14 TUJS CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, MONDAY AFTEKJNOOJV, DECEMBEK 5, lyzi. S- link r . 3?!ij. "v er Storie 58Sl , fcyCarlysleHHolconnb WHOSE TRACKS ARE IN THE SWAMP? .Tinker Bob, Tinker Bob, where are '. you at? A. wonderful story told by a rat Come to me, come to me, quicker than scat." Silky, the silly monkey, was getting quite poetical. But it was nothing strange for him to be doing things out of the ordinary. He sang his little song on the steps In front of the King's palace for it was there he had een Jack, the wood Rat, and had had a discussion with him about Jack, the Rabbit. . Said he: "Don't you suppose that I can tell when I see the tracks of that young rabbit? You must think I am crazy." Said Jack, the Rat: "I didn't say that you were crazy but I say that there are other rabbits that make tracks that are no relation to the rabbit of the forest. And I said, being that you saw those tracks down in the swamp, they might bo the tracks of another rabbit." . "It's you that's crazy," said Silky, "I guess I know Jack, the Rabbit's, tracks when I see them. You make me laugh. I just can't help it." Then Silky laughed and he laughed and then leaned against a tree and laughed nome more. "What kind of feet does the other rabbit have?" he asked final ly. "You silly thing." said Jack, the "Wood Rat, "what kind of feet do you suppose he would have?" "Well, you said that the track I saw might have been that of another kind of a rabbit. I didn't know but he might have had feet like a bird." Then Silky laughed some more till Jack, the Rat, was completely disgusted with htm. He had tried to explain the dif ference between Jack, the forest rab bit, and some of the other rabbits that were not so familiar in the forest but the .poor simple monkey could not or would not take it as Jack meant. That Is the reason Silky called for the King in order that the argument might be settled. The King came. "What is all this laughing about?" he asked. Jack, the Wood Rat, told him all Silky laughed and lie laughed and then leaned against a tree and laughed some more. about it for Silky couldn't speak for laughing so much "Well, the thing to do is to go to the place where Silky saw these tracks and see if we can find the one who made them," advised Tinker Bob. And that being just the thing to do so tney all sta-ted through the forest to the swamp where Silky had seen the tracks. Now Jack, the Rabbit, had over heard the conversation between Jack and Silky and he followed them hid ing behind the old logs and clumps of weeds in order that none of the party could see him for he wanted to know what they discovered in the swamp. Upon their arrival Silky went at once to the place where he had seen the tracks. What do you suppose he found? OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS COfv(flHT IV CDCAN ALLAN MOSS. TAO MAKK REGISTCRCD O- 3. PAT. err. TRAINED FOR A PRIZEFIGHTER. "What made your kid such a scrap per?" "Circumstances. His ma made him wear curls until he was nine years old." Henry Ford wants to use the oattle ships to make flivvers. This is the first time we ever heard that battle ships were made ous of tin.' The fellow you see looking longingly at a pair of overalls in the window is the same bird who was buying silk shirts in half dozen lots less than two years ago. fllaybe some men stay away from church because they were married in one. There is room for doubt as to the. big lirieed for knickerbockers. After a restaurant had burned down at Gloucester, N. Y., men were seen searching the ruins for four quarts of block ice cream that had withstood the blaze. We have suspected right along that some fireproof ice cream has found its way into the market. Next Whose Tracks? ANSWERED LETTERS Freckles: Peroxide of Hydrogen when used as a bleach is applied full strength and allowed to dry on the skin. It should not come in contact - with the lashes or brows as . it will bleach them