S DECEMBER 3, 13,, SATURDAY THE CHARLOTTE NEW and practice them sa- K I N I I N b vSS III ALL credly. Every beast of burden and ev- ANIMALS URGED ery animal in thy service shall have its day and ntting seasons ui irai whereby the drudge of toil in thy ser vice may be comfortably mingled with the joy of living. With reason and consideration thou shalt assign their tasks and with equal care thou shalt provide food, rest, succor, mercy and those things which make for the na tural joy of living. r rr nirvnff tVnr en n r1 1 n n - New York, Dec. 3. A new table of ghlp Qver tne ammals which have been Ten Commandments, designed to traAn I tny faithful servants and desert them New Table of Ten Com mandments Issued by Presbyterian Board. boys and girls to kindness to God's thy faithful servants and desert them ana gins iu muuhcm v . nnt in an evil day; ior Dy so aoing - . . t H mr i-r 1 - i aumo creaiures, was issuw - "J j thou mayest prolong tny aays ana m the Presbyterian Board of Temper- the iovs m the land which the a-nna nnil ATornl Welfare In it, hunting, fishing and the rob bing of birds' nests for sport are con demned, as are attendance at all bloody sports, such as cock fights, live pigeon shoots, dog fights and bull fights. Coveting of furs and the plumage of birds also is proscribed. Supplementary rules of conduct, is sued with the "Commandments" urge children to refrain from going to cir cuses or other shows where trained an imals are exhibited, asserting that such animals are "nearly always cruel ly treated and must live a life of misery." " Hera are the "Commandments, which were drafted by William F. H. Wentzel, director of the board's da partment of humane education, and were adopted by the board as a guide to children and to grown-ups, too: 1. I am the Lord thy God who made every living creature after his kind and gave man dominion over my works, wherefore thou shalt be guardian over beast, bird and cattle, and to them thou shalt be In my place. 2. Thou shalt not delight thyself in graven images but rather in tender mercies to those who depend on thy guardianship. Thou shalt not lay blame or punishment unwarranted upon them who know not wrong, who cannot speak xor themselves and who have no means of asserting their rights, where fore thou art to them the adjudicator of righteousness in their midst, for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, remembering thy unfaithfulness and thy cruelties to all my creatures and visiting the errors of thy way upon thy children down through the genera tions. In that thou hast set a bad ex ample unto them and hast by word and by deed led them to disrespect justice and mercy in dealing with my defenseless creatures. 3. Thou shalt not curse thine cattle nor inflict vengeance upon any of God's creatures for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who disregards his creation. 4. Remember the sabbatical rights of CHICHESTER S PILLS IfclltfftNVft RDla Pri.I for AC vain ksewa fca Best. Sftftct. Always Rclltbla SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE crease the joys in the land which the Lord thv God giveth tnee. 6. Thou shalt not kill, for the joy of killing; for sport in hunting; for contest in skill; or for selfish gain. For the righteous man regardeth the life of his beast. 7. Thou shalt not commit thyself to the lusts of bloody contests nor seek to look upon the cock-fight, the live pigeon-shoot, the bull-fight and all such atrocious acts. 8. Thou shalt not steal, destroy, or take unto thyself selfishly or wanton ly that which belongs to the comfort and needs of thy animals. 9. Thou shalt not bear false wit ness for paltry gain to thyself where by God's creatures suffer hunger, an guish or torture. Let the testimony of thy guardianship be above thy lust for gain. 10. Thou shalt not covet the bird's plumage, nor the animals' fur; thou shalt not covet the rooms nest nor her young by her side, nor the pigeon the freedom of the air, nor the deer the joy of his lair. WAR MOTHERS PLAN ELABORATE DANCE The second annual ball of the local chapter of American War Mothers for former service ' men and their friends will be held at the city auditorium. Wed nesday, December 21, details having been completed at a meeting of the chapter at the Chamber of Commerce Friday afternoon. Mrs. Hugh Montgomery, president of the chapter, presented preliminary plans, which were adopted by the mem bers. The event will be-one of the big gest and best balls ever held in Char lotte, it is said. A committee from the American Le gion will assist the War Mothers in staging the ball. This1 committee is composed of Lee A. Folger, A. J. Beall, Dan Carroll, W. F. Dowd, Jr., Guion