn HC Large size 12c Or rln7:fn al.4(l Cocoa, lb 44c . Or 1-2 lb zsr Chocolate, lb. .... 40c Or 1-2 lb . .mVC Teas, Toffees, Sugars, Grits. Bice, Ete. ZS S. Aryon St. rnona xaoi'o We Deliver. CHRISTIAN CHURCH LEADERS COMING In the interest of the Stewardship campaign of the Christian Church, C. Manly Morton, E. F. Smith and Miss Myrtle Ashbel, leaders in the movement will speak to the Charlotte congrega tion of the Christian church Sunday, both at the 11 o'clock and 7:30 o'clock, at the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Morton has for a number of years been a misionary of this denom ination in Paraguay. Mr. Smith is con nected with the United Christian Mis sionary Society of St. Louis and Miss Ashbel is from Wilson, this state, Hav ing charge of missionary activities of this church in North Carolina. QUEENS GIRLS WILL PRESENT A rAljrttAlM Th vesner service on next Sunday afternoon at the Y. W. C. A. at 4:30,; will take on an Interesting and unique character in that there will be pre sented a pageant of missionary inter est by Queens College girls. It will be given by eleven young women, fcix student volunteers. i;ie ! title is "The Voices of the Women," ! onH v,Q ohnracters are: The Dreamer, Science, Mexican woman, iriinao wom or, TTinrtn widow. Hindo child-widow, r African woman, Korean woman Japa nese woman. Chinese" woman ana .Mo hammedan woman. . WOMAN SOLICITOR. Calgary, Alberta. For the first time in the history of the province of Al berta a woman solicitor has been ap pointed by the provincial government. Miss Gretna Playter, formerly associat inoal Ipeal firm, will in future be principally associated with work per taining tO Women S uigauiiauuii throughout the province. Phone 1816 V Fnv flnvthine in groceries and meatj. We carry a complete stock in both lines. Our prices are right, our serv ices prompt. One trial will convince you. The S&R Grocery Co. Phone 1816 828 E. Seventh Former Stand Hemby & McManus. 60 lbs. lard 8 lb- pails .Choiffest coffees, lb 6 lbs. grits , .... 6 lbs. head rice , 4 tall cans Carnation milk . . . $6.75 ....$1.20 .25c 35c , .. ..25c ....50c 50c 25 barrels fine patent flours. 50 bushels sweet oranges, peck ..49c 5 barrels Wlnesap apples, peck 69c Fancy box apples, extra bargains. By box ... .?3.00, $3.25, $4.00 TWO NEGROES HANGED. Ala.. Dec. 2. John Henry Barnett and Willis Williams, ne rrfAac wore Via n e-ed in the Montgom ery county jail this morning for the murder of Davis Anaerson, a chant. When the girls adopt the knickers tvoro nHii r-n lor.eer be any excuse for the fool men to hang around the windy corners. Liberty Stores Ch turday bpecials - ickens Vegetables ruits Groceries Everything at the Low Prices. It is your loss if you do not come. Stores Liberty No. 1, 4 S. Church No. 2, N. Charlotte rljV M M "weight viaa1 fO00 Wen Syrup Sunf nebaiat CoW Fancy celery lettuce and ripe tomatoes. Still selling gallons cans Domino sy rup 90c 5 lbs. sugar free. 1000 lbs. NEW CROP California Prunes I Why not let us fill your order for groceries and save you money. FREE DELIVERY.. Economy Grocery Here you'll find foods that make satis fying meals. Pure foods back up our intentions. 16 lbs. best sugar .$1.00 24 lbs. Elizabeth flour .....$1.05 24 lbs. Sunflower self-rising flour $1.15 24 lbs. Melrose flour $1.30 10 lb. pails pure lard .$2.00 Seerar cured hams 29c Pure pork sausage, lb 35c 100 lb. sack Kdan ciiicicen ieea ..