THE CHAKLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 3, 1921. ' . WANTED FOR SALE FOR RENT L GST The Pallin'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fact. Be Convinced, Try 'E m ONE- CEN Tr A - WO R D FOUND CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" Set this style and type one cent per word each Insertion, STYLE "B" SET THIS STYLE ANH TYPE, TWO CENTS PER WORD EACH INSERTION. STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each insertion. Any style "slogged" either top or bot tom, or between lines, at double the I . A chotb raxes. Claisifled advertising is sold cash with nrdir hntf or convenience of Charlotte natrons, who are lifted in the telephone directory, or known In the newspaper office, a memorandum charge will be made with the expectation that the bill . - t m oe pain wnen preseTiTTO Regular Classification of ads cannot he A - - J - MA 1 . nallV Edition or after 10 p. m. Saturday, for Sunday Edition. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP WANTED Domestic help. Apply 704 East Ave. 3-2t-eod WANTED Good wash woman. Phonv 2673-W after 6 p. m.: 1708 Winthrop A vp 3-1 1 WANTED Colored maid "for doctor' nffire Plinnp 3R56 nr 2019. 3 3t WANTED Colored nurse girl to care for small children during the day. Must be reliable and furnish written . - t ft f .4-1, references. Address o i-. i. seveuui St.. room 10. 3-1 1 WANTED Good cook with city refer ence. cnod ray to the right party 40S Park Ave.. Dilworth. 2-3t CI.KKKS for Postal Mail and Govern mrnt Field Service: $125 month. Ex- . nerience unnecessary. For free pai ticulars of examination, instruction, write R. Terry, (former Civil Service Examiner), 224 Continental Eldgy Washington. P. C. .2-St WANTED Lady to mark and assort. Annlv Ciastonia Laun dry, uastonia. in. L -0 WANTF.n Canahlp vonno man to sell building material. State experience, (jive references. Address1 XX, care of News l-4t WANTED Night clerk -for hotel. Must rurnisn nrst-ciass rererences or appli cants will not be considered. P. O. Box 138. , 29-6t WANTED Competent white nurse maid to care for 6 months old babv, and do light housework. Position open January 1. Good home, kind treatment. Apply with references to P. O. Box 360, Charlotte, N. C. 28-7t WANTED Good sheet metal man for inside and outside work. Phone 472. Shuman Bros. 28-7t WANTED Linotype operator. Apply Foreman, Charlotte News. tf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Curtains to launder, 50c per pair. Phone 1684-W. 2-3t WANTED Cane work such as reseat ing chairs, work guaranteed. Mrs. .1. H. Stinson, 10 E. Stonewall St. ,t ' 27-4t-cod WANTED Second-hand shotgun, 16 cause. Give full description and best price. Address "Gun," care News. 2-3t MONEY Don't hoard money and Jose interest when others need it whom you can help, at wme time get nine per cent secured. Phone 32. 2-tt WANTED At once six loads well rol ted manure. Phone 1250-W. 2-3t WANTED To exchange smal car for painting and decorating a house. rnone 28-tf AOTH1NU BETTER for Christmas present tor father and mother than Dr. Levy's eyeglasses. Made to lit the eyes and face; 7 E. Trade St upstairs. 22-33t WANTED To buy $2000 worth of fur niture and stoves. Peidmont Furni ture Co. I'hone 4344. 11-lS-SOt WANTED To put vour furnace in good order, inspect your flues and prevent fires. Strange & tfrady. JPhone 3149. 31-tf WANTED Your painting, calscmim ing, refinishing floors. J. S. McCall Phone 40C9. '.t WANTED To make your mattresses and pads to order. Matiresses reno vated, box springs repaired, feather mattresses made. Hailey-Howard Co 323 East Trade. Phone 3446. 22-tf WANTED-!-Used furniture. Phone 443. 