also. Bright Eyes: In making cucumber lotion, the vegetable should be ripe and retain the skin. Cut the cucumber into small pieces and place them in a stew pan with very little water: Cook slowly until all of it is softened, so that it may be put through a sieve and afterward strained through a fine cloth. This lo tion can be used just as it is, but it will not keep sweet longer than a few days. An extract can be made which will keep Indefinitely, by combining equal parts of cucumber juice and high proof alcohol. Florence: Your cleansing cream, made without the white wax, will be n x Are You One of Those People Who Throw Away Money? Thousands and thous ands of dollars are. wast ed each year tons and tons of good fuel burned up needlessly in poorly constructed ranges This waste can be prevented if you use care in choosing the right Range. We investigated verv carefully before we de cided to distribute Fa vorite Ranges. A care ful study of details has been applied in their con struction. The materials are of the best qualitv they give a steady even. heat they are econom ical and every one is handsomely finished. They deliver the utmost in cooking satisfaction That's why we sell them. They are reasonably priced. Charlotte Hardware Company 30 East Trade St. Phones 1505-1506. ' just as effective for cleansing, but it may not keep as well as if you had this ingredient in it. The wax in any cream helps to hold all the other materials together, otherwise, they might sepa rate after a time. In a cream used for nourishment and healing, wax does more than hold the other parts of the cream together; it has this same effect upon the pores of the skin, which seals and preserves the natural secretions, so the skin does not dry out and shriv el. Send a stamped addressed envelope for the other formula and I shall be pleased to mail it to you. Blondie: Very short hair may be en couraged to curl by dampening it, then tossing it about between the fingers al ways forming ringlets, while doing this; after which, allow it to dry in these cir cles. The fine hair on infants can al ways be trained to curl this way and if the training is adhered to .the hair will always curl easily even after many years of growth. R- K.: Very few people can retain powder on the face beyound a few hours, as the nores of the skin nrP spp. reting all the time and throwing off this light coating. A very active skin wil discard powder in an hour so it is not always the fault of the brand of ppwder you are using. Lacipodium is an excellent powder, which adheres very well. It is riot a patented article but is sold in bulk form at most drug stores and made from an Egyptian lily. It has the feel of satin between the nnger tips and so pure, that it is re commenaea as a powder for infants. A Reader: An oily skin sometimes comes from eating foods that contain more oil than the system needs, so the KKin oecomes an, aid in throwing it off. The cure then will be a change in the diet, but it can happen also from slug gishness of the liver and other digestive organs. A mild astringent such as Witch Hazel used on the face daily will relieve it, but the cause should be stuGiea ana corrected. All inquiries addressed to Miss I'orDes in care of the "Beauty Chats" department will be answered in those columns in their turn. This requires consiaeraDie time, However, owing to the great number received. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamped and self -addressed envelope must e enclosed witn tne question The Editor. ROLLINS PRESIDENT RESIGNS. Tampa, Fla., Dec. 5. Dr. George Morgan Ward, president of Rollins ouege, nas resigned, according to an nouncement last night by Mrs. Ward SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE Fansmger Train MifuTe. Arrival and departure of Passenger trains, Charlotte, N. C. "ssenger Lv. No 3:22a 1:05a 7:25p 7:40a 5:00t x2:00p 8:l0p 9:10p 6:30p 29 30 32 15 5 12 38 138 12 9:02p 35 Between Atlanta-R's-hnm Wash -New Vnrl- Wash-New York.. Atlanta-Danville . Columbia ITaylorsville . . Wash-New York. . Wash-New York.. IRichmond-Nnrfnlv B'gham-N. Orleans 10:45alll3Columbia-Chals'n.. C-OAol T iim'i'f.i. c- l ' 5:20a 4:30d 3:00p 7:20a 8:20a 10:12a 9:25a 10:37a 4:25a. 31:30a 10IWinstnn:R-i1m 45 G'ville-Wminster . 