Griffith, Louis Southerland and Norman Lynch. The present membership of the War Mothers chapter is 225. The particular work of the chapter is directed among tubercular soldiers at Oteen hospital. Some of the patients there are natives of Charlote it was said. MISS CLARKE IS FOUND INSANE Freed of Murder Charge by Jury But Held by Judge for Observation. Orlando, Fla., Dec. 3. Lena M. T. Clarke, was found to be insane and not guilty on the charge of murdering F. A. Miltimore here on the night of Au gust 1; last, by a jury in circuit court late yesterday. Baxter Patterson, in dicted with Miss Clarke was acquitted. The jury deliberated about two hour and fifteen minutes. Judge, Andrews said he would con tinue to hold Miss Clarke in jail here until he had gone further into the evi dence in the case. The action of the court in holding Miss Clarke until in vestigation of evidence is taken to in dicate that he may order her incarcera tion in the State Insane Asylum at Chattahoochee. The jury retired at 3:26 yesterday afternoon, after listening to Judge An drews' instructions, the reading of which occupied nearly half an hour. At 5:15, 30 minutes before the ver dict was rendered, the jury re-entered the court room and requested Judge Andrews for further information rela tive to the wording of a verdict and that part of the judge's instructions was again read. Once more the 12 men filed out of the chamber and their next appearance marked the close of the trial. Miss Clarke received, the verdict calmly and after embracing her aged father, who has been with her through out the trial, turned to receive the congratulations of several women who rushed to grasp her hand as soon as the verdict was read. Miss Clarke's first remark following the reading of the verdict was: "To tell the truth, I didn t care much one way of the other." UNIO IONAL N NAT SANK CHARLOTTE, N. C. Do what you are paid to do and then some. It's the then some that gets salaries raised. It'sthe then some that makes the service of the Union National valuable. H. M. VICTOR, President F. D. ALEXNDER, Vice Pres. D. P. TILLETT, Cashier A. G. TROTTER, Asst. Cashief Elizabeth Home We are offering for quick sale a home In Elizabeth at a v.-rv ive figure. Has seven rooms, sleeping porch, steam heat, cement ha,0 one. Price at omce. Qrsuf Da1 P?f of n T nan Zr TVncf P 4 SOUTH TRYON STREET. THE EMERGENCIES OF WINTER The rigors of winter cause many more or less real emergenries in the health of a family's members. "Walker's preparedness to meet the ordinary and extraordinary needs of Charlotte's peo ple gives this establishment the position of being a real asset to the commu nity and a protection in time of need. ASK YOUR DOCTOR. T w aiKer s Drug Store Corner Seventh and Tryon Streets NORMS CANDY PARKER PENS AGENTS FOR KI Men and women now have equal rights in every state except the state of matrimony, and there a man gets just half of one per cent of those giv en the dear ladies. No criminal ever feels more guilty man poor oia iainer aoes wnen ne spills the gravy on mother's brand spanking clean tablecloth. Service Our Foreman and Mechanics have had years of experience and ipecial training at the factory on, Studebaker care: they are capable ind efficient. We, therefore, save you timo and money on repairs. A Big Dollar's worth for ur dollar every day. Service Manager; C- L. Taylor, Shop Foreman. A. E. Cameron, RUST MOTOR COMPANY 614-516 S. Tryon. Distributer Phones 218-219 "THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR' o SERVICE Our Shops are for Reo Service Only. , Our Mechanics are Reo Experts. Our Desire is to please Keo Chvn ers and keep Reo Cars and Truck!? in good shape at the loAvest possi ble cost. Don't be fooled into trying out some mechanic or shop only inter ested in the actual money part of the transaction. Foreman - King otor Company The Home of Good Used Cars. NEW CANADIAN DORT SPECIAL LOW PRICE $350.00 CASH BALANCE ON CONVENIENT TERMS Genuine leather upholstery, motometer, special steering wheel, clock on dash, special top, 31x4 tires. Phone or call for demonstration. Burwell-Harris Company Distributors 211 South Church Street. warn fcrfi - TTW The Art Of Saving is not a Science; it is an Art. A science is something that can be taught from a book, an Art is something you can learn through practice. There is only one way to master this Art. Begin to Save, and keep it up. Open a Sav ings Account -in this Bank. Security 4 South Tryon Street. 