605 W. Eleventh St. 13-tf LOST OR FOUND FOUND A new five-room house, bath room, water and lignts, for sale cheap on Rozzelle's Ferry road. Phone County 5303 after p. m. 3-"t LOST Mink fur choker in Audito rium or between Auditorium and 200 E. Boulevard. Phone 2191-J and receive reward. ; LOST Child's locket and chain. Ini tials D. H. H., in or around Elizabeth school. Reward return to Elizabeth school or 1406 E. Tenth St. 2-2t LOST Between 16 S. Myers and Pres byterian church, amethyst brooch. gold mounting. Return News. 3-1 1 TAKEN from the Auditorium Tuesdav evening a tan belted garbadine top coat with leather buttons. The per son who now has this coat may obtain furthre description and re ward by calling phone 4263 or 2616 l-4t WANTED POSITION WANTED Position by saleslady with five years experience. Phone 4452-J. 2-3t WANTED Position by stenographer now employed but desires change. cdoriaoie salary, p none 2106. WANTED Position by young man of neat appearance, age 23, am a hust ler and want a try-out at anything that. will pay me a living salary. Can furnish A-l reference. Unemployed at present and want to start work im mediately. Rush answer to "Baoe Ruth." care News, - 24-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Four room apartment, one z-room apartment and three tur nished rooms, newly papered, hot and cold water, nice big rooms 311 1-2 N. Tryon St. 3-3t FOR RENT Furnished rooms, modern conveniences, close in; 410 N. College St. Phone 1954-W. 3-2t FOR RENT Two rooms furnished Tor light housekeeping to couple. Phone 4014-TV. 3-tf WANTED Young man to share room in Y. M. C. A. Call 3361. 3-2t FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms; ii W. Vance. Phone 829. 3-t LK-MSitiuu kuuai, two men; id Cedar St. 3-3t FURNISHED ROOM for rent to gen tlemen only: 10 N. Oraham. 3-3t ONE furnished room, tour blocks from square. Phone 595-W. 3-2t FOR RENT Neatly furnished, close in, room to gentlemen. Private fam ily. Phone 4301-W. .i-2t FOR RENT Furnished bed room eioso in. Phone 3a29-W. 3-3t FOR RENT Nicety furnished front room, gentlemen or couple. Private family. Block Elizabeth car line. References. Phone 1165-J. 2-3t FOR RENT Office or desk space in large front office m Trust Building. , . , , , . , UnarlOtte .Letter Writ- ing Co.,. Phone 4562, 2-3t FOR RENT To two gentlemen, nicely I furnished front bedroom with board. Apply 1S09 Euclid Ave., Dilworth. 2-2 1 iL-r.ii lurnisnea rront room ip private family, all convenience. close in: 6 Jackson Terrace. 2-3t I FOR RENT To ladies, front room, al! conveniences 1002 East Ave. Phone 19Q5-J. 2-tf I OR RENT Two furnished downstairs looms between Southern station and postofflce. Water and lights. Phone 2-3t FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, hot and cold water, private home; 11 S. Caldwell St. 2-2t jl uk KENT- Warehouse with side track two blocks rrom Indenpndpnnn oquarp. Aoout Y0X40 feet. C. W. Tii- lett- Sr- ' i2-2t-?t FOR RKKT Tn rmmU v 1 ; girls, nicely, furnished front room, pot? pZt - - juuiig man, cozy I good ' boTdneTdfresrV.$ T5: News. FOR RENT Apartment, 6 rooms and oatn., second floor, 205 N. Tryon, $70 month. E. C. Griffith Co. l-3t rOR RENT One large front room with bath. 18 1-2 S. Trvnn st Thrt', - l-tr 1 15 rKcScT in furnished roof 4972. , tf THREE UDStairs linfiirnioViorl for housekeeping, one furnished be - l - room downstairs to ' couple without rooms WUMC UO-J. 'Vl Ll FOR REXT-Klcely furnished room 798 w 0 lwo younsr men-1?n x-o-ui i fr'OR REXT To FPntlomot, frr,;ri,j I room, running wa.ter. steam heat, -adjoining bath; 43S S. Church St., T 4.U1 IIIOIICU I Apt. u. Phone 5003. 26-tf r ui-i i-tnixM i b urnished room vit board, hot water and heat, private home. Phone 4076. . 26-t.f FOR RENT To gentlemen, one ntiv furnished room, close in, allftnodern ??nv?Tmences'. Private family. Phone Jio6-v. 10 FOR RENT Extra nioe room, clnso in. pnone 291 or 2918. 13-tf FOR RENT Office building, 20 office weu located, j. a. MCAden. Phon 860. 9, for rent office room, wen located. Apply Merton C. Propst. 