46 G'boro-Danville ... 31 Columbia-Augusta. 16 Taylorsville 36 New York-Wash 137IAtlanta " 37Atlanta-N. Orleans 44 li' nnrn- ativ 14Salisbury, Winston oarDer, jviooreS' vine . . Norfolk-Richmond Atlanta No. 30 29 31 43 36 11 37 137 11 36 114 9 46 45 32 15 35 138 38 Ar. 13 11 16 x Daily except Sunday. !12:55a 3:15a 7:10a ll:20p 9:10a x8:0f a 10:30a 9:20a 10:15a !l0:05a 12:35p 12:45p l:20p 4:10p 7:20p 9:00o 8:55p 9 :0ft n 8:05p 4:5Sn 10:15a 5:30p Through Pullman sleeping car Rrv. Ice to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Richmond, Norfolk, Atlanta Bir mingham Mobile, New Orleans iH,neoei ied service, convenient sched ules and direct connections to all points. .noM"1" Publiahed as Information and are not guaranteed. CITY TICKET OFFICE 207 West Trade St. Phne 20. PASSENGER STATION Wert Trade Street. Phone 417. .R H- GRAHAM Dlvfalon Pnnsengrr A Kent Phone 3860. Branch 7. SLOGANS FOR THE PHARMACISTS. The indigestion tablets says: "Work:" The heart medicine says: "Hurry!" The stomach pump says: "My in ning!" The castor oil says: "Outrages for me!" The lancet says: "Nothing like a good opening!" The headache remedy says: "Quit!" The tweezers say: "Pull!" The cash register says: "Welcome!" The proprietor says: "All is grist that comes to my mill!" YVE DEMOND MORE "WEEKS.1 We do not believe there are enough "weeks." Every now and then a week goes by without and special significance. People cannot find enough places to spend their money, they can't find enough coin boxes, plates, kettles and hats to drop" this money in. Therefore let us have more "weeks," and we would suggest the following: Pug Dow week. Permanent "Wave week. Why-Wear-Corsets week. Smart Ses Sufferers' week. Mousetrap Invertirs' week.' . One-Arm Restaurant week. Bedbug Extermination week. Remember-the-Goldfish week. Help-t he-Aquarium fish week. Pity-thePoor-Stenographers week. There is at present not a breach of promise case in the British courts, but if they are longing for a few we can send them over enough to keep them busy for thirty years. Inasmuch as every story that coms out of Russia is different from all the others, we have decided to sit patiently and wait for later returns. IN OTHE R DAYS. They nod and pass; in other days It was not so; But now they go their separate ways. As strangers go.. Once glory ran before their feet Along the errass. And rainbows round them seemed to meet O'er seas of glass; And morning, sang mid fire and dew, While toward the skies Spiraled in the unmeasured blue The butterflies. j But earth no more with iov is drnohpri- And now, alas! The songs are hushed; the fire is ; . . quenched; . ; They nod and pass. Doris Kenyon. Somebody in Paris has dug . up ; a ouija board, and through it has identi field the unknown soldier of France.' No use arying to keep anything- from the public any more. Yanci Dolly says , she doesn't want any more comic husbands. But to lis most husbands are comical these days. Uncle Hen Ford would turn the dis carded fleets into flivvers. This is the first time we ever suspected that our dreadnaughts were built of tin. Geraldine says she will fight her di vorce to a finish. Tellengen replies that he will fight to a finish. So it begins to look like a fight to a finish. in a house by the side of the road and sell hot dogs to man. FASHION PLATE. There was a young lady from Lin-, coin, , Who showed signs of very deep thinkin, For she said with a smile, "To keep us with the style, I buy clothes that always are shrink-in." SMALL, TALK. "Do you have much trouble in keep ing a cook?" "We employ a chef." "Pardon me. Do you have much trou ble with them?" Beer has, in a sense, ben