$.ou Pint Wesson oil 28c Quart Wesson oil 55c No. 1 Irish potatoes, peck aOc Good sound yellow yams, peck ...:50c Libby's sliced pineapple 3:jc lbs. best rice -c 2 lb. can roast beef 39c Fillsbury pancake flour 17c California prunes ana peacnes, lb IDC litV Fresh fat Norway mackerel 25c Home-made molasses gallon $1.10 We'll See That You Are Tleased. THE GOOD SERVICE STORE. 12 l-2c lb. 50 lb. lots lb. . . . . . California peaches, !b. .., Dried blackberries, To. . . Sun-Maid seeded ralsms Currants . Candied pineapple, lb. .. Chemes,r lb 37 W. 4th I'HONE 4380. Phone 4380 PHONE 4380 , .10c ...20c ...20c . . .25c . . .25c . . .80c 90c Sweet potatoes, peck 40c 3 lbs. white peas .., . .25c T?pr! kirlnpv heans. lb. 17 l-2c Cranberries, quart 25c 25 lbs. Melrose flour 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 GULP BROS. 1806 PHONES 1807 14 5 Lb. Pkg. Domino Sugar With Each Purchase of No. 10 DOMINO SYPUP ALL FOR 90 CENTS SANITARY QUALITY AND SERVICE NEW GOODS COMING IN EVERY DAY. Canned goods of all kinds, nice large juicy - prunes, pancake ana oucKwneat flour, Log Cabin syrup, pure honey, hnmA-made sorerum. fresh celery, let tuce, tomatoes mustard and turnip greens, snap beans, sweet ana xrisn potatoes, Ward's and Corby's cakes, apples, oranges,' bananas, grapefruit, Brookfleld. creamery butter, fresh eoun trv butter, fresn eggs and chickens. In fact everything in fresh groceries at all times. PHONE 4431. Watts Grocery Co. 813 E. Seventh St. Anticipate your needs of Christmas Gift We are showing a large as sortment of articles of util ity and beauty suitable for gift purposes at SPECIAL PRICES FILL OUT AND MAIL 5 LBS. FREE SUGAR C. & D. Cash Store, 1500 South Boulevard. Please include with my order one 10-lb Can Domino Syrup with the understanding that I am to receive free of charge one 5-lb Package of Domino Sugar. Name. . . .". . . ........ -j.- Street. Visit Our Store Beginning SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3rd And Sample Domino Syrup FREE DEMONSTRATION & D. Cash Store PHONES 4533-4092 FITE'S SPECIALS Small pork hams, lb.. -4c Small sugar cured hams, lb. ... .30c Kingan's sliced bacon, lb 15c Genuine fresh country eggs, dozen 60c isiice fat chickens and country butter. 8 lbs. Armour's shortening ; . . . $1.29 4 lbs. Armour' shortening 60c Nancy Hall sweet potatoes, peck . .40c Nice Irish potatoes, pecK .. .. ..owe Nice oranges, peck .. .. .. ..60c Fancy nuts of all kinds. Fresh cocoanuts .. 10c lac Temple Garden, the good flour, plain and self -rising. This is the best flour on the market. Money refunded if not satisfied. Fure home-made syrup :.50c Gallon cans .' $1.00 i rt cirrnn cnllnrt R17.fi ... &C irt.IIlHltF DJiUi .- . t Karo syrupT gallon size 6;c Marv Jane syrup 0c ! 1-2 gallon size .... ..-..... .35c ! r. nnffpes are fresh roasted. We grind it to suit "you. Price is as low as the lowest. x7Vi-,r nrt jrpt the fresh coffee. v, iijr o . an ' t n, .... ."... 20c and up 2016 PHONES 1768 THE RED FRONT STORE t Corner Church and Fourth Sts. FRUIT STANDS and many other 'articles in silver and silver plate. Candy Jars Fruit Bowls ONE 601 5 lbs. good coffee $1.0' 16 lbs. granulated sugar ....... .$1.0 6 lbs. pearl grits 25 3 lbs. good rice 25c 8 bars Swift soap 25c 8 lbs. Swift Jewel iard $1.23 4 lbs. Swift Jewel lard 65c Plenty of dried pea and beans. Hood & Estridge 38 N. College St. X Casseroles Bread Trays Cake Plates Boilers Stew Pans CRAIG The Cut-Price Cash Grocer. Red Front 39 S. College 1875 PHONES 1876 We Deliver All Over the ty. Egg Beaters Cream Whips Mayonnaise Mixers MATHESON Hdw.&PaintCo. The Good Service Store. 30 W. Trade St. ... Phone 175 1 Watch For Our Important c Announcement World Tire Stores A Chain of Stores Froi3 Coast to Coast - j. l2