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5-tf AUTOMOBILES WANTED To exchange Scripps-Booth coupe, practically new, for Ford. Phone 1792-J. ?.it .'riTJ OAT T T7 1 i . I roiu .lo-vaive racer, 3 to ffoarinir Vf ,-v, V,.- 1 i I 365-W. """;i8diuureiur. i.a;i 3-tf FOR SALE One Dodge touring car. tell at a haror!j,n u - a I ---- uu.icuui. iau uc aeeii ai unworth Barber Shop. Phone 815. 3-1 1 FOR SALE New Dort touring car. Good reason for selling. First $900 takes it. Phone 3396-J. 3-it FOR SALE Buick six, good condi tion. $485: 206 S. Poplar St. 2-3t FOR SALE At auction for repairs, at courthouse Monday, December fifth, one ton International truck with express body, one Chevrolet roadster, both in A-l condition. 9 FOR SALE Or exchange, Cadillac car. AUTOMOBILES 1 have a new five-passensrer Sedan, otip trm i anyone would be proud to own COSt $2610.00. will rpII nt ! biff discount wif. tm- Z "i80011 W11" teims to auii, vi- win traae tor erood real estate.. W. A. M., care NeWS. 1 Qf u j BPY sood Buick roadster en ures at -07 W. Trade. FOR SAT.p-nn. m , m-f other lieht deliverx- tmnL-c r.. ,ri..u" A U11 irucK. two cheap. Motor Supply Co. Phone 1270 RENT A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE I J-DRIVE-UM CO.. 309 wm-ru IT. U-DRIVE-UM CO., 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 1270 15-f BARGAINS WA,ilavl sev.eral. very sood used -cars USED CAR EXCHANGE. 50o South Tryon. . Next to Catholic Church. Twtw ' 9-tf tS M8 uiS USED CARS More nVJdnels$20U0Sv? anduT drSQt i and Hh n i 1i??,;AMl7 Sehorn 400 r' ' '-""ege st. Phone 7-tf Wl.M-EL! Notary Public, front f. " vL?.N.ew- Can be found ?OR SALE REAL ESTATE ''OR SALE Bv owwpr. new flve-ronm bungalow on good terms, located in Piedmont-Elizabeth. Address N. S.- .'5, care News. 3-3t WANTED Buyers for three four-room r.ouses, witn oath, on Post St., near Mint, contracts are being let tor thesfi houses tn Vim nld on eomnle. tion. Those interested in a moderate home on terms, communicate with "Builder," care News. FOR SATR T.nt on Vnl Av SI 000- lot on Hermitage Court, $1650; lot on ivingston Ace., zzav. yueen city Realty Co.. Inc. 3-5t FOR SALE From owner, one of the most valuable pieces of business property ever offeree close to square. gooa terms. Address Trade street, care News.' 3-5t FOR SALE New six-room and break fast room, pipe furnace, lot 60x198. dood section. Queen City Realty Co. Inc. 3-5t FOR SALE Eight lots and seven-room residence in grove, also filling sta tion, rnree Hundred foot frontage on Rozzell's Ferv rna1. twn and one half miles from square. Thirty-five hundred cash. Balance easy. J. F. Brown, Route 6, Box 7, Charlotte, N. C. 12-tf-sat-sun FOR SALE By owijer, newly painted and papered cottage in good neigh borhood. Lot 50x2S0. Fruit and out- I uunaings. -rice $iouu. Address own r-45, care News. 2-2t kjiu Tiuum, une o-ruoin, one (-room house for sale; small cash payment. Phone 2619-W. J. H. Bennett. 2S-7t SPECIAL NOTICES ROCKY RIDGE CAMP. NO. 94. W. O. W.. will hold their annual meeting ana banquet Tuesday night, Decem ber 6th, at Junior Hall. All mem bers requested to be present. 3-2t COLEMAN'S DANCING ACADEMY) ANNOUNCES . . rt its onenine at 802 North m . . . lryOn Street, (KODmSOn iaiu . j-vciiiieu muut; ni pail room. All the latest :are I, 1 l-stlnsmpPR Ona, cfon Fnv m.. . rttr i, m 1 11' -r . HUl, IVVaitZ., lOQQie, JJ1D rii 1 -p. i t ' A KIP, etC. FriVate leSSOnS L. 1 J - i -1 I aiy nuui vctv Ul CVt;il- wv v v jl. ing. Hall open from 1:30 L,krt.M - u - rt 1 i. reasona Die. bpecial at- 4 - 4., - U , . 1 1 " tCIIUUIA SlVtJIl lO laQieS and cJuldren. 