restored to some of us, but now that we can have it, we don't want it. EVEN CAREFUL CALOMEL USERS ARE SALIVATED Next Dose of Treacherous Drug May Start Misery for You. Calomel is dangerous. It may sali vate you and make you suffer fearfully from soreness of gums, tenderness df jaws and teeth, swollen tongue, and excessive Saliva drihhllnir fmm fVia mouth. Don't trust calomel. It is mercury; quicksilver. If you feel bilious, headachy, consti pated and all knocked out just go to your druggist and get a bottle of .Dod son's Liver Tone for a few cents which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without mak ing you sick, you Just go back and' get your money. If you take calomel today you'll be sick and nauseated tomorrow; besides it may salivate you, while if you take Licdson's Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great. No salts necessary. Give it to the children because it is perfectly harmless and can not sali vate. . MYERS PARK $9750.00 Buys a beautiful 'new. Dutch Colonial Home on Queens Road, jjyers Park. Lot 100 by 200 feet. The house has seven rooms, tile bath, vage, ment, warm air heat, hardwood floors. Terms may be arranged to suit the purchaser. Immediate p0s. sessi6n. We consider this the best home proposition on the market and Invite your inquiry. E. C. GRIFFITH COMPANY 814 S Tryon St. Telephone 877 andS The pest that takes the sugar plum is the pessimist. Even money won't work without watching. A tourist gathers the impression that tho ambition of some persons' is to live CARELESS ARITHMETIC. "I am not much of a mathematic ian," said Carelessness. "But I can add to your troubles. I can subtract from your earnings; I can multiply youi aches and pains; I can divide your at tention, and discount your chances for safety." About the worst rated man in the world is the fellow who thinks after hos boys grow up they will support him in his old age. But they all marrv and support the fathers of their wives. The moral appears to be- Raise girls. Aofa pound of dirt from a "clean" rug The home of C. A. Fuerman, Wilmette; III., was cleaned with a Royal Electric Cleaner. In 6i minutes the Royal re moved 12 ounces of embedded dirt, and this in spite of the fact that the rug had been cleaned regularly until the house was closed three weeks before We'll clean your cleanest rug Clean a rug as thoroughly as you can by your present method, and then let us go over it with the Royal Electric Cleaner. We'll take out quantities of embedded . dirt fine dust and grit that has been ground into the very fabric of the rug. We'll do this without the use of rug destroying brushes or bristles we'll do it with air alone. Telephone or visit the store and ar range for axlemonstration. No charge no obligation. Southern Public Utilities Co. Phone 2700 Apartment FOR RENT Myers Park Homes We. have for sale on Selwyn avenue two seven-room houses that we can make very attractive prices on, and also unusually good terms to the man who desires terms. If you are interested in buying a small home in Myers Park let us show you.' Thies-Smith Realty Company 200 Commercial. Bids. REAL ESTATE RENTS INSURANCE Builders of Characteristic Homes Phones 3278-4415 THREE BRAND NEW HOMES Immediate Possessio E&ch house has 6 moms and bath, and basement hardwood floors wav, Utlfullv tinted ATtremslv nine, iath nrirl olootrfpal fi-vtn itu 8 Duilt of very best No, . 