1 Charlotte, N. C. The extensive serA"ice facilities of this company, supplemented iE effectiveness by a full stock of parts, assures the owner of a XASH truck practically uninterrupted operation of his economical hauling equipment. Carolinas Nash Motors Company ' Distributors 500 N. Tryon St. Phones 3200-3201 Dr. II. C. ' icienderson. Dr. B. B. Gaddy HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS Office Hunt Bldg, 202 Y2 N. Tryon St. Phone 216 R. L. S. FOX DENTIST 212 W. Trade St. Phone 38S6 Orer Yorke & Rogers Next to Woolworth's, 1921 Christmas Club Checks will be ready for delivery Decem ber 8th, 1921. Those desiring to avoid the rush will please leave receipted card with us before the 8th, so that check can be mailed. XmMfy rust Cmpan:y NEW CLUB OPENS DEC. 10TH Savings Department Tryon Street Entrance OFFICERS . E. 0. Anderson, Vice President W. A. Watson, Vice President W. M. Long, Vice President 3. II. V.'earn, Chairman of Board J. H. Little, President E. E. Jones, Cashier R. S. Smith, Asst. Cashier Thos. P. Moon. Asst. Cashier A. R. Surratt, Assistant Cashier v v. 1 1 i t.r f ir . . a: t" i i mum l! I1' lj v'1""'T''rg: I I 4 W. H. WOOD. President T. E. Hemby, Vice Pres, George Stephens, Vice Pres. W. S. Lee, Vice Pres. John G. Nichols, Vice Pres. J. E. Davis, Sec. and Treas. II. L. Davenport, Asst Sec. & Treas. R. D. Hawkins, Asst. Sec. and Treas. P. C. Whltlock, Trust Officer. John Fox, Asst Trust Officer. v.. Walter Lambeth & Bro., Mgr. Insurance Department Have A Mark To Shoot At PEOPLE are more likely to succeed when they have a definite goal or purpose. SAVE for a purpose: SET a mark towards which you will work. SAY that you will have $100, $500 or $1000 or some other amount in your savings account by a certain date, AND remember that small accounts are welcome at this big, friendly bank. YOU may start an interest-bearing account with one dollar or more. Am encan Trust Co. $Iember Federal Reserve System CHARLOTTE, Nt C Capital, Surplus and Profits, $1,800,000.00 Resources $10,000,000.00 ew Homes For Sale On Reasonable Terms If you are Interested in a new home at from $3500 to $6500 let us show you. We build our own an d buy all our material In large quan tities. If we do not have just what you want we will build a house of your selection, on your lot or one you may se7ect. Home Real Estate and Guaranty Company REALTORS Phone 589. 219 North Tryon St. SYtffWi'-?u"---jMtaitvH-"" " : fcff" -,r' Hi&M-i Red Johnson Charlotte's own, was the big star In Chapel Hill game, and the Va, boys were no fools they knew to crowd this meteor from start to finish, otherwise N. C.'s victory would have been written in bigger figures. Hurrah for Johnson! THE MUTUAL BILLY MALONE pays out over a hundred thousand dollars a month in Charlotte, and not a loan at more .than 69c. That's a nut hard to crack by any .other financial agency in America. Kastern capitalists take notice. We pause f or reply. WOMEN, BAD WOMEN " destroy thousands of happy homes annually, but the dirty mole, the beastly scoundrels who aid, abet and lead them on and downward, ought to be hung do you get me? THE FELLER. NOT SAVING TODAY is a fool. How does he expect ever to be happy? Homes, honestly earned are essential. The Mutual champions the home, champions happiness, and is the shining Southern star leading . young men and women to legitimte, satisfying success. Where else do you find such service? I said service do you catch the vision? THE 68th SERIES IS MATURED Come for your money. Listen to me: For 25 days more we offer shares back tQ Oct. 1st without extra charge, that is at $3.75. which includes Dec. WE ALSO OFFER 200 shares, 5 up, from 6 to 18 months old ,at sum paid In. Save entrance fees and accrued interest. YOU CAN ALSO BUY January Shares today by paying entrance fees, leaving off dues until January You may pay ahead and get discount. Can buy shares and get your intei-est twice a year. Tine for lump s'ums. A taxes on shares paid by us. Talk about Savings Accounts! My! My! My Dig' am sura some birdl Mutual Building & Loan Association JTO. JR. "FHAKRV President . J3. L, KJSESLER. Secx.-Treaa. "Our Own Home" Home-ownership is a world-wide incentive to thrift. Attainment of the object is rich reward. This bank appreciates no trust more deeply than to be guardian of savings deposits which will some CM mean a new hearth in, the community. We invite the Savings Ac counts of "home longers" who wish to be "home owners." The Merchants and Farmers National Bank , 5 WEST TRADE STREET. CHARLOTTE, N. C. CAPITAL, SURPLUS & PROFITS $600,000.00 ESTATE We offer at quick sale prices: ' 1 Plaza lot near Central Avenue. 1 Piedmont lot 70 ft. facing Park. 1 Five-room home, North Caldwell street. 1 Myers Park lot, 1-2 acre Queens Road. btt Kealtv. us y Trust Building Phone 238-3' ..in

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