3 2-t , . EXTRA VAGANCR lenrla tn nnvortv n- I . - w v -s-s. fcj -- '"b". -m uw owaj jw saiety razor blades when you can get tnem sharpened good as new a nan tne price at uad's Place, 18 S Church, at reasonable prices. I also sharpen knives anc scissors. Purdv Zl ,70, o t Notary Public. Phone "31 S" Tryo1 St- tUKT S SHOW STORE wlil remain open until 9 p. m., each evening until Christmas for the benefit of those who cannot attend the sale now going on during the day. Burt's Shoe Store, 16 E. Trade St. l-3t VVE REPAJR typewriters and Phonographs. Phone 3767. Ttrrnawvifvw "E1r,'U 001 I Ci rn o.l - . - r. r-rn TmTr, I Snr;n r,n,,,J zr r .... as new. Phone. isss-.T Tnnr I Mattress Factory. 30-ot V - . . . . 1 ukj!.ssjiakinu and sewinsr of all . . - I kihus. ivirs. surorug, S05 South A I 01 n MADAME CECYL, the Scientific Paim i i j..; t VT .u, . ..,.u vuxu, uic ouuiuiw; rami- ist, advises clients en personal and general matters; all business strictly confidential; no guess work but based jn Buemmu ivnowieage. irceaaings by I appointments only. Prices 50c and 51. Hours 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. Closed Sundays; 251 W. Trade St. 27-ri't COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED Phone 2271 27-7t rsuj.ioL, If you are ready to build tnat -nome, phone 1509-J. QnaiUv fiyst- 27-7t LAYe - weih and fork every ton of our XT1- Wiiat ls a dollar a ton on Coal hvhen you buy of the dealer who has scaies THINK IT OVER Guarantee Weight, , COAL OF QUALITY. WIGGINS FTTRT. PO Cor - East Bnd and R. R. Phone 1216 2(?.tf HOUSES - WANTED - ROOMS t.'avtpti tT '- -'ANTED Room and board for an old -u. aw. x:x uiu man. Prefer to he with an couple. "531." care News. 30-5t WANTED By couple without children. o to 1 room nouse. Must be good lut.d.uij, . ino objection to suburb Phone 211. onef WANTED Small well-furnished house, not too iar out, good neighborhood. eignt months or longer. Address E- D- M., care News. 29-fit A ANTED To rent 9 or 10-room house close in on or before January 1 Phone 2532. CHRISTMAS GIFTS ELECTRICAL Christmas Make your gift ELECTRIAL Somethinp; Useful Ask Auten Electric Co. Anything Electrical 22 W. Fifth. Phone 4003 3-7t FOR SALE CANARY BIRDS for sale. Fine young singers, 510. Mrs. J. H. McEwen. cObE. Boulevard. Phone 3187. 3-2t FOR S.ALE Large .size "Crown" girl's uc, guuu as new. rnone 4i$o-j. S-tf For Din Pickles Sour Kraut Spare Ribs and all kinds of Fresh Meats Call Puckett's Market 219 East Trade Phone 1268 2-2t eod GERMANY'S MOST POWERFUL WE A Tr W We -offer you for less than half price U1B new oerraan Mauser revolvers Kll,n 1 - - ",uc. ateei, iu snor, Zo caliber at, worth $40.00. Thirty-two . cali ber, $15.75. Buy while they last. Luber automatic. 10 shot S97 r.i Price sold before $90. Globe Army Salvage Co., 152 W. Sixth St., Philadelphia. Pa. PAY WHILE YOTT rtTTlV. $3.00 cash on 30x3, $7.50 on 30x3 nres; other sizes accordingly. Fabrio and cords. Balance $5 monthly on one or more. L. N. DAVIS, Raleigh, N. C. C-lt FOR SALE Baled straw; blooded Po land-China pigs. W. H. Pharr Route 29-3t-tue-sat-sun FOR SALE Tmri one month old, $115. Address Fore- man, P. o. Box 913. 2-3t FOR SALE One No. 10 Victor etan- oara typewriter next'. S70. rn Tn 4 Woodstock. good as new. $35. Phone 4461. 2-2t FOR SALE Baby's white iron bed, ajmost new. jr' 4386-W. l-3t GROCERY STORE for sale, good lo cation, for information phone 892. l-3t FOR SALE Gas stove, low oven, A-l condition; $7.00. Phone 290-W. 2-3t FOR SALE Two Young Horses. x iiwiie uf BALTTMOPR FTTPtttttt?tt r-n . o oj 2-2t FATHER COATS and packets suitable for Xmas gifts. Prices up to Hny dollars. Also fine suede coc iiny doIla coats. "a'ais in many styles, TtriCOr! from 0 aid o up Many other bargains. JTV No. 9 S. Church St. 2-5t tun SALE Grape vines, rambler roses, privet evergreen hedge, cedar trees, wallflowers. douM and' etio-Tq- fruit trees and shrubs of all kinds.' pruning and planting executed. Ed uci , xiuriicuiiurai Hpeciaiist, 4 Kenilwft-th Avt Kj R,io,r,r t ?( j-ucKer, .Horticultural Specialist. 