1 quality lumber double floors storm sheeted 1',' V - : . . V. . . tv' ' ""u, "vim uric .unaer pmnea cement siaewaiK irom nouse to street lin lthlf Ctl-HAt no A l j : JS :v-l I J -v 1 i .CoTbei5:5iedrnont section, and two located on Amherst Place Mvpvs Pari." 6?50 -$6o00 and $6350. Everything in these houses bears .inspection go r spect them from top to bottom as to material and workmanship. So far as'l kiiow, you can't find their equals in Charlotte for the money considering 0 cations, etc. Two of them may be bought by prospective purchasers f0r in vestment purposes, and be leased for a year at $60 each are you interested ii v IT UUillC, Phone 2772 JONES THE REA I, ESTATE MAN (Frank F . Jones) Office, 200 Realty Bids John T. Smith Salesman. S75 5-rooms . and bath, hot water heat, tile bath. Just painted and papered, ab solutely modern in every way. PER MONTH Reference required, both financially and morally. M. B. ROSE Basement Trust Bldff. Phone 79G DR. L. S. FOX DENTIST 2V2 W.. Trade St. Phone 3896 Over Yorke A Rogers Next to Woolwortb'c Buy A Home STOP PAYING RENTMAKE SMALL PAYMENT BALANCE EASY 5- rooms and bath Bungalow, largef lot, garage, fine shade, 1003 West Second street, $350 cash, balance monthly $4,830 6 rooms and bath. New bungalow, 1106 West Second Street, big lot, large porch, three living rooms, a con venient house in good neighborhood, $500 cash, ba1 ance monthly $6,000 8 rooms, two baths, 213 South Cedar street. A new big roomy house on paved street, $750 cash, balance monthly $10,750 4 rooms, 1501 Seigle avenue, in Villa Heights, modern conveniences, $50 cash, balance $30 per month $2,550 7 rooms and bath, 1007 West Second Street, large lot, nice big rooms, $500 cash, balance monthly 6- rooms and bath, 1102 West Second St. Large dandy house, just painted. A bargain at $5,000. $750 cash, balance monthly. Price $4,750 Phone Me For Appointment. J. H 200 South Cedar St. McAden Phone 350 Seaboard Air Line Railway . . Msrer Tai Schedules. - Arrival and departure of pissens-r trains. Charlotte. N. C. S i-iv. No. Between 5:00a 9:06a 9:56a S.OOp 3:45p S:20pi 14ICharlotte-Wil. (and Hamlet con-i Inections. j lBrajonroe-Ruth'ton .1 34Ruther-ton - Wll-I lmlngton and Ral lelarh 'i 20Chariotte-WlL ... and Hamlet con Inections. 31FWilniington - Ral- ein ana i:uther Ifordton 16fMonroa - Ruthir. ' Ifordton, Monro connections Cor Norfolk. Rich mond and solnta (North. i No. Ar. 13111:40p 1 151 I 9.06a 34 9.40a lJ12:2ep 31 3:35p S:12p trains dally. Schedules published as information ana are not guaranteed. ana E. W. LONG, Division Pasienrer Areat. 'fcae 18. 9?r Jlcii?i ffii6 Passenger Station 207 W. Trade St, N. Tryon StrMt. Phone 20. Phone INSURANCE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Fire, Liability, Plate Glass, Boiler, Fly Wheel Health and Accident Bonding. The Carolina 328 S. Tryon St. Company Phones; 609-1430-4396 EDUCATION WEEK-Dec. 4 to 10 Every week is Education Week at our school. Everv week we re ceive new students and every week we send some to attractive and well paying positions as stenographers, bookkeepers and secretaries YAUr e(u?ation not complete without a practical business train- JSL.fi S I SUCh 7e giVe wiI1 helP yu to meet the "issues of life it will make you Independent and successful. Th- necessary training time is short and the cost is small. necessary Telephone, call or write for particulars. GcUeffe Charlotte, N. C. "An Accredited School" F. L.. RIGGSBEE, Mgr. Raleigh, N. C. Our Fall Series Is A Healthy Series ONLY SIX WEEKS OLD AND ALREADY HAS OVER 7000 SHARES New shares may still be secured In this series by paying back to kk , pects" who have not yet signed up and we urge them to rn ? SKepember 3rd- We know of many "pros too heavy. 66 them t0 come before the accumulated payments befor. For the benefit of those who hare not yet absorbed the R t m resents $100.00 at maturity. The payments are twenty flvT lt a We that each share rep plus the profit equal $100.00. This is usually 333 week I ViT 6 per Week until the Payment age amount invested. ' a. tne profits represents 6 per cent on the aver- OCR SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT ts ready for distribution, and Is very complete We ran v formation about their Association that can' be tharour .shareholders are entitled to all the U- and disbursements, and Jncome and expenses. TCUrea. and we show complete statements of recepits h1 pertual BUILDmG LQAN ASS0CIATI0N J. H. WEARN, resident 207 N Tryon St. E. J. CAFFFREY, Sec'y and Treas.