4 ' Ul U. X I t run oAL.Jii wood, oak or pine also good lump coal. Delivered anywhere ijnone 4815. i.ct FOR SALE Shetland pony and rubber urea Diiggy, $ii'D for both. H. C. Spradling, 423 Mecklenburcr Milt v Charlotte. Charlotte. sn.7t FOr SALE Cheap feed young black or will rent for horKe. weighs 1200 pounds. J. F. Paxton. Phone 3380-J. 30-tf HOME-MADE fruit cake for sale. Phone 2026-W. STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! I jAiiiig, wot piUO XlitUllXIg ill our sresn sale on new eras ranees. COmhinarinn mnoroei onil all the h During this sale we will take Ullllli llllO VVK W u 1 , yuur uiu siove in expnantrp Yon PATi'f. aff f j " " " .zxv,x w imoo nno ODDOrtumtv if mnnpv mor, anvth inn- to vn o anytnmff t0 yU' I rHAPinrrrrr omr 33 East TradP St Phone 477. 30-5t FOR SALE Bedroom and kitcner. fur niture. 205 N. Brevard. 9j.rt fix- lUreS. JeSt lncalitv. Phono 132. 29-tf FOR SALE S machine, good 29-tf as new. Phone 4227. COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED Phone 2271 ' 27-7ti FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS Leading varieties, ready for ship- T1' PSt paid: 100' 25c: 500 'i-00; L000, $1.60. Government inspected F. E. Hull, Rock Hill, S. C. for sAr.K-r.o' -?,6?0t -J IJ IU1 O.U LUinoDUCS and vehicles. Big assortment from $4 to $15. Sehorn & Hipp, 311 is College St. 27-1 4t IOR SALE Duplex tireless cooker, 2 wells; kiddy koop: Xew Process oil heater; Hoover vacuum cleaner; all in good condition. Phone 4387-J. 26-tf ONE HORSE and deliverv cheap; 804 X. Brevard St. 79. wagon Phone 17-tf CABBAGE PLANTS Winter and spring heading, $1.t5 thousand; $1.00 five hundred: nrpnaid and insnrori- strong, healthy, full count; govern- iiicm. mspectea; grown nere. We lead, others follow. Medlin Plant Farm, Fort Mill. S. C. ll-8-30t FOR SALE OUR SERVICES to repair your roof or gutters.! aiso to paint them. Satisfaction guaranteed. STRANGE & BRADY Phone 3149 7-tf MISCELLANEOUS BURT'S SHOE STORE wlil remain open until 9 p. m., each, evening until Christmas for the benefit of tho'se who cannot attend . the sale 'now going on during the day. Burt's Shoe Store, 16 E. Trade St. l-3t BUITDTNfi ANT) LOAN CHRISTMAS SERIES opens Sat urday, December 3rd. Shares may be taken any day now and if loan desired, application filed. No better plan ever de vised for saving. Every sal aried man and woman in Char- 1 1 J 1 -m .... lotre snouia carry isuildmtr and Loan Shares. If not fa- miliar with our nlan Ipt n? -1 P "nV i n expjam it to you. Mecklen- bursr Buildiner and Loan A5?S?0 riaHrvn A P r0: C4-t, ciauon. a. Ct. Oraig, Secretary rlllll I I rHS 1 1 IH r z I II I Tvrlli a WE MOVE THINGS" LOCAL AND Long Distance Hauling Moving Packing Storing: WE MAY NOT SAVE YOU MONEY - BUT "WE SAVE YOUR "cttt? "vttpttt Tn WARREN TRANSFER CO, 207 W. Fourth" St. Day Phone 1166 Night Phone 5074 BEN F. FAVELL The Best in Shoe Repairing Phone 247 215-217 N. Tryon Shoes Called for and Delivered. 8-tf-thur-sat-mon-tue J. LEE PHILLIPS Anrtinna. r-m. with J. W. Cobb5' PhUo?en36e95. ji... j GET vdttr MATTPi, ; rliiI?!8 ?d ox ---S.U a; n" ' T'-rcVc r t ' ? ,a Mattre pfctnrv 8'J- Law53 'auress factory. I PAPER HA KCiTKCl lnq ; ing. Phone 1364-J. 27-7t LE:TTEGsiES kvy s EYEGLASSES fit all eyes Nothing better; 7 East Trade ll--'3-ff GET YOUR MATTRESSES and hnv springs renovated made ovt?, good as new. Phone 1588-J. LawirS Mattress .Factor. 30-5t BURT'S SHOE RTOPT win SntU Chritma?" f"' tbf0 evfie"in those whn f fnnt o ebtefit f tnqse who cannot attend the sale ShoeSso?e0niRUrnVhea; BU,rt S otuif, id ii,. irade St. l-3t rrrrr. T.TT WATCH THE KIDDIES' FEET. Thev uant frequent repairing; keeps them looking neat and cost less. We repair -,eEU factory methods. A. P. Hill Quick Renair Rhnn ?nl "NT ri lese. 2S.1 f MATERNITY SANITARIUM. Private, refined, homelike. Home provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 22 Wind- sor, Atlanta, Ga. ll-4-26t-no sun get your mattresses and box springs renovated, marl a mw rr,,i springs renovated, made over, srond as new. Phone 1588-J. Lawin-' Aiattress factory. 30-ot fLVNO TUNING-W. E. Senn. Cter. lotte, N. C. Phone 2335-L-3. 10-12-t t , . T p-r U LOCal and Long Distance MOVING and HAULTNfJ AAjrv A-'Ai- VT tj , ,v", uuuucu VYarenOUSe, OlOrasre n..u S BradfieW ri luovinsr service Allu .rPr is. Phone 980. 24-tf.Mo We Sa MIMS & HASTY Paper Hansrers and Decnra 11 iTODIar. Phnno 5fi5.4 . 11-5 tf HALL PAPER HANGING, painting. Call J. M. Muse. 423-L2. house Phone 9-tf NEW MATTRESSES mad? out or your old ones. Renovated. New tick 1 oia ones. Kenovated. New ticks. It Pays- It rids you of vermin. Call 1588-J for TMrticlllaro T.a-nrtno'a J J-MtA, ,V iiJlft O Mattreas Factory. 212 North Long 28-tf LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND HAULING, PACKING AND STORING NICHOLS TRANSFER CO. Phone 705. 5 S. Poplar 25-tf ADVERTISE IT IN TAMPA If you want to buy, sell, or exchange, adver tise your wares in Tampa and South Florida one of the most Drosncrnna regions of today. Always use Times va.iiL aqs. largest ram pa circula tion and largest daily average want ctu nneage or any Florida. rape guaranteed to all advertisers. Regu lar rate one cent per word: monthly ) rates on application. Inquiries cheer f fully answered. Address The Tampa Daily Times, Tampa. Fla. ll-4-t30t WALL PAPER The Latest Designs A. J. DUNN CO. 25 North Tryon St. Phone 2264 21-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE Hand-made linen hand- Kercnieis, assorted colors, $1.50 each ur io per aozen. P. O. Box 1305. l-4t X1JVI.I . O"-1" Jv St. 1 ff I make into croquettes. Roll in egg and 3IINU HINT. Breakfast. Orange Juice. Creamed Dried Beef. Lyonnaise Potatoes. Hot Rolls. Coffee Luncheon. Egg Croquettes. . Sliced Tomatoes with French or Mayonnaise Dressing. Bread Tea Dinner. Royal Scallop. Potato Croquettes. Cold Slaw, Hot Biscuits. Lemon Pie. Coffee. recipks for. a nw E Croquettes Boil six eggs thirty S11""5 until the yolks are mealy, chop fine- also two slices ot cooked bacon (nossibiv left over fmm hrpakfast - make a white sauce, add chopped pars- I ley and a toucn of lemon juice. Mix with the chopped eggs and bacon and I SPl in rprri.o-pvarnr Tn TOt rrlri At nnnn Add salt and nennpr to flip white suur-o Lyonnaise Potatoes Cut one onion into fine pieces. Put in frying pan with part butter and part lard. Cut potatoes into cubes and add to onion. Stir all together and fry brown. Just before removing from fire add chopped parsley. Cooked or raw potatoes can be used. I Ko-vaI Gallop Chop the end of a boiled ham (do not use grinder), boil I six eggs thirty minutes and whpn mid six eggs thirty minutes and when cold chop, not too fine. Season with chop ped parsley, lemon juice, about tea spoon salt and pepper. Butter your dish and put a layer of chopped ham, then butter, then a small layer of rolled cracker crumbs, then a layer of chopped egg, so on til dish is full, putting cracker crumbs on top, also lumps of butter. Pour over one pint of milk and cream mixed. Bake for twenty minutes. GOOD SOUPS. Clear Toniato Soup Cook slowly one EARTa Dear Mrs. Thompson: I am a married woman with four children of school age. I have been married nine years. My husband is a very good man who works every day and does all he can for us and the home. I would like to know about the keep of my mother. I Iliave five ornthers who do nothing for ?S 7 Pay fr ?er k!P I uwii wiiiit ner 10 Biay witn thorn Ch, V,l, 11- , tliem- one neips witn tne work. She has a home in another city which she araws rem trom. but we don't get a cent for her keeP- My husband doesn't Umtn rai.v,. .n ou. ; Ii I tlir-oo -nc. 1 J at times. What would you advise me to ao: 1 tmnk 11 8lIe ever leaves us I snuld get repaid because she has a do? I think if she ever Ipsvps nc T VL 8 , rents She pays a11 expenses In don,t help T?th thfi ?ithln 1 thnk e rest out re" Would you advise " tau see a lawyrr . When yor mother dies you can put in a cIaim against the estate for an amount of money to cover the exDense f keepin your hTr Try not to feel so mercenary. It should be p. to nave your mother with you and the t '"" ur oroinei's oo notnmg tor her should not alter' your willingness to have her in your home. ' Dear Mrs. Thompson: I have been mnrrioil fnr ixtm irr..n i i x I years old" in .Tniv t " - a. uu V. L V tlUllh 111 the world to satisfy my husband for the sake of the little girl we have who is eight months old. On account of her I hate to separate because, ho shows so much love for her. But he al ways tells me to sue him for a divirce if I don't like his wava. I,, y.oul3 break my heart to separate it would break my heart to separate , ilmia from him and 1 love him dear ly. He says to leave the baby to him Cjl:"e s L ou,r .home: but he " o - f . imns since we married. My sister has bought a thing or two and! my father. What can I His father and mother and whnio hm. oy h.te me- He Ses to see them on I Saturday and: Snnriav anfl i?.f5ai: and sunday d stays from 1 Kai 1 y m me morning until late at night ' FOR SALE LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Two rtninfpr Ktr nu white and lemon spotted, one year! urn. rnone 14V0. rOR SALE Two horses. Sacrifice price. The Charlotte Laundry. Phone 444; wo POINTER BIRD DOG about five years old left with me to sell. Excellent bird Hinder, good retriever, A-l con dition, $100 for ttuick sale. M G Yerton, Newell, N. C. i.i BUSINESS OFORTUNITY FLORIDA FVFRPt in , ?JJ,SF.1' nor- mation about this wonderful counrtv Z - L,ee 3'-. Charlotte, - C- ' 19-20t WANTED Someone who wishes to in- v-rou iuuu in a oeautiful vainaw diamond ring. One of the safest aid'years ola and have been so'"? most useful investments Add-es 1 fellow 19 for over a year. Vie see A. B. C, care News.- tevget along all right until 1 told CITY OF CHARLOTTE ' BULLETIN All automobiles found in the restricted district after 12 midnight will be towed in to police headquarters and sub ject to a fine. Effective Sat urday night. quart of tomatoes wttv. water, one slice of onion ti,rqUart ' of carrot, four whole "ree !!. bay leaf, just a dash . of snr- a r and peper to taste. Boil "jH Of tnhascn smino on nr56 H,,, or soaa. xnicKen with h,,-. tuts and flour rubber cook 15 minutes longer. " Jellied Tomatn RauMi . canned tomatoes, one lai-a-o, , Pi gelatine, one pint bouillon h J ; per, onion juice. anaPt! Cook and . tttraln v, son. Dissolve gelatin. Sti- a'n , Q (; with bouillon and heat to the !t,'-! - .viuaiiwfl , noini. seems: mat n rri. ,jw; dissolved. - Strain into houjji' set aside to harden. This 'is f s,r lent dish for Sunday nigftt " eiS per. . t0,fl s;; Tomato Bouillon With Owt. quart canned tomatoes, cp '1, 7 three cloves, one tablespoon 11 onion, one teaspoon ceWv Jl: pint can bouillon, salt andVem!.; cups oysters, one egg. Cook the tomatoes. saonm bouillon together for 30 minute i: strain, using the white anl J: egg to make clear. Heat the 0vSt a hot pan and when the soft (vir gin to curl, remove and add to thf t Ion. Serve with croutons of hrea7: Bisque of Tomato Chant illy tablespoons chopped onion, iwoTjv spoons butter substitute, on tahW flour, one quart of milk, ono , canned tomatoes, one teaspoon broken piece red pepper pod fr'a? of garlic, one bay leaf. 11 Erown onion in butter suhstitu. lub smooth. Pour over it boiling and let it cook 15 minutes. Coo' matoes with other ingredients Bo i utes. Strain the tomatoes and add ? thickened milk to them when readv serve. This is not as delicate ay as the conventional tomato hi j,: is possibly more satisfying to a heaiti. appetite. . and I Just, sit at hom rrttvi v. w - v LiiQ nav and worry. Then he comes and sW and uses such Innetia c tvif be repeated. Sometimes he comes drup He pays the bills and that is all and - kppns thf root T rtn-n' .u For nearly three weeks he has w . - - a. asaa l. xviiuw w nnra , spuiien to me ana ne flnpsn't i baby when I hold it. Th iat i, IIVL1LE '! to me he told me to look for a job if wanted to star -with v,; t u..- everywhere and they don't hire ar place. What would you advise me to d - ' VIRGINIA. Do not trv tn live TtHtVi BH..V, - ... Although you think you love him, vt win De nappier free from his unkii neas. a gin oi your age ought to to inure 10 iook torwaro to than a life. a man who ' refuses to buv wfw clothing and is unkind in his treat- Cro to a lawyer and have hiin arran: ior a cuvorce an dalimony. -i- iviiijjouu . im -I-vear'r son was married to a girl of whoni most neartuy approved. Before t: just about right, but now Fomethir; vouic uvei- ner ana she is actt entirely different. I have invited the to dinner every Sunday sinre Hr have been married and she has on accepted my invitations onpp I f Daaiy about this hpr-aiiHo mv my only child and I want to kp hi and would like to feei that I have sal: ea a daughter. I invited them Thanksgivine dirmpr ani oho coin rt they were going to spend the dav nf her mother. She has invited mv hu? band and me to her house for ChriF mas, but she has also invited her ok oeopie. tlnn' 1L! i. . aaa juu iujiik j. nave a xzm. to p nurt? They have been married tr Wk 4-1 J li . .. , WH OCC1UO LLf III" tl UPl LUC T 1-t l '.4. 1 . . - -wv nave ju ut. JL lid V rr 1 1 I. nppn Q hlA ff-A rT uinner more than nnrp riiiffl; that time. . MOTHER. No, you haven't had cause to b: hurt yet. Tour son and his wife -""v7"6inji enjoying ineir in; .wi.koo lugcuier mat tney enjoy me. own little home more than going awa: want to be with her own mother an: u.i; uuouauu snouia ioiiow i wishes. YAH 1 11 . . . . l - ww. v.o.11 Yvni iub gin s love bo u VOll Will TVtAan i . i.. ' " ..... lucQii, a,- gieai. uecii iu nci. have in mind a vounsr married worm' wno gave an attractive auturr party. The flpenratin her mother-in-law helped her in victung. ine mother-in-law also ps ed Tinmntin niea nr1 -f; iifVlfllt v 4. t.j cxiivx tuua vo l c - baby the night of the occasion. Mat; mothers-in-law would say they wot' not care to be taken advantage . believe, however, that that daugbte: in-law's . love and appreciation omps sated for the effort. The young wm has a mother of her own, but forsyi patny and understanding she turns i . Tou will have to truly lore Ja son's wife, accepting her way iurgemng your own. if you daughter and keep your son. Dear Mrs. Th nmn?nn T am I was noiner to hnh mv inir. Then objected. ., There was another fellow who he would care for me even if I did " uvuueu. x lie ill . I- . ' -i he would never come to see m? ' did it, but I told him I didn't ci? and I got my hair bobbed. Xo ?, comes to see. mp inst as often as used to, but he tells me I don't W 0.0 suuu wnn it ooooea as v-iL" .yj friend of mino hair bot also and he tells me she looks better. Ti ...... n.ii. , , M nr c uv juu ininK ne loves 'i- ,. you think he cares for the other He calls her up every day. The ond fellow .wants to come to but I am afraid the first will eet im quit coming, i naven Yvnuiii une x nice netter. tw Which nnn vmi rnsiae' better? The first one doesa t have bad habits and the second one snw and drinks if he can get it once while. UN-DECIDER The first boy probably likes you- he does not love you or h ''v01110; be interested in calling the other ? Probably he is sincere in thinking1 1 i ii -i . . . , ,inff Va " uuuuea nair is more ueL"";"" yours is. Not every girl looks niiii titiiniMi i fiiir it i in t type of. face and the right hair. jU t . , in 8W a -wouid certainly aavise jvu -to the boy with good habits. Many a modern girl who a. natch nn a. nnotiirfd tire COJiu , put a . patch on a ' punctured